Things aren’t looking so good for I-917, Tim Eyman’s YATDCT (Yet Another Car Thirty Dollar Car Tab) initiative. Chris McGann reports in today’s Seattle P-I:
This month, despite spending $336,000 on signature gathering for I-917 this year, Eyman filed just 266,008 signatures on the July 7 deadline, roughly 41,000 more than he needed to get the measure on the ballot.
That means his signature failure rate — those signatures that are either duplicates or that are not from legal registered voters — cannot exceed 15.4 percent. Eyman’s track record indicates he is unlikely to make the cut.
Of the 14 signature drives Eyman has put his weight behind, he hasn’t had a signature failure rate below 16 percent.
Washington Secretary of State Elections Director Nick Handy said the signature failure rate for Eyman’s initiatives has ranged from 16.7 percent to 23 percent.
Why are Eyman’s signature failure rates so high? Well, as McGann reports, paid signature drives have a rejection rate of between 18 and 24 percent, whereas volunteer drives average between 11 and 16 percent. As we all know, Tim has relied on paid signature gatherers almost exclusively in recent years.
Of course we may not learn YATDCT’s fate until September, and it’s certainly possible it could squeak by. But even if it does make the ballot things still don’t look all that good for its prospect of passing. The latest Elway Poll, conducted in June shows anemic support for I-917:
Definitely Yes: 24
Probably Yes: 19
Undecided: 14
Probably No: 23
Definitely No: 21
While that may look pretty close to the, um… uninitiated, it is nowhere near the type of numbers initiative sponsors hope to have this early in the season. Remember, last year at this time I-912 — which also slashed transportation spending — led by a sizable margin in the polls… but went on to lose by a landslide in November. And the same folks who banded together to defeat I-912 are busy raising money to oppose I-917.
Either way it looks like Eyman’s sugar daddy, Michael Dunmire may have thrown away a few hundred thousand dollars. Still, you can be sure that Timmy will manage to get his cut.
He always does.
I never voted for any of the $30 tabs ballots but I do think that at some point government needs to listen to the will of the people even if it does come through an initiative process. Seems to me people are beginning to give up.
Could there be any analogy between people giving up on this issue and simply not signing and the fact that people have also given up on voting?
It’s not about Government listening to the will of the people, it’s about the people making their will known to the Government. And that happens each election cycle. If the people aren’t happy with license fees, the answer isn’t to start another initiative, but rather, to vote out the politicians who set those fees. At the end of the day, there is no free ride. We either pay for stuff like roads, cops, prisons, schools, etc with taxes or we don’t. The tabs were very expensive when I moved here. But there was no state income tax so I decided it was a wash. To me, there are far more important issues to worry about than the price of my car tabs. Besides, no one is forced to drive. They can walk, bike, take public transit. If they don’t want to pay the license fees they don’t have to.
That’s not very democratic of you LeftTurn. We libs are supposed to walk the walk of democracy, not just talk the talk.
If people via whatever legals means let their will be known, that should suffice and our representatives should be listening.
Also, vote them out.
Just a difference of opinion Skagit. I don’t believe initiatives are good policy. Democracy is in fact intact as long as there is a voting booth open at each general election. Initiatives are rarely if ever used by us liberals. True liberals believe in letteing the government process work based on the free vote of the people for a representative government. Not a government of patchwork laws put together by people with no standing like Timmy Lieman.
Looks like Baby Bush is finally getting some of the attention he deserves. The pervert got busted!
LeftTurn, whether or not you believe initiatives are good policy, they are legal. If you don’t like them, then work to overturn them or work to eliminate them legally as an option (which we both know will never happen).
It is rather dictatorial of you to think you (or we liberals) can choose to ignore the will of the people who have spoken on an issue via legal means just because you(we) don’t like those means.
I think I am a better liberal than you. Conservatives are the party of tyranny. Not the liberals.
Skagit, when you don’t turn into a raving lunatic and go off the deep end, I respect your point of view.
NoleftbrainandmissinghisLeftnut is a different animal altogether. He/she/it is not necessarily strident FOR anything but he is only strident AGAINST conservatives, Christians (Catholics in particular). He is a follower without a point of view or opionion of his own. We Conservatives celebrate and ENCOURAGE his big mouth and “activists” like him because we can present him as a mainstream liberal to REAL mainstream America when in fact he is a lunatic barely hanging on to the fringes of your preferred political party. Imagine how well positions and screeds such as his play in ‘middle’ America… you know those millions of ‘average’ Americans who believe in family, in God, in hard work, in personal responsibility, in respect for other.
Yep, he is the conservatives best ally. Rove would be well served to take snippets from nutburger blogs like these and use them against liberal candidates in the heartland.
Gidget, conservatives are not the party of tyranny. They believe in less government, the Democrats want the Government to do everything for you. This nanny state is definitely run by Democrats, every inch, nook and cranny of it. The state will tell you everything last detail of what, when and where you can’t do something. But be advised the laws don’t apply to you if you are drunk, high, poor or in any other way afflicted. In that case, they will help you, even if you don’t want their help, they will shove it down your throat. If they don’t like what decision you made for medical care for your child, they take the child and do whatever the doctors want.
We Conservatives celebrate and ENCOURAGE his big mouth and “activists” like him because we can present him as a mainstream liberal
Shorter ASS: “Conservatives” are just chomping at the bit to lie.
aptlynamedclueless… when we use your own words, it’s not a lie… have you learned nothing in your sad little WA state/Seattle public school education?
Do you understand the concept of falsehood vs direct quotations?
God, I hope not… please keep talking.
Car tabs in Washington are not high compared to California, which has a state income tax as well.
Your claim that conservatives believe in less government and Democrats in more government is dated, if it ever was accurate. The Republican Party has become the party of Neo-Pharisees. Like the Taliban, the fundamentalist wing of the party pushes the government into every facet of American life–into our bedrooms, into our laboratories (to make sure scientific inquiry is politically correct), into our media. Your claim of less government being the Republican/conservative position is most conspicuously errant when we see the aggressive, interventionist foreign policy these people promote. Seeking out war on foreign soil is fundamentally incompatible with a small government philosophy. The only place the neoconservatives believe the government should refrain from entering is the corporate boardroom. Democrats, on the other hand, plainly represent the American tradition of respecting civil liberties, particularly to the extent that we promote protection of a sphere of individual privacy into which the government should not enter. We also believe that people should be treated as equals and given a chance in life. That is because we do believe in such concepts as the common good and that we are a community. Accordingly, the government does sometimes have a role to play in adjusting the odds for those who a capitalistic, zero-sum society necessarily leaves behind.
Democrats, on the other hand, plainly represent the American tradition of respecting civil liberties, particularly to the extent that we promote protection of a sphere of individual privacy into which the government should not enter. -Commentby proud leftist— 7/21/06@ 10:40 am
Please, name one.
Don’t try homo-matrriage, because homo-lawsuits make that a lie.
Don’t try pregnancy, because Dems beholden to NARAL et al, and lawsuits AGAINST pro-life causes make that a lie.
So, please, name ONE.
Um, last I checked, Eyman’s initiative would suspend Sound Transit’s add-on fees.
You know, the ones the voters of King County enacted?
Why the hell does someone in Spokane get to decide whether or not Seattle and Bellevue voters can tax themselves?
Oh, wait, it’s OK to be a hypocrite about “voters should decide” and “let local communities decide things for themselves” if you’re a Republican.
Roger Rabbit,
Is a “cheap labor conservative” the opposite of an “expensive management liberal?”
Imagine how well positions and screeds such as his play in ‘middle’ America… you know those millions of ‘average’ Americans who believe in family, in God, in hard work, in personal responsibility, in respect for other
Don’t try homo-matrriage, because homo-lawsuits make that a lie.
The respect overfloweth.
Skagit I don’t need any lesson from you or anyone else on this board. And I am working every day to overturn the initiative process. You seem to be talking out both sides of your mouth. You don’t speak for liberals. You speak for yourself.
I don’t think that the prospect of an Eyman initiative not getting enough signatures is at all like people not voting. I think people are getting tired of Timmy, for one thing.
I think another reason is the ballot is getting cluttered with measures that require the voter to do too much research. The 2004 ballot took me hours to research, and it had relatively few initiatives on it. Me and most of the people I know just won’t sign a petition proffered by someone we don’t know. I have to know that the person hs good judgement and won’t lie to me.
Thank you for tossing up a softball. You want some examples? Off the top of my head, here are a few:
1) Many so-called conservatives want to prosecute the New York Times for supposedly revealing how the Bush Administration has been prying into the financial transactions of millions of individuals. Democrats correctly believe such prosecution is entirely at odds with the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of the press.
2) So-called conservatives see nothing wrong with the government keeping track of, for instance, our telephone records without a warrant. Democrats correctly believe such an endeavor violates the Fourth Amendment’s search and seizure provision.
3) So-called conservatives want to limit the capacity of juries to determine damages in civil actions. Democrats correctly see such limitation as a violation of the Seventh Amendment’s right to trial by jury.
Enumerating the potential list here would exhaust my fingers and my patience. Ass, you belong to a party that no longer respects our fundamental liberties. It is not a close question.
The respect overfloweth. -Commentby eponymous coward— 7/21/06@ 10:54 am
Dear perpetually offended,
Are they not homosexuals desiring marriage?
Are they not homosexuals bringing lawsuits?
Why does the word ‘homo’ which is an accepted abreviation for the word homosexual offend you?
You see, I refuse to let others manipulate the language to make themselves feel better. I refuse to participate in the game of making nothing something and something nothing.
Being ‘gay’ (i.e.Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement) has absolutely nothing to do with ‘homosexual’ (i.e Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex).
If you’re homosexual stand up and say “I’m homosexual” and stop hiding behind pretty little words. What’s the use of coming out of the closet to then go hide behind a word?
If you believe in abortion, have the courage to say “I believe it’s OK to murder babies in the womb” don’t couch it in words like ‘choice’ that have nothing to do with deliberate killing except of course where the ‘choice’ is TO deliberately kill.
This phony manipulation of the language, this hiding behind words, are further proof liberals are cowards.
Treason is NOT a civil liberty. I suggest you look at your beloved Roosevelt and how he handled the treasonous press
New found, phony wealth through litigation is NOT a civil liberty.
The fact of the matter is you cannot name one single instance where your liberties have been violated.
You have a most simplistic approach to civil liberties. You play word games. If you do not respect or value a particular civil right, then you simply rename that right as “treason” or “phony wealth through litigation.” That, my fair lady, is an easy route to take, but not intellectually respectable. These issues may be fairly debated, as competing interests, such as national security, sometimes impose limits on the enforcement of constitutional rights. Simply refusing to engage in such discourse by saying a right is something other than a right, however, marks you as a person who is not serious.
I believe it’s OK to murder babies in the womb.
But I don’t want to pay for it!
Nor do I want to pay for kids to be brought-up in single-parent, impoversihed homes.
It was treason during the civil war.
It was treason during WW2
It is treason NOW.
Simple? yep.
I believe it IS murder in the womb and I don’t want to pay for it either. Single parent homes are a tragedy, but sadly encouraged and perpetuated by the great welfare policies of the misguided do-gooders n the left. Cradle-grave… yippee.
Abortion does not involve murdering babies in the womb. The core disagreement over the right of abortion essentially focuses on when life begins. You, apparently, believe life begins at conception and you would happily force your resolution of that difficult determination on others. I do not believe life begins at conception. My opinion as to when life begins involves scientific, religious, and philosophical considerations. I would never support the right to choose if I believed killing another human was at issue. For you to suggest that those who are pro-choice support murdering babies in the womb reveals your arrogance and your inability to recognize the nuance and balancing that moral issues often present. I’m sure that seeing moral issues in black and white terms is comforting for you. Not having to think is a nice place to be, I would assume.
So, lefty, tell us, enlighten us, when does life begin? Where is your demarcation? perhaps you are in the Pete Singer camp where life isn’t life until age 6 or so.
When that sperm unites with that egg, what is it? What is it if not human life? At what point in the division of cells (an active LIVING process) did you stop being a non-living IT and become you?
You seem to think the state of ‘living’ is abitrary.
Perhaps you are still a non-living IT and therefore imminently abortable.
I ran across the following video making the rounds of the net. It is a collection of images set to the music of James McMurtry’s “We Can�t Make It Here Anymore”
It is an eye opener that cuts real close to the bone.
Cursed be the nation of any size or shape
Whose citizens behave like naked apes
And drop their litter where they please
Just like we did when we swung from trees
But blessed be the nation and blessed be the prize
When citizens of any shape and size
Can speak their mind for whatever reason
Without being jailed, or accused of treason
Cursed be the nation without equal education
Where good schools are something that we ration
Where the wealthiest get the best that is able
And the poor are left with crumbs from the table
Blessed be the nation that keeps its waters clean
Where an end to pollution is not just a dream
Where factories don’t blow poisonous smoke
And we can breathe the air without having to choke
Cursed be the nation where all play to win
And too much is made of color of the skin
Where we do not see each other as sister and brother
But as being threats to each other
Blessed be the nation with health care for all
Where there’s a helping had for those who fall
Where compassion is in fashion throughout year
And people, not profits, is what we hold dear
ProudASS @ 7 wrote:
“Skagit, when you don’t turn into a raving lunatic and go off the deep end, I respect your point of view.”
Earth to ProudASS…nobody ’round here gives a bloody fuck what you think…about anything!
This phony manipulation of the language, this hiding behind words, are further proof liberals are cowards.
As I said, I can see the respect that your conservative views have taught you brimming over.
I also find it fascinating you said: “If you’re homosexual stand up and say “I’m homosexual” and stop hiding behind pretty little words.”
Lot of people do. I don’t, but I’m not homosexual.
Anyway, I’m sure women everywhere are thrilled that you think as a society we collectively own their uteruses, and they have no say about what happens to them once there’s a fertilized egg there.
In conclusion: I don’t take offense at you. I’m simply amused at your skills at projecting onto other people what you’re quilty of yourself: an intolerant, narrow, mean-spirited and controlling worldview. Perhaps you should have that beam in your eye looked at before you look at other people’s motes.
Dunmire must hate his money, to invest it in Lieman.
ASS @ 9
Thanks ASS for giving me permission to quote Misha as being representative of “conservatives”. Don’t tell me you don’t know Misha.
Not that I will – I don’t want to lower myself to your level.
Besides, no one is forced to drive. They can walk, bike, take public transit. If they don’t want to pay the license fees they don’t have to.
Commentby LeftTurn [So why don’t Democrats quit using fossil fuels to prevend “global warming”? hehe, JCH]
Roger Rabbit: “The Socialist”? hehe, JCH
And one more thing – don’t conclude I’m disparaging any liberal-leftie poster on this board. The big picture is that people are angry at what Republicans have done to this country for the last six years – rubber-stamps like Reichert among them. That’s being rational and sane – qualities you’re sadly lacking.
[Why Bill Clinton is Goldy’s favorite President, or What Goldy and Bill Clinton have in common!!!!]
Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964, accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft.
Selective Service Number 326 46 228. Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.
Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969.
Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States Army Reserves on August 07, 1969, under authority of Col. E. Holmes.
Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment.
Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at the University of Arkansas ROTC, September 1969.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969, as enlistment with Army
Reserves is revoked by Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2)(a) a registrant who has failed to report… remains liable for induction.
Bill Clinton’s birth date lottery number is 311, drawn December 1, 1969, but anyone who has already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE!
Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive from justice under Public Law 90-40.
Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General (1976), while a fugitive from justice.
Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21,1977, from President Carter.
Bill Clinton is the FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever to serve as President of the United States.
As far as I (and I suspect a great many others) are concerned, when the “conservative” leadership decided the best way to fight “big government” was to bankrupt it by stealing the public’s money and funneling it into their own pockets, any credibility they might have had disappeared forever.
1 – 4
I wouldn’t willingly give up our initiative process. Let’s not forget that much of this state’s consumer protection and “good government” legislation got on the books via citizen initiative. Eyman is a temporary aberration, and an ineffective one at that; his initiatives that pass at the polls rarely survive court tests, because the fool still doesn’t know how to write an initiative. We may need the citizen initiative again in the near future if we get someone like Rossi as governor.
A high car tab tax discourages ownership of multiple vehicles. This is not a good thing. Instead of paying $700 a year for tabs on an economy car, some guys will get rid of the economy car and keep the big pickup they use to tow their fifth-wheel trailer for two weeks a year — and commute to work in King Kong the rest of the year.
One of the reasons voters passed the car tab initiative in the first place was because of the arbitrary and unfair way the state administered the tax. The car tab tax was based on average book value for your model and year, not the value of your individual vehicle. If you had a vehicle that was worth substantially less than average because of high mileage, poor mechanical condition, or unrepaired accident damage — you got no reduction in the car tab tax. In addition, the state tax charts tended to overstate the value of most vehicles, so people were paying taxes on their cars based on an official value that often was significantly above what they’d be able to sell the car for in the market. This led many car owners to feel they were being ripped off by the state revenue department, and much of the vote for the initiative was a result of visceral anger against the state at perceived unfairness.
Further exacerbating public anger at the car tab tax was the widespread evasion of the tax. Every Seattle neighborhood was festooned with cars bearing Oregon plates, and pretty soon so many people were evading the tax by registering their cars out of state that anyone who was still paying the tax felt like a sucker and a fool.
Reinstating Washington’s deservedly hated car tab tax is not the answer. The answer, of course, is replacing our entire Rube Goldberg state tax structure with the taxes that have proven to work in other states. Almost all states have gone to a standard mix of income tax, sales tax, excises taxes, sin taxes, and property taxes, with slight variations in emphasis and rates.
State and local taxes predictably amount to about 15% of personal income across the nation, so that’s what we’re going to pay — one way or another. Our present system overtaxes low income households and small business, and undertaxes high income households and big business.
As a practical matter, politicians probably will continue to suck up to companies like Boeing, in order to keep the high paying jobs they bring to our state. But it’s high time the freeloaders in the top 20% of households started paying their fair share of state and local taxes. The bottom 20% pays over four times as much of their income, proportionately, as the top 20%. That makes no sense, and it’s unfair. This is a result of a century of piecemeal, ad hoc enactment of tax laws that gradually shifted the tax burden from the most politically influential segment of the population to the least influential households. This tax shifting has now reached the power of extremity, and it’s time for the governor and legislators to do a major fix.
That fix should be enacting a state income tax, coupled with eliminating the B & O tax and reducing the state sales tax. Raising car tab fees will just make our awful tax system even more regressive.
I don’t see any evidence whatsoever of Tim Eyman personally profiting in any way from Initiative 917 (SaveOur30Tabs.Com).
Eyman has reimbursed himself slightly more than $2,000 for out-of-pocket expenses. All of these appear on the surface to be legitimate reimbursements.
None of the money raised in Initiative 917 appears to have gone to any businesses that are controlled by or affiliated with Eyman.
As of June 30, 2006, SaveOur30Tabs.Com has cash on hand in the amount of $13,390.78, with no unpaid liabilities being reported. (If Eyman had some incentive agreement to be paid for the work he has done to date, that would have to be reported as a contingent liability to the PDC. No such liabilities have been reported.)
Initiative 917 may or may not make it to the ballot. But it is irresponsible for Goldy to insinuate that Eyman is personally profiting from this initiative. Goldy knows how to read PDC reports and should know better.
REP Pat (Bitch – You are not worthy of the name Kennedy)
Are you still pushing this BullSh-T. Give it a rest dude.
Claim: Bill Clinton was the “first pardoned federal felon ever to serve as President of the U.S.”
Status: False.
Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2002]
Ass @ 27
I can’t tell you precisely when life begins. I believe that is an open question which reasonable humans can debate. I certainly do not believe life begins at conception or in the first trimester of pregnancy. I do believe that an individual who supports the death penalty and preemptive war in foreign lands and opposes governmental assistance to provide healthcare for children cannot fairly be characterized as “prolife.” The only “life” that the antichoice people respect is that of those who reside in the womb or in a persistent vegetative state. Of course, as has been said about people like you, consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
Yes Pope-A-Dope because we know that you righties would never say that once a criminal always a criminal? Do you even believe the shit you post here? Lieman is a proven crook. And fools like you can continue to support his high on the hog lifestyle as you see fit. But don’t kid yourself. You’re nothing more than a sugar daddy to Timmy.
39 – Excellent point!
As I’ve pointed out before, cheap labor conservatives don’t care if innocent people are wrongly imprisoned or executed. Their problem with the fact the U.S. has released hundreds of Gitmo “detainees” — for the obvious reason they’re innocent (you don’t think Bush would release terrorists, do you?) — is those guys were freed at all. To hell with due process; to hell with guilt or innocence — if cheap labor conservatives had their way, there not only wouldn’t be public defenders, there wouldn’t even be trials.
“Cheap-labor conservatives are consistent supporters of the generous use of capital punishment. … Indeed, they exhibit classic conservative unconcern for the very possibility that the government might make a mistake and execute the wrong man.
“Cheap-labor conservatives complain about the ‘Warren Court’ ‘handcuffing the police’ and giving ‘rights to criminals’. It never occurs to them, that our criminal justice system is set up to protect innocent citizens from abuses or just plain mistakes by government officials ….
“Cheap-labor conservatives support the ‘get tough’ and ‘lock ‘em up’ approach to virtually every social problem in the spectrum. … As for the 2,000,000 people we have in jail today – a higher percentage of our population than any other nation on earth – they say our justice system is ‘too lenient’.”
Actually, as of today, there’s only 1,999,999 people in our presents.
Johnny Briscoe, 52, walked out of prison a free man last week after serving 23 years for a rape he didn’t commit. He was exonerated by DNA evidence that an inept crime lab somehow forgot to throw away.
Under Missouri law, Brisco is entitled to $839,500 compensation — $36,500 a year. But he has to waive his right to sue, in order to collect it. If I were Briscoe, I’d probably take the 839 grand, if it’s tax-free (I’m not sure whether the IRS considers this type of compensation to be taxable income) — invested in government bonds earning 4%, it would produce $33,000 of income annually. That’s not enough for the prime years of the man’s life, of course — he was locked up from age 29 to age 52. He’s lost the chance to have a decent job, own a home, get married and raise kids. And then there’s compensation for loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, and the hardships of the harsh prison existence. If I were a juror, I’d be thinking in terms of $5 million to $10 million.
And every cent of it should come out of the hides of the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES who wouldn’t give a plug nickel for the rights of the innocent.
“Wrongfully Convicted Man Sad for Lost Time
ST. LOUIS (July 21) – Exonerated of a rape conviction and freed after serving 23 years in prison, Johnny Briscoe often paused to halt the tears as he spoke at a news conference Thursday.
For years, he had proclaimed he didn’t commit the rape, but his appeals fell on deaf ears and his repeated requests for parole were ignored. He was freed from a state prison Wednesday after a judge declared him innocent based on DNA evidence that proved he didn’t commit the crime.
Briscoe, 52, said he was saddened for all the time he lost with his family.
‘It’s been a long, hard struggle, but I held strong,’ he said.
… When first accused of the rape, Briscoe said he thought it was a joke. He said his defense attorney never met with him, and Briscoe, who is black, was convicted by an all-white jury. He was sentenced to 30 years for rape, plus an additional 15 years on related convictions.
Briscoe spent his years in prison doing research on his own case. He contacted (a) New Jersey-based organization which seeks justice for innocent people wrongly imprisoned. …”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use Doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see , and if you don’t like my quoting copyrighted material — sue me. (My only assets are a hole in the ground at a public park, and the well-chewed remains of several carrots lifted from a local garden.)
Let’s convict ASS of a notorious crime with phony witness testimony and throw his ASS in Walla Walla, then see how he feels about lawyers and civil damages after getting his ASS pounded by other inmates for 23 years!
P.S., if I were a juror, I wouldn’t give ASS a plug nickel! Based on the Golden Rule, which says “Do unto them what they would do to you if they got the chance.”
No mercy for trollfucks.
If a state income tax is out of the question, I could go with a progressive property tax as a second choice.
So Libertarian, how do you propose to fix the under-taxation of affluent households, and the over-taxation of low income households and small businesses? How would you fix our existing tax system?
“Simple? yep.”
Simple, nope. Unconstitutional, yep. Are you a stupid fuck? Yep.
Rabbit — it is virtually impossible to collect civil damages for being wrongfully imprisoned based on mistaken evidence. You can’t sue the judges or prosecutors in any state — something called judicial immunity. You can sue witnesses, police, and investigating agencies. In Washington, mere negligence by these authorities is not sufficient — you have to prove malice (i.e. reckless or intentional conduct to prevail). Perhaps some states allow such suits based on mere negligence.
The law in Missouri (which apparently was adopted only last year) takes a different approach. It appears to give monetary compensated to anyone who serves jail time but is actually innocent or otherwise should not have been incarcerated. $100 per day may not seem like a lot, but it is 100% more than what most people can collect in a lawsuit.
Too bad you won’t get any compensation for the time you spent at Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary.
In interesting news that you won’t find at the minnow or other wingnut sites:
Survey USA Washington State Governor’s approval rating, 7/17/06
Approve 52%
Disapprove 45%
I think it’s ridiculous to argue a single fertilized cell is a “human being.” That ought to be a no-brainer, except for those with no brains. The difficult question is deciding when a “cell” that grows into a “mass of cells” is a “baby.” Drawing on my own experience, I’m not so sure I was a “sentient being” even after I was born, as I don’t remember anything before I was 2 years old, although my parents assure me I became capable of throwing temper tantrums within 24 hours. Maybe rabbits are different, I dunno.
In any case, the issue NOT what I believe ( … I believe abortion is morally wrong … ) but whether I have the right to force you to live under my belief system. No. In one word, no, I don’t have that right — and neither do you.
Roger @ 48
I’m sure Ass would be like all other jury-hating, lawyer-bashing Republicans when they find themselves in a situation in which they feel legally aggrieved. They have a partial epiphany along the lines of, “I know most cases are frivolous, but I have a real case. I am entitled to compensation. I know a jury will see it my way. I don’t like contingent fee arrangements because they encourage lawyers to file frivolous lawsuits, but my fee should be contingent because I shouldn’t have to pay a lawyer unless I win. Of course, since I’m obviously going to win, I shouldn’t have to pay the usual percentage. I should get a discount.” If not for hypocrisy, Republicans would be woefully bereft of values.
However, if you righties can’t be persuaded that your idea of one group forcing their beliefs on everyone else is flawed, then I have to inform you that I’m descended from a line of Aztec rabbits.
We see nothing wrong with cutting your heart out and eating it. In fact, it’s required by our religion.
So, if we’re gonna get in the business of forcing our religious beliefs on each other, haul your fat ass to my burrow and bring some ketchup with you.
WA taxes are high enough. If they can’t do it on what they already get, then tough!
Mr. Pope may be right. One of the quirks of our legal system is that a citizen can be actually innocent of a crime an still be jailed or even executed.
The only question asked is, did they get due process under the law, to include a trial of their peers, access to a lawyer, an all other conditions listed in the 5th and 6th Amendments.
Now the gentlemen in question was black, and the jury was all white. A case could be made against a jury of your peers. Also if the Judge or Prosecutor engaged in Judicial misconduct, such as hiding any evidence that may have exonerated Mr. Briscoe (In Missouri. Perish the thought), they he may ahve grounds to sue.
In case you think I made that up about being an Aztec rabbit, feast your eyes on this statue of my great-grandfather found by archeaologists at an Aztec temple near Mexico city.
Lib — which state functions would you defund? Which agencies would you eliminate? Specifics, please — talk is cheap.
ASS @ 9
Thanks ASS for giving me permission to quote Misha as being representative of “conservatives”. Don’t tell me you don’t know Misha.
Not that I will – I don’t want to lower myself to your level. -Commentby For the Clueless— 7/21/06@ 12:40 pm
Dear aptly-named-clueless, what the hell are you babbling about?? Look again, aptly-named.
I can’t tell you precisely when life begins. I believe that is an open question which reasonable humans can debate. I certainly do not believe life begins at conception or in the first trimester of pregnancy. I do believe that an individual who supports the death penalty and preemptive war in foreign lands and opposes governmental assistance to provide healthcare for children cannot fairly be characterized as “prolife.” The only “life” that the antichoice people respect is that of those who reside in the womb or in a persistent vegetative state. Of course, as has been said about people like you, consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
Commentby proud leftist— 7/21/06@ 1:09 pm
Well,little uniformed lefty,
1. I have never given my thoughts on the death penalty: you ASSumed as you usually do.
2. You don’t know my stand on healthcare of the purported lack of it for anyone so, once again, you ASSumed as you usually do.
3 War is not the moral equivalent to purposely chosing to murder unborn children in the womb. ps How did you feel about preemptive strikes in Kosovo and on poor dumb janitors in aspirin factories???
4. In your uncertainty about when life begins and your surety of when it doesn’t, tell us then why is it we can’t find even one, single solitary medical, scientific or biological text says that life begins at some other time other than conception?
“You can’t sue the judges or prosecutors in any state – something called judicial immunity. You can sue witnesses, police, and investigating agencies.”
Geez, Richard, you’re a lawyer and you think prosecutors have “judicial immunity?” If you spent 5 minutes doing a little research, you would know that prosecutors have a qualified prosecutorial immunity and they can, in fact, be sued in federal courts for conduct that violates their federal civil rights. Police agencies have no immunity and generally can be sued for ordinary negligence.
States theoretically have sovereign immunity. However, most if not all states have enacted statutes waiving sovereign immunity and subjecting the states to negligence suits. State laws vary, of course, and a state legislature can enact a compensation statute providing the exclusive remedy (against the state) for wrongful imprisonment, or (as in Missouri’s case) prescribe a schedule of compensation and condition payment on waiving other legal remedies against the state.
I don’t know what Missouri’s state laws are in this regard, other than they have a compensation statute on the books. Presumably, Mr. Briscoe would sue the state, prosecutors, and police in federal court under federal civil rights laws. Regardless of what the Missouri laws are, the state legislature can’t affect his federal cause of action or federal remedies.
“Too bad you won’t get any compensation for the time you spent at Rabbit Meadows Sanctuary.” Commentby Richard Pope— 7/21/06@ 1:37 pm
I don’t need compensation — I got satisfaction. For photo of DR. MENGELE, click here:
“Frivolous” lawsuits are a myth. Not only is a frivolous suit quickly dismissed on summary judgment, but under Rule 11, the lawyer who filed it has to pay the other side’s attorney fees. How many lawyers do you think will risk that?
It’s amazing how many so-called “frivolous” lawsuits result in verdicts for the plaintiff.
Hmmm … Pop-a-Dope must be off doing his 5 minutes of legal research. It’s my lunchtime and I’m heading for Stefan’s garden … later, righty assholes. Just because I’m leaving now doesn’t mean I won’t be back to kick your asses later. Count on it.
Here’s a list of chickenshit, chickenhawk republicans who, like the Pretender And Thief, say they support America at war and yet when they had their chance, did not serve.
*Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert – avoided the draft, did not serve.
*Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey – avoided the draft, did not serve.
*Former House Majority Leader Tom Delay – avoided the draft, did not serveHouse *Majority Whip Roy Blunt – did not serve
*Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist – did not serve.
*Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, R-KY – did not serve
*Rick Santorum, R-PA, third ranking Republican in the Senate – did not serve. *George Felix Allen, Republican Senator from Virginia – a supporter of Nixon and the Vietnam war, did not serve.
*Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott – avoided the draft, did not serve.
*VP Cheney – several deferments did not serve
*Former Att’y Gen. John Ashcroft – did not serve
*Jeb Bush, Florida Governor – did not serve.
*Karl Rove – avoided the draft, did not serve
*Former Speaker Newt Gingrich – avoided the draft, did not serve
*Phil Gramm – avoided the draft, did not serve.
*Sean Hannity – did not serve.
*Rush Limbaugh – did not serve
All these blowhards are on TV saying how we need to stay the course, yet when it was their turn, they turned and ran like the cowards and hypocrites they are. It’s one thing to say you’re against the war and never have served. It’s another to say you’re for it when you wouldn’t be wiling to fight yourself. GOP=Coward!
In your uncertainty about when life begins and your surety of when it doesn’t, tell us then why is it we can’t find even one, single solitary medical, scientific or biological text says that life begins at some other time other than conception?
Of course, you could take the tack that “sure it’s alive, but it’s not human yet”. I very much doubt an 8 cell blastocyte feels a whole lot of excruciating pain if it can’t implant itself in uterine tissue because of Plan B. It doesn’t seem to me to be an egregious moral issue, any more than using contraceptives during sex would be.
I tend to look at fetal viability outside the womb, myself, as the point where you have a human identity- because otherwise there’s no independent existence (humans aren’t symbiotes). Even a newborn or preemie can survive outside the womb, with sufficient intervention. Not so much an 8 day old embryo.
Of course, you could take the tack that “sure it’s alive, but it’s not human yet”. I very much doubt an 8 cell blastocyte feels a whole lot of excruciating pain if it can’t implant itself in uterine tissue because of Plan B. It doesn’t seem to me to be an egregious moral issue, any more than using contraceptives during sex would be.
I tend to look at fetal viability outside the womb, myself, as the point where you have a human identity- because otherwise there’s no independent existence (humans aren’t symbiotes). Even a newborn or preemie can survive outside the womb, with sufficient intervention. Not so much an 8 day old embryo. -Commentby eponymous coward— 7/21/06@ 2:23 pm
What the hell is it then if not human, you nitwit?
“It” is “scientifically” a human child because it would be “scientifically” impossible for “it” to be anything else BUT a human child!
A fertilized egg does not change its GENETIC CODE when it becomes a fetus, does not change its GENETIC CODE when it is born a baby, does not change its GENETIC CODE when it grows into a toddler, does not change its GENETIC CODE when it becomes a pain in the neck as a teen, does not change its GENETIC CODE when it grows into an adult or ages into an elderly person.
And yes 2 cells (sperm and egg) joined from 2 HUMAN beings is a HUMAN and as such has 100% HUMAN genetic code.
How is that hard to understand?
Once again, why is it we can’t find a medical, scientific or biological text says that life begins at some other time OTHER than conception? Why have none taken the stand that it begins at 12 weeks? 20 weeks? Birth? 6.5 days old? 47?
opposes governmental assistance to provide healthcare for children cannot fairly be characterized as “prolife.” -Commentby proud leftist— 7/21/06@ 1:09 pm
“ In stark contrast to the standard liberal mantra that
government-provided healthcare is preferable and more cost
effective than private coverage, a recent study from Seattle-based Premera Blue Cross reveals that the government’s drastic
under-funding of Medicare and Medicaid is being subsidized by
private health insurers. Accelerating government cost-shifting
to the private sector is supported by other research with
similar conclusions across the country which suggests unpaid or
underpaid hospital bills cost approximately $45 billion a year,
which adds about 8.5 percent to the cost of health insurance
as healthcare providers are forced to make up the difference to
remain financially viable.
Medical providers across the country routinely lose money
on Medicare and Medicaid patients. As we have said so often
before, the most effective way to lower health-insurance costs
is to reduce the regulatory burden through action in state
legislatures. Reducing hidden taxes driven by federal cost-shifting should also be a priority. “
Rabbit — in Washington, there is no general right to sue the police or other government investigative agencies for negligent investigation. DEVER v. FOWLER, 63 Wn. App. 35, 816 P.2d 1237 (1991).
The only major exception is that lawsuits can be maintained for negligent investigations of alleged child abuse or neglect. TYNER v. DSHS, 141 Wn.2d 68 (2000). This is based on special provisions of Washington law contained in Chapter 26.44 RCW regarding child abuse and neglect.
Prosecutorial immunity is so similar to judicial immunity that the latter term is often used to describe both types of immunity.
Basically, a prosecutor has absolute immunity over all aspects of the decision to file charges and prosecute a case.
The limited cases where a prosecutor has been liable to lawsuit involve matters outside of the prosecutorial function — such as a prosecutor personally swearing to the facts to obtain an arrest warrant, or a prosecutor defaming someone in statements to the media.
Maybe I only do five minutes of legal research, but that is still five minutes more than you do.
You really need your hard and fast categories, don’t you? Everything must be either-or with you. That is the mark of the kind of person who is particularly in need of authoritarian governments, the kind of person who longs for “strength” in leaders even if those leaders are wrong. I suppose that’s what makes you a Republican. In any event, your query about a scientific text that says something other than that life begins when the sperm hits the egg is misguided. Unlike you, scientists have no need to characterize that moment as either life or not life. Scientists are fine with simply referring to the resulting cellular structure as a fertilized egg. Whether the fertilized egg is life, or even more remotely, a human, is not something scientists need to address. How to characterize the fertilized egg is something philosophers and theologians debate (and ill-informed ideologues), but scientists, for the most part, avoid such debate.
73…I’m sure Primera would be completely unbiased on the issue of private versus public funding of health care…riiiiight. Sounds in fact like they’re whining about their own hardship and angling for some kind of handout of their own.
Everyone knows that whole charade about the stem cell was engineered so GOP challengers to Democratic incumbents can go on the stump in front of the fundies and scream about how “MY OPPONENT VOTED NOT JUST ONCE, BUT TWICE FOR EMBRYO FARMING AND MASS MURDER OF UNBORN CHILDREN!!!!!!”
Ah, so true. The one thing you can rely on from conservatives is the narrative about how precious “life” is at the cellular level. But, once born, well, it’s another story indeed! Let those lazy buggers fend for themselves! No help then. I wonder if perhaps you conservatives need all these precious little sticky substances to mature so you can send them off the fight YOUR religious wars for you.
Yes, indeedy, that sounds like a conservative.
By Ass’s logic, an acorn is a tree.
I’ll expect all the right-wingers that want to “defend innocent lives” will want to defend all innocent lives, including the thousands of Iraqis our government has killed each year. What that has to do with the topic at hand, however, beats me.
“A fertilized egg does not change its GENETIC CODE when it becomes a fetus, does not change its GENETIC CODE when it is born a baby, does not change its GENETIC CODE when it grows into a toddler, does not change its GENETIC CODE when it becomes a pain in the neck as a teen, does not change its GENETIC CODE when it grows into an adult or ages into an elderly person.”
That argument could be taken either way–sounds rather that there’s a lot more to what makes a human being than just a “GENETIC CODE”. What the hell, we can now break down the entire human genome and store a person’s entire “GENETIC CODE” into a computer. What does that mean? If a hacker breaks into the computer and erases the code, is the hacker then a murderer?
It’s 95 in Seattle today. Good day for Republicans to practice for the afterlife. They need all the practice they can get, because this is nothing compared to where they’re going!!
Yes the righties are pro-life unless it comes to war or the death penalty or allowing poor black kids who can’t afford health care to die. They love to thump their bibles when talking about all the sex acts that God does’t like but they seem to be missing the pages that talk about feeding the poor and searching for peace. Either that or they’re just asshole hypocrites.
Hey Goldy – Howya doin’ on that first BILLION DOLLARS you’re gonna save the taxpayers? Are you even started yet? Eyman is about $6 billion ahead of you. Better get with it pal…
Don’t you wish you had even a tiny fraction of the political influence that Tim has? Instead of blogging about it, Tim gets off his ass and DOES stuff that works.
“The only major exception is that lawsuits can be maintained for negligent investigations of alleged child abuse or neglect. TYNER v. DSHS, 141 Wn.2d 68 (2000).”
Not true. Chapter 10.99 RCW creates an exception to the public duty doctrine, and police can be sued for failure to make a mandatory arrest under the Domestic Violence Preventino Act, Donaldson v. Seattle, 65 Wn. App. 661, 831 P.2d 1098 (1992).
As the Dever case makes clear, police in Washington can be sued for reckless disregard of a person’s rights, a standard roughly equivalent to gross negligence.
Your original post implied that police and prosecutors have the same absolute immunity granted to judges. As I pointed out, this is not true, they have a qualified immunity; i.e., they’re immune to suit for ordinary negligence.
Mark The Redneck’s Moonbat Poll:
Peace comes from:
1) Pacifism and appeasment.
2) Destroying your enemy’s ability to make war.
Answers please… I can’t wait to hear from you.
DOCTOR E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I really want to get the Bong U position on this important matter, so please answer this simple question.
“Commentby Mark, I hugged my Hummer today and Saved the earth Kennedy— 7/21/06@ 5:26 pm”
“Saving the earth” is quite a brag for a guy who can’t even come up with $100 to pay a gambling debt.
86…Of course he can’t. He had to spend the money on gas.
How many of you moonbats think it’s totally beyond the realm of possibility that FUWA SOS Office shitcanned 35,000 signatures for 917.
Here’s why you kooks driving hybrids are killing mommy Erf. Your gawd algore would be ashamed of you:
MTR at 85:
Neither 1 nor 2 creates peace. Given mankind’s endless ingenuity, the only way to destroy an enemy’s ability to make war is to kill him, his family, his friends and his relatives, and their friends and relatives, also known as genocide, or convince him not to be your enemy. A good example of that was the Marshall Plan. I can’t think of another time in history when countries engaged in all out war became allies and friends within a generation. Military victory without attitude adjustment brings peace only in the short term.
Wayne – Excellent demonstration of moonbat “logic”. That’s just what I was looking for.
Skagit sez to Leftturdy: I think I am a better liberal than you. Conservatives are the party of tyranny. Not the liberals.
Commentby Skagit— 7/21/06@ 9:22 am
Skagit: Eventhough I seldom agree with you, EVERYONE is a better librul than leftturdy!!!
You obviously believe that peace comes from the barrel of a gun. Please advise when that has worked in recent history. Lasting peace with Germany, Italy and Japan didn’t occur because we kicked their asses. It occurred because we helped rebuild them after we kicked their asses, and made them allies.
I’ll enter my comments inline.
ProwdLeftis sez dis @19:
“13 Thank you for tossing up a softball. You want some examples? Off the top of my head, here are a few:
1) Many so-called conservatives want to prosecute the New York Times for supposedly revealing how the Bush Administration has been prying into the financial transactions of millions of individuals. Democrats correctly believe such prosecution is entirely at odds with the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of the press.
[Pud D. Bud sez]: Do you think there are islamofascists in America? If you say no – how do you explain the Lackawanna 6 and other arrests? If you say yes – how is the FBI going to track them and how they move money from the US to Lebanon and the west bank?
2) So-called conservatives see nothing wrong with the government keeping track of, for instance, our telephone records without a warrant. Democrats correctly believe such an endeavor violates the Fourth Amendment’s search and seizure provision.
[Pud D. Bud sez]: So I use my same answer to this one too.
3) So-called conservatives want to limit the capacity of juries to determine damages in civil actions. Democrats correctly see such limitation as a violation of the Seventh Amendment’s right to trial by jury.
[Pud D. Bud sez]: Whe super large awards are given out for stupid things people do to themselves [smoking] we all pay. When an accident of defect come along, I wholeheartedly agree if they manufacturer knew of the defect.
Enumerating the potential list here would exhaust my fingers and my patience. Ass, you belong to a party that no longer respects our fundamental liberties. It is not a close question.
[Pud D. Bud sez]: Enumerate on!
Commentby proud leftist— 7/21/06@ 11:09 am
Notice how when RR bitch slaps Pope-A-Dope with facts that Dickey just drops out of site or changes the subject? I guess that New York state school didn’t prepare Lamar for this kind of back and forth HE HE!
GOP crook number 2,839,222,111 exposed!
Looks like the silent hand got caught in the cookie jar.
I am working every day to overturn the initiative process you seem to be talking out both sides of your mouth. You don’t speak for liberals. You speak for yourself.
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/21/06@ 10:54 am
LeftTurn you don’t speak for the liberals either for that is a religion and you are an atheist. Now you could be considered autistic also by the way you communicate with everyone on this blog. One thing for sure you can talk through both your sphincter muscles at the same time and still make no sense. Now you can do what you want about the initiative process but remember that is the only safety net that this state now that it’s run by Socialist Democrats. The problems today are due to their rule of this state for thirty plus years. LeftTurn which cheeks due you prefer to talk out off your ass or face?
It amazes me that trolls like Klake can describe Democratic elected officials in Washington state as “socialists.” There is no logical or factual basis for that assertion, yet it is bandied about as if it were Absolute Truth, as delivered from the mountain by Moses himself.
This is an example of how the prominence of the trolls on these threads dumbs down the discussion to the point where it has become developmentally disabled. It’s kind of embarrassing that this is what has become of American democracy — really lame rhetorical food fights lacking in the most basic of logic and facts. It’s like watching the Mad Hatter’s tea party.
Watne – WW2 ended when we destroyed Germany and Japan’s ability to make war. We killed their soldiers, and we destroyed their ability to make weapons. That’s how EVERY war is won.
You pacifists and appeasers actually cause war and cause death by failing to be grown up enough to recognize how the world works. That’s what makes you moonbats.
Is war a good thing? Of course not. But, it is a necessary thing? Yes, sometimes… and this is one of those times.
100, Green Thumb, Democrat: Socialist Get it?
“Notice how when RR “bitch slaps”…………….. ”
Commentby LeftTurn [……………….Wow! Did you make up the term “bitch slap”? What a unique addition to HA. ORG!!!!]
Leftturdy get bitchslapped every day.
In Mark’s simplistic worldview, everything — and I do mean everything — is yes/no, white/black, good/evil, good guys/bad guys. To acknowledge shades of gray is a sign of weakness.
Add to that Mark’s steadfast refusal to acknowledge when one of his debating “opponents” has made even a modestly useful point. Mark’s manhood apparently depends upon him ALWAYS being 100-percent right.
What makes such arrogance particularly insufferable is that he is also abusive. When Mark disagrees he uses the most demeaning language he can dream up, and seems to consider that normal behavior.
This is the profile of a proto-fascist. It’s really quite pointless to engage him in honest dialogue. Because, after all, it’s all about Mark.
BILLERICA — A 24-year-old Brazilian man is being held at the Middlesex County jail in Cambridge, accused of raping a local 12-year-old girl, police said. Paulo Jose Dos Santos was arrested last week by Billerica police, charged with two counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14. Detective Sgt. Roy Frost said police acted quickly to arrest Dos Santos after a short investigation, fearing he might flee the country. […………………………………Illegal alien “Democrat to be” just doing the work welfare Democrats can’t or won’t do!!!!!!]
105, Green Thumb, Sounds like you are going to take your ball and go home!!! Right after MTR Kennedy bitch slaps you silly!!!!!!!!
Puddybutt I still can’t hear you over the screams of pleasure that come from your wife and sister as I give them what you can’t everynight. They’re ugly but they’ll do. They both said hi by the way and want to know when you got out of prison?
Thumb – As soon as you make a good point, as soon as you speak in coherent logic, I’ll recognize it. But I can’t do any of that with you because you’re just a delerious moonbat.
Pick an issue. Solar warming, where peace comes from, gun control, infanticide, gas prices… anything… take a position and take me on…
I’m waiting….
Thumb – I have a sign by my desk that reads “Failure to embrace a dumb idea does NOT constitute resistance to change”.
When you propose something that’s not dumb, maybe I’ll consider it.
How kind of you, Dr. Redneck. You have redeemed yourself in my eyes.
I also have a sign by my desk called “Why NASCAR Is The World’s Greatest Sport” that shows a car cartwheeling end over end at Daytona, and the driver walking away from a twisted flaming hulk smiling and waving to the crowd.
Them boys got big brass ones…
C’mon Thumb – Pick an issue. Take me on. Show all the moonbats here how fucking smart you are.
You never do… because you know I’ll kick your ass again like I always do…
Hello? Huh? Did Leftturdy just say something? No, he just farted! Get some brain matter from the toilet and come back when you’re ready.
Last but not least Leftturdy’s female folk can be found at night on Rainier Ave around Othello.
“your wife and sister as I give them what you can’t everynight. They’re ugly but they’ll do. They both said hi by the way and want to know when you got out of prison” Left Turn
Left Turn is one sick psycho – He can not accept a simple comment from a female without insulting her and then he braggs and insinuates of having sex with the wife and sister of one of the other posters one this site. That is absolutely sick and very potentially grounds for lawsuit against Left Turn.
Goldy – please ban Left Turn from your site and provide the other poster the IP address and name of Left Turn to the other poster.
Goldy is gutless. When “coach” horsesass lucy was verbally attacking PacMan last September with racial epithets, Goldy didn’t do shit. In fact he was sitting in his jackoff chair cheering “coach” on! Hence I started attacking Goldy as a spineless twit. Leftturdball is a lefty and is full of shit. I would be shocked, but I am not holding my breath!!!
Just in case any of you are wondering, the drink of choice for pantydroppers on a hot weekend like this is Margaritas. Nothin’ better than a good margarita made with Gold or 1800 on a hot day.
Hey Puddy – Woo hoo… nice weekend in store. You gonna get shitfaced fuck a few young women and then drown them? Don’t worry about it… there will be a number of drownings this weekend… one or two more won’t even be noticed.
Find ’em, get ’em shitfaced, fuck ’em, and drown ’em. It’s the Kennedy way….
Hugging Hummer Kennedy. Naaah I am home and the wife is in the mood Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaagh.
Sillyguy, the wife in an earlier thread said Lefthisturdinhisbehind’s dick couldn’t be found if he stood directly in front of the Hubble Telescope at full magnification power.
Puddy: You have to excuse LeftSwimmingInHisOwnTurd. No brain function registered when he went in for his pre-frontal lobotomy brain scan. The frontal lobes were already atrophied from sniffing airplane glue. He was classified as a Class E moron, worthless skill set. I think you used the term idiot savant. Idiot savant? hmmm… Usually an IS has a gift or a useful skill. LeftSwimmingInHisOwnTurd has neither!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goldy please ban me but first give me the IP address of sillyfuck.
I dont know about you other Kennedys but I am going to lool at some old family photos. Great uncle Joe was so proud of his Nazi uniform. Remember little Teddy in his swimming trunks. Hahahaha. Ah the memories.
I bet you computer jocks can decipher that one!
Your original question asked about “peace”, then you changed to winning a war. (War is Peace. Where have I heard that before?)Winning a war results from destroying the enemy’s ability to make war. However, that does not necessarily result in peace (your original query) because unless you destroy the enemy himself, if he remains your enemy he eventually rearms and you have another war. If winning the war brought peace, Israel would be at peace because it has kicked ass every time it has fought a war. However, because its enemies remain, they just re-arm and there is no peace.
We won the war with Germany and Japan by destroying their armies and making them realize they were beaten. We won the peace by coverting them to allies. If you think the Marshall Plan was appeasement, you really are ignorant.
Wayne, if Mark acknowledged your point that would be a first. I suppose one can always hope. . . .
Wayne: Interesting comment. The issue with Germany was they realized being belligerent would not get them anywhere so they joined the nations of man in peace. They followed treaties. They gave up their hatred of Jews and need for European domination.
Same thing for Japan. Japan realized they needed to change their ways after signing the peach treaty on the aircraft carrier in 1945.
But what did both countries do? They took their war making minds and made hardware. German engineering became synonomous with craftmanship. Japanese engineering became known for quality. How did they get their base? We helped rebuild their nation and they went forth and made good.
Nations have sent $Billions to the Palestinian cause. But the Palestinians hate Israel. Regarding islamofascists; you have their beginnings in schools that preach hate. You had Yasir Arafat whom took $Billions in aid meant for the west bank and gaza and sent it to Swiss bank accounts or gave it to his leadership cronies. I mentioned in back in 2004 on ASSHeads and was ridiculed by lefty ASSwipes. Now it’s provable activity – PLO acknowledged it three weeks after his death when his wife DEMANDED he $20 million yearly stipend because raising a daughter is expensive. Then Arafat would tell the gazeans they are in their squalor because of Israel. The hatred continued eventhough UN resolution after another said Israel had a right to exist. You have Hamas and Hezbollah whom came up because of their hatred of Israel formented through those schools of hate..
You have some librul jackASS (I won’t mention his name IVAN oops… guess the fingers have their own mind!) who tried to chastise me because I said the head of Lebanonese Hezbollah asked where the Arab nations were to come to his rescue. He tells me Iran is not Arab. I was writing about the Arab League. Ivan doesn’t read anything not librul or listen to anything besides NPR. I bet IVAN can’t find Iran on the map. JackASS. So the “great” minds of the gazeans and west bank population had nothing to build upon as the money never reached them. Their leaders blamed their slums and ghetto living on Israel and the US when the US is sending $Billions to Arab countries
So I’ll end with this. If you look back in history 7th century Islam is what these ugly bearded mullahs are preaching. 9th Century Islam acted differently after their conquests and dropped their kill the infidels attitude and became a prosperous society. They learned to coexist with other societies and learned to use that learned from them. Today the mullahs are preaching a war-like Islam and you libruls have no concept of history because you don’t read or you get what you read from history illiterate idiots. That’s why I post different URLs on ASSHeads. I read and I try to find out the pedigree of the issue.
So I expect ridicule here. Most ASSHeads are so ignorant it’s laughable.
It amazes me the US Jew is librul when this stuff is known about how Arabs treat Israels and the donkocraps support Arabs more than Israel. I’m proud to be a NEO-CON because I want Israel free.
Read you ignorant librul idiot sluts.
Pud D. Bud!
We send $3 Billion to Israel a year and $2 Billion to Egypt alone. Figure it out moonbats.
Then you have URLs like this one where lefthisturdinhismouth gets his “information”.
In this article it states 72% don’t want the current aid package to Israel. I told you donkocraps hate Israel. We NEO-CONS love Israel!!!!!!!! You ASSWipes are so insulated here as NorthWest Division of Librul Moonbats you can’t comprehend facts.
“So I expect ridicule here. Most ASSHeads are so ignorant it’s laughable.”
“Read you ignorant librul idiot sluts.”
Puddybud, do you NOT want to be ridiculed? Then whatever happened to the golden rule? I thought you were a good Christian. At church don’t they regularly talk about the importance of treating people the way you want to be treated?
Sure, you could offer the excuse, “The donks did it first.” But there’s one problem with that: By participating at HA, you have essentially entered somebody else’s home. When you visit a neighbor do you normally call the host an “idiot slut”?
I suspect not. So then why do you check your Christian principles at the door when you enter this blog?
Yes Green Dumb, you attack me instead of the information I put forth to wayne. I haven’t offered any excuses, other than libruls are history ignorant fools. The likes of ASSHeads such as you are idiots and ignorant. Stay on topic. It will do you good!
Puddybud, if you talked like this at a bar you’d be flat on your back right now.
If you talked like this to your wife, she’d have grounds for slapping your face and packing a suitcase.
If you talked like this to your boss, he would have grounds for immediately firing you.
So please tell: What makes HA different? Because you happen to disagree with Goldy?
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Either way, if it makes it on the fall ballot, it’ll pass. And probably once again, some biased, liberal, whiner, judge will toss it out on some bullshit legal jargon technicality. After all, the powers that be in Olympia can’t allow us to think for ourselves now, can they?
Green Thumb: You can’t refute the facts so you shoot the messenger! Typical!
“After all, the powers that be in Olympia can’t allow us to think for ourselves now, can they?”
Why is it when wingnuts want a do-over they are “thinking for ourselves” but when WE want one it is “biased, liberal, whiner, judges”?
I think I know why. Puddy and Co. have no freaking clue about how democracy works.
Puddybud @ 136, you sound like Lucy taunting Charlie Brown to try kicking the football again. Yes, there is a very interesting conversation to have on Middle East policy, e.g., TMPcafe some fascinating discussions going on right now.
But what’s the point of discussing this with you? Clearly you believe you are absolutely, 100-percent right. If anyone here disagrees with you they are an “idiot slut.” And if we point out the abusiveness of your rhetoric, that’s “shooting the messenger.”
If you consider this to be Christian behavior then perhaps we should all start praying for you.
Now lets see if it worked.
Tim Eyman wins the boob of the year award. Mike Dunmire is runner up.
Eyman ran two stupid and incompetant signature gathering campaigns: one to make it legal again to fire someone just because of their sexual orientation and another to stop improving the transportation system.
Eyman and three nutty preachers actually expected people to believe that their referendum to deny gay people basic civil right in employment, housing and lending was actually about gay marriage. (They took their lead on this spin from all but one state GOP senator. The most prominent stupidities on this subject were spun by Senator Luke Esser of Bellevue – a blue city.)
Mike Dunmire lives in Woodinville. He’s a fairly recent transplant to the state. And by supporting Eyman’s initiative to stop improving the transportation system he has announced to all of us that he is a big assed freeloader who doesn’t want to pay for the roads he uses or the growth that he’s a part of. He’s also in the investment business – but who would invest with him now, after he sunk so much dough into Eyman’s latest business failure.
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Thanks a lot Dude!
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