Here is the truth about the Seattle Public Schools plan to close a bunch of elementary schools. It has very little to do with saving money. It has everything to do with increasing revenues.
That’s a fact.
If our local editorialists who have been so quick to back up the district’s plans would actually talk to some district officials — off the record — they will be candidly told that the district never expected to save much money, if any, from this round of closures. What the architects of closure policy will tell you is that if the district complies with demands from state legislators to consolidate schools — thus making a show of fiscal responsibility — they believe the district will be rewarded with a big pile of state money.
Again, that is fact.
Indeed, Superintendent Raj Manhas’ preliminary closure plan has reduced savings estimates to a little over $2 million a year, and it’s fair to be skeptical even of that. With half that money being reinvested in the remaining schools, we have only about $1 million a year towards closing our long term structural budget deficit… barely a drop in the bucket.
Again, facts.
I am being asked to disrupt my daughter’s education and sacrifice my neighborhood school for the good of all the children… when really, from the start, this closure plan has mostly been about providing political cover for gutless legislators who refuse to make the tough choices necessary to fully fund basic K-12 education statewide.
You’d think there was a story there that the local media might be interested in pursuing? Apparently not.
Hey Wingnuts:
We’ve been talking about education a lot lately and I’ve found a great piece on teachers, teaching and the meaning of progressive values. In summary:
Mrs. Milne taught me progressive values, alright. I learned from her the value of
– diversity, as opposed to conformity
– volunteerism, as opposed to compulsion
– principle, as opposed to prejudice
– justice, as opposed to persecution
– education, as opposed to indoctrination
– empowerment, as opposed to endangerment
– guardianship, as opposed to dictatorship
And I’ve viewed the world with the help of her lessons ever since.
P.S.: Mrs. Milne has a very “indirect” way of conveying progressive values. See the link for more details.
Boo fucking hoo Goldy.
Just think of this as paybacks for ramming your liberal agendas down people throats for years.
Hopefully your little brat will end up having to commute to a ssholl in tacoma, after having been refused by every school in Seattle as there are to many white kids to meet the quotas.
hey shitstain…. search is over. I found a school that goes hand in hand with you politics….
enjoy the drive
YOU consistently want conformity with YOUR LEFTIST PINHEADED outlook on the World.
YOU want higher taxes…instead of volunteerism.
YOU have expressed consistent PREJUDICE against Christians.
YOU are KLUELESS about Justice. If so, you would have pushed to prosecute ILLEGAL VOTERS.
YOU are the Prince of Indoctrination…quoting all the LEFTIST PINHEADED BLOGS and the AlGORE/Ron Sims Global warming “theories”.
YOU are against empowering citizens to spend their own money and are consistently anti-property rights.
YOU are the consummate dictator via your “social engineering” blather.
Mrs. Milne would be ashamed of your sorry ass KLUELESS!
Yep, it’s payback for the $3.2 billion giveaway of corporate welfare to the extortionists in Boeing headquarters (you know, the guys on the 70th floor of that shiny new office building in CHICAGO). That’s $3.2 billion the state can’t spend on its most fundamental constitutional responsibility, K-12 education.
Liberal agendas? Who the fuck has been in power these last few year? The moronic conservatives, that’s who. And they’ve been ramming their agenda up everybody else’s ass these last few years. (Bankrupting the country, unjustified war, election stealing, tax cuts for the rich, elimination of the middle class…….)
good for boeing…..
They should have pulled the whole fucking company out of Washington.
And I’ve viewed the world with the help of her lessons ever since.
P.S.: Mrs. Milne has a very “indirect” way of conveying progressive values. See the link for more details.
Commentby For the Clueless— 6/6/06@ 10:06 am
Great Statement Goldy, but Clueless link above would be a dream in Seattle. Reality tells me that will not happen until we get real Leadership in our government and not a bunch of Socialist Democrats that is running this state. That new leadership could be Democrats or Republican depending who can step up to the plate of responsibility first. The next few years will be hard on the families, students, teachers, and staff in Seattle School District for I experience it in Bellevue in the early 80’s. I elected to send my children to private schools until the problem was fixed. Now for the folks who cannot make those sacrifices they will pay the highest price for past administrators mistakes. Now if you import illegal migrants into the school district now you would get Federal money to bail out the system. That is what happened in Yakama School District a few years back. The down side of that is the Governor may have to call out the National Guard to ensure the students get to school safely. The best solution is to swap your house with a retired family on the Eastside and put your family into functional school system. We would be more than happy to have you and your friends live in our neighborhood.
“If so, you would have pushed to prosecute ILLEGAL VOTERS.” Commentby Mr. Cynical— 6/6/06@ 10:28 am
We not only pushed to prosecute Rossi’s illegal voters, we also pushed to prosecute a party operative who committed over 150 counts of PERJURY, but Norm Maleng, our do-nothing partisan prosecutor, refuses to do anything about cases of REPUBLICAN ELECTION FRAUD.
Newsflash shitbird.
This is a state Issue and who has controlled this state for years? Liberals, so keep talking fuckstick
“They should have pulled the whole fucking company out of Washington.” Commentby momus— 6/6/06@ 10:30 am
This one goes into my file for “Great Wingnut Quotes” and you’ll see it on this board again … and again … and again … I promise.
please keep spreading it.
Boeing showed exactly how to deal with you weasel motherfuckers, stand up to you and you back down.
Goldy and the school system is another great example.
How do you deal with a liberal piece of shit? You close his little brats school.
“Ummm…. if the President says it… it’s not a ‘leak’. A ‘leak’ is disclosing information without authorization. Since the President is the boss, it is by definition not a leak since he can authorize whatever the fuck he wants. That’s how things work when you’re boss.” Commentby Mark The Redneck— 4/10/06@ 3:06 pm
“[Boeing] should have pulled the whole fucking company out of Washington.” Commentby momus— 6/6/06@ 10:30 am
roger… now post the beoing comment.
whhile your at it, post the part where you say you actually earned your state funded retirement
“How do you deal with a liberal piece of shit? You close his little brats school.” Commentby momus— 6/6/06@ 10:36 am
How do you deal with a nazi piece of shit? — Hang him!
Now that Momus has demonstrated his disloyalty to America and Washington, what’s left for him to be disloyal to?
Momus, who normally confines his psychopathologies to fantasies about Goldy masturbating, is experiencing a mild bout of Intermittant Explosive Disorder.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Momus Motto: “GOP Uber Alles! Heil!”
Momus = Domas*
* Wingnut phonetic spelling of “dumbass”
Can someone please explain why that noone is demanding an explanation on how Seattle Schools misplaced $5 million dollars, and is not being held accountable?
DJ and Roger….
Suck my dick.
Hey goldy, make sure your kid does not steal anything from the school when they are kicking her ass to the door. That’s tax payer money
Experts point out that IED is on the rise, especially among wingnut juveniles, and that IED often is accompanied by paranoid fantasies. However, there is absolutely no reason why liberals should ever apologize to anyone for this assholes — our proper role is to make them take personal responsibility for their antisocial behavior.
klake the flake @ 113
Just mosey on over to your favorite website flakey klake.
Look at the stars on the back of the elephant. The top point of the stars is pointing down. The stars are upside down, flakey klake.
Testify, flakey klake, testify!
Commentby For the Clueless— 6/6/06@ 9:41 am
Thanks Clueless for that link I never visit that web site before, and I did included it in my favorites.
Here is a link that might fancy you taste better in the future.
“Suck my dick.” Commentby momus— 6/6/06@ 10:43 am
A physical impossibility — it’s too far up your own ass. However, you can lick my cute furry cottontail anytime. For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT
steve, it’s simple.
As with all state agencies, they found a teacher who was moelsting children. Rather than prosecute, they gave them a full pension and settled out of court for 5 Million dollars.
Goldy, have you talked to a lawyer yet? Find a lawyer who *knows* the district. You’re dealing with a large, corrupt animal with a history of being sued for stupid decisions that well-managed schools never have to deal with.
Your trolls can keep walking the “commie” dog around the block, and granted, Caprice Hollins is an irritating diversion (they’re spending money on this?), but bad management is bad management. Cooking numbers is cooking numbers.
The people at the top will keep sucking the levy dry. And you’re right, they’ll only do whatever it takes to get state funds, and no more than that. Long-term goals are meaningless to them, after all.
It’s painfully clear that our district doesn’t even have the skills to get the monies they need to complete the work they’ve been mandated to do. For years, our district has been run like a fiefdom. Someone in the district simply doesn’t like your school. Outstanding test scores don’t matter. Schools are rife with politics and backstabbing. Your school lost. It’s not fair and our district doesn’t care.
Actually, Roger… you’ll have to wait for me to pull it out of your wifes ass
”DJ and Roger….Suck my dick.”
Momus’ episode of Intermittant Explosive Disorder has, apparently, concluded for now. He is back to his normal self-loathing and homoerotic fantasies.
We thank you for your patience.
Tn bst thing the schooldistrict did was say “enough of listening to these assholes” and close the doors on all public input.
Glad to oblige:
“good for boeing … They should have pulled the whole fucking company out of Washington.” Commentby momus— 6/6/06@ 10:30 am
In case anybody missed it, here it is again:
“good for boeing … They should have pulled the whole fucking company out of Washington.” Commentby momus— 6/6/06@ 10:30 am
klake is a nazi
#32 is a subliminal message
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
these are your democrat politicians at work. you asked for it!
Simple answers to your problem:
– charter schools
– private schools
– bust the fucking union (the REAL problem here)
well said eric
“good for boeing … They should have pulled the whole fucking company out of Washington.” Commentby momus— 6/6/06@ 10:30 am
So Momus, now that we have you on record as supporting unemployment of Washington workers, what other pearls of wisdom can you offer us?
At Graham Hill Elementary School, 85% of the white students (including Goldy’s daughter) are privileged go to the exclusive Montessori program, which provides a better education and has considerably higher test scores than average for the school district.
At the same time, 83% of the minority students have to attend the “Regular” program, which is only average-to-mediocre, and has some of the lowest test scores in the school district.
I would recommend that then state bust the unions and support business in this state, instead of trying to bleed the businesses dry.
“good for boeing … They should have pulled the whole fucking company out of Washington.” Commentby momus— 6/6/06@ 10:30 am
Summing up goldstein (and his {SNICKER} altruistic agenda, in his own words….
“ I am being asked to disrupt my daughter’s education and sacrifice my neighborhood school… “
You know talkin about you makes me grin, but every now and then,
I wanna talk about me, I wanna talk about I,
Wanna talk about number 1 oh my, me, my.
What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see.
I like talkin about you, you, you, you occasionally, but ususally I wanna talk about me! (me, me, me,) I wanna talk about me-e-e (me, me, me)
(I wanna talk about me) mmmm me, me, me, me, me
(I wanna talk about me) mmmm me, me, me, me, me
You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you,
I wanna talk about me!
I wanna talk about me, I wanna talk about I,
Wanna talk about number 1 oh my, me, my.
What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see,
Oh I like talkin about you, you, you, you occasionally, but usually, I wanna talk about me! (me, me, me) I wanna talk about me-e-e
I wanna talk about me! (me, me, me) no me-e-e! (me, me, me)
Do you have a student in Seattle Schools? Are you speaking from actual experience? I didn’t think so.
Check it out. Charters haven’t been proven to perform any better than regular programs. In many states, they’ve lost money and failed.
Private schools won’t/can’t serve even a fraction of the student populations in their markets. They can also refuse students they don’t wish to serve, or aren’t QUALIFIED to teach.
Busting unions was Reagan’s gift to us. Did it work? No.
Focus on the ball Eric. It’s the one that’s not below your zipper.
“Simple answers to your problem:
– private schools
Commentby eric— 6/6/06@ 10:51 am”
Really? Bush went to private schools, and look how HE turned out.
“I would recommend that then state bust the unions and support business in this state, instead of trying to bleed the businesses dry.” Momus
Whatsamatter, isn’t $3.2 billion of corporate welfare for Boeing and the gift of two billion-dollar stadiums to sports teams not enough “support for business” for ya?
What do you want us to do, Momus, throw in a $220 million basketball arena and a $250 million NASCAR track? That probably would create another 25 to 40 jobs.
Private schools cherry-pick the best students, and still can’t outperform public schools.
Indeed, Superintendent Raj Manhas’ preliminary closure plan has reduced savings estimates to a little over $2 million a year, and it’s fair to be skeptical even of that. With half that money being reinvested in the remaining schools, we have only about $1 million a year towards closing our long term structural budget deficit… barely a drop in the bucket.
Great point Goldy, which means there will be more school closures very shortly. That school your daughter will be going to next year will probably close also. Maybe the Governor can come to the aid of the Superintendent and pour more money into their problems. The only thing to do is declare the District bankrupt and cut wages and un-necessary teachers and programs. Now the local Union will go ballast and maybe the Governor will come to their aid and give the Superintendent some resources. Now if that does not work lay off all the teachers and bring in non-union workers who can do the job with half the work force. Hell bring in the National Guard and have them teach you students how to read, write, and arithmetic.
Goldy isn’t benefiting from segregation.
Who set up the division within the school, with a pay to play requirement? The district.
Who is responsible for the alleged achievement gap in this case? The district.
Not Goldy, nor any other parent who wants to choose the Montessori model as the best classroom model for their child.
Our district has a passive/aggressive history of touting choice, schools within schools, serving everyone. In reality, their talk and actions rarely mesh. Flaws have always hobbled their implementation. Flaws designed via incompetence or simply not caring enough about the populations they serve to make them work.
If I was a parent who wanted my child to attend Graham Hill Montessori, and I didn’t have the funds to enroll them, I’d make sure the state legislature know about it. I wouldn’t allow a district that created this division to hide behind rhetoric about the achievement gap while committing the crimes they pretend to address.
The ball, boys. Follow the ball.
That is precisely why modern “liberalism” is such a selfish, hypocritical, and morally bankrupt ideology. They reject God, reject morals, reject laws, reject personal responsibility, and reject the worth of the individual.
That explains such apparent contradictions as Graham Hill School. “Liberals” will preach against racism and segregation all day long, and use their self-righteous beliefs on these matters to promote their agenda. And if they can inject their own ethnicity into the debate — as Goldstein frequently does with his self-proclaimed Jewish ethnicity — they will do this as well.
But when it comes to something like Graham Hill, it is perfectly okay with “liberals” like Goldstein for the overwhelming majority of white students to be allowed into the superior Montessori program, while the overwhelming majority of minorities have to attend the inferior “Regular” program.
Not only that, but Goldstein has the audacity to proclaim and pharasaize that the Seattle School District is somehow being “racist” in closing Graham Hill! And if he can come up with a shred of argument that these action are “anti-Semitic”, we will probably be hearing those sorts of arguments from him as well.
Uh, huh. put down the bong shithead
why do’t you compare the drop out rate at say, garfield, and list the number of students that go on to colleges.
Now do the same for say, Blanchett?
Goldy second though move to the Eastside and turn Seattle into an old Folks home.
“That’s $3.2 billion the state can’t spend on its most fundamental constitutional responsibility, K-12 education.”
The State Constitution provides for the maintenance of “common schools” as well as high schools, normal schools and technical schools. None of those specified are a taxpayer subsidized special program for an elite segment of the population, read: Graham Hill Montessori.
Why do you think that you deserve special treatment, Goldy? Why should we subsidize your child while paying a full ticket to get our kids out of the school system? Just because you pull political hits for spare change and glad hands?
Graham Hill is going to sell in a heartbeat and it is going to make for some damned nice housing with a Montessori on site.
Not only that, but Goldstein has the audacity to proclaim and pharasaize that the Seattle School District is somehow being “racist” in closing Graham Hill! And if he can come up with a shred of argument that these action are “anti-Semitic”, we will probably be hearing those sorts of arguments from him as well.
Commentby Richard Pope— 6/6/06@ 11:08 am
Not Bad, Not Bad Richard keep pushing then out of their little box.
Richard, I expect this type of personal animousity from momus because he is simply a hateful piece of shit who would cheer on the tears of hundreds of children if he thought it would personally cause me pain.
But I expect more from you. Hell, I even endorsed you. In fact, I voted for you.
You saw the picture of the 4-5 Montessori class. That is the Montessori program I enrolled my daughter in when she was three years old. Your figures are wrong, but that said, the Montessori program has grown less reflective of the larger population over the past few years. Our school is now 76 percent non-white, while the Montessori is only 45 percent non-white.
But we don’t assign children into the program, the district does, and the main selecting factor is that while our preschool costs $290/month, the New School down the street is free. How do we compete with that?
We are for the most part not a wealthy school. Our PTA struggles to raise $35,000 a year, and a quarter of that goes towards scholarships to help keep the Montessori program as economically and racially diverse as possible. But we receive absolutely no support from the district, and haven’t had a steady principal to provide leadership for the past six years.
So attack me if you want. But you are really attacking all the children at Graham Hill, who all benefit from the very active participation of the Montessori parents.
Really? Bush went to private schools, and look how HE turned out.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/6/06@ 10:59 am
You are right Roger when are you going to be Predident?
wow roger…The seattle school public disrict has a graduation rate of 59%
meaning 41% gets seperated from the heard. Of the 65% of those graduates go on to some form of college.
Private schools drop out rate? About 2% of those 69% go onto college and 48% of those attending college graduate with a 4 year degree.
now, you were saying something, but I never really listen to you.
“good for boeing … They should have pulled the whole fucking company out of Washington.” Commentby momus— 6/6/06@ 10:30 am
Don’t hide behind the tears of children Goldy.
How many kids christmas have scumbags like you ruined with you liberal Bullshit?
1. So attack me if you want. But you are really attacking all the children at Graham Hill, who all benefit from the very active participation of the Montessori parents.
Commentby Goldy— 6/6/06@ 11:16 am
Goldy that line “it’s for the children” is one of the schools district biggest scams and they do not care about the children but of themselves only. Nobody is attacking the children but the lack of insight to fix yours and mine problems. I live on the Eastside but your children will be over here stealing if you take their future and any hope away from them. Close as many schools, lay off as many teachers and staff, then move your families to the suburbs where the schools have got their act together. Now if you are rich like Ron Sims send you child to a private school.
“But we receive absolutely no support from the district.”
ummm….besides free rent, utilities, facilities, bus service and administrative support?
Who set up the division within the school, with a pay to play requirement? The district.
Commentby WenG— 6/6/06@ 11:07 am
The school district ratifying this outrageous inequity, but the Montessori program was inspired, organized, and sustained by a group of wealthier, mostly white parents.
Basically, here is how the inequity is perpetrated and perpetuated.
You set up an eight year program:
(a) Two years of half-day for 3 year olds and 4 year olds, when the school district normally provides nothing
(b) Full day for 5 year olds, when the school district normally provides a half a day
(c) Full day for grades 1 through 5, which the school district normally provides
All slots for 3 year olds are competitively open every year, since it is the first year of the program.
Once admitted, a student is guaranteed to progress to the next level of the program each year.
From time to time, a few slots open up each year, if parents move, etc. These are also filled competitively.
You charge 3 year olds, 4 year olds, and 5 year olds $290 per month tuition, since they are getting a half day more of class in each case than what the school district normally provides.
Your 3 year olds, 4 year olds, and 5 year olds classes will be very heavily white. White folks tend to be better off financially and have more ability to pay the $290 per month. In addition, white folks have more willingness to pay money, since it allows their child to attend a program with a lot fewer minorities.
Apparently, no tuition is charged for grades 1 to 5, since the school district has to provide a full day education regardless. But students are tenured into their positions, guaranteeing those whose parents were able to pay tuition as 3, 4 and 5 year olds continue in this exclusive and privileged program.
I would assume that the 3, 4 and 5 year olds classes are practically lilly-white. Once you get to 1st grade and beyond, the classes would tend to get a little bit “darker” each year, as some mostly white students move to other areas, and the vacancies are filled competitively from a heavily minority pool of students for whom monthly tuition is no longer a deterrent.
If they wanted to make the Montessori program fairer, then 1st grade should be competitively open to everyone, without any tenure or preference whatsoever being granted to children whose parents could afford the tuition as 3, 4 and 5 year olds. In that event, the difference between a 1st grade class picture and a 5 year olds class picture would literally be the difference between night and day.
But we don’t assign children into the program, the district does, and the main selecting factor is that … our preschool costs $290/month …
Commentby Goldy— 6/6/06@ 11:16 am
That is technically true, and is precisely why your program has such racial inequities. It is unfair enough that wealthier people with money can get subsidized preschool for only $290 per month — basically just the cost of the teacher, with the school district covering all of the considerable overhead.
But guaranteeing preschoolers a slot each year in grades 1 through 5 definitely perpetuates the racial and economic segregation resulting from the preschool tuition requirement.
I don’t know what grade you daughter is in now, but I assume it isn’t 5th grade, since you are very outspoken about closing Graham Hill.
Let’s suppose the Seattle school district decided to eliminate the racial and economic inequities resulting from preschool children whose parents were able to afford Montessori tuition. Rather than giving continued preference to such children, they decided to make enrollment next year open to all students competitively, without any preference to children already in the program who were able to afford the preschool tuition.
It’s always fun when momus resurfaces.
We get to seem him bounce between raging outbursts and morose self-loathing. Momus’ subtext: “The liberals made me the miserable fuck that I am….it’s not my fault; it’s got to be those liberals!”
[O]ur preschool costs $290/month …
We are for the most part not a wealth school. Our PTA struggles to raise $35,000 a year, and a quarter of that goes towards scholarships to help keep the Montessori program as economically and racially diverse as possible.
Commentby Goldy— 6/6/06@ 11:16 am
Let’s see. Graham Hill Montessori has an enrollment of 117, with 8 years of the program — three preschool years, and grades 1 to 5. So I am assuming a target of 15 children in each age level per year (8 x 15 = 120).
Tuition is $290 per month, which I assume is paid on a 10 month basis. $290 x 10 = $2,900 per year.
One quarter of $35,000 happens to be $8,750 — which basically is equal to $2,900 x 3. So you are funding precisely three scholarships for lower income children in the pre-school years.
This represents one TOKEN SCHOLARSHIP for each year’s entering class of 15 three year olds, and renewal of the TOKEN SCHOLARSHIP for that student in the four year olds and five year olds class.
Is one student out of a class of 15 what you mean as being “as economically and racially diverse as possible”?
“As possible” according to whose definition of “as possible”? Do you really mean “as economically and racially diverse as possible” for racially-minded wealthy white parents to keep their children in the public school system, instead of pulling them out to attend private school?
You saw the picture of the 4-5 [he means grades 4 & 5, not ages 4 & 5] Montessori class. That is the Montessori program I enrolled my daughter in when she was three years old. Your figures are wrong, but that said, the Montessori program has grown less reflective … over the past few years. Our school is now 76 percent non-white, while the Montessori is only 45 percent non-white.
Commentby Goldy— 6/6/06@ 11:16 am
I would be interested in seeing pictures of ALL the Montessori classes. It would appear logical for more minorities to be in grade 5 than grade 1 or preschool, due to attrition of children whose parents paid tuition in preschool and replacement by open selection without regard to financial ability.
Not exactly sure what you mean by the Montessori program growing “less reflective … over the past few years”. I assume you are referring to grade 5 tending to have more minorities than grade 4, which has more minorities than grade 3, etc. This would be due to the periodic attrition of wealthier mostly white students who originally entered during preschool and replacement of these vacancies from a heavily minority pool of students from all financial backgrounds.
By the way, the Seattle school district says your Montessori program (including all preschool students) is only 38.5% minority, and not the 45% figure that you are using. Maybe 45% you are using refers only to grades K-5 or grades 1-5, with the percentage tending to increase each year due to open replacement of attrition to fill vacancies.
Richard… you have no fucking idea about the history of this program. The program has only become less diverse over the past few years. When we toured the school 6 years ago, the racial makeup of the Montessori pre-K classes was almost identical to the “regular” program kindergarten classes we toured. That is a fact.
But all that aside, are you suggesting that programs that keep middle and professional class white families in public schools in SE should be abandoned? Are you suggesting that our public schools should only be for non-whites?
Yes, there is an economic disparity between the white population and the non-white population, and yes, our PTSA is dominated by white, Montessori parents. Remove us from the mix and you couldn’t raise a fraction of the dollars we raise. At many SE schools, they barely have PTSA’s at all.
So this idea that the rest of our students would be better off without us is a load of crap.
But all that aside, are you suggesting that programs that keep middle and professional class white families in public schools in SE should be abandoned? Are you suggesting that our public schools should only be for non-whites?
Commentby Goldy— 6/6/06@ 12:09 pm
If such programs discriminate on the basis of race or financial ability, they have no place whatsoever in the public school system. Regardless of which race is being discriminated in favor or against.
If you don’t like Seattle because it has too many minorities, then you should move elsewhere. If you don’t like Seattle because the school system has too many minorities (the 32% attending private school probably include a majority of the white students), then you can either move elsewhere, or send your daughter to private school.
But Seattle should not be setting up a school program designed to have more white faces than average, just so that you feel comfortable sending your daughter to public school.
There was a similar program at RB when I was high school aged… basically a school within a school. Separate and unequal. THIS from the progressive liberals, huh? Typical liberal racism.
“Really? Bush went to private schools, and look how HE turned out. ”
hmm… president of the US? On second thought, Goldy, please keep your brat in public school, I don’t want her growing up to be the leader of the free world.
I think it’s safe to say that is not a growing concern.
I think she has a big career of a state job, with no emphasis on producing, just showing up for a paycheck will be about it.
How much of the $35,000 raised by the PTA go to the “regular” program? Or is this basically a Montessori PTA, that excludes all other students? I recall a disgruntled parent of the regular program commenting that they were not exactly welcomed at PTA meetings, and that the group is dominated by the Montessori parents. Raising non-profit funds that you directly benefit from seems a little bit self-enriching. Most PTA’s spread money over the entire school.
This is all well and good, and I’m glad to see that you have managed to put together a program that very closely resembles a charter school. Maybe the next time this comes up for a vote, the campaigns can use Graham Hill Montessori as a prime example of how a charter can be successful. That would be supreme irony.
I don’t get how the state is going to give more money to Seattle based on school consolidations. Money is based on headcount. So the school board is being promised extra funding? At whose expense? This is now becoming an issue for all taxpayers in the state, if we are being asked to fork over more to support some lame scheme of a disfunctional school district.
No matter what one thinks of Goldy and his bullshit ignorant politics and the shady backdoor deals he cuts with politicians in exchange for hit pieces, I don’t think that anyone has a right to insult his daughter.
P.S.: Mrs. Milne has a very “indirect” way of conveying progressive values. See the link for more details. -Commentby For the Clueless— 6/6/06@ 10:06 am
In other words, you and your comrades have absolutely no problem with the INVOLUNTARY indoctrination of the mush head kids of mush head parents who stupidly condem n their kids to failing union schools.
As least you are no longer attempting to hide your true agenda.
When Goldy starts respecting a family’s privacy, courtesy will be shown in the same fashion.
However, after the hatchet job he did on the Irons family under the direction of Ron Sims, everyone has a right to insult his daughter, ex-wife, mother father, etc….
Gosh, you know, when we wanted our kids to attend Montessori schools, and they did for a combined total of 10 years, WE PAID FOR IT.
Quit your bitching about no longer getting your something for nothing goldstein, elementary level Montessori back in 1987 cost close to $5,000 a year, while pre-school level was about $3,000.
Repeat after me goldstein, “I AM NOT A VICTIM”, open your damned wallet and go buy your kid the best education you can… stop depending on the largesse of your fellow citizens who are being raped by mommy government in the name of failing union schools.
And Goldy is also expressly using his elementary school age daughter to further his political agenda, as witnessed in the numerous Graham Hill threads. So this makes his daughter a legitimate political target.
Bush and Cheney didn’t use their daughters to promote their political agendas in the 2000 election, but their daughters were still considered political targets anyway.
Quit your bitching about no longer getting your something for nothing goldstein, elementary level Montessori back in 1987 cost close to $5,000 a year, while pre-school level was about $3,000.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 6/6/06@ 12:57 pm
That is because you had to pay the FULL cost of the Montessori program, including all the overhead. Goldy and his group only had to pay the marginal cost of the teacher’s salary, and nothing else.
BOZO @ 4
Apparently you didn’t click through the link.
I imagine Mrs. Milne as the kind of teacher you’d want your kids to have (with your voucher money of course). Only problem is that she ends up churning out progressives!
As for the rest of your screed – well, the truth of things and you parted company a long time ago.
So let me see if I can try to decipher what Klake – the inbred moron is trying to say. Are you trying to say that it’s a problem that Jim McDermott traveled? And if so isn’t a problem that 100 republicans traveled more? And isn’t it a bigger problem that of the top ten travelers, (McDermott wasn’t one.) 8 of 10 are republicans? And so isn’t it a problem that the top three were republicans? Help me understand how all 8 of your brain cells work Klakey?
Which is why this is a de facto charter school. The program is tailored to meet the needs of the group requesting it, and the school funds that would normally go to the regular program are diverted to the special program. If it is successful, then the school grows, if not, it is shut down. Too bad the dems fought charter schools. If they were in place, goldy’s entire problem would disappear. The irony is almost too much to stand.
Oh, that’s right – charters and vouchers are the handmaidens of the wacko right, and a means to indoctrinate our students. Live in your muck, goldy.
so left turn….
1. What Washington State Senator took more trips than all of the other washington state Senators combined?
2. Who brought either their son and or/wife with him on the all expense paid trips?
3 What value does bringing your children and wife on a business trip have?
4. Who picks up the tab?
Cheat Sheet”
1. Jim McDermott
2. Jim McDermott
3. Nothing, it’s a way to get a free vacation for your family.
4. The taxpayers
In response to allegation of being wasteful of our tax dollars, Jim Mcdermott responded “”We do fly in first class and we certainly don’t camp out in the city park,”
charters and vouchers are the handmaidens of the wacko right, and a means to indoctrinate our students.
You said it Janet. Why else would Marsha and crew at EFF be promoting these things? Whacko right=divide, conquer, eviserate and dumb down the students with right wing ideology.
ASS – I never click through to any of your links so I don’t expect you to do the same but I’m not fibbing: Mrs. Milne is definitely your kind of teacher.
Click through the link if you dare!
for the clueless…
How is this any different from being, say the lone, white, heterosexual, republican who somehow fell the Holistic Policy cracks cracks and was (wrongly) admitted as an incoming freshmen at the University of Washington this year?
“However, after the hatchet job he did on the Irons family under the direction of Ron Sims, everyone has a right to insult his daughter, ex-wife, mother father, etc….”
Of course, what Goldy wrote about Irons was true, and had even been previously (and independently) reported by the Seattle Times.
You just make shit up about his family. All that does is make you…um…a liar.
Get help.
First time I’ve visited here. Looks like the intent is really to just slur and insult people and ignore any issues of substance. Based on Goldy’s reasoned and factual lead, I thought there might actually be some constructive dialog. But no.
So here’s my 2 cents anyway. I just want to concur with Goldy on the sham this closure thing is. It will not lead to one iota of benefit. Students won’t be better off. The district will be as inefficient as ever. Neighborhoods will be torn apart. But the district will be able to claim they acted – fuck the actual results.
Say, isn’t that an iceberg ahead…We’re going down
“You said it Janet. Why else would Marsha and crew at EFF be promoting these things? Whacko right=divide, conquer, eviserate and dumb down the students with right wing ideology. ”
Clueless – do you ever actually read what is written? My point is that what goldy is advocating, and what he has right now is a charter school. He just isn’t ethical enough to admit it. Attacking those who are trying to legally pass this for everyone else in the state seems a bit disingenuous. “What is good for me, I support. What is good for you? Who cares?”
You may be right, Goldy, about the district not saving a lot of money. But you miss a couple of key points. One, an analogy can be made between this issue and having a major league sports team. You can line up the benefits to taxpayers on one side and the costs to taxpayers on the other. Then, there is the ever-intangible “but how can you put a price on having a major league sports team?” Well, what price do you put on having buildings half-to-three quarters full when, if fewer buildings were used but were full, how many more resources can you drive to those fewer buildings? And you drive those resources to students?
Also, the blog fight between you and the other Graham Hill mom was illuminating. I think both of you are big-time arguers but I find it hard to believe it’s just you two. Maybe you should stop and reflect if what you believe about what your school is, is the reality of what it really is. And, is it right to say a school is successful if the majority of the kids don’t see that success?
Your last point about how wonderful it is that your school even has a PTA (and, you are right; there are south end schools with no PTA but don’t hold that against them) well, that doesn’t give you ownership of the school.
settlers sap!preferences subsistence!nationalize banished:fox?