This post is mostly directed at my friends in the media, because I want to set the record straight before editorialists and columnists start chiming in. Yesterday, David Irons Jr. responded to his family’s devastating allegations by charging that this was a dirty trick orchestrated by the Sims campaign, a meme Dori Monson joyously pounded for two hours yesterday… and I want to categorically deny this in the strongest terms possible. If this was a dirty trick, it was my dirty trick… and nobody, nobody tells me what to write. (Which I suppose explains why nobody pays me either.) And so, here is the genesis of this story, in excruciating detail.
As should be clear from reading my post, the impetus for the piece was Joni Balter’s column, which left the writer in me searching for the narrative behind her concise phrase “different family matter.” Balter’s description struck me as a sort of inside joke — a wink and a nod that those in the know would instantly get — but I had never paid much attention to county politics before I stumbled into blogging last year, and so like most of her readers, I had no context. I knew next to nothing about Irons’ past races — I didn’t even know who Brian Derdowski was when I was introduced to him last year.
It was Steve Zemke — the longtime activist, “Whoops” slayer, and fellow Eyman opponent with whom I frequently whine about politics — who first suggested that I should talk to Brian for some background on Irons. It was Steve who dug out Brian’s phone number from the depths of his well stocked rolodex.
As Brian explained on Dori’s show yesterday, I went to him with some broad questions, not really sure where the story was going, and he was more than happy to give me a history of the 1999 campaign, culminating in the Irons/Master Builders smear the night before the absentee ballots dropped. In pursuing this story, I heard some scuttlebutt from council staffers and others about Irons reputation for having an abusive temper, and when I asked Brian for details about the family split, he insisted that this was a story that I would have to get directly from the family… and that he was pretty sure they would be eager to share it with me.
Brian gave me Di Irons’ number, who in turn put me in touch with her parents. Not only did they share the details of their sad and painful story, they expressed disappointment that Balter had not shared it with the public after they had told it to her.
That is the genesis of my post. Nobody pushed it to me. Nobody fed me any easy information. I did some of that journalistic stuff that I really don’t like to do (it’s too much damn work), and that’s how I got the story. To imply otherwise is not only wrong, it diminishes the effort I put into a detailed, 3300-word piece.
Yesterday, Dori made a big deal about Sims campaign spokesman Christian Sinderman telling the Seattle Times on October 14 that “we’re almost in full mudslinging mode.” Oh gimme a break, Dori. Most of you in the media know Christian, and he may be a lot of things, but he’s not stupid. Do you really think his intention was to proudly proclaim that the Sims campaign was about to sling mud? When I read that quote, I just assumed he was talking about the Irons’ campaign. Didn’t you?
When Dori asked if I had been in contact with Christian, I almost replied “no”, which would have been easier and less confusing… but after a momentary stammer I remembered that I had in fact emailed with Christian recently, and had probably mentioned I was working on the story. After Dori’s show I checked my email log, and on Oct 10th, I received a brief email from Christian (my first since May) titled “how are you?” It was a brief catch-up note; he asked me about the Mike Brown story and another unrelated matter… and he also mentioned that he heard I had talked to Di. I replied to all aspects of the email, but on the subject at hand I wrote:
My conversations with the Irons family continue. Yes… an amazingly screwed up family… and I can’t believe the MSM has no interest. David Irons is a pathological liar with a violent temper, but apparently, real journalists like Joni Balter don’t feel this addresses his character sufficiently that voters should be made aware.
To this I got no reply.
How did Christian know I had talked to Di? A lot of people knew I had talked to Di. I was asking around, looking for others to corroborate Irons reputation as a raging bullshitter… you know, interviewing people and stuff… what all you reporters do. And I’m sure I blabbed at the last two Drinking Liberally gatherings, so a bunch of other bloggers and politicos knew what was coming too.
Those of you who know me, also know that I am… well… a bit chatty. I like to talk. It can be tough to get me off the phone. I work from home, where my dog is a crappy conversationalist (“squirrels” this, “dog park” that) and my cat is constantly telling me to kill people. (Bad kitty!) It can get lonely. So I talk.
Anyway, on October 12 I sent another email to Christian, giving him a heads up that a source of mine at had also been talking to a reporter from a major media outlet (you know who you are) and that a story should be forthcoming on Irons’ business dealings. Christian replied that the campaign was about to run ads on Brigadoon.
Then on October 18, I sent Christian an email telling him I was preparing to post “Part One of my Irons piece” and asking for his help in confirming the name of some Eastside developer Janet C. had mentioned. (Yes… I had no idea who Skip Rowley was.) But at the same time, I also emailed and phoned the Irons campaign with a list of allegations, asking for comment… so they got the same heads up.
That was the extent of our conversation.
I lay this all out in excruciatingly boring detail, because I want my friends in the press to understand, that if any of you give even a hint of credence at all to Irons’ entirely unsupported assertion that this story originated with Sims campaign, you will be calling me a liar. This part of the story is not one of those he said/she said things… I have presented a detailed report of this story from start to finish, and I trust Steve, Brian, Di, and Janet C. will back me up… whereas David Jr. has pulled his allegation right out of his ass. If any of you lay even a hint of blame on Ron Sims, you better headline the piece “Goldy is a Liar”, because that is essentially what you will be writing.
I may be a lot of things. Maybe I’m a muckraker and a blowhard and an aggressive partisan. But I am not a liar. I’ve worked very hard to overcome the overly solemn institutional reaction to my horse’s ass initiative, and the irreverent domain name that is its legacy. Throughout the election contest I was consistently right on the facts, and both my legal and statistical analyses were proven at trial to be dead on target. And rather than dwelling on past glories (like some bloggers) I have worked hard to up my relevance by breaking important story’s like the Mike Brown fiasco, and now the Irons family feud. For those reporters and editorialists who haven’t met me, go talk to your colleagues who have. I’ve earned my credibility.
And finally, who better to vouch for my character than my own mother, who left the following comment in the contentious thread on the post in question:
Goldy has been so busy researching and writing this blog that he hasn’t had time to talk to his own mother (me) so I decided to read it to see what my son was up to. As a Mom it makes me very nervous for him, to know that in his quest to uncover the truth, Goldy is making enemies as well as converts. I know that my son is not being paid or mentored by any one or any group. (I wish he were for he could use the money) It is his inherent morality, sense of fairness, and determination that in this democracy people should really know who and what they are voting for that drives him. Love, Mom
I can’t really blame Irons for trying to spin this into a story about a Sim’s dirty trick… it’s really the only political option he has to deal with this very damaging story. But this spin just isn’t true. This is his parents story, which I broke through my own initiative and volition. I’m a blogger. That’s what we do.
It is very hard for any executive to win a third term, and Ron Sims is no exception. After nine years in office, Sims has made so many decisions that he’s bound to have pissed off all of us at one time or another. And sometimes, voters just get tired of the incumbent. Hell… even Mario Cuomo, one of the greatest statesmen of the past few decades, was eventually turned out of office by a vastly inferior opponent.
David Irons’ strategy was clear. He left himself undefined, so that voters, tired of Sims, could project onto Irons what they wanted to see. Republican… businessman… “strong” like iron… maybe that’s good enough for a lot of voters itching for a change.
But the risk in leaving yourself undefined, is that somebody might do it for you.
David Jr.’s own mother and father say that he is an ill-tempered liar, who lacks the experience, qualifications and intellect to run this county. So here’s a tip to my friends in the media: if you question the parents’ description of their son, I suggest you talk to some current and former council staffers, and try to persuade them to go on the record.
And we haven’t even started to talk about yet.
The Lady does protest too much
My congratulations to you, Goldie. You exposed something about David Irons that all the voters should know before they support this scoundrel. What Can We Expect from Leaders Who Hate Government?
It is good that you are exposing this man for what he is.
rabbitwho @1,
I could really give a shit what you think.
I can back-up Goldy’s statement, “[a]nd I’m sure I blabbed at the last two Drinking Liberally gatherings, so a bunch of other bloggers and politicos knew what was coming too,” since he outlined the big picture of his developing story to me at Drinking Liberally for the last couple of weeks.
And, man, it has been hell keeping quiet about it! :-) In fact, the remarkable thing here is that Goldy had the discipline to dig, dig and dig some more in putting his article together. I don’t have that kind of self-discipline, and I would have released the story a week or two earlier, but with much less corroborating evidence.
This is the remarkable thing about Goldy’s piece is that as an unpaid blogger, he did a lot of work, talked to people, dug into this story, and put together something much bigger than an unsubstantiated story about the “family matter.” There is a pattern about Irons that emerges from this story that simply should not be ignored by voters!
The GOP hardcore are too heavily invested in Irons now to do anything other than pull Rovian stunts and excuse Dave Jr., but don’t let that fool you—the big picture is crystal clear.
So is this somehow worse than Ron Sim’s Stealing 60% of all privately paid for rural King County property? You want our land Ron? Pay us for it! Come and purchase it like we had to! Pay the taxes on it like we have to! We paid damn good money for this property, and it is not RON SIMS land to do with what he damn well wants!
Ron Sims is a land thief and he will find that people in Rural King County and beyond are fed up with his BS and see him for what he is. A Thief!
David Irons fought to kill Ron Sim’s land grabbing CAO
For that he gets all three of the votes from my household, and Ron Sims gets a big 0.
There are no Ron Sims lovers in our neck of the rural woods!
Irons has a damn good chance of throwing your land thief out!
E-mail conversations with a campaign spokesperson and yet you claim no involvement with them on this story?
“If it quacks like a duck….”
Let me get this right. You dug up a story about an event that happened 11 years ago, and that the MSM has known about. The MSM didn’t publish it because there was no way to corroborate the story, since there were two people involved, and their accounts differ. And the story is still not corroborated.
I don’t care how many people you talked to. It is still all rumor and innuendo. But now it is very public rumor and innuendo.
Junniper Bush (no Evoloution yet);
He was even in the same city with them one time. Again you miss the point. Goldy wants credit for his own work. But that you defend the Resume lying, dirty trick playing (he used the same timing on Dierdowski, but his was a lie) Mother beating, quality garage Mechanic(His mother said he was good) A-hole, just because he’s a GOP, makes you as bright as a duck. quack quack.
These are stepford women posting here. I hope they get there fair share of abuse. Hey what do you tell your mother with 2 Black eyes?….Nothing you’ve told her twice already.
Jennifer, jennifer, jennifer (@ 6),
READ THE FUCKING POST, you fucking idiot! Goldy gave, word for word, his communications with the campaign spokesperson. If you are not capable of reading, copy and paste the article into a text-to-speech program.
Or are you somehow trying to suggest that Goldy went to great lengths to document the development of this story, and then lied? If he intended to lie, why bother telling us about the Christian email?
I mean that way morons like you wouldn’t misread his story and cry foul.
Janet S @ 7,
“You dug up a story about an event that happened 11 years ago, and that the MSM has known about. The MSM didn’t publish it because there was no way to corroborate the story, since there were two people involved, and their accounts differ.”
You are mistaken (as usual). The MSM did pick up the story in 1999 and 2003.
“And the story is still not corroborated.”
Except for the fact that her daughter Di was told about the incident at the time, and saw the wreckage in the office. Let me guess, you were going to speculate that Mrs. Irons ripped the phone off the wall in a diabetic fit? Moron.
Thanks for the thorough and interesting explanation, Goldy. I look forward to hearing if Dori M. has the honesty to discuss the additional facts you provide and back off his wild-eyed assertions, or whether he’ll just continue to rant about his assumed conspiracy theories…
(And you deserve some more beer money.)
I don’t know whether you are a liar or not.
Either you are a liar….or a low-life SOB.
Neither is good Goldy.
Your mom needs to spank you….rather than worry for you because you are a willing and gleeful SHITSQUAD CAPTAIN.
The sad part is you are doing this for a pathetic asshole like Ron Sims who deserves to lose and try to get a job in the real fucking world.
To dig up and pour salt on something that allegedly happened 11 years ago the day absentee ballots go out says it all Goldy.
You keep right on trying to convince all of us how honest and straightforward you are.
Have you ever heard the saying YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW???
My guess is plenty of folks will be digging into your past Goldy.
David Irons has a family and he is a public figure.
Where do you draw the line Goldy?????
Because guess what….so are YOU!
So are you prepared for the public scrutiny of YOUR life????
How will your daughter feel???
I truly believe there is a line that should not be crossed and while that line is murky at times, GOLDY has crossed it.
I’m not about to dig into your life Goldy…I’ve got better things to do. I believe there is a line…..even for Bill Clinton. Getting blowjobs from interns in the White House seemed to be ok with most of you LEFTIST PINHEADS. Frankly, it didn’t matter much to me…until Clinton lied under oast.
Goldy, this is pathetic.
dj @ 10: “The MSM did pick up the story in 1999 and 2003.”
Who and where? If this story has already been covered, why is Goldy making such news now?
Coordination and/or conspiracy are not required for political dirty tricks. Just like minded intent. slammed President Bush without checking with the DNC. Goldy has smeared David Irons without checking with the Sims campaign.
The results are the same, slime infesting the politcal process. It drives away the good candidates and we get to choose between Ron Sims, noted incompetent, and David Irons, alleged mother whacker. I’ll take Irons.
Please. I did read the post and I don’t think I am the “fucking idiot” you say I am. I am actually quite bright and have possibly spent more time than you studying political issues and volunteering in the local progressive political scene here in Seattle. I also volunteered in the local political scene in a very liberal, European country where I lived for 5 years and earned my Master’s Degree in Public Administration while doing all my coursework in a foreign language. So, you can say you don’t agree with my posts but don’t call me a “fucking idiot.” That’s just rude and it clouds the discussion of the different viewpoints.
It’s just that after reading Goldy’s post, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a case of selective memory on past conversations. There seems to be a lot of that going around on both sides of the politcal spectrum. And, whether or not Goldy was fed info by the spokesperson, the lack of reply to his e-mail when he informed him that he was working on the story could be interpreted as a tacit endorsement of the muckracking.
The bottom line is that I am tired of the blindless defense of Ron Sims on this site. Ron Sims is flawed and I’ve been lied to by his staff in phone conversations just this past month so I don’t trust the man. And he has made some major blunders while in office. I wish my fellow Democrats would have run a stronger candidate. I certainly don’t think Irons is perfect by any means or a truly good alternative. But, he’s an alternative nonetheless and if it means voting for him to end the Sims dynasty, perhaps that’s what needs to be done.
Further corroboration from another Drinking Liberally colleague…
Not only did Goldy give those who were listening the heads-up that he was about to write an important post about the violent parental abuser who sullies the County Executive race with his mere presence, he not-so-subtlely suggested that the story might gain “legs” if it were mentioned on large, nationally-read blogs. He also emailed me to let me know that the post was up on HA, after which I wrote a DailyKos diary about the story. The diary, BTW, didn’t draw much attention — only 7 comments and 32 recommendations. I also posted a version of the diary on my own blog, not that that entails wide dissemination.
Though he previewed the broad outline of his report at DL, Goldy gave us very little detail. He also made it clear — not that we needed to be reminded — that this was his work and his alone, that no one had put him up to it. He was just following a lead that intrigued him, finding out who might know something to help illuminate the story, comparing the various pictures thus obtained, seeking confirmation and corroboration, and writing up what he’d learned.
Just like what good investigative reporters (used to) do.
You are full of shit! No one believes Goldy did what you said which is the following:
“Though he previewed the broad outline of his report at DL, Goldy gave us very little detail. He also made it clear – not that we needed to be reminded – that this was his work and his alone, that no one had put him up to it. He was just following a lead that intrigued him, finding out who might know something to help illuminate the story, comparing the various pictures thus obtained, seeking confirmation and corroboration, and writing up what he’d learned.”
By the way Nin….did I tell you that you are full of shit?
So, Mr. Irrelevant, were you at Drinking Liberally that night? Did you personally hear what Goldy said there? If not, you might as well drop the Mistress Cleo psychic fraud routine.
Jennifer @ 14
“The bottom line is that I am tired of the blindless defense of Ron Sims on this site.”
Then GO AWAY. This is a LIBERAL BLOG, dummy!
“Ron Sims is flawed and I’ve been lied to by his staff in phone conversations just this past month so I don’t trust the man.”
Well, at least he didn’t beat the shit out of ya! Gotta give him some credit there, huh?
Cynical Idiot never goes to drinking liberally. He cannot get his ‘ankle bracelet’ off and his curfew is at dusk.
Mr. Cynical @ 16,
Hmmm…I can also back up everything N in Seattle says there. Have I ever lied to you, Mr. Cynical?
If you really want to compare and contrast righties here it is.
Swift boat vets, a RNC funded group came out and told lies about Kerry to subvert his candidacy.
Goldy talked to a mother and wrote about it. Nobody paid him.
Character assasination is your specialty. Not ours. We simply want the truth. And on Thursday, King County got just that.
Sadly ironic that Irons reacted just as you had reported he acts–tantruming.
And don’t flail the poor cynic; read this phrase carefully:
“No one believes Goldy did what you said…”
See, he simply said ” no one” which of course means that not one person, but rather ‘most’ if not ‘every one’ believes Goldy.
Character assasination is your specialty. Not ours. We simply want the truth. And on Thursday, King County got just that.
Comment by Jimmy— 10/22/05 @ 5:39 pm
Do you remember memo-gate. Donks simply want the truth?
You guys are the party of lies… though you cant lie right.
All these indictments are lies. Donks want the truth?!
The fact that I got such a reaction out of you Doofus proves my point.
And it is never an isolated response with freak neocons. It is always consistent and persistant bullshit. I love it. You can’t do anything else. You have been emasculated.
Hey Cynical, did you forget how to enter your keyboard macro? I haven’t seen a LEFTIST PINHEAD out of you in ages.
But I do see that you’ve either learned how to cut-and-paste in these comments or that you have the capacity to retype appreciable portions of other people’s comments. Congratulations on that accomplishment.
Otherwise, pointlessly inane and irrelevant as ever.
Bring on the Brigadoon Goldy! I can’t wait.
This story, and the comment thread, gives me great ideas about a story for eastern washington politics.
I was not aware that Ron Sims stole 60% of the land of Eastern King County. Did he really do that or did he just enforce laws concerning land use?
Hmm, I’m not doing anything this week, maybe I will call all of Goldy’s relatives and see if I can dig up any dirt on him.
GS @ 5 “So is this somehow worse than Ron Sim’s Stealing 60% of all privately paid for rural King County property?”
Yes, because your accusation is completely ludicrous and completely false.
Try again, Lying Asshole.
And GS, I am quite sure you do not think beating your Mother is wrong at all. I mean, you are a wingnut after all.
And GS, I am living in the Rural woods, and everyone here thinks you are a psychotic numbnutz.
I made a comment very similiar to yours but it was hung up in Goldy’s filter.
Yeah, Irons is a public figure Goldy….but so are you.
So where is the line of decency Goldy??
You can re-hash some goofy 11 year-old allegation that has plenty of family members saying it didn’t happen…..
The crazed mother never filed charges….just a LEFTIST PINHEAD who will do anything to hurt her son. And youlaunch it the day absentees come out.
SHITSQUAD’S are dangerous and unseemly Goldy.
You are a public figure too.
So Goldy, where is the line of decency???
What would your daughter say and how would she feel if someone did that to you??
David Irons has a family.
And it is never an isolated response with freak neocons. It is always consistent and persistant bullshit. I love it. You can’t do anything else. You have been emasculated.
The truth hurts dont it Jimmy. Your reaction speaks volumes. I notice you didnt even try to refute my comment. You donks are hilarious.
Are you having a problem? I can’t seem to post
David Irons’ father, David Sr. says the same thing that David Jr’s mother says. David Irons Sr. said that his son (David Jr.) admitted hitting his mom.
The real funny thing RUFUS, is that you forget the “Gore Invented the internet”, “Clinton Smuggled drugs from Arkansas”, “Hillary killed Vince Foster”, “Clinton killed Ron Brown”, “John McCain has an illigitamet Black baby Push Poll”, “Gore said Love Story was based on him”, “Whitewater”, “Troopergate”, “White House Mailgate”, etc…
None of these were real, but the Neo-Con storm troopers used these lies, and many more, to gain power.
And now that Irons is called out for his Mother Bashing by his own family… you call Democrats the practitioners of dirty tricks?
Tell that to Ross Perot.
Rufus is truly the Dufus.
What a surprise here, Dave’s sister, who supports him,
Janet A. Irons (the attorney in the family)
has a strong track record of:
Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation
Discipline Notice
WSBA Bar #
Member Name
Janet A. Irons
Effective Date
1.1 – Competence
1.3 – Diligence
8.4 © – Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation
8.4 (l) – Violate ELCs
Discipline Notice
Janet Irons (WSBA No. 12687, admitted 1982), of Bellevue, received a reprimand on September 13, 2002, based on a stipulation approved by the Disciplinary Board. This discipline is based on her conduct during 1998 through 2000, involving lack of diligence, advancing financial assistance to a client, negligent misrepresentation and failure to cooperate with the disciplinary investigation.
Matter 1: In 1998, Ms. Irons filed a complaint against her clients’ former employer, asking for past due sales commissions. Ms. Irons did not timely answer the defendant’s discovery requests and failed to appear at the defendant’s motion to compel answers to discovery. The court ordered that Ms. Irons’ client provide discovery within 10 days and imposed $750.00 in attorney’s fees. When Ms. Irons failed to comply with the court order to provide discovery, the court granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit with prejudice. Ms. Irons, however, told the clients that the lawsuit was still pending.
Matter 2: In June 1998, Ms. Irons agreed to represent a mother in the probate of her daughter’s estate. Ms. Irons maintained some of the estate funds in her trust account. In January 2000, Mr. Irons wrote the client a $3,000 check, however, the estate had only $1,133.60 in the trust account. In February 2000, Ms. Irons paid another estate beneficiary $2,100. The estate had no funds in the trust account at this time. Ms. Irons knowingly advanced her own funds to cover these estate disbursements.
Matter 3: Ms. Irons failed to cooperate with disciplinary counsel’s investigation of this matter. The Supreme Court interimly suspended her license to practice law for approximately 28 days. After the suspension, Ms. Irons cooperated with the investigation.
Ms. Irons’ conduct violated RPCs 1.1, requiring lawyers to provide competent representation to clients; 1.3, requiring lawyers to diligently represent their clients; RPC 8.4©, prohibiting conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; RPC 1.8(e), prohibiting lawyers from advancing financial assistance to clients; and RLD 2.8(a) and (b), requiring lawyers to cooperate with the disciplinary investigation.
Becky Neal represented the Bar Association. Robert Wayne represented Ms. Irons.
And Mr. Irrelevant, you are still irrelevant.
To: #37 “Matter 1: In 1998, Ms. Irons filed a complaint against her clients’ former employer, asking for past due sales commissions. Ms. Irons did not timely answer the defendant’s discovery requests and failed to appear at the defendant’s motion to compel answers to discovery. The court ordered that Ms. Irons’ client provide discovery within 10 days and imposed $750.00 in attorney’s fees. When Ms. Irons failed to comply with the court order to provide discovery, the court granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit with prejudice. Ms. Irons, however, told the clients that the lawsuit was still pending”
If I remember correctly, our current Govenor in her past capacity, did something akin to this, but cost this State’s Taxpayers a few MILLION, like 18 Million.
So if we want “substance” about Councilmember Irons, he has occupied his seat 5 years. What has he done? He isn’t even on the inside among the Republican group. If you were to rank the R’s on KC Council based on influence, he is several steps down the ladder. And what is the basis for him advancing?
So in a nutshell, you are as honest and wonderful as mom and good old American Apple Pie, and won’t the MSM please like you and give you a paying job.
Look, even if we believe that you are only a gruff partisan, and that everything you say is as wholesome as your mom and apple pie, that’s really not the point of this story.
While you might not be a liar, Irons’ mom might well be liar. There are enough people with opinions on either side, in fact, there seem to be far more people that have called into talk radio shows, etc. that say that Irons is a really wonderful guy, good leader, etc. So do we trust the hysterical mother, or do we trust far more level headed, and normal sounding people? Thus, the reason why it was stupid to run this story, is that it was based on pretty weak emotion ridden accusations from a women that when most people hear her, conclude that she’s got some issues. (And before you HA sycophants start whining in response, go listen to the talk radio recordings and be honest with yourself, and tell me that Mrs. Irons has all her, uh, irons in the fire.)
If in your zeal to report this as some king of big story, you put aside the possibility that this woman was a bit unstable, when you can hear in her voice that something isn’t right. And then, she readily admits on live radio that she’s done a pretty poor job of being motherly and keeping her family together. And that leaves you looking like Dan Rather, hoping that something would stick, and willing to publish something that was suspect at best to try and discredit Irons. Many that I have talked with, if they’ve even heard of this pathetic little mess at all, are left feeling more support for Irons because they can’t figure out why anyone would bring up poorly substantiated family feud unless they were just blatantly trying to sling mud and help Ron Sims.
Your plea to the media to trust you is pretty pathetic. However, someone gave Jerry Springer and Geraldo Rivera jobs, so some idiot will probably hire you to be a sensationlist too. If nothing else, you’ve got the most important credential of all for working in entertainment, you are a so impregnated with the liberal talking points that you would make even many in Hollywood blush.
K @ 40 …Your comment is the First “Reasonable” comment I have read on this thread in a Long Time.
Chris @ 41, I agree, Irons has no business even running for dog catcher.
Maybe: County Wide Bad Example.
Yeah that sounds about right.
Yo, your IQ is inversly proportional to the size of your font.
Same thing with penis size.
I find it odd that the Dave Iron’s version of the story is supported by Janet A., who has a public record of: Dishonesty, Fraud, Deceit or Misrepresentation from WSBA.
I was checking into the veracity of his supporting sister and found this record to be revealing, simply put, when weighing the facts and determining if Dave has the character to move up in politics. Why would Dave cite his sister, with this kind of record, as being someone the public should believe?
I personally know Mrs Irons… one of the kindest most honest people I have met.. I also have met “the candidate” and don’t trust him further than I can see him….I feel as tho this a vote of the lesser of two evils but I do know David Irons will NOT get my vote..
That is nothing our queen has a worse track record. You donks are such hypocrits.
RUFUS @ 47, Uh….? what?
Didn’t our current governor lose the state of Washington 18 million dollars? Um -er… yes!
RUFUS, you moron, quit making absurd claims with out evidence.
You drooling moron, back up your statement, or go back to your padded room!
Excellent point about Gregoire missing a deadline and costing us taxpayers MILLIONS. But that isn’t nearly as bad as Gregoire trying to pass the blame buck to a subordinate….the subordinate sues the State….and costs us taxpayers $800,000 MORE!! And then Gregoire claims victory!
I’m with K@45 and Chris@47….only I look at it from the perspective of what has Ron Sims done to deserve re-election again?? The debacle with CAO, SWA, the Election Dept. and a total lack of leadership in addressing the KingCo Transportation Gridlock is reason enough to NOT vote for Sims. And there are plenty more.
I believe someone who has been in office as long as Sims should have done much, much more. Sims loves the power. His bureaucracy of Sims Loyalists needs to go. David Irons will do much better.
So let’s discuss Sims Track Record will in Office, shall we!?
If Irons wins=====Dean Logan is FIRED!
Good enough for me.
OK, Sims is schmuck. A harmless schmuck.
Irons is at the very least a violent tempered, mother abusing asshole. This man is not fit to sit next to me at dinner, let alone run our county.
It is the lesser of two evils. I choose the schmuck.
Bring on Brigadoon Goldy. If the Blethen Family isn’t going to cover it in a timely fashion. Because Irons won’t say what he is a bout Let’s help qualify; the Resume lying, mother beater, but excellent Garage Mechanic with his Tom Delay type dealings. The more deceitful you are is what qualifies these guys for the Neocons.
Cynical plays the stock market, and was smart enough not to be invested there when he saw the Garage Mechanic on board. But That doesn’t matter to these boneheads. What does it take for you guys to think a candidate is unqualified? Let’s get Jim West over here, at least he only slaps around young men and only steals from the government.
If Irons wins=====Dean Logan is FIRED!
That’s what it all comes down to. The guy has an “R” next to his name and the first thing he’ll do is throw red meat to the angry mob.
Cynical @13 (& elsewhere),
Blah, blah, blah. Still haven’t figured me out yet, have you big guy? Threats don’t get the response you’re looking for.
Oh… and to have a Republican accuse me of crossing the line… now that’s rich. I’m a public figure? David Irons is wants to run a $3.4 billion government… a government larger than that of 13 states. Whereas I’m just some blogger. Even if there were some personal scandal in my private life, why should anybody care? I’m not hiring and firing people… I’m not spending taxpayer money… I’m not setting land use policies that will alter the quality of life in this region for all time.
But David Irons would as KC executive, and voters deserve to know what kind of man would be making all these important decisions on their behalf. I did what journalists should do… I’m giving voters the information that’s out there, and am letting them sort it out for themselves. Janet A. has been free to dispute her parents in my comments threads, and on the air. Her brother deserves his defense, and he’s getting it.
Irons’ family wanted their story told, and I gave them the opportunity. You just don’t like the story they told.
And Cynical… one more thing…
My guess is you know that your buddies have already run credit checks on me, and that they found nothing remarkable there. I believe they’ll be equally disappointed by further investigations, for I have mostly lived by Gustave Flaubert’s maxim:
Regardless of how much you bloviate, Goldy – it is still he said – she said. You were not objective and focused on the anti-David Irons side of the story and didn’t bother checking out the credibility of those who you quoted. I doubt if either Irons or Sims will ever subject themselves to a lie detector test on Dori Monson’s show – especially Sims. Maybe you should do so and publicly, so that you can be vindicated as being a truthful muckracker.
Sorry folks…
Your guy is a turd. The state republican leadership doesn’t think enough of the electorate to:
1) Field electable, competent and effective candidates and
2) Be responsible about adressing the REAL issues facing the state going into the 21st century (ei education, infrastructure and more).
Frankly…I couldn’t be more pleased. The idiots running the republican party in this state are just a mirror of the republican attitude in the rest of the country. GREAT…keep up the good work.
Rujax says “1) Field electable, competent and effective candidates and
2) Be responsible about adressing the REAL issues facing the state going into the 21st century (ei education, infrastructure and more).
You know what Rujax, I completely agree. Too bad the Democrats can’t figure that out. They still just beat the drum, “vote for us, were not republicans”. It didn’t work in 04 and it only will lead to further losses in 06 and 08.
We’re Winning.
This argument about the “$18 million” is a bit of a rehash of old arguments about Gregoire from the governor’s race. However, to put things in context, anyone who thinks the attorney general of the state is personally responsible for checking to see that court deadlines are met has no clue whatsoever. The trial counsel who are responsible for that are separated by several layers of managers from the AG. By the time Gregoire was notified the deadline had been missed, it was already too late. This is kind of like RUFUS blaming the CEO of McDonald’s because he didn’t get a toy in his Happy Meal.
In contrast, Ms. Irons was the lawyer responsible for meeting deadlines and handling her trust account.
This story is about Irons. Not Simms and not Goldy. Irons mother has confirmed Goldy’s reporting on tv, radio and in print. She even volunteered to take lie detector test. Has her son? Those are the only two versions of the story that are relevant. The lesson here for the Republican party is to vet their own candidates thoroughly. If a mistake was made, stand up to it, learn, and go back to the drawing boards next time. Tossing more dirt, attacking the messenger will not bring any lasting credibility to the Republican party.
when all is said and done, today’s Sunday Doonesbury pretty much describes the tenor of this blog.
In a he said/she said situation, I think it’s instructive to ask yourself who has a motive to lie. Which brings us to
a) whether a mother would lie and reveal something deeply personally troubling just for kicks
b) a politician would lie about an enormously embarassing (and basically criminal) personal family situation during a political campaign
My money is on b) being the liar
You angry white Rethug “males” on this board can rationalize all you want, but Irons’ mom seemed very sincere and credible in her interviews on KING and KIRO TV yesterday (contrast w/Irons’ phoned in denial – real perp walk stuff), and a whole lot of suburban Republican women are gonna sit this race out now.
Goldy @61 & 62–
I’m not a Republican numbnutz.
I am against costly, overreaching government.
I’m not happy with the Bush “Money printing-press” agenda….not happy at all.
I voted for Ross Perot….twice.
I voted for Rossi…..primarily because he would eliminate the entrenched bureaucrats who are a major part of the problem in this state.
Same thing with David Irons.
Oh and Goldy—
No one is “threatening” you either.
I guess you aren’t paranoid WHEN THEY ARE REALLY AFTER YOU, huh Goldy???!!
Relax….you are doing a great job of promoting discussion on key issues.
Unfortunately, you are now shifting to a SHITSQUAD Captain…..all in the name of what???
Rumors from 11 years ago…that’s just dandy.
How about the KingCo Election Dept.?? Or CAO? Or KingCo gridlock???
What has SIMS done to deserve yet another 4 years??
Not much that I can see.
Just because you say you are decent and well intended, doesn’t make it so.
Your actions and the TIMING of your actions regarding this old Irons family feud STINKS…..and so do you Goldy.
Horse worshiper-
It is all about Goldy, it always is. He can’t take the fact of his irrelevance.
I voted for Ross Perot….twice.
Good for you. You voted for a certifiable loon.
I voted for Rossi…..primarily because he would eliminate the entrenched bureaucrats who are a major part of the problem in this state.
That was not Rossi’s major platform push. Oh, by the way, what exactly was his platform? Nobody seems to know. The idea that he could eliminate bureaucrats is laughable, but it makes nice sound bites. I mean look at all the bureaucrats eliminated by Reagen and the Bushy boys.
Same thing with David Irons.
David Irons and a Democratic County Council, a real recipie for effective government? Count me out.
If Goldy had written about Normandy, it would gone something like this…Around three hundred French civilians were murdered yesterday and an undetermined number were injured during the first hours of the American invasion of continental Europe. Most of the French victims were due to artillery shots coming from the American fleet that was trying to hit German fortifications on the coast before thousands of soldiers proceeded to land on several of the beaches. According to sources in the improvised hospital in the town of Saint Mere Eglise, the slaughter was worse than French and Germans anticipated. “We are dropping like flies” said an eye witness who preferred to remain anonymous. “The Americans came in killing like mad men, I never thought I would say this, but life was better with Adolf Hitler”……
“Unofficial sources connected to the Roosevelt administration admit the harshness of the intervention, which they say was based on information provided by Albert Einstien, a German scientist who sent a letter to the President in order to warn him of the possibility of the Nazis developing the ultimate weapon known as the “atom bomb.” The effect such weapon would be terrible and cause an unheard of number of victims. Just one explosion would kill thousands and devastate the atmosphere. Hitler has, on many occasions, denied having this “bomb,” something international inspectors confirmed while traveling in the Reich for two weeks.
“Shortly after the invasion started, cases of abuse against German soldiers captured after the landing have been reported. These abuses violate the Geneva Agreement on prisoners of war. In the meantime, rumors persist about supposed mistreatment the Germans are inflicting on the Central European Jews in the so-called “concentration camps,” but nothing has been proved yet.”
KS @ 63
“Regardless of how much you bloviate, Goldy – it is still he said – she said.”
No … it is much more than that. About the incident: Di Irons backs up the story, and she witnessed the office in disarray. It’s kind of hard to ‘splain that away.
More importantly, Goldy has documented a behavioral pattern of Jr. being explosive and violent (not to mention somewhat dishonest). The “incident” is, one of several pieces of evidence in support of this pattern.
“You were not objective and focused on the anti-David Irons side of the story….”
No shit, Sherlock! The story was about David Iron’s Jr. failings as told by family and acquaintances.
“…and didn’t bother checking out the credibility of those who you quoted.”
What the fuck did you want Goldy to do, run a credit check on Jr.’s mother and sister or something?
“I doubt if either Irons or Sims will ever subject themselves to a lie detector test on Dori Monson’s show – especially Sims. Maybe you should do so and publicly, so that you can be vindicated as being a truthful muckracker.”
Goldy has a reputation among the local press (those who know him) of being truthful, even if irreverent and mischievous. That an irrelevant anonymous poster like you might question Goldy’s integrity isn’t going to change that.
Danno @ 72
“It is all about Goldy, it always is. He can’t take the fact of his irrelevance.”
Lets see, the PI has picked up the story, MSNBC picked it up, talk radio is abuzz with the story, and I even understand there was some local TV news coverage yesterday.
Danno, if Goldy is irrelevant, where does that put you?
IDGAF @ 74
That about sums it up!
However (and this is more intellectually honest than any Lefty will be), history is written by the victors. For example, we’re taught that Hit1er was the worst there’s ever been. Sure, we’re told Sta1in — and especially the C**mun1sts — were bad, but where are all of the stories questioning how we could be “in bed” with such a diabolical mass-murderer.
HaHaHa DJ…Yeah it was picked up by the PI. Too bad not many pick up the PI anymore and MSNBC? their entire nationwide audience is almost identical to the PI’s pathetic, dwindeling subscriber, sales and advertising base. As for talk radio, Goldy came across a nancy boy, two bit loser programmer blogger who fancies himself as a journalist. This will blow right up in Sims, Goldy’s and the part of the Irons family who are very deeply disturbed. Ya know…Kinda like you.
IDGAF LOL, if Goldy comes across to your feeble mind as a ‘nancy boy’ (must be equivalent to a Ronald Reagan?), then what does that make you? A nancy boy’s lil boy? What an sour, contaminated, hypocritical,irrelevant talking head you are lil one.
IDGAF @ 79
“This will blow right up in Sims, Goldy’s and the part of the Irons family who are very deeply disturbed.”
Indeed, part of the family is certainly disturbed! Have you figured out which part?
Ohhh…I gotta go. I looks like more neighbors are pulling down the Irons signs….
Hello ChimpPatrol
Sewers backed up again I see.
The only thing lower than being David Goldstein is to be the silly boob who defends him!
You LEFTIST PINHEADS obviously have no shame…..yet so much to be ashamed of!!
Keep repeating that mantra, Mr. Irrelevant, keep sucking your thumb and wishing all the Neo-Con scandals away.
It won’t really change anything, but if it makes you feel anybetter, keep doing it.
dj @ 81 It really is hilarious to see the Irons signs dissappearing overnight.
Most Republicans have a little more self respect than the TROLLs on HA.
So, exactly who has taken down an Irons sign???
Just like always, you revel at making shit up.
Keep defending the actions of Sims on Elections, CAO, traffic, SWA and lots of other incompetence.
In the end, folks vote based on who the like and more often, who they don’t like based on their ability to address issues important to them. Not some 11th Hour Smear Campaign by a fringe lunatic LEFTIST PINHEADED blogger and his comrades.
If David Irons wins==========Logan is FIRED!!!!!!
Good enough for me.
Dori is partisan beyond belief and offers no time for facts or reality.
He’s like Rush and the rest. Just because they say it (without any backup), people all over believe it.
It’s what’s wrong with talk radio …
dj @ 81: “looks like more neighbors are pulling down the Irons signs”
First Sims’ supporters attempt a smear job on Irons. Now they vandalize people’s yards by pulling up their opponent candidate’s signs? How low will you people go?
Irrelevent, it doesn’t take much to make it ‘good enough for you’. The hair on your neck really spikes when someone starts telling the truth about your adopted party and their candidates doesn’t it? Didn’t seem to bother you when the swiftboat liars and Rove’s other assasins attacked Kerry or McCain did it? Simply another two faced neocon….create ‘living lies’ when convenient to derail a worthy candidate and then run to momma when someone gets the story right and it is against your fringe beliefs. Maybe you should stay at UsP. You fit well over there with all the other ‘feeble followers’. Seems like you lose wherever you go.
Thomas Trainwinder-
Good points, the scary part is the people who believe it. I too listened to Goldy on the Dori show and then the outright lies, distortion that Dori spewed. Then his stupid little offer to have Simms come in for the lie detector. I must have missed something but I thought it was Iron’s mother speaking about the character flaws of her son! Apparently his Mom is willing to take a lie detector test. Has David Irons?
I thought LEFTIST PINHEADS were all about talking about ISSUES???
Seems like the desperation of the SIMS gang has reached an all-time high…..and low.
SIMS is pathetic.
He is fortunate there are so many blind-partisan LEFTIST PINHEADS in his beloved King County.
Goldy did clearly hesitate, fumble and bumble when askied about his contacts with the Sims Campaign….not something a truthful guest would do.
All David Irons has to do is focus on SIMS horrible track record on issues that matter to the people of KingCo and he will win….despite Goldy’s desperate SHITSQUAD, GOONISH tactics.
Mr. Irrelevant you continue to live up to your proper name
“I thought LEFTIST PINHEADS were all about talking about ISSUES???”
This after so many erroneous claims by you that “Democrats have no ideas! They just hate Bush, et all. Now you claim we are all about the issues.
Well you are correct finally, we are all about the issues, and we have actual ideas for every Neo-Con lie.
Goldy has done a great service in exposing a Mother-Beating Psycho that the dying republican party decided to attempt to put into office. TYhank you Goldy for doing the job the RWMSM refused to do!
As for the signs being taken down by former Irons supporters? Get out of your cave and take a cruise through your neighborhood, you fucking TROLL, and join the reality based community.
You are defending the indefensible, and you would be ashamed if you had a soul.
Mr. Cynical @ 85
“If David Irons wins==========Logan is FIRED!!!!!!
Good enough for me.”
Geee, Mr. C., you sure seem to hate Logan.
If David Irons wins, maybe you can talk him into beating the shit out of Dean Logan before firing him!
(Irons does hold a black belt in judo, you know. Really!)
You are right Cynicalidiot. Focus on Simm’s AAA rating for King County….how many other ‘blue cities’ have a triple A rating? Maybe your beloved Jim West and Spokane? I doubt it very much. Get your head out of your ass and start to breath again….you are definitely losing it….and this election also!
I just saw the lies Stefan posted on his website about this matter. No evidence, nothing. Just repeating the typical republican unsubstantiated smears that republicans often use when presented with facts that they don’t like.
Goldy was obviously a pawn of Sims vis Christian Sinderman. The funniest part is that Goldy still does not realize it.
Sad, and funny.
Muleass, I suppose you had some content in the post @ 95, but you must have forgot to append it.
Try again.
Sure sounds like Stefan is a little jealous he isn’t getting as much press as Goldy. First Mike Brown and now this from Goldy,and he is getting national exposure. Meanwhile Stefan continues to beat last year’s news to death but no one is paying attention except the “amen” chorus. Nobody likes the taste of sour grapes.
Hey mulesass @ 95,
Obvious? Without Goldy realizing it?
What the fuck are you babbling about? Are you suggesting they used telekinesis to make Goldy want to follow up on Balter’s column?
I don’t get it, anyway. Why would it be bad for the Sims campaign to tell people about Irons hitting his mum? The most serious stuff in Goldy’s article was well documented in the papers during Irons’ 2003 campaign. As far as I am concerned, the Sims campaign should have handed out photocopies of those articles at every opportunity.
A person handles anger with violence has no place in public office!
Could all of you please take a look at the information in Goldy’s blogs — this is not just about Iron’s mother. A key statement that was posted is:
“I suggest you talk to some current and former council staffers, and try to persuade them to go on the record.”
There is a lot more that should be discovered regarding David Iron’s temper, his need to control women staffers, and his harrassment of women who were/are central or personal staff at the Council. But that relies on the media being willing to do its due diligence.
Council staffers are afraid to step forward — so maybe the media should be asking councilmembers (on both sides of the aisle) about what they know.
This is an important story — no one should come to work to find irate, harrassing, voicemails. No one should receive them at home — either. Yet, that is what has happened at the council for female staff members.
For those bloggers making light of this situation — you’re off base. This is a story about a man who uses his power to harrass women — this is not about a “family dispute”.
Goldy is becoming a Detective in addition to his other impressive credentials.
Based on his actions….his new name is DICKLESS TRACY.
Well said, Greta. It would be a real travesty for Irons just to lose or withdrawl from this race, and not have him brought to justice for his history of harrasment, and violence against women.
Not just to “get” Irons, but to again shed light on the very real and continuing use of power to harrass and violate.
Mr. Irrelevant @ 99, in case you have not noticed, you knee-jerk Neo-Con voice is becoming more and more pathetic. You have nothing to say, but you just keep saying it.
dj @ 97: “The most serious stuff in Goldy’s article was well documented in the papers during Irons’ 2003 campaign.”
You’ve repeated this several times, and yet to provide any links. Where and when? If so, why did the PI endorse Irons in 2003? I’m making a point of this as I think you’re taking away from Goldy’s efforts (good or bad) and “the papers” don’t run unverifiable he said/she said stories (for good reason). If you can show where these accusations ran before, my apologies.
Greta @ 98
And we have Dem male Congressmen from WA harassing female compaign workers and it is all swept under the rug when the Dem party tells the women to just keep quiet “for the good of the party.”
@ 86 – Just because Dori is not a conspiracy theorist like yourself and say what you want to hear. So you think Air America is more relevant ? because they say what you want to hear – even they seldom if ever support it with relevant facts.
@ 76 – Just so happens the sources that Goldstein quoted are not believable to most sane human beings (leftist partisans notwithstanding) – but you seemed to have bought it. BTW – He ignored Janet A. Irons – a family member, the attorney because she didn’t subscribe to premise of his article. Not to say she had her shortcomings and was penalized by the NBA. I hope the mother takes a lie detector test like she claims she will (I’d be surprised if she actually did). Oh yeah, I forgot, accountibility doesn’t really matter – right ? For acquaintances, he used Derdowski – he was the incompetent incumbent opponent whom Irons rightfully defeated in 1999, still sour grapes about it.
99.) Mr. Cynical/Irrelevant/Dickless
Your fixation with “Dicks” could explain the obvious lack of oxygen and blood in your brain.
I don’t know which one would make the better ‘Tom Delay Go Go Boy’…CynicalIdiot or The Real Mark? Personally my vote goes to our village idiot. He is almost…well just about….hmmm pretty close….to 35% sane.
The disingeous Mark @ 103 “And we have Dem male Congressmen from WA harassing female compaign workers and it is all swept under the rug when the Dem party tells the women to just keep quiet “for the good of the party.—
If you have some facts then post them asshole. I for one will never excuse any abuser of power no matter what party they come from. But I also despise assholes saying “Yeah, well,… er.. others do it too!” to dismiss a pshycotic abuse of power.
Put up or shut your goddaman mouth Disingenous Mark!
What a fucking dispicable excuse.
#3 Goldy:
Oh boy, did I hit a nerve here ?
But let’s just quote one of your favorite Seattle Papers, the P-I.
“Politics is smarmy enough. Liberal blogger David Goldstein has made it worse by tearing at Republican David Irons’ soiled family laundry like a rowdy puppy. We’ve not yet formally endorsed for King County executive, but that decision will be grounded in facts about experience and skills, not sordid rumors about family tussles on which even they can’t agree. Yeah, it was goofy, and relevant to voters, when Irons’ sister ran against him for his County Council slot in 1999. But dragging up decade-old family spats is sleazy. In this case, Goldstein, creator of is bing a bit of himself.”
Wow, looks like they are distancing themselves from you. Bummer I like the one about “will be grounded in facts…”…are they implying you don’t have them
Tsk tsk tsk.
I know you give a s$it about my opinion…but your home papers opinion should give you something to think about…
RabbitWHore @ 107 , And what are these tales we here about a “Liberal” Press?
LOL. Hung by your own petard!
But fortunately the RWMSM will not be deciding this election. We the people will. And the Right Wing Mass Media will not change that, no matter how hard they try.
RUFUS, you moron, quit making absurd claims with out evidence.
You drooling moron, back up your statement, or go back to your padded room!
Comment by Donnageddon— 10/22/05 @ 11:50 pm
Shut up you donk hack. You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you in the face. Is it my fault if you are such a moron you dont remember the 18 million scandal with Queen Chrissy back when whe was attorney general. Talk about not knowing what is going on. Stop pointing finger at people if you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
Roger Rabbit is on vacation. This is an automated response. Bush takes 3 vacations a month, so why shouldn’t Roger Rabbit take 3 vacations a month too! Why should only Republicans take 3 vacations a month?
Anyway, the computer creating this message while Roger Rabbit is unavailable is curious about something. The computer wants to know what the latest polls show in the Sims-Irons race. Is Irons still in two digits?
My Dear RUFUS @ 109 “You wouldn’t know the truth if it hit you in the face. Is it my fault if you are such a moron you dont remember the 18 million scandal with Queen Chrissy back when whe was attorney general. Talk about not knowing what is going on. Stop pointing finger at people if you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.”
And still you have NO DETAILS! Face it RUFUS, it is you who have no idea what you are talking about. That is why you can only keep quoting the same accusations with nothing to back it up.
Sleep it off RUFUS, your days as a Neo-Con Hack TROLL are numbered.
Why? Because the Neo-Cons are getting flushed down the toilet of History.
Have a nice night, know-nothing.
Hey Dumb Jerk @ 77-
Where does that put me? At the leading edge of real “progressive” thought, the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Said VRWC is soon to roll right over all you no mind moonbats. You can’t stop it, and that makes you angry and irrelevant. None of you can come up with anything other than what you hate about what you can’t change. Come up with an idea sometime, instead of just being Goldy’s LITTLE yes boy. He must just keep you around to buy beer for him and his other two friends at little Tuesday night whine-fests.
Ps. Shouldn’t you be out stealing Iron’s signs from PRIVATE PROPERTY?
Goldy @ 61-
Thou dost protest too much more…
Mejaxmyself @ 66-
I think you meant we’re whining…
Thomas Laimwinder @ 86-
Then why don’t you tune in to Error America, and double their local audience. Rush is what is right about talk radio, it’s called freedom of speech. Our free market system, CAPITALISM, is what continues to prove you as irrelevant. This really is what peeves you, doesn’t it.
Donnageddon @ 91-
“Well you are correct finally, we are all about the issues, and we have actual ideas for every Neo-Con lie.” Another opportunity to fill us all in left hanging….
You should keep your keyboard silent, so as not to remind us all what an idiot you are.
Chimpy @ 105-
The “Village Idiot” will work perfectly for this Blog’s new name, since that is how he is so regarded.
GOLDY everywhere (or nowhere)-
So silent on I-900…….. Your pal Tim is kicking your ass.
Disengenous Mark, you and RUFUS must be good buddies. All talk and no facts.
If the Neo-Cons could survive a few more months bot of you might have been nominated for the SCOTUS.
Jon @ 102
“You’ve repeated this several times, and yet to provide any links. Where and when?”
Most recently, I saw it documented at one of the blogs in Goldy’s NWP Topic Hotlist list. But the list topics and entry jump, and I don’t see it on the list just now.
Danno @ 112 I hope everyone reads your post! It is delightful!
Please EVERYONE read Danno @ 112!
I wouldn’t want anyone to miss your self flagellation!
If you reload the page, the topics topics change. Also, you can click on the [-] to expand a topic.
Here is the post that you and Jon were looking for:
Danno @ 112
“Where does that put me? At the leading edge of real “progressive” thought, the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Said VRWC is soon to roll right over all you no mind moonbats. You can’t stop it, and that makes you angry and irrelevant.”
Hey, can you give me a date for that event? I’d like to pencil it into my calendar so that I can video tape it.
“None of you can come up with anything other than what you hate about what you can’t change. Come up with an idea sometime, instead of just being Goldy’s LITTLE yes boy.”
Good idea. Hmmmm….
dj’s idea #1. Balance the budget.
come on, folks, help me out here…this is tough!
“He must just keep you around to buy beer for him and his other two friends at little Tuesday night whine-fests.”
You are absolutely right! How did you know?
“Ps. Shouldn’t you be out stealing Iron’s signs from PRIVATE PROPERTY?”
Too late! The inconsiderate rightes in my neighborhood, who apparently think there is something wrong with giving mum a body slam, have taken ’em all down. (Geez … a body slam is just an X-treme hug, isn’t it? What’s wrong with that?)
“Our free market system, CAPITALISM, is what continues to prove you as irrelevant. This really is what peeves you, doesn’t it.”
Yes…indeed, you can tell from how the topic absolutely CLOGS up the comment threads that we are all holding our breath and stomping our feet over free market capita1ism.
“So silent on I-900…….. Your pal Tim is kicking your ass. “
Really? So it has bounced back or something? Last I saw it was losing by a couple of percentage points. Here is the link.
Here is my contribution to the “For What It Is Worth” department.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer ENDORSED DAVID IRONS, JR. in his last three contested elections for King County Council.
They first endorsed David Irons, Jr. over incumbent Brian Derdowski in the September 1999 Republican primary. Seattle P-I, 08/22/1999
They next endorsed David Irons, Jr. over Democrat write-in candidate Di Irons in the November 1999 general election. Seattle P-I, 10/22/1999
Finally, they endorsed David Irons, Jr. over Democrat nominee Brian Derdowski in the November 2003 general election. Seattle P-I, 10/28/2003
We voted 3 times for David Irons for one reason and one reason only…….To get rid of Ron Sims and Dean Logan! That will kill two birds with one vote. First CAO which stole 60% of my land without giving me one dime, secondly, Dean logan and his precint 1823 and blocking requests for documents from the last election are continuing to show what a absolute coeverup the last election was.
Also 3 votes for I912 and those are YES votes for I912, to show the B that her tax happy and spend happy hikes were NOT WHAT SHE CAMPAIGNED ON.
See you all on election day!
Vote for Irons and For I912
Donna @ 108
It is not my place to air the dirty laundry on someone else’s behalf. My point, however, wasn’t to target the person (who, you will note, I did not name) nor was it to say “lookee what the Dems do, too.” I was merely saying that just throwing out accusations as Greta did is as simple as typing the words.
As for the Irons situation, your partisan slip is showing. If there is/was a crime, it should be reported and appropriate judicial action taken.
Sounds like you’re in favor of bringing back lynchings. Because that is EXACTLY what you rabid partisans have done in this case — albeit through character assassination instead of a rope. Note that I have NEVER defended Irons’ actions on here or said that he did or do anything. But I HAVE said that there is undoubtedly much more to the issue that Goldy is willing to publish. If he wants to be a “journalist,” he needs to realize that he’ll always be an editorialist and not a real reporter. The WHOLE truth does not concern him.
HORSESASS.ORG: All the truth that’s printed to fit.
Me @ 122
I meant to say, “did or didn’t do.”
dj @ 119
I’m actually surprised that we haven’t seen or read anything about I-330 and/or I-336 on here. The irony here is that the pro-330 folks attack 336 as being supported by lawyers. I guess that means 330 was written by a guy named Bob at his kitchen table? I-330 was written by lawyers for insurance companies — for whom I have greater contempt than plaintiff’s attorneys. MedMal is probably the one area that needs the least tort reform. Doctors, however, need to have the veil of secrecy lifted just a bit. Lawyers can take your money. Doctors can take your life.
We now return you to our regularly scheduled ramblings.
This from Joel Connelly @ the P-I (friend to Liberals everywhere):
“A three-pronged “Save Sims” strategy seems to be at work:… b) Go negative, hitting at the bankruptcy filing of a business Irons once managed, and privately cheering as the press explores deep fissures in Irons’ family; and c) Scare the wits out of any Democratic voter who thinks of defecting to Green Party candidate Gentry Lange.” (10/24/2005)
Hmmmm… Sounds awfully familiar…
Goldy, in discussing campaign strategy, did the Sims campaign take your advice or did you take theirs?
dj @ 116 & LMAO @ 118: Thanks for the link/background. The Times’ articles of two years ago do show somebody was repeating basically the same allegations, which does make for an interesting twist on this story, so my apologies to DJ.
That said, again, you’re still left with two sides and no way to verify indepentently who is right (or closer to right), so I don’t agree that the MSM should have done this story sooner. As even Goldy has noted, “I cannot possibly know the truth of what transpired that day…” so how can the media report that?
Me @ 126: Sorry for the misspellings…
Disengenous MARK @ 122 What a heap of elephant shit. If you have something to say, say it.
But to make up accusations to attempt to make Irons harrassment and abuse escuseable is… well inexcuseable!
Disengenous Mark @ 125 “This from Joel Connelly @ the P-I (friend to Liberals everywhere):”
You then post some right wing dogerral from the PI.\
You can’t have it both ways, idiot! eiher the PI is a left wing rag (it is not) or it will not print right wing attacks and not endorse Neo-Cons(which it does)
Make up your feeble mind! You look stuoid sitting their claiming both things.
Mark @ 124,
I hope this is really you (and, yes, I did communicate with Goldy about this issue).
I’ve not read either of the initiatives, but they both are suspect from what I can tell. If there are merits in them, I’d prefer to leave it to the legistature to deal with. I just don’t trust Bob, Bubba or Tim to put together a good legislative package.
“We now return you to our regularly scheduled ramblings. “
So, from the link posted @118 (thanks LMAO), it looks like, indeed, the allegations that Goldy raises have been in the press before.
The argument that Goldy has expanded on the issues already circulated in the press seems spot on to me.
For that reason, this hardly seems to be a lynching. These are accounts that the family has been airing in the press since 2003 and possily 1999. Goldy has added a little bit of new material that is consistent with Irons having a problem with violence.
Jon @ 126
“That said, again, you’re still left with two sides and no way to verify indepentently who is right (or closer to right), so I don’t agree that the MSM should have done this story sooner.”
I guess it comes down to how you weight evidence. The fact that sister Di backs up what her mother says because she walked into the room after the incident is a pretty compelling argument for me. I could be that mom, dad and Di are all conspiring, but this seems less likely to me. Dad’s statements count for less than Di’s since there is no evidence that he witnessed the mess in the office afterwards.
The alternative is that David Jr. is lying (only one person). Janet A.’s statements don’t count for nearly as much as Di’s statements because there is no evidence that Janet A. was even around the company at the time. I believe She is only relying on her brother’s story.
Combined with the other evidence of a violence problem (former employees, Di’s other statements, etc.), and other lines of evidence suggesting a problem with truthfulness, I find the scales tipped against David jr.
“As even Goldy has noted, “I cannot possibly know the truth of what transpired that day…” so how can the media report that?”
The can because both the media and Goldy are reporting on a story from somebody. I made this point earlier: Goldy has clearly told the truth in giving this story, because he is meerly telling his readers what people have said to him. (i.e. even if Janet C., David sr., and Di all confessed to a conspiracy to trass David jr., Goldy still told the truth because he reported, in good faith, what they told him).
Seeing all of the fighting between the R’s and D’s just reinforces what many are starting to believe. Both parties are really F’d up. Both are lying, corrupt, inept hives of putrid filth masquerading as politicians. And their supporters are even worse. I may not care for the candidates but I love them compared to the supporters. Face it, this country is going the way of Rome if a viable third party doesn’t rise to squash the R’s and D’s like the cockroaches they are.
Ya know, its really to bad that more of you were not smacked around a little bit, whether by people or seizures. Maybe it would have knocked some sense into you.
dj @ 131
What Goldy is writing may be true. I think it is clear to everyone that this is a family with problems — regardless of who you think is crazier or at fault. However, there ARE circumstances in which this dynamic could play out as it is, but where Irons doesn’t not bear the entire weight of blame.
For example, a situation where young Irons is the victim of abuse from a parent or other family adult. First, it is not uncommon for family members to polarize and/or “circle the wagons” against the accuser/victim. People don’t want to believe that someone in THEIR family could do such a thing, so they get stuck on the idea that the victim is making it up. This, of course, brings up confusion and anger for the victim (Was I really abused? Why won’t they believe me?). Sometimes, a sibling — especially one who either witnessed an event or was similarly abused — will side with the abused child.
Why wouldn’t Irons bring it up? For one, he is a grown-up man and much of society won’t accept him going all “Oprah.” Also, he still may be very conflicted about what happened. If not dealt with, adults bring all of those feelings of guilt, shame, blame and anger into their present day lives. That could explain a short fuse — especially with people like his mother, who he expected would protect him (or at least believe him) as a child.
NOT saying this happened, but such a dynamic is not unheard of.
Donna @ 128
I stand by my statement that all you want to do is participate in virtual lynchings of anyone that disagrees with you.
I will not publish the details of the harassment because it isn’t my story to tell and it didn’t happen recently (though the person is still in office). Since the victim has gotten past the ordeal, it isn’t my place to bring it all up in sordid detail. Instead my point is that the Dem Party — and people she respected therein — told her to shut up “for the good of the party.” Somehow you Lefties think your stuff doesn’t stink. Politics is politics. DeLay probably DID bend the campaign finance rules to suit his purposes. Sims & Logan DO bend the election rules to suit their party. Politics is a dirty business. You accuse the GOP of playing the “homeland security” fear card with the general public while you Lefties play the race fear card and the class warfare card with reckless abandon.
dj @ 131: “Goldy has clearly told the truth in giving this story, because he is meerly telling his readers what people have said to him. (i.e. even if Janet C., David sr., and Di all confessed to a conspiracy to trass David jr., Goldy still told the truth because he reported, in good faith, what they told him).”
However, Goldy cannot run with the story if he has reason to believe it to be untrue. He has to do his homework if he wants to be protected from a libel suit. Considering Goldy’s predisposition against Irons and his stated goal of getting Sims elected, can we really say that he meets the “fair and impartial investigation” part of the law?
Putting the blame on Ron Sims. Again? Gregoire tried that crap and barely won.
Stuckonstupiddon: Google Gregoire admits errors Seattle Times Jan 24, 2002. The $$$ Millions is documented there. You are stuck on stupid if you forgot her $$$ Million debacle. But then again Stuckonstupiddon, “You are Stuck on Stupid!”
Who says the MSM is right biased?
As an observer taking no sides in this garbage I did hear one interesting question that I was hoping mr goldy could answer. In your “brief catch-up note” to christian sinderman you said “My conversations with the Irons family continue.”
Does that not imply that you had conversed with him before on this issue? How would he know what you were talking about?