I was all set to write about the incredibly manipulative and dishonest tactics behind the state GOP’s frivolous FEC complaint against Darcy Burner… but The Stranger’s Eli Sander’s beat me to it. Sanders outlines the GOP’s simple, time-tested, three-step process towards casting unfounded aspersions.
Step 1: Have the State Republican Party write up the complaint. Mail it off, post it on the web, and send an email to local bloggers and reporters headlined: “8th District Democrat named in campaign violation complaint.” That’ll get their attention. And it does! Bloggers post it (here and here). And the next day, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer picks it up, as does the King County Journal.
Step 2: Nevermind that the Burner campaign has already answered the allegations, calling them “frivolous.” The seeds of suspicion have been planted. It will take the FEC weeks, if not months, and maybe even until after the election, to determine whether the complaint has merit. In the meantime, encourage conservative blogger Stefan Sharkansky to do a running series of posts on the subject (here and here).
Step 3: Feed the story to the conservative Washington Times so that when it dutifully reports on the allegations (as it did today) Sharkansky can do a post announcing “Darcy Burner Makes the National News. Ouch.”
And there you have it: Aspersions cast, doubts raised, a “national story” created, and all of it just in time for Reichert’s campaign kickoff next Tuesday!
When we talk about the right-wing media echo chamber — or Markos and Jerome reference the incredible infrastructure advantage the Republicans have at their disposal — this is the type of crap we’re talking about.
Meanwhile, if you’re more interested in Burner the candidate than the fearful, cynical machinations of her Republican opponent, the Stranger is giving you the opportunity to question her on the issues:
Burner has agreed to address The Issues you find most important, but that we’ve apparently been negligent in covering. So post your questions in the comments section below, and we’ll slog her responses sometime early next week.
Betcha you won’t see that kind of responsiveness from Reichert.
Darcy, why do you call yourself an “Microsoft executive” when you never held a job at the company with that title?
Darcy, why did you not tell anyone that you were enrolled in law school? Why did you drop out? What assurance do we have that you can stay focused in your career?
Darcy, what have you done on the eastside in regards to community service? Have you ever held a fund raiser (other than for your own campaign), or helped someone in need? Have you ever been involved in the schools? the local govt?
Why are you such a dumbfuck?
I wasn’t asking you the questions. Which part of the questions do you have a problem with? Are you afraid she might have her feelings hurt if she is asked something that isn’t on her talking points?
I honestly want to know the answers. Unlike others, I don’t just blindly vote for people because they are running against someone else. I like to actually know what they believe in. Funny, so does the Stranger.
Man, Janet is way behind on the RNC talking points. Get up to speed, Janet! These are last weeks lunatic wingnut nonsense innuendos!
Janet, have you stopped poisoning the neighborhood children?
Yes or no!
Janet S.: “I honestly want to know the answers.”
Simply put, no, you do not.
Okay, how is this for a question: what does “in-kind” contribution mean? How is it different than providing a service for a campaign?
My personal view is there are way too many rules and regulations on political campaigns. Their effect is to limit freedom of speech. But, this is what the you all want, to get money out of politics, so now you have to live by the rules.
I say abolish all limits and just require that all donations be reported on the internet within 24 hours.
Ms. Burner,
Your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?
This was all covered by Goldy on 4/12 under Burner Buzz spooks Republicans.
Just as I volunteer my time as a volunteer to campaigns answereing phones, ringing doorbells and distributing literature, people who have a skill at making videos can volunteer their services and make one for a candidate.
And why are you so concerned about this third-tier candidate (your description) anyway?
It tells you how scared the GOP is of Ms. Burner that they are wasting all their time on this so early in the campaign cycle.
The good news for Ms. Burner is that their attacks are laughable.
The better news is that the people who are running the attacks are the same people who have made laughing stocks of the GOP in this state for the last two years.
Normally, I would say that Ms. Burner has a less than 50/50 chance of winning, but given the panic by the right, their internal polling must be showing her tied or ahead already.
BTW, that video is really good!
I wish Maria was more like Darcy — responsive, energetic, compassionate.
Sorry, JDB, but if you provide something of value for a campaign – be it a video, printing, signs, whatever – you have to disclose it. The campaign is using the video that was produced, so you can’t argue there was no coordination.
Admit it – this was the mistake of an amateur campaign staff.
So, tell me. What were the people listed on the video credits paid?
Frank Morani – 0.
Chuck Zapata – 0.
Andrew Tsao – 0.
Rich Erwin – 0.
Is the WSRP offering to pay $5000 for the video?
Jannet – you are exactly right. (I like your name, this is a better spelling)
I hate R’s – but you nailed it. I have worked many campaigns and they all nit picked to the penny any thing of value to keep the reports 100 per cent accurate. The word in kind is heard often at all levels. Big in kind is very solid support – you give credit to ALL donors.
In kind is a big part of campaigns, Bruner’s fiscal people were asleep, and most likely the not so bright manager.
His media bites are very poor and bland.
After all the pro con blather, there are facts and good standards in these matters. You use the best to account and keep records to the penny and file on time. Period. Every month. Period.
To win, she should be shopping for some changes.
“Okay, how is this for a question: what does “in-kind†contribution mean? How is it different than providing a service for a campaign?”
Yes – exactly how can you not quantify the type of contribution Sound Politics provides to the GOP and their campaigns. Massive amounts of free time, consulting and publicity for GOP talking points going unreported. Just how are these “grassroots” activities different from other grassroot activities?
If you want to shine a light on an issue, be fair and balanced about it.
Janet, do you report the money you get from the GOP for trolling for Reichert?
Who Cares If the Burner Campaign Made a Mistake or Not re the reporting for the video or whether her campaign staff is inexperienced.
Let’s focus on the issues. Burner’s position on things like ethics and government accountability are more important to me. The last thing this country needs is another rubber stamp congress – and the current congressman from the 8th district is “lead rubber-stamper” – he’s gotta go.
Burner is NOT an established, long standing elected politician.
This is a POSITIVE folks.
Bullshit – a bunch of simpletons.
Free press mean unfettered editorial voice. Called the Constitution – supercedes mudane farting in local elections.
You posteres, site comments, newpapers, radio talk shows from callers and host — all, all, totally protected and not in kind donations..
Now, on the other hand, listen up simpletons, if a radio station gives for free air time to real campaing ads, they better report it as in kind. And depending on the election, there migh be limits to total value they can donate.
Darcy supporters need to get on point – her campaign made a mistake. Not major, but certainly their problem The video has value, was donated and used, needed to report it at some value as an in kind donation.
Easy, simple. her staff made a stupid mistake. She needs to fire a few.
Janet S
No one at Microsoft has the title “Microsoft executive.” There are only a few who have the title “Executive Vice President.” Would you suggest that Steve Ballmer is not a “Microsoft executive?” Woudl you suggest that, say, a Group Program Manager heading up a multi-milion-dollar department with hundreds or thousands of employees is not a “Microsoft executives?” Your argument is not even weak, it’s silly.
Bob @20,
No. The FEC clearly states that these types of volunteer services do NOT need to be reported. Besides… Andrew didn’t make the video for the Burner campaign… he made it for Eastside DFA, and it was distributed to their members.
Second, the video was made back in October, before most of the Burner campaign’s staff came on board. So your call for her to fire a few of them is just plain stupid.
This is a bullshit complaint intended to sidetrack the campaign and ding her momentum. It’s tactic, pure and simple, and has nothing to do with actual candidate.
Beyong all my strong feelings on campaign accounting — this is not major, as in a setback.
She need exposure and this is free media. And the end result is to see her as a strong contender, since her name is all over and her opponet is getting pisssy and pissie – about it. Reichert is saying that he is concerned- backhand credit.
But first mistakes forgiven. later will not be. And you can only be silly twat and twit amateurs in the beginning.
I say again and again and again….why do we bother to respond to these traitors, cowards and liars? That’s what gives them the edge…the fact that we bother to respond at all. This is a bogus complaint so let it be bogus and instead of worrying about it, fight fire with fire. The problem with those of us on the left is we’re too honest for our own good. We need to start thinking like crooks and liars if we’re to beat back this regime. We need to start using the SAME FUCKING TACTICS. I am tired of waiting on the Democratic party to do it so I am going to do it myself. Believe me, as an ex-cop, Davie has PLENTY of skelatons in his closet and I plan to show up at every one of his campaign stops this year to ask him the same sorts of nonsensical questions to try to create my own echo chamber.
Remember, if the best the righties have is that Darcy got straight A’s in law school and an argument over her job title, then they have NOTHING!
Stupid mistake that would have never come up if somebody had entered one simple line in a report? You are most likely right, B. Bob, but I don’t think we need a staff shakeup to correct this. There is a long way to go. File an amended report, do a few mea culpas, don’t ever let it happen again, and get back to the issues. Nobody will be discussing this issue in November.
All the clowns at KVI had to do was report their all-too-obvious campaign work for I-912 as in-kind. The wingnuts are spinning this as “free speech”, and now it’s before the Wa. Supreme Court. The decision should be interesting, since the question is: Where do you draw the line?–always makes for the most interesting issues.
Donnageddon queries a troll:
Janet, do you report the money you get from the GOP for trolling for Reichert?
More to the point, does Reichert or Tebelius or Abramoff, or anyone report the expenditure?
I’m really surprised at the people here who will speculate endlessly in near-total ignorance rather than look something up, fer Chrissake.
Volunteer Activity
This is an explanatory brochure for the public. If you want to look at the law itself, it’s Title 11 of the USC.
And gee, under “Volunteer activity with no limits,” it has “Personal services,” which an individual can contribute wihtout limit or reporting. An individual, mind you, not a corporation, committee, union, partner ship, nor “any other entity.” (11 CFR 100.74) That’s why KVI (and Clear Channel) got in trouble for what Kirby and John did.
BTW, the cost of a tape is under the $1000 limit for such things as refreshments at one’s donated home space, so I imagine that it is similarly allowed and not reportable.
The definition of “in-kind” contbutions” is at http://www.fec.gov/pages/candguide2004/chap3.htm
How about instead of wild speculation about what the law says, let’s stick with the facts.
The FEC’s own rules state:
An individual may volunteer personal services to a campaign without making a contribution as long as the individual is not compensated by anyone for the services. 100.74. Volunteer activity is not reportable.
EXAMPLE: An attorney, working as a volunteer (i.e., he receives no compensation from anyone), writes policy papers for the campaign.
Goldy – smak paper work zonks would have listed it as — in kind with negligible commercial value.
You are on a tangent, not at all central to good campaigns.
They used it on the campaing websight, intergrated into their message, should have erred on the side of caution.
And no I am not srupid, if you are goind to help put the campaing on a bed of rocks over your own version of semantics and regulations, you are stupid.
No where in the USA are the sunshine laws more revered that in Seattle – Washington State. Full campaign disclosure STARTED here many years, decades in fact, before you moved here from the much slacker East.
Get a better clue. I have a close friend who does high paid accounting for major campaigns, and he agrees with me. Now one has ever questioned a word or decmil point in his reports. Darcy needs the same standards. Beyond the pale, no possible critics.
Boeing Bob – You sure you work at Boeing? You go about standards but your grammar and spelling are 3rd grade level. Normally I wouldn’t care less, but it sure makes the points you’re making ironic.
Boeing Bob – You sure you work at Boeing? You go on about standards but your grammar and spelling are 3rd grade level. Normally I wouldn’t care less, but it sure makes the points you’re making ironic.
Unlike many of you, I did my homework.
I called an elections attorney who used to serve on the FEC. He said this complaint is laughable on its face. This kind of volunteer activity is perfectly legal and the Burner campaign is in full compliance, whether you like it or not.
The campaign hasn’t done anything wrong…and they should act like it, BOB. You can’t give in to these Republicans — it only encourages them.
The Republicans are suffering the unintended consequences of their own smear campaign. Darcy is for real, and the more noise they make the more they confirm it.
Hell, the Washington Post just yesterday lists WA-08 as a top contender.
What they’re really accomplishing is riling up the Democratic base, giving donors a reason to give to Darcy and forcing the press to pay attention to a candidate they were saying is “third rate”.
Do they really want to fight a partisan war in an environment where the Republican congress has a dim 36% approval? Bring it on.
Did Darcy Burner ever answer the questions that Stefan Sharkansky e-mailed to her campaign on April 6, 2006?
To the Darcy Burner campaign spokesperson:
As you probably know I’ve posted some items on soundpolitics.com about Ms. Burner’s background. I want to give Ms. Burner an opportunity to respond to all of these issues and I will post her answers in their entirety.
King County Election records indicate that Ms. Burner was eligible to vote in the following elections, that she did NOT vote in the 9 elections marked with an asterisk, and did vote in the 11 other elections.
1999-SEP *
2000-SEP *
2001-SEP *
2001-NOV *
2002-FEB *
2002-SEP *
2003-FEB *
2003-MAY *
2003-NOV *
Can you confirm or refute that Ms. Burner did or did not vote in the above elections? David Goldstein wrote on his blog that “she missed one of these elections because she was confined to bed due to life-threatening complications during pregnancy”. Which election was this? What explains her failure to vote in the other elections? When did Ms. Burner become a Permanent Absentee Voter?
What were Ms. Burner’s specific dates of employment at Microsoft and her title and general duties? (please note any extended leaves
On what basis do you claim that Ms. Burner was an “executive” at Microsoft. Can you provide any company documents in which she is described as an executive?
In which program did she enter UW Law School (e.g. J.D. LM, non-degree student)? Is she still officially a student at UW Law School? During which academic quarters has she taken classes? was/is she enrolled full-time or part-time during these quarters? Will she release her transcripts?
This release from the Shidler Center states that “Darcy Burner and Jeremy Lazowska have been chosen as externs for the 2005-2006 Academic year. ”
When did Ms. Burner accept the offer to serve as an extern for Sen. Cantwell? Is she currently serving as an extern for Sen. Cantwell? If not, when did she inform Sen. Cantwell that she would not serve (or continue to serve) as an extern this Academic Year?
Thank you very much
And by the way, I am still waiting for MARIA CANTWELL to post a reasonable biography on either her campaign website or her official U.S. Senate website. Cantwell doesn’t provide any dates whatsoever to verify her personal and professional history — other than being able to infer that she was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2000.
MIKE McGAVICK, on the other hand, has provided a pretty comprehensive biography, which lists everything he has done since receiving his B.A. degree from the University of Washington in 1983, as well as some of the things he did before his college graduation.
Pope: Define this new legal notion you and Shark call “Permanent Absentee Voter”. I am unfamiliar with that classification, and wonder how a person can be a “Permanent Absentee Voter” when they do actually vote.
The Republican Party FEC complaint against Darcy Burner clearly has legal merit:
“The FEC complaint contains a posting on Democracy for Washington’s Web site by Andrew Tsao, who is listed as the campaign video’s director.
Mr. Tsao wrote, “The Darcy Burner Campaign delivered 30 videos to LD’s and precincts throughout the 8th Congressional District — The video was produced by Eastside DFA, and our video finishes the end credits. We carried Darcy’s message to the entire 8th CD today.”
Mr. Tsao said he spent less than $200 to produce the video and $50 to rent the Northwest Arts Center.”
The Washington GOP may have overestimated the cost of the video production as being over $5,000. But they can hardly be blamed for this.
It is clear that the video was produced by Andrew Tsao, who is a member of Burner’s campaign staff. As such, federal law required Burner to report the value of Tsao’s in-kind contributions to her campaign — both the $200 or so video production cost and the $50 he spent to rent the Northwest Arts Center for a Burner campaign rally.
Had Burner obeyed the law, we would have known about the two in-kind contributions by Tsao, which totalled just under $250 altogether. And the Washington GOP would not have had to report this obvious campaign finance violation, or to estimate that the true value of the undisclosed video production was probably in excess of $5,000.
Why would Darcy talk with a discredited blogger with a right-wing agenda?
While Darcy refuses to talk to a fake journalist, Republican Reichert refuses to talk to to real journalists a the Seattle Post Intelligencer about the corruption under his watch at the Sheriff’s office.
Reichert is the one in the wrong here.
Pope: Define this new legal notion you and Shark call “Permanent Absentee Voter”. I am unfamiliar with that classification, and wonder how a person can be a “Permanent Absentee Voter” when they do actually vote.
Commentby Daniel K— 4/14/06@ 2:56 pm
A “Permanent Absentee Voter”, as defined by King County Elections, is someone who is mailed their ballot for every single election. You can request to have all your ballots mailed by checking the appropriate box on a voter registration form, or by making a written request to that effect.
David Goldstein claims that Darcy Burner missed voting in one election, because she was confined to bed due to life-threatening pregnancy complications. Goldstein claims that Burner had not yet become a “Permanent Absentee Voter”, and that it was too late for Burner to request an absentee ballot for that election.
Stefan Sharkansky wants to verify when Burner became a “Permanent Absentee Voter”. That way, we can see whether it happened prior to April 2002, when Burner would have conceived her son who was born in January 2003. That way, we can see whether Burner and Goldstein are telling an obvious whopper.
Hey, Richard Pope: Since you have so much time on your hands, what is Dave Reichert’s voting record? Has he voted in every election since he registered? And if he missed a few votes here and there, will he be issuing a statement of complete explanation?
Richard Pope: Why does Dave Reichert not want to speak to the incredible level of corruption in the police department under his watch?
The King County Journal gets it straight from the FEC:
Ian Stirton, a spokesman for the Federal Election Commission, said that the work of volunteers isn’t reportable under federal campaign rules.
This voting stuff is getting a little silly.
Whos cares if Darcy misses off-year general elections or some special elections and primaries.
Richard, you’ve got too much time on your hands.
Of course, that should read “Who cares”
Of course, if my candidate was a turkey like Reichert, I’d be worried, too.
Daniel K – I will try to post slowly and carefully so as to avoid typos.
Washington is almost unique in that one can be a mail back voter for life if you file simple reqest.
Do not have to be ill, out of town or offer any reason at all.
Thus, they put you on the rolls as absentee and send a mail in ballot each and every election. Very popular, used by over half the voteres in Seattle and King county.
Voter Ad
Republicans are upset because along with his numerous legal complications Aaron Dixon, their new favorite liberal Congressional candidate, was outed for not voting rpetty much at all.
That was never the point, but it was nonetheless true. So they think they can score cheap hit points on Darcy by blowing up minor discrepancies into a flat-spang GOP kerfuffle.
Dave has to answer for his Rubber Stamps and his so-called “leadership” of the corrupt and mismanaged KingCo Sheriff’s Office, so you can see why they’re desperate for traction.
Oh, I see, Goldy brought up that Dixon had never voted, so they bouce to the extreme that one must vote in every election.
Not much on nuance, along with reality. The reality is, no one give a shit.
Dear Bob,
OOPS! See last paragraph: “voteres”. Damnned close! You almost made it.
I, for one, find the quality of your posts far offsets your somewhat erratic typing. Keep up the good work.
32- Hell, the Washington Post just yesterday lists WA-08 as a top contender.
Do you mean this?
Read it again – WA 08 is referred to as “third tier”, that is races in swing districts where democrats should have recruited stronger candidates.
Since when does Ms. Burner have to reply to baited questions from an overtly hostile partisan hack like Stefan? Judging from the press briefings from “Bagdad Bob” McClellan, the Bush Administration doesn’t have to give a straight answer to the media. I would advise her to ignore Stefan just as she is doing, especially when he is likely to twist anything she says into a pretzel like he has already done with this completely absurd contention that she misrepresented her position at Microsoft. Responding to Stefan would only give him the illusion of relevance.
Bush got less than 40% of the WA-08 vote during 2004.
Dave should worry…
Back in January, after the Iranian ditched the Vienna summit, the blogosphere erupted with “what ifs?” I was one of them, contending that if this spat did come to fisticuffs it would come in the form of a Desert Fox style air campaign, not a ground offensive.
In the latest from the Weekly Standard, retired Air Force General and former fighter pilot Tom McInerney envisions a similiar war option. General McInerney asks:
What would an effective military response look like? It would consist of a powerful air campaign led by 60 stealth aircraft (B-2s, F-117s, F-22s) and more than 400 nonstealth strike aircraft, including B-52s, B-1s, F-15s, F-16s, Tornados, and F-18s. Roughly 150 refueling tankers and other support aircraft would be deployed, along with 100 unmanned aerial vehicles for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, and 500 cruise missiles. In other words, overwhelming force would be used.
The objective would be, first and foremost, to destroy or severely damage Iran’s nuclear development and production facilities and put them out of commission for at least five years. Another aim would be to destroy the Iranian air defense system, significantly damage its air force, naval forces, and Shahab-3 offensive missile forces. This would prevent Iran from projecting force outside the country and retaliating militarily. The air campaign would also wipe out or neutralize Iran’s command and control capabilities.
This force would give the coalition an enormous destructive capability, since all the bombs in the campaign feature precision guidance, ranging from Joint Direct Attack Munitions (the so-called JDAMS) to laser-guided, electro-optical, or electronically guided High Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM) for suppression of Iranian surface-to-air missiles. This array of precision weapons and support aircraft would allow the initial attacks to be completed in 36 to 48 hours. Finally, I prefer the Hellfire missile, as it has a really cool name and is laser guided. In addition, I feel this would be the weapon that Jesus would prefer. Any questions, commie libs?????????????????????????????????
52……cont, [How the Republicans win in 08……Presidency, Sanate, and House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
-The 18-page complaint says Mrs. Burner did not disclose as in-kind contributions on federal paperwork that the group hosted a campaign event for Mrs. Burner at the Northwest Arts Center and produced a video promoting her campaign.-
Holy cow – I know the Washington Times is run by a bunch of weirdo right wing cultists, but is it THAT slow of a news day? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz….. The Northwest Arts Center? Sounds like a hotbed for rich K Street Project types corruption!
Finally, I prefer the Hellfire missile, as it has a really cool name and is laser guided. In addition, I feel this would be the weapon that Jesus would prefer. Iran: meet the Hellfire!!!!Any questions, commie libs?????????????????????????????????
Hmmm. The Burner campaign reported an in-kind contribution from Andrew Tsao on March 4th for “Copies of Video” — see http://query.nictusa.com/cgi-b.....734/sa/ALL
This is their Q.1 FEC report which was flied today.
For starters, that contradicts the response from the Burner campaign and Eastside DFA from earlier this week — something along the lines of “because it was a volunteer service their was no need to report.”
Then why, 3 days later, did they decide they needed to report?
Granted, the $ amount is insignificant but it does speak to the not-ready-for-prime-time charge against Burner.
So, Darcy got a traffic ticket and paid it; there is some controversy over whether a second-level manager can be called an executive; she got straight As in a course of study she decided against; and a group of volunteers made a video for her.
Did she smoke in the bathroom at school, too?
AND JUST HOW BIG IS YOUR TOTAL TAX BITE? [Readon, lib assholes!!! RAD ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
The Georgia Public Policy Foundation steered me to a rather interesting (though not shocking) facts on taxation in America. The source is an article by Michael K. Evans posted on IndustryWeek.com. Do you have any idea just how huge your total tax load is? Take a look at these facts.
First — and this fact is now beyond debate — all taxes are paid by individuals. All taxes are levied against wealth, and only individuals hold wealth. For those of you who attended government schools, and are thus a little slow on concepts like this, corporations are not wealthy. Corporate shareholders hold that wealth. Individuals. So … for the sake of Evan’s article, he says that the taxes are paid by employees or proprietors, the owners of small businesses. Now .. the tab:
Total federal income taxes collected last year: $932 billion. That works out to $6,650 per employee.
In addition to income taxes, the federal government collected another $1.286 trillion in taxes, mostly Social Security taxes.
The total state and local tax burden amounts to $1.14 trillion.
The grand sum here — paid by employees and proprietors — is $3.358 trillion. That’s $3,358,000,000,000.00
This works out to $24,000 per employee.
The total compensation earned by employees and individual proprietors last year was $8.2 trillion.
This means that 40% of income goes to taxes of some sort.
That rate, of course, is much higher for those earning higher incomes. Much lower for those in low income brackets.
Nice, huh?
Now … grab this fact. Where did most of this money go? National defense? Homeland security? Hardly. In terms of Federal expenditures you have:
$495 billion for national defense.
$272 billion spent by the federal government for the purchase of goods and payment of employees
$1.69 trillion sent to someone else. $1.69 trillion in income redistribution.
This is just fine with those on the left who believe that income is distributed, not earned. For the rest of us? Well, I don’t know about you, but I have a wee bit of a problem with all of this.
It’s not even Memorial Day, and already the headlines are proclaiming loud and clear that gas prices are going up, up, up. They have indeed shot up in recent weeks, with the national average for the cheap stuff hovering around $2.72 a gallon. Oil is over $69 a barrel. So what should people make of this?
Absolutely nothing. First of all, people should spend time complaining about things they can actually do something about. Second, the price of gasoline is artificially high. Not because oil companies are conspiring to jack up the price, but because government is doing everything in its power to keep the price of gas high.
For instance, we could drill for more oil. More oil domestically produced would reduce our dependence on foreign sources of energy. But the leftist enviro-crazies won’t allow that. Drilling in ANWR? Forget it. Then you have the issue of refining the oil into gasoline. Not one single refinery has been built in the last 30 years.
The result: the refineries we do have are running at full capacity. They can’t produce enough gasoline to keep up with demand, so the price shoots up in the summer. It also doesn’t help that those refineries have to produce several different blends to appease the environmentalists around the country.
Then there’s taxes. People don’t notice because it’s rolled into the price of a gallon of gas, but between federal, state and local taxes, the government is taking 40-50 cents a gallon. So just remember….as you fill up your SUV this summer and pay $3.50 a gallon, the silent hand of government is what is causing the price to be so high. No other reason.
Since the video was an internet show at EFA and on Darcy’s website at first, it is more likely that there was no need for copies of it on DVD or VHS before March.
Doesn’t seem like an inconsistancy to me.
JCH, you are totally off-topic.
Neither your numbers nor your conclusions add up.
“I prefer the Hellfire missile, as it has a really cool name and is laser guided. In addition, I feel this would be the weapon that Jesus would prefer.”
Ooooooooooooooooooooooh JCH, I will take it in the asssssssss for you any day, any time buddy, but the hellfire is basically an anti-tank weapon, and would be useless against well fortified underground facilities. Jaysuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuz spoke to me on this while giving it too me good. Tookie me, JCH. That Maui Woowie must be sooooooooooooooome stuuuuuuuuufffffffff. Yaaaaaaaaaayyyzzzzzzz, I am the walking talking embodiment of the Looooooooord! Tookie me, JCH, Tookie me some moooooooooooooore. I loove you fellatio guy.
Executive? VIP?
Microsoft has a conference coming up. On their website, they list these folks as VIPs:
VIP participants will include:
Program Manager WDC PM Platform
Program Manager Tablet PC
Program Manager SQL Mobile
Architect VSD
Software Development Engineer, .Net Compact Framework
Senior Technical Product Manager, Windows Embedded
Here’s the link (scroll down): http://www.medc2006.com/speakers.aspx
Voter Advocate – Then why did they not include that as part of their response this week?
Reichert was accused by his own partyof, “…being willingto allow terrorists to run rampant across America.” http://www.hlrp.blogspot.com/2.....chive.html
Goldy @ 22:
Since Andrew Tsao, professional director/producer, says that it only costs $250 to produce such a video, perhaps everyone should contact him at his websites:
to arrange for more $250 videos. Since he is a “professional” and IF he is telling the truth, the cost to produce a comparable corporate video or commercial or whatever should only be $250.
Place your orders today! Maybe all of us can get slick videos for only $250!
Since the contention of the Burner campaign and Andrew Tsao is that the creation of the video was entirely a result of volunteer effort, the only possible in-kind donation I could imagine would be the cost of storing the video on the computer of the internet service provider for EFA. But, since they made the video for themselves to be viewed by visitors to their website, it probably doesn’t fall under the scrutiny of FEC as a contribution to Burner at all.
The copy EFA donated to Burner, is on the disc of the Burner Campaigns internet service provider, which I assume the pay for out of general campaign funds for office equipment.
The Goldy Playbook:
Aspersions cast – check
Doubts raised – check
A “national story” created – check
… and all of it just in time for [Election Day]!
At least these issues are being raised early enough in the campaign to give the candidate a chance to defend their (in)actions. Now, if this were an 11th hour slime job you’d have
a valid complaintabsolutely no moral standing.68.
I’m speaking of possible in-kind donations for the last quarter of 2005.
-So just remember….as you fill up your SUV this summer and pay $3.50 a gallon, the silent hand of government is what is causing the price to be so high. No other reason. –
Yeah, JCH, god forbid 40 cents go to our OWN roads, highways and bridges when it ALL should go to Big Oil, Arab dictatorships and Bush/Cheney pals!
Brilliant argument, as always.
-$1.69 trillion sent to someone else. –
Yeah – those highways are being used by “someone else” – certainly not by you, JCH!
Or, were you talking about cumulative debt service the GOP seems so intent on ‘sending’ to foreign owned banks and countries like China?
Hmmm. The Burner campaign reported an in-kind contribution from Andrew Tsao on March 4th for “Copies of Video” – see http://query.nictusa.com/cgi-b.....734/sa/ALL
This is their Q.1 FEC report which was flied today.
Commentby JB— 4/14/06@ 3:50 pm
Thanks for the link to Darcy Burner’s 1st Quarter 2006 FEC report. I think these reports are due 15 days after the quarter ends, and the NictUSA website does show that Burner filed it on 04/14/2006.
Too bad she didn’t file it accurately, after being confronted with the Washington GOP violation report to the FEC of just a couple of days ago.
Burner omitted the just under $200.00 that her campaign staffer Andrew Tsao provided as an in-kind contribution for the video production cost and the $50 he spent to rent the Northwest Arts Center for a Burner campaign rally.
63, Idiot Tom[JCH]DeLooooooooooon, Perhaps the nuclear tipped Harpoon would be a better choice. Sub or shipped launch would be Jesus’s and my choice. In addition, Jesus would appreciate to self updated guidance system of this weapon. High, low, medium with a “J” band homer always works well. Neclear weapons have worked well EVERY time they have been tried. As for Democrat HIV AIDs “Tookie” love, many San Francisco and Seattle libs enjoy taking it up the ass [[see Bob for Boeing and Left Turn]. Finally, Tom, fuck you, Democrat parasite POS lib!!!
Ooooooooooooooooooooooh JCH, I will take it in the asssssssss for you any day, any time buddy, ……………………………………………. ………………………….. [Er, Tom, I’m sure you would enjoy homo sex. That is what makes you a Democrat!!!!]
Voter Advocate @ 68
Your line of reasoning creates loopholes in the system big enough to… well, you know.
What is to stop Soros from paying a little extra money to some famous movie producer for an “unrelated project” and having that same movie producer do something for Soros’ handpicked
minioncandidate “just out of the goodness of their heart?”In other words, if Andrew Tsao was a McDonald’s cook and made a video, the value of his professional expertise in video is ZIP. HOWEVER, since Tsao makes his living as a director/producer and his time on video projects is billable at professional rates, it is a different story. The value of his “volunteering” specifically in the area of film/video production is greater. His time flipping burgers at a fundraiser? THAT is volunteering.
She could have filed an accurate campaign finance disclosure with the FEC today, and made Diane Tebelius and the Washington GOP look like a bunch of fools who jumped the gun.
All Burner had to do was to report the just under $200.00 that her campaign staffer Andrew Tsao provided as an in-kind contribution for the video production cost and the $50 he spent to rent the Northwest Arts Center for a Burner campaign rally.
Then Burner could say that she properly reported these items, and that the Washington GOP was premature by filing its complaint two days before she filed her quarterly FEC report (and three days before the report was due for filing).
Instead, Burner omitted these two in-kind contributions from the FEC quarterly report that she filed today.
Now, the Washington GOP (or myself) can file another complaint with the FEC, for Burner omitting the two in-kind contributions from Andrew Tsao!
Richard Pope:
Mr. Sharansky has yet to answer the following questions:
Why do you use a fake name on your blog?
Have you turned yourself over to authorities for practicing law without a license?
How much do you get paid by the BIAW to post mis-truths?
Why is it that you have never run a correction on your page? Is it because that would take up more room than anything else on your blog?
Please turn over all your financial material so we can see if your activities are being properly reported as in kind contributions?
Please state the last time you actually reported something that was true?
Do you take personal responsibility for the failure of the GOP in the Elections Challenge?
Is Christine Gregoire your governor?
When did you stop poisoning the little kids on your block?
But, by following Sharansky logic, since he hasn’t answered, we get to make up the answers ourselves. Isn’t it fun to ask questions where getting an answer doesn’t matter?
Hillary Clinton: Raise Gas Taxes by $20 Billion
With pump prices crossing the $3.00 mark and family budgets buckling under the strain, 2008 presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton says she has the solution: Have consumers pay even more at the pump by levying a $20 billion tax. [This is great!!!!!!!!!! Go Hillary!!!! This should be in her Democrat 08 platform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] hehe….Libs, dumb ass economic parasites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JDB, Your posts are stupid and unreadable. Further, they are boring. Yes, boring. Just like Mrs. JDB. Boring!!
63, Idiot Tom[JCH]DeLooooooooooon, Perhaps the nuclear tipped Harpoon would be a better choice. Sub or shipped launch would be Jesus’s and my choice. In addition, Jesus would appreciate the self updated guidance system of this weapon. High, low, medium with a “J” band homer always works well. Nuclear weapons have worked well EVERY time they have been tried. As for Democrat HIV AIDs “Tookie” love, many San Francisco and Seattle libs enjoy taking it up the ass [[see Bob for Boeing and Left Turn]. Finally, Tom, fuck you, Democrat parasite POS lib!!!
[Just another Chicken Hawk]
What’s wrong, no sailors want blow jobs from you today? Having problems with those sores on your mouth?
At lesat you and Tom Deloooooon seem to be bonding. Maybe you can play catcher tonight like you want to.
All undecided voters should access Darcy Burner’s website and view the tape in question. Then you can decide for yourself if Rihard Pope is blowing smoke.
According to Andrew Tsao’s resume, he is Producing Artistic Director for R37, an international touring company that performs the plays of Shakespeare in a mu8lti-media style. So, making videos for candidates or companies is not his business. He is in the entertainment business.
When Martin Sheen makes a commercial for a political campaign, he can donate his time, even though he must make a bundle on West Wing.
Candidates come to party legislative district meetings all the time to speak. They don’t have to report the rent of the hall as a contribution. The benefit is to the membership at the meeting.
This is all silliness.
Ya know, if the GOP really had a program that helps most folks — jobs, education, health care, their kids not being killed in stupid and mismanaged wars, that kind of thing — they wouldn’t have to resort to lies, dishonest propaganda, and dirty tricks to win votes. The fact they do this kind of stuff really tells you something, doesn’t it? It tells you REPUBLICANS CAN’T WIN AN HONEST ELECTION AND THEY KNOW IT.
As for Mr. Sharansky (sic), what can I say about a guy who even LIES ABOUT THE SPELLING OF HIS OWN NAME.
“Janet, Why are you such a dumbfuck? Commentby Mr. X— 4/14/06@ 12:52 pm”
She’s not so dumb! BIAW is paying her/him/it good money to post this garbage! I’d post garbage too, if somebody paid me to do it. I need the money! But since nobody’s paying me to post on HorsesAss, I don’t post scripted propaganda, I only post the honest-to-God Truth! I only lie when I get paid.
“At least these issues are being raised early enough in the campaign to give the candidate a chance to defend their (in)actions. Now, if this were an 11th hour slime job you’d have a valid complaint absolutely no moral standing. Commentby (The Real) Mark— 4/14/06@ 4:30 pm”
Yes, I think Reichert should explain his actions, if he’s a party to this orchestrated smear. If it’s not, then he should dissociate himself from the GOP immediately! If Reichert has any integrity at all, he’ll renounce Republicanism and become a Democrat. If he fails to do so within the next 10 days, I’ll automatically assume he’s guilty.
OK, the ten days are up, and I haven’t heard from Reichert, so — Reichert is GUILTY of being a RepubliCON!
OK, so that was only 1 minute, not 10 days — so what? I lied! RepubliCONS lie all the time! They lie every time they open their mouths! Why should RepubliCONS have a monopoly on lying? If RepubliCONS can lie, why can’t Roger Rabbit tell little white fibs now and then? RepubliCONS want a monopoly on every fucking thing!
82, JDB, Like Mrs. JDB, boring………..BORING!!! But your daughter………The bitch likes “Tookie” love!!!
Posts #85-90 were posted by ROGER RABBIT. I didn’t notice the computer defaulted to Mrs. Rabbit’s screen name.
Richard Pope: You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Seriously, you’re embarrassing yourself. Neither of the items you cite are reportable by the Burner campaign. If they were, every community organization that held a candidate forum and put pictures in their newsletter would have to report an in-kind donation to those campaigns. It’s laughable.
I have an idea — try calling someone who actually knows something about election law. Not like your friend Stefan — I mean, an actual lawyer who’d dealth with the FEC. Then hold the phone away from your ear while they laugh at you.
Making the same ridiculous argument over and over doesn’t make it so. It does, however, make you look like an idiot.
[Just another Chicken Hawk]:
Please, like you know anything about women. You just want some nice leather daddy to slap you around and pound that flabby ass of yours.
Why not tell us again another story about the time you “downed” ten torpedos in a day while you were in the “navy.”
Sigh, smile, thanks.
I love that the Burner campaign poked the GOP in the eye with their latest filing.
Not only did she cut Reichert’s cash on hand lead in half while raising twice as much as him.
She listed Andrew Tsao’s “copies of video” as an inkind contribution just to poke fun at the GOP.
The law is very clear: Under Chapter 100.74 of the Federal Elections Campaign Act, an individual may volunteer personal services to a campaign without making a contribution as long as the individual is not compensated by anyone for the services. Such volunteer activity is not reportable.
Andrew can continue to lend his services as a volunteer and they don’t have to report a thing.
As Ritzie said: Making the same ridiculous argument over and over doesn’t make it so. It does, however, make you look like an idiot.
I think a good point has been raised.
Goldy, send a letter to Riehert asking him if he supports the smears that the State GOP and Mr. Sharkansky (sic) have been posting.
Let’s see if he is proud of the foolishness this panic has produced in the GOP.
I love the fact that JCH, a retiree is concerned about transfer payments when the biggest transfer payment program IS HIS FUCKING SOCIAL SECURITY CHECK, you moron. Oh and Medicare, also for retirees. You remember Medicare, the program that your President increased ENORMOUSLY. Who do you think gets this “income redistribution”. YOU DO, YOU IDIOT!
So be quiet and stop making a fool of yourself.
Here’s a thought:
Just divide (that’s like the opposite of multiply, JCH) $1.5 trillion by $30K a year. You get 50 million people.
That would be 50 million people who get 30K a year in government transfer payments, according to the JCH lunacy. There are only a hundred million households in America.
The median FAMILY income is $45K. So apparently the US government is paying two thirds of the income in half the households in America.
JCH, you are an insane old fairy.
Still, you’re welcome here. We accept people of all sexual orientations and levels of insanity. We’re Democrats.
What we don’t like are greedy, whining fucks who think funding the American government is a job for the Chinese Communist Party. Why don’t you figure out how much your beloved Dick and Co. have borrowed from the commies this year?
Folks I’m sorry about JCH @ 91
The man is completely obsessed with thoughts of man-love with black muscle men in prison. Note he uses a dead guy as a symbol. He’s so ashamed he could never use a living example. He’s really quite the case study in sick, repressed homosexuality.
I think this is him on the far right, turned away. Went all that way and didn’t even get a good picture of himself.
JCH’s “Tookie” obsession is quite pitiful.
I don’t claim to be an expert (go ahead, get it out of your system), but isn’t there a contribution limit of $2,000 per candidate? If so, why are there are some contributors listed having donated $4,000 during 2006 to the burner campaign?
Janet, you’re an idiot.
dlaw, I might be. But:
says that individual donations limits are $2100. I am not claiming any violation of any sort. I’m just trying to figure out the technicalities.
Right, because it’s pretty obvious that if you could find it the FEC could find it instantly.
What is also pretty obvious is that you have no answer to my question. But, why let that stop you from responding?
Janet S @ 100
I would assume that an individual can contribute up to $4,200.00 if it is done before the primary. The $2,100.00 per limit is per election — so you can give $2,100.00 for the primary and $2,100.00 for the general. I would also assume that the money for the general can’t be spent until after the primary.
Wow — Darcy Burner has sure burned up a lot of her own money in this campaign. $46,960.00 of her contributions to date have come from herself. So her fundraising figures are not nearly as impressive as they could otherwise be.
Thank you, Richard. I knew there was a logical explanation that I was missing.
While Darcy refuses to talk to a fake journalist, Republican Reichert refuses to talk to to real journalists a the Seattle Post Intelligencer about the corruption under his watch at the Sheriff’s office.
Commentby little birdy— 4/14/06@ 3:04 pm
When a lefty says “real journalists” that can only mean one thing, they are professional liars. Can you say forgery.
Darcy is looking good, and in the California 50th District:
rancine Busby, the It Girl in the Democratic Party’s crusade to recapture the House of Representatives, slightly exceeded most predictions, earning nearly 44 percent of the special primary vote (with 10,000 late absentee and provisional votes uncounted).
If she’d struggled in the 30s, Busby would have had a hard time making the case that she’s woman enough to steal a safe Republican seat in the June runoff. As it is, she turned out Democrats and independents. Her campaign, which enjoyed national Democratic support, picked up steam. If Republicans see weakness in her showing, they’re deluded.
Janet @ 105
If you’re too goddam stupid to know that you can contribute to both a primary and a general, aren’t you a little too ignorant to be commenting here on a political blog.
I thought so.
That is Francine Busby
Voter Ad @ 84
Did you read his two websites?
Did you look him up on IMDB.com?
Did you even read Darcy’s campaign disclosure? What was his listed job??
Nice try.
He is a professional TV director/producer.
But, hey, as a Dem apologist, don’t let the truth get in the way of your blathering and ranting.
Richard Pope, who killed Kurt Cobain? I don’t have cable so I can’t see your show.
I certainly did look at his website, that’s where I got his resume, which clearly outlines his experience in the entertainment industry.
The point is, he is not someone to go to if you want a campaign video. He doesn’t make his living making commercials.
The importance of that fact is, he isn’t making a free video for Darcy Burner, while charging Doc Hastings for his. Making shows like “Friends” and “Home Improvement” is probably a hell of a lot more lucrative than shooting “Harry and Louise”.
Not that it makes any difference, he can volunteer his time and the law says there is no reporting requirement.
In addition, the film was made for Eastside DFA for viewing by visitors to their website, which is free.
Andrew Tsao’s remarks…
On April 11, 2006, the Washington State Republican Party filed an FEC complaint against the Darcy Burner campaign alleging that Eastside DFA and myself made illegal campaign contributions to Darcy in the way of our free videos.
Their baseless complaint, filed without having gathered facts, is typical of the Republican Party’s petty, ingnorant political methods. Diane Tebelius, Chair of the Washington State Republican’s, signed the complaint. In it, Eastside DFA blog entries are quoted, and our support for Darcy’s campaign is detailed.
They are terrified of the grassroots and the support Darcy has garnered from her army of skilled volunteers, who are working tirelessly within the law to unseat the DeLay puppet Dave Reichert in Washington’s 8th Congressional Disctrict.
Darcy’s campaign has clearly and effectively refuted the complaint, and Eastside DFA is proud to become a target of the Washington Republican Party. We will be taking this story to all local press and blogs, to state loud and clear: private citizens in our democracy are affecting change from the grassroots, and notice has been served to the Republican Party: we have only begun to fight.
Chapter 100.74 of the Federal Elections Campaign Act states that an individual may volunteer personal services to a campaign without making a contribution as long as the individual is not compensated by anyone for the services.
Personal Services
Basic Rule: No Compensation
An individual may volunteer personal services to a campaign without making a contribution as long as the individual is not compensated by anyone for the services.
100.74. Volunteer activity is not reportable.
EXAMPLE: An attorney, working as a volunteer (i.e., he receives no compensation from anyone), writes policy papers for the campaign.
Note, however, that if volunteers are, in fact, paid for their services, the activity is no longer considered volunteer activity, and the payments, if made by someone other than the campaign itself, result in in-kind contributions, which must be reported by the campaign. 100.54.
(Exception: “Free Legal and Accounting Services,” above.)
Janet S sez:
“Darcy, why do you call yourself an “Microsoft executive” when you never held a job at the company with that title?
Darcy, why did you not tell anyone that you were enrolled in law school? Why did you drop out? What assurance do we have that you can stay focused in your career?
Darcy, what have you done on the eastside in regards to community service? Have you ever held a fund raiser (other than for your own campaign), or helped someone in need? Have you ever been involved in the schools? the local govt?
Commentby Janet S— 4/14/06@ 12:51 pm”
All excellent points Janet S!!
Wait until Team Burner starts throwing real SHIT!
The R’s filed a perfectly legitimate complaint against Burner.
Disclosure of campaign relating spending to promote her is important and ground rules need to be clearly defined.
Goldy puts some ridiculous spin on McGavick and oil money….but that’s ok.
But question Andrew SOW….and WOOOOOOOAH!
And one other thing for LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS this AM:
“Posts #85-90 were posted by ROGER RABBIT. I didn’t notice the computer defaulted to Mrs. Rabbit’s screen name.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/14/06@ 5:30 pm’
Rog…you are hysterical!!!!!!!
Posting as someone named TRUTH TELLER!!!!!
What an oxymoron! Or is it….just plain moron???
JDB, my questions for you:
Is George W Bush your president?
You keep calling Stefan Sharkansky “Sharansky”. There is a famous man Natan (Anatoly) Sharansky. You should look him up. Are you asking is Stefan related? Or, are you just another DUMBASS?
How much does George Soros pay you to blog on ASSes? You seem ready to discredit anyone who leaves your “reservation”!
Did you stop fondling the little girls in your neighborhood yet?
1, 33, 117
Darcy went to work for Microsoft in 2000 and became the lead manager for an initiative to change the way software was built.
ex·ec·u·tive Pronunciation Key (g-zky-tv)
1. A person or group having administrative or managerial authority in an organization.
Fundamentals of Finance for the Technical Executive has been especially designed for executives who manage project teams and departments, and technical professionals involved with R&D, product and software design, engineering, and other scientific and technical work. Past participants have included key members of technical management such as CIOs, chief technologists, head scientists, R&D and product development directors, engineering and manufacturing vice presidents, corporate strategists, project managers, and systems information managers.
The position Darcy had at Microsoft clearly was one where a group of software project managers were selected to make changes to the companies software development process.
That meets both the definitional meaning of executive for the group Burner led and her role in it. She would also have been a target audience of the MIT/Sloan seminar.
The funny thing about Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats are the jumping on of Boeing Bob by the lunatic fringies called ASSHeads.
Guys and gals: Boeing Bob is one of your best political friends. He is gay, flaunts it, probably supports the GLA and GLAAD, supports almost everthing with a (D) around it, and sometimes enters great blog questions. Sure his spelling errors are unique. But to disemble his questions about Darcy with the same level of vitriol and venom you attack us whom think right is laughable. All I see from Boeing Bob and his questions are his issues in trying to make Darcy a viable (D) candidate without blemish. You moonbatic lunatic ASSHeads see his questions as attacks from an right leaning “asshole”. ASSHeads wake up! He is one of you! Figures!!!
You all are your own worst enemies. Boeing Bob, I may not like your politics, your persuasion, or your attacks, but as a human being I have to stand with you and say, these moonbatic libruls are crazy!!!
Will someone please tell me where the video is posted on the DFW website so I can take it off? I have not been able to find it. And since the FEC has ruled that blog posts and mailing lists are not subject to donation limits, the invitation to the event posted last October is perfectly legal.
The only thing that I saw wrong in the video was that Andrew used his business name as the copyright holder. I wonder how many other progressive campaigns have seen that and contacted him with millions of dollars to have him create their own videos.
Oh, that’s right! Andrew said that he is willing to create videos like this for anyone, for free. And since his business is not a corporation (at least to my knowledge), but he is instead the sole owner, then he can do what he likes with his skills.
The core frame is this: The GOP is scared of losing their tentative hold on a Democratic leaning district. Anything they can do to take control of the debate they see as being to their advantage. In other words, they think the people are stupid enough to believe their lies.
“Congress shall make no law … abriging the freedom of speech, or of the press …”
Nuff said.
Pudd at 119:
1) Yes, I am a resident of the United States, and George W. Bush has been selected as President. Like most people, I am embarrassed by that fact, but I will live. After all, the country is big enough and old enough to take his mismanagement. It is just a shame that several thousand noble members of our military had to die because of his mismanagement. It is also a shame that he has ignored the real war, the war on terrorism, in favor of a foolish war of choice.
On the other hand, Christine Gregoige is our Governor, and under her, the state has been doing pretty well.
2) I call Mr. Sharansky by his real name. I have no care to help him promote his commercial venture, and see no need to use his nom d’ web. As you well know, we have directly ask Mr. Sharansky to explain his name on this web site (which you also know he reads more than his own), and, by his own rules (no reply in 72 hours, there for it is true), we found out that his name is really Sharansky.
Comparing Mr. Sharansky to Anatoly Sharansky is foolish, as Anatoly Sharansky actually did something with his life. Mr. Sharansky is simply a propaganda tool of the right (and is apparently very jealous of our own lovable Goldy since Goldy actually gets results, while Mr. Sharansky just gets laughter).
3) Truth-slapping people like you I do as a service to humanity. It is important that your lies don’t spread. Or do you want to explain how the President cannot leak?
4) Have you sought help for projecting your own sick delusions on others?
See, it is easy to answer. Why won’t Mr. Sharansky answer the questions? What is he afraid of, other than the truth.
Yes, I am a resident of the United States, and George W. Bush has been selected as President. Like most people, I am embarrassed by that fact, but I will live. After all, the country is big enough and old enough to take his mismanagement.
Whaaaaaaaa Boooohooohooo. It is not as bad as Bill in 1992 when a whopping 58% voting against him. No one wanted him but we dealt with it.
101, 102
“I don’t claim to be an expert (go ahead, get it out of your system), but isn’t there a contribution limit of $2,000 per candidate? If so, why are there are some contributors listed having donated $4,000 during 2006 to the burner campaign? Commentby Janet S— 4/14/06@ 7:02 pm”
“anet, you’re an idiot. Commentby dlaw— 4/14/06@ 7:07 pm”
She sure is!!! Janet — husband and wife, $2,000 apiece, equals $4,000.
“Richard Pope, who killed Kurt Cobain? I don’t have cable so I can’t see your show. Commentby Ralph— 4/14/06@ 11:38 pm”
I give up — Bill Clinton???
“Posting as someone named TRUTH TELLER!!!!!”
What’s so funny? Roger Rabbit tells the truth, the hole truth, and nuthin but the hole truth! For photo of Roger Rabbit’s hole, click here: http://www.ocrwm.doe.gov/newsr....._72dpi.jpg