The Stranger’s longtime reporter and news editor Josh Feit is stepping down and moving on…
It’s ironic, after nine years making a living hating on Seattle (and always with a plan to get back to the East Coast), I actually love it here these days (it has something to do with buying a fancy bike), and I’m angling to stay.
And Seattle will certainly miss hating on Josh. Of course, I’m sure Josh will quickly move on to bigger and better things, as the news biz is a thriving industry these days. (Or maybe he’ll just end up another sell-out, like Sandeep?)
Maybe he will enhance his loserness through association.
Good luck.
@ 1
“enhance his loserness through association”
That doesn’t even make sense.
“I do not believe it is fair or accurate to blame our regulatory structure for the current market turmoil.”
Henry Paulson
US Treasury Secretary March 31 2008.
Is Henry Paulson fucking nuts?
Economic genius compared to US Treasury Secretary
April 1, 2008
@ 3
He doesn’t blame the regulatory structure for the collapse, but endorses changing the regulatory structure? I thought he was one of the smart ones.
4 Yes.
Remember who hired him.
Basically, what these scumbags are proposing is to give us another big dose of the medicine that made us sick. Under the all-too-familiar rhetorical veneer of “regulatory reform”, they’re going to hack away the remainder of the “depression-era” safeguards they’ve been whittling at for the last 40 years. The Federal Reserve will shed all pretense of having any purpose other than printing money to prop up the crooked banks, funds and insurance companies, further enriching the already rich while the resulting inflationary spiral eats the rest of us alive. The institutional reshuffling, like the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, is primarily a ruse to abolish civil service rules and fill the hierarchy with crony appointees.
The final kicker is yanking any authority over financial institutions away from the states. If you’ve been troubling yourselves over where to put your money in these troubled times, if Congress is dumb enough to pass this mess, don’t worry about it. There won’t be anyplace safe.
…and government will “save” us, right Artfart?
Government saved your grandfather’s sorry ass in the FDR years, and if you say it didn’t, you’re even a bigger liar.
Farewell to Josh. Perhaps he can go to some other city where he can use his editorial skills to belittle light rail and promote the transit system of the future, monorail.
Breaking News
(Seattle, SJN April 1, 2008)
I Hillary a secret Christian?
Josh Feit, a reporter for Seattle’s alternative newspaper, The Stranger, may have inadvertently started this story by suggesting a relationship between Sentor Clintn and Kareem Abduhl Jabbar. Although this cliajm was widely ignored, it sis lead to the discovery that Ms. Clinton, though a self proclaimed intellectual, has for several years participated in a secret Christian service closed to the general public.
Asked by an SJN reporter if Hillary was a witch, the Clinton campaign said the the “B” word should be banned along with the “n” word and the f “word”. When corrected, the campaign representative, a former Hooter’s girl , giggled and said “Ya never know what those Obama guys will comne up with ,,, was this the Wizard Wright’s idea? Would Ms. Clinton be acceptable to her Sunday Prayer Group if she was possessed?”
The prayer group turns out to be a secret once a week meeting Ms. Clinton has with similar minded Christians. No written record is kept of the sermons or even the identities of the invited preachers. however, SJN has learned that some members of the group practice deophagy and public leviticuissing is encouraged.
Fox news has been running interviews with members of the “prayer group” but none are willing to describe what is discussed in the secret meetings. Bill O’Reilly has called on Ms. Clinton to explain her membership on a secret “coven,”s asaing,
“how do we know what thee folks discuss? Maybe it is a coven, y’ know where witchs meet? Mrs. Clinton is officially a Methodist. Does anyone know what the Method is? Wasn’t Brando a methodist before he became a communist?
Thge public has a right to know.”
You write “sellout” like it’s a bad thing.
@11 SJ
I want to see her do public Deuteronomizing. Hide the children.
@13 Sempersimper
I suspect one reason for keeping her services in secret is that Deuteronmy is not the sort of thing one does in public.
Like Larry Craig’s foor tapping or Bill Clinton’s cigar polishing, deuteronmy is something, I am told, that is best done in memeory rather than acting out.
Have you ever committed Deuteronomy in public? Would you be interested in participating in a public deuteronomy? I do know an interfaith group that is planning a session next fall. Unfortunately, the gay community in Seattle has objected so the meeting wil likely be held in Kirkland.
Puddy is one of the organizers so you might let him know too.
By the way, I am not sure there is a lot to see here .. the public celebrations of the song of songs are a lot mor einteresting but devotees of Deuteronomy rarely attend.
Condolences to all Feitkopfs everywhere.
The only sorry asses saved by government in the FDR years, Ivan, were those of your commie cousins back in the USSR. Hope you’re sorry.
I don’t think Sandeep sold-out. I believe he is simply offering his considerable talents for rent to selectively chosen clients.
Josh is great, but I think he just might have a different skill set based on my observations.