I was going to ignore them, but it’s so hard to pass up such a golden opportunity to illustrate how my friends at (un)Sound Politics have frittered away any credibility they might have once held with local journalists. Um… it has something to do with lying.
First there was Stefan’s dig…
Goldstein’s other coup this week was to predicted [sic] that Doc Hastings would be defeated in the primary. (He won 77% to 23%). Keep up the good work, David. At this rate, soon you’ll be making Joni Balter look good!
And then Stefan’s puppy Eric picks up on the meme, talking about how my “euphoria prompted some puzzling preening” about Hastings.
Only problem is, I never predicted Doc Hastings would be defeated. Never. Never ever. In fact, here’s the post they mock:
It turns out that Hastings is facing a surprisingly tough challenge from Benton County Commissioner Claude Oliver, and some Republican insiders are even predicting an Oliver upset in tomorrow’s GOP primary.
Quite frankly, I find this hard to believe, but if Oliver even comes close to Hastings tomorrow it will speak volumes about the degree to which even the Republican base is just plain sick and tired of corruption, incompetence and intransigence from their own national leaders.
Hmm. I simply reported what I was told by two different sources in the 4th CD — that Republican insiders were really excited about Oliver’s chances. And then I wrote that I didn’t believe it. That’s some prediction, huh?
(In fact, 77% in a primary is nothing to cheer about for a six-term incumbent. Whatever the reasons, a sizable chunk of Republicans are clearly unhappy with Hastings.)
Of course, (u)SP’s posts are only petty sniping… the kind of childish snarkery that makes our adversarial relationship so much fun. (And stupid.) But it is also typical of the kind of intellectually lazy rhetorical subterfuge that Stefan routinely passes off as fact. But then, what do you expect from a man so disconnected from realty that he frightens his Everquest meetup group?
Should Peter Goldmark and Darcy Burner go on to lose in November, you can be sure that me and my fellow netroots denizens will be in for some uninspired (u)SP-style taunting, but of course, they would be missing the point entirely… for we already won. Our tireless support for Burner and Goldmark was never about predicting the outcome — it was about influencing it.
We didn’t help make Burner a credible candidate by merely saying she was one, we did it by convincing people she is credible, and by persuading them to donate time and money to her campaign. We did it by feeding and perpetuating the very real buzz that was building around Burner’s candidacy, and by helping her amplify it to the point where journalists and party officials could ignore the buzz no longer.
And now we’re doing the same for Goldmark — not attempting to do it, but doing it. No doubt Goldmark is a longer shot than Burner, and in both races the incumbent still holds the advantage. But even the experts in the other Washington — folks like Congressional Quarterly and the DCCC — have opened their eyes to the fact that Goldmark has a legitimate shot at winning… and that’s the first hurdle any challenger has to overcome.
And we’re even raising money, something I didn’t believe bloggers could do heading into this campaign season. Burner has now raised over $98,000 from various ActBlue pages, and HA readers alone have contributed an impressive $8,243 to the Burner and Goldmark campaigns combined. We’re making a difference!
As for (u)SP, well… hey Stefan… how’s that Doug Roulstone insurgency going for you?
Truth is, Stefan is just plain jealous. Jealous of the growing influence of us liberal bloggers in the face of the obvious political impotence of him and his fellow (un)Sounders. But then, to be fair to Stefan, from a grass roots perspective he was always at a disadvantage, being little more than a local mouthpiece for the neo-con’s top-down message machine, whereas us liberal “nutroots” are filling a vacuum, building a brand new media infrastructure from the ground up.
You see, (u)SP is nothing more than a stiffly written, amateur knockoff of the Wall Street Journal op/ed page, whereas HA is part of a movement.
Will Burner and Goldmark win in November? I dunno. A helluva lot of money is going to pour into WA-08 over the next few weeks and my gut feeling is that, barring an October surprise or some major campaign screwup or scandal… the best ads win. As for Goldmark, in Tuesday’s primary he out-polled McMorris in Okanogan County, proving that he can do damn well in traditionally Republican farm country. Whether Goldmark has the time to get his message out across his sprawling district, well, that’s up to him and his schedulers. Whether he has the money to get his message out, well, that’s up to you. (Hint: give now.)
All I know is that they’re both great candidates, they’ll both make tremendous representatives, and they both have legitimate shots at winning. I’m cautiously optimistic.
But win or lose I’m absolutely confident that our nascent, local netroots movement played a significant role in helping to force Republicans to divert substantial amounts of money to two districts they thought they wouldn’t have to defend. We’ve played our part in extending the “50-state Strategy” to WA. For that, we can all be damn proud. And it’s only the beginning. The very beginning.
So I hope you can all join me in forgiving Stefan for seeking solace in misinformation and name-calling. Compared to what we’re doing, it’s pretty much all he has.
Christ, you do that whine thing pretty darn well golstein
The whole purpose of a blog is to whine. Especially political blogs. The difference between Goldy and the minnow is that at least Goldy has a sense of humor.
Oh, and Goldy is right more often than he is wrong.
Oh, and Goldy has an actual impact on the real world.
It was nice of you not even to bring up that incredibly petty shot by Stefan at Andrew Villeneuve the other day (you know, the one where he sneered about Andrew being young and still living with his parents). When I read that, I just had to shake my head in wonder. Yes, Andrew may be young, but at least he’s not as juvenile as a nimrod like Sharkansky.
golstein excels at catty, whining and juvenile… especially when his competitors mirror his own tactics against him.
i guess they grow sissies in philthydelphia.
“Anonymous”… you mean like the kind of sissy that suddenly changes one’s screen name, and crudely masks one’s writing style, so as to hide one’s identity from fellow commenters?
C’mon Goldy – out him! PBJ?
Remember when Puddybud, MTR and JCH were all screaming about . . .
and, how it proved 9/11 could’ve been prevented, but Clinton blew it?
Remember all the Liberals refuting their bullshit claims with facts and figures? And, that conservatives were suuuuure they had the moral high ground?
Yeah, read this link.
“Pentagon report refutes pre-9/11 intel claim”
Once again, Republicans talk the talk but cannot walk the walk when it comes to defending American, Freedom, and our Civil Liberties.
The Bush Family, the bin Laden Family, conservatives, and al Qaeda all have one thing in common: they want to destroy America.
HA.org question of the week:
What do JCH and Republican Senate candidate Richard Mountjoy have in common?
They both lied about their military service and they both got caught doing it!!
Typical conservative. Can’t tell the truth about anything.
LOS ANGELES – Republican Senate candidate Richard Mountjoy acknowledged that his campaign biography wrongly said he had served aboard the battleship Missouri during the Korean War, a newspaper reported Friday
Oh, and Goldy has an actual impact on the real world.
Commentby JDB— 9/22/06@ 11:31 am
How do you define “real world?” The whole world? North America? Washington? King County? The Tully’s Coffee on Wallingford?
Which is it?
1) You washed out of Naval flight school, or,
2) It was all a figment of my “vivid imagination?”
Hmmmmmmm . . . which is is Clarice?
Conservatives, what a bunch of weak, stupid America hating pussies.
Who’s the pussy that posted @ 1 ?????????
Yeah, that sounds like him, or MTR.
Where the fuck is Ms Chickenhawk aka Mr. Cynical?
There’s another conservative pussy.
The snark has always been a lying Sack. We need to have a greatest hits of his BS.
PS looking forward to the outing of Richard Poop. Can you imagine the cost to taxpayers for all the Mistrials because of Judicial misconduct. Come on Repugs let’s keep our taxpayer dollars for something better.
Which is it?
1) You washed out of Naval flight school, or,
2) It was all a figment of my “vivid imagination?”
Commentby GBS [Dear E-3 GBS, did not pass Naval Air Intro [DQed] during Midshipman Training, summer, 1976]….
Didn’t get laid last night, did you, GBS? Looks like you are pissing on everyone’s legs.
“whereas HA is part of a movement.”
Meaning a bowel movement????
14, cont…….Still, that would LT JCH to you, E-3 GBS. Now, back to mess cracking! On the double!!!
GBS @ 7
You forgot another fool – ID(IOT)GAF.
These wingnuts will swallow any bullsh*t if it means intensifying hatred of Bill Clinton (who’s been out of office for 6 years) thereby distracting people from the crimes of the corrupt Republican White House and Congress.
Thanks for the link. I’ll be sure to beat the wingnuts over the head with it.
Well Spokane County just released the polling data for this primary election, and the overall results are a gianormous travesty. Thirty-two percent turnout is not something any citizen need be proud of, and that includes any and all of the candidates. Making matters worse the vast majority of those that actually did vote were conservatives and republicans (mutually exclusive from my perspective). The liberals and democrats seemed to have been unable to find either the time or interest in putting a 39¢ stamp on an envelope. No wonder Cain felt confident capitulating on doing onto Abel. Nobody expects the DickBushfeld Inquisition, but here they come.
Anonymous is not JCH or MTR. Pbj is a more likely candidate. He’s disguised himself before. Once a lying weasel, always a lying weasel.
Maria Cantpronouncenoo-klee-ereither seems to have deflated a tad… 11 points in 2 weeks. would ya look at that!
Rasmussen 09/20 – 09/20 500 LV 42 48 7 Cantwell +6.0
Rasmussen 09/06 – 09/06 500 LV 35 52 9 Cantwell +17.0
Zogby Interactive* 08/29 – 09/05 n/a 42 50 8 Cantwell +8.0
SurveyUSA 08/28 – 08/29 669 RV 36 53 3 Cantwell +17.0
Strategic Vision (R) 08/25 – 08/27 800 LV 43 48 9 Cantwell +5.0
SurveyUSA 08/25 – 08/27 808 RV 39 56 5 Cantwell +17.0
Zogby Interactive* 08/15 – 08/21 n/a 43 51 6 Cantwell +8.0
Rasmussen 08/15 – 08/15 500 LV 40 46 10 Cantwell +6.0
Strategic Vision (R) 07/21 – 07/23 800 LV 44 48 8 Cantwell +4.0
Zogby Interactive* 07/11 – 07/19 n/a 42 49 5 Cantwell +7.0
Rasmussen 07/17 – 07/17 500 LV 37 48 10 Cantwell +11.0
Elway Poll 07/11 – 07/13 400 RV 33 47 19 Cantwell +14.0
Strategic Vision (R) 06/23 – 06/25 800 LV 43 47 10 Cantwell +4.0
Rasmussen 06/13 – 06/13 500 LV 40 44 12 Cantwell +4.0
Strategic Vision (R) 05/19 – 05/21 800 LV 42 47 11 Cantwell +5.0
Rasmussen 05/08 – 05/08 500 LV 41 46 9 Cantwell +5.0
Strategic Vision (R) 04/21 – 04/23 800 LV 40 48 12 Cantwell +8.0
Elway Poll 04/20 – 04/23 405 RV 23 52 26 Cantwell +29.0
Rasmussen 04/04 – 04/04 500 LV 40 48 10 Cantwell +8.0
Strategic Vision (R) 03/24 – 03/26 800 LV 39 49 12 Cantwell +10.0
Rasmussen 03/07 – 03/07 500 LV 36 49 12 Cantwell +13.0
Strategic Vision (R) 02/10 – 02/12 800 LV 40 48 12 Cantwell +8.0
Elway Poll 02/06 – 02/09 405 RV 25 55 N/A Cantwell +30.0
Rasmussen 01/24 – 01/24 500 LV 36 50 9 Cantwell +14.0
Rasmussen 01/02 – 01/02 500 LV 36 51 10 Cantwell +15.0
Strategic Vision (R) 12/02 – 12/04 800 RV 39 50 11 Cantwell +11.0
Rasmussen 11/30 – 11/30 500 LV 37 52 8 Cantwell +15.0
Rasmussen 11/10 – 11/10 500 LV 37 52 8 Cantwell +15.0
Strategic Vision (R) 10/23 – 10/25 800 RV 39 48 13 Cantwell +9.0
Strategic Vision (R) 09/19 – 09/21 800 RV 39 46 12 Cantwell +7.0
Strategic Vision (R) 08/05 – 08/07 800 RV 38 46 16 Cantwell +8.0
Strategic Vision (R) 05/15 – 05/17 800 LV 36 49 15 Cantwell +13.0
GBS, There are more HAPPY WAL-MART shoppers than there are Democrat voters. Keep up the WAL-MART bashing!!!! hehe, LT JCH
JCH @ 14
Thomas Jefferson once wrote “The whole art of government is the art of being honest. Only aim to do your best and mankind will give you credit where you fail.”
See, you were honest, you didn’t blame my vivid imagination again for you failures.
That only leaves one question left unanswered. Why did you tell Libertarian that washing out of flight school was all my “vivid imagination?”
Good job coming clean, JCH.
GBS, Midshipman Intro to Naval Air [summer “cruise”, 1976] was not and is not “Flight School”. And “1110” was, and is Unrestricted Surface Line, not “Supply”. You “assumed”, and you were wrong, twice.
Anon @ 21…
100,000 more votes than !, baby!
JCH @ 24:
OK, but the underlying question is why did you say it was my “vivid imagination” when you said you washed out?
david in wedgewood…
did you happen to notice those votes were in a PARTISAN primary, baby?
did you happen to figure out that pretty much all across the boards more dems (478,850) voted in the partisan primary than republicans (363,430), baby?
did you further happen to notice that difference mirrors her 100,000, baby?
did you happen to notice her 11 point drop was in a poll taken AFTER the partisan primary, baby?
David, I read both blogs, and you are the emotional one. You wear your envy, jealousy, and schadenfreude on your sleeve for all to witness.
As for credibility with local journalists, recall your reporting on Sharkansky’s leaving The Stranger. Dan Savage himself had to correct your false report.
As for your credibility with David Postman, go check out his blog for what he thinks of your comments on the 4th District.
Local journalists, along with intelligent readers, know that they have to read these partisan blogs, especially this one, with a critical eye and mind.
david in wedgewood….
did you happen to realize there are 3,250,770 voters in WA, baby?
you do realize that leaves the votes of 2,408,490 registered voters up for grabs, don’t you, baby?
JCH @ 22:
@ 143:
Ford and GM are laying off workers that had good paying jobs with benefits and those workes are now transitioning to low paying, no benefit jobs at Wal-Mart
Note which of those companies supports Chinese workers and which ones are losing good paying AMERICAN jobs!!
So, you and the Repuclians are for supporting Chinese workers and against American workers.
Nice to know what is truly on the conservatie agenda just weeks before the election.
Thanks for clarifying the RNC position regarding American workers.
and union demands had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with those automotive jobs losses.
@ 31.
Anon at 27:
The problem with your rationalizing is that it is still 100,000 people. Even with an increase in the General, McGavick?(tm) would have to have the voters who turn out in the General break 90-10 for him to even make it competitive.
Get McGavick in two polls above 45% in a row, and you might have an argument. For now, you just have a loser.
28 – That is such bullsh*t. Sharansky is the most childish, obsessive fool ever to bloviate on the local blogs. Anyone who follows his scribblings thinking he is credible is deluded. There’s some entertainment value there if laughing at the village idiot is your idea of fun.
As for credibility with local journalists, recall your reporting on Sharkansky’s leaving The Stranger. Dan Savage himself had to correct your false report.
IIRC, all Goldy did is repeat what Dave Neiwert had written. Savage should have taken up his gripe with Dave.
I love this thread, it means when I say:
I am on topic.
and union demands had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with those automotive jobs losses.
Commentby Anonymous— 9/22/06@ 1:49 pm
@ 31.
Commentby GBS [???????? The higher cost of union labor is reflected in the higher cost of the product sold. This is basic economics. Higher prices: less units sold, which leads to less labor needed.]
GBS, It is the market that sets the wages. Shareholders of GM [50 to 24 over the last 5 years] and Ford [20 to 7 over the last 5 yrs] have last over 50% of their investments as the “unions” bleed the company. Greedy shareholders? Hardly? And management of these companies are overpaid and not blameless, either. Basically, a “union” company is a poor place to invest for a shareholder. Note that WAL-MART is expanding, hiring new employees, and the stock chart has not “fucked” the owners [shareholders]. BTW, many “American” car parts are made “overseas” by non union labor? Why? Because the UAW has priced themsevles out of the competitive market. So………………….I drive GM cars anyway.
Interesting. Toyota has gone up from $50-$107.01, Honda has gone from $16-$32.68 in the same time period. And, they’ve both built assembly plants in America during that same time period and they’ve both hired UAW workers. .
So that blasts all your points right out of the water, you jerk off.
GM and F falter in value, because of poor management. Period. The competiton hires same workers, in the same statess, build a better product for less money and make more profit and have a better return on investment. This has nothing to do with union labor and everythig to do with management.
TM & HMC stock has gone up over 100% and they hire unions. Making the union company and EXCELLENT investment “vehicle.” Pun intended
Wal-Mart hasn’t “fucked” the shareholders, but they sure have FUCKED the average wage earner over pretty good.
Parts are manufactured overseas because even minimum wage earners couldn’t compete with the working poor of China.
Is that what you and the Republicans want for America: A working poor society.
Smooth move Exlax. Any more myths I can easily debunk for you?
Like washing out of “Naval Air?”
God Damn it, JCH, you make it easy to expose the true nature of the conservative agenda: to lay financial ruin to America. Just like bin Laden has commanded you to do.
That’s just basice ECON 101. Proving you are not some retired stock broker living in Hawaii who should easily know better than to throw out stupd snipetts like you just did. Didn’t you think I’d be able to look up Toyota and Honda on the web just as easily as you?!?!?!
Damn, you’re dumb.
Thanks for helping to expose another lie you keep spouting.
BTW identity theft is highly illegal. You shouldn’t surf the web for honest people who’ve made something of their lives then assume their identity so you can be paid by the RNC as some politcal hack verbally vomitting the talking points. Like a good Nazi terrorist!
So how much do you get paid by the post?
PS: How’s life in some shitty trailer in Western PA?
I mean, how’s life at the trailer park in Woodinville, WA.
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Why do conservatives hate good paying jobs for working Americans?
Why do conservatives want to move all of our good paying jobs to China?
Why do conservatives side with the “values” of bin Laden?
Um, Postman never accused me of predicting Hastings defeat. (And if you read his comment thread, you’ll see that he acknowledges Hastings has problems with fellow Republicans.)
And as for Dan Savage, since that incident, how many columns has Dan had Stefan write for The Stranger? How many columns has he had me write?
I give you way too much credit. You’re no red neck conservative living in a trailer park.
You’re some Taliban, al Qaeda promoting the conservative agenda because you know if you convince enough Americans to support Republicans that will achieve victory for bin Laden’s ambitions of destroying freedom and liberty in America.
Hey, it’s Friday, shouldn’t you be at the mosque?
Aaaahhhhhhh, Laaaaa baaaa Laaaaahhhh, oooooohhhh Allah.
Yep, I hear your call to evening prayer. Better sweep down the cave, lay down your prayer mat, point towards Mecca and start praying, bud.
It’s Allah time for you.
JCH is an Islamo Fascists living in the mountainous region of Pakistan.
JCH, did you get to shake President Bush’s hand when he visited Pakistan? You know when you bin Laden, Musharraf and Bush agreed not to go after al Qaeda in Pakistan or allow us military in Pakistan to kill bin Laden.
That’s just basice [“basic”] ECON 101. Proving you are not some retired stock broker living in Hawaii who should easily know better than to throw out stupd [“stupid”] snipetts [“snippets”] like you just did.
Damn, you’re dumb.
Commentby GBS […………………………………….When you are telling someone there are dumb”, try spelling correctly. hehe, LT JCH]
Hey, Atlas, I mean, JCH.
Baaa haaaa haaa haaa.
Oh man, tell another funny “shareholder” story. You know what? You should leave the high flying investment talk to MTR.
Not that he knows a fucking thing about it, but at least he doens’t sound quite as stupid as you do on the subject.
Fuck, how does some body get to be so dumb.
Dee Dee Deeeeeee. JCH is reeee-tarrr-ded!!
Don’t nit pick a tiny, insignificant typo while I’m having to fly across the keyboard chasing your retarded commentary.\
Just rebut the facts. Fag.
E-3 GBS, Yawn. Back to serving “midrats” to commissioned officers in the wardroom! NOW!
How is it Honda and Toyota have doubled in price, produce better cars, for more profit while hiring AMERICAN UNION workers?
If what you are saying is true about GM and Ford, why isn’t the same thing happening to other car manufactures that invest in America?
What’s the different?
The fucking management.
“E-3 GBS, Yawn. Back to serving “midrats” to commissioned officers in the wardroom! NOW!”
Yeah, that’s cute, JCH.
Now, stop acting like a 2nd grader and back up your bullshit comments.
Why has TM and HMC flourished while GM and F faltered?
Commentby GBS [……………………………………..Perhaps this is why you were “busted” to E-3. XO’s inquiry, Captain’s Mast, fined and “busted”. Not much of a military career, eh, GBS?]
What’s the matter, JCH.
Out of ideas? No answers? No plan? No agenda for Americans?
See, we’ve tried the conservative model of government for nearly 6 years. We’ve learned that it simply does not work.
It’s failed, like you’re a failure.
John Craig at 48:
You might want to review your own posts before complaining about someone elses spelling:
Shareholders of GM and Ford have last [sic] over 50% of their investments
JCH at 37.
Oops, sucks to be you.
If I’m such a “dumb” enlisted guy, why can’t you just easily refute my comments regarding TM and HMC?
Because, you are fucking wrong, Jackass.
Sometimes, when I’m in the library and using a computer that uSP hasn’t blocked, I write a post praising Stefan in the most treacly and bottom-smooching fashion. Sometimes they even notice the arch tone of my insincere praise. It’s a hoot!!
@ 56:
Of course it sucks being JCH. Shit he’s a conservative.
In my day, if you told people you’d just bought a HUMMER, they might criticise you for being too open about things.
Well, another day of exchanging barbs with JCH and another victory for me.
Still undefeated.
JCH, it DOES suck being you.
BTW it’s time for you to assume another identity.
Move along. Nothing to see here.
Come on Goldy out this punk Anonymous. It would do em some good to get spanked.
As for the Log Cabin republican Steffy, who cares about that little cowardly cunt? He’s less than nothing. He and Timmy Lieman share honors as being the least important of the inbred republican gang these days.
If I walked by Steffy lying in the street and he was on fire, I wouldn’t piss on him to put him out.
@ 62:
I wouldn’t piss on him either, but I’d beat him with a 2×4 trying to smoother the flams.
No more comments?
Being quiet and submissive I see.
I forgot, JCH is having Friday evening prayers in his cave in Pakistan.
After evening prayers are you going to the RNC site to see what the official talking points are on union labor when you get your ass handed to you?
If, and only if, you’re ready to become a real patriotic American and no longer an al Qaeda operative, you should check out the film; The High Cost of Low Price.”
Fuck head.
WRT #34 —
I’ve never written anything about Sharkansky’s relationship with The Stranger. You must have someone else in mind.
Dave… I think he’s referring to a post by Michael Hood of Blatherwatch. I always get the two of you confused too.
David @44:
David, among other things, I was discussing credibility with local journalists. Stay focused on the topic, please.
David, as you know, you took some shots at the mainstream media in your post on Congressional District 4. In his blog, David Postman referred back to your post after some conclusive results became available. While he said very little (he was being subtle), the purpose of his post was to challenge your credibility, to rub your nose in it. Why else would he refer back to a post that turned out to be so far off?
David, regarding your credibility with Dan Savage, Dan certainly knows, given your false report about Sharkansky, that he has to keep his editorial guard up regarding you. Dan also certainly knows that you were not quick to correct the false report. (As I said in my previous post, intelligent readers need to use all of their critical faculties reading these partisan blogs, especially this one; an item reported as a fact is not necessarily a fact.)
David, as to the number of times Dan Savage has solicited stories from either you or Sharkansky, I do not know. I know of your piece that appeared in The Stranger on The Defense of Marriage Act. I do not know if Dan Savage solicited it or if you submitted it unsolicited (I would guess the latter). David, as you also know, Dan Savage said he would welcome future stories of interest from Stefan Sharkansky. The Stranger has referred back to items on Sound Politics. As an aside, David, Sharkansky does not appear to be as insecure about where he appears.
By the way, David, your piece on The Defense of Marriage Act was dreadful. It was a pathetic attempt at humor. While I hold Dan Savage in high esteem, he demonstrated poor editorial judgement in allowing that best-forgotten piece in the paper. (Incidentally, I am, among other things, an atheist who supports civil unions for gays.)
I agree with Luigi. I read both blogs and try to keep an open mind. I know there are a lot of partisan games going on both here and there. Goldy is much more shrill and emotional. At times his sarcasm and double entendre is so rich, it’s hard to really read what he’s saying and one can just chalk it up to an emotional rant. And Goldy cares a lot more about what Stefan is saying than the reverse.
I view Goldy as just a localized copy of Markos at Daily Kos. It’s all about politics 24/7 whether Goldy believes it or not. And the extreme commenters here at HA are a huge liability and discredit to Goldy that he often frets about, but at the same time can’t abandon.
I agree with Goldy on many points, but his message is almost always lost in his writing style. And I think that’s why Postman enjoys taking jabs at Goldy, the truth is that Goldy is mostly irrelevant.
Oops sorry about that Dave. I did hedge with the IIRC though. Not that that excuses me!
The unions are stifling PROGRESS in American manufacturing by virtue of the fact they demand high pay for menial jobs where mechanization would be cheaper and more efficient.
Take a trip to Europe or Asia. Head on over to Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Finland, Seoul, Malasia and take a tour of a Coke Bottling Plant, Magnavox, Whirlpool, any car manufacturer.
They have all implemeted automated material handling systems and dock to trailer sytems with efficiency that is astounding.
We presented a dock to trailer system to Ford, to Phillip Morris and to Anheuser Busch. It was a specific in-house system for transportation back and forth between plants of the same company and it has been in use in Europe for years.
Currently, a driver backs up to the dock, parks the truck and goes to sit in the ‘drivers room’ for hours while UNION forklift operators meander back and forth loading and unloading, arranging and rearranging.
We presented a system in which the driver backs in, docks to the warehouse flips a button and his load in unloaded in under 7 minutes. He never gets out of the cab. The money saved in driver man hours, in transportation turnover, in forklift man hours is astounding. The money saved not having to write off “acceptable loss” is astronomical.
We presented an adjunct to the system for movement of goods WITHIN the warehouse.
But Ford, Phillip Morris, Anheuser Busch and others are held at gunpoint to pay the pathetically inefficient, slow and far overpaid union fork lift operators. When we were presenting to Anheuser Busch we were warned NOT to tell the union folks why we were there because they would file a grievance just because the company was considering time saving technology.
And now you know why OUR manufactures are producing overseas.
And now you know why manufacturers here like Dana Corp are going bankrupt with the failings of American car manufacturers.
And now you know why it’s cheaper for major companies to move their mid-management employees and families to productive careers in overseas plants.
Sadly, you will continue to trumpet the glories of the unions holding manufacturers hostage.
You will continue to pay more and more for the few union jobs that may end up staying here.
You will pay more for the materials and finished goods criss-crossing oceans.
You will pay more for the establishment of those factories in other countries and the movement of employees to manage them.
You will pay more for the taxes those companies pay TO those countries.
And you will pay more for the loss of taxes to our own.
But go right ahead.
In the technology of manufacturing, in the technology of material handling, they are leaving the USA in the dust.
But, I love travelling to Malasia, Korea, Finland, most of Europe, so carry on defending the protection racket.
If, and only if, you’re ready to become a real patriotic American and no longer an al Qaeda operative, you should check out the film; The High Cost of Low Price.”
Fuck head.
Commentby GBS [….Atlas has Shrugged, GBS.]
Commentby GBS [………..Er, GBS, you were busted to E-3 after your chief [E-7], division officer, department head, XO, and CO all turned their backs on you. That is the definition of a “loser” shitbird! Get it?]
I’m not writing this to piss off those I disgree with, but since I disagree with you. PISS OFF!
I’m not writing this for those who agree with either. Cause some times your pissing me off too.
To evereyone….GROW UP!
The fact that you are reading this means you give shit.
So does someone who disagrees with us, let’s try and have a brew or glass of cheap wine and find some common ground so that we can leave this planet a better place than it was when we got here.
32 more dead in Baghdad. I don’t know if these are the kind of dead people that the Pentagon thinks are worth counting, so the murder rate COULD still be way down due to the presence of our brave troops. If you don’t count all the dead people, I mean.