I’ve been thinking… us WA state progressives… we need to buy ourselves one of those fancy new think-tank-like thingies that are so popular with the conservative folk these days.
No, I don’t mean some lofty institute where pointy-headed intellectuals earnestly work to develop effective public policy. We have plenty of those… they’re called universities.
What we need are some of those fake think tanks… you know, like the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, or the Washington Policy Center, or the driving force behind “intelligent design”, Seattle’s very own Discovery Institute, which apparently takes the name “Discovery” from its concerted efforts to squash it.
The other side has these shamelessly partisan propaganda mills, and so should we. They’re very effective. So if you’re rich and you’re liberal, and you’re looking for something fun and effective to do with your money, drop me an email… we’ll talk.
surely we can find away to tax the rich to pay for this, cuz we all know they can afford…..yadda, yadda, yadda….lame…boring…next
You know, I bet we could do this on a shoestring & prove our superiority to the conservatives by doing something with nothing. That’s what we’ve done with the blogs to begin countering the Mighty Wurlitzer. Where the grassroots acted, the money eventually followed.
Uh… You guys are missing one real key thing you need to have a “think” tank.
Instead, why don’t you have a “feel” tank. Or maybe a “react” tank?
I dunno Goldy. Those guys have most of the cows. You need cows for a think tank. You know … Cow + Grass = Bullshit
Nice idea Goldy.
In order to run those think tank things, you need people with alot of times on their hands as well as multiple fax machines to fax out spins and “guest editorials.” Talk to Marsha at SP for assembling a starter package.
Hey, doesn’t $100k+/yr monorail board member Cindy Laws have a “progressive” “think” tank? Seems like I read something about that a while ago. You guys oughta check that out. You could develop a policy on whether it’s “fair” that only half the employees of a failed public organization make over $100k/yr.
Roger @ 4
I am laughing so hard. That was the funniest thing I have heard all day…. oh it is 5:30 am. Oh well. Still, thank you. I will keep that one up my sleeve!!!
And Goldy, we could just make a fake one called the Horses Ass Institute. I guess it would be hard to take our press releases seriously though…. :)
You already have their propaganda arms up and running (seattle pi, times, kiro, etc)….so its a tad simpler, you just need to paste your phoney institute to the PI or other rags.
RR @ 4
“Cow + Grass = Bulls**t”
This must be the new math people are talking about. I always thought bull + grass = bulls**t.
Check out PLAN, the Progressive Legislative Action Network. It’s exactly what you’re looking for — a network of potential talk radio guests, a ready-made progressive rolodex, people you can call to testify about various bits of legislation, etc.
Mark @ 3
“Instead, why don’t you have a “feel” tank. Or maybe a “react” tank?”
How about a “progressive” dunk tank? Those seem to be popular at local summer festivals.
ConservativeFirst @ 9
“This must be the new math people are talking about. I always thought bull + grass = bulls**t. “
Whatever you say. . . you guys are the experts in the nuances of cowshit and bullshit.
You have several already. The “Economic Opportunity Institute” which is run by a Frank Chopp hack that can’t pay his taxes on time, report lobbying or renew non-profit status, but wants to dictate public policy. These are the same idiots who contrived the Espresso tax. A little background
That is how liberals run think tanks, just like they run this state.
Maybe Dean and Ron could found one on Elections, and/or “manners”
13 – Yeah a big bad underfunded organization whose mission it is help poor people move into the middle class.
Anger has blinded thee AV.
Judging from their fearful, feverish reaction, you may have hit on something the righties are really worried about! If watching the Bush administration has taught us anything, it’s that whenever you hit too close to home, the neo-cons and the would-be-neo-cons-if-only-they-could-figure-out-what-neo-con-means respond vociferously and violently (Plame, Sheehan, etc.). It’ll be interesting to see if they’ll go on and on and on …
Actually, it is just a front for Frank Chopps filed policy intiatives. That is why they are in the pickel they are in. Im not angry with it, it is actually funny considering the latte tax would have only required 10 percent of the kids to be from low income homes to get benifits.
Fearful? how about just operating under the rules we all live by like filing taxes and reporting lobbying expenses. The EOI, just gives 65k a year jobs to democrat hacks that end up fucking up everything they touch. The real losers are the people that they supposedly advotate for.
I don’t know if propagating bullshizzle is really up our alley. I mean, if I wanted to be a lying wanker, I’d just crwl down Dino Rossi pants.
@ 9
Nah, it ain’t new math, it’s a form of W’s “fuzzy math.” Say two things that are wrong and it makes it “right.”
It’s the RNC noise machine reduced to its common denominator: shit.
I have better uses for my money. The best “fuck you” we can deliver to the right-wing scum trolls who pollute this site is to re-elect Ron Sims!
Ivan (in Minsk/Fremont)
Real smart move; relect a dope, cutting off your nose to spite your face, as it were.
ps, where’s your angst on Jamie Gorelick; hiding the Mohammed Atta connection!!!!????
Pardon the creative cutting and pasting, but it answers Goldy’s question:
“The other side has these shamelessly partisan propaganda mills, and so should we. They’re very effective…We have plenty of those…they’re called universities.”
antidote @ 16
‘Judging from their fearful, feverish reaction, you may have hit on something the righties are really worried about!’
The right typically reacts like that to egg on the lefties. The hope is there that action will be taken, such as Michael Moore’s so-called documentaries, at which point we can sit back and enjoy the show.
old internet arguing trick #372
“We’re not really reacting, we’re just trying to get you mad because it amuses us!”
This invariably means that you’re engaged, and really are angry
You fucking idiot, don’t you know liberals are gender neutral?
angry idiot @ 13
Here we have a Chivas-sipping anti-tax nut getting his panties in a twist over an espresso tax. Only liberals drink espresso. Guess we can’t even tax ourselves without these guys going off.
I think they complain about taxes just for the sake of having something to complain about.
@ 22
Just a soon as Weldon comes clean with his info that he claims to have, we’ll see. And, where were all these so called “intellegence officers” after 9/11? Why didn’t they come forward immediately? Why did they wait almost FOUR years?
I sense that the RNC spin machine has gone into hyperdrive.
Ivan — I’ve been trying to find a reason to vote for Sims. Thanks!
How do you manage to be so consistently dumb? Reelecting the dope cuts of YOUR nose to spite YOUR face! :D
Another Dumb Winger @ 24
Michael Moore thanks you for your contribution to his checking account.
More Thoughts on 9
Since when is a “bull” not a “cow”? What is a bull if not a cow? Is a bull now a horse? A pig, goat, sheep, chicken? Is Dr. Seuss writing your scripts for you now?
Righton, NoWonder, Mr. Cynical, ConservativeFirst, minnow and Conservaties everywhere (except ChristmasGhost, PacMan, Karl & Puddybud).
Shouldn’t you guys should be getting your pickup trucks and chains ready for tonights Camp Casey vigils?
I’m sure there’ll be plenty of crosses for you haters of fallen US soldiers to run down.
Roger Rabbit @4–
Uhhhhh Rog, I hate to break the bad news to you but:
You NEW AGE PROGRESSIVE LEFTIST PINHEADS are always getting ahead of yourselves in the world of Darwin!
A LEFTIST PINHEAD “Think Tank”??? Talk about an oxymoron!
How about a LEFTIST PINHEAD Emotional Reaction Bullshit Tank!!
More likely to be the end result.
Use Evergreen College to bring in all the “thinkers”….that way you will have plenty of “Ecologists” who have never taken a real hard science class!
gbs; you meant to include Nazi and Grand Dragon i think in your slur..
Roger Rabbit @ 31
‘Michael Moore thanks you for your contribution to his checking account.’
No problem. It is a small price to pay, yet it is really an investment.
@ 36.
Nope, I said what I meant, and I meant what I said.
@ 36 continued
I doubt we’ll see any German Nazi’s tonight, just the home grown variety, called republicans.
GBS @ 33
You cannot imagine the joy in seeing the left wing finally praising and/or supporting our military, as well as the CIA. I am sure the ACLU is spitten-mad about the latter. It is much easier to have discussions and debate about the roles of military and intelligence if the left wing is not spitting on soldiers returning from war or equating the CIA to nazi death squads. Welcome.
@ 40
This is just another fallacy prepetuated by the right wing extermist in this country aimed at dividing America for their own power grab.
But since you seem to be an expert on the subject of liberals and the military, who are the two Medal of Honor winners serving in congress?
Googleing, NoWonder?
NoWonder, those searches normally take less than a second to complete. Problems?
Further proof that Mr. Cyncial is just an old .bat program that Goldy uses for humor. He is now repeating other posts. Nothing original.
RR @ 4 and Conservative First @ 9
Surely it is clear by now that Bull + Grass = Novak.
Righton @ 22:
Are you still on Gorelick? Didn’t you get the wingnut talking points that you need to run from this story? As John Podhoretz stated at NRO Online:
“Now, as my earlier item on Time magazine noted, Weldon is backing off his contention in his book that he had given the Bush NSC a chart with Atta’s name on it just after the attacks in 2001.
None of this passes the smell test. And an apology is due the 9/11 Commission staff at the very least, I think, because some of us were in effect contending that they were sloppy or dishonest or covering something up. Sounds like they were being professional to me.”
Plus the supposed wall doesn’t apply to the Pentagon, only to the FBI. So are you going to appoligise to Ms. Gorelick now, or continue your slanderous factless rants? Heck, even your own side is now admitting this is a sinking ship.
And why is it that the wingnuts hate our soldiers and Jesus so much that they ran over the crosses at Camp Casey? Why are Wingnuts so anti-Christian?
Dude, if you can’t find the info let me know I’ll post it real fast. But I have to leave at noon so be quick about it.
The hate coming from the right is coming as close to when they perform acts of terrorism by bombing clinics and shooting doctors.
No wonder they don’t mind hating our fallen soldiers, slamming mothers of the dead heroes, destroying symbols of Jesus Christ, and lying about 9/11.
Talk about being un-American. This right is unhinging.
“It is much easier to have discussions and debate about the roles of military and intelligence if the left wing is not spitting on soldiers returning from war or equating the CIA to nazi death squads.”
Do you make this shit up as you go along, or do you copy it from right wing hate sites?
Earth to GBS….Earth calling GBS…come in GBS!!! Come in GBS!!!! This is an emergency GBS. Call the mothership immediately GBS!! Your Master Control chip has gone haywire. Your typing finger is out of control. Stop all communication GBS IMMEDIATELY. Assume the Lotus position GBS. Prepare to be beamed up immediately GBS. We will take you back to Alpha Centaura for a major overhaul and re-tooling.
Nah, they’ve been unhinged all along. I can remember when the right-wing extremists were considered irresponsible and delusional nut jobs. They still are. The only thing that has changed is there’s more of them now. It’s as if half the country has fallen into the grip of some sort of mass hysteria.
Just as I thought, Mr. Cynical is an alien life form.
GBS @ 41
‘But since you seem to be an expert on the subject of liberals and the military’
Just relating observations from the past. No expertise claimed or needed. I am a bit busy to search for any exceptions to my observations, (i.e. Medal of Honor awardees), yet one would have to be from outer space to refute what I stated.
I wonder? Is NoWonder really Liberal Larry?
Roger Rabbit @ 47
‘Do you make this shit up as you go along, or do you copy it from right wing hate sites?’
C’mon Wabbit. I think I have seen you comment about going to war in Viet Nam. Are you now going to state that it was the so-called neocon “wingers” that showed pure disdain for the entire military complex, including the spitting on returning soldiers? Roll the Jane Fonda and Mike Haydon videos. As for the CIA, are you kidding?
GBS @ 46
Stick and stones…. Is that the best you can do?
For the Clueless @ 51
‘Is NoWonder really Liberal Larry?’
Now I am curious. I will have to scan some posts to find Larry and see if it is me. I will get back to you.
No Wonder, one would have to be from outer space to believe the garbage you spew.
Item 1 – spitting on soldiers. Really? How many Iraq War veterans have been spit on? None! Peace activists know the treatment of Vietnam veterans was wrong and have publicly stated they will support the troops. The only people undermining the troops is the right wing haters trying to exploit the soldiers for political gain by peddling the lie that if you don’t support the war you’re against the troops.
Item 2 – equating the CIA to Nazi death squads. Here again you have turned reality on its head. The left supports the CIA as a whole, which was right about Iraq not having WMDs, and was used as a scapegoat by the Bush administration after the latter was caught lying about the reasons for going to war. The left, of course, opposes the use of torture by the U.S. government; and both the CIA and military have been implicated in the torture operations, which clearly are systematic and sanctioned by the administration. Right wing liars have tried to blow off the torture by saying it consists of nothing than taking photos of naked prisoners and making fun of the Koran, which is a lie; over 100 deaths of prisoners in U.S. custody are under investigation, and a number of American soldiers have already been convicted of crimes ranging from assault to murder. Given that U.S. military and CIA interrogators are torturing and killing people — including innocent civilians who have nothing to do with terrorism — comparing these operatives to Nazi death squads is entirely appropriate. But it is the Bushies, not the CIA intelligence gatherers and analysts, who are behaving like Nazis.
NoWonder – a simple yes or no will do just fine.
Roger Rabbit @ 55
Wow. Please read my initial comments again. I was referring to how the new left is NOT spitting on soldiers or reacting knee-jerk style to anything about the CIA, as you acknowledge happened in the past. We agree. My point was that it is easier to debate policy when both sides have similar presumtions such that the debate can be elevated. Not that I think the left is going too far in terms of appearing patriotic. Many of the shots fired at the GW administration have splattered the soldiers.
NoWonder – still evading the question?
We’re not fighting the Vietnam war anymore, Rip Van Winkle. That was 35 years ago. Maybe you weren’t even born then, so here’s a history lesson.
Most 1960’s-era antiwar demonstrators were college students who didn’t want to be drafted. Period. Many of these dropped out of the protest movement after Nixon created the lottery system and they realized they wouldn’t be drafted.
In the beginning, the anti-war movement was very small and consisted mostly of long-established pacifist groups like the American Friends Committee. When it gathered steam, it was hijacked by radicals who had a broad revolutionary agenda. These people can hardly be called liberals; in fact, many of them are now today’s neocons. It was this bunch who hatched the idea of hassling returning soldiers to encourage draft refusal. It was a bad idea that backfired and tainted the whole peace movement.
For returning Vietnam veterans, our real problem was not getting spit on by long-haired protestors, but the social rejection and employment discrimination inflicted on us by the World War 2 generation, who called us “candy asses” and blamed us for losing the war. The name-calling by youthful protesters was a nuisance; the middle aged employers and landlords who turned their backs on us were a problem. The more conservative they were, the worse they treated us.
The left has long been critical of the CIA because of its involvement in overthrowing governments in Central America, South America, and Africa; and because of its secret arming and support of right-wing death squads in Central America, and its involvement in assasinations of popular left-leaning leaders like Salvador Allende in Chile, who was supplanted by a murderous right wing dictator. It is ironic that lefties now find themselves defending a beleaguered CIA under assault by a right wing U.S. administration.
I think you are to some extent confusing the CIA with the FBI. The left became deeply suspicious of the FBI because Nixon used the FBI to spy on protesters. In some cases, FBI agents also were provocateurs who tried to goad law-abiding demonstrators into committing illegal acts so they could be arrested. Of course this is totally inappropriate. Nixon was notorious for encouraging law enforcement agencies to abuse the civil rights and infringe the civil liberties of his political opponents. Dubya has, to some extent, misused government agencies in the same way. For example, individuals and groups opposed to the Iraq war have found themselves under FBI scrutiny, and even Ted Kennedy has been denied airplane boarding by the TSA. Why shouldn’t those politically opposed to the conservatives who control our government dislike the abuse of government power to harass dissenters?
Amazing how fast things fall apart in the comments. Can’t we just let the cows or the bulls just wander home and take this post on think tanks for what it was.
RR @ 26
“don’t you know liberals are gender neutral?”
RR @ 32
“Since when is a “bull” not a “cow”? What is a bull if not a cow? Is a bull now a horse? A pig, goat, sheep, chicken? Is Dr. Seuss writing your scripts for you now? ”
It was a joke. And you say Reps don’t have a sense of humor, geez.
But to answer your question:
A bull is “An adult male bovine mammal.”
A cow is “The mature female of cattle of the genus Bos.”.
An alternate definition is “A domesticated bovine of either sex or any age.”
So if you call a bull a cow, when they crap is it cowsh*t or bullsh*t? And if cow/bull craps in the forest does it make a sound? These are obviously much more important questions than whether the “progressives” need a think tank or not.
JDB @ 44
“Surely it is clear by now that Bull + Grass = Novak.”
Now that’s funny.
No Wonder @ 51
Get with the program, your observations from the past are not relevant here today. Talk about a pre 9/11 mental attitude!!
It’s your way of trying to insult Liberals who are against the out-of-step policies of George W. Bush.
The irony is your next post @ 54 you say “Stick and stones. . . Is that the best you can do?”
Do you see the STUPIDITY in your innuendos, then accuse me of sticks and stones?
OK if you’re going to accuse me of sticks and stones then I might as well do it. You DUMB ASS!
Here’s the answer to my question.
Bob Kerrey – Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam
Daniel Inouye – Congressional Medal of Honor, World War Two
Do you know what else they have in common?
They’re both PROUD Democrats, and I’m proud and humbled to be in the same political party with men of such valor.
Now, tell me which republican is serving in a federally elected office that is a Medal of Honor winner?
While your point is very strong, and Conservatives are fools to think Liberals do not support the military, I need to point out that Bob Kerry is no longer serving in the Senate. Probably for the best, or we would have Navy Seals for Truth adds telling us that he wasn’t really under fire or heroic when he had his leg blown off.
You want to see hatred for the military, look at the Swift Boat adds. And Conservatives complain about Ms. Shehan being manipulated. Strange that everyone on his boat support John Kerry, and that all the guys that criticised him got decorated for the same engagement.
Any time you conservatives want a list of who served and who didn’t let me know, I’ll be happy to oblige you.
JDB @ 65
You, sir, are correct and I officially stand corrected.
Thank you,
P.S. Getting your legs and an arm blown off in Viet Nam is no sheild against the Republican attack machine is it? Just ask Max Cleland.
I’m not a conservative, but I’d love to see the list ;)
also; I’ll gladly voulenteer to write papers for a ‘progressive thinktank’.
I’m sure I charge much less than those ‘discovery institute’ people do :)
oops that didn’t come out well
#69 was supposed to be a joke on the motivations of some of those contributers… I’m not *really* voulenteering :p
Roger Rabbit @ 60
Thanks for the history lesson and the added bias. You should get the HA award for the day – stringing together a path from the anti-war protests and radicals of the 60’s and 70’s, all the way to the neocons of today, and therefore GW. Good job. By the way, do have any of the radical-turned-necon’s names for reference?
Speaking of history and the term “liberal”, you must remember when liberal meant something quite different than today’s progressives/egalitarians/nanny-staters, etc. I am not convinced that the “radicals” had much trouble hijacking the poor naive students of the day. The vestiges of support for communism were strong in the universities and labor unions.
I do not disagree with the other characterization of the days then with regard to treatment of returning soldiers. I do think that most of the visceral reactions by the older generation was primarily in response to the anti-establishment culture that swept the country in the 60’s. I have two cousins that went to Viet Nam. One turned wrenches on C-141’s well away from battle, was in a drunken stupor before getting drafted, remained that way for three years plus the extra time he earned in bar fights, returned home to grow his hair long, do drugs and whine about how nobody would hire him. The other left pints of blood in the jungle on several occassions over two tours and rejected the “do it if it feels good” cultural influences when he returned, and had none of the problems you mentioned.
My comments regarding the left and the CIA were actually a bit sarcastic. The examples you mentioned all have a common theme, that the CIA targets were communists that the “progressives” of the day in the US adored, which led to knee-jerk opposition to foreign policy aiming in that direction. Even now the left is very selective in their support for the CIA or the FBI. If there is a possibility that GW and/or his cronies can be skewered the left is there. If Janet Reno torches a few wacky cultists or ships uses the INS to ship a little boy to Castro the left fawns. If a repub is at the helm and someone urinates on a Koran its “oh-my-gosh” and “impeach”!
Here you go Windie, enjoy:
Prominent Democrats:
Bob Kerrey Congressional Medal of Honor, Vietnam
Daniel Inouye Congressional Medal of Honor, World War Two
House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt – Served his country in uniform, 1965-71
House Minority Whip David Bonior – Served his country in uniform, 1968-72
Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle – Served his country in uniform, 1969-72
Former Vice President Al Gore – Served his country in uniform, 1969-71; recipient of Vietnam Service Medal
John Kerry Silver Star & Bronze Star, Vietnam
Charles Rangel Bronze Star, Korea
Max Cleland Silver Star & Bronze Star, Vietnam
Howell Heflin Silver Star
Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) – U.S. Army 1951-1953
Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) – U.S. Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74.
Rep. Leonard Boswell (D-IA) – two tours in Vietnam, two Distinguished Flying Crosses as a helicopter pilot, two Bronze Stars, and the Soldier’s Medal.
Ambassador “Pete” Peterson, Air Force Captain, POW, Democratic congressman, Ambassador to Viet Nam, and recipient of the Purple Heart, the Silver Star and the Legion of Merit
Rep. Mike Thompson, D-CA: served in combat with the U.S. Army as a staff sergeant/platoon leader with the 173rd Airborne Brigade; was wounded and received
Prominent Republicans
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert – avoided the draft, did not serve.
Majority Leader Dick Armey- avoided the draft, did not serve.
Majority Whip Tom Delay – avoided the draft, did not serve. “So many minority youths had volunteered … that there was literally no room for patriotic folks like himself.”
Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott – avoided the draft, did not serve.
GW Bush – decided that a six-year Nat’l Guard commitment really means four years. Still says that he’s “been to war.” Huh?
VP Cheney – several deferments, the last by marriage (in his own words, “had other priorities than military service”)
Att’y Gen. John Ashcroft – sought deferment to teach business ed at SW Missouri State
Karl Rove – avoided the draft, did not serve, too busy being a Republican.
Former Speaker Newt Gingrich – avoided the draft, did not serve
Former President Ronald Reagan – served in a noncombat role. He later seems to have confused his role as an actor playing a tail gunner with the real thing.
“B-1” Bob Dornan – avoided Korean War combat duty by enrolling in college acting classes
Phil Gramm – avoided the draft, did not serve, four (?) student deferments
Senator John McCain – McCain’s naval honors include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross. Why did the Bush campaign smear him so?
Former Senator Bob Dole – an honorable man.
Chuck Hagel – two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, Vietnam.
Duke Cunningham – nominated for the Medal of Honor, received the Navy Cross, two Silver Stars, fifteen Air Medals, the Purple Heart, and several other decorations .
Here are a few more…
Gray Davis, California Governor, served in Vietnam.
Chuck Robb, US Senator from Virginia, served in Vietnam
George McGovern, famous liberal, awarded Silver Star & DFC, dozens of missions during WWII
Don Nickles, Senate Minority Whip – Did not serve
JC Watts – did not serve
Jack Kemp, did not serve
Dan Quayle, did not serve
Eliot Abrams, did not serve
Vin Weber, did not serve
Richard Perle, did not serve (is the current bloodshed in the Middle East a direct result of his treasonous meddling in Clinton Administrstion foreign policy?)
Rudy Giuliani, did not serve
John Engler, did not serve
Puditocracy and Preacher-types and Media Whores Online
George Will, did not serve
Chris Matthews, Mediawhore, did not serve.
Bill O’Reilly, did not serve
Paul Gigot, did not serve.
Bill Bennett, Did not serve
Pat Buchanan, did not serve
Rush Limbaugh, did not serve
John Wayne, did not serve
Pat Robertson – did not serve, apparently used Daddy’s connections to get off the ship in Tokyo while his buddies went on to Korea.
Bill Kristol, did not serve
Gov. Jesse Ventura, served as a Navy Seal
I’ve tried posting that list. It’s being held, I guess. I’ll try to post it again.
Thanks for your interest,
The Swift Boat veterans are the biggest asshole liars ever to dishonor the U.S. military.
There is only one problem with “think tanks” for Democrats. They are about thinking; something foreign to most Democrats. Democrats need “feel tanks”.
Democrats don’t need “feel tanks” either. They hate anything military, like tanks. They need “feel washtubs”
# 1 “Yadda, yadda, yadda….lame…boring…next Comment by Thomas”
WOW, Thomas, you really know how to call your posts!
Stuck in KC said :Democrats don’t need “feel tanks†either. They hate anything military, like tanks. They need “feel washtubs—
I think we have a winner for the most extremely stupid, unexplainably irrational, profoundly confusing post of August 2005!
Congrats, Stuck in KC, you are the reason Darwin felt man evolved from lower forms.
Think tanks. Like Tim Conway sitting on a rock contemplating the universe…
Goldy — Seattle does have progressive think tanks. Like the Rainier Institute, for example. Cindy Laws (from the Seattle Monorail Board) is the Executive Director of the Rainier Institute. However, Laws has some not-so-“liberal” ideas concerning religious and ethnic tolerance:
Richard– You mean donk tanks. A donk tank has nothing to do with reason or rational thinking. Seattle has a lot of donk tanks and usually consists of people who have a hard time with real work. Donk tanks, and people of their ilk, our responsible for a failing Seattle public schools. Whenever you see a lot of money being squandered for little or even in some cases to the detriment of society it is usually a donk tank that is behind it. The main objective of a donk tank is not to fix problem but rather to make sure that the members “feel good” about how their attempting to show that they care.
of their ilk, our responsible
of their ilk, are responsible
The Poor Man’s been thinking about think tanks, too.