Let’s just look at the numbers from my most recent national poll (July 21). Overall, only 36% of likely voters told us that they agree that the war in Iraq has been “worth the loss of American lives”, while 57% disagree. But the partisan splits are more revealing: only 16% of the Democrats polled said the war has been worth while 82% disagree and only 26% of Independents agree the war has been worth it while 72% disagree. On the Republican side, 64% said the war has been worth it, while 23% disagree. The war has been the principal cause of the nation’s polarization in the past three years. The polling evidence shows the degree to which Iraq has become a Republican war. And these latest numbers are also noteworthy in that they show that about one in four Republicans have now pretty much given up on the war.
There are a number of ways to look at this poll, though I wonder what percentage of the 64% of Republicans who still think the war was worth it interpret the poll to mean that 57% of their fellow citizens are cowards and traitors who hate America?
How many of these lapelpin patriots on the right would think the war in Iraq was a good idea if their kids had to fight it?
The Republicans consider such a question a loyalty test. They know the results will be reported in the news media, and they equate support for the war to be support for the Bush administration. In their mind, “support for the troops” equals “support for the war” equals “support for the President” equals “support the Republicans”.
So most Republicans will say the war was worth it, regardless of their personal doubts. I’m actually amazed at the number of Republicans who are willing to admit to a pollster otherwise.
You had the same results with the Vietnam war – in the spring of 1975, a lot of Republicans were arguing that we needed to re-insert American troops to prop up the South Vietnamese regime which had already arranged their exit out of the country. I had an interesting exchange in March of 1975 with Republican Sen. Bill Brock, who called me the epitome of “everything that’s wrong with this country” when I dared to point out to him that a renewed draft to support Vietnam would be widely resisted by the young people. Faced with an obviously failing strategy, their position then – as now – is to do “more of the same”.
Does anyone know what Mike? Who’s position on the Iraq war is? I’ll bet if he were elected to the senate, he’d be just another Republican lapdog for Bush and the imperialists in the West Wing.
Mike? Who
He’s the Problem, Not the Solution
way to be original, fluffy rat.
Y’all forgot the massacre of civilians at the hands of the communists in Viet Nam as well as in Cambodia an Laos because the US left SE Asia.
THAT war was about the global exoansion of the Communists, a so called “COLD WAR.”
THIS war is about the global expansion of Islamo-facism.
Moonbats can’t see that.
Cue the music: Kumbaya, my friends Kumbaya…….
This war is about controlling the region and getting cheap oil. Don’t delude you yourself.
This war is about the current adminstration keeping control of our country.
Read Peter Galbraith’s “The End of Iraq” and then come back and pop off.
KB at 5: So you are admitting that Iraq has become another Vietnam? And you are asserting that if we had stayed in Vietnam another 20 years or so, that the outcome might have been different?
7: “KB at 5: So you are admitting that Iraq has become another Vietnam?”
Sounds more like he’s admitting it’s another Cambodia. Also sounds like his proposed solution is to kill all the Iraquis before they kill each other.
Delightful. Why don’t you go out and fuck some teenage girls before they lose their virginity on their own?
Question 1: And while we are at it KB, how strong was the Kmer Rouge in Cambodia BEFORE the Nixon Administration’s orchestration of the military coup in Cambodia, wrangled with the Cambodian military to get a pretext for the 1970 invasion? Answer: not very strong. Even the N. Vietnamese distrusted the
Kmer Rouge, considering them “fanatics”.
Question 2: How did the Kmer Rouge get the support of the Cambodian peasantry, before they gained power? It was the U.S. intereference with the traditional Cambodian ruling monarchy which gave the recruiting impetus to the Kmer Rouge among the peasant population. The Cambodian peasantry looked to the Monarchy to protect the peasants from exploitation by the upper-class nobility and capitalists of Pnom Penh. After the coup, the peasants believed only the Kmer Rouge could prevent them from servitude to the upper classes and capitalists. (Note: this was the same dynamic which caused peasants in Russia to support the Bolsheivicks over the Social Democrats during the Russian Revolution.) Americans considered the Monarchy to be an obsticle to democracy, but the locals (in Russia pre 1918 and in Cambodia pre-1970) considered the Monarchy to be their ultimate protectors. Therefore American interference actually contributed to Cambodia’s political and social collapse, rather than supporting its anti-communist elements, as the Americans believed at the time.
Question 2: Who pushed the Kmer Rouge out of power in Cambodia? Answer: The post-war communist Vietnamese (communist) government.
The last question in post # 12 should be # 3, obviously.
Who pushed the Kmer Rouge out of power in Cambodia? Answer: The post-war communist Vietnamese (communist) government.
Commentby rhp6033— 8/7/06@ 2:47 pm
Do you think the communist Vietnamese would be up for clearing up the Middle Eastern mess? Can’t be any worse than things are now, what with Iraq and the trouble in Israel/Lebanon.
Repubicans HATE America!!!! http://www.marxists.org/
11 Maybe John McCain can ask ’em about it the next time he goes to visit.
We sure as hell don’t seem to be making things any better.
Bottom line is, only after the last American soldier is out of Iraq will there be no more of them dying there.
Hey Burton — I sang “Kumbaya” in The Nam with an M-16. What war did you fight in? Or are you one of those wingwarriors who wages holy battle with a Game Boy in a Laz-E-Boy?
Weren’t these guys telling us a few years ago they were invading Iraq to “liberate” the people they’re now killing?
I love it when commies kill each other. I’ll love it even more when Republicans start eating their own!
RR, I’d just love it if they stopped breeding.
Hey, here’s an idea. To “protect the children”, make it illegal for Republicans to marry
(makes more sense than banning gay marriage)
What do you get if you cross Ann Coulter with Rush Limbaugh….
….The Rapture
This blog is quite erudite by wingnut standards. These guys not only can spell monosyllable English words like “to” correctly, they have some interesting insights … for example, they think the GOP majority is finished.
“DEMOGRAPHY is destiny in American politics. This point was made brilliantly almost exactly thirty years ago, by Kevin Phillips in The Emerging Republican Majority (1968 … amid the wreckage and recrimination of the disastrous Goldwater defeat, Phillips boldly predicted a generation of Republican victories based on the persistent but dynamic pattern of ethnic politics. He has been triumphantly vindicated.
“But the Republican hour is rapidly drawing to a close … because the ‘Phillips Coalition’ … is being drowned …. Nine-tenths of the immigrant influx is from groups with significant — sometimes overwhelming — Democratic propensities. After thirty years, their numbers are reaching critical mass. And there is no end in sight.
” … America turned to the Republicans, not because it was convinced by … free-market economics … but because … whites … left a party that they perceived as becoming alien and even hostile to them. … The fundamental point, which does not seem to have dawned yet on the Beltway Right, remains the same: The trend is not our friend … newly arrived immigrants … overwhelmingly vote Democratic. … Maybe some supply-sider or neoconservative can get elected to something in 2050, borne along by a multicultural throng like Tarzan on a litter. …”
This article is selectively excerpted under the Fair Use doctrine, and if you don’t like my editing, go fuck yourself and fuck the armadillo you rode in on! For the complete rant and/or copyright info, see http://www.vdare.com/pb/people.htm; and if the wingfucks who wrote it want to sue me, they can send their process server to the hole located 8 paces to the left of the first big tree closest to the sidewalk across the lake from the bath house as you come off Green Lake Way.
“The fundamental point, which does not seem to have dawned yet on the Beltway Right, remains the same: The trend is not our friend … newly arrived immigrants … overwhelmingly vote Democratic.”
see http://www.vdare.com/pb/people.htm; Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/7/06@ 5:04 pm
And don’t forget:
‘Free Trade’, globalization, NAFTA and especially GATT are intended to create a world-wide ‘corporate playground’ where national governments serve the interests of corporations – which means ‘cheap labor’.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/4/06@ 8:15 am
Roger Rabbit, Honorary Chairman, Cheap Labor Dems for Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border, voted to give illegal aliens social security benefits).
Dear Roger Rabbit, not only do you understand the importance of cheap labor overseas, you also understand that there is much work we need to do right here in America to get cheaper labor. Many Third World countries are such shitholes that you can’t even outsource American jobs there no matter how hard you try.
Cantwell’s(D-Mexico)record so far has been impressive, but it’s not nearly enough:
Voted for NAFTA; favors China PNTR
Cantwell voted for NAFTA and favors normal trade status for China.
Voted YES on free trade agreement with Oman.
Voted YES on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade.
Voted YES on establishing free trade between US & Singapore.
Voted YES on establishing free trade between the US and Chile.
Voted YES on extending free trade to Andean nations.
Voted YES on granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam.
Source: http://www.ontheissues.org/Int....._Trade.htm
As you know, we can’t stop at just outsourcing American jobs. If we bring enough Third World immigrants here we can have Third World wages right here at home, and better yet, they vote overwhelmingly Dem! Just tell those working-class suckers back home in Seattle that you’re raising the minimum wage and they’ll actually help us screw them out of their jobs! Thanks again, Roger.
“THIS war is about the global expansion of Islamo-facism.”
What flavor kool aid have you been drinking?
Before the US invaded Iraq, Islamo-facism had no power there. We, the US, enabled Islamo-facism to take root in Iraq. It is our brutal and corrupt occupation of Iraq that has encouraged the people there to take up arms against the west.
We might as well bring our guys home now and let the Iraqis sort it out–they can not possibly screw things up worse than we have.
@21 The ‘funny’ part about that is neither the Shia, the Sunni, nor the Kurds have any real use for Al-Qaeda and the Ku’utists . .they’re outsiders and have amply earned the hatred of all stripes of Iraqi’s by their willingness to kill Iraqis to further their goal of chaos and civil war.
Yes, left to their own devices, the Shia and Sunni might kill each other. . .but they willsurely kill the outsiders as well.
What this war is about is a failed Neo-convict wetdream. Having shattered the uneasy amalgamation forged in Iraq by Saddam, we are now persuing a fool’s goal of keeping this chimerical relic left over from the Balfour Commission in the hope of draining yet more wealth into the Bush Family’s pockets.
#20 Apparently Cantwell is responsible for everything that comes from Congress, good enough reason for me to vote for someone that powerful. Thanks for the recommendation! Gordy
Hey Burton – I sang “Kumbaya” in The Nam with an M-16. What war did you fight in? Or are you one of those wingwarriors who wages holy battle with a Game Boy in a Laz-E-Boy?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/7/06@ 3:59 pm
Roger you still having flash backs today evertime a fire cracker goes off. You really need some help with that problems. I know the right chaps that can help. God Bless Little Bunnie.
Republicans who still think the war was worth it interpret the poll to mean that 57% of their fellow citizens are cowards and traitors who hate America?
Goldy only if they went to Roger Moore little movie about who the real bad gays are in this world. Funny I did see any you Chaps over there in the desert defending those who could not defend themselves. How selfish on your part, but then you are not a Jewish, but belong to the church of Liberalism.
When I graduated from high school my mom told me I could do anything I wanted, except get a motorcycle. If I wanted a motorcycle I had to wait until after she died to buy it. My dad, a Korean war vet, (drafted) told me I could do anything I wanted, except join the military.
Just thought I’d share that. :->
I know, I know, I shouldn’t try to dip into the paranoid fantasies of your sick little mind, but you are being even less coherent than usual (which is saying a lot). So:
When you say:
“Goldy only if they went to Roger Moore little movie about who the real bad gays are in this world.”
Was this before or after he was in Live and Let Die, and, all right, who are the real bad gays in this world?
And, when you say:
“but then you are not a Jewish, but belong to the church of Liberalism. ”
But who today is a Jewish? Are you a Jewish? I know I am not.
But if you meant “a Jew,” who has given you power to decide who is and is not a Jew? Given that you have cited to Nazi web cites, I have a feeling you are not qualified to discussed who is and is not a Jew.
Oh, and since you are clearly aping Ms. Coulter’s book, how ’bout telling us how she can be a good Christian since she is unmarried unless she is still a virgin? And where in the teachings of Christ does he favor wars of choice, calling windows “harpies” and saying that they enjoy their husband’s deaths, and calls for terrorist attacks on the press and members of government.
Give your and those you follow sins, maybe you should not be casting so many stones. “It is harder for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven.” Sounds like good liberal policy to me.
Since the commie lib Democrats did not want the oil pipeline in Alaska in the first place, [Seirra Club, and the wacko “Save The Raindeer” Democrats] shouldn’t they be happy that the line is closed for repair?
JDB, Still rich and retired and living in Hawaii. [BTW, my SCUBA tanks [rated 3300 PSI] now can be filled to 3300 PSI, giving me an extra 10% longer dive!! Before Jack’s [Kona] compressor “red lined” at 3000. I just thought you would like to know. So, “Fag” JDB, how’s your day? hehe, JCH]
I’m having a great day since unlike you I don’t have to go a bunch of sailors to pay off my pimp. What a sorry little man you are.
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