“Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”
Some words of wisdom for that loser jaybo.
You just know that Rove has done a thurough study of the Nazi propagandists.
I think the very similiar thinking goes into virtually every war….including the Revolutionary War. There were those who settled here that did not want to fight the British….. British sympathizers hurt those who eventually freed them.
Are you implying Goldy that Pacifism is ALWAYS the answer?
You imply that “leaders” want war for some reason other than the security of the country. That they are looking at it as a way to gain power. But isn’t that simplistic, and in the end, false? Just because Goering said it, doesn’t make it true. Afterall, the man was a lying murderer.
It makes a tremendous difference if a country is democratic or a dictatorship. It is also crucial whether a country is a free capitalist market, or a fascist state or enslaved by socialism. A free people may be misled in the short run, but will always come back to the truth and what is right. Unfree people are at the mercy of their tyrants.
I find it unfortunate that the Iraq war has become a political tool of the democrats, that either you agree with them or you favor a lying despot. That is intellectually lazy and manages to insult half (if not more) of the American public. What ever happened to civil discourse?
I just love it that the post can include certain terms that describe political view points, but heaven forbid a commenter use the same terms. My post is in the filter, and yet I didn’t use a single swear word or personally insult anyone. Maybe that’s the point – keep it dirty and low, with as little actual thought as possible.
I think its like lex luthor…goldy is the anti filter…what gets filtered (stupid thought or useless profanity) elsewhere instead gets featured by goldy
Janet, you have a lovely chip on your shoulder. If you think so poorly of this blog, why do you waste your time here?
Franklin Roosevelt?? LBJ?? [hehe]
2…..Don, To what office was Rove elected? I don’t recall voting for or against him. I DO recall not voting for John “I voted for the war before I voted against the war because Democrat voters are such dumb shits” Kerry.
Didn’t Clinton fight in WWII? Oh, sorry, that was Bob Dole. [Clinton: draft dodging traitor]
Roger Rabbit, Are you OK? Normal Goldy filters everyone but your 20 or 30 posts.
See, Jerry, you insult me, and the comment makes it right through!
I comment here because it is more fun to have a discussion with those who hold opposing viewpoints. I like SP, but everyone there agrees with each other.
Light up, madame. I’ve been filtered twice in the last few days. They aren’t out to get you.
I take none of this personally. I just find it ironic that words describing political states are filtered, but swear words aren’t. This is a political blog – why the banning of rational, English terms?
I’ve been filtered many times. Relax wingnuts.
Does anyone else notice our trolls complain about trivial things like Goldy’s filter, but never about big things like deficits or corruption or the Iraq quagmire or the mismanagement of Katrina relief or …
Reply to 3
Pacifism? Who’s a pacifist? Oh, some liberals are, but not as many as you think, cynical. You listen too much to rightwing bullshit.
Sure, there are times when we have to fight, or wisdom argues we should fight. That’s the upfront question with any war. But Republicans don’t want to discuss that issue. Their response is, if you’re against this war you’re unpatriotic. They approach international conflict with a pre-conceived bias that the military solution should always be the first solution, the only solution. They are as closed-minded — and wrong — about the question of whether and when to fight as they are about everything else.
That’s why we call you guys warmongers. That’s why we compare you with the other aggressors and dictators of history, who also opted for military means to their ends, and refused discussion and suppressed dissent.
It’s because you’re so much like them.
Janet S @4,
I didn’t imply anything. All I did was print a quote from Goering.
Janet S @5,
Off subject as it may be, I’ll explain it to you one more time. The filter is a “spam filter” and the filter list contains words based on the frequency in which they commonly appear in comment spam. No other rationale. While I do occasionally add to the list, I did not create the initial list of several hundred words.
The filter sometimes catches thousands of spam comments a day. If I removed the filter, the comment threads would be nothing but ads for porn, poker, viagra and such.
Janet @ 5
Would you like some cheese with your whine?
Do you need me to call you a Whaaaaaambulance?
Janet, you have a lovely chip on your shoulder. If you think so poorly of this blog, why do you waste your time here?
Comment by Jerry Springer Jr.— 11/27/05 @ 12:42 pm
She like great complim3ents from Hollywood wanta bee’s.
Your spelling is worse than usual this morning, klake. Are you hung over?
Goldy, your spam filter works great! I’ve never seen even one spam ad in your comment threads. Now if only we could find something that works equally well on environmental pollution.
I denounce the wordly unaware liberals here as pacifists, and i condemnn their lack of patriotism, exposing us all to greater danger from islamofacism.
Hey if it works … use it.
Roger, this thread subject sounds strangely like your nature of war theory.
Oh, my dear, dear Janet. You presume too much. Putting aside your terribly value laden first two paragraphs of your (filtered-NOT!) post, we stand in awe of your assertion that the war has somehow become a “political tool of the democrats”. Gasp. And here I thought it was about the perfect melding of grandiose geopolitical goals and the defense of freedom (for us) around the globe undertaken with the purest of motives. After all, it was a republican administration that pushed every available political button to get the war they wanted, and we near three years of death and destruction (reminder–this is what wars boil down to)for what? And why? The war’s rationale has changed so often, it is difficult to detect it amidst the partisan and intellectual debris.
Your post betrays only a surfeit of the intellectual laziness you so decry.
PS: I’ll let pass for the moment the implied insult to the majority of our nation that is having serious doubts about this whole venture.
Rabbit, say your president. What would you do with Iraq?
I meant “say you are president.”
Janet S @4
It makes a tremendous difference if a country is democratic or a dictatorship. It is also crucial whether a country is a free capitalist market, or a fascist state or enslaved by socIalism. A free people may be misled in the short run, but will always come back to the truth and what is right. Unfree people are at the mercy of their tyrants.
An experiment, but I bet if you spoof the word filter, it will go through…
Remember, there is a certain word blocking it. What email continues to get to go into your own filter? C I A lis?…
btw Janet S,
I am happy enough that the Goldy filter operates as it does. Another C I A lis spam would make me renew a paper subscription, and I would really hate to do that…
“A sideswipe accident between the two trains on Seattle’s monorail Saturday night will likely put the system out of service until next year.”
All of the concerns and all of the criticism and all of the poking fun at the ANAL CANAL OF THE UNIVERSE are obviously well earned.
Another job well-done by the fucking laughing stock of ineptness in getting from point A to point B!!!
How in the hell can this happen???????????????????
CLOWNS…that’s how!!
Another fabulous mark in transportation ineptness by Seattle…the Anal Canal of the Universe!!!
“A sideswipe accident between the two trains on Seattle’s monorail Saturday night will likely put the system out of service until next year.”
And the CLOWNS in Seattle wonder why the rest of us question their transportation acumen.
This are no bounds to the low-level of competence in Seattle….The Anal Canal of the Universe!!
The knuckleheads responsible for this mishap at sure to get promoted….with a raise!
This is the reason Seattle-bashing will never end you CLOWNS!
Right is right, even if everyone is against it
and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.
~William Penn
janet, keep spewing the party line . It was The Shrub who said either your with us or against us . Did you serve or are you a chickenhawk .
Are you one of them there MONORAIL drivers????
If wrong is wrong in your book, please explain how 2 monorail cars that make tens of thousands of trips per year can suddenly sideswipe each other???
Just an accident, isn’t it Dale you incompetent CLOWN!
Just keep reading the Party line Dale…it was an “ACCIDENT”!
Dale @32
Right is right, even if everyone is against it
and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.
~William Penn
So, you begin with an irrefutable and end with an irrefutable. Thus, point by point:
janet, keep spewing the party line . It was The Shrub who said either your with us or against us . Did you serve or are you a chickenhawk .
Somehow, your lines got crossed. The party line is simple; not everyone ascribes to a particular…
“The Shrub” is the elected dude, dude…
I do not know if Janet S served, but I did, and that renders whatever negative point you attempted moot…
Hey, Roger Rabit has no problem with the filters, and Democrat trail lawyers named Goldstein, Loeb, and Goodmanburg had no problem with kicking out hundreds of military votes for Gore 2000. No problems here!!! [hehe]
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”
I appreciate your concern, but let us reflect upon the reality:
al-Zawahiri would love to deal with you (“Wow-another obvious Jewish name to add to my hell!”)
If you wish to capitulate, please take a moment and reflect upon the consequences…
Is this what you liberal proborts aspire to?
Is this your beloved choice?
Paragraph 4 and 5 are particularly telling about how much you value life.
Shame on each and every one of you who stand for or are silent against this atrocity.
Don’t you dare smugly lecture ANYONE about ugliness of war and how bad you feel about soldier tragedies… it would be monumentally hypocritical of you baby killing bastards.
well I screwed the html – get over it.
I’m angry about the culture of death liberals and the 40 MILLION innocent lives they sacrificed.
Culture of death? Come on. A conservative just tried to Swiftboat a catholic democrat, candidate for Governor of Virginia, over his opposition to the death penality. You guys just straight up suck on culture of life issues. You’re anti-poor folks, pro state killing, pro-war as first resort. Your party aborts children by ignoring them, and showing no regard fo “the least among us.” Pres. Jimmy Carter started WIC (Women with infant children), a program meant to reduce poverty and prevent abortions.
So stop your sanctimonius bullshit.
“Richard Nixon was the last Republican leader to feel a Christian obligation to the poor.” -Garrison Keillor.
Do you know what countries have the lowest abortion rates? Countries that provide for all citizens, and leave none to rot in poverty.
Methinks your moral convictions are illserved by your political ideology.
Comment by Belltowner @39
Do you know what countries have the lowest abortion rates? Countries that provide for all citizens, and leave none to rot in poverty
Ummm, no. Can you tell us reprobrates?
Most European countries, where abortion is legal, have very low instances of abortion, while at the same time providing a social safety net.
As for poor countries…
Often, abortion rates are very high in countries that prohibit legal abortion, and have high poverty rates.
January 22, 1999
Web posted at: 5:43 a.m. EST (1043 GMT)
Aha! We now know that life begins in 1999 according to an opinion piece…
Yet your main refutation:
Most European countries, where abortion is legal, have very low instances of abortion,…
has no substance, facts, absolution, etc…
Often, abortion rates are very high in countries that prohibit legal abortion, and have high poverty rates.
Comment by Belltowner— 11/27/05 @ 7:10 pm
Thank you for your efforts…you fail…
Russia has one of the highest abortion rates in the world. Not exactly an enlightened society.
Have you also noticed that countries with the most stringent labor laws and powerful unions also have some of the highest unemployment? I doubt France counts all the immigrant Muslims in their already high unemployment rates.
So is it Christian to want people to remain idle and poor?
1. the gigolo kerry is a catholic in name only – and according to the latest writings from Rome he and his pro-baby killer buddies are actiung and speaking in contrast to the Church they claim to be a member of – as an active procaticing Catholic I say good riddance to phony Catholic trash.
2. Jimmy Carter – well we certainly see what a rousing success WIC has been “here you go ladies pop out a few babies lose the men to support them and will reward you!”
Often, abortion rates are very high in countries that prohibit legal abortion, and have high poverty rates. -Comment by Belltowner— 11/27/05 @ 7:10 pm
You death pimps promote baby killing to OTHER BABIES (10 yr olds for God sake) as a solution to just about any form of neglected personl responsibility.
You accuse me of being sanctimonious… I accuse YOU of being a woman hating baby killing bastard.
OK…get every one of ’em born and then “who gives a fuck about ’em” afterward.
The rank hypocrisy of the “pro-birthers” is stunning.
HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS @36
Thank you…I am indeed sickened…
You’re right rugrat – and using your logic I saw society can’t afford lazy liberals who suck off the tit of mommy government … let’s execute them.
Weak, LardAss.
Well it’s your logic kiddo… I just extrapolated it to another logical conclusion.
Logic, your royalardassness, is supposed to make some kind of sense. Clearly deficient in your case. Big surprise.
rujax206 46
OK…get every one of ‘em born and then “who gives a fuck about ‘em” afterward.
The rank hypocrisy of the “pro-birthers” is stunning.
Wow, you guys are cynical…
Right “marks”…and you’re not.
Hypocritical bumblefucks.
These Krazy Korruption Konservatives of yours just fuck up everything they touch.
I love ’em!
They’ll kill the republican party in this country for the next 20 years. Wonderful!!!
It is odd to hear liberals wail and moan about people who do have a choice (military) when a soldier dies and then in the same breath says it is OK to dispose of fetuses (fetus doesn’t have a choice) like an unwanted Kleenex. The left even uses the fallen soldier for their own propaganda shows in Texas without permission from the families. Can you imagine the uproar if the right got the last names of the babies that have been aborted and started parading their names around abortion clinics.
Here’s another one for you:
“Shoot first, and ask questions later, and don’t worry, I will always protect you.”
Another quote from that right wing god, Herman Goering.
I wonder what Mr. Cynical thinks of Toussaint l’ Ouverture?
Wow, you guys are weird…
Not a crime, but close…
Where Haiti is is where we’re headed under this Republican fascist state.
Have you also noticed that countries with the most stringent labor laws and powerful unions also have some of the highest unemployment?
posted by janet s @44
This is demonstrably untrue. Liberia has an unemployment rate of 85%. Many other African nations have unemployment rates at or near 40%. Life’s not so good in Bosnia, either. None of these nations have “stringent labor laws”. They barely have any law at all, but that’s another matter.
Oh, my God! Please, Headless, don’t…
“And the CLOWNS in Seattle wonder why the rest of us question their transportation acumen. HOW IN THE HE** CAN THIS HAPPEN???!”
Simple — one or both Monorail drivers didn’t follow instructions … just as Stefan didn’t follow instructions at his polling place.
It’s always been known there’s a tight curve where you can’t pass the Monorail trains. In forty-odd years of operation, all the other Monorail drivers had no problem. Why these guys?
Stefan — that’s why we have instructions.
Proud to be an Ass…
Let’s just say, I am amazed you are anything. No, really…
GM and Ford. Like the airlines, the unions will drive them to “BK”. Shareholders will lose every penny, but the unions will take and take until the end. Kind of like a parasite on a host.
Okay, let’s come back to the topic here:
“…it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.”
That’s the issue here, not abortion (which has been copiously discussed elsewhere).
marks: …more of your glib, totally on the surface, wiseacre crap, huh? What happened in 1804 in Haiti?
marks: Can you hazard a guess as to the significance of 1804 and world history? Put on your thinking cap, marks! Your brain is obviously not up to the task.
Can you hazard a guess as to the significance of 1804 and world history? Put on your thinking cap, marks! Your brain is obviously not up to the task.
I dunno. I know what happened in 2004 in the USA but not what happened in 1804 in Haiti.
@ 45
1. How dare you make assumptions about a man’s faith? How can you know if someone is a real catholic?
2. Oh, I see. You only care about pretty white babies. You’re just another nigger-hating conservative.
So, what church do YOU go to? The Rev. Phelps, of Wichita, KS?
Can you imagine the uproar if the right got the last names of the babies that have been aborted and started parading their names around abortion clinics. -Comment by RUFUS— 11/27/05 @ 8:08 pm
Here you go RUFUS…Gianna Jessen… oops she certainly isn’t a CULTure of death success story, now is she.
Woman hating, baby killing bastards… you let one get away!
The last time I read the news, this nanny state from hell is totally controlled by Democrats, they got the House, the Senate, and The Governorette!
I am eagerly awaiting to see which of my personal rights are snatched away in the next legislative session. I’m betting on the right to talk on a cell phone while driving will pass.
Smoking while driving can’t be too many years away with smoking in your back yard will be right behind smoking in your car.
This state isn’t facist (far far right), we are closer in this state to socialist (far far left) than facist. Although it’s a very strange type of socialism, because this state is extrememly hard on the poor, the needy, and working class families. The fact that a very large majority of the taxes are usage/consumption based and not income based keeps the poor poorer, the needy needier and is putting more working class families into the poor category every year. Usage/consumption taxes are considered “regressive” and they consume a much bigger bite out of a working class families budget. Washington is truly the home of the weathly elitist.
“Rabbit, say your president. What would you do with Iraq?”
I wouldn’t have invaded Iraq, but if I inherited the situation existing today, I would plan to get all U.S. forces out of Iraq within a year, as I believe the situation in Iraq is now irretrievable for the U.S.
If I were president in 2001, I would have flattened Al Qaeda’s camps in Afghanistan with B-52 strikes immediately after 9/11, then gone into Afghanistan in force to take control of that country and destroy the Taliban and Al Qaeda forces.
I would have assessed the intel on Iraq objectively, and surrounded myself with people who’d give me honest advice, not sycophants. I probably would have found the intel was ambiguous, but it’s unlikely I would have concluded that Iraq was a threat to the U.S. Even if Saddam had WMDs, I would have understood his objective was to intimidate his Arab neighbors, not attack America. Further, he had no way to deliver WMDs to targets in America; and in any case, I would have relied on deterrence to dissuade him from using any WMDs he might have or acquire, as we successfully have done with the USSR, China, and other nuclear-armed adversaries. I wouldn’t have worried that Saddam might give WMDs to terrorists, because he would then be in danger from his own weapons.
I would have considered that, although Saddam was an evil dictator with a bloody history, removing him would create a power vacuum in Iraq that probably would have to be resolved by a civil war between Iraq’s competing factions; consequently, leaving Saddam in power might be the lesser evil for the Iraqi people. In addition, having Saddam on Iran’s border helped keep Iran in check, and was an impediment to any expansionist plans Iran might have.
I certainly would have kept an eye on him, and I would have put no faith in sanctions. If I decided, at some point, that invading Iraq was necessary for America’s security, I would have done so with the forces America’s top generals said were needed to do the job — around 400,000 to 500,000. I would have made the “go” or “no go” decision, but I would not have told the military experts how to conduct the operation. Instead, I would have seen my job as asking them what they needed, making sure they got it, and handling the political tasks of preparing the American public for war and conducting the diplomacy needed to get our allies on board. I would have defined clear objectives for the war, clearly explained the reasons for the war to the American public. If I thought stabilizing the country was a necessary part of the mission, I would have had a detailed and realistic occupation plan and timetable in place BEFORE I gave the order to go in.
On the home front, I would have attended soldiers’ funerals, encouraged a public debate over the war policy, explained my decisions to the public and if they didn’t agree — then so be it. I would use my best judgment, figure that’s what the voters hired me to do, and if the voters didn’t like what I did and decided to give the job to somebody else, that would be fine with me. There are worse things than retiring on a presidential pension and not having the burdens of office to worry about.
Reply to 32
The less people know, the more sure they feel they know it.
“al-Zawahiri would love to deal with you”
Let’s deal with this slander right now. If al-Zakari (not “al Zawahiri,” don’t you ever read a newspaper?) were standing in front of me this moment, I would kill the son of a bitch. If I didn’t have a gun to shoot him with, or a knife to stab him with, I would strangle him with my bare hands.
Is that pacifist enough for you?
That’s what I’m talking about! Go, Rabitt!
Hey marks — how’s your boy Bush doing at catching al-Zakari? Osama? Omar? do you think we should elect a sheriff for NOT catching the bad guys?
Just when I’ve convinced myself that abortion is an unmitigated evil, I’m reminded that you were born.
I make assuptions because the gigolo trotted out his supposed Catholicism for the election. HE made it a campaign issue. The sot Kennedy makes it a campaign issue. Botox Pelosi makes it a campaign issue. They may have been baptized Catholics but they are now merely convenience Catholics when it suits their purposes… disgusting liars.
The Catholic Church has very specific “rules” and they do NOT include supporting/promoting abortion.
And finally the Bishops (except of course the gutless Brunett here in Seattle) are taking a stand and enforcing Church rule
And what the hell are you talking about… white babies.
EVERY abortion is a tragedy and quite frankly you death pimps have peddled your baby killing predominately in poor black communities
You don’t seem to have any problem with our government torturing and murdering innocent Iraqi civilians, or cutting off food stamps to the poor, or denying medical care to those who can’t afford it, or encouraging American companies to import goods made by child labor and sweat shop labor in foreign countries. Hypocrite.
Well that answers that question doesnt it. Not that I am suprised. The lefts stand on abortion makes everything they say about war or death laughable.
Hey ASS, can we assume you support vigorous enforcement of child support laws against deadbeat dads?
Or do you think if a woman gets knocked up, that’s her problem, and the guy isn’t responsible?
Hey, all you Republican studs out there — I know how women can eliminate abortion! No sex.
Vatican Tells US Bishops Not To Give Kerry Communion
So the disgraceful gigolo not only breaks the precepts of his faith in supporting abortion, he slaps the Church in the face by blatantly doing what they have forbidden of him.
Honorable guy, your gigolo.
Haiti is our future under the Republifascists. Totally depleted natural resources and a small upper class that lives in constant fear of being kidnapped.
Care to invest in Diebold while you still have two dimes to rub together?
Hey ASS, can we assume you support vigorous enforcement of child support laws against deadbeat dads? -Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/27/05 @ 9:23 pm
Hey, all you Republican studs out there – I know how women can eliminate abortion! No sex. -Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/27/05 @ 9:25 pm
If you don’t want to/can’t/won’t be responsible for the possibility of pregancy KEEP YOUR PANTS ZIPPED, YOUR LEGS TOGETHER.
Hey, all you Republican studs out there – I know how women can eliminate abortion! No sex.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/27/05 @ 9:25 pm
Sounds like you are advocating for women not to have sex with donk males. Not a bad idea. Would cut down on crime and abortion at the same time.
re 83: Did you? If you did it’s not your morals but your lack of social skills. Now you want to PUNISH. “Sowing your wild oats” is not a phrase from the 60’s. Why not try growing up and evaluating human behavior as an adult would. Dana Carvey never intended for the Church-Lady to be a role model!
Sounds like you are advocating for women not to have sex with donk males. Not a bad idea. Would cut down on crime and abortion at the same time. -Comment by RUFUS— 11/27/05 @ 9:29 pm
Um, why would they? Women like MANLY men, not metrosexuals… they want men who DO, not male gendered who feel… and isn’t ‘liberal man’ an oxymoron???
Let’s try a little quiz. Which of the following excuses is a state enforcement officer more likely to hear from a deadbeat dad?
A. I can’t afford child support because of my cheese and wine bills.
B. I can’t afford child support because I need to make the payments on my pickup truck and buy gas for my hunting trips.
The last time I read the news, this nanny state from hell is totally controlled by Democrats, they got the House, the Senate, and The Governorette!
I am eagerly awaiting to see which of my personal rights are snatched away in the next legislative session. I’m betting on the right to talk on a cell phone while driving will pass.
Did I what wrestler diddler?
All our children were conceived and born within the confines of a long happy Catholic marriage – no bastard kids, no welfare, no abortions, no divorces…. the kind of healthy, All-American NON VICTIM family you liberals just hate.
Reply to 86
You are how old? 15? Women like men they can push around.
Smoking while driving can’t be too many years away with smoking in your back yard will be right behind smoking in your car.
This state isn’t fascist (far far right), we are closer in this state to socialist (far far left) than fascist. Although it’s a very strange type of socialism, because this state is extremely hard on the poor, the needy, and working class families. The fact that a very large majority of the taxes are usage/consumption based and not income based keeps the poor poorer, the needy needier and is putting more working class families into the poor category every year. Usage/consumption taxes are considered “regressive” and they consume a much bigger bite out of a working class families budget. Washington is truly the home of the wealthy elitist.
C) I can’t afford child support because of my drug habbit and
I just knock up another chick I met at the WTO rally.
Women like men they can push around. Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/27/05 @ 9:37 pm
Wanna bet?
You liberal male-gendered metros are so damned indoctrinated – how sad…
proudasswhole, nothing you have ever said on this blog has been logical. GAFL
No, we don’t!
“The last time I read the news, this nanny state from hell is totally controlled by Democrats, they got the House, the Senate, and The Governorette!”
You’ve been in Washington how long? Three weeks? Republicans controlled the state senate until 2005.
Let’s play a game…. name one strong liberal MAN in the political arena today.
We can all name your WOMEN who run and rule, but who are your strong men… besides Hillary, Nancy, Barbara and the illegitimate queen?
Re link in 92 — who cares what the Moonie newspaper says? The Moonies are passe.
That’s easy. Roger Rabbit.
LOL @ 98… I don’t think distant relatives of the rodent family actually count, but hey, enjoy the fantasy, babe!
I’m not talking about the past. Who is in charge now? I moved here from Germany in 2000 and retired from the Army in 2003, 31 May 2003 to be precise. And the fact that the Democrats took control in 2005 explains why spending jumped up 12% or was it 7%, whatever it was it far exceeded growth and 3/4 billion in new taxes!
Re link in 92 – who cares what the Moonie newspaper says? The Moonies are passe. -Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/27/05 @ 9:46 pm
Boston Herald work for you?
sgmmac, where is it written that it is your right to talk on your cell phone while driving? most women can’t drive well enough as it is, now they are talking on their cell, doing their make up and combing their hair at the same time….except for proudasshole, she is just ‘making google eyes at herself as no one else gives a shit about her’
You have been watching too many commercials and all of the females are going to give you heartache for such a sexist remark as women don’t drive well enough as it is………
perhaps Driving Today?
Or the News.Telegraph
Fess up, it’s not the messenger (Washinton Times) you hate, it’s the message.
See! All this business lately about the Republican chickenhawks and the dumb neo-fascist bastards are back to posing as “real Men” already. What a laugh! They just can’t stop lying. Tom Likus is a millionnaire because of dumb bastards like you.
Touissant l’ Ouverture was a real man— not you neo-fascists.
Seriously, We have laws to take care of cell phoners who cause accidents, it’s called reckless driving, manslaughter, etc. It also takes care of those putting on makeup, watching kids, talking on CB radio’s, getting a blow job, eating, drinking a latte, and the thousand other things that people do while driving that distract them from the road.
No, it’s the messenger. Any asshole who calls himself Jesus Christ to con people into working as slaves in his sweatshops so he can live a billionaire’s life has nothing to say worth listening to.
Who are Tom Likus and Touissant l’ Ouverture?
So was Jean Dominique.
No real journalist considers the Washington Times a “newspaper.” It’s a subsidized propaganda sheet. WT loses $50 million a year and over the years Moon has dropped over $1 billion on it that he siphoned from his other businesses. That hardly makes WT a going concern, is it? It’s nothing but vanity published carried to a ridiculous extreme by one of the world’s seediest tycoons.
No, it’s the messenger. Any asshole who calls himself Jesus Christ to con people into working as slaves in his sweatshops so he can live a billionaire’s life has nothing to say worth listening to. -Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/27/05 @ 10:00 pm
No, it’s the messenger. Any asshole who calls himself Jesus Christ to con people into working as slaves in his sweatshops so he can live a billionaire’s life has nothing to say worth listening to. -Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/27/05 @ 10:00 pm
I call bullshit on the bunny… the very same article about the very same survey was REPORTED in many papers – I gave you 3 more examples – so it has absolutely nothing to do with the ownership of any given medium. The WA Times didn’t create the story, didn’t create the survey, didn’t create the results (unlike a certain news network that proviously employed Dan Ratter and Mary Mapes)… they reported it.
Bullshit on the bunny.
And by the way… how much has your beloved NYT lost… in profit…in circulation?
Is that YOUR criteria to measure the validity of what they report> too?
So Cougar, you think it’s okay that men get blow jobs while driving and women shouldn’t put on makeup?
OOPS… it looks like 52% profit drop for the NYT
“Bullshit on the bunny.”
As a not-nice bunny, I expect hostility from wingfucks. The wingfucks’ hostility to the bunny shows I’m doing my job! :D
Why do you call it “my” NY Times? I don’t own it. Not even 1 share. I don’t read it. Why would I? I don’t live in NY. I read the Little Nickel and The Bunny Times.
ASS: You beloved Washington Times, Rev. Moon’s paper, HAS NEVER MADE A PROFIT!
Someone chime in. Isn’t LIKE A BILLION IN THE RED?!?
ASS: always an ASS!
Hmmm … I should call my broker and short that one.
Sorry bunny – it ain’t my Times either – I don’t buy or subscribe to papers: I never read the PI and I cancelled the Seattle Times wayyyyyy back about 13 years ago when they started pushing a social agenda with which I fervently disagree.
I actually love it when they call about dinner time to ask for my subscription – you’s think, after getting an earfull of my opinion they’s cross me off the list, but being the good little liberal comrades that they are, they just keep coming bak for more.
sheesh – they typo’s are worse than usual – I’m going to bed.
Goodnight rabbit.
I acknowledge your presence aply-named-clueless… you can stop jumping up and down and waving your arms while yelling “Notice me! Notice me!” now.
Just be aware, there is a world of difference betweeen acknowledging your presence (kind of like a wart) and paying attention to what you have to say.
re 107: It never ceases to amaze me that people like you end up in resposible positions! I’ll answer you if you can tell me what the PETER PRINCIPLE is.
You are off the wall as usual. Likus is a sexist pig and the other one is an uneducated slave from Haiti. You also spelled his name wrong. What is your obsession with Haiti? Are you Haitian? It never ceases to amaze me that people like you are in our education system!
Oh, look, the right-wingers have been reduced to gnashing their teeth over their bête noire, abortion, and various other piffle. Gee. Why do you suppose they would be afraid of tackling the point Goldy’s making?
Let’s review the original quote of Gustave Gilbert’s interview with Hermann Goering:
And that’s exactly what happened here. The Bush administration has never had any qualms about calling its political opponents “unpatriotic” or “aiding the terrorists” or other similar rot. Before invading the Middle East they jumped on every opportunity to scare the nation about Iraq—remember the mushroom cloud boogeyman? remember how we already knew where Saddam’s tons of WMDs were? remember how Iraq had been responsible for Osama bin Laden’s 9/11 attacks? We were in mortal danger! (For Democrats, it felt like Nineteen Eighty-Four was becoming real.)
Bush got C’s at Yale, but he was a fine student of Goering in this case.
· The Bush administration cast Iraq and its (supposed) WMDs as a giant, looming, imminent threat to the United States. It was a lie.
· The Bush administration pushed the notion that Iraq was behind bin Laden’s 9/11 attacks. It was a lie.
· The Bush administration promised Congress that if they gave him the authority to use military force against Iraq, he would only use it as a last resort. It was a lie.
· And the Bush administration—after our threat of force got Saddam to back down and let UN inspectors back into Iraq, so they could ensure WMDs were not a danger (to us or anyone)—said we nevertheless had no choice but to invade. It was a lie.
Bush got the war he wanted, and proved Goering right . . . and thousands of brave American soldiers have paid for it with their lives. God bless America.
We do live in interesting times. In the past the people had to be told they were being attacked. Now we see vivid color images of 767s flying full speed into buildings.
The pacifism theme just doesn’t seem to be winning hearts and minds like it did during Vietnam, but if that’s all you’ve got, I guess you cling to that strategy.
Let’s give the benefit of doubt to those who don’t yet understand that we are engaged in a philosophical war of ideas between East and West. A war that over the last 30 years has escalated to a undeniable physical presence. But let’s also ask those who don’t understand, if it is going to take another major terror attack on US soil before they will lend support to defining and fighting our enemies.
Goldstein, if one of your family members was killed in a terror attack, would that be enough for you? Where do you draw the line to engage?
The first rule of internet debate…. when you start comparing your adversary with Nazi’s…. you’ve already lost the debate.
RWW: Not that this really needs clarifying, but the quote doesn’t imply Bush is a Nazi, any more than George Orwell was. Bush and Orwell, however, both learned the same truth about leading countries to war that Goering told us about in 1946.
Goering spoke of it after having done it; Orwell wrote of it; and Bush demonstrated it all over again. How little we learn.
Roger Rabbit @74
Your comment is why we have the phrase “hindsight is twenty twenty.” I’m sure you would have bought a lot of Microsoft stock too if you had been President in 1980.
John McDonald: are you confusing the search for Osama bin Laden (and the associated “War on Terror[ists]”) with the Bush administration’s well-orchestrated invasion of Iraq?
There is very little debate about the necessity and rightness of hunting down al Qaeda. It’s not even an issue; your “what will it take” goading is misdirected. Goldy’s point is to highlight how this President manipulated us into war with Iraq, by playing the scare card and calling opponents “unpatriotic.”
And the Iraq invasion was not part of “a philosophical war of ideas between East and West” anyway, even if there is such a war (but that’s another debate).
Don’t look behind the curtain, but the Democrats running this state are gearing up to increase our taxes yet again. Check out the amusing reference to our gov. in this article: she is either a bald face liar or clueless according to her own self.
Ok lefties, when you tell us why this tax increase is “urgently needed” don’t forget that you are following the Goebbels ploy as applied to taxes. A tactic that has been mis used extensively by the Democrats running this state.
David @135,
What do the terrorists in Baghdad, Jerusalem, London, Madrid, New York, Bali, etc. all have in common? Hint, it starts with an “I.”
The threat is real, and it’s naive to think that it is Al Qaeda. The threat is a number of countries in the Middle East that actively support and fund terror. Iran is clearly the largest contributor to terror, but Saddam’s Iraq was right up there in funding and support. WMDs are a red herring. The real threat is the bad ideas of hatred and the full support of terror that is actively preached by most of the Middle Eastern Islamic theocracies on a daily basis.
There’s a lot more to be done, to address the pseudo governments of the region that breed terror and spread hatred. If you are tired of the war in Iraq, get used to it because there’s going to be a lot more bloodshed, whether it be in Middle Eastern civil wars or in American led wars, before the flame of Islamic hatred is squelched.
Bush did NOT manipulate this country into war. WMD was NOT the only item mentioned in the documents that the House & Senate put into law. Many many democrats signed onto the war. By saying that Bush manipulated them, you are of course saying that President Bush is much smarter than any of the Democrats in Congress, do you really want to go there, after saying he was too stupid and country to be elected President compared to the smooth, suave, and oh so tanned (artificially) Kerry?
“And the fact that the Democrats took control in 2005 explains why spending jumped up 12% or was it 7%, whatever it was it far exceeded growth and 3/4 billion in new taxes!”
Spending jumped 12% because we just came out of a recession, when revenues and spending were below normal.
ASS, we know you don’t read any papers and are uninformed, but bragging about it is over the top.
Being an ignorant fuck is not something to brag about.
Nobody has a crystal ball, including POTUS. That’s why the CIA employs analysts, that’s why POTUS has advisers. We pay POTUS to get things right. The system doesn’t work when POTUS flips the process ass backwards by making the decision first, then telling the CIA what to say. Bush gamed the intelligence; 2,100+ American kids died; and he was wrong — Iraq had no WMDs, Iraq was no threat to the U.S. — that’s a firing offense (a.k.a. impeachment).
Goldy has about as much chance of getting laid by a REAL woman as 2 monorail trains smashing into each other!!!!
Time to put on those chaps and your old John Travolta shirt plus the gold chains! Keep hope alive brother!
Comment on 135
Bush isn’t even looking for Osama; he said Osama is “not important” and he “doesn’t care” where Osama is.
Now let’s get this straight….
There are only 2 monorail trains on the entire track, right?
And they somehow smash into each other, right??
And you don’t find that somewhat amusing???
You don’t think that reflects somewhat poorly on the Seattle transportation management team??
Should SOMEONE get fired for this???
It’s more than just not “following procedures”. It’s not merely an “accident”.
There were serious design flaws in that monorail track AND incompetence in the management of that system. Exactly what people have grown to expect when they think of Seattle and Transportation!!!
I would have bet the odds of this happening were precisely the same as rujax having a cogent thought?!
John McDonald @ 137: “The threat is real, and it’s naive to think that it is Al Qaeda.”
Oh, so you think our enemy is “Islam”? (I’m guessing that’s your “I” word, not “Iraq”.) Wow. Who’s naïve?
“The threat is a number of countries in the Middle East that actively support and fund terror. ”
Let’s keep it simple: the terrorist groups are the threat. Cutting off their funding—by, among other things, leaning on countries that provide support for those groups—is an important part of the “War on Terror[ists].” N.B. that means providing carrots as well as sticks. Don’t be too quick to turn the world into a black and white us-versus-them dichotomy; Middle Eastern governments that in the past were supporters of terrorist groups can be persuaded to change their ways (especially when they see terrorist attacks on their own soil, e.g. the Amman hotel bombings).
“The real threat is the bad ideas of hatred and the full support of terror that is actively preached by most of the Middle Eastern Islamic theocracies on a daily basis.”
Okay, this is your third declaration of what the “threat” really is. Decide already. :) Seriously, though, I agree that we need to address the hatred (anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism, etc.) that is preached by religious leaders, political leaders, state presses and school textbooks in (and outside) the Middle East. That’s why I’ve become a regional board member with the Anti-Defamation League. Now ask yourself: Did invading Iraq improve or worsen the problem, and did it affect our ability to “win hearts and minds”?
“there’s going to be a lot more bloodshed, whether it be in Middle Eastern civil wars or in American led wars, before the flame of Islamic hatred is squelched.”
Oh, just what we need, a new Crusade. You can’t seriously think the solution to all our problems is to figure out where people hate us and start waging war on them, i.e. killing everybody you disagree with. You’d make a wonderful Neanderthal.
Well, this has been lovely, but I think we should get back to the topic at hand:
“WMDs are a red herring.”
A red herring . . . you mean the President led us on with a false threat? Lied to us in order to lead us into war? Chalk one up for the students of Goering at the White House.
JCH @ 9 “Don, To what office was Rove elected?”
Interesting comment. But completely off point. Where the Nazi propagandists elected? hmmm… dumbass.
Janets S @ 12 “I like SP, but everyone there agrees with each other.”
That is because ANYONE who disagrees with the minnow gets banned.
You freaking moron!
sgmmac, your logic is all out of whack.
“Bush did NOT manipulate this country into war.”
Oh, yes he did. President Bush led us into war in Iraq based on the lie that Iraq was a looming threat—an immediate threat, perhaps even the greatest threat—to the United States.
Remember the Downing Street memo? “It seemed clear that Bush had made up his mind to take military action, even if the timing was not yet decided. But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran.” President Bush did know that even if Saddam had such weapons, they were not threatening the United States the way he said they were. He lied when he exaggerated the danger to America in order to get himself a splendid little war.
Bush also knew there was no Iraq connection to the 9/11 terrorists, and he was consciously lying—intentionally misleading the Nation—when he insinuated that there was.
President Bush and his team never really stopped campaigning after the 2000 election. He just changed focus from getting elected to selling us on a war we didn’t need.
“Many many democrats signed onto the war. By saying that Bush manipulated them, you are of course saying that President Bush is much smarter than any of the Democrats in Congress, do you really want to go there”
LOL—your conclusion is laughable. Smart people can be manipulated too. Bush exaggerated the threat to our representatives in Congress, just as he exaggerated it to the public. Many Democrats and virtually all Republicans, seeing the need to counter the looming threat he portrayed, agreed to give the President the authorization to use force in Iraq if necessary. Besides, Saddam wouldn’t take American ultimatums seriously if there wasn’t a credible threat of force to back them up. And we could rest assured that the President wasn’t manipulating us (right?) when he said he would only use force as a last resort, if there were no alternative. So isn’t it odd that when Saddam eventually blinked and let the UN weapons inspectors back in, unrestricted, when we’d won and the alleged threat had been defused, Bush ordered the inspectors out and invaded anyway?
President Bush sent American soldiers—brave, honorable young men and women who love this country—to die in the deserts of Iraq based on a lie: that we were in imminent danger and needed to invade the Middle East to protect ourselves. If you disagreed, you were a traitor. It worked—just like Goering said it would.
Huzzah! Bush creates Iraq state worse than under Saddam, and makes the USA more vulnerable to terrorist attack!!! Yahhooo wingnuts Thanks!
“Human rights abuses in Iraq are now as bad as they were under Saddam Hussein and are even in danger of eclipsing his record, according to the country’s first Prime Minister after the fall of Saddam’s regime.”
” ‘A lot of Iraqis are being tortured or killed in the course of interrogations. We are even witnessing Sharia courts based on Islamic law that are trying people and executing them.'”
“In a chilling warning to the West over the danger of leaving behind a disintegrating Iraq, Allawi added: ‘Iraq is the centrepiece of this region. If things go wrong, neither Europe nor the US will be safe.'”
We are now truly in a world of shit, courtesy of BushCo and the wingnuts that enable his fascist endeavors. Fuck you all, fuck you very much.
The truth about Iraqi civilian casualties. This is information that will never see the light of day if the “anti-war” crowd can help it.
Exposing the “myth” of “underprivileged recruiting”.
jaybo, your first post @ 151 is sadly hilarious. An anaysis from the ironlically titled Neo-Con mouthpiece “logic Times”? I am sure given enough gullible minds and a bit of statistics 101, these puppet masters would have the world believing the moon is made of green cheese! They warp the casuality numbers based on the figher proportion of adult males killed? WTF? With those statistics and based on the population of the USA we could opnly conclude that the numbr of soldiers killed in Iraq is 5.
The second even more ingeniously decptive “opinio” in USA today uses numbers from 2001 – 2003. BEFORE THE WAR STARTED and requitment for fodder to this disasterous war became niegh impossible.
Get better ammo jaybo, you are firing blanks
As I have repeated before Donnageddon, I do not post these links for the “koolaid” crowds you run with. I post them for rationally thinking liberals that are interested in viewing ALL the facts.
One more point Donnageddon, Try using a “spell-checker” before you post. It would give us the impression that you could be an “intellectual”.
Go back to wingnutdaily, you moron.
I’m glad to see the children continue to play so nicely!
re 129: WEll, sgmmc, I can see you’ve really dug in and mastered the subject—– NOT! Don’t you find it amazing that an “uneducated slave” could defeat the finest French, Spanish, and British military minds of the time?
re 132: Says who? The people being compared to Nazis? Why don’t you read some of the eliminationist statements of your own spokespeople.
re 154: Jaybo: Numbers don’t lie, but liars use numbers. Keep that in mind when you analyze any statement using stats. The people on your post-graduate committee certainly will — if you ever get that far.
I think that if you do not have at least the mental rigor to have earned a Master’s Degree, you have no business even having an opinion on History or current events, much less printing the product of your overweening yet sadly deficient intellect. You really need to defer to my opinion, and my opinion is that everything you know is wrong…
Personally, I would recommend that you read more monographs by that excellent scholar, Ward Churchill.
jaybo @ 154 “As I have repeated before Donnageddon, I do not post these links for the “koolaid†crowds you run with. I post them for rationally thinking liberals that are interested in viewing ALL the facts.”
Then try posting some “facts” and not some easily debunked wingnuttery, you freaking nuckle dragging imbecile!
As for spell checking and “intellectuals”, what is the connection, Moron.
Dr. Quest,
It is this type of “elitist” mindset that most americans have, frankly, lost patience with. You said the following; “I think that if you do not have at least the mental rigor to have earned a Master’s Degree, you have no business even having an opinion on History or current events, much less printing the product of your overweening yet sadly deficient intellect.”
Personally, I think that your (so called) claim of “deep thinking” robs you and other intellectuals of the one thing that is most needed in life; common sense.
It’s too bad that the more educated you are, the more foolish you become.
By the way, I guess someone never had a chance to tell Einstein that he should not have accomplished what he did in his lifetime.
Maybe if you could have spoken with him, he would have quit before making a fool of himself.
You said the following; “As for spell checking and “intellectuals”, what is the connection, Moron.”
Don’t ask me, ask your buddy Dr. Quest, he’s the one that is saying you are not qualified to post.
Rabbit at 74 You forgot to mention that you would do all
that and balance the budget. Way to go. Would you sell
all your Halliburton stock and give the proceeds to the
I’d like to know (“Enquiring” minds and all that)…just what turnip truck do you stupid wingnuts think we all fell off of?
I personally have been following the “Lies of the Republican Right” for about 30 years.
This current “Klan” has been either maneuvering for or in power for 15-20 years and there are many FACTS available just about EVERYWHERE. Quotes. Policy papers. Books. Speeches. Bills. Interviews. Commentaries. Actions. Reactions to unexpected events. Expected reactions to events that were expected by EVERYONE else but them.
This last eleven years of Right-wing Republican Congressional (and finally Judicial and Presidential) rule has been a cluster-fuck of apocalypic proportions.
I am far from the sharpest tool in the box and I can come up with shit that blows your shit away. Smarter folks than I are even better at it (THANKS Rabbit, Donna, The amazing Dr. E, Mr. X, the stalwart GBS, David, dj the great, MOSTLY our gracious host Goldy and soooo many others).
Guys…guys…gals…this is really like shooting fish in a barrel. What gets us riled up is that despite the VERY PUBLIC RECORD of misfeaseance and malfeaseance by the current ruling junta…you idiots gleefully pull on you jack-boots and goose step right behind ’em.
Well you’re like lemmings marching off the cliff now. Have a nice trip…see you in the (or after the} fall.
Comment by Mom,
Funny you should mention Halliburton. Did you know the following?
“Michael Moore denounces oil and defense contractors as war profiteers. He also claims to have no stock portfolio, yet he owns shares in Halliburton, Boeing, and Honeywell”
(excerpt from the book)
“Do As I Say (Not As I Do), Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy”
By: Peter Schweizer
So “jaybo”…
I guess GWB was dumb enough to get elected.
Nice job he’s doing, huh?
Oh, sorry…I guess YOU like him.
Makes you kinda stupid too.
I post them for rationally thinking liberals that are interested in viewing ALL the facts. -Comment by jaybo— 11/28/05 @ 7:11 am
Um… no such being actually exists… like the Lochness and Sasquatch, simply a well worn myth…. as evidenced by the posting of the fringies here!!
I am far from the sharpest tool in the box -Comment by rujax206— 11/28/05 @ 8:45 am
Amen to that!!!
Dr. Quest,
Is rujax206 one of those “highly qualified intellectuals” you were talking about?
Yeah LardAss…you’re REALLY brught, I’ve noticed.
Uhhhh..that’s BRIGHT.
Jaybo: No, Dr. Quest likes those highly qualified intellectuals whom are known plagiarists like Ward Churchil and Senator Joe Biden. Did you see Senator Joe Biden had to eat his words yesterday on Fox News Sunday? Oh, that’s right Dr. Quest likes CNN who places an X over the VP during a speech! Chris Wallace proved that he and his office are liars about intelligence and what the VP said. When caught on it, they stammered and studdered, etc.
You could actually become a sharper tool if you actually bothered to do a bit of research, rugrat. Stop depending on fringie sites like your beloved (and clearly only source, kos… and btw, kos is NOT a news source, sweetcheeks) and seek out OTHER points of view (especially the ones you ASSume you won’t agree with… it’s called critical thinking and research… something clearly impossible for lemmings.
Of course, growing up will help too.
Why rugrat602, now you are climbing into the ASSes cave too?
C- Crass
A- ASSes
V- Very
E- Excited
Good to see you this sunny Monday morning. Look at the sun, rugrat602. It cleanses you of the leftist “progressive” ASSes bullshit acquired over the weekend!
Oh Puddy, you know they need all that bullshit to keep themselves warm in light of the eeeeevil Republican heating oil crisis specifically designed by the eeeeevil Karl Rove in order to rule the universe!
ProudASS: The LEFTIST morons here on ASSes need George “I don’t Pay US Taxes”, “I have no Blacks on the Payroll”, My money is in the Cayman Islands” Soros to fund their moronic sites: Moveon.org, Media Matters, etc. Daily Kos gets their marching orders from Moveon & Michael Moore crossreferenced to Media Matters.
Clueless & Rugrat602 – Day 0 of not viewing Daily Kurse. The 0 is recycled daily.
ProudASS: I don’t know if thats the real reason. Bullshit is the only thing they know! Burning bullshit does produce heat! Or if they have enough if it they can sink in it and keep warm in the biomass.
If the Congressional Donkocrats are so good, why were their polling numbers lower than the President last week? Hmmm….?
ASS’s favorite “MSM” source is the Reverend Moon’s newspaper. Really “deep” research there.
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
moveon.org, moveon.org bwaaawk bwaaak
leftist pinheads, leftist pinheads bwaaaaaaaaaaawwk
Lets see:
Culture of Life = White Phosphorus used on civilians. Nice.
Fucking Ghouls.
How could I forget the Scaife and the Murdoch papers? The winguts’ luuuurve the “deep” research of those bastions of fascist hate.
rujax@165 sez–
“I am far from the sharpest tool in the box
No shit Sherlock!
You constantly remind all of us of the dork who tries to carve meat with a feather!!
Dr Quest, No, I don’t find it amazing, I find it human. Most of the bravest soldiers in history were common men. Most also think that they didn’t do anything special. America’s history is rich anf full of these men. This country was founded on their hearts, their spirits and their blood. There are philosophers and there are operators. Some men with the most brilliant minds in the world can’t function in the day to day reality of the world. Some can’t even be trusted to change a burned-out light bulb!
Hey Gang-
Here’s the latest from Camp Casey!
Camp Casey 5
by CindySheehan [Unsubscribe]
Mon Nov 28, 2005 at 05:22:56 AM PST
Camp Casey 5
The spin on the news about our weekend in Crawford is wrong and very incomplete.
I was just watching a local news show that said our rally was “poorly” attended on Saturday. There were over 500 people that came in and out on Saturday. I don’t call that poorly attended, especially for a holiday weekend. We feel so happy that we got that many people. People also came to Camp Casey instead of beating each other up at Wal-Mart. No word in the media about the 12 people who came out to Crawford that day to support the killers and the killing.
More Here:
Please see post #181. You dumbass one trick pony.
Camp Casey is a Army Base in South Korea! It’s been there for years and years
The Islamofascist Version Of Women And Children First:
BAGHDAD, Nov. 24 — A suicide attacker steered a car packed with explosives toward U.S. soldiers giving away toys to children outside a hospital in central Iraq on Thursday, killing at least 31 people. Almost all of the victims were women and children, police said.
Before lobotomizing yourselves completely in the name of resistance to the GOP and in support of the democrat party despite the needs of your country, let’s recognize that there is a clear difference between the enemy and our mission in Iraq. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply not thinking.
Dear Camp Casey,
Did you by any chance repeatedly count the same people?
“There were over 500 people that came in and out on Saturday.”
Oh the tangled web we weave…………
Union pension funds are invested in companies that are anti-union. Is this hypocritical of the people who handle the funds? Hardly! The lifeblood of successful corporations is their access to credit. The international bankers set up the criteria for what constitutes a good corporate credit rating and that entails downsizing, offshoring jobs, and in general participating in the corporate world’s race to the bottom. What happens when we reach the bottom? The 1929 stock crash and the subsequent Great Depression are but minor events compared to what’s coming.
But should the pension fund investors be held personally accountable for worldwide trends over which they have no control? Are they hypocrites for investing the pension funds in the best thing an imperfect world offers? No, they are only doing their job to the best of their ability. Only the most unsophisticated Church-Lady type would accuse the pensioners of being hypocrites.
Similarly, if author X ( not the VEEP) finds out that a prominent liberal has money invested in a mutual fund and the mutual fund owns Halliburton stock and then the author accuses the liberal of “hypocrisy” , then that author is the one guilty of hypocrisy. And it is a difficult thing for a person with no morals or standards , like conservative author/hatchetman Peter Schweitzer, to commit a hypocritical act— because he has no moral standards to begin with— yet Schweitzer has found a way to do it.
Put that in your R.J. Reynolds pipe and smoke it!
THESE are the people we’re fihjting for?????
“The Iraqi government is implying that those who target US troops (and even its own security forces) represent legitimate resistance, as long as they don’t target civilians or civil institutions. The not so subtle message is, “Fuck you America. We don’t want you here, but we’ll continue to use your children’s blood to do the job that our people don’t have the heart for.” ”
More Iraq Veteran observations here:
Daily Kos rugrat? Can you be taught?
Ah yes cindy the hapless sheep is now cindly the LONELY hapless sheep.
LMAO… I guess that whole capitalism thing isn’t working out too well for the death-profiting Mom… (no lets just call her an incubator…”mom” demeans real Moms)!
Gee, no kidding!!!
Looks like the Smear Mothers-Soldiers-Patriots wingnut crowd is in full force.
Yeah, smear the Mom of a dead soldier. How very anti-America and unpatriotic of you.
Looks like a nice Krazy Korrupt Konservative is uhhh…going down:
(From Talking Points Memo:
(November 28, 2005 — 01:11 PM EST // link)
So Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham has now admitted to taking bribes to help defense contractors secure contracts. And he’s still on the Appropriations Committee’s defense subcommittee.
— Josh Marshall
Yuk, yuk, yuk.
re 184: You are speaking in a vague but “inspirational” voice. I did not ask you about any other historical figure except , Touissant l’ Ouverture, and you have yet to relay a single correct fact about him. I’m afraid you will need to defer to my judgments on current and Historical events as you clearly lack the intellectual rigor to tackle them.
We’ll discuss these things in more detail when you can explain to me what the PETER PRINCIPLE is. (Hint: It has nothing to do with Tom Likus.)
Stuckonstupiddon: You are such a dipshit. WHom here is smearing her. It’s liberal MSM photographers from liberal MSM web sites who placed her picture in the Internetworld, dipshit! Why not catch a plane to Dallas, drive to Crawford and buy her book? You can be the first to support her quest for NY Times Best Seller list! No you can’t? Well that’s why you are stuckonstupiddon!
the war machine and it’s apologists just rattles on.
P.S. WHO is a COMMUNIST any more. Fergawdssake the frickin’ CHINESE aren’t even Communist. Just shows how stupid, smug and incredibly out of tune you are.
Anyone else notice who the KKK really is allied with in America?
White Supremacist David Duke in Syria
02:29 Nov 24, ’05 / 22 Cheshvan 5766
(IsraelNN.com) Former Ku Klux Klan leader and Louisiana State Representative David Duke was in Syria on Monday to express solidarity with Damascus.
At a press conference in the Damascus’ Rawda Square, Duke said, “I have come to Syria to express my support for the Syrian people…. It’s the duty of every free man to reject the conspiracies and threats Syria is exposed to.” Duke charged that pro-Israel neo-conservatives in the US are controlling American foreign policy and that “Zionist-controlled mass media” are hiding “the reality of Israeli terrorism against the Arabs.”
Attending the press conference were several members of the Syrian parliament, and Arab and foreign correspondents, as well as representatives from Russian academia.
Joe @ 188–
There was a very interesting show last night on Radical Islam and these suicide bombers.
Interestingly, Radical Islam has been building for many, many years. They have built it on the “wombs of their women”. The birth rate is some of these Middle East countries is staggering. Hasam and Jihad harvest these suicide bombers from the local mosques very systematically. Then they brainwash them into believe their death brings glory to them and their families in Allah’s eyes. Since their lives are filled with poverty and ignorance, they are prime candidates for “a better life”.
They interviewed 6 Suicide Bombers who’s bombs failed to detonate and are now in prison. Amazing and scarey to listen to them.
The LEFTIST PINHEADS truly believe that somehow Bush is responsible for this Radical movement and if we only had left them alone nothing bad would happen. FALSE!!!!!!! They are so matter of fact about the righteousness of kiling infidels. The LEFTIST PINHEADS believe that somehow you can “reason” with these suicide bonbers and this Radical Islam movement. It’s not possible folks….but go ahead & try if you like. THEY HATE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE. PERIOD!!
Perhaps they will replay the show or you can get it streamed on-line. You have to see it.
The show on Suicide Bombers was on MSNBC.
Heeeeyyy Pud-Diddy!
Dumber than ever! WooooHoooo!!!
Rugrat602: You like stuckonstupiddon said you are not as smart as others. Well, figure this out. If your buddies on ASSes are stupid moonbat kooks and you are not as sharp as they are, does that make you and donkdon rocket scientists? I think the rocket scientists would beg to differ! Since stuckonstupiddon won’t fly to Texas to vist Sheehan, maybe you can. Be her first!
My God these wingnuts jump all over a mother who’s lost her son in this godawful meatgrinder useless war. What a bunch of hideous ghouls.
I don’t care what Cindy Sheehan says or who she associates with because she asks the pertinent question: why? Why did we let over 2000 americans die in Iraq? Why are so many more missing limbs and suffering other physical and mental traumas? And what we Americans have sacrificed in this war is just a drop in the bucket compared to what the Iraqi people have suffered.
The Iraqis alone had the right to remove their own dictator. We had the bastard contained just fine for the sake of own interests in the region.
Dumb, d, dumb, dumb.
Dumb, d, dumb, dumb, DUMB!
(sung to the tune of “Dragnet”)
I’ll agree with you when you said; “I don’t care what Cindy Sheehan says or who she associates with…”
So you finally admit that the radical fringe leftwing is willing to join forces with the KKK (see my previous post)?
I’m glad that we finally found consensus on that point.
Just give it to us straight for once.
No Bullshit.
I want to hear Bush lay it all out. Just WHY we are there.
What was SOOOO fucking important.
If it wasn’t WMD…’cause there weren’t any (and they KNEW it), and it wasn’t Al Quaida…’cause there was NO link (and they KNEW that, too), then WHAT WAS IT?
We JUST WANT TO KNOW. Is that asking too much? I pay their salaries…I want to know. From THEM. Now.
“The LEFTIST PINHEADS believe that somehow you can “reason” with these suicide bonbers and this Radical Islam movement. It’s not possible folks….but go ahead & try if you like. THEY HATE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE. PERIOD!!”
Ah lets read some ‘reader reviews’ of cindy the hapless sheeps books, shall we?
Not One More Mother’s Child
Dear President Bush ….OOOPS, no reviews there!…of course, she’d actually have to sell a book for it to be read and reviewed…
And golly, gosh, gee whiz… the sheep is just NOWHERE to be found on the best sellers list…. of course, I neglected to look under fiction….
Not finding on the New York Times (Old Joke Times??) list either!
I guess she’s now cindy the IRRELEVANT haplees sheep!
filter caught…again
I should have known it was you, headless, go teach your students something, or mop the floors, just go do whatever it is you do for the Seattle School District! I don’t care about either of them, and they are not real men that every woman would want as you claimed. I also don’t care about your stupid evolutionary principles. Don’t go away – just go away!
David @146,
The point is that the threat is the use of Islam as a state sponsored means of fighting a proxy war with Western countries using terrorists, or anyone who will sign up to fight without uniform, using bombs in dolls handed to children, car bombs, suicide bombers, roadside bombs, etc.
If you really don’t see that all of this hatred is state sponsored, mostly by Iran, but before the war, in large part by Saddam, then you are simply ignoring the facts, which have been thoroughly documented.
WMDs are a red herring in that they have created a whole cottage press industry to analyze how they were the reason we went to war with Iraq, whether or not they were found, etc. There’s voluminous information by former inspectors (one such article is here: http://frontpagemag.com/Articl.....p?ID=20154 and here http://www.worldnetdaily.com/n.....E_ID=38213 ) Bottom line is that it has focused everyone away from the central issue which is state sposored hatred and terror. WMDs don’t kill people, people kill people.
You may not agree with a lot of things about the US. You may not like the President’s decisions. You may agree, as I do, that we should have gone to Iran first, but the point is that there is no denying that the Middle East is a loose coalition of theocracies, or pseudo theocracies and dictatorships. Muslims clerics preach hatred on a daily basis. It is well documented at MEMRI and other Arab language following sites. This does not happen in the US. We do not preach for the death of a whole people based on religious views, or otherwise. It is simply a complete denial of the facts to equate the republican elected government of the US, with the theocracies and dictatorships of the east.
To use the word Crusade is to entirely ignore history. There is no comparison between the religious crusades of Christianity, and an American war effort in the Middle East to try and foster some semblance of freedom and Western ideas in a region that has long been brainwashed into hatred by its leaders. Ask yourself if the Christian Crusaders helped formed new parlimentary governments when they ravaged through the crescent of the Eastern Mediterranean? You would be absolutely correct to codemn the crusades as they were, and to condemn Christianity for its time as a barbaric religion of conquest, however, Christianity of today is quite tame and our military does not operate under any religion. If anything, it’s Islam that looks like it is on a crusade today.
Like it or not, Islam is the banner under which the rag tag army of terrorists march. It might inwardly be a religion of peace, but outwardly it has been hijacked by the majority of Middle Eastern countires as a platform for the rejection of Western ideas and Westerners in general.
Until we confront this larger philosophical battle, we won’t be able to fully suppress their systemic hatred. The Middle East is going to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, but there is no denying the superiority and relative civility of Western ideas vs. the ideas that pervade those countries now. As we see with all third world and second world countries, the sooner they embrace commerce and individual rights and freedom, the sooner they become prosperous and tolerant. Need an example? Compare North and South Korea.
jaybo – stop kidding yourself. You’re an idiot and a fool of the neocons.
I have two kids. Have you ever seen one of yours go in the ground? I don’t care if Cyndy Sheehan is left wing or right wing. I only care if she asks the right questions and she’s done that. And by the way I’ve seen plenty of Bush voters ask that same question. Some still support him but many more are ditching the bastard. Seen the polls lately?
As for David Duke, I have as much regard for him as a dump flushing down the crapper. You’re gaining fast in that department.
211 – So much neocon ideological bullshit there – hardly worth commenting on. Flights of fancy like Saddam’s mobile weapons labs and drone biowarfare planes.
Utterly discredited and bankrupt.
Good fucking luck McDonald.
Your Neo-Clown heros are dragging the rest of the world into a disaster.
Thanks, pal. Nice work.
(wingnutdaily my ass)
If Cindy Sheehan is so against the war, killing, and believes that the US is not worth dying for, then the first person she should have directed those questions to is her son. He raised his right hand and joined the Marines, he raised his right hand again and re-enlisted in the Marines. It was his choice. Trust me, Marines know the danger of their job. US Marines are our Expeditionary Forces, they go first, they go light, and a lot of them die! They know that!
rujax sez:
“WHO is a COMMUNIST any more. Fergawdssake the frickin’ CHINESE aren’t even Communist. Just shows how stupid, smug and incredibly out of tune you are.”
I’ve always referred to you as a LEFTIST PINHEAD, A CLOWN or LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOT…….
Too many of you Government workers have lost sight of what Public Service truly means…
HINT: It isn’t an entitlement!
When are you “Guardians of Public Morality” going to demand that Randy “Duke” Cunningham resign from Congress.
Or is it the “It’sOKIfYou’reARepublican” rules again.
Like good ‘ol Tommy boy (“Oh, if I had a Hammer.” C’mon everybody sing along!!!! “I’d hammer the rocks alllll day”}.
Oh…Public Service…like Chimpy’s “Legions of Losers”.
Yeah! Like that. NOT an entitlement. Yeah!
You have been sucking on the teat WAY toooooooo looooooooong!
Get a real job loser!
It will never cease too amaze me how the moonbats definition of debate is name calling and profanity laden comments that have no facts, no data and no substance.
How do all of you plan on winning the hearts and minds of america that way?
Been there, done that “jaybo”, baby.
You creeps just think you can come here and kick a little “librul” ass, doncha’?
Sorry. Not bitin’ today, tomorrow, next week or ever.
YOU go find out what these lying weasels are doing in YOUR name…if you dare. But you won’t. ‘Cause then you’d be wrong. And you can’t be wrong can you? Of COURSE not. How SILLY of me. DAMN buddy…read the frickin’ NEWSPAPER. The wheels are comin’ off, man. The ship’s goin’ down.
I’VE done the cites. Chapter, verse, and URL. It NEVER matters. YOU can’t be wrong. And I know I’m not (although I’LL allow I can be…but right now, I’m not).
So chew it up and spit it out folks. We went through our “Season of Darkness.” Get ready for yours.
P.S. At 38% approval for the Smirking Chimp, 19% for Dick the Dick, the Abramoff Scandal spooling up and (let’s not forget) Plamegate; I’m not so worried about hearts and minds.
jaybo, the lunacy of your “outrage” about David Duke and the Syrians is exactly why dumbshits like you shouldn’t post.
David Duke Is The Conservatives candidate. He ain’t no liberal or progressive, you moron.
Why do you subject yourself to such easy ridicule?
Rugrat, since CMOH Randy “Duke” cunningham has chosen the honest answer, yes he should go away IF his constituency decides it’s good for them. Not my call jackASS!
You probabaly don’t know what CMOH means without going to Google do you dumbass?
Rugrat, Congressional Donk Approval rate is 34%. Hmmm…? So what is the4 American public to do. The MSM has persuaded the public the war is bad. The military is shocked at this. But wait news flash:
Here is a progressive in action: http://www.wral.com/news/5418362/detail.html
“The MSM has persuaded the public the war is bad. The military is shocked at this.”
More profoundly stupid a statement has never been uttered since PuddyBud’s last post.
Macdonald, Islam has been kidnapped by the extremists of their religion? Sounds like you can change Islam with Chritianity and religion with the GOP and you get the true picture of the USA
He resigned, Pudd-Diddy.
He was on the the defense subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee and he admitted to taking bribes from defense contractors.
$2.4 Million worth.
Another GREAT AMERICAN brought to YOU…by the Republican Party.
How do you people sleep at night. Oh!..I guess you don’t…you’re too giddy about where the next batch of BRIBE money is coming from.
P.S. I JUST CAN’T WAIT to see what WRAL News is going to tell me. Let’s open another window and look Right NOW!!!!!….
He Looks…Hokey Smoke, Bullwinkle!
….Well, well, well Pee-Duddy…you’re sure making a bunch of CLUELESS leaps ‘o logic (or something) here! But logic (or simple deductive reasoning) never HAS been your strong suit, has it? And against a “sistah” too. What a fucking clueless dumbass moron you are, and will always be. How comforting that some things never change.
I like that.
re 196: You are the type who shoots the messenger. Hate to be politically incorrect, but is that feminine hysteria you’re exhibiting, or is this your best effort? You have yet to figure out what’s going on in the world in even the most rudimentary way.
Comment on 130
Excellent post! It’s one thing for a president to make an honest mistake about the need for a war.
It’s quite another thing when a president hoodwinks the public about a war in order to further some grandiose scheme of world domination, nefarious scheme of colonial enterprise, or other self-serving purpose.
Bush appears to be guilty of the latter.
Comment on 130 (continued)
As for this business of labeling Democrats “unpatriotic” — you rightwing bastards are going to pay for that. We will never forget that, and we’re going to get even with you evil slime suckers.
re 224, re 196, re 210: Who is Touissaint l’ Ouverture and what is the significance of 1804 on the former island kingdom of Hispaniola? Who discovered Hispaniola? How much of France’s yearly income (prior to 1804) came from San Domingue ( Hispaniola). 1/3 is the answer. It was the richest colony in the whole hemisphere. Without Touissant l’ Oeverture’s success in battle over the French, we would have been invaded by the vastly superior French army. There is a lot you don’t know about the only Revolution in the entire History of Mankind where slaves actually freed themselves from their masters and established a Republic of their own.
Next Question: How did the “Freedom Loving” U.S. of A. treat the new Republic of Haiti for 60 years following 1804. Keep in mind that for the reactionary powers of the world ( who are still with us in full force) a slave colony that freed itself did not set the sort of example they wanted other people in bondage to see.
Some might say thart Haiti is still being punished for having thetemerity to free themselves from the slaveholders.
Rugrat: I said he should go if his constituency says so. His constituents said so and I thought the rules of Congress were if convicted you are gone. So good riddance. What does CMOH stand for rugratASS? So gloat in his disgrace rugratASS.
And rugratASS, the tasering was to prove how wonderful “progressive” thoughts are jackass. Tasering a child. Yep that’s “progressive”! If you can’t see the fucking logic then you are the dullest knife in the drawer!
Stuckonstupiddon: There was a recent poll of military people about Iraq and how they feel about being there. It was highly positive. They were miffed about the public reaction. But then again stuckonstupiddon, you don’t read polls. It’s in the Washington Post dumbass! The Washington Post words are too big for your small pea-sized brain too.
Headless, I live in the real world. I know full well what pain and suffering are, and I have lived for weeks on end eating cold food from boxes in sweltering heat 24 hours a day. While you stay in your Academia school environment your whole life pretending to know what the world is. Go lose your head in books and stare at the clouds.
Headless, I live in the real world. I know full well what pain and suffering are, and I have lived for weeks on end eating cold food from boxes in sweltering heat 24 hours a day. While you stay in your Academia school environment your whole life pretending to know what the world is. Go lose your head in books and stare at the clouds.
Comment by sgmmac— 11/28/05 @ 1:04 pm
OUCH!!! That is a very telling BURN!
Headlice does live in the snobbish world of reading about poverty while drawing a healthy government salary.
Another guilt-ridden CLOWN!
How do you know this person is a “progressive”????
She WORKS for a University????
In the ZOOLOGY Department??? THAT makes HER a PROGRESSIVE???
Are you REALLY that stupid? Fuck! I guess so.
What if she’s a Seventh Day Adventist? What EXACTLY do you KNOW about this person??? Holy crap what a dumbass you are!
Man!…If you’r0e as smart as the rest of the right…we’re gonna win in a WALK! Tasering sounds more like DOBSON to me.
The IdiotBoy Speaks @ 228 “There was a recent poll of military people about Iraq and how they feel about being there. It was highly positive. They were miffed about the public reaction.”
Lets see it IdiotBoy! Or are you again pulling stuff out of your large round pink ass?
So this is a corrupt Republican Congressman who sits on the defense subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee and he admitted to taking bribes from defense contractors DURING WARTIME (we ARE at war aren’t we, asshat?).
So he should be cut some slack because he won a CMOH in another immoral war (immaterial)…because he was a decorated VietNam Vet he should be EXCUSED for profiting ($2.4 Million worth) from this war effort.
Wouldn’t he be about the WORST kind of thief?
And what does that make YOU for defending him?
Shouldn’t he be PROSECUTED? Isn’t that just a little TREASONOUS????
Oh sorry!
I forgot.
You fuckheads wonder why we don’t respect you OR the Republican Party.
Puddybud @ 220.
Puddybud wrote:
“since CMOH Randy “Duke” Cunningham has chosen the honest answer, yes he should go away IF his constituency decides it’s good for them. Not my call jackASS!”
A) Randy Cunningham was never awarded the Medal of Honor, only nominated.
B) It’s not up to the people of his constituency to decide. They guy is now a convicted felon. He will not be allowed to retain his seat by law.
C) For such a highly decorated combat pilot, doesn’t his actions, which he surely knew were illegal if not immoral, bring disgrace to his Congressional Medal of “Honor” nomination, his status as a fighter Ace, his Navy Cross awards, Silver Stars and other distinguished medals?
I say it does.
It’s time for all honest Americans, be they Republican or otherwise, to recognize the corruption that is plaguing the Republican party like no other time in history. I know you will find links to all sorts of Democrats who have had legal problems, but Puddybud, even you have to admit the list is growing ever longer by the day of corrupt politicians. And, for the most part they have overwhelmingly been Republican.
Like the Republican Southern Strategy, this is not a few loose cannons in your party, this is indicative of a party-wide mindset that is causing so much corruption in the RNC it’s bringing disgrace to America.
It’s time to choose Puddybud: America or Conservatism. You are either with us (America) or against us (Conservatism). Pick a side Puddybud because you can’t pick America and be a conservative at the same time.
So rugratASS you went to Google and figured it out? Good for you. Now how many are still alive? I don’t excuse his actions dumbass. He is corrupt and has admitted to his sins. Send him up the river. Boy you are a strange one.
Regarding the WaPo article, go find it yourself. I told you where to find it. I provide link after link. What do you provide rugratASS. Daily Kurse? Media Morons? Mooron.Org? Are these news sites or leftist blather? About time you useful idiots performed your own due diligence. Sorry leftist knuckledraggers, you’ll have to work for a change. And rugratASS the ass is not pink. Maybe your ass is now that you were mounted in the FREEMOUNT DISTRICT!
Regarding Mrs Taser, what do I need to know about her? So you above condemn Randy Cunningham without knowing about him except what you read in the paper and his conviction but you don’t know the circumstances; but she gets a pass for hurting a child? You are a dumbass. Overwhelmingly colleges are liberal bastions of thoughtlessness. Poll after poll have proven this! You don’t taser a child. Why do I say it’s “progressive”? Just look at the jackass who came from Warren Community College, instructor John Daly, who said “Frag your Officers”. He wanted to shut up the student who invited a military hero from Iraq to Warren Community College who would provide a positive view of the military in Iraq. An admitted leftist says frag your officers. Only from the mind of a lefty! Yes another “progressive” from the FREEMOUNT DISTRICT Cesspool of New Jersey
Get Help.
GBS, I stand corrected. I read he was a winner for his providing cover actions while his plane was under stress.
Anyone can be corrupt. We are becoming a self-serving, selfish society. Look at the politics here in Washington State. I have read stories of Gregoire wearing a white robe in her soriety and the pain that it caused a black woman going to their college. I have read of the coroner of King County selling brains in exchange for workers without permission from the families, I have read of sexual abuse of little boys at a camp, I have read that guards in a Detention Center deliberately put males in the female quarters and turned their backs while the males raped the girls as a treat so that the males would behave better. The stories go on and on and on. Look at the extremes that political parties are going to just to get their guy elected. Lying, Cheating, Stealing, Fraud, Corruption, it’s everywhere, everybody can do it.
RugratASS telling me I am nuts? From the most vile hate filled sewer spewing leftist pinhead moonbat here on ASSes? Did you take your FUKITOL today?
I guess little old me destroying all these well held myths by URLs are hurtful rugratASS? I don’t need Free Republic. You need daily kos to prove your points.
PuddyBud “I guess little old me destroying all these well held myths by URLs are hurtful ”
Uh.. PuddyBud, my friend, you are definitely sufferring from wild delusions. “little old you” are merely providing increasing evidence of wingnut kool-aid drunkeness. You are not unaware of the facts, you just cannot face the truth.
One of those good news-bad news days for Cindy Sheehan.
First, the bad news. Based on the photos I have seen, book sales are a little slow and these pics were taken Friday on the biggest shopping day of the year.
The Good news: When you pull up stakes at Crawford, your agent has booked the Sheehalapalozza tour a gig in lovely Moses Lake WA.
Nice little place. Cool lakes…… little airstrip, crisp air…. little dusty however. Not good for the skin.
From the…
I LOVE to Irritate the Pud(umb)ster Dept.:
From Steve Gilliard’s NewsBlog (another one you’ll like puddly)…from a DailyKos diary:
“I’m back from Thanksgiving with my wife’s family and I’ve got some first-hand feedback from the troops on Iraq, leaving Iraq, and Murtha. You see, my wife is a former military officer and her brother is an active-duty Major, decorated Army Ranger, and West Point graduate with more than 15 years in and about to ship out to Afghanistan. My wife is a good liberal on military issues, while my brother-in-law has always been a thoughtful and nice guy, but very conservative, especially on military issues. We’ve always gotten along well and been very respectful of each other, but totally disagreed on Republicans and military issues.
My brother-in-law thinks that Murtha is 100% right and that we should pull back in Iraq to forward operating bases in Kuwait, if not leave entirely. Even more interesting, my brother-in-law says that ALL of his officer friends in the 10th Mountain (a real front-line outfit) and around the military agree as well.
My brother-in-law is a gregarious, well-connected guy and literally has hundreds of well placed friends at the rank of Major and above. He says that ALL of his miltiary friends feel Iraq is a “mistake” and a “meatgrinder” that serves no purpose anymore if it ever did.”
GBS: Did you read paragraph 1 in comment #232? I said “I thought the rules of Congress were if convicted you are gone.”
I suggested months ago we should throw out all the rascals when it was noted by me and others how many trips on both sides of the aisle are paid by lobbyists: americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/congtravel/member_by_cost_report.php?limit=100 – Remember I denoted that James “Pass Those Phone Conversation Tapes McDermott is in the top ten of junketers. Remember is was loosy who brought up all the trips of DeLay. I proved to loosy Tom wasn’t even in the top 30. Look where Jesse Jackson Jr. is. He’s in the top thirty! So I have been honest in my assessment of congressional pork, in trips and bacon to the home district. What have you all been honest about except your hatred of GWB?
Golly stuckonstupiddon, what facts do you bring to the table except opponent denigration through negative name calling? I remember your rant last week over PacMan where you “claimed” he called you names. Didn’t you first call him PacFeces? Hmmm…? I remember him correcting you and saying his name was PacMan.
From the fingers of stuckonstupiddon:”On case you can’t hear it Mudster/PacFeces the sound being played now is people laughing at yest another right wing troll caught with his pants down and nothing to show for his effort but a red ass.”
Comment by Donnageddon — 5/3/05 @ 10:37 pm
The PacMan response:”Donnageddon, the name is PacMan not what you supply as your child’s toothpaste.
Goldy, you can see my IP address when I post unless your blog is not as powerful as Stefan’s? Please explain to Donnageddon that I am down here South of San Francisco. You can see my IP Address has a Pac Bell net on it, right? Donnageddon, is your silly argument so weak you accuse people of things you have no idea about?”
Comment by PacMan – 5/4/05 @ 6:51 am
So slimeball extraordinaire, what’s your excuse for living? What do you bring except hype from leftist moonbat sites? STFU stuckonstupiddon. You said you are dumb and you prove it everyday on ASSes.
PuddyBud, with a mouth flinging spittle everywhere, said “You said you are dumb and you prove it everyday on ASSes.”
Uh.. you are lying again, PuddyBud.
PuddyBud “I remember your rant last week over PacMan where you “claimed†he called you names.”
Uh.. “claimed”? I suppose you think all those epithets from PacMan were terms of endearment.
Stuckonstupiddon: You and rugratASS are mental dwarfs when it comes challenging me on the Internet. I can find just about anything you say on ASSes WITHOUT using Goldy’s search feature. Do you need further truth of the guttermouth you really are? You are almost as vile as rugratASS. If it wasn’t for daily kos and it’s links, most of you ASSes would not have any discussion items.
As I stated earlier, Dr. E, Mr X, and GBS are the most widely read here. When they state something I have to SEARCH to find out what they are saying and if I can corroborate it with neutral sites. For a perfesser, DJ’s presentation is so biased to the left, he is easily swatted like a fly on the wall. BTW DJ, still waiting for you to prove where have YOU EVER DISAGREED with the Head ASS himself? Dr. E, Mr X, and GBS have. Speaking of neutral, can either of you find more than one neutral site to prove your points?
StuckASS: Find an earlier link where he called you a name? Go ahead prove your Internet prowess. All of us will wait.
PuddyBud, in a real froth, beat his fleshy chest and yelled from atop his mountain of ensure cans:
“You and rugratASS are mental dwarfs when it comes challenging me on the Internet. I can find just about anything you say on ASSes WITHOUT using Goldy’s search feature.”
PuddyBud, the other kids on the little bus must be very impressed by your internet search prowess. You are truly one of Gods “special” wonders.
Oh Mighty PuddyDuddy!
I BOW before your MASTERY of the INTERNETS.
(snicker, snicker)
P.S. Hey Pud…would you mind cleaning your DROOL off the site? It’s disgusting and it SMELLS like cat piss.
Nick-Nack PUDDLY-Whack!
Hey Donna-
Lets PANTS him next time he goes by!
“a clear pattern emerges. Bush officials first put clear pressure on the intelligence community to support their assumptions that Saddam was developing WMD and cooperating with al-Qaida. Nonetheless, significant contrary evidence emerged. Bush hawks then overlooked, suppressed, or willfully ignored whatever cut against their views. In public, they depicted unsettled questions as dead certainties. Then, when they were caught out and proven wrong, they resisted the obvious and refused to correct the record. Finally, when their positions became utterly untenable, they claimed that they were misinformed or not told. Call this behavior what you will, but you can’t describe it as either “honest” or “truthful.” ”
-Jacob Weisberg, Salon.com
Well I am waiting StuckASS for that link. Your friend rugratASS can help you break out of the Internet prison. No rugratASS, don’t bow to me. Bow down to Jesus, instead of the daily kos alter. Come on. I have thrown down the gauntlet. All rugratASS has are silly junior-high pranks and stolen tunes and you StuckASS have nothing. I assume DJ and others are diligently searching to help you two imbeciles.
Here’s an interesting comment from an interesting blog by a thoughtful and well-informed man e.i. Dr. Juan Cole:
“Let me finish with a word to W. As for your legacy two decades from now, George, let me clue you in on something–as a historian. In 20 years no Iraqis will have you on their minds one way or another. Do you think anyone in Egypt or Israel is still grateful to Jimmy Carter for helping bring to an end the cycle of Egyptian-Israeli wars? Jimmy Carter powerfully affected the destinies of all Egyptians and Israelis in that key way. Most people in both countries have probably never heard of him, and certainly no one talks about the first Camp David Accords anymore except as a dry historical subject. The US pro-Israel lobby is so ungrateful that they curse Carter roundly for all the help he gave Israel. Human beings don’t have good memories for these things, which is why we have to have professional historians, a handful of people who are obsessed with the subject. And I guarantee you, George, that historians are going to be unkind to you. You went into a major war over a non-existent nuclear weapons program. Presidents’ reputations don’t survive things like that. Historians are creatures of documents and precision. A wild exaggeration with serious consequences is against everything they stand for as a profession. So forget about history and destiny and the divine will. You are at the helm of the Exxon Valdez and it is headed for the shoals. You can’t afford to daydream about future decades.”
Lots more good stuff here: (@Informed Comment)
@ 244
Yes, anyone “can” be corrupt, but, c’mon bro. Be real. Who’s in the news for crimes, investigations, investigations, and indictments?
Republcians or Democrats?
When are you gonna pay up on your debt via PacMan?
I’m getting hungry over here. And as they say on in Tom DeLay’s office “the friggin’ juice is running at 5 points a day.”
Know what I mean?
Puddybud @ 249
I stand corrected, you did say @ 232 “I thought the rules of Congress were if convicted you are gone.”
My bad. You’re right about me being wrong, about me being right about conservatives being wrong. Whew! Glad I got that cleared up about you, about me, about you, about “Duke” talking to Rujax.
Funny GBS. Yes lately the Republicans are acting just like the Democrats of Jim Wright days. Looks like the Dan Rostenkowski lessons were lost on Randy Cunningham. How sad a top gunner went there. Your side has the upper hand in righteousness at this time.
I haven’t heard from PacMan since he said he was taking a few days to be with his family. So I’ll wait until he contacts me and the $20 bill he pays with will be from my wallet.
You’re on drugs again, Pud. No such poll exists.
Yes, Juan Cole is a pretty good source of information. If you scroll down a bit on his main page you’ll find the following comment about Iraq:
“My only dissent is that I do believe that if the Americans aren’t very careful about how they do it, when they withdraw there will be a civil war and possibly a regional war. What Lebanon should have taught us is that when sectarian conflicts develop into guerrilla war, and when the central government and its army are for any reason paralyzed, a conventional war can easily ensue. As for a statute of limitations on “you broke it, you own it,” whatever it is it is surely longer than 2 years.”
Right above that, you’ll find a link to the Daou Report’s ten pro-war fallacies, which is very much worth a read. I’m always heartened when someone else has done a thorough job of parsing the illogical arguments put forward by politicians (left or right), showing those arguments for what they are: straw men. In my book, there’s nothing in more urgent need of such dissection than the illogical reasoning, dissembling, and downright lies being put forward by the GOP message machine about their murderous misadventure in Iraq.
My comment on Juan Cole (above) should appear in due course…
And if you need more to read (while you’re waiting my previous post (on Juan Cole, above) to emerge from the filtered netherworld, check out the Philosoraptor’s blog, which provides a pretty cogent dissection of the Bush administration’s rationales for the Iraq war.
Sorry, link to above article (“Iraq Intelligence Inquiry Initiative”) is here:
RugratASS: Excerpt from the article:
“The military’s enthusiasm about the course of the war may be natural among those four-star officers in leadership positions, for it has largely become their war. Their careers have become so intertwined with the campaign in Iraq that truly independent analysis may be difficult. But it is striking that most lower-ranking officers seem to share the irrepressible optimism of their superiors. In talking with at least 50 officers this year, I have met no more than a handful expressing any real doubt about the basic course of the war.”
It was yesterday and Rush Limbaugh read part of it on the air today! I received this through my web subscription. Once again rugratASS you don’t know shit!
PuddyBud @ 260 “Well I am waiting StuckASS for that link.”
Uh.. WTF are you talking about Puddy?
Puddybud @ 265
I almost took a fork and gouged my own eyes out in disbelief!!!
I’m going to quote you here; is this a typo, my misunderstanding or, are you actually saying what I think you’re saying?
“Your side has the upper hand in righteousness at this time.”
“It was yesterday and Rush Limbaugh read part of it on the air today!”
PuddyBud, whatever you are babbling about, I’ll bet your testicles dropped when you heard Rush babble along with you.
Rush is so full of shit his ears stink.
From Sy Hersch in the New Yorker:
“There are grave concerns within the military about the capability of the U.S. Army to sustain two or three more years of combat in Iraq. Michael O’Hanlon, a specialist on military issues at the Brookings Institution, told me, “The people in the institutional Army feel they don’t have the luxury of deciding troop levels, or even participating in the debate. They’re planning on staying the course until 2009. I can’t believe the Army thinks that it will happen, because there’s no sustained drive to increase the size of the regular Army.” O’Hanlon noted that “if the President decides to stay the present course in Iraq some troops would be compelled to serve fourth and fifth tours of combat by 2007 and 2008, which could have serious consequences for morale and competency levels.”
Many of the military’s most senior generals are deeply frustrated, but they say nothing in public, because they don’t want to jeopardize their careers. The Administration has “so terrified the generals that they know they won’t go public,” a former defense official said. A retired senior C.I.A. officer with knowledge of Iraq told me that one of his colleagues recently participated in a congressional tour there. The legislators were repeatedly told, in meetings with enlisted men, junior officers, and generals that “things were fucked up.” But in a subsequent teleconference with Rumsfeld, he said, the generals kept those criticisms to themselves.
One person with whom the Pentagon’s top commanders have shared their private views for decades is Representative John Murtha, of Pennsylvania, the senior Democrat on the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. The President and his key aides were enraged when, on November 17th, Murtha gave a speech in the House calling for a withdrawal of troops within six months. The speech was filled with devastating information. For example, Murtha reported that the number of attacks in Iraq has increased from a hundred and fifty a week to more than seven hundred a week in the past year. He said that an estimated fifty thousand American soldiers will suffer “from what I call battle fatigue” in the war, and he said that the Americans were seen as “the common enemy” in Iraq. He also took issue with one of the White House’s claims—that foreign fighters were playing the major role in the insurgency. Murtha said that American soldiers “haven’t captured any in this latest activity”—the continuing battle in western Anbar province, near the border with Syria. “So this idea that they’re coming in from outside, we still think there’s only seven per cent.””
Actually, you know what? You’re right about Cunningham, it is truly sad that such an esteemed warrior would defy the public’s trust and confidence for money.
WE all have our moments of weakness and do the wrong thing, but this one is personally difficult for me to fathom. I know this will sound a bit crass, and I am being bias, but being an ex-sailor I would have expected much more from a naval aviator than that.
As a person, I can forgive his weakness since he confessed and he will have to pay his dues to society. I know he’s lost some valuable property over it already.
But, from a warrior’s prespective, it doesn’t matter if you’re left, right or in the center, that’s a betrayal of the American people’s trust that he knew was wrong and without reservation.
Well pud-duddle-ster-
There is a SHARPLY different take from a MUCH more credible source working its way through the filter. It just doesn’t make sense that a military man would back a political clusterfuck like this…and I don’t think it’s true, regardless of the persons personal politics.
Oh and I’d sure take the word of the pillpopper! Yessireebobby!
It’s a fucking OPINION column, moron:
Hersh’s article in the New Yorker says this:
“Many of the military’s most senior generals are deeply frustrated, but they say nothing in public, because they don’t want to jeopardize their careers. The Administration has “so terrified the generals that they know they won’t go public,” a former defense official said. A retired senior C.I.A. officer with knowledge of Iraq told me that one of his colleagues recently participated in a congressional tour there. The legislators were repeatedly told, in meetings with enlisted men, junior officers, and generals that “things were fucked up.” But in a subsequent teleconference with Rumsfeld, he said, the generals kept those criticisms to themselves.”
I don’t know who’s a bigger idiot…you for misrepresenting the cite…or ME for believing you.
Fool me once shame on you…fool me twice…uhhhhh…we won’t get fooled again.
Thanks for the tip, Doc.
I like that egghead shit.
Your side has the upper hand in righteousness at this time.
I hardly believe my eyes myself.
Now if only something could sink into the numb skull of that little creep DOOFUS.
Almost forgot about the newest resident of CAAALEEFUURNEEAAA – XmasCrankFiend – I bet she lives in Cunningham’s district.
Hold on here, Hold on!!
Comment by Puddybud — 11/28/05 @ 1:01 pm
“There was a recent poll of military people about Iraq and how they feel about being there. It was highly positive. They were miffed about the public reaction. But then again stuckonstupiddon, you don’t read polls. It’s in the Washington Post dumbass! The Washington Post words are too big for your small pea-sized brain too.”
And there is NO POLL!. It is an opinion column.
PuddyBud, your prowess at the internet is called into question. We all know you are insane, but now you are just filling up the page with LIES!
Ahme on you PuddyBud, what would Jesus think about your shameful, anti-christian behaviour?
Tsk, tsk.
janet @ #4
sheesh… are you a profesional juxtapositionist?
GWB, who planned for nothing, lied about everything, said “OBL who?”… this is your definition of intellectual rigor?
New article from the AP:
Ex-Powell Aide Criticizes Detainee Effort
“[Lawrence Wilkerson] said Monday that wrongheaded ideas for the handling of foreign detainees arose from White House and Pentagon officials who argued that “the president of the United States is all-powerful” and the Geneva Conventions irrelevant.
Wilkerson blamed Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and like-minded aides. He said Cheney must have sincerely believed that Iraq could be a spawning ground for new terror assaults, because “otherwise I have to declare him a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard.”
Hmmm, I don’t remember anywhere in the US Constitution where the POTUS is said to be considered “all-powerful.”
Did either of you read the full article? It’s an opinion piece with a poll in it. The reporter polled the troops lower echelon officers rugratASS and StuckASS. He polled over 50 of them. What is a poll? He polled the officers. Man you two are dull knives!
Poll – 5 a : a questioning or canvassing of persons selected at random or by quota to obtain information or opinions to be analyzed b : a record of the information so obtained
Direct from Mirriam-Webster, the American Dictionary.
Uhhh, actually JDM, it was me.
I uhhh, ruined the civil discourse thing, sorry.
BTW-can I WATCH Janet be a profesional juxtapositionist? I mean…is she HOT???
Yeah Dipstick…
“In talking with at least 50 officers this year, I have met no more than a handful expressing any real doubt about the basic course of the war.”
Wow! That’s one scien-fucking-tific piece of work, all right. The MOE on THIS sucker is oh let’s say 50%…FIFTY FUCKING PERCENT!!!
Maaan…I hope you work for your uncle or something ’cause I’d FIRE a dumbass like you.
StuckASS, I have no idea what Jesus thinks, but we do know Satan whispers in your ear. You rejected Jesus so Satan is your only friend now. That’s so sad!!!
Aww rugratASS says “it’s not a scientific poll” RugratASS, you were the one trumpeting the CBS and ABC polls regarding GWB in September/October and now we find those were non-scientific polls. Wooohooo, BFD rugratASS!
Sez who dumbshit…you and wingnutdaily? Or you and the pillpopper?
Pray for a brain transplant, dude.
Besides dumbass…it’s November and 36%!
Check out Pollkatz:
Read ’em and weep.
Not me dipshit, ABC and CBS were called on it and they admitted it. They biased their polls with more donkocrats over independents and republicans. I posted the URL three weeks ago.
Lookie here rugratASS:
58 percent of Californians want the U.S. to keep its troops in Iraq at some level. The largest group in the state wants troops levels to stay the same or increase:
Keep troop level same or increse = 36%
Withdrawl some troops = 22%
Withdrawl ALL troops = 30%
Don’t know = 12%
Now here is an interesting poll rugratASS. http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....00745.html
Their poll also indicates many Americans are skeptical of Democratic complaints about the war. Just three of 10 adults accept that Democrats are leveling criticism because they believe this will help U.S. efforts in Iraq. A majority believes the motive is really to “gain a partisan political advantage.” – Translation 7 in 10 people disapprove of democrat criticism of the war and it’s effect!!!
“Even so, there is still support for Bush’s policy going forward. A plurality, 49 percent, believe that troops should come home only when the Iraqi government can provide for its own security, while 16 percent support immediate withdrawal, regardless of the circumstances.”
Seventy percent of people surveyed said that criticism of the war by Democratic senators hurts troop morale–with 44 percent saying morale is hurt “a lot,” according to a poll taken by RT Strategies. Even self-identified Democrats agree: 55 percent believe criticism hurts morale, while 21 percent say it helps morale. . . .
Their poll also indicates many Americans are skeptical of Democratic complaints about the war. Just three of 10 adults accept that Democrats are leveling criticism because they believe this will help U.S. efforts in Iraq. A majority believes the motive is really to “gain a partisan political advantage.”
The Washington Times’ Jennifer Harper and the Los Angeles Times’ Max Boot both note the result of another poll, this one by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, which shows that the general public is considerably more optimistic about Iraq than just about any group of “opinion leaders.” Respondents were asked if they thought efforts to establish a successful democracy there will succeed or fail:… (go look for yourselves, fringies and fruitcakes).
Well I’m glad YOU want to kill more American Soldiers, but most of the rest of us (the SANE ones) don’ agree:
From http://www.pollingreport.com/iraq.htm
The Harris Poll. Nov. 8-13, 2005. N=1,011 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
“Do you favor keeping a large number of U.S. troops in Iraq until there is a stable government there OR bringing most of our troops home in the next year?”
As of 11/8-13/05
Wait for Stable Government 35%
Bring Home In Next Year 63%
Unsure 3%
% % %
Not only the Harris Poll, but you (yes, dumbass, even YOU) can read results from:
CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll
Newsweek Poll
FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll (I’m fair AND unbalanced)
NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll
You’ll notice that the results are REMARKABLY similar…with the obvious exception.
The Washington Post is STILL a big-time shill for this immoral and subsequently ill-fated exercise. So thier poll results don’t surprise me.
This is going bad. It’s getting WORSE.
Something terrible is going to happen if we don’t get out soon.
But you won’t care. Blinded by the right.
Max Boot!!!!
Max Boot!!!!
Max Boot!!!!
Max Boot!!!!
Jackbooted Thug!!!
Jackbooted Thug!!!
Jackbooted Thug!!!
Well it’s been fun wingnutz, but y’all wore ‘ol Rujax out.
RugratASS: Amazing you forgot to print these two.
“Do you think recent news coverage of the situation in Iraq has focused too much on the positive, too much on the negative, or given a balanced description of the situation there?”
Too Too
Positive Negative Balanced Depends (vol.) Unsure
11% 52% 23% 6% 9%
“What do you want U.S. troops in Iraq to do? Do you want them to leave Iraq and come home now or do you want them to stay in Iraq and finish the job?”
Leave Now Finish Job Unsure
36% 55% 9%
Dr. E @ 267: Thanks for providing “a link to the Daou Report’s ten pro-war fallacies, which is very much worth a read. I’m always heartened when someone else has done a thorough job of parsing the illogical arguments put forward by politicians (left or right), showing those arguments for what they are: straw men. In my book, there’s nothing in more urgent need of such dissection than the illogical reasoning, dissembling, and downright lies being put forward by the GOP message machine about their murderous misadventure in Iraq.”
There’s a common theme in Peter Daou’s top ten pro-Iraq War fallacies, Goldy’s Goering quote citation and the conclusions I laid out above (in posts 130, 133 and 149): It’s becoming increasingly obvious how the Bush administration misled the nation—lying to us about the threat, bullying its opponents with accusations of un-patriotism and assistance to ‘the enemy,’ and abusing our trust in order to rush headlong into a war we did not need to fight.
Is it any wonder we’ve become increasingly disgusted with and distrustful of this President? He has no one to blame but himself.
Wow what caught the filter?
So Dr E. – You placed the “Salon” article for review. Let’s assume most of his assertions are true. Let’s review the world events. No spin just events. This list is from my knowledge of world events. There are more I just forgot them. Let’s see, we invade Iraq:
1.) Pakistani Dr. Khan comes clean about nuclear secrets to rogue states.
2.) North Korea decides to come back to the bargaining table after faking out whom? Clinton, HalfBright, Cahhhhrter, et. al.
3.) Libya gives up their hidden nuclear and chemical weapons programs.
4.) Iran starts talks nuclear with European Union because they have to. Now we see the Russians learned that Iran is training Chechan muslims in war against Russia.
5.) China publically acknowledges it’s muslim extremism problems.
6.) Pakistan admits their madrassas are preaching hatred. Musharaff arrests 140 hatred preaching mullahs after two attacks on his life.
7.) Saudi Arabia cracks down on internal extremists and admit madrassas preach hatred after many of their people die.
8.) Indonesia admits it has muslim extremists in their population especially after the Bali explosion.
9.) Phillipines cracks down on their extremists and kill many.
10.) Syria is being isolated for their extremist support.
I’m not going to argue your knowledge of world events, but one could debate the suggestion you seem to be making that the US invasion of Iraq led to these 10 events you’ve named above. Some do have a connection to the greater “war on terror” and the ramp up of intelligence operations (i.e. Pakistan), others seem to be more tenuous, like #2 (North Korea, whose agreements to negotiate at six-party talks have little, if anything to do with the US invasion of Iraq, at least as far as I can see).
But, even if we assume all these events to be direct consequences of the us invasion of Iraq, that still leaves a couple of questions:
1. Was it our stated intention in invading Iraq to cause all these ostensibly positive developments to occur? (If not, then these are either ex post facto rationalizations, or perhaps just unintended side effects.)
2. Was it/has it been worth the sacrifice in lives and irreparable injuries (both US and Iraqis, the latter having carried a much heavier toll than the former), destruction of infrastructure, cost to the US economy, etc. to effect these changes in the world?
And one more:
2a. Could these changes have been effected by other (non-military) means?
The final question (and-a-half) frame the issue for me in more ethical terms.
PuddyBud, I would hav assmed even you would be
a) not so stupid
b) not so dishonest
c) not so willing to show yourself for the fool you are
as to present an opinion piece where the opinionater states that he TALKED to 50 people in Iraq and try to pass that off as a POLL.
That is just the cheapest, lowest most asinine, dipshit, dishonest and foul thing I have seen sine the last post by jaybo.
Check this out PuddyBud, I talked to 75 Americans over thanksgiving and 99% of them think Bush should be impeached, tried at The Hague, and then hanged for crimes against humanity.
Quote that asshole.
By the way, if you assume most of Daou’s arguments to be true (which you don’t have to – they could be contested, which would probably be interesting), that would essentially cede those talking points to be nothing other than straw men… You can fight back on these ones — I’d really like to hear logical attempts to refute his arguments — as I do think that the Dems certainly should shoulder their share of the blame for allowing (and in some cases, downright enabling) this invasion to happen.
Toussaint l’ Ouverture( The One Who Always Finds An Opening)
And PuddyBud, I did not reject Jesus. You did. And you prove it with every post you make.
Have you seen “The Agronomist”? (Just curious… the film doesn’t have much directly to do with Toussaint l’Ouverture.)
Cunningham Quits House in Bribery Flap
So, what are we waiting for? Hang the SOB.
Nothing worse than a politician caught with his hand up the skirt of the public trust.
Did he tell you he was a “war hero” too? He is.
Funny, War Hero’s can be assholes too. (cough)
Two Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee staffers who worked for Senator Chuck Schumer and are now accused of illegally obtaining the credit report of a Republican candidate for the Senate.
The two staffers have resigned, and Sen. Schumer – chairman of the DSCC – denies any involvement.
The Senator from New York “has presided over a genuine scandal the Old Media has ignored, In a dirty tricks scheme worthy of the infamous Watergate ‘plumbers,’ two of Schumer’s DSCC staffers took their opposition research assignment to the max: preparing to smear Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steel, a Republican candidate for Senate.”
DSCC research director Katie Barge – who came to Schumer directly from the liberal George Soros-funded Web site Media Matters – and staffer Lauren Weiner used Steele’s Social Security number, reportedly obtained from court records, to “fraudulently and illegally obtain his credit report,” according to Investor’s Business Daily.
Chuck the Schmuck and his merry band of Plumbers. Remember folks, do as they say and not as they do!
The Fair Credit Reporting Act makes it a federal crime to knowingly and willfully obtain a person’s credit report without their consent or under false pretenses.
The felony is punishable with a fine and up to two years in prison.
Schumer, ironically, last April introduced a bill aimed at preventing identity theft.
But “he has not abandoned his dirt-diggers,” and is paying “for Barge and Weiner’s attorney William Lawler III – the Democrat-infamy lawyer who represented ex-Gov. Jim McGreevey (D-N.J.) during his 2004 sex scandal.
And the anti-Steele mud is still being slung.
The Senatorial campaign of Steele, an African-American, blasted as “gutter racism” a blog containing a doctored photo showing Steele in minstrel makeup – part of what the Steele camp believe is a coordinated Democratic attack on the Republican.
Democrats have reportedly also called him “Uncle Tom” and “Sambo” and pelted him with Oreo cookies during a 2002 campaign debate.
Amazing. And the dems are always calling the GOP racist. Wait a sec…… KKK Byrd is a Dem Ghaaadddammaaaat! I wonder what the Exalted Cylops has to say about this!
The moral of the story, you ask?
Simply put: Question authority!!!
StuckASS: Nice! “I would hav assmed” Yes, StuckAss I agree; you are an ass!
Dr E. – Let’s for a second dissect North Korea. First they sabre rattle and say “We have a bomb”. Everyone says how can you have a bomb? Wait a minute NK, you signed an agreement with Jimmy Cahhhhrter for Bill Clinton and he said you were in compliance. You mean Mr. Bill lied or you guys in NK misled Bill?
Best timelines I could find are from Clinton Network News:
and the more thorough CBC Timeline:
Pay close attention to the 2003 items in the CBC report.
Dr E. continued. I will use the Rupert Wabbet continual posting method. The questions asked by you are:
1. Was it our stated intention in invading Iraq to cause all these ostensibly positive developments to occur? (If not, then these are either ex post facto rationalizations, or perhaps just unintended side effects.) – I doubt it like you do. But who knows what Wolfowitz and others were thinking. Remember in January 2002 SOTU address: January 29: Bush labels North Korea, Iran and Iraq an “axis of evil”. “By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger,” he says. We now know that Clinton knew they were enriching Uranium but didn’t tell anyone about it because he term was up.
2. Was it/has it been worth the sacrifice in lives and irreparable injuries (both US and Iraqis, the latter having carried a much heavier toll than the former), destruction of infrastructure, cost to the US economy, etc. to effect these changes in the world? – Probably not. I see where you are going, but hindsight is always 20-20.
And one more:
2a. Could these changes have been effected by other (non-military) means? – No! Did you know what Libya was doing in the 90s? Did you know about Dr. Khan? I didn’t. You did read where NK tells the world they lied to Clinton and the world. Who is pissed more? China and Russia. They are next door neighbors and don’t like the fact that NK now has weapons.
PuddyBud reponds!
“Jimmy Cahhhhrter for Bill Clinton…”
“from Clinton Network News…”
“Clinton knew they were enriching Uranium but didn’t tell…”
“NK tells the world they lied to Clinton…”
WOW! One would think that Clinton had been President for the last 5 years!
“hindsight is always 20-20” Yes, it is Mr Bud, especially when you are running as fast as you can from the reality of Bush’s disasterous forign policies!
StuckASS: Dr E & I are having an intelligent adult conversation here. I realize you, possessing child-like mental qualities (idiot savant?), are jealous we are talking over your head. Close your eyes StuckASS and Picture This: Dr E. and I are discussing cause and effect world events, something a dull knife like you can’t fathom. You need an earpiece and someone mouthing soothing words in your ear from the idiot savant control center in the next room. End of Picture.
Children are not allowed, so run along now StuckASS.
Q: What sits in the kitchen and keeps getting smaller and smaller?
A: StuckASS combing his hair with a potato peeler!
PuddyBud gets a booster seat for the podium. I have no more time for childish ways, the PuddyBud states with a flourish of his pudgy pink hands. Then a urine pool develops around his feet.
Whaaah!!! Says the PuddyBud. Whaaaah! It’s Clinton’s fault!
The assembled crowd erupts in laughter!
Damn StuckASS, that’s a good one! NOT. Where did I claim it’s Clinton’s fault? NOWHERE. But I do remember the Head ASS on ASSes who said on 05/20/2005, 12:32 PM:…”But the case was thin. Saddam was not threatening his neighbors, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran. . . . The (United Kingdom) attorney general said that the desire for regime change was not a legal base for military action. There were three possible legal bases: self-defense, humanitarian intervention or UNSC (U.N. Security Council) authorization. The first and second could not be the base in this case. Relying on UNSCR 1205 of three years ago would be difficult.”
– So I’ll ask GoldyASS; why does NK have Nuclear WMDs now? Hmmm…? Oh wait, we’ll be waiting a while. GoldyASS says he doesn’t read the threads much!
It was the same thread that loosy called Condoleeza Rice a whore:”And, furthermore, that skinny, stinky Republican whore should never disgrace the cover of a national magazine ever again.
Comment by headless lucy— 5/20/05 @ 9:51 pm
Damn now that’s great “progressive” thought – Only from the mind of loosy!
StuckASS, & Clueless don’t YOU EVER RAISE the race card on me AGAIN! Fuck You and the Rupert Wabbet Armadillo Aardvark!
PuddyBud, by saying Condi Rice was a skinny, stinky Republican whore, did Lucy mention that she is skanky? I mean, I would not fuck that bitch with your dick!
Not sure entirely what to say except that I don’t fully agree; here are a few brief points:
“Bush labels North Korea, Iran and Iraq an “axis of evil”. “
Yes, and it caused quite a bit of a diplomatic stink. Condi Rice then was quick to explain that the text was “nations like these” (or perhaps it was “states” or “countries”, don’t remember the precise term he used) form an axis of evil. Either way, that struck me as pretty irresponsible, diplomatically, and certainly didn’t help achieve or maintain any type of détente with the North Koreans. IMO, the North Koreans pose a much more real threat than ever did the Iraqis: they have a nuclear program, have the materials, and have developed a long-range missile (which they fired over Japan into the Pacific ocean) which they claim can reach the Western US. Plus, their escalations in rhetoric and incursions (along the S. Korean coastline, for instance) are unpredictable.
From a humanitarian standpoint, the world would have been much better served getting rid of Kim Jong-Il, who allegedly let upwards of 2 million people starve to death during the crop failures and subsequent famine in NK in the 1990s. Additionally, his (and his father’s) human rights violations are and have been far worse and on a much greater scale than anything Saddam cooked up. From a geopolitical standpoint, the international community would also have been much better served, but I think attacking NK would have posed severe threats to SK and the region, and would have had severe costs in terms of lives (in Seoul and vicinity).
IMO, NK is a major disaster waiting to happen. I’ve been monitoring the situation there (and other places, like Liberia, for instance) since the mid 1980s, and things certainly haven’t improved. The “Dear Leader” can’t hang on forever, and when he goes, there will be a major economic and societal vacuum that threatens both chaos in the region, as well as a serious strain on the SK economy (the German absorption of the DDR will probalby pale in comparison).
Do we defuse such a disaster militarily? I think not, except as an absolute last resort (i.e defending So. Korea in event of attack). The same would better have applied to Iraq as well, as far as I’m concerned.
Sorry Dr. E. I have been watching the biggest loser. No not StuckASS or CluelessASS or even RugratASS. No, the NBC show on weight loss.
Interesting you mention militarily settling the dispute. You’ll chuckle at the comment from a NK person below. Dr E. have you read this document?
http://www.fcnl.org/issues/persp8_nuclear_3.htm – “Foreign Ministry spokesman from North Korea recently said, “It is the historical truth that peace is won and defended only with strength.
This is always an interesting web site.
Have you read their position papers?
http://www.globalsecurity.org/.....meline.htm – Take off some of the extensions and look around it’s interesting.
StuckASS and CluelessASS, you should read these too. These are the type of documents I like to read when I travel. Unfortunately GoldyASS doesn’t look at the world except through his hatred of GWB. But the world is passing GoldyASS by. We have real enemies, from waaaaaaaaay back before GWB was in the Texas National Guard. But does GoldyASS and his ASSband look at the world except for their hatred of GBW. Uhhhhh, no they don’t!Maybe you all will learn something tonight! But then again as I think about it, No You Won’t!
PuddyBud @ above ” I have been watching the biggest loser.. the NBC show on weight loss.”
Damn, PuddyBud, sorry that didn’t work out for you. Perhaps you should try not stuffing your face with pork rinds and double bacon McMonsterBurgers. Oh and talk a fucking walk once in a while, lardass.
“GWB was in the Texas National Guard.”
Umm.. stop lying, Puddy, it makes your wripples of pink overstuffed flesh look all jell-o-y.
“GoldyASS and his ASSband look at the world except for their hatred of GBW.” You said that twice in the same post. You must be very sincere about it.
Let me clue you in. I can’t speak for the rest of us “ASSband”ers. But Hell yeah I fucking HATE GWB. And why not? He lied us into a disasterous and EXTREMELY costly war. Costly not only in lives, and money, but in destabilization of the whole middle east.
We are (and the world) are far less secure since GWB got the foolish idea in his 1 ounce head that he and his buddies could make a big profit off of a war in Iraq. He made a profit, and we have a world of shit situation that is gonna cost a lot more lives, and may bankrupt the USA. And we may just see your dream of Amrageddon. But without the angels, just the death.
Oh, yeah, PddyBud, you bet a HATE GWB!!! You have no idea how much I hate that man and the rest of his gang of thieves and murderers.
Once again StuckASS you prove to everyone what an idiot savant is. Why did you forget the previous sentence, describing the biggest losers on ASSes? The discussion topic betwixt me and Dr E. is North Korea and nuclear weapons. Did you read the script this day? Anything cogent in your cranial orifice besides horseshit? This isn’t fantast football StuckASS. This is about rogue states with nukes StuckASS.
The rest of your “what, did StuckASS just say something” post was this: blah blah blah, “Look at me, I’m StuckASS, one of the idiot savant triplets of ASSes! I don’t have anything to add to the argument, so I’ll return to the only thing I know…”
Yes StuckASS, keep drinking da kool-aid! Be sure to add some natural sweetness to that kool-aid.
A thrilling rebuttal to my response to YOUR statement “GoldyASS and his ASSband look at the world except for their hatred of GBW.”
Yes, PuddyBud, you can attack, but when confronted with an honest response, you go back to name calling and obsfucation.
You are a sad little man, Puddy. Sad, pathetic, and extremely unChristian man.
As Jesus said, “You see the sliver in your friend’s eye, but you don’t see the timber in your own eye.”
You are blind by your political prejudice, PuddyBud. And like the Camel through the eye of the needle, you are Hell bound.
StuckASS what does your last set of commentary have anything to do with nukes and North Korea? Please tell me so I can think like StuckASS. Yes, it was a thrilling rebuttal! Thanks for caring!
Blind by my own prejudice? Ha ha ha ha ha! You are blind to an argument. Please lay it on my StuckASS, tell me all about nukes and North Korea. This will be the shortest blog entry in the history of ASSes. Ever been to the Korean peninsula StuckASS? Shit, have you ever been out of King County?
Amazing how you quoteth Le Bible! Now if you can only accept His words to lead your life!
PuddyBud, amazing how you refuse to accept the message of Jesus, and continue to fight against his will.
And when you call people “Ass’s” expect a response and act accordingly. Not with surprise and more name calling.
Jesus, at the very least, expects that of you.
The blog name is HorsesASS. The HeadASS is GoldyASS. He plays the name to the max. All of his lefty followers are ASSheads. We whom think right are not ASSheads. You follow GoldyAss but you are still stuck on stupid so you are StuckASS. Remember the NBC commercial “The More You Know”? Well now you know!
Now one more time StuckASS, what cogent argument can you articulate regarding nukes and North Korea? How do you respond to the NK Foreign Minister who said:”It is the historical truth that peace is won and defended only with strength.” Come on and admit it StuckASS, you want the US to be weak. It’s okay, we figured it out already. You swallow the mindset that a weak US is good for the world. Well sorry StuckASS I don’t buy the argument. Head down to the Renton Armory on a Saturday drill day and scream that at the top of your lungs. Make some friends StuckASS!
Donnageddon: Don’t be stuck on stupid. Oops… too late, he already is. He’s stuckonstupiddon. But wait he follows GoldyASS, so a contraction is due – StuckASS
I suppose StuckASS when you are one of the dullest knives in the drawer, the only argument left is GWB hatred. But Al Franke[stein], Jean Garafalo, and Randi Rosen own that every day on Scare America. I want Al Franken to run for senate and explain why less that 1% of his hirings are black. I want him to explain his positions. When you spew continuous hatred, you become vacuous, viscious, vapid, and vacant. StuckASS those adjectives describle you.
vapid \VAP-id; VAY-pid\, adjective:
1. Lacking liveliness and spirit; unanimated; spiritless; dull; StuckASS
PuddyBud… LOL you are too amusing for words!
Thanks, I’ll look at the links when I get the chance. I occasionally look at the NK propaganda dissemination site (http://www.kcna.co.jp) just to get the inflated rhetoric directly from the horse’s mouth (or ass), so to speak.
I was talking about Ann Coulter. I got the original quote from Ted Koppel. If Condi wore that leather outfit and carried a riding crop…. Well….Who knows? See what I’m sayin”.
You peaceniks are probably feeling pretty lonely right about now. I think I can count on one hand all other the dems that are calling for an immediate pullout. Today there was only one dem I heard that supported your position (Kucinich). Everyone else did not seem to want to support you. Maybe you have no support……
So what are you going to do now?
Ok Dr E. I’ll check again soon!
Loosy: Just STFU. Why you browsing during skuul hours? Nothing to teach?