Um… John McCain…? He’s a conservative. Always has been. Always will be.
So all that shit about Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter supporting Hillary Clinton, or a conservative audience booing McCain? Well, it’s all, um, shit. Don’t believe it, don’t repeat it, and don’t help McCain run toward the center like all Republicans do when they sew up the nomination.
The Republican approach to tax reform — steal from the poor and give to the rich. Here’s what Mitt Romney said today, when he spoke before the “Conservative Political Action Committee”, withdrew from the presidential race, and gave his backing to John McCain:
“The threat to our culture comes from within. … [T]he liberals haven’t given up. At every turn, they try to substitute government largesse for individual responsibility. They fight to … remove more and more people from having to pay any income tax whatsoever.
It’s high time to lower taxes, including corporate taxes, to take a weed-whacker to government regulations, to reform entitlements, and to stand up to the increasingly voracious appetite of the unions in our government!”
Republicans such as Romney believe that it is imperative to lower income taxes for wealthy Americans and major corporations, but that it is not only bad policy, but some sort of terrible sin, to lower income taxes for lower income and moderate income Americans.
Yep, a CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE like Romney wants to reform entitlements, all right! No unemployment benefits for the unemployed! Make ’em work for $1 a day like they do in third world countries!! We’ve got to stand up to the special interests who think government should feed the hungry! If they won’t work for food, let ’em starve!! And if they WILL work for food, but there’s no work — let ’em starve!!! Survival of the fittest!!!! That’s the Republican creed. If you’re unemployed and hungry, it’s your own damn fault for not being born to rich parents.
The surest way to get rich in America is to be born into a wealthy family.
Take Mitt Romney, for example. Now there’s a guy who worked his way up from private schools and Ivy League universities!
Another real bootstrapper is John McCain. The fact his grandfather and father were 4-star admirals probably had nothing to do with his getting into Annapolis. Undoubtedly, he owed his military career entirely to the fact he graduated 894th in a class of 899, and the fact he crashed two jets after flight school probably had a lot to do with him being transferred to fly combat missions over Hanoi!! Yes, I think we can truly say he ended up in the Hanoi Hilton on his own merits, without any help from his famous relatives! Especially considering he was the only pilot in his flight of 20 attack jets who got shot down on that mission.
A Tale Of Two Politicians
If you want to succeed in politics it helps to have a famous name, lots of family money, and a good defense lawyer. However, while most politicians are children of the elite, a few nobodies manage to make a splash:
Case #1: The son of illiterate farmers, he had little formal schooling, and worked at unskilled jobs before becoming a self-taught lawyer. Defeated for the U.S. Senate, he became President and saved African-Americans from slavery.
Case #2: The daughter of a fry cook, she grew up on a farm, worked as a clerk-typist for the state, and after graduating from law school became an assistant attorney general. She saved Washington State from Dino Rossi.
Mrs. Rabbit is watching Letterman’s show and is screeching her fool head off because Jack Hanna can’t get the cobra back into its cage. Females sure are squeamish about stuff like that.
I do not support Hillary Clinton, but I finally came to the conclusion that I must vote for her, if she is the nominee. It is not McCain being president, but the people(republicans) he would bring with him.
I do not think Hillary will win, however. I think she is politically damaged beyond recovery. I think she can raise the cash necessary. I think she can make shrewd politcal campaign decisions.
I just think McCain will beat her. I do not think she can grow the party, but I think McCain will be able to attract a large enough Anti-Hillary vote. He will couple this with his ability to talk his pseudo “Straight Talk”.
I think that would be enough. Only Obama can win, and he can grow the party bigger, and pave the way to a lasting Democratic Party coalition. He can do this by attracting younger voters and independents.
Hillary can win the nomination by leveraging her “Inside the Beltway” connections. But it will burn the party down when she loses in November. If Hillary loses the presidential election, the party will be in tatters.
That is what is at stake tomorrow. Either we dare to win big with Obama, or we back a candidate we all know, in our heart of hearts, has a huge chance of losing in November.
McCain has an 83 percent rating from the American Conservative Union.
I believe taxes have been lowered on the rich so that the American rich continues to own America. It they had been kept high then Saudi royalty and Japanese would own much of America.
Something scary to think about. At a clinic my wife worked at, one patient was a high end real estate salesman – big money luxury lots – many bedrooms and baths, mult-million dollar homes.
The buyers: all foreign, mostly middle east.
Another bootstrapper: Ted Kennedy. A pampered little twit who was fortunate enough to be born into a rich liberal family. Got away with vehicular manslaughter back inthe Sixites. Now his favorite thing in life is single malt scotch.
Well, he is supporting Obama. I tip my hat to him if he can help keep Hillary out of the White House.
I am still amazed at the goofballs that talk about the Bush tax cuts as being only for the rich. I am far from being among the wealthiest Americans (I made less than $45,000 last year), but I received a tax break. In fact EVERY AMERICAN THAT PAYS TAXES received a tax break. If you do not pay any income tax – then tell me how you are going to get a TAX BREAK. The only thing that the government could do is increase entitlement programs – OF WHICH THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY NOW!!! That is why the Democrats think we should raise taxes – so we can give more away – often times to people who just don’t want to work or better themselves.
The best tax system is a flat tax – where EVERY AMERICAN pays the same PERCENTAGE of their income in taxes – that way people are not punished for becoming successful. I don’t think the Federal Government should get involved in slavery.
We are, after all, a nation that was founded on Biblical Principles (not as a Christian Nation), because one major premise was the Freedom of Religion. With that being said, the Bible states that the people of Isreal would be SLAVES if they took a King and he took a mere 10% of all they had in the form os a Usery (or tax).
I ask the bleeding heart liberals that think the wealthiest Americans should pay 50% of their income in taxes – If God considers us SLAVES at 10% tax – then what the heck are we at 50% tax?
The bottom line is this – WE DON’T NEED ANYMORE TAXES – BUT RATHER – WE NEED TO FIRE THESE GOOFBALLS IN WASHINGTON THAT MAKE LAWS FOR US THAT DON’T APPLY TO THEM (that includes members of both parties). We can start by only voting for candidates that support term limits for ALL elected offices – INCLUDING JUDGES.
Among the numerous misconceptions in Mr,. Liphart’s screed is:
In fact, Washington’s elected judges (or, at least, Supreme Court Justices) are the only elected officials who are term-limited. They “age out” at (I believe) 70.
Roger Rabbit @ 4:
Do you think McCain and JCH went to flight school together?
right you are, we can start by allowing every American to join in the same GOVT health plan that covers all members of Congress.
Glad you agree we need more socialism!
And you’re right about punishing people for being successful. I took my family on a backpacking trip and I made sure my 6 year old daughter and my 75 year old mother carried 75 lb. backpacks just like my more successful 21 year old son!
They all appreciated being treated equally. Because Mom and daughter both fell, twisted their ankles and had to quit, they have now committed to be “more personally responsible” and join a gym and bulk up.
See? It all works out.
People are amazing….
to “N in Seattle” – I did not say that judges have term limits – Senators don’t have term limits – If you read my comments – I said that the SHOULD HAVE TERM LIMITS. People like John McCain and Teddy Kennedy (and many others on both sides) have made careers out of elected offices – because most Americans don’t take the time to pay much attention to what is going on.
To “Credulona” – You must be a liberal – the way you twisted what I said. How did you go from taxes to a screwball scenario about your family going backpacking? STOP DRINKING THE KOOL-AID!!!!!
My conservative friends say that McCain is a liberal (insult to liberalism, of course, probably unintended) because of all the legislation he has co-sponsored with Democrats like Ted Kennedy and Russ Feingold. As Lee showed recently, the immigration issue really cashed in any conservative bona fides McCain may have had.
One thing my conservative friends do say is that an Obama nomination would be a disastrous thing for the Republican party. The only thing that would rally the conservatives around McCain is if Hillary Clinton wins the nomination. So if you want to breathe new life into the Republican party and the neo-con cancer on this country, support Hillary Clinton on Saturday.
When these Raygunauts do their Saint Ronnie Tourettes thing remember that Raygun signed an amnesty bill for illegals.
Cheap Labor greedheads loved it!
Faux Noise thinks McCain is a Dem:
Matt the “hair lip” at 11:
WOW! Where to begin? I guess with the formation of this nation.
This nation was in no way formed on Christian principles. PERIOD!
That is a well documented fact documented by treaty that was passed by the House, passed unanimously by the Senate (only the 3rd time in our history a unanimous vote took place) and signed into LAW by president John Adams. You may want to do a little historical digging around yourself to, you know, learn a little something about him on or about July 2, 1776. See what you can find. This man KNEW something about the founding of this nation. You DOLT!
Here’s what it says in Art. 11. of the Barbary Treaty.
“As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.”
Notice the link is from YALE. Not easily disputable by anyone with even the slightest amount of intellectual honesty.
As far as your flat tax rate you may want to look up the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin regarding a progressive tax.
Flat Tax is like the lottery: It’s for poor people who aren’t good at math. Do your homework and try to understand why a flat tax will shift the tax burden to the middle class. If millionaires and billionaires like Steve Forbes and Donald Trump are for the flat tax then you can be sure it’s not good for us poor “thousand-aires.”
It’s obvious you don’t understand math and the economy very well or you wouldn’t take the positions you do. Try to grasp this concept if you can. While the government is running deficits and BORROWING money to fund the spending that’s going on you simply CANNOT have at tax cut. It is a TAX DEFERMENT to future generations of Americans. Someone is going to have to pay for the money the REPUBLICANS have borrowed in MASSIVE numbers since Bush took office. The national debt has nearly doubled from $4.8 Trillion to $9 Trillion. The national debt is the Republican BIRTH TAX. Every man, woman and child owes nearly $30,000 and the amount owed goes up every day because we have to keep borrowing money to fund this record spending by REPUBLICANS.
Why should corporations like ExxonMobil that are reporting record profits for any corporation in America continue to have their profit margins padded by the American tax payer in the form of corporate tax breaks?
Talk about entitlements!
You did make one point I’ll agree with. Fire all those Goofballs that created this mess and that is hands down a Republican created problem.
This is WAY too much information for your level of knowledge so I’ll stop here. I challenge you to do your homework before you verbally vomit all over the keyboards.
Remember this adage to keep you from looking stupid in the future. “When you speak (or write) your mind is on parade for all to see.” In other words, when you say stupid things people can easily see how retarded you really are.
How does one get a tax rebate without having paid taxes in the first place? I’m having trouble with the logic of that idea.
It’s as if you purchased an item for $100, and the seller later tells you he’s gonna give all purchasers of the item a bit of a rebate, say $10 each. Why would the seller give rebates to those who didn’t purchase the product? It makes no sense.
I heard a sound clip of a conservative complaining about the election. I paraphrase: “We are going to have a choice of liberal democrat or liberal republican”. Hummm. Maybe the electorate is just tired of conservative ideology and is rejecting it’s conservative standard bearers this time round.
How’s that economy doing?
Do you feel safer?
Do you feel like the current admin has YOUR best interests in mind?
Had enough?
a progressive tax is simple wealth re-distribution and socialism on a small scale. Just admit it, all you “progressives,” that you want to totally re-distribute wealth. Be honest.
Blue John,
Yes, we’ve all had enough, but a lot of us hate the Dems as much as we hate the Reps.
Matt the Hair Lip
There’s already a term limit. It’s called voting for the challenger. I don’t need the government deciding for me who I can vote for and who I can’t.
Why do you want more government intrusion into our lives?!?!
I know this difficult for you, but this is a representative from of government. The people are “represented” by citizens of their community and/or state and they go to Washington D.C. to represent our local interest.
Why do I want some disgruntled ass hole in Alabama deciding I cannot reelect my representative who I’m quite happy with representing my interest in government?
Our founding fathers gave lifetime appoints for judges for a very good reason. I don’t have the time to explain that to you and you don’t have the appropriate level of knowledge to digest it.
It’ll have to suffice with this: If I have to choose between the wisdom of George Washington or George W. Bush I’ll take the former over the latter. Any day of the week and twice on 9/11.
Politically Incorrect, are you talking about the Senator of Chappaquiddick? You forgot he got caught cheating at Harvard, twice…
White guy, got into Harvard with a C average from Milton Academy. Dullard like Clueless Idiot.
His daddy got his army enlistment reduced from 4 years to two and made sure he didn’t serve in Korea. He served in Paris. Stayed a private.
Got caught speeding in VA doing 90 MPH in a residential area. Didn’t lose his license. Harbinger of things to come?
Puddy seldom forgets
McCain is not a Bush/Reagan Repub.
Under bush and RR the GOP got itself redefined into the party of the rich AND the pasrty with a credo. That credo is religious and the BRites do not allow variances. THAT is why McCain is not a BR Republican but also why he represents a real alternative to the Dems.
The Dem side also has a credo but it is a lot closer to objective reality than the BR mantra. As a result, rationalists like Obama and HRC can get the votes of the Dem party w/o alienating the large part of America that believes in global warming, woman’s rights to controil their bodies, Darwin, physics, the UN, etc.
John McCain is a Rational Republican. We have not seen one of these birds since Nixon .. at least no one who could get nominated. Pandering to the flat earth society during the primaries may hurt him getting elected, but there is worse to come. His problem, in the unlikely event that he can get elected, is that he has few allies in his own party. The majority of the GOP believes
in the infinitude of oil, the Christian origin of the US, conception=origin of human life, Global warming is a hoax, supply side voodoo, etc.
Puddy .. I agree that Teddy is a tragic figure. Aren’t we lucky that a playboy rich guy whose Dad got him out of actually fighing in a war, who married a murderer, etc never got to be president?
To GBS – I find it interesting that you don’t want the gonvernment telling you who to vote for – you appear to want them to do most everything else for you.
We DO NOT need more taxes – we need to get rid of most of the Entitlement programs – regardless of which party made them part of our lives. Talk about showing your intelligence – if you reread my post – you will notice that I criticize BOTH parties. I am neither Republican nor Democrat. For ANYONE to attempt to blame EITHER party entirely for our problems – that – my friend – is incredibly nieve – or Stupid – take your pick.
I did vote for Bush – but in no way do I support everything he has done. For example – I think he has been weak on imigration, I am very dissappointed that he gave up on SS reform, I can’t believe he signed McCain-Feingold – and others. But, I am smart enough to realize that NOBODY is smart based upon their political affiliation. I am also smart enough to be able to make my own decisions about how I feel about a particular situation or subject – regardless of what EITHER political party says.
My question to you is – Are you smart enough to do the same – or does it all revolve around the Democratic talking points??????
SeattleJew: Your side are secular humanists. “I can do all things without God to help me succeed”. That’s your party’s manifesto.
God sure didn’t do Huckabee or Mitt the Mormon any good did he.
Are you insinuating Laura Bush is a murderer?
For most BULLSHITTIUM I visit
Hair lip @ 28:
You criticizing “both” parties is akin to Sean Hannity saying “The republicans lost their way fiscally” then spends the next 4 hours of his program railing against Democrats.
I was born at night, but not last night.
Republicans controlled the agenda. Republicans wrote the legislation. Bush signed them into law. This isn’t like the ‘90’s where we either had a Democratic congress and a Republican president or vice versa.
The massive deficits were Republican created.
It’s revealing how you failed to acknowledge the massive republican deficit spending and how we fund it by borrowing money from nations’ like China, and yet can’t understand we are passing a massive Republican birth tax to future generations of Americans.
Remember President Clinton’s responsible “pay as you go” budgets? Remember President Clinton was the ONLY president to reduce the national debt?
If Republicans were so fiscally responsible then why did they double our national debt?
Well, Laura may not have meant to kill that boy, but George certainly meant to kill all our servicemen and women who have died in that vanity war he lied us into. There were warnings even from his childhood that he was predisposed to grow up as a mass murderer. Why didn’t you people listen?
Everyone knows Laura killed that kid and never had to pay for it. Her rich family helped sweep it under the rug. It’s okay though with right wingers because they don’t care when their own fuck up. She should have been put away for life.
GBS – Stop Drinking the Kool-Aid!!!!!!
I wish you would read before you write. I was very clear on my thoughts on spending. The biggest wastes in the government is in the way of entitlement programs – by BOTH PARTIES!!!!!!!! Did you get that?????????????? – BOTH PARTIES!!!!!!
If you do not think that you pay enough in taxes – that’s great. This is Tax season. If you are getting a refund from the IRS – then do your country a favor, and call the IRS and tell them to keep yours – because you don’t feel that you pay enough. If you have to pay the IRS – then do us all a favor and send an extra couple thousand – and tell them you are just trying to be a GOOD AMERICAN. I doubt that either of those will happen – which simply exposes your hypocrisy!!!!!! As for me – I feel that I pay too much now…
Sure, Clinton reduced the deficit – but he raised our taxes and decimated our military. Your reference to Sean Hannity makes it clear that you only read what you want to – and not everything in context. Wake up and smell the coffee. I agree that the Republicans have failed us on spending – but are you willing to admit the Democrats failed us on anything – or are you going to be like Alan Colmes and insist that everything the Dems do is great?
Furthermore, there is a very great possibility that I may vote for a Dem for president because I think they offer more than John McCain offers.
Can you see any scenario where you would vote for a Republican? Based on your comments – I doubt it – the party will come before the Country!!!!!
I would love to continue this discussion, but I must go to work. Thank you for a spirited discussion – we don’t have to agree to all be GOOD, PATRIOTIC AMERICANS…
Look, before we get into the arguments over whether our nation was – or was not – founded as a Christian nation, I would advise both sides to read “Seeds of Albion – Four British Folkways in America”, a historical-social analysis of the four great migrations from Britain to America.
If we ignore the first mercantile-inspired colonies (principly Jamestown), the four migrations included (a) the Puritons to New England; (b) the Calvinists to Virginia, (c) the Quakers to Pennsylvania, and (d) the Scots-Irish to the Appalachian foothills (the best land on the east coast was already taken, and the powers that be wanted the troublesome Scots-Irish to be out of sight, and serve as buffer between them and the Native Americans).
The book isn’t easy reading. It goes into some detail to describe the areas of Britain from which each different “tide” of immigration originated; the different eras, politics, religion, social class, customs, child-rearing philosophy, sexual habits, and even food preferences which were endimic to each region of Britain from hence they came; the regions within the U.S. in which each group settled; and how those religious, cultural, and class characteristics resulted in regional and historical differences within the U.S.
In the end, you understand how both sides of the issue of whether or not the U.S. is founded as a Christian nation are both right, depending upon from which sources you happen to quote. The Mayflower Puritans had a strong religious bent along Calvinist persuasions, obviously. In contrast, the Virginia Cavaliers tended to be Anglican in worship but much more secular in their politics. In Pennsylvania you had a more mixed bag – Quaker abolitionists in the east, and Scots-Irish Presbyterians in the west, but both of whom tended to treat politics and their religious views as issues which were seperate from one another.
So you can get a very mixed bag of opinions – and this is all present even before the Revolution. Under the circumstances, it is not surprising to me that by the time the Founders established the Constitution in 1888, they ended up “punting” on the whole issue, deciding to – well – not decide, and to make the federal government neutral with respect to all religious issues.
Limbaugh did not support the “bitch in combat boots” [Slacker Rabbit quoted via fair-use plagiarism blah blah blah.]
Limbaugh sardonically suggested that conservatives raise money for hard-up Hillary to further the conservative agenda: get her on the ballot because that’s our only chance.
Liphart @ 35 said: “Sure, Clinton reduced the deficit – but he raised our taxes and decimated our military.”
I wouldn’t agree that Clinton decimated our military. Our military was reduced very significantly immediately following the first Gulf War by Pres. George H.W. Bush, taking into account that we were the only remaining superpower. Lots of career military folks got their walking papers, being told that there was no enough room for them in the significantly reduced army. My brother-in-law was one of them, he spent two decades in the military becoming an expert in Asian cultures and languages, skills which were then considered obsolete by 1989. As the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe collapsed in 1989, and the Soviet Union three years later, there simply wasn’t the need for the large military presence we had before, especially ones formed upon large armored divisions. The military, especially the Army, was re-organized to focus on more regional threats, using trained professionals.
What it was not organized or trained to do was to maintain a long-term occupation in a hostile country and urban environment. The military did a supurb job in Afganistan, especially in working with the Northern Alliance, which took a lot of wind out of the sails of Muslim radicals who came to fight the Americans and found they were fighting Afgans instead. And in Iraq, the military did what they were asked to do – they defeated the Iraqi army with minimal casualties and in a relatively short period of time, despite being handicapped by insufficient numbers of troops to actually occupy the country, and being deprived of the use of the planned northern route by Turkish political concerns.
Liphart @ 35 said: Can you see any scenario where you would vote for a Republican? Based on your comments – I doubt it – the party will come before the Country!!!!!
Well, I guess that is the problem. Over the past few years of Republican party rule, I have seen it’s policies as a festering sore upon America, and believe the only way to save it is to put as many Republicans out of office as possible. Although I am at heart a “Southern Democrat”, a fiscal conservative and Evangelical protestant, six years of Republican control of all three branches of government have radicalized me, to the point where I wonder if the country can survive the next year without permanant damage to our economy, our military, and our diplomatic standing in the world.
In short, I support the party because I support the Country. If the Democratic party does as bad a job at governing as the Republican party has, I will cease to support them as well. But I doubt that is possible.
Matt @ 35.
Too many holes in your arguements to have meaningful exchange of ideas. Starting with your assumption this nation was founded on Biblical principles, (but not as a Christian nation.)
You cannot make a statement like you did regarding the Bible and then divorce the topic from Christianity, or Judiaism.
If you examine the Thomas Jefferson bible, then you realize he took all the principles of the bible and removed the mystisism.
If you know your Ancient History, then you would know taht those same principles, and is some cases tribal laws, are well documented in cultures and societites well before the events of the Old Testament even occured, in areas of the world that were not even influenced by the events of that geographical region.
When President Clinton was near the end of his term he did such a good job with the economy Alan Greenspan warned that we need to mindful not to pay down the national debt too fast because the excess cash would cause runaway inflation.
So, the only “problem” with Clinton’s economy is that there was too much money. Jeez, a Republicans wettest dream, too much money.
If you want lower taxes you need to have adults who are more concerned with the needs of the Commons and not their pesonal pocket books or corporate profits.
Less borrowing, better investing in our infrastructre, more investment in education and health will lower your taxes without mortgaging our financial future to China, Japan, Korea, and the U.K.
Hair lip wrote:
“Sure, Clinton reduced the deficit – but he raised our taxes and decimated our military.”
If Clinton decimated our military, then what has Bush done to it in Iraq?
Grow up and read what the retiring Generals are saying about Bush. Like Ricardo Sanchez who said “there is a failure of leadership in the White House.”
Can you point to antoher point in history where a general who commanded a combat theater, retired during that same war and came out against his former and still sitting Commander in Chief?
but he raised our taxes and decimated our military.
The same military GWB used to win Afghanistan and Iraq?
I call bullshit.
SURE CLINTON DECIMATED THE MILITARY HE BOOTED GBS OUT OF THE NAVY,LOsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssER
me me @ 44:
Thanks for the compliment.
Although my ego is huge, I’ll have to respectfully rebuff your comment. While I tried to excel during my military career and feel as though I did better than most, I’d have to say that the day I left the military it was not, I say again, not decimated.
In fact, I’ll say it was better the day I left than the day I joined. I’m proud of that because unlike you, I want my beloved Navy to be better tomorrow than it is today.
PS: It’s too bad you’re such a bitter old man with little intellectual capacity. That must suck.