“All of us at ‘The Daily Show’ very much appreciate the Peabody Committee’s recognition of our work,” Mr. Stewart said in a statement released by the show. “Because this is the first time we’ve ever released a statement, we’d also like to, just for the hell of it, categorically deny all charges and say that we find them both scurrilous and without merit.”
Yes, for the second straight presidential election, “The Daily Show”, Comedy Central’s satirical fake news show, has won a prestigious Peabody Award for its election coverage. Tom Goldstein, the director of the mass communications program at the University of California, Berkeley, said the award should come as no surprise:
“Jon Stewart is extraordinarily important phenomenon,” he said, adding, “The truth can be told in many ways – journalistically, through satire – and he does a brilliant job of expressing the truth his way.”
So for those of you who say I need to be more serious if I want to be taken seriously… screw you.
I’ve got some bad news for you…
You have to actually know some facts to tell the truth!
wow idiot, that is truly amazing. I always thought the same for you but you dance to a different drum than 65% of the NORMAL public in the grand ole USA. Remember, the bloodiest ‘wars’ in the history of the world were brought on by extremests, and that is how you present yourself here
John Stewart is sometimes funny if you are a liberal, has a national show, and makes money telling the news with comedy. He purports to be just a comedy show that happens to be telling the news.
I guess you’ve got it the other way around Goldy and that’s why you can’t get your readership levels up near any of the blogs that are taken seriously.
GOLDY: Attracting critics are part of every success story. Your critics kind of resemble flies, they swarm around your shit looking for a place to land. Flies may be a higher form of intelligence, they don’t complain about the stink they picked to land on and have the where-by and scents to know their fly specks stink like shit.
Looks like not only are your critics smarter than you, but also those who evaluate and present these awards. It’s amazing to me that if your opinion and facts cannot be taken seriously, then why is it that this site has grown such a critical opsition base?
Oh, wait, that must be because you really dont know what your talking about…
…Like getting Timmy busted on his money luandering! congrats!!
BrainDamage @ 5
Critical opposition base? See Chee @ 4
The legend in his own mind makes an appearance @ 3.
chee @4
“they swarm around your shit looking for a place to land.”
are you referring to Goldy’s posts as shit? How rude.
Now look here guys, it’s not “jump all over Goldy day”. He attracts critics but successfully gathers a lot of interested readers and commenters together here. His “preaching to the choir” and “hand grenade lobbing” approach to current events and opinion infuriates some (me included) but seems to be what he does best. It’s up to him if he wants to try for the big time ala “The Daily Ass” which would most likely require a change of style and content. I personally hope he goes for it.
char@8. I give a shit-less about your shit.
zip@9. Right one! In Hollywood they don’t give a shit what you say about them as long as your talking about them. Goldy is like Frank Sinatra whose theme song was doing it “MY WAY.”
chee, oh enlightened one, please try and be nice. if your following Dons lead on playing the victim, you will only add more humor which distracts from the seriousness that this blog is supposed to be. geez!
Problem on this blog is it is only funny if it meets lame assed liberal standards….
chee @ 11, you can only compare Goldy to the frank sinatra song. His style (writing/humor) is more along the lines of Andrew Dice Clay, mixed with a little Dr Demento.
Goldy isn’t capable of doing the technical research neccessary to give him any mainstream credibility. He doesn’t have the aptitude or the smarts. It’s pretty obvious if you look at his “knee-jerk” posts like about Slade Gorton and all the other slimey slug trails Goldy has left. Since Goldy has a daughter he adores…I would encourage him to spend the time with her rather than waste his time trying to make it big.
Your comment again reminds me of a Brad Paisley song (adapted):
Goldy makes the supermarket tabloids…
They write some awful stuff.
But the more they run Goldy’s name down, the MORE HIS PRICE GOES UP!
Cuz when Goldy’s a celebrity.
It’s adios reality.
Goldy can act just like a fool
And people think he’s cool
Just cuz he’s on TV.
Bein’ a celebrity.
Maybe Goldy can do a TV show with Dean “Weird Al Yankovic lookalike” Logan, Bill “Pencilneck geek” Huennekens and “Sideshow Bob” Terwilliger. They will all be unemployed pretty soon.
They can call the show:
Goldycocks and the 3 Dorks
Mr. Cynical @ all
your soOOoo clever
LMFAO Cynical.
the truth can be told in so many ways. here is the truth as we know it from JFKohn
“Leaflets are handed out saying Democrats vote on Wednesday, Republicans vote on Tuesday. People are told in telephone calls that if you’ve ever had a parking ticket, you’re not allowed to vote,” he said.
can you say algore? what a cry baby.
Jeff B @3 (and I suppose, et al),
You conveniently miss the point.
I never compared myself to Jon Stewart or Al Franken… or Stefan for that matter. In the words of Popeye: “I yam what I yam.”
No, I am not a spread sheet jockey like Stefan, and I don’t spend my day pouring through public documents hoping to catch somebody in a lie. (Though I have occasionally broken news… the Big Binder for example, which totally scuttled the misdirected and misleading debate over the so-called voter credit discrepancy.)
My strength lies not in shoveling out piles of unrelated facts, but in analyzing them. For all of Stefan’s labors, he is in the end, wrong. There is no conspiracy, there was no fraud, and this election was not a “total mess” by any objective standard. The courts will agree with me, and in the end, Christine Gregoire’s election will stand.
Now Stefan and his unsound cohorts keep telling those of you on the right what you want to hear: that the courts will set aside this election. When this prediction is proven wrong, you will have to accept that either Stefan, as smart as his is, was blinded by his own partisanship… or that he was lying to you, and just telling you what you want to hear, for propagandistic purposes.
I don’t know which it is, or whether it is simply one or the other… but I do know that Stefan is wrong.
Now they have to start all over from the beginning again!
How many times has “SHAR”litan recycled his lies on unsound politicrap?
diggindude@22. There was a point in the old Turkish law that had great merit. Turks, when proved to be the authors of any notorious falsehood, they were burned on their forehead with a hot iron. In other old cultures, a thief woud have his hand cut off. Sure helped seeing who the liars and thiefs were at a quick glance! Lying has become a political art, more refined along with more refined punishment; if caught.
We could dye their fingers or tongue blue…….
Chee @ 10
At least give the right-wing bitch credit for persistence. However, she spends so much time on HA she’s got to be neglecting her child, and I think Goldy should notify CPS.
charred brain cells @ 20
So you think this kind of election fraud and voter suppression is okay as long as Republicans are doing it to further The Cause? Election reform? Who the hell needs election reform, as long as the Pukes win? Hey, why not just do away with elections and declare the Republican candidate the automatic winner, and save millions of tax dollars? You are pathetic, char.
Goldy @ 21
Goldy, why are you so hesitant to tell it like it is? Stefan (along with Vance, Carlson, and others) is a hatemonger who is stirring up the right-wing faithful with exaggerations, lies, and distortions — and they don’t care a whit that all the emotion this creates in the hinterlands may cause someone to get hurt. When the governor receives death threats, their response is to make fun of her. Would they shed a tear if Gregoire was killed because of their actions? How about that Bellingham woman arrested for e-mailing death threats against Gregoire and her family, where did she get that impulse from? Most likely from people like Stefan who deliberately stir up a frenzy to get people riled up.
DD @ 24
I like the tongue idea! Would motivate them to keep their mouths shut.
Cynical, would you please explain how your washing machine works? I understand the mechanics of feeding $100 bills into rollers and turning a crank so they come out the other side, but I’m fascinated by what happens to the $100 bills inside the machine. How does it change L & I taxes intended for injured workers into Rossi slush funds?
diggindude@24. Now there is a good idea. With the new cell phone technology reaching the stage where can purchase the new onliner screen model and see what blogger is lying to themself.
Chuck @ 13
“Problem on this blog is it is only funny if it meets lame assed liberal standards”
Good point, Chuck! But that is because us liberals can appreciate and build on the quirky and humorous nature of Goldy’s posts, whereas you wingnuts read stuff, get angry, start foaming at the mouth, and spew fourth bullshit unencumbered by higher thought processes. That process, in itself, is pretty damn amusing–some of the wingnuts here come off as cartoon caricatures of “the angry redneck” or a Kazinski Jr. in training.
I used to have to watch Perot campaign clips to get such entertainment!
don @ 26
great idea!!! first democrat idea that I support.
Dubyasux@29. Don’t be silly. This crank knows nothing about doing laundry. The closest he ever got was when his mother washed his mouth out with Fels-Naptha.
Good afternoon Don, just wake up?
you really sound desperate today. You must have read about Ron Sims blue ribbon commission article. Is this Ron admitting defeat? LOL
a model election a bank would envy? no need for a blue ribbon panel then. I say fix it, fix it, fix it.
After reading Dubyasux @ 27 I had to laugh. So let me get this straight. Because I read Sound Politics and occasionally listen to talk radio, I’m now supposed to be filled with psychotic rage that fules me to make threats? Don’t look now, the boogeyman is under your bed!
Goldy @21,
Fair enough. I guess we are just going to have to wait to the court case to see who is wrong and who is right. You’ve spent a lot of time with lawyer X and you are convinced that lawyer X is absolutely right. But there are other, quite rational lawyers who are making the opposite case. You’ve got a great gamble going here, and maybe that’s your strategy. If you’re right, you just might gain some real credibility, although the mainstream media will still have to bleep your site name out leaving you in at least partial obscurity. If your’re wrong though … I checked for you, HorselessAss.org is available.
I agree with Jeff (not really, I just wanted to see what it felt like to say it). But not so seriously, we’re all on the wrong side of this issue. Think about it, if Rossi wins the court case, then Stefan can pound his chest and strut around spouting about how democracy has been preserved (until Rossi decides he didn’t really mean it about calling for a new election, and then he can use his considerable talents defending that decision). If Rossi loses the case, Stefan will be pounding the table about liberal judges and a law that makes no sense and we have to change things in order to save democracy in America. The guy’s got a career no matter which way it turns out. Over here though, if Rossi wins, I suspect you and Lawyer X will be out on the street,no longer welcome in civil society (although maybe John Carlson will give you one last show as a gesture of goodwill. Nah, probably not.) How could you have been so wrong and foolish about this fraudulent election! And if Rossi loses, what are you going to do, say “I told you so” and move on? That’s not very exciting. So it looks like this is a lose-lose for you no matter how it comes out. Sorry about that. You coulda been a contenda.
Steven @36,
I don’t have anything to win or lose from this. It’s not me against Rossi, and it’s not me against Stefan. But you can be sure that when Rossi loses in court, I’ll do some perfunctory gloating.
Chee @ 33 LOL, I thought the idiots mother used Physohex…
Goldy, I really like the big print, and that you use the least words to make your point. Who isn’t tired of trying to educate neanderthalian never-wrong rightwingers just how their thinking is shallow, narrowminded, bigoted, chauvanist, bullying or worse, delusional, deceitful and malicious or misguided?
“I got a really yummy-looking chocolate Jesus hanging on a crunchy peppermint wafer cross in my Easter basket, but I was somehow afraid to eat it. Will I go to Hell?”
jpgee@38. Drano might work as well. Better yet, the doctor should have thrown away the baby and kept the afterbirth.
Sirkulat @ 39–
The answer to your question is:
NO, you won’t GO to Hell…you are already in Hell Idiot!
chuckie boy @ 13….really the funniest part on this blog is watching rewingnuts like yourself making absolutely no sense. The good ole gang of HA….chuckie boy, mr idiot, chardonna, zip etc. You trolls really make my day a smile. (also make me wonder where our education system failed in your situation)
idiot @ 17, well, you have consumated yourself once again, what is your perfersion to male sex organs?
Chee @ 40 LMAO wink wink, I think the doctor did exactly that….must change names CynicalAfterbirth
Dear Mr Cynical, Didn’t we wake up on the right side of the bed today? Is we a widdle kwankey? Awww.
jpee@42 Some of those children who fell through the cracks before “no child left behind” days. I think that is where the name crackpots came from. :-)
Sirkulat@39. HELL is truth seen too late. That would make HELL Republican Territory. Be on the safe side Sirk, eat your Easter Basket instead and send the chocolate icon on to masterdebator Cynical. He has said here that he likes to “eat anything that had or has a face.”
Sirkulat@45. What right side? Your giving too much credit to Topsy-Turvey. He has no inclination as to right or wrong side. You must have forgotten how lopsided he is.
I’m a political Moderate, chee. Mr Cynical probably Far Right conservative. The Moderate position is close to the divide between left and right. The majority of Americans are moderates. I’m not a Centrist who regularly shifts between left and right. My Cynical may be unreachable; too far right to understand how the republican party is not acting in the best interest of anyone other than the very wealthy. But there’s no telling; even moderate republicans are deceived by right wing media distortions of the truth and outright lies. The wall dividing left and right is so complete, the Moderate climbs atop and tries to find common ground.
I’m sure many of you already read Goldy regularly, but his takedown of the Republican state legislators’ position on election reform is a must-read. A qui
I’m sure many of you already read Goldy regularly, but his takedown of the Republican state legislators’ position on election reform is a must-read. A quic