Well, he probably means no states are threatening to secede.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Our LIAR in Chief spent his whole time blaming & scolding & lecturing folks that disagree with him..with a dose of “I feel your pain” BS to the middle class Tea Partiers who he & his krew have repeatedly insulted and minimized.
The result??
From the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll–
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
So, post-State of Union–
1) Obam-Mao is at -17 in the Strong Approval/Strong Disapproval Poll whereas he was +32 a year ago. Doin’ good! He even managed to imply that his currently high level of unpopularity is a good thing…cuz he needs to do unpopular things??????????? What an idiot!
2) The Democrats trail Republicans in Generic Polls by 9 full points….the worst in years!
Plastic face Nancy Pelosi, Smilin’ bubblehead Joe Biden and Yawning Harry Reid are making it worse.
3) Dow is DOWN 143 points. How inspiring his attacks on banks and business!!!!
Even you KLOWNS are starting to question this inexperienced ideologue who finally is coming to grips with the fact that he wasn’t elected on his popularity and he has blown it with OVER-EXPOSURE!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 & 3 — How about being an American instead of an Asshole, Cynical? Our country is in crisis. We’re confronted with challenges from every side. Obama has reached across the aisle with a message of bipartisan cooperation. Get on board, man! You don’t have to be a prick every day of your life, you know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Klown, are you still stuffing Kruggerands into your mattress? I see gold is down again today, after another 10-buck drop yesterday.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Racist Rabbit-
Your messiah Obam-Mao goes out of his way to attack and insult Tea Partiers…and once he sees the consequences, he pretends to reach across the aisle in an insincere effort to rebuild his popularity??
I disagree with Obam-Mao’s ideology and policies. Why is that UnAmerican??
Are you saying it’s UnAmerican to disagree with people in power??
It’s UnAmerican to stand up to Obam-Mao’s arrogant abuse of power and mocking folks who disagree??
Get on Board with what??
More deficit spending?
Government Health Care without Tort Reform or Interstate Competition??
Get on board with trials of terrorists in American Courts??
Obam-Mao tried the old Shame ’em trick last night. Might work on a few folks…but not me or most.
Obam-Mao has shown his true beliefs. He is not a uniter. Let’s talk after the 11/10 Elections.
Forget it you wheezy old bastard.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Just got back into Randgold (GOLD) @ 69.20 and ABX @ 35…just got confirmations.
Missed most of the carnage…although lost about $4,000.
Having Gold Coins and bags of silver I bought years ago when Gold was in the high $200’s/oz and silver was dirt cheap is just something the wife & I did to eventually pass down to the grandkids. My investments are also collectibles and trade at a premium to Gold & Silver Spot prices.
Yeah, they are down from the highs.
It’s costly to trade this stuff…but fun to look at!
Can’t wait for you to tell us another lie about how much you made today Racist Roger!
@4: Appealing to Klynical’s better “nature”, I see.
It seems kind of pointless to reason with a lunatic whose “posts” amount to maniacally waving his goat shit covered dick around.
@4: I told you so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Rudy Giuliani is a hero. Or a liar.”
I vote for liar. If you add a third category of “blowhard,” I’ll vote for that, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “Your messiah Obam-Mao goes out of his way to attack and insult Tea Partiers…”
i.e. a classic role model for aspiring right wingers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Nature boy doesn’t have a better side. The only relief his goats ever get is when he goes after the chickens.
proud leftistspews:
Is there a single Republican of national prominence who has any credibility at all? Plainly, Rudy’s talking points were drafted before Obama gave his speech; I doubt Rudy even listened to the speech. Rudy is an unpatriotic liar, who will do anything to assist in bringing down the president, even if that means the country crashes and we become the next Somalia.
proud leftistspews:
You forgot about rats, RR. Cynical likes rats, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 That pretty much describes all their presidential aspirants. Which is why I’m not worried about 2012 no matter what the current polls say. Even if this country is nuts enough to replace Obama with someone like Giuliani or Palin, I can adapt; we rabbits can live in holes for years, if necessary, until the latest human blight blows over.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Rats are the only “crop” Klown’s “farm” grows.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey, I’m not knocking your chickens, Klown! As you well know, they’re not all that bad. You should be aware, though, that your chickens have been CHEATING on you …
That would be over 30 years ago, Klown. Even bank CDs have outperformed gold over that span.
Do your homework dumbass.
I accumulated most of this in 2000 and 2001….not 30 years ago. Plus, at that time, the Premium on collectible Gold & Silver wasn’t quite as much because supplies were high.
You have heard of supply & demand, haven’t you??
So, I’m up 3-1/2 to 4 times in 9-10 years. But that’s not the point…they are collectibles and something to pass down. It’s nice they have gone up…but it really doesn’t matter much.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
15. proud leftist spews:
Is there a single Republican of national prominence who has any credibility at all? Plainly, Rudy’s talking points were drafted before Obama gave his speech; I doubt Rudy even listened to the speech.
Copies of the speech were available BEFORE the speech…as were all the main Democrat talking points. What an idiot you are PL.
So credibility is agreeing with Obam-Mao?
Credibility is to work with someone who uses his power and bully platform to scold, lecture and demean those who disagree??
Shaming folks won’t work.
Obam-Mao is a failure and a hardcore leftist ideologue who would love to ram thru or SNEAK thru his far-left agenda.
I told you this would happen.
Inexperience and Arrogance. Bad Combo…ineveitable results.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Then you’re having memory problems, geezer, because gold hasn’t been below $300 at any time since 2000.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “Obam-Mao is a failure and a hardcore leftist ideologue who would love to ram thru or SNEAK thru his far-left agenda.”
You mean his far-left agenda of saving the world from the economic carnage you asswipes created?
Daddy Lovespews:
Regarding Republicans, the whole stupid/ignorant versus liar question I left behind long ago. My default assumption is both. Since that decision, I’ve been right every time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “Inexperience and Arrogance. Bad Combo…ineveitable results.”
He’s done pretty well so far.
The Economist, a conservative British magazine run by folks much smarter than you, think Obama is doing a pretty good job:
“One year on, how well has he done? Not too badly, by our reckoning …. In his first 12 months in office Mr Obama has overseen the stabilising of the economy, is on the point of bringing affordable health care to virtually every American citizen, has ended the era of torture, is robustly prosecuting the war in Afghanistan while gradually disengaging from Iraq; and perhaps more precious than any of these, he has cleared away much of the cloud of hatred and fear through which so much of the world saw the United States during George Bush’s presidency.
“More generally, Mr Obama has run a competent, disciplined yet heterodox administration, with few of the snafus that characterised Bill Clinton’s first year. Just as important have been the roads not taken. Mr Obama has resisted the temptation to give in to the populists in his own party and saddle Wall Street with regulations that would choke it. He has eschewed punitive taxation on the entrepreneurs who animate the economy; and he has even … turned a deaf ear to the siren-song of the protectionists. In short, what’s not to like?”
I’m glad to see the president emphasizing the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. It was nice of the idiots/liars who ran the Congress in 2002-2003 to make it so easy for us by building in an expiration date to try to hide the cost of the cuts.
Daddy Lovespews:
Two weeks ago, Rudy Giuliani claimed “We had no domestic attacks under Bush.”
Idiot. Liar.
@27 The question remains whether the entire rest of the Republican Party now consists of anything but the two or three busloads of itinerant buffoons who believe him.
That might be answered if the party leadership that’s presently meeting in Hawaii elects to withold any and all campaign support from candidates who don’t pass James Bopp’s “purity test”. Either we’re all on our way to hell in a bucket, or the self-anointed Wingnuts In Charge are about to discover what a really bad idea it is to let yourself believe your own bullshit
Obama did a good job last night. I see that Cyn, like Rudy and Bob McDonnell can’t come up with any real or accurate criticism of his speech.
Daddy steals time and resources from his employer to do what he apparently does best: very little.
tingle thighsspews:
Did anyone forget for 60 or 70 minutes that Chris Matthews is the whitest dumbest man in America?
Yep, the lefties at Hufpo did an alright and accurate critique of the speech.
They, did seem to forget that SOTU speeches are laundry lists .
The truth is, the American people are not angry because of all the money the government has spent this year — except, of course, the people who believe Obama was born in Kenya, is a Muslim, and a Socialist. The rest of the people, the ones Obama has a chance of reaching, are angry because the vast majority of that money went to — and continues to go to — rescuing Wall Street, which has thanked taxpayers by reducing lending, recording record profits, paying out massive bonuses, and using our money to pay lobbyists to scuttle financial reform. That is what is putting voters on the electoral warpath.
Shifting the topic a hair, nuclear power.
I’m glad it got brought up, but press corp…Ask the question.
I’m not opposed to Nuclear Power. It is, face it, the most efficient means of generating huge amounts of electricity. The trade-off is that it is also the most potentially hazardous. So you can’t really advocate building plants without addressing the waste water issue.
I had the same problem with McCain running around arguing that his energy policy was great because it involved nuclear and yet the press corp never asked him to square his support for nuclear power with his unyielding opposition to Yucca Mountain.
So, ask the question. What state gets saddled with the waste facilities?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
29. Michael spews:
Obama did a good job last night. I see that Cyn, like Rudy and Bob McDonnell can’t come up with any real or accurate criticism of his speech
Yes I have..
He scolded the Supreme Court about a decision. Totally inappropriate for Executive Branch to do to Judicial Branch.
He blamed Bush and tried to portray himself as a victim.
He lectured Republicans.
Of course he did Michael.
You are falling into the Daily Kos trap of automatically answering criticism by saying there was no criticism.
Of course there was.
Come to grips with the fact Obam-Mao is in trouble and has blown his political capital by mocking & ridiculing the Tea Party.
@20 Then you’re having memory problems, geezer, because gold hasn’t been below $300 at any time since 2000.
Apparently you can add Alzheimers to your list of ailments.
Barry Odramaspews:
The sotu was just another finger waging snoozefest by Messiah McBorington.
So Cyn, how’s you’re ass today? So criticizing the judiciary is “Totally Inappropriate.”
“After more than two centuries of American jurisprudence and millennia of human experience, a few judges and local authorities are presuming to change the most fundamental institution of civilization. Their actions have created confusion on an issue that requires clarity.” George W. Bush
Just one will suffice for now. So is it disingenuous for commentators, and blog responders, to act like criticism of the judicial branch by the Executive branch is some unprecedented breach of etiquette?
I’m not asking for the legal merits of any particular court decision, just weather or not criticism “totally inappropriate for the Executive Branch to do to the Judicial Branch?”
@4….WOW….a non-partisan post from Goebbels Rabbit? Goebbels talks about being an “American” rather than a Democrat? WOW!
Did you miss your morning pills??
EDIT: and then in later posts Goebbels Rabbit goes back to his usual partisan mantra….
proud leftistspews:
Cynical: “He scolded the Supreme Court about a decision. Totally inappropriate for Executive Branch to do to Judicial Branch.”
Are you really that deceitful? Do you have no decency at all? Have Republican presidents never criticized the Court for issuing a decision like, say, Roe v. Wade? The Court deserves every bit of criticism it gets for the Citizens United decision. And, if a lawyer pulled the stunt Alito did during the SOTU address, Alito would have hit the attorney with contempt of court sanctions. That was utterly childish. Your ilk seems to have lost all self-restraint and any notion of common courtesy.
@36 Apparently you can add Alzheimer’s to your list of ailments.
Alzheimers? Rabbit’s primary ailment is ignorance, not memory loss, though he has been known to invent a fact or two (or three, or four . .).
Did you EVER find that National Review article, Bunny, the one by Malcolm Sparrow you claimed to have read. Not even Sparrow himself has seen it yet!
Hero or liar? I’m going with pathetic douche bag.
That was utterly childish. Your ilk seems to have lost all self-restraint and any notion of common courtesy.
HAHAHAHA, thats funny – coming from the same “side” that breaks windows and destroys property(see WTO), and mumbles incoherent jibberish about 911, Iraq, etc(see Cindy Sheehan or pick-a-nutball on Air America or Pacifica Radio).
LMFAO…the left hath cornered the market on batshit crazy, howlin’ at the moon retards since the 2000 elections and acted like a bunch ADHD children who dont get their way….and you talk about self-restraint and courtesy?
too funny..
@41….local self-admitted liar and propagandist Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit has told so many lies, he cant rememeber whats true and whats fiction anymore……
proud leftistspews:
You’re comparing a Supreme Court Justice, attending the State of the Union speech, with WTO protesters and Cindy Sheehan. You are truly dense. You have no sense of perspective at all, do you? Ah, I guess that’s what makes you a wingnut. Run along now, little fella. Go find someone to play with who is as dense as you.
That was utterly childish. Your ilk seems to have lost all self-restraint …
Our ilk knows that leftist is utterly childish, and that Alito was too deferential.
Instead of whispering ‘you’re wrong,’ Justice Alito should have shouted ‘You Lie!’ President Obama’s characterization of the Court’s decision was false and defamatory. Foreign corporations will not be buying US elections, although one or both Clintons are probably trying at this very moment to shake down Riady and Hsu and Chung for 2012 slush funds.
proud leftistspews:
Do you believe Alito’s actions enhance the public’s confidence in the judiciary? A person in his place in life who cannot control himself is an embarrassment. If he fails to apologize to Obama, then he is an even smaller man than his judicial opinions show him to be. BTW, the Citizens United case reveals both Alito and Roberts to be bald-faced liars. In their confirmation hearings, both claimed to be incrementalists who abhor judicial activism and who respect precedent. Citizens United is the product of unrestrained judicial activism. The case came up on a narrow issue, but the Court’s rightwingers broadened the issue into a broad constitutional question and requested additional briefing. They then rejected law of 63 years, overturning two recent decisions in the process. That, twerp, is called legislating from the bench. Your ilk always complained about that in the past. I guess you don’t mind it so much now.
this president has no respect for this country, as evidenced by his ’round the world apology tour. so yet again he shows his contempt for us by critcizing a supreme court decision, something not done by presidents. alito probably couldnt help himself.
well, when the country defaults and crashes and the militia take over, they’ll arrest all the liberals anyhow.
So pathetic and predictable, counselor … shifting the discussion from the president’s lie/mischaracterization to a non sequitur about judicial activism.
When our renagade activist court restores Bowers v. Hardwick, then we can talk about your little problem with Citizens United and precedent.
proud leftistspews:
48: “when the country defaults and crashes and the militia take over, they’ll arrest all the liberals anyhow.”
Given your deep respect for the rule of law, I’m sure you can’t wait for that day. This nonsense about presidents not criticizing Supreme Court decisions is a remarkable wingnut creation. And, it is totally false. Since the early days of our nation, presidents have criticized the Court’s decisions. Andrew Jackson, for instance, in regard to a decision from the Marshall Court he didn’t like, proclaimed (not quite a direct quote), “John Marshall has made his decision, now let’s see him enforce it.” It is pointless to tell a dissembling racist wad of shit like you to not believe everything that Glenn Beck says, but you really do make yourself look stupid when you spew that which has no basis in fact.
For the record, and for what little it’s worth, I’m agnostic about Bowers and Lawrence. I simply note that Lawrence upended plenty of precedent embedded in Bowers.
Happens all the time. That’s what the glorious Warren Court was all about, kicking out the old and blowing everything up with new improved elitist impositions imposed with “all deliberate speed.”
And the Warren Burger Court was activist and unprecedented (pun intended) as was the tail end of the Hughes Court, in which more than a century of constitutional precedent was upended via incorporation. And the hidebound courts of the Plessey era radically overturned precedent by imposing a regime based on a nebulous right to contract.
The Constitution and precedent are whatever 8 or 9 old men in long black dresses say they are. Don’t like last week’s unprecedented decision? Sue ’em.
Your Jackson analogy breaks down, counselor, unless Jackson lied about the Marshall decision that Jackson wanted to nullify.
So tell us: who was more disrespectful last night of the dance of constitional decorum: A justice from the independent judiciary who moved his mouth, or the president and former professor of con law who misled or lied?
Not even a toss-up. Obama wins the contest for being the biggest racist (“typical white person”) wad of shit.
O'Keefe IIIspews:
Isht. What happened to Edit?
Here’s a racist Acorn O’Keefe dirty joke …
Mature matron leaving the supermarket checkout and walking to the parking lot: “I have an itchy goldy.”
Safeway boxboy: “You’ll have to point it out to me, ma’am. All those Jap cars look alike.”
I’m not saying there was no criticism, I’m saying that the criticism’s that I’ve seen from the right so far aren’t based on fact or in reality. The video up top showed Rudy’s response to be non-reality based
The folks at HufPo gave a good critic from the left and a good critic could be given from the right, but I’ve yet to see one. Kathleen Parker has done some good work lately, maybe she’ll pull through for you guys.
One more time …
So tell us. Who last night was more disrespectful of the dance of constitional decorum: A justice from the independent judiciary who moved his mouth, or the president and former professor of con law who misled or lied?
Maybe if we pay goldy some of that cold hard cash from the freezer in New Orleans, or some of Landrieu’s new $300,000,000 stash, he’ll restore our edit function.
proud leftistspews:
Obama did not lie, not even close. We’ll see what new world of campaign finance activities occurs after Citizens United. I think Pandora’s Box has been opened and I think Obama is correct. And, BTW, the discussion was about presidents not criticizing SCOTUS decisions. It has always happened. You misunderstand my point about Roberts and Alito lying in their confirmation hearings. They claimed to believe in judicial restraint and the force of precedent. Well, they don’t. It should bother the wingnut world to see a Court as activist as this one–it’s the Republicans who have always complained about judicial activism, not the Left.
I got your point the first time. You don’t do nuance or subtlety, to your point — such as it was — was not obscure.
Guessing that you’re pro-choice, I gave you a choice. Either Obama lied or he mischaracterized and misled. You chose not to choose the word lie, probably because it’s difficult to establish intent. So we agree that his attempt to impute to foreign corps the power to sway/buy/rent/distort our elections was misleading, a mischaracterization. Let’s call it mischaracterization assassination, and let’s say to hell with it.
Again, are you suggesting that a president has the right to lie or mischaracterize — with impunity — about a co-equal branch of government? Is that what you liberals mean by self-restraint? Have you at long last no sense of decency?
so your point — such as it was …
Additionally, a domestic subsidiary of a foreign corporation (or a domestic corporation owned by foreign nationals) may not donate funds or anything of value in connection with state or local elections if:
These activities are financed by the foreign parent or owner; or
Individual foreign nationals are involved in any way in the making of donations to nonfederal candidates and committees. [1]
Please note that many states place additional restrictions on donations made to nonfederal candidates and committees. 11 CFR 110.20(i). (See also AOs 1992-16, 1985-3, 1982-10, and Matter Under Review (MUR) 2892.)
Not seeing it here, but recall that after the Clinton scandals of 1996, in which Bill shook down a plethora of foreign nationals and corporate affiliates (check the controversy about Loral’s apparent missile guidance system/campaign $ exchange with Red China) other limits were placed.
truther tenther titherspews:
Well, he probably means no states are threatening to secede.
What about Texas?
@58 Obama did not lie, not even close
Oh, come. His blather “there are about 2 million Americans working right now” because of last year’s stimulus bill has been the subject of much debate, yet he flew with it because it suited his purpose. This is insulting to his audience’s intelligence. At least mine – yours, maybe not so much.
proud leftistspews:
What campaign finance limits do you really think survive after Citizens United? Given the “reasoning” of the Court, I don’t think there is much that would survive a court challenge. And, let’s see, no criticism of one co-equal branch of government of the other two . . . Um, what did that South Carolina Congressman say recently about Obama? Certainly, Republican House and Senate members have been very deferential to Obama, haven’t they? You really don’t know what you’re talking about. Democrats have been deferential for too long while Republicans have always had the gloves off. You just don’t want our guys to play like yours.
@50 but you really do make yourself look stupid when you spew that which has no basis in fact.
lol…i’m laughing my ass off. do you think i care what a bunch of money loving kikes like you think?????
you came running over here 300 hundred years ago when you saw fresh money and another country to to ruin, since you’ve been kicked out of every country in the world, except of course for that cesspool in the middle east.
truther tenther titherspews:
Well, boys & girls. Leftist is MIA or nolo contendere. Either way, if you ever need a shyster lawyer, I hope you’ll rent a better shyster lawyer.
truther tenther titherspews:
Given the “reasoning” of the Court, I don’t think
Alas. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. You don’t think. But welcome back anyway.
Let’s be clear, tho, about what you just did. You spun a nebuloma of supposition: “I don’t think” that existing protections cited @61 (and others that remedied the Clinton scandals of 1996) will survive scrutiny following last week’s decision. But last week’s decision was not predicated in whole or in part or in any way on foreign manipulation of US elections.
You jumped to baseless conclusions, or conclusions based only on what you think. You jumped a chasm of illogic and fell in. You jumped a shark, or jumped the gun, or something. Whatever it was, it’s pathetic. Beneath you. Surely you can do better.
MIA all the wayspews:
I’m outta here, leftist. Good night and good luck. Good grief.
I would love to kill some of you people. This world and it’s selfish people disgust me. Main hardcore dems and republicans. I wish Obama would have cursed the republicans out and bitch slapped the dem’s for being pussies.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I’ve got to say I love seeing the Leftists continue with all the harsh rhetoric while demanding folks that disagree with them be more civil and willing to engage Obam-Mao.
The hotter the political environment, the more it works AGAINST those in power.
You KLOWNS don’t get it…you were in total power for months and couldn’t keep your flock together.
Keep up the hot rhetoric….
It will only hurt Obama/Pelosi/Reif cult even more!!
Max Rockatanskyspews:
PL…owned….actually not just owned, but punk slapped like a dirty $3 whore by her pimp…
Mr. Cynicalspews:
69. tired spews:
I would love to kill some of you people
Not funny dumbass.
You might ask Goldy to please remove this comment as someone is likely to ask for an investigation. Say Pretty Please!!
@69 Not funny dumbass.
You might ask Goldy to please remove this comment as someone is likely to ask for an investigation. Say Pretty Please!!
considering goldstein has threatened to blow up airplanes and the supreme court, i doubt it.
as a matter of fact, i think he knows his blog sucks, doesnt want to do it anymore, and he is trying to get the fbi to shut it down so he can claim it was shut down but not because it sucks.
@69 I would love to kill some of you people
Gee, Goldy, are you asleep at the switch . . don’t you have a rule or two among your (hard-to-find) guidelines that this little gem violates? And that link could be a real humdinger for the unsuspecting, so at least think about that . . .
proud leftistspews:
Hey Kids,
I’m back. I had some work to do, unlike you.
Let me first say that I must pay my respects to manoftruth. I have never before been called a “kike.” I wear the insult as a badge of honor.
Max @ 71, any chance you’ll explain to me how I got bitchslapped? You don’t much understand where this Court is going, do you, Max?
Some of you folks don’t understand the broad impact of the Citizens United decision. More than Kennedy’s majority decision, read Roberts’ concurrence. He’s the Chief Justice for those of you who don’t know such things. He basically says stare decisis doesn’t much matter if previous Court decisions had a dissent. Remarkable for a guy who claims to disdain judicial activism.
It might be that my best friend on earth is a Republican (I try not to rank my friends), but imagine that, wingnuts. He called me today to say he hasn’t been able to watch a State of the Union address all the way through in decades (he’s approaching 70, now). He said he was spellbound and that Citizens United sucks shit. He’s a career military doctor, but doesn’t watch Fox News. You folks realize, don’t you, that Citizens United is not going to help you when you try to claim that Republicans should be back in charge?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey KLOWNS, your messiah Barry Obam-Mao is really getting a post SOU bounce!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17
Appears all his scolding, mocking and blaming others ain’t gonna work.
Maybe someday, B. Obam-Mao will grow up and be a real leader…but probably not.
His Socialist Agenda failed miserably.
He rammed thru a $1.9 TRILLION increase in Debt Ceiling BEFORE Brown could be seated.
That will come back and bite the Dems very, very badly.
There is enough there to kickass in November.
The only unknown is if the Republicans will take advantage of the huge momentum shift like 1994…or be the dumbasses they’ve been the past 6 years.
Doesn’t matter…the Tea Party is moving the Agenda. The R’s need to get on board or get stomped.
The Dems strategy to try to mock & ridicule the Tea Party even more by emphasizing the “Birthers” will only serve to create more anger against the Dems.
You KLOWNS just don’t get it.
Keep mocking…it will only make things worse FOR Y’ALL!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Obama continues to lecture and chastise Republicans while encourage them to work with him. What an asshole. Total lack of leadership. Here is the funniest line Obam-Mao ever spoke–
“The notion that this was a radical package is just not true,” Obama said. “I am not an ideologue.”
yup…keep up the mocking right to november
by the way, that bitch pilosi is the best campaign ad a republican could ever have…keep on smiling, witch.
Well, he probably means no states are threatening to secede.
Our LIAR in Chief spent his whole time blaming & scolding & lecturing folks that disagree with him..with a dose of “I feel your pain” BS to the middle class Tea Partiers who he & his krew have repeatedly insulted and minimized.
The result??
From the Democrat-leaning Rasmussen Poll–
Thursday, January 28, 2010
So, post-State of Union–
1) Obam-Mao is at -17 in the Strong Approval/Strong Disapproval Poll whereas he was +32 a year ago. Doin’ good! He even managed to imply that his currently high level of unpopularity is a good thing…cuz he needs to do unpopular things??????????? What an idiot!
2) The Democrats trail Republicans in Generic Polls by 9 full points….the worst in years!
Plastic face Nancy Pelosi, Smilin’ bubblehead Joe Biden and Yawning Harry Reid are making it worse.
3) Dow is DOWN 143 points. How inspiring his attacks on banks and business!!!!
Even you KLOWNS are starting to question this inexperienced ideologue who finally is coming to grips with the fact that he wasn’t elected on his popularity and he has blown it with OVER-EXPOSURE!!
@2 & 3 — How about being an American instead of an Asshole, Cynical? Our country is in crisis. We’re confronted with challenges from every side. Obama has reached across the aisle with a message of bipartisan cooperation. Get on board, man! You don’t have to be a prick every day of your life, you know.
Hey Klown, are you still stuffing Kruggerands into your mattress? I see gold is down again today, after another 10-buck drop yesterday.
Racist Rabbit-
Your messiah Obam-Mao goes out of his way to attack and insult Tea Partiers…and once he sees the consequences, he pretends to reach across the aisle in an insincere effort to rebuild his popularity??
I disagree with Obam-Mao’s ideology and policies. Why is that UnAmerican??
Are you saying it’s UnAmerican to disagree with people in power??
It’s UnAmerican to stand up to Obam-Mao’s arrogant abuse of power and mocking folks who disagree??
Get on Board with what??
More deficit spending?
Government Health Care without Tort Reform or Interstate Competition??
Get on board with trials of terrorists in American Courts??
Obam-Mao tried the old Shame ’em trick last night. Might work on a few folks…but not me or most.
Obam-Mao has shown his true beliefs. He is not a uniter. Let’s talk after the 11/10 Elections.
Forget it you wheezy old bastard.
Just got back into Randgold (GOLD) @ 69.20 and ABX @ 35…just got confirmations.
Missed most of the carnage…although lost about $4,000.
Having Gold Coins and bags of silver I bought years ago when Gold was in the high $200’s/oz and silver was dirt cheap is just something the wife & I did to eventually pass down to the grandkids. My investments are also collectibles and trade at a premium to Gold & Silver Spot prices.
Yeah, they are down from the highs.
It’s costly to trade this stuff…but fun to look at!
Can’t wait for you to tell us another lie about how much you made today Racist Roger!
@4: Appealing to Klynical’s better “nature”, I see.
It seems kind of pointless to reason with a lunatic whose “posts” amount to maniacally waving his goat shit covered dick around.
@4: I told you so.
“Rudy Giuliani is a hero. Or a liar.”
I vote for liar. If you add a third category of “blowhard,” I’ll vote for that, too.
@6 “Your messiah Obam-Mao goes out of his way to attack and insult Tea Partiers…”
Don’t you think they deserve it?
Hey, is that our good friend puddy in the last photo?
@7 “Having Gold Coins and bags of silver I bought years ago when Gold was in the high $200’s/oz”
That would be over 30 years ago, Klown. Even bank CDs have outperformed gold over that span.
Idiotic, irrelevant, senile, demented..
i.e. a classic role model for aspiring right wingers.
@8 Nature boy doesn’t have a better side. The only relief his goats ever get is when he goes after the chickens.
Is there a single Republican of national prominence who has any credibility at all? Plainly, Rudy’s talking points were drafted before Obama gave his speech; I doubt Rudy even listened to the speech. Rudy is an unpatriotic liar, who will do anything to assist in bringing down the president, even if that means the country crashes and we become the next Somalia.
You forgot about rats, RR. Cynical likes rats, too.
@13 That pretty much describes all their presidential aspirants. Which is why I’m not worried about 2012 no matter what the current polls say. Even if this country is nuts enough to replace Obama with someone like Giuliani or Palin, I can adapt; we rabbits can live in holes for years, if necessary, until the latest human blight blows over.
@16 Rats are the only “crop” Klown’s “farm” grows.
Hey, I’m not knocking your chickens, Klown! As you well know, they’re not all that bad. You should be aware, though, that your chickens have been CHEATING on you …
Racist Roger Rabbit spews:
Do your homework dumbass.
I accumulated most of this in 2000 and 2001….not 30 years ago. Plus, at that time, the Premium on collectible Gold & Silver wasn’t quite as much because supplies were high.
You have heard of supply & demand, haven’t you??
So, I’m up 3-1/2 to 4 times in 9-10 years. But that’s not the point…they are collectibles and something to pass down. It’s nice they have gone up…but it really doesn’t matter much.
15. proud leftist spews:
Copies of the speech were available BEFORE the speech…as were all the main Democrat talking points. What an idiot you are PL.
So credibility is agreeing with Obam-Mao?
Credibility is to work with someone who uses his power and bully platform to scold, lecture and demean those who disagree??
Shaming folks won’t work.
Obam-Mao is a failure and a hardcore leftist ideologue who would love to ram thru or SNEAK thru his far-left agenda.
I told you this would happen.
Inexperience and Arrogance. Bad Combo…ineveitable results.
@20 Then you’re having memory problems, geezer, because gold hasn’t been below $300 at any time since 2000.
@21 “Obam-Mao is a failure and a hardcore leftist ideologue who would love to ram thru or SNEAK thru his far-left agenda.”
You mean his far-left agenda of saving the world from the economic carnage you asswipes created?
Regarding Republicans, the whole stupid/ignorant versus liar question I left behind long ago. My default assumption is both. Since that decision, I’ve been right every time.
@20 “Inexperience and Arrogance. Bad Combo…ineveitable results.”
He’s done pretty well so far.
The Economist, a conservative British magazine run by folks much smarter than you, think Obama is doing a pretty good job:
“One year on, how well has he done? Not too badly, by our reckoning …. In his first 12 months in office Mr Obama has overseen the stabilising of the economy, is on the point of bringing affordable health care to virtually every American citizen, has ended the era of torture, is robustly prosecuting the war in Afghanistan while gradually disengaging from Iraq; and perhaps more precious than any of these, he has cleared away much of the cloud of hatred and fear through which so much of the world saw the United States during George Bush’s presidency.
“More generally, Mr Obama has run a competent, disciplined yet heterodox administration, with few of the snafus that characterised Bill Clinton’s first year. Just as important have been the roads not taken. Mr Obama has resisted the temptation to give in to the populists in his own party and saddle Wall Street with regulations that would choke it. He has eschewed punitive taxation on the entrepreneurs who animate the economy; and he has even … turned a deaf ear to the siren-song of the protectionists. In short, what’s not to like?”
I’m glad to see the president emphasizing the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. It was nice of the idiots/liars who ran the Congress in 2002-2003 to make it so easy for us by building in an expiration date to try to hide the cost of the cuts.
Two weeks ago, Rudy Giuliani claimed “We had no domestic attacks under Bush.”
Idiot. Liar.
@27 The question remains whether the entire rest of the Republican Party now consists of anything but the two or three busloads of itinerant buffoons who believe him.
That might be answered if the party leadership that’s presently meeting in Hawaii elects to withold any and all campaign support from candidates who don’t pass James Bopp’s “purity test”. Either we’re all on our way to hell in a bucket, or the self-anointed Wingnuts In Charge are about to discover what a really bad idea it is to let yourself believe your own bullshit
Obama did a good job last night. I see that Cyn, like Rudy and Bob McDonnell can’t come up with any real or accurate criticism of his speech.
Here, maybe Arianna Huffington can:
We’ll see how much of a lift his poll numbers get . . . My guess: zilch. Everyone knows by now Obama can tell a good story.
@27 Daddy Love
While Microsoft’s customer’s PCs get hacked on a REGULAR basis:
Microsoft Issues Emergency Fix for IE Flaw
Daddy steals time and resources from his employer to do what he apparently does best: very little.
Did anyone forget for 60 or 70 minutes that Chris Matthews is the whitest dumbest man in America?
Yep, the lefties at Hufpo did an alright and accurate critique of the speech.
They, did seem to forget that SOTU speeches are laundry lists .
Shifting the topic a hair, nuclear power.
I’m glad it got brought up, but press corp…Ask the question.
I’m not opposed to Nuclear Power. It is, face it, the most efficient means of generating huge amounts of electricity. The trade-off is that it is also the most potentially hazardous. So you can’t really advocate building plants without addressing the waste water issue.
I had the same problem with McCain running around arguing that his energy policy was great because it involved nuclear and yet the press corp never asked him to square his support for nuclear power with his unyielding opposition to Yucca Mountain.
So, ask the question. What state gets saddled with the waste facilities?
29. Michael spews:
Yes I have..
He scolded the Supreme Court about a decision. Totally inappropriate for Executive Branch to do to Judicial Branch.
He blamed Bush and tried to portray himself as a victim.
He lectured Republicans.
Of course he did Michael.
You are falling into the Daily Kos trap of automatically answering criticism by saying there was no criticism.
Of course there was.
Come to grips with the fact Obam-Mao is in trouble and has blown his political capital by mocking & ridiculing the Tea Party.
Here is the Gold Chart from 2000-05 dumbass.
22. Roger Rabbit spews:
Apparently you can add Alzheimers to your list of ailments.
The sotu was just another finger waging snoozefest by Messiah McBorington.
So Cyn, how’s you’re ass today? So criticizing the judiciary is “Totally Inappropriate.”
“After more than two centuries of American jurisprudence and millennia of human experience, a few judges and local authorities are presuming to change the most fundamental institution of civilization. Their actions have created confusion on an issue that requires clarity.” George W. Bush
Just one will suffice for now. So is it disingenuous for commentators, and blog responders, to act like criticism of the judicial branch by the Executive branch is some unprecedented breach of etiquette?
I’m not asking for the legal merits of any particular court decision, just weather or not criticism “totally inappropriate for the Executive Branch to do to the Judicial Branch?”
@4….WOW….a non-partisan post from Goebbels Rabbit? Goebbels talks about being an “American” rather than a Democrat? WOW!
Did you miss your morning pills??
EDIT: and then in later posts Goebbels Rabbit goes back to his usual partisan mantra….
Cynical: “He scolded the Supreme Court about a decision. Totally inappropriate for Executive Branch to do to Judicial Branch.”
Are you really that deceitful? Do you have no decency at all? Have Republican presidents never criticized the Court for issuing a decision like, say, Roe v. Wade? The Court deserves every bit of criticism it gets for the Citizens United decision. And, if a lawyer pulled the stunt Alito did during the SOTU address, Alito would have hit the attorney with contempt of court sanctions. That was utterly childish. Your ilk seems to have lost all self-restraint and any notion of common courtesy.
@36 Apparently you can add Alzheimer’s to your list of ailments.
Alzheimers? Rabbit’s primary ailment is ignorance, not memory loss, though he has been known to invent a fact or two (or three, or four . .).
Did you EVER find that National Review article, Bunny, the one by Malcolm Sparrow you claimed to have read. Not even Sparrow himself has seen it yet!
Hero or liar? I’m going with pathetic douche bag.
That was utterly childish. Your ilk seems to have lost all self-restraint and any notion of common courtesy.
HAHAHAHA, thats funny – coming from the same “side” that breaks windows and destroys property(see WTO), and mumbles incoherent jibberish about 911, Iraq, etc(see Cindy Sheehan or pick-a-nutball on Air America or Pacifica Radio).
LMFAO…the left hath cornered the market on batshit crazy, howlin’ at the moon retards since the 2000 elections and acted like a bunch ADHD children who dont get their way….and you talk about self-restraint and courtesy?
too funny..
@41….local self-admitted liar and propagandist Goebbels/Himmler Rabbit has told so many lies, he cant rememeber whats true and whats fiction anymore……
You’re comparing a Supreme Court Justice, attending the State of the Union speech, with WTO protesters and Cindy Sheehan. You are truly dense. You have no sense of perspective at all, do you? Ah, I guess that’s what makes you a wingnut. Run along now, little fella. Go find someone to play with who is as dense as you.
Our ilk knows that leftist is utterly childish, and that Alito was too deferential.
Instead of whispering ‘you’re wrong,’ Justice Alito should have shouted ‘You Lie!’ President Obama’s characterization of the Court’s decision was false and defamatory. Foreign corporations will not be buying US elections, although one or both Clintons are probably trying at this very moment to shake down Riady and Hsu and Chung for 2012 slush funds.
Do you believe Alito’s actions enhance the public’s confidence in the judiciary? A person in his place in life who cannot control himself is an embarrassment. If he fails to apologize to Obama, then he is an even smaller man than his judicial opinions show him to be. BTW, the Citizens United case reveals both Alito and Roberts to be bald-faced liars. In their confirmation hearings, both claimed to be incrementalists who abhor judicial activism and who respect precedent. Citizens United is the product of unrestrained judicial activism. The case came up on a narrow issue, but the Court’s rightwingers broadened the issue into a broad constitutional question and requested additional briefing. They then rejected law of 63 years, overturning two recent decisions in the process. That, twerp, is called legislating from the bench. Your ilk always complained about that in the past. I guess you don’t mind it so much now.
this president has no respect for this country, as evidenced by his ’round the world apology tour. so yet again he shows his contempt for us by critcizing a supreme court decision, something not done by presidents. alito probably couldnt help himself.
well, when the country defaults and crashes and the militia take over, they’ll arrest all the liberals anyhow.
So pathetic and predictable, counselor … shifting the discussion from the president’s lie/mischaracterization to a non sequitur about judicial activism.
When our renagade activist court restores Bowers v. Hardwick, then we can talk about your little problem with Citizens United and precedent.
48: “when the country defaults and crashes and the militia take over, they’ll arrest all the liberals anyhow.”
Given your deep respect for the rule of law, I’m sure you can’t wait for that day. This nonsense about presidents not criticizing Supreme Court decisions is a remarkable wingnut creation. And, it is totally false. Since the early days of our nation, presidents have criticized the Court’s decisions. Andrew Jackson, for instance, in regard to a decision from the Marshall Court he didn’t like, proclaimed (not quite a direct quote), “John Marshall has made his decision, now let’s see him enforce it.” It is pointless to tell a dissembling racist wad of shit like you to not believe everything that Glenn Beck says, but you really do make yourself look stupid when you spew that which has no basis in fact.
For the record, and for what little it’s worth, I’m agnostic about Bowers and Lawrence. I simply note that Lawrence upended plenty of precedent embedded in Bowers.
Happens all the time. That’s what the glorious Warren Court was all about, kicking out the old and blowing everything up with new improved elitist impositions imposed with “all deliberate speed.”
And the Warren Burger Court was activist and unprecedented (pun intended) as was the tail end of the Hughes Court, in which more than a century of constitutional precedent was upended via incorporation. And the hidebound courts of the Plessey era radically overturned precedent by imposing a regime based on a nebulous right to contract.
The Constitution and precedent are whatever 8 or 9 old men in long black dresses say they are. Don’t like last week’s unprecedented decision? Sue ’em.
Your Jackson analogy breaks down, counselor, unless Jackson lied about the Marshall decision that Jackson wanted to nullify.
So tell us: who was more disrespectful last night of the dance of constitional decorum: A justice from the independent judiciary who moved his mouth, or the president and former professor of con law who misled or lied?
Not even a toss-up. Obama wins the contest for being the biggest racist (“typical white person”) wad of shit.
Isht. What happened to Edit?
Here’s a racist Acorn O’Keefe dirty joke …
Mature matron leaving the supermarket checkout and walking to the parking lot: “I have an itchy goldy.”
Safeway boxboy: “You’ll have to point it out to me, ma’am. All those Jap cars look alike.”
I’m not saying there was no criticism, I’m saying that the criticism’s that I’ve seen from the right so far aren’t based on fact or in reality. The video up top showed Rudy’s response to be non-reality based
The folks at HufPo gave a good critic from the left and a good critic could be given from the right, but I’ve yet to see one. Kathleen Parker has done some good work lately, maybe she’ll pull through for you guys.
One more time …
So tell us. Who last night was more disrespectful of the dance of constitional decorum: A justice from the independent judiciary who moved his mouth, or the president and former professor of con law who misled or lied?
Maybe if we pay goldy some of that cold hard cash from the freezer in New Orleans, or some of Landrieu’s new $300,000,000 stash, he’ll restore our edit function.
Obama did not lie, not even close. We’ll see what new world of campaign finance activities occurs after Citizens United. I think Pandora’s Box has been opened and I think Obama is correct. And, BTW, the discussion was about presidents not criticizing SCOTUS decisions. It has always happened. You misunderstand my point about Roberts and Alito lying in their confirmation hearings. They claimed to believe in judicial restraint and the force of precedent. Well, they don’t. It should bother the wingnut world to see a Court as activist as this one–it’s the Republicans who have always complained about judicial activism, not the Left.
I got your point the first time. You don’t do nuance or subtlety, to your point — such as it was — was not obscure.
Guessing that you’re pro-choice, I gave you a choice. Either Obama lied or he mischaracterized and misled. You chose not to choose the word lie, probably because it’s difficult to establish intent. So we agree that his attempt to impute to foreign corps the power to sway/buy/rent/distort our elections was misleading, a mischaracterization. Let’s call it mischaracterization assassination, and let’s say to hell with it.
Again, are you suggesting that a president has the right to lie or mischaracterize — with impunity — about a co-equal branch of government? Is that what you liberals mean by self-restraint? Have you at long last no sense of decency?
so your point — such as it was …
Here’s the link.
Not seeing it here, but recall that after the Clinton scandals of 1996, in which Bill shook down a plethora of foreign nationals and corporate affiliates (check the controversy about Loral’s apparent missile guidance system/campaign $ exchange with Red China) other limits were placed.
What about Texas?
@58 Obama did not lie, not even close
Oh, come. His blather “there are about 2 million Americans working right now” because of last year’s stimulus bill has been the subject of much debate, yet he flew with it because it suited his purpose. This is insulting to his audience’s intelligence. At least mine – yours, maybe not so much.
What campaign finance limits do you really think survive after Citizens United? Given the “reasoning” of the Court, I don’t think there is much that would survive a court challenge. And, let’s see, no criticism of one co-equal branch of government of the other two . . . Um, what did that South Carolina Congressman say recently about Obama? Certainly, Republican House and Senate members have been very deferential to Obama, haven’t they? You really don’t know what you’re talking about. Democrats have been deferential for too long while Republicans have always had the gloves off. You just don’t want our guys to play like yours.
but you really do make yourself look stupid when you spew that which has no basis in fact.
lol…i’m laughing my ass off. do you think i care what a bunch of money loving kikes like you think?????
you came running over here 300 hundred years ago when you saw fresh money and another country to to ruin, since you’ve been kicked out of every country in the world, except of course for that cesspool in the middle east.
Well, boys & girls. Leftist is MIA or nolo contendere. Either way, if you ever need a shyster lawyer, I hope you’ll rent a better shyster lawyer.
Alas. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. You don’t think. But welcome back anyway.
Let’s be clear, tho, about what you just did. You spun a nebuloma of supposition: “I don’t think” that existing protections cited @61 (and others that remedied the Clinton scandals of 1996) will survive scrutiny following last week’s decision. But last week’s decision was not predicated in whole or in part or in any way on foreign manipulation of US elections.
You jumped to baseless conclusions, or conclusions based only on what you think. You jumped a chasm of illogic and fell in. You jumped a shark, or jumped the gun, or something. Whatever it was, it’s pathetic. Beneath you. Surely you can do better.
I’m outta here, leftist. Good night and good luck. Good grief.
I would love to kill some of you people. This world and it’s selfish people disgust me. Main hardcore dems and republicans. I wish Obama would have cursed the republicans out and bitch slapped the dem’s for being pussies.
I’ve got to say I love seeing the Leftists continue with all the harsh rhetoric while demanding folks that disagree with them be more civil and willing to engage Obam-Mao.
The hotter the political environment, the more it works AGAINST those in power.
You KLOWNS don’t get it…you were in total power for months and couldn’t keep your flock together.
Keep up the hot rhetoric….
It will only hurt Obama/Pelosi/Reif cult even more!!
PL…owned….actually not just owned, but punk slapped like a dirty $3 whore by her pimp…
69. tired spews:
Not funny dumbass.
You might ask Goldy to please remove this comment as someone is likely to ask for an investigation. Say Pretty Please!!
Not funny dumbass.
You might ask Goldy to please remove this comment as someone is likely to ask for an investigation. Say Pretty Please!!
considering goldstein has threatened to blow up airplanes and the supreme court, i doubt it.
as a matter of fact, i think he knows his blog sucks, doesnt want to do it anymore, and he is trying to get the fbi to shut it down so he can claim it was shut down but not because it sucks.
@69 I would love to kill some of you people
Gee, Goldy, are you asleep at the switch . . don’t you have a rule or two among your (hard-to-find) guidelines that this little gem violates? And that link could be a real humdinger for the unsuspecting, so at least think about that . . .
Hey Kids,
I’m back. I had some work to do, unlike you.
Let me first say that I must pay my respects to manoftruth. I have never before been called a “kike.” I wear the insult as a badge of honor.
Max @ 71, any chance you’ll explain to me how I got bitchslapped? You don’t much understand where this Court is going, do you, Max?
Some of you folks don’t understand the broad impact of the Citizens United decision. More than Kennedy’s majority decision, read Roberts’ concurrence. He’s the Chief Justice for those of you who don’t know such things. He basically says stare decisis doesn’t much matter if previous Court decisions had a dissent. Remarkable for a guy who claims to disdain judicial activism.
It might be that my best friend on earth is a Republican (I try not to rank my friends), but imagine that, wingnuts. He called me today to say he hasn’t been able to watch a State of the Union address all the way through in decades (he’s approaching 70, now). He said he was spellbound and that Citizens United sucks shit. He’s a career military doctor, but doesn’t watch Fox News. You folks realize, don’t you, that Citizens United is not going to help you when you try to claim that Republicans should be back in charge?
Hey KLOWNS, your messiah Barry Obam-Mao is really getting a post SOU bounce!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Appears all his scolding, mocking and blaming others ain’t gonna work.
Maybe someday, B. Obam-Mao will grow up and be a real leader…but probably not.
His Socialist Agenda failed miserably.
He rammed thru a $1.9 TRILLION increase in Debt Ceiling BEFORE Brown could be seated.
That will come back and bite the Dems very, very badly.
There is enough there to kickass in November.
The only unknown is if the Republicans will take advantage of the huge momentum shift like 1994…or be the dumbasses they’ve been the past 6 years.
Doesn’t matter…the Tea Party is moving the Agenda. The R’s need to get on board or get stomped.
The Dems strategy to try to mock & ridicule the Tea Party even more by emphasizing the “Birthers” will only serve to create more anger against the Dems.
You KLOWNS just don’t get it.
Keep mocking…it will only make things worse FOR Y’ALL!
Obama continues to lecture and chastise Republicans while encourage them to work with him. What an asshole. Total lack of leadership. Here is the funniest line Obam-Mao ever spoke–
“The notion that this was a radical package is just not true,” Obama said. “I am not an ideologue.”
yup…keep up the mocking right to november
by the way, that bitch pilosi is the best campaign ad a republican could ever have…keep on smiling, witch.