The Seattle Times editorial board on the message to be taken from the failure of I-1098:
MORE taxes: not wanted in Washington. If there is any common message in the initial numbers for ballot propositions in Washington, it is that. … The message is unmistakable, and candidates cannot say they did not hear it.
The Seattle Times editorial board on the message to be taken from the failure of I-1082:
BY rejecting Initiative 1082, voters said they want the sale of workers’ compensation insurance to remain in the hands of the state. The Legislature is still free to reform the program, and it should do so.
Um… so… when voters reject tax hikes, it means all tax hikes should be completely off the table, but when voters reject workers’ compensation reform, it means the Legislature should get to work reforming workers’ compensation, except, you know, in a different way. Did I get that straight?
Gosh, how could we possibly augur the will of the people without the haruspices a the Times to pick apart the entrails of the body politic for us?
They’re just driving themselves to irrelevance with this kind of thing. Did the same person write both editorials? If so, I’d say they’ve got a little multiple-personality disorder going on.
Same deal with the Stranger edorsing I-1100 and I-1098 with the arguments, “It will only cost the state $17 million dollars,” and, “The state is broke and needs to raise revenues somehow.”
No wonder people aren’t reading newspapers. They all have an agenda and view their audiences as tools to achieve it. No one likes being a tool.
i want expensive scotch, a bankrupt state, and tax-free waterfront millionaires b/c it makes me feel like somebody. and smells like freedom. also.
The Wizard Of Oz editorial board strikes again.
This day an underling told the Fun Forest to
pack their bags. Space Needle/Chihyuly were turn down by the Mayor (or so we hear) The
big cheese at the center wants to put the radio station in place of the Fun Forest.
to our knowledge no city council action on this.
This city runs on who you know in the back room
“Fanny” in British lingo means “twat”.
Goldy, being still chronically unemployed shrieking about “workers comp.” funds. Now that’s ironically rich!
Good weekend all!
@6 can’t defend the Times so attacks Goldy. Tons of brains there.