So… over one million Washingtonians vote to approve I-937 at the polls, and the Seattle Times editorial board argues that the House and the Senate should work together to amend it, because… well… I guess we the people didn’t really know what we were doing.
But, a mere 5,000 teabaggers (according to the Times’ own over-inflated count) stage a made for TV rally at the Capitol, and OMIGOD! Lawmakers can’t possibly consider raising taxes in the midst of such a widespread, populist tax rebellion!
Did I get that straight?
sure but what does the p-i say?
I went to one of those old book sales that they have at public libraries and I found a small book written in 1968 by Will and Ariel Durant titled: “The Lessons of History”.
It is hopelessly outdated in many respects, but the application of the Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis paradigm still sems to hold true. They recount many examples of empires and civilization that have gone through this antithetical stage we are in.
According to their analysis, the stage that we are at will go one of two ways: Either the excess property of the rich will be seized in one fashion or another, or people will be beat down yet another time and will have to wait again for the right time.
I agree. And apparently, so does the media. The manipulation of the facts vis a vis the Teabagger trilogy is so flagrant that even Stevie Wonder can see what’s going on.
(Now that last statement is REALLY Politically Incorrect!!)
Goldy, are you ignorant or lying this time? Hard to tell. But it was the Washington State Patrol’s count that 5,000 people were protesting at Olympia last week. Feel free to tell WSP they have an over-inflated count, though.
re 3: The point is that 5,000 people do not represent a grassroots movement against taxes. It’s just the fringe element that watches Fox News and responds to their inflamatory rhetoric. Over 50% of voters polled favoer an income tax on th rich, yet the media fails to mention this — even obfuscates it.
That’s the fucking point, dildo breath.
Christ, Pudge, the national turnout was less than 1 1/2% of Limbaugh’s national listening audience. He didn’t light much of a fire under his peeps, now did he? Perhaps most dittoheads are happy with the taxes they pay. Or maybe they simply appreciate getting a tax cut from President Obama after being stiffed by the Republicans for so long.
You see, Pudge, maybe some of those who followed the Republicans have tired of them failing to deliver.
School prayer – failure
Abortion – failure
School vouchers – failure
The list goes on and on. One failure to deliver after another. After a while, even dittoheads can catch on to the fact that they’re being scammed. You, though? Not so bright. You still believe that shit. Amazing.
Republicans kept failing to deliver and now it’s the Democrats running things. See any connection there, Pudge?
Hey Pudge I’ll be glad to call WSP and tell them their count was inflated (not over-inflated as you suggest since that isn’t proper English.)
I saw video from the event and a generous count would be more like 2000.
And of the 2000, 1999 had no fucking idea why they were there other than Faux News told them to go.
But even if there 5000, that means less than 1/100th of 1% of the state’s population showed up. Not much of a movement if you ask me.
Why are democrats/liberals/statist/socialists so damn scared of the tea parties?
It’s easy to tell what the left is scared of from the time and energy the left puts into saying how unimportant something is.
If it’s so unimportant, why do they keep talking about it.
Go ahead and call, record the call to prove you did it.
Or you can chicken out like you always do.
Your choice.
@8 “Fear”
Comedy. Laughter. Humor. Entertainment.
Not that you get the joke.
Fear of what? The teabaggers or a Stalinist media that toes the Republican Party line?
Try raising a billion dollars from those teabagging clowns to keep the movement going.
All you’ll hear is the swishing of thousands of pairs of size 15 clown shoes as they head for the exit and enter 20 at a time into their tiny Shriner-mobiles.
I remember those times. Bill clinton was abandoning the gays with his don’t ask don’t tell policy, screwed over single mothers on welfare with his welfare reform act, didn’t inhale and sure didn’t do anything to help out those that do, 3 strikes law, use coke go free-use crack go to jail to imprison even more blacks. (Hey, wasn’t that biden’s idea to punish crack and not powder? The same man that had never met a clean articulate african-american before he met obama. Which explains why he wanted to imprison blacks and not whites.) NAFTRA. The dumping of the kyoto treaty, etc. etc.
So that’s why the country elected bush not once, but twice. All because bill clinton and the democrats ignored their special interest groups.
Are things starting out better under obama?
I wonder how the gays feel knowing obama is against them being married. If the mormons that voted no on gay marriage are hateful homophobes, doesn’t that also apply to obama… or can the lefties rationalize it that obama never voted against gay marriage. I wonder if these dittoheads understand they’ve been scammed.
I wonder how all those anti-war people are feeling knowing that obama isn’t bringing the troops home anytime soon. And the fighting has increased. Yet more dittoheads just figuring out they too have been scammed.
Speaking of fear…
Are you comfortable around black people yet headless?
Is WinkyDink = headless Lucy?
I understand your attempt at humor. Rather lame, don’t you agree.
If it’s not fear, why do you care what people want to do.
Like I said… you were a much better poster when you stuck with your goat sex stuff. Now you are struggling to remain relevant.
Same spelling errors.
Same socialist beliefs
Same racist beliefs
I believe it is headless.
re 12: No. That was the Republican majority in the house and senate. They did all those things.
re 13: Yes. I’ve been fucking black women for some time now and I’m feelin’ pretty comfortable.
How ’bout you?
@15 “If it’s not fear, why do you care”
Sounds like fear is your issue. Is that why you show up here? Wingnut projection. You guys just can’t seem to control it.
Marvin fucks goats.
Feel better now, Marvin?
Jump, Marvin, jump!
re 14: “Is WinkyDink = headless Lucy?”
Careful. Someone might quote you out of context.
That’s some Dadaist riddle you’ve concocted there. Even if you know the answer, the question still makes no sense.
Is Ron Reagan Jr. really Ron Reagan? Well, maybe yes, maybe no.
@15 “struggling to remain relevant”
Projection, Marvin. It’s a Psych 101 thang.
@12 “So that’s why Republicans stole the election not once, but twice.”
Fixed it for you, Marvin.
@13 “Are you comfortable around black people yet”
I don’t know about Headless, but I’m certainly comfortable around Puddy’s mama. Puddy’s mama! Damn if it isn’t still amazing to me the things that woman can do with two cantelope and a watermelon! I tell ya, she should take that act on the road!
Hey Marvin you child-molesting, cum-drunk pervert. No need for me to record the call. Why don’t you tell me where you live and I’ll come call right in front of you? Or – in case you’re just a cowardly piece of shit – don’t bother.
It must be horrifying for cowardly pervs like Marvin to know that a BLACK man is PRESIDENT and that Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State. Ooohhh man it must fry the brain of a turd like Marv the Perv!
Why keep talking about one rally at Oly when there were hundreds if not a thousand rallys just like it around the country. No windows broken, no tear gas needed like at a liberal gathering. I wanted to go as did many other conservatives but we were at WORK. I promise you are seeing just the beginning. Obama is such a HUGE disaster. Completely over his huge head as are his handlers. What a fucking mess.
Almost forgot, all of Europe thinks Obama is an arrogant moron and he thinks they adore him.
God what an embarrassment.
Getting along with others counts. Other nations do indeed love our new president. They adore him. Watch how that helps our stock. Go to bed now, markie, shut your closets so the monsters don’t get you.
Oh yeah, little Markie, Obama is a “huge” disaster….hahahhaha
After the putrid mess of the Bush adminstation you have the ignorance and stupidity to say that?
After Bush created the largest budget deficit in history and still managed to cause the worst economy since the great depression?
After bush and cheney clearly broke the law and tortured people in our name?
After bush created the illegal prison at Gitmo?
After the Bush foreign policy failed (epically) in North Korea and Iraq?
Obama is just cleaning up the bush messes in an intelligent and farsighted way. He is far superior to Bush in strategy, intellect, respect in this country and respect in the world. Anyone who cannot recognize that is a complete idiot – and you Marky (with your third grade intelligence) are a complete fool.
Fear is a good fallback..
Remember how we talked about Sarah Palin. We were in fear of her effectiveness.
We were in fear of invading Iraq. The WMD would be found and we’d be wrong.
We were in fear of Teri Schiavo. She would recover and we’d seem like monsters.
Keep trotting out that argument. Hell, it may come to pass some day. Throw a dart 50 times and you’ll hit a triple 20 once or twice.
Fear? That’s an interesting assertion. Quite baseless but interesting.
Actually it’s more like confusion. For example : “Dude I’m still tweakin’ on that singing bull frog with a top hat dancing past my desk last week. What was up with that??” People would talk about that for weeks…. When things happen that don’t make any sense, people tend to wonder out loud until they get answers. But sometimes, as in this case, no answers will come. Because it made no damn sense.
A simple example is a sign saying “Cut Taxes Not Defense Spending!” What? The reporting, the inflation of numbers, the screams of “marxism!,” comparing Obama with Hitler. It was all nonsense. There were a few people that I saw that had some internally consistent, well informed opinions but they appeared to be the extreme minority. The rest just left me scratchin’ my head.
I’m definitely not afraid. But I do have a lingering sense of “wtf?!”
What happened to markie? Is he not responding?
There’s nobody there to wind him up.
Actually, there’s just nobody there…..
Such idiocy.
First, to those attacking my use of the word “over-inflated,” I was quoting Goldy. Apology accepted.
Second, I was simply correcting Goldy’s incorrect claim that the count was the Times’. Attacking me for stating a fact makes it look like you hate facts. You should work on that.
Third, Steve, there were over 300,000 people nationally, according to the left-leaning nonpartisan Limbaugh’s audience is 12 million weekly, which averages to 2.4 million/day. That would be 1/8th Limbaugh’s audience, or 12.5 percent, not 1.5 percent. (Not that I care; I don’t watch Fox News or listen to Limbaugh.)
Fourth, I find it really funny that you all are trying to claim the biggest rally in Olympia in many years is some insignificant number. You’re obviously just trying to diminish what actually happened instead of addressing it on its merits, because you know you’re not very capable of doing so. It’s easier to just engage in red herrings, innit?
re 35: “Such idiocy.” Just when I think you have no self insight , you totally redeem yourself.
Nobody was attacking your fact, just the source of the fact.
You are comparing the turnout to the size of Limbaugh’s audience, thereby inflating your percentage. What percentage of the populatin was the turnout?
An ‘overinflated’ 300,000.
re 36: That 300,000 is approx. .001% of the population. It’s infinitesimal.
Pudge — You don’t care when the media lies as long as they are telling lies that you approve of. This is not just a difference of opinion, but a provable lie that anyone with a grasp of shop math can easily see.
10,000,000 Americans protested the Iraq war, yet not peep from you about that.