I stopped by Trader Joe’s last night to pick up a few staples, but walked out with no hummus, no pita, no eggs and no produce. Indeed, there were sparse pickings throughout the half-empty shelves in the baked goods, refrigerated and produce sections.
A sudden run on imported proscuitto and persian cucumbers? No… the checkout clerk explained that they simply didn’t get their usual deliveries, much of which comes from California.
It was, after all, a day without immigrants.
As many as 65,000 people peacefully marched through the streets of Seattle yesterday, while according to private accounts, 20,000 people demonstrated through WA state’s fruit basket, creating a convoy from Prosser over 20 miles long. The Yakima Herald reported that, whatever the final number, the “sleeping giant” had awakened.
“Not even in the time of Cesar Chavez, may he rest in peace, did this many people come out in the Yakima Valley,” youth leader David Gutierrez told the rally. The late founder of the United Farm Workers of America union led a 1986 march in Toppenish that drew some 700 participants.
The Washington Post estimates crowds of over 300,000 in both Los Angeles and Chicago, while protests impacted businesses nationwide.
Demonstrators opposed to strict immigration proposals in Congress staged huge marches in Chicago and Los Angeles, curtailed operations at at least one major port, shut down construction sites in the District, forced the closing of crossings at the Mexican border and halted work at meat-processing plants in the Midwest. Although the protests caught the nation’s attention, the economic impact was mixed, as many immigrants heeded the call of some leaders not to jeopardize their jobs, and businesses adopted strategies to cope with absent employees.
Well I don’t know what about the rest of the nation, but I know what impact the demonstration had on me: I won’t be eating my usual hummus and persian cucumber on pita for lunch today.
Yeah, sure, that’s a petty, trivial inconvenience… but it brings home all the unseen, little ways our immigrant population ends up having a huge impact on our economy and our quality of life. The food we eat, the houses we live in, many of the services we take for granted, are all made affordable through the sweat of our nation’s immigrants.
The United States’ historically rapid rise to the status of economic superpower was fueled by a seemingly unlimited wealth of natural resources, and a genuinely unlimited supply of cheap, immigrant labor. Indeed, our economic expansion has always depended on a steadily expanding labor supply, but lost in all the debate over border security, criminalization, amnesty and deportations is the obvious fact that our current immigration policy simply does not adequately meet our economy’s demand for immigrant labor. If it did, we wouldn’t have an estimated 10 million illegal immigrants filling our nation’s low-wage jobs.
Labor inexorably moves to where the jobs are… that’s Free Market Capitalism 101. Thus any immigration reform package that refuses to recognize the economic reality of labor markets can do little to stem the flow of illegal immigration without doing damage to our nation’s economy.
Can’t say I was affected, but I agree this is a powerful movement.
“Well I don’t know what about the rest of the nation, but I know what impact the demonstration had on me: I won’t be eating my usual hummus and persian cucumber on pita for lunch today.”
WOW..glad you felt it
“Yeah, sure, that’s a petty, trivial inconvenience… but it brings home all the unseen, little ways our illegal immigrant population ends up having a huge impact on our economy and our quality of life. The food we eat, the houses we live in, many of the services we take for granted, are all made affordable through the sweat of our nation’s slave class immigrants.”
Sorry, there were a few factual errors in this particular paragraph. I’m sure there are others, but once I read this parthicular one, I lost interest in anything else you happend to be saying.
It was great to see a number of businesses in Seattle closing in solidarity with their work-force.
When this problem of Mexicans feloniously crossing our border in violation of our national sovereignty is solved, part of the solution should be to ban all immigration from Mexico for the foreseeable future. Let decent, law-abiding people from other nations be given the opportunity to settle here.
For starters, politicians who pander to people’s fears should stop grandstanding and look for equitable, workable, long range solutions to this long-statnding situation.
There should certainly be control of the number and circumstances of laborers entering the United States, but stunts like building fences and demonizing those who respond to clear invitations to cross the border illegally coming from employers isn’t the place to start.
There are no factual errors in that paragraph.
From the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the collective response of the Diversity Is Our Strength crowd to the War on Terror has been to cry, “Racist!” The ethnic shakedown artists who have sued over every slight and hyped every faked claim of a hate crime are America-bashing enablers of the worst sort – and they are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party.”
I am SO SICK of talking heads and columnists thinking that anyone who wants to put a stop to the torrent of ILLEGALS over our borders is some vigilante nut case. These are the same people who think Lou Dobbs is in “it” for the ratings and that the economic growth of this country is premier no matter what the other costs. There are a vast number of us, Republican Conservatives and middle of the road Democrats, who worry about terrorists and drugs and lawlessness coming across, our own citizens with minimal educations, and college kids who need the work being frozen out of jobs because Illegals are taking them for virtually no pay. WE are ending up paying…..our major hospitals are on the verge of bankruptcy, our schools are flooded with so many non English speakers it is hard to get a rounded education, on and on. The first economic turn down guess who WE will be paying welfare to. Yet WE are the vigilantes, and sometimes even implied racists. These anything pundits don’t give a damn about the vast majorioty of the citizens in this country, and our politicians certainly don’t!
The Columbia Spectator reports that “tens of thousands took to the streets” on Saturday calling for peace and withdrawal from Iraq.
According to the Spectator, the following organizations rallied for the “Peace and Justice Festival”: United For Peace & Justice, the National Organization For Women, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition, Veterans For Peace, College Democrats, Campus Antiwar Network, and various other campus organizations.
But, from what I read, the protest was much more anti-American than anti-war.
One group’s banner read “Parents, teachers and students united to smash capitalism.” They shouted, “Exxon, Mobile, PB, Shell! Take your war and go to hell!” The Spectator notes that, “After yells, whistles, and drumming, they continued, ‘The only solution is a communist revolution!’” […………………………………………………………………Hey HA.ORG commie libs, How was the commie parade????? hehe, JCH]
SHUT down the southern border.
Stop paying for healthcare costs and educational costs for illegals.
Stop the Maxican baby born here/American citizen racket NOW.
Levy SEVERE fines and JAIL time against those who hire illegals. When there are no jobs available for illegals, they will go HOME. Demand ID to vote!!!!!
Too SEVERE? Not compared to MEXICAN immigration practices!
“my usual hummus and persian cucumber on pita for lunch”
Uh, okay. I don’t know what bothers me more about this statement – that you had to forego your favorite lunch, or that “hummus and persian cucumber on pita” is your favorite luch. To each his own, but an occassional slice of pizza might improve your disposition!
LOL the loonies wingnuts are, as usual, ignoring the clear impact the May 1 work boycott had. Companies shut down, shipping stalled, services were interrupted.
Stoop labor from where, Tirol? Yes, replacing kitchen workers with dishwashers from the Bremmer Pass sounds like a solution.
The immigrants’ message is: Mistreat us, you won’t eat! I’d like to see busloads of REPUBLICANS headed for the fields to do stoop labor! Hah! You’ll starve before you ever see a REPUBLICAN do any WORK. Show me a Republican, and I’ll show you someone who lives off someone else’s work. When Republicans talk about how hard they “work,” what they really mean is how hard they want their EMPLOYEES to work for them!
The talking heads are having a hard time with this. Keith Olberman, reporting on the lessened traffic in the Los Angeles area opined that improved commute times may work to the demonstrator’s disadvantage.
Yeah, let’s improve traffic flow by cutting off our food supply. Sounds like a wingnut reaction to me.
Click here for photo of Republicans working hard: http://www.fotosearch.com/bigc.....000004.jpg
They didn’t show the Ecuadorian caddie holding the pin.
What the hell, let’s kick the Mexicans out — go for it!!! Click here for photo of farm labor replacements: http://graphics.boston.com/bon.....4_1204.jpg
Hey Brian, there’s lots of construction in my neighborhood, but there’s not a lot of white guys building houses in my neighborhood.
“When this problem of Mexicans feloniously crossing our border in violation of our national sovereignty is solved …”
Hey JCH what’s your solution to the problem of Republicans feloniously violating the Constitution and federal laws?
(For photo of Roger Rabbit’s solution, click here: http://www.phototour.minneapol.....s/3622.jpg)
GOP = George Orwell Party
New article from that bastion of conservatism, George Will:
“Why are we funding Iraq, one of the longest wars in American history—by Nov. 25, 2006, it will be 1,347 days old, the number of days between Pearl Harbor and VJ Day—with “emergency” bills? To hide, or at least obscure, the costs. Funding the war in dribs and drabs—as if the fact that the war costs money is a recurring surprise—spares Congress from confronting the huge cost and having to make room for it in the budget by shedding lower-priority spending….
Worse still, the “emergency” bill includes $594 million for highway projects, even in Hawaii, 4,000 miles from where Katrina hit. And $4 billion for supposed farm “disasters” unrelated to Katrina. And $150,000 for the Bronx Council of the Arts, $1.8 million to promote art in West Virginia, $500,000 for the Montana World Trade Center, and on and on. A poll shows approval of Congress down to 22 percent. Who are those 22 percent?
Regarding the almost erotic pleasure of spending other people’s money, many Senate Republicans adhere to Oscar Wilde’s advice on how to deal with temptation: Succumb to it. That is how many conservative voters will respond to the growing temptation to boycott this November’s elections.”
Of course, G. Will would prefer that we cut all domestic spending and fund the war through the budget, at which point his sensibilities would be assuaged. But his initial premise is still a valid one: why, after over three years of continuing war, are we still treating Iraq as an off-budget item?
The answer is clear: the Republicans don’t want to bear the political cost of cutting the budget. They want to get credit for cutting taxes, while still keeping the coffers open to reward their supporters, provide “bringing home the bacon” money to support local Republicans, and leave the tough job of real spending cuts or tax raises to the Democrats.
I must admit, it is fun to finally be in a position of ridiculing a Republican Congress for its easy spending practices, rather than trying to defend those of a Democratic Congress. But I had better enjoy it while I can, as it appears the Republicans will soon lose control of the House of Representatives again.
And mark my words, the Republicans will then argue that George W. Bush and his tax cuts for the wealthy was the origin of any booming economic recovery which will appear down the road (no matter how distant or unrelated to his policies); castigate the Democrats for being fiscally responsible and raising taxes; laugh at the difficulties Democrats face in making politically difficult domestic spending cuts; and even blame the Democrats for the budget deficits in the first place (conveniently forgetting that they were bequethed a budget surplus, which they quickly turned into the largest deficit in U.S. history).
Recently, I had my entire upstairs area drywalled.
The crew was a Mexican extended family, cousins, daughters, brothers, sisters, and I wasn’t checking for green cards. They did an outstanding job on slanted walls and a flat finish — no stippling to hide mistakes.
Dry wall is now a task done by immigrants, even in Seattle.
Just kill yourself, you sorry racist punk.
A father was watching his daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and innocent his little girl was. Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground.
He went over to her and noticed she was looking at two spiders mating. “Daddy, what are those spiders doing?” she asked. “They’re mating,” her father replied. “What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?” she asked.
“That’s a Daddy Long Legs” her father answered. “So, the other one is Mommy Long Legs?” the little girl asked.
“No,” her father replied. “Both of them are Daddy Long Legs.”
The little girl thought for a moment, then raised her foot and stomped them flat and said, “Well, that might be OK in San Francisco or Seattle, but we’re not having any of that shit here in Texas.”
Just kill yourself, you sorry racist punk.
Commentby Mr. X— 5/2/06@ 10:57 am [……………………………….”Where is the love”???]
In case any of you are new here, JCH is the true voice of the Republican party.
The problem the GOP has is simple. If they kick the Mexicans out, there will be fewer people to oppress. Then what?
PHOENIX — Gov. Janet Napolitano is creating a special task force to study access to emergency care. The 11-member panel is being asked to figure out why there is a shortage of doctors willing to work in emergency rooms and make recommendations by the end of November on what needs to occur. Her executive order, which notes that something needs to be done to ensure appropriate access to quality emergency care, could provide her with political cover if she vetoes a measure today designed to help shield the doctors who provide that care from lawsuits.
Governor Doubtfire is being worked into a corner by the legislature. Her preening before the national media last year about the “state of emergency” on the AZ border initially indicated she was a strong borders official. But her actions since, or should I say lack of action, indicate that she was just trying to make the right noises. The Doctors are not going to work in a setting where the illegals, try to win the “lottery el Norte” by suing the emergency room doctors. Solution: Why not let Democrat civil rights lawyers pretend they are ER doctors?
Let the illegals stay…..but don’t give them amensty…..
But make them finger the bastards that have been hiring them…then make them pay back taxes (and fines too) cos you know they haven’t been paying the workers payroll taxes..(that should take placade the left wingers)
Then make the illegals themselves pay back taxes and fines as well (that should placade the right wingers)
then get a comprehensive “guest worker” program set up and tax the shit out of them too. (another one for the left wingers)
Take the tax money and build a nice big fence between here and Mexico so that you can stop the flow of illegals coming here.
Set up the border patrol with a large amount of firepower …with orders to shoot to kill. of course we are talking about using RPG’s here…(another victory for the right wingers)
That’s two each for the left and the right….
Now is everyone happy?
Reggie, you’re an asshole and an idiot. Happy?
I think a lot of people underestimate how minority policy can be a crucial issue in regards to national security. Just ask Czechoslovakia, when Hitler started invading, why they didn’t mount any real military opposition even though they had one of the best-equipped militaries in the Europe at the time, and were already deployed on an easily-defendable mountainous region. The answer is that they couldn’t trust the million or so Germans in their army because their minority policy had let them become “Germans,” when it really should have helped them become “Citizens of Czechoslovakia.”
I think assimilation and fair treatment might be a much safer option than alienation and discrimination.
re 32: Yes! Those horse drawn caissons and the swift cavalry would have put a stop to those German Panzer units and the Wehrmacht almost instantly — if only they’d had the foresight to have a stricter immigration policy!
It’s comments like this that force us to call you righties either stupid or idiots.
re 32: “Just ask Czechoslovakia!” That is so abysmally stupid it makes me laugh! If you really want to understand this issue, just ask some 80 year old Czechoslovakians! They’ll tell ya. Only Republicans can solve this problem.
What a rip-snortin’ A-hole you are!!!
To Roger Rabbit at 18:
I found this photo of an apparant farm worker in Florida (the hat is a giveaway). Bring in more of the same, and we can also at the same time reverse the trend of young American men migrating from rural areas to life in the cities.
Anonymous @ 31
yes I am happy because you were able to understand how fucking stupid that sounded
Why is it that closet cases are such homophobes? Being gay is fabulous, but being you is just pathetic.
Suicide. Now.
The United States’ historically rapid rise to the status of economic superpower was fueled by a seemingly unlimited wealth of natural resources, and a genuinely unlimited supply of cheap, immigrant labor. Indeed, our economic expansion has always depended on a steadily expanding labor supply,
You are forgetting the impact of the industrial revolution, which had more to do with eliminating the need for slave labor. Automation gave us skilled labor and mass production.
but lost in all the debate over border security, criminalization, amnesty and deportations is the obvious fact that our current immigration policy simply does not adequately meet our economy’s demand for immigrant labor. If it did, we wouldn’t have an estimated 10 million illegal immigrants filling our nation’s low-wage jobs.
Could not say it better. That is one half of the heart of the issue. The other is the business that cater to the illegals.
Labor inexorably moves to where the jobs are… that’s Free Market Capitalism 101.
Which is why businesses who hire illegals should be held accountable.
Thus any immigration reform package that refuses to recognize the economic reality of labor markets can do little to stem the flow of illegal immigration without doing damage to our nation’s economy.
Could be. To me the issue is simple. Create a worker/immigrant policy that meets realistic needs and is attractive enough to encourage the immigrants to come here legally.give them a way to come in and make their dreams happen and maybe they will come in legally.
Criminalize the illegals who do not accept the policy above. And that would not be unreasonable IF the policy was crafted properly.
Crimninalize the businesses that step out of that policy as well. Dry up the illegal job market as much as is possible by making it expensive to not hire legally.
In other words, make a fair way for them to come in legally, and they will.
Then everyone wins.
If you craft it, they will come.
Mr. X………Tell us about “Tookie love”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. X, How does a “gay” figuire out if he “gives” Tookie love or “takes” Tookie’s 9 inches up his rectum? Please explain………………..
by the way….Hummus is a stable?
How wierd is that.
Coffee….now that’s a staple…
By the way, American productivity has always been driven by labor shortages. That’s what caused wages to rise, forcing management to invest in more technology to in order to keep costs under control. When you have cheap labor, you discourage innovation and technological developement because short-term labor costs are low enough to discourage such long-term investments.
That is why, by the time of the U.S. Civil War, the South was so much less technologically developed than the North. The South already had much of its wealth invested in slaves, so it wasn’t interested in pursuing technology when they already had labor availble for which they had already paid. The North, aside from taking advantage of recent immigrants such as the Irish, was concerned about rising wage rates, and was at the forefront of the industrial revolution.
Looking back even further, the Cavaliers who settled Virginia and South Carolina in the 1600’s attempted to re-create the manoral society they had enjoyed in England. In England there was a shortage of land and a surplus of cheap labor. A tenant farmer was tied to the land because, well, there really was no where else to go. He was subservant to the landlord because if he was kicked off the tenancy, he would be reduced to an itenerant begger (no other landlord would want to bring on a trouble-making tenant). But in America the situation was the opposite. There was plenty of land if one was willing to keep heading west, but a shortage of laborers. Indentured servants filled the need temporarily, but they were somewhat expensive and they departed to make their own farms as soon as their servitude expired. So slaves were brought in – workers tied not to the land (as in England), but to an owner, who could move and expand his holdings as the frontier moved west.
Gosh, it sure is funny how your racist homophobia leaps to the surface when you try to respond to being called a racist and a homophobe.
Smarter trolls, please…
@32: Have to chime in here–that was a new low in stupidity. Perhaps the reason the Czechs didn’t resist was because France and Britain would not oppose the nazis militarily. Ya’think this had something to do with it? You’ve heard of the Munich agreement, right?
Jeez. What ignorance.
To kill Iranian towel head terrorists Jesus would enjoy use a nuclear tipped high, low, medium [“J” band homer] Tomahawk with “sat” controlled self correcting guidance. I believe Jesus would enjoy a few hundred sub, ship, and air launched Tomahawks targeting simultanious military, industrial, and civilian Iranian targets, including nuclear processing facilities and government buildings. No doubt Jesus would freak at the new Seawolf subs, Trident subs, LA Class subs, and I’ll bet he would be amazed at the Tomahawk payloads of B-1s, B-2s, B-52s, and F-111s. Last but not least, God himself would love to see sea launched Tomahawks from Naval DD and CG platforms. After the initial raids both Jesus and God would enjoy frequent B-52 Linebacker II strikes to finish any missed targets. Let’s see……..Did I miss anything?? No, but F-4s are still used for after strike recon, so Jesus could ride “backseat” in a Phantom to get a great post strike view.
I took the bus again today, and JCH was sitting on the bench, babbling incessantly. The thing that is good about hearing him in person, aside from his handsome red stalking cap and kakhi windbreaker, is that almost nothing he says is comprehensible, save for the occasional, raised voice “godddamn” he utters.
But, even when all his words can be understood, the experience is the same.
Was that a real JCH post, or just some meta troll doing a Colbert on him?
Hayduke@4 said: It was great to see a number of businesses in Seattle closing in solidarity with their work-force.
Commentby Hayduke— 5/2/06@ 10:22 am
Those businesses will NOT be on my list to visit. ILLEGAL immigrants are here illegally. Don’t you get it. Why should they have first crack in front of my wife’s family coming here legally?
I hope Vincente Fox lets out his criminals like Castro did on the Mariel Boat Lift. Then when some weisenheimer donk loses his/her love one, an important lesson will be learned. Or they’ll be like Mike Dukakis and his dear in the headlights answer when Bernard Shaw asked what would he do if his wife was raped. Typical donk response; deer in the headlights look!!!!!
Rabbit Pellet@14 siad it incorrectly: “The immigrants’ message is:…” It should have read The ILLEGAL immigrants’ message is:. That’s correct! They are illigal Pellet Breath! Or are you naturally hoodwinked by the truth Pellet?
Oops… illegal
Jesus loves us, this I know, because PuddyBud told me so.
“Those businesses will NOT be on my list to visit. ILLEGAL immigrants are here illegally. Don’t you get it. “
There is Christ’s love and then there is Christian hate
On the Dead Bodies, PuddyBud masturbates.
PuddyBud’s pornography
The Gospel according to PuddyBud:
I hope Vincente Fox lets out his criminals like Castro did on the Mariel Boat Lift. Then when some weisenheimer donk loses his/her love one, an important lesson will be learned. Or they’ll be like Mike Dukakis and his dear in the headlights answer when Bernard Shaw asked what would he do if his wife was raped. Typical donk response; deer in the headlights look!!!!!
PuddyBud loves
G W BushPilate!http://www.texecutions.com/
Jesus “
Turn the other cheekKill the Mother Fucker and grab the gold!”PuddyBud is the
anti christChristian Spokesman for the Neo-con Generation!PuddyBud, I am curious, what did Jesus say about the poor? What was his feelings about rich people?
Please take all the time you need to elaborate.
I am sure we will all enjoy you spreading Christ’s loving message.
PuddyBud… please tell us about how Jesus supports you views.
I am undecided. I am sure you can help me realise how the Bush Administration is a Christian Administration..
Thank you for your help on this matter.
… Satan got your tongue?
The problem with StuckonStupiddon from #52 thru #56 is he (or is it she) loves anything illegal.
I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH LEGAL IMMIGRATION. THAT’S HOW MY WIFE ARRIVED INTO THE US YOU DUMBASS! I have problems with how you donk moonbats want to allow illegals who broke our sovereign laws to just be okay!
Only you masturbate Stuckonstupiddon. Oops.. no you are a necrophiliac!!!!
Stuckonstupiddon, I don’t speak for Jesus. I have never spoken for Jesus. For you to make that inference supports my theories about you Stuckonstupiddon!
Stuckonstupiddon: You are the atheist. If anyone is held by Satan it’s you!
Come on Donna, you can’t do the dozens with me. You are the dullest of the knives here on ASSes Donna!
How is anything I said in #55 wrong Donna? You can’t mess with history. Mike Dukakis couldn’t even come to his wife’s support with his moonbat views. What has changed in 18 years Donna? Same party, same views, same stupidness Donna!
Donna, do we have a southern border?
Donna are we a sovereign nation?
Donna are they illegals?
Donna, you worshipping the pentagram again?
Enough of Donna? He/she/sh…it is just too dumb to see the truth! So he brings the Son of God whom he hates (atheist) and tries to smear Him. Typical donk!
Donna, KING of deviant brain patterns!
Thank you, PuddyBud.
Thank you.
That is enough, PuddyBud.
More than enough. You have made my case.
But, do continue.. I am sure others will enjoy it.
Still waiting on an answer to #55 Donna. Please impress your brain waves upon us.
Dance, PuddyBud, Dance your Satan dance.
Non of it matters now.
Donna regarding post #52. This is a free country. What I do with my money is my choice. If you don’t like it I’m sure The Iranian Grand Ayatollah will invite you in with a big hug!
Regarding post#54, why do libruls make fun of the dead soldiers?
Regarding Post #57: Are you putting words into the Son of God’s mouth again Donna? Why do atheists like doing that? It’s not nice to fool with God Donna. Your arms are too short to box with God Donna. This and other lousy sayings from Donna about Jesus and God are being written in Donna’s book of death in Heaven! “The Best of Donna”!
Regarding Post #61 Donna, Did you call 1-800-Lucifer again Donna? Did that direct tie-line work? Was he loud and clear in his conversation to you Donna?
Donna why didn’t you go to Drinkin Librully? Too dull for their conversation Donna? The conversation would pass you by Donna? Help is on the way Donna? The new edition of the Daily Kurse can help you!!!
@78, we don’t Anti-Christ. We honor those who died for Bush. They did thier duty for the US, they just didn’t know that satanists like you would trade their blood for tax cuts.
So I get home from rehearsal and see that troll #1 has clocked out and now we have #2 on the second shift.
Same shit, different paper, I guess.
PuddyBud “Donna why didn’t you go to Drinkin Librully? The new edition of the Daily Kurse can help you!!!
I do not need your Satan death worship.
I am pro-life.
You are pro Kill everything.
Jesus is watching you PuddyBud. He is not happy.
Donna is pro-life? HA HA HA HA HA. You support donkoinfanticide! Try again.
I know Mr. X. I only spend a few minutes here anymore.
Either Goldy will change the rules here, or find more and more liberals drop off.
I am tired of fighting the same old lies.
Mr. X. You used to be someone we could have a healthy conversation with. Now I see you are on your way to dull knifedom. Contact Hairy Poontang. He knows the path!
Yes, Mr X. you are dead on about librulism. Same shit in 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004 & 2006. Same shit different even year!
Ie. The same old lies
“Donna is pro-life? HA HA HA HA HA. You support donkoinfanticide! Try again.”
Why should I bother to respond to this bullshit?
It is not worth the time!
And if I do not repsond, the Trolls keep claiming the same lies?
Goldy? When does HA get Democracy?
So Donna you are against abortion? When did this happen? Citation? Never seen you say you are against abortion. Rabbit Pellet has said it!
“So Donna you are against abortion? When did this happen? Citation? Never seen you say you are against abortion. Rabbit Pellet has said it!”
PuddyBud, are you insane?
Look at what you said?
Jesus is watching you.
Why do you lie? WHy do you hate? Why do you support the lying hating Bush administration?
Look at what you said?
Jesus is watching you!
So is the NSA.
To make it very plain.
Donnageddon is against abortion. I have never claimed anything else. I am very against abortion.
Why do you lie, PuddyBud?
PuddyBud, show any statement where I say I am Pro-Abortion!
You see, Goldy, we have to deal with this bullshit.
Of course I am not pro-abortion. And PuddyBud will do his buck-toothed best to find any statement that I was ever Pro-Abortion, and he will never find it, but we progressives have to forever fight off this idiots!
PuddyBud, I have stated this many times before!
Find anything to support your hateful claims or shut the fuck up you Satan worshipping Troop hater!
BTW, PuddyBud, you hater-of-Jesus,
I am very pro-choice.
Women have every right to make choices regarding their body,
But don’t let that stop you from showing where I am “Pro-abortion”
This should put the final be fun.
Donna, where in any thread have you said “I am against abortion except tonight?
There are ~320 Abortion entries in Goldy’s blog. I have not seen one entry that you have said I am against abortion. But you toe the Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbat thought and support candidates that support abortion on demand, abortion in the third trimester. You vote Democratic and you have stated it over and over! On Rabbit Pellet has officially said he does not support abortion but supports all candidates whom support abortion!
Keep up the whining Donna. It does you good.
politicalhumor.about.com/ library/images/blpic-demseal.htm
You see Donna, or whatever, I support a woman’s right to choose, but I am anti-abortion. I fully support the woman to choose donkoinfanticide, or culling out the donk herd of dull lunatic moonbats!!!! Just think Donna, you are missing 30 Million donk so far since 1973.
If they lived Donna your guy would be president and your judges would be approved. Keep killing your kind.
Let me know where you said I am pro-choice on ASSes!!!
PuddyBud.,…. show ANYWHERE I stated i am Pro-Abortion!
Or admit you are lying.
Or do neither, and let everyone draw their own conclusion.
BTW, I am not pro-abortion.
That is before tonight Donna!
PuddyBud, it seems clear that you are a liar.
That is not news. You have been proven a liar sever times here on HA.org.
PuddyBud. Why do you Lie?
Does Jesus like you Lying?
sever = several
Donna I asked first in 90. Where did you say I am pro-life before tonight? I’ll wait. I already looked on ASSes. That’s what took me so long to respond. I already ran a filter check on the 320 entries. You join in on many threads with supporting comments, never one that said I disagree my liberal friends, I am pro-life. Not here anywhere on ASSes! Only Rabbit Pellet.
PuddyBud, plainly stated
You claim I m pro-abortion.
Cite anywhere I have claimed that.
If you can’t, then you are a liar.
Therefore: Jesus hates you.
PuddyBud is a Liar and he is Satans tool.
Yes Donna, call me a liar. You never said it so you throw your dung heap on me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Still waiting for that pro-life pronouncement!!!! I know your kind Donna. You infer one thing and when people call you on the inference you claim “I never said it.” So I am using your tack now. Where did you ever say before 05/02/06 “I am pro-life.”?
Yes people will draw their own conclusions. You never said it so my inference still stands. You support donk who are abortion lovers. You have NEVER inferred anything else!
How do you like being Satan’s Tool PuddyBud? How long have you been Satan’s tool?
Huh? Can’t hear you Donna? Where did you say it was again?
By not answering, we can only assume you LOVE SATAN!.
PUDDYBUD is a Satan worshipper.
Nuff Said.
Never been Satan’s Tool Donna. Never called 1-800-Lucifer.
Answer the question: Where before 05/02/06 did you EVER say “I am pro-life!”?
Come one donna use those prodigious Internet searching skiilz. Where before 05/02/06 did you EVER say “I am pro-life!”?
Where before 05/02/06 did you EVER say “I am pro-life!” Donna?
@ 106 “Yes Donna, call me a liar. You never said it so you throw your dung heap on me. ”
No, PuddyBud, but not “saying it”, and you “claiming I said it” you become a liar.
Jesus hates liars.
ergo: Jesus hates you.
PuddyBud like an idiot asked “Where before 05/02/06 did you EVER say �I am pro-life!â€
Uh.. I don;t have to prove that.
You have to show where I ever said I was “pr- abortion”.
But then that is logic.
You, PyddyBud, are immune to logic.
This reminds me of playing “pong” against a Satinist computer.
PuddyBud = Loves Satan
PuddyBud, where before 5/21/06 did you state you “Did not love Satan”?
PuddyBud NEVER stated before 5/02/06 that he does not love Satan
Let me make this clear!!!
I Donnageddon, as of 05/02/06, HATE SATAN!!!!
I am sorry that my opponent, PuddyBud can not state the same.
I hope no one ever supports SATAN lover’s like PuddyBud!
No Donna good try. I already stated before on ASSes I don’t worship Satan. If you remember Donna I said you are the atheist. But why argue with a Raca? Stupid is as stupid does Donna!
Donna look back into 2005. Search ASSes. I already stated I don’t worship Satan. I hate Satan. I am not an atheist. You are. Either you acknowledge God and His Son Jesus or not. You do not!
“Donna look back into 2005. Search ASSes. I already stated I don’t worship Satan.”
Prove that you have statesd you do not worship SATAN!!!!
You CAN’T!!!!!
PROVE IT!!!!!!
You can’t prove it PuddyBud, therefore you asre a lying Statan wrshpping… Satan worshipper!
Nuff said.
I must say! I see no evidence that PuddyBud is not a Satan worshipper.
I must conclude that PuddyBud does worship Satan!
Seems clear cut.
I agree “random surfer” using PuddyBud fake Christian logic, it would seem that PuddyBud is a Christ hating, Satan loving, Troop hating, terrorist fellater.
Donnageddon! Are you saying that PuddyBud sucks Terrorist dick? That he supports their cause by his support of the BushCrimeFamily?
To kill Iranian and Iraqi towel head terrorists I think Jesus would enjoy use nuclear tipped high, low, medium [“J” band homer] Tomahawks with “sat” controlled self correcting guidance. In addition, Jesus would enjoy a few hundred sub, ship, and air launched Tomahawks targeting simultanious military, industrial, and civilian Iranian targets, including nuclear processing facilities and government buildings. No doubt Jesus would freak at the new Seawolf subs, Trident subs, LA Class subs, and I’ll bet he would be amazed at the Tomahawk payloads of B-1s, B-2s, B-52s, and F-111s. Last but not least, God himself would love to see sea launched Tomahawks from Naval DD and CG platforms. CVNs [nuclear aircraft carriers] in “Gonzo Station” [The Arabian Gulf] would also be part of both the initial attacks [ALPHA STRIKES with F-18s [Super Hornets] and lots of hig priority secondary targeting. After the initial raids both Jesus and God would enjoy frequent USAF B-52 Linebacker II strikes to finish any missed targets. Let’s see……..Did I miss anything?? No, but the US Navy [F-18s] and USAF F-15 Eagles are still available for after strike recon, so Jesus could ride “backseat” in a Super Hornet or Eagle to get a great post strike view. Finally, the Iranian oil is now American oil. ALL OF IT!!! Nothing like 99 cent a gallon gas to pump into a 427/400 HP Vette!!!
Absolutely, random Surfer! PuddyBud, is an example of the evangelical whores who “worship” Christ by taking it up the ass for GWBCO.
Death and destruction mean nothing to them, as long as “Christ’s oil and Holy Haliburton” money flows.
Why, you ask?
Because, people like PuddyBud have never read the Bible. They have people interpret it for them. Kind of like how Neo-Con Symps have the daily news read to them by asswhipe drug addicts like Rush Limbaugh. Then they let the same drug addicts interpret the Constitution for them.
These people are known as “Dipshits”
That is where “PuddyBud” and “MTR” come from.
They, as a conglomerate, are nown as “sheep fit for slaughter” by the the real Neo-cons.
The Real Neo-Cons look on idiots like PuddyBud and MTR as “Morons” and ” Our Base”.
They urinate on these idiots yearly as an example of how they will urinate on their offspring for decades to come.
Terrorist dickhead Random Surfer: Why thank you for that wonderful accusation above. Golly, with you supporting Donna, I quake in me bootz!
And Donna, I answered your refried Satanist Rants in August, September, and October on ASSes. When you are proven stupid you start your Biblical rants. I am not proving the links but if you go back and look at some commentary on ASSes in those months, I denounced Satan and said I was a Christian. Then the venom started from your side!
You are a liar.
— Sam Spade
Biting the Hand That Feeds You
From the desk of Congressman Steve King, Iowa, Fifth District
April 26, 2006
On May 1st, the activists who brought you thousands of Mexican flags flying in marches down the streets of our cities are now bringing you “Nothing Gringo Day”. With help from the Mexican government, Mexican unions, Mexican political groups, and through the Spanish language radio and newspapers, the call has gone out to make America experience a total boycott, both here and in Mexico. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
Just the word “boycott” sparks the image of noble dissent in the face of economic or social oppression. I think of American colonials bucking British economic interests in retaliation to the Stamp Act. Or perhaps the ostracizing of Irish landlord Charles Boycott, the namesake of the verb for all tyrannized people. If not tyrannized, at least disgruntled. If not disgruntled, maybe just bored.
Yet, isn’t the key to a successful boycott an economic or social upper-hand? The cost must be felt if the offending party be forced to reform. For example, how does boycotting a movie you had no intention of going to affect the box office? More people probably see a boycotted movie due to the attention than if it had simply been ignored.
President Carter thought he was on to something when he kept American athletes out of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. That showed ’em. That particular boycott neither got the USSR out of Afghanistan nor brought down the Berlin Wall. It just caused our own athletes to suffer.
The May 1st anti-Gringo-fest is also being billed as “A Day Without Immigrants” which is a misnomer on a couple of counts. First, the threatened boycott fails to conjure the image of a Norwegian refusing to buy his May 1 lutefisk at the corner Fareway. Second, the pro-amnesty groups are insistent on confusing legal and illegal immigration. Let’s not start mixing our apples and oranges. The issue before Congress is illegal immigration. Perhaps the May 1st boycott should give America a glimpse into “A Day Without ILLEGAL Immigration.”
What would that May 1st look like without illegal immigration? There would be no one to smuggle across our southern border the heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamines that plague the United States, reducing the U.S. supply of meth that day by 80%. The lives of 12 U.S. citizens would be saved who otherwise die a violent death at the hands of murderous illegal aliens each day. Another 13 Americans would survive who are otherwise killed each day by uninsured drunk driving illegals. Our hospital emergency rooms would not be flooded with everything from gunshot wounds, to anchor babies, to imported diseases to hangnails, giving American citizens the day off from standing in line behind illegals. Eight American children would not suffer the horror as a victim of a sex crime.
On the negative side, the price of a pound of tomatoes might go up from $0.79 to $0.80. That is unless you have a garden. But I’m guessing that the Mexican drug lords are not taking May 1st off. Neither will the 11,000 illegal invaders that pour over our border every other day of the year. It is a safe bet that the U.S. Border Patrol will have a very busy “Nothing Gringo Day.”
Since September 11th, it remains true that OBL is the greatest threat to America. I will leave it to the reader to decide if the greatest threat is Osama bin Laden or the Open Borders Lobby. The emerging cheap labor “ruling class” in America is the strongest supporter of amnesty for illegals. Their anti-American “new servant class” has chosen to boycott them; the very definition of irony. On May 1st, Primero de Mayo, Americans will observe, as illegal immigrants celebrate, “Bite the Hand That Feeds You Day.”
OMG you all are such idiots. Free market blah blah blah. A free market would also mean free and fair competition. Look at unskilled or semi-skilled wages over the last 20yrs and the level of illegals here in the US. A direct correlation that very few people argue.
Take the burden on our tax and health care system, not to mention education system. Where all of us law abiding / tax paying citizens now pay for ILLEGAL ALIEN social services. Shoot why should we pay if the govt. is knowingly allowing its agencies to serve illegals.
And all this flipping tripe you all spout about “I heard that legals are supporting this”. That is pure crap. You are hearing that from people at the rally and your damn news stations. Trying going to any large company. Fortunately I work and have worked for a few. Talk to the people there who spent years and thousands of dollars to get a work visa or legally imigrate and become a citizen. I haven’t talked to ONE. NOT ONE. Who supported the rallies on Monday.
Your support and catterwhawling about injustices is 100% unfounded. You are by definition breaking our laws by illegally crossing into the country. You are further breaking the law by not paying taxes on wages earned. You are breaking the law by using our health care system and then changing your name so you don’t have to pay a medical bill. You are breaking the law by taking seats in a public school that taxpayers are funding and are now overcrowded. You are breaking the law when you fraudulently apply social services under an assumed Social Security number. You are breaking the law if you are an employer and hire an illegal.
Do you all get it???? Seriously, do you???? I know for a fact that you don’t.
Want to know why our kids have no effing work ethic? Because there are now no jobs on the farms of the USA for summer employment. They are all filled by illegals. Not that long ago it was a badge of honor if you could make a few hundred dollars by bucking hay for the summer. Don’t have any skills but are willing to work hard? Screw you. There’s an illegal doing a job you would but for $3.00/hr because the employer doesn’t have to pay taxes and uses that as a write off as well. Your “bleeding (actually ignorant) heart” for these law breakers is what is killing the wages and allowing illegals to be here. Not some innate sense of justice and well being.
Not surprising that some jerk from Iowa would say that the downside would be “a pound of tomatoes might go up from $0.79 to $0.80.”
Maybe he only knows about crops that grow in Iowa, but tomatoes are harvested with equipment.
Farmers in states where the crop is apples, apricots, dates, melons, peaches, plums, strawberries, raspberries, etc. don’t get them picked with magic machinery yet, so those farms are labor intensive at harvest.
Now, maybe you righties want to fund a research project at the University of Iowa to come up with fruit crop harvester. You don’t normally expect industry to foot the bill for their own improvements, but if don’t, let’s compare stawberries and apples or tomatoes and corn.
Now, if you want a major California crop, such as strawberries to go to Ecuador, why don’t you assholes run on that platform.
Maybe you want Canada, Europe, Mexico or China to take over apple production that Washington does now, easing Yakima’s need for Mexican workers.
There is no use pretending that this is something that just hit us on the head, the problem of illegals coming across the border has been going on for 77 years, and the solution requires sober, judicious attention.
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