[via Scott Morgan]
Still waiting for updates on the court cases happening this week in Washington.
by Lee — ,
[via Scott Morgan]
Still waiting for updates on the court cases happening this week in Washington.
I wanted to let you guys know that I really appreciate your incessant reporting on this issue. You’re one of the few blogs to do so out there and you do so the best.
Sad. But in OUR state, how is this NOT a conservative/Republican issue? Where are the Republicans fighting FOR this!? Where!?
If a Washington State licensed doctor wants to prescribe medical marijuana for his patient, exactly how can “conservatives” argue the the Federal government in D.C. should come in and get between a doctor and his patient.
1. This violates their endless rants about Federal ‘bureaucrats’ coming between doctors and patient care.
2. This violates states rights. The citizens of the state of Washington choose medical marijuana, how can Federal bureaucrats override that? Being “strict constructionists” I’m sure some conservative can point out exactly where in the Constitution the founding fathers gave the Federal Government the right to control states drug laws?
3. Just simple personal freedom? A patient can legally buy 5 cartons of Camel cigarettes, 36 bottles of Pinot Gris, a keg of beer and 2 liters of bourbon, but not a joint…even for medical reasons. Seriously.
Doesn’t sound rational or logical to me.
Is Lee Trying to Turn HA into an Outlet for Fox?.. The kind of effu “journalism” shown here is no different from the confrontational gimmicks on Fauxnews.
Some facts for those who worry about this patient:
“medical marijuana” is not a “medical term.” It is a term not unlike effo0rts in Kansas or Texas to define “intelligent design” as a theory of biology or the defintioh of “death panels” put forward by the nut right.
Most or all hospitals ban all smoking because of concern for the effects of inhaled carcinogens.
We know nothing, and should know nothing because of privacy laws, of this patient’s condition. He may well have respiratory problems or other serious contraindications to inhalation of smoke.
Aside from his pique abut the wheel chair, we know nothing about why its use was restricted. Hemay not be in a cndition to use it safely.
At least in the US any patient has the right to check out of a hospital unless committed to the institution by a court to protect himself or others. Is Lee offering evidence to support Fauxie claims that Canadian healthcare takes away civil rights?
If the administrator in the flick had answered these questions she would have been in violation of privacy laws.
While Lee is correct that the illegalization of recreational marijuana makes no sense, he hypes weed’s therapeutic benefits. There is no evidence that “marijuana” has any effect that can not be achieved by other drugs or by THC (the active ingredient in MJ). THC is available to patients by prescription without the “medical” marijuana hassle.
I suggest that Lee apply for a job with the Glen Beck show or join the cast of the Troll show here on HA.
Alki Postings
Really? Puddy has no problem with a patient using “medical” MJ. None whatsoever. Ask SeattleJew and his sockpuppet. I have no problem with a person using whatever “drug” to ease their pain and suffering.
As Lee once said just because someone does something doesn’t mean you can lump all of us that way.
Regarding these “draconian” drug laws and the trampling of states rights, your peeps are now in charge of the federal house Alki. Call Jim McDimWitt, he’s a Dr of something… hmmm… oh yeah he’s a psychiatrist. He was a Foreign Service medical officer based in Zaire, providing psychiatric services to Foreign Service, AID, and Peace Corps personnel in sub-Saharan Africa. He liked it so much he left after a year to come back and run for politics again. He’s someone Roger Rabbit needs to quickly see for mental issues. :) Anyway, call Jim, and the Smelly Sneaker Senator and the other WA senator who had a pervert on her staff. Give them your concerns. Hey you a Democrat, they are Democrats so you have common ground. Go for it Alki. Make a name for yourself. When the law is changed Goldy and Lee can create a big Mission Accomplished banner for you at the next DL after “the messiah” signs the new bill into law.
Puddy forgot the Smell Sneaker Senator is now in the DS Leadership Group. She has “pull”. You know pulling the leaves from the seeds? You need to contact her real soon to get your pot bowl full of leaves!
TO Supporters of Legal Pot
HA undermines its own important efforts to fight the irrational, flat earth tactics of the radical religious republicans by adopting this sort of tactic.
The overwhelming majority of the medical and biological professions support legalization of pot because there is no evidence that it is a ny more harmful than tobacco and considerable evidence that it is safer than a wide range of legal substances.
However, behavior like Lee’s, like the exposure of children to pot smoke at Hempfest, like Lee’s attacks on physicians involved in transplantation medicine, the assorted claims that marijuana is a miracle drug, or his personal attacks on me … all these make it more difficult to support decriminalization of pot.
There is a Yiddish expression for my reaction to this sort of behavior .. “Pfehhh”
I think Puddy just made my point. By dipping into the cesspool of far right tactics, Lee supports Puddy and the other Trolls who seem to think anything goes in their pursuit of “morality.”
@4 – I LOVE how you take an argument and instantly turn it into a stream of child like name calling! LOL Everyone you don’t like is “Smell Sneaker” ROTFLMAO. I’d love to see you in a debate…sir, my opponent is a POOPY HEAD and libtard who has COOTIES!
I’m glad you agree with me regardless of the name calling…thanks!
And I agree with YOU! The “war on drugs”(tm) goes on and on regardless of whether it’s Democrats or Republicans. Republicans are supposed to be for states rights, and they violate that to support the bullshit “war”. Democrats are supposed to be pro-drug hippies and compassionate, and they violate this to support the “war”. I’m sick of both sides (not a party hack here) for doing that!
To be clear, I’m not a party defender. I’m an old fashioned Iowa progressive in the midwest sense. I’m happy to criticize the Democrats when they f**k up. I just expect the same from the other side.
POOPY HEAD? That’s headless lucy’s favrit term. Search HA “headless poopy head site:horsesass.org”. BTW headless has over 25 sockpuppets here, so don’t be surprised when you see others use his endearment term.
Puddy hasn’t seen cooties much but if you aearch HA “headless cooties site:horsesass.org” Puddy is sure some leftist blowhard used it in an argument.
Now the War on Drugs has many facets. Don’t conflate the issue by adding unnecessary arguments to medical MJ. Puddy only said any drug that eases the pain and suffering of someone who is in pain and suffering is fine by Puddy.
SeattleJew and your Sockpuppet,
We over the past year or two have agreed to disagree on some subjects. We agree inhaling a lit doobie has carcinogenic issues. We agree on the use of THC in specific cases as needed.
But Puddy has no problem with the medicinal use of any drug to reduce the pain and suffering of a patient. God gave man the ability to use His creations for good or evil. If the use of MJ helps a patient endure their pain and suffering is it Puddy’s right to say Nope you Dope (double entredre intended)? If the lady administrator doesn’t agree with THC injections to help the dude control his MS then why can’t he smoke it? Since Puddy doesn’t know what the lady administrator has or hasn’t agreed to except her attempt to confiscate his legal stash from the Canadian health system, she needs to be talked to. If the patient agrees with the carcinogenic risks of inhaling the smoke because his body has broken down due to the MS why have him suffer the MS symptoms SJSP?
@8 It’s irrelevant who if anyone ever used any other specific insults. I was just noting your tendency to immediately call whoever your disagreeing with some child like name. If others do it too, they’re just as bad. “He started it” isn’t really a defense, unless you’re 7 years old. LOL
And you’re right, the “war on drugs” is a larger argument over another big government ineffective policy (which conservatives should generally be against again, but another argument).
Sticking with MJ, it’s just stupid. There simply is not a logical rational argument against it. The folks who say it’s dangerous or it’s not a miracle cure aren’t rational. Virtually NO drug is a miracle cure. The chemo drugs used for cancer aren’t “miracle” cures, and they’re DEADLY dangerous if the dosages are just slightly wrong. In the entire pantheon of drugs, MJ does NOT fall outside the scope of effectiveness or toxicity compared with thousands of other drugs that ARE legal.
If you remember Patty Murry called herself the “mom in tennis shoes. So Puddy added some colorful language to make a point. You see Puddy remembers what the smelly sneaker senator said earlier this year about MJ…
“Thank you for contacting me to express your thoughts on our nation’s drug policies and legalizing the use of marijuana. It was good to hear from you.
Like many Americans, I am concerned about the high use of drugs, including marijuana, among our citizens, especially for young people. I believe we must continue to work to reduce drug use. One important aspect of our efforts is to send a consistent message to young people about the use of drugs and alcohol. Therefore, I do not support legalizing or decriminalizing currently illegal drugs, including marijuana.”
Butt has anyone contacted her on medical MJ use setting the carcinogenic inhalation issues aside Alki? Did you sign this petition long ago? Did Patty sign this? Did Maria?
Puddy and I in agreement????
I may have the vapours here at any minute!
OH, the SHOCK, a civil, non-scatological comment by Puddy.. I am wrong. He IS capable of rational comment in a reasonable fashion.
I must be hallucinating and I don’t use ANYTHING
I lost a great mentor to stomach cancer in the 1980s on the east coast. The chemo treatments were killing him and the after effects let him shaking, literally shaking like Parkinson’s. He was very close to Mrs Puddy and me. When he died we adopted his wife as our surrogate mother. She would spend almost every summer with us at our expense until she died 19 years later. I would have had no problem suggesting he use the THC injections to ease his pain and suffering since he didn’t smoke all his life. Notice Puddy went first person again. SHOCKING SHOCKING!
Regarding the “the entire pantheon of drugs”, Puddy will leave that to real physicians.
Puddy shocked you didn’t go puerile scat on us today. What happened? Oh Puddy sees, you didn’t use narcotics first!
Good for you!
Wow, SJ. Losing an argument to Puddybud in the comments. You’ve reached a new low.
SJ has beaten you before. So what does that say for you?
losing an argument to Puddy ?..
Puddy is a friend and someone I respect in his real as opposed to put on for here) personality.
How can I lose an argument when we agree
Like Puddy I have no concern if you or this patient chooses to smoke tobacco or MJ. I also have no concern with folks choosing to get high jumping out of airplanes but i would not wajnt a doctor to prescribe that as a treatment for depression.
I do object when you make Fox-like posts that castigate people who are trying to help patients because you feel people should inhale THC with carcinogens.
I did receive an emial this AM with some useful discussions on MJ.
here is the link:
Puddy (for lee’s benefiot)
Nor do I, but marijuana is a plant. THC is the drug. marijuana is no more a drug than hiney or modly bread.
You do have a source cite for this?
Given Lee’s use of a Fox style confrontational video, who the hell knows what the administrator did?
I am certain that she would have had no issue with his receiving THC. If injections were prescribed she would have had to give them. The usual issue is the same as tobacco smoking … most hospitals do not allow it because it does interfere with therapy and there may be bystander effects. In the same vein, hospitals regulate how patients dress (try bringing a baby dolly pink bit of nylon lingerie to your wife when she is ill next time) or bringing a pint of Jamesons’s to your Republican buddy hospitalized over despair when Obamacare passes!
Oh my, please provide a link for that.
The Bible says God knew us before we were conceived. He knows also what we are gonna do before we do it.
Isaiah 45:4 – For Jacob my servant’s sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.
Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations
God knew Eve would take the forbidden fruit and still allowed it and man fell from the Grace of God!
So for all these liberals and their whack-job hate Jesus and God, He knew you would hate Him before you were born but He still gave you the free choice to hate Him. Otherwise why are you here if God didn’t give man free choice and He allowed it?
Hey Lee, unlike ylb StrangeEye, Puddy don’t save links. But, when you go apoplectic against SJ like in a previous link a few weeks back when you erased SJ’s post and then you ran to your blog to tout your actions it proves SJ has won that battle.
Didn’t you go running to your blog to brag about getting the best of sj?
That’s the proof you lost the argument.
Isn’t it possible to make a pill of thc to help the sick?
If so, what’s the point of medical marajuana.
The pill does exist as well as other forms of admin of THC. The pill is available by scrip and the other forms (eg inhaled or injected) will be. Moreover, as far as anyone knows eating MJ is safe.
The marijuana fans claim there are unknown (and undemonstrated) ingredients or that the mixture of stuff in pot has some effect that can only be gained by smoking MJ.
Frankly, I think Lee’s community hurts their own case by this sort of extremism just as Beck et al. hurt the case of those of us who want a balanced and rational discussion of health care.
@20 SJ@18:
As you know, Jews .. presumably including Jesus, do not consider the prophets as sources of revelation. Only Moses is supposed to have played that role. Jesus would have been stoined to death for claiming there was an source of revelation other than the Torah!
AFIK, the ONLY claim that these books are the revealed truth was made by the pagan emperor Constantine and his chosen council. As a non RC, why do you accept THEIR authority and more than you accept the Coptic Church, gnostic gospels, Book of Moroni, or the Quran?
So .. by your reasoning there is no moral judgement over any use of any drug, even for murder a la M Jackson’s doc?????
Why do you claim that liberals hate your God or your Jesus? Seems to me the Father Drinnan, Sister Theresa, MLK, Cesar Chavez, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, … all these folks are believers.
So the “need” for medical marijuana is a smokescreen for dopeheads that want to get high.
Does that make lee dishonest or a doper wanting his drugs legally.
At least I believe that drugs should be legal because it’s my personal business what I do in my house.
I’m not sure if the pope shares your views.
It was fascinating to read through Pope Benedict XVI’s and Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s statements after their meeting at the Vatican today. The speaker and the pope seemed to be working at cross purposes, with Pelosi working to establish her closeness to the Vatican and the pope working to establish maximum distance.
I’m not sure the Pope is happy with the baby-killing abortions that nancy is in favor of.