While I got nothing (zilch!) this year, Goldy received a David Neiwert Award:
David Goldstein (Best Muckraking, 2005), is the recipient of a new Neiwert Award tradition – the LEAP Award for alumni. The LEAP Award recognizes bloggers who successfully make the leap from blogging to traditional media. In 2006, David’s dreams of becoming a radio host became reality when 710 KIRO gave him a regular weekend show after just one appearance as a guest host. These days, he hosts the David Goldstein Show weekends at the station from 7 to 10 in the evening. At the end of the year, he was asked to fill in for fellow weekday KIRO host Dave Ross over the holidays. When he wasn’t bringing liberal political talk back to 710 KIRO, Goldy was fundraising for netroots candidates or posting regularly at HorsesAss. His impact has been immeasurable and we’re sure he’ll have a very busy 2007.
You can read the whole list here.
How the awards committee can overlook this work of genius, I’ll never know.
Maybe we can nominate Goldy for a Jefferson Award too ..
@2 Richard, Goldy deserves much more than a Jefferson Award for his expose of the horse’s ass Bush put in charge of FEMA. That was worthy of a Pulitzer for investigative reporting.
Democrats Seek Probe of Recess Appointment
“WASHINGTON (April 6) – Democrats demanded an investigation Thursday into whether President George W. Bush acted legally in appointing Sam Fox … U.S. ambassador to Belgium. …
“‘We view the recess appointment of Mr. Fox as a clear abuse of the president’s recess appointment power,’ three Democratic senators wrote in a letter to the Government Accountability Office, Congress’ auditing agency. The senators … asked whether Fox’s appointment could be terminated if a Senate vote rejected him.
“Democrats have denounced Fox for his donation to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth during the 2004 presidential campaign. … On Wednesday, with the Senate on a one-week break, the president used his power to make recess appointments to put Fox in the job without Congress’ blessing. [Sen.] Dodd said in a statement that Bush’s actions were ‘deceptive at best and illegal at worst.’
“White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe defended the use of recess appointments as a presidential prerogative. ‘I think the president views recess appointments as an appropriate way to get people who are qualified into jobs that need to be filled,’ Johndroe said ….”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/346h6g
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You would’ve heard Republicans screeching to high heaven if President Clinton had made a recess appointment of even 1 of his more than 100 judicial nominees blocked by GOP obstructionists. Fucking hypocrites.
Here’s what I think President Hillary Clinton should do. Her party probably will pick up another 6 to 8 Senate seats next year — not enough to break a filibuster. So — no more filibusters. The Republicans will be in a minority and the Democrats should pass Clinton’s agenda and appointments on straight up-and-down majority votes. Every single one of them. No filibuster, no minority party rights. Just vote them down on a straight majority roll call. Fuck ’em! If they can do it to us, we can do it to them. If they don’t like it, they can go crying to their mommies! Or, they can bend over and kiss my cute cottontail! For a good time, call 1-900-LICK-ROG.
I am absolutely against any negotiation, compromise, or accomodation of Republicans until they come crawling on their bellies apologizing for the last 12 years and begging our forgiveness and promising never to practice their politics of hate and division again. Until then, they should have zero say in the running of the country. We should steamroller them like they did us.
Yawn; used to be KIRO was sort of in the middle; now its darn left wing, almost as bad as 1090.
Goldy isn’t as bad as Ron/Don but nonetheless too biased to represent mainstream listeners.
ps, Bryan Suits at 3pm on 570 is as good as it gets
PelletHead @5: Your side was “steamrollered” because of politics of “pork’, judges who legislate from the bench, and continual tax increases (Ms Medvinzsky) among other things. The Republicans lost their way when they acquired the purse strings and stopped being conservative.
PelletHead@3: You can’t have it both ways.
“If it’s wrong for the president to fire political appointees over their politics, doesn’t that make it wrong for senators to oppose political appointees over theirs? Wait a minute. I’m getting confused. The president fired them over their performance, but the Senate only gave a damn about Fox’s politics. So much crap flying around these days, its hard to sort out what’s what. But I think the Dem Cong might need to start holding hearings about itself.”
Well said!
Wait… Dan Rather wrote earlier Moonbat!s always want it both ways.
Double entrendre INTENDED!
Roger Rabbit @ 3
“President Bill Clinton made a recess appointment of Bill Lan Lee as Assistant Attorney General for civil rights, when it became clear that Lee’s strong support of affirmative action would lead to Senate opposition. Similarly, when the Senate did not vote on his nomination of James Hormel to be Ambassador to Luxembourg, Clinton made a recess appointment. Many people felt that the Senate’s inaction was because Hormel was openly gay, and when he was appointed became the first such person to serve as a U.S. ambassador. Clinton made 140 recess appointments over two terms. On one of the last days of his Presidency, Clinton used the recess appointment power to place Roger L. Gregory on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Gregory was the first African-American to serve on that court.”
Since Bush has less than two years left in office, he might as well use recess appointments to fill all of the positions that serve at the pleasure of the President.
Brian Suits is a mornon and a GIGANTIC pussy.
He didn’t earn his purple heart, he didn’t even get injured. I know a guy from his unit who was THERE. When the mortar round hit, too far way to injure Brian, he said Brian dropped the ground and faked a concusion.
What a fucking CHUMP, he is. Or as he became known as LT. “Cryin’ Brian” Suits.
Fucking pussy.