We’ll see if that amounts to an actual budget deal. But it’s what Governor Inslee tweeted out (h/t to Goldy). I have no idea if this is real, and if it is what’s in the deal, but I hope Democrats don’t give away the farm.
by Carl Ballard — ,
We’ll see if that amounts to an actual budget deal. But it’s what Governor Inslee tweeted out (h/t to Goldy). I have no idea if this is real, and if it is what’s in the deal, but I hope Democrats don’t give away the farm.
A “deal” is not what is needed.
A budget which supports the needs of the citizens of the state of Washington, and for which the voters of this state put Democrats in charge of the Executive and Legislative bodies to create is what is needed.
If we had wanted a “deal” we would have elected a Republican as Governor or elected a majority of Republicans to lead one of the two legislative bodies.
We did neither.
@1 I’m of the school of thought that believes ransom demands from hostage takers should be answered with cruise missiles.
I hate them all