I’m pretty sure that this is what leadership looks like:
Eight activists protesting the expulsion of aid groups in Darfur have been arrested in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington.
Humanitarian leaders and U.S. lawmakers, including Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison and Maryland Rep. Donna Edwards, were led away from the embassy in handcuffs Monday after crossing a police line.
Civil disobedience from a couple of U.S. Representatives. What a refreshing contrast to the type of meek politicians we tend to elect here in Washington state, who generally couldn’t get arrested if they tried.
To a right winger, the worst crime a fellow wingnut can commit is to get caught.
Meek? These guys are too busy lining their pockets or satisfying their twisted desires to be overly cautious.
The same trolls who turned a blind eye to the vile crimes of the Bush administration will pile into this thread to bray about the lawlessness of Democratic politicians who got themselves arrested for demonstrating against the crimes of one of the world’s most odious dictatorships.
All hail Edwards and Ellison. Damn, are we starting to get some principled people into Congress?
Good for them and too bad it probably wont do any good.
The Tacoma “Pirates” held up the legislative session because they didn’t like how TPU would come out under SB 5840. But, how much better off (in their terms) is TPU under I-397 than it would have been under SB 5840?
@5 Looks like I forgot the word session…
Republicans, led by Maine Sen. Collins, stripped $870 million of pandemic preparedness funding from the stimulus bill.
Source: http://www.thenation.com/blogs.....l=hp_picks
I mention this so that, if you die in a swine flu pandemic, you’ll know who killed you.
I got one word for all this pig flu stuff: Corporate pig farms. If they were held financially responsible for the environmental damage they cause, they would not be an economically viable concern.
And one of the biggest ones is in Mexico city.
The same trolls who turned a blind eye to the vile crimes of the Bush administration will pile into this thread to bray about the lawlessness of Democratic politicians who got themselves arrested for demonstrating against the crimes of one of the world’s most odious dictatorships.
dead…vince foster
dead…ron brown
dead…jim mcdougal
dead…chandra leavy
dead..dc madam
dead…ceo of fannie mae
and supposedly 3 of the above killed themselves
yes, blind eye to vile crimes
Glad to see that bitchoflies is as fond of the truthiness as ever. Did you not get that pony you wanted as a child?
manoftruth, it was the cfo of fannie mae, not the ceo.
As far as Darfur goes, we should stay out of it. If there’s any involvement, it should be on the part of the Europeans who made a mess out of Africa over the past 300 years.
We’re into enough foreign mis-adventures as it is already without getting involved in another!
@9: LOL woman of falsehood
Chandra Levy? they caught her killer, what does that have to do with anything?
Wow, you are not only stupid but you are out of touch with reality too. Vince Foster??? – what does that have to do with standing up for the rights of the people (who happen to be black and Christian) in Darfur who are being massacred by the Arab (and Muslim) north?
You really are a cretin.
manoftruth is a legend in his own mind. Everyone there agrees with him. Even son-of-sam and goat fucker.
@8 Pig farms are merely one of many extractive industries that leave toxic wastes behind. Others include: Gold mining by cyanide heap leaching; strip mining for coal; uranium mining by any means; mining the public records act for penalties; and mining L & I taxes for political slush funds.
@12 Chandra Levy? they caught her killer, what does that have to do with anything? Wow, you are not only stupid . . .
Really? And to think the attorneys of “the accused” are spending their time defending him against the charge:
Authorities’ Evidence Flawed, Defense Says
Remember when the traitors at Faux News acted like they cared about Levy? Remember how they dropped her and her family like a hot potato when they realized they couldn’t do any more damage to Condit? And remember when Faux News failed to report that Levy’s killer was found – and he was a Publican?
A democrat gets arrested and ylb like the trained little dog he is immediately posts his favorite link.
typical left-wingnut.
Strange that your link didn’t mention schumer, the man that took pride in eliminating flu preparedness from the stimulas bill.
“All those little porky things that the House put in, the money for the [National] Mall or the sexually transmitted diseases or the flu pandemic, they’re all out,” Schumer said.
Rabbit, were you as intellectually dishonest when you were a judge as you are now?
The Rabbit is blinded by his partisanship.
Obviously the Dems have the power and could have easily included this funding…and they didn’t!
Schumer’s quote undermines the Dems latest ploy of blaming Republicans.
Kind of hard to blame the minority party with quotes like Chucky Schumer’s, ain’t it!!
This one is even better:
Marked special for our silliest right winger…
How much of a commission are you making from that website?
YLB @ 20;
Thanks for a link to such a great site. I hope you do indeed make a commission.
But regardless if you do or not, it demonstrates how many Repuboicans are in to child rape.
Very distrubing.
@22 Not to mention the strange goings-on at our nation’s public park toilets.