The Stranger’s Eli Sanders slogs today about Gov. Gregoire’s last minute endorsement of Barack Obama, just before the WA caucuses…
It was a coup for Obama and smart politics for Gregoire. […] It also established an IOU with the Obama campaign, one they’re paying back—or beginning to pay back—this week. It may be too cynical to cast this as a purely financial transaction, but if you’re wondering how much Gregoire’s endorsement was worth to the Obama campaign the answer, so far, seems to be about $320,000.
Political payback? Huh. Okay, maybe. I suppose that’s how this game is played.
But if a funder with a nominee’s wife is payback for a crucial endorsement from a sitting governor, it makes you wonder what the hell Dave Reichert did to earn payback funders from Tom Delay, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, George Bush, Laura Bush, John Boehner, Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani?
But then, Reichert is a conscience driven independent, so I guess it’s inappropriate to ask that question.
they just wanted to thank the sheriff for ending the death penalty in washington by giving life to the man who tortured and murdered all those women. republican family values and all.
Funny how the big Republicans don’t dare hold a public meeting in Western Washington. They slip into Boeing Field, go directly to some private fundraiser in a private home in Medina, have police block off roads so there’s no chance they might be inconvenienced by having to observe a protest sign, and then scoot right back to Boeing Field and then out of town.
Get real. Obama is one of the most calculating politicians we’ve seen in years. Since Seattle skews SO far Left that WA is likely going to the Dems, he’s doing the least amount necessary to look like he’s doing something. You even mention that it was a last-minute endorsement. I’m sure there is an unofficial “price list” for quid pro quos and timing is a factor.
Really? There was a McCain rally in Seattle on Feb. 7 at the Westin which was open to the public. He spoke at the Seattle CityClub last year at the Westin.
DW @ 4: Last year, and Feb. this year? That was when he was still struggling to break out of the pack in the nomination race. Let’s see what he does now.
McSame events open to the public?
Not when you’re a 61 year old sign wielding librarian.
McCain = Bush
Gov. Gregoire just lost the endorsement of the Washington Restaurant Association. The Board unanimously endorsed Rossi. Ouch.
With a workforce of 186,000 employees, the restaurant industry is the largest private employer in the state. The 12,000 Washington restaurants annually contribute $9.4 billion to the state economy, generate $555 million in state taxes, and pay employees more than $2.6 billion each year.
In the past, they have been quite non-partisan as opposed to other trade associations. They looked closely at what Gregoire promised and what she actually did. Explains things in their monthly newsletter. I’ll still likely vote for her….but very, very reluctantly if I do.
Don Ward @ 4
McCain drew 400 people to his rally at the Westin on February 7. Obama drew over 20,000 people to his rally at the Seattle Center the following day.
I voted with the majority in 2004 and I will be voting the same way this time. Re-elect Dino for governor.
I’m assuming that the Washington Restaurant Association consists of owners of restaurant. The workers in restaurants outnumber the owners considerably. Wonder if Dino told them that as Governor, he would work to get tips included as part of worker’s minimum wage, the same way Mike McGavick did? That might go over pretty well with the restaurant owners, but you saw how well that works with the workers.
How about it Dino? Did you support Mike!’s plan?????
Good to see that Goldy is still carrying Darcy Burner’s water for her. She probably could have used that a few weeks ago when her house was up in flames…
Attacks on Reichert aren’t going to convince people why Darcy (disco inferno)Burner is a better choice for them in November, so perhaps Goldy should start making a case for his candidate rather than using juvenile “hit posts” every other thread on this site to bring down Congressman Reichert. Get used to hearing the name as it will be around for the foreseeable future, Goldy’s temper tantrums be damned.
…and @ 1. It wasn’t Reichert’s call. It was the King County Prosecutor’s office…but I’m assuming you’re too ignorant to even grasp that reality.
Or if you want to support obama and you’re a muslim. Then you get escorted out.
Even michelle obama doesn’t want too many black folks around her.
Ouch. More white people and it will look pretty.
Change, just not the change you wanted.
Doesn’t matter. The February rally was “open to the public” and was on the heels of McCain mathematically wrapping up the nomination process (according to the press at the time).
The Seattle CityClub wasn’t open to the public, but rather its membership which includes some prominent liberals and Democrats. Can’t remember if seats/tables could have been purchased though for the usual convention rubber chicken feed rates.
So the whole Big-Name-Republicans-Don’t-Ever-Come-To-Seattle statement has been scotched which was my initial point.
Wait, the caucus came on the heels… The February primary was before. Blah. Main point remains the same.