Last night, while driving home from Drinking Liberally (two pints of Manny’s over four hours FYI, before any of you trolls start going on about DUI), I ran into a fog bank on 23rd with almost zero visibility.
And it got me wondering… why isn’t anybody bitching about Mayor Nickels’ failure to clear our streets of fog?
I mean, it’s been days now, with no improvement, and what has the Mayor done? No salt. No plows. No fleet of giant fans blowing the mist from major arterials. Nada.
I’m just sayin’…
“No fleet of giant fans blowing the mist from major arterials.”
I think the real question here is WHERE WAS MAYOR NICKELS last night when we needed him? You don’t need a fleet of giant fans, all you need is one Nickels speech, but where the hell was the mayor when we needed some hot air to blow this fog away? Hobnobbing in D.C.?
Indeed, once this fog is over, we need a series of town meetings on fog, and what the city should damn well be doing about it.
I heard they they were using helicopters with rubber leading edges on the rotors to pack down the fog.
What a stupid idea…they’ll never get it below windshield level. Where’s the silver nitrate seeding?
This is a post where Goldy is defending the Mayor’s poor response to the snow storm by cleverly turning the argument into one of “you can’t control the weather.”
Is Goldy being a troll on his own blog? Interesting.
The better question to ask is why hasn’t Big Hair Sheriff Davie done something about the fog. He’s the darling of the right isn’t he? I thought he was going to solve all of Western Washington’s problems? Why is it taking him so long?
Hey craphead from Yelm:
Submit another “poem” to the Dorki Moron show.
Can’t wait.
Well, it’s a good thing Goldy drives past so many mostly black patronized bars to get to a bar in an upscale white neighborhood, otherwise we wouldn’t know about this fog removal problem.
What you are “just sayin” is that you have decided to be Mayor Quimby’s apologist by making a wholly idiotic parallel.
In fact I think it’s also Pam Roach’s fault. If she were better at ANYTHING we would not have all this fog – except for the fog her son lives in while doing drugs.
@6 YLB, you do realize that by saying that you often listen to a radio show that you hate, you kinda sound like an idiot, right?
Speaking of Pam, did anyone hear her batshit insane ramblings about illegal immigrant voters?
Just match against the INS lists!
Please, please fill out your ballot today and send it in.
Vote Sherril Huff please. We can’t afford crazy Grandma Pam or “fists of fury” David Irons running elections.
10 – You’re lying that I “often” listen to Dorki Moron. And your own idiocy is quite well documented here. I wouldn’t throw around that epithet lightly.
@7 Leave it to a rightwing moron to throw a racist comment into a discussion about weather.
So, the prescribed method of snow removal for eons now has been a shovel or a plow with additions of salt or in the case of today, chemical.
So, you moronic bastard, what is the prescribed method for fog removal? What model should Nickel Bag follow? You know, clue us in.
I mean, I’m just sayin’.
But is anything in my @7 comment untrue?
Every comment by Troll on this thread is an attempt to deflect from the fact that his guy lost. That his right wing friends were beaten like the assholes they are. That America is solidly a Democratic country now. That the Christian right is hated by most people and that his pretend to be a Dem thing won’t change the fact that we know he is a right wing troll in total agony at the utter defeat and total rejection of his ideas, hopes, dreams and beliefs. And I love it!
@15 Is anything in your @7 comment relevant?
if you’d biked there, you could worry about what, a BUI…?
I have no opinion on whether the mayor should have done more to clear the streets during the recent snow storms.
But I must say it was great to see that, in this so-called majestic battle between man and nature, we have been once again truly humbled. Homo sapiens may win some battles, but we are certain to lose the war.
So if your pride has been hurt, you can always claim that you’ve been meaning to work from home anyway. Nature doesn’t care what spin you apply to justify your meager significance.
Several committee meetings should surely clear up this whole fog issue.
@10: From the expert at sounding like an idiot, Troll should know given the pathetic troll posts….
I bet Robert McNamara would agree with me.
Nickels would love one old method for burning off fog at air bases. Fill trenches with gasoline and light it.