Okay, we’ve got an answer for Rep. Dave Reichert [R] of Washington’s 8th district. He says he doesn’t want to take a stand on Hastert until after an investigation has been completed.
Ahahahahah… Goldy’s post was incredibly funny for some reason.
I know that these pharmaceutical spammers find a rich market among the right-wing fucktards that post here, but I wish they’d quit.
What do you expect? President Bush hasn’t told Reichart what to think yet.
It’s too bad there isn’s a way to block the drug names, they’d stop spamming if they couldn’t get those on.
Actually, RubberStampReichert is simply too stupid to know how to answer so he’s gonna pass. Now we see why a high school drop out was able to beat this guy for 20 years!
Sounds like a phoney hero to me…
From the PI…
But some of Reichert’s past supervisors now note Reichert’s valor medals are unusual in coming so late — and because Reichert himself lobbied hard and repeatedly for them.
“David self-promoted himself for that award,” retired Sheriff’s Chief Frank Adamson said recently. Reichert even was turned down at least twice for one medal — for the throat-slashing incident — by sheriffs preceding Montgomery. Reichert had been too cavalier, some said, acting against policy during the incident.
“He got his throat slashed because of sloppy police work,” said Frank Atchley, who supervised Reichert in the 1980s. “He wants to be the hero. It was not a smart thing to do.”
Atchley recalls Reichert came to him, “years removed from the actual event,” seeking a recommendation for the medal.
“I said, ‘I don’t think you deserve a valor award for this,’ ” Atchley recalled. “There were tears in his eyes, he was very emotional.”
Atchley said he soon learned from then-Sheriff Vern Thomas that Thomas already had denied Reichert’s bid for the medal. “Sheriff Thomas told me, ‘I’ve looked at this,’ and said, ‘It’s over with and I don’t want to see that (award recommendation) again.’ Well, Dave had never told me that Thomas already had denied it.”
Thomas said recently he doesn’t specifically recall turning down Reichert, but trusts Atchley’s recollection.
More on Davie…
“As a detective, I never held Reichert in high esteem,” said Bob La Moria, one of Reichert’s supervisors. “He was more interested in dealing with victims’ feelings and sensitivities, which is commendable. But it doesn’t help you solve the case.”
Atchley, another supervisor, said Reichert “actually was more of an impediment to the investigation.”
“He was probably the worst detective I’ve ever worked with,” Atchley said. “He developed tunnel vision.”
No wonder Davie screws up so much when it comes to money…
Critics contend his eight-year sheriff’s stint also was marked by poor money management. During a county budget crisis in the early 2000s, Reichert repeatedly overspent his budget, “costing us tens of millions on his watch,” said Democratic County Councilman Larry Phillips, who was council budget chairman at the time.
Hey – The Bush regime lost its phoney terror bounce – Baby Bush the AWOL coke addict, and bankrupt trust-fund kid is at a miserable, horrible, unbelievably low 36% in the new Time poll.
We have to go back to the days of that other GOP crook Nixon to get that low!
Imagine that, someone who wants to find out what the facts are before they lynch someone!
Imagine that, someone who wants to find out what the facts are before they lynch someone!
Commentby sgmmac— 10/6/06@ 6:17 am
Why doesn’t he make a couple phone calls and find out what the facts are. Oh I forgot. Unfortunately he would have to call Republicans, and would probably only get more lies.
It is simple Davey. Ask Hastert “What did you know, and when did you know it” ok? Let him lie to you, so you can support, or not support him, and then when his lies are uncovered, you can have more Hastert egg on your face.
When your whole party is built on lies, what do you expect.
The only thing the GOP stands for is helping their billionare friends make more money, and stay in power. Period. Oh I forgot. They want to force christianity down our throats too…..
Instead of the culture of corruption, I think culture of retardation made as much sense…..
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Again you Merry Fitzmas moonbats, ABC news has changed their tune. It seems the MAN was 18 when FOLEY started IMing him. This was their lead story. Merry Fitzmas moonbats. That’s why Brian Ross had to get more evidence. Now with the consent age as 16 in DC, what law may have been broken. Even the FBI is trying to determine what laws are broken. If we’re fucktards are you all ASSTARDS? Since you follow the northwest’s biggest ass you have to be ASSTARDS!
ASSTARDS, ALWAYS TRYING TO CONVICT before the jury returns THEIR verdict!
Daddy Lovespews:
“House Speaker Hastert has said he heard about this a year ago and did nothing. I can’t comment on wht he has admitted to be true.”
Daddy Lovespews:
13 MWS
Ooh, one guy was 18 when a Member of Congress asked him how long his penis is. Well, then I guess we should stop listening to the other pages who were under 18 when approached sexually by Foley. As a matter of fact, we should probably just stop the investigation right now.
Because really, the issue that’s important is how safe Repuvblicans can keep us. Wait a minute…tyat’s what we’re investigating! Hey!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
It seems CBS News will tell the truth when ABC won’t about the guy and his age. Then after the blogger took ABC News to task for leaving the original email up for 4 days, the Democratic Underground going after his 11 year old son.
Daddy Love do you read or is farting words from your ass your entertainment method?
I wrote about the other IMs and these other boys. I wrote if this happens in DC the consent age is 16. I wrote FOLEY is a GAY scumbag.
I also wrote that justice has to be served, not guilty before trial like you donk act.
Wake up ASSTARD! Read before your fart. You’re like that South Park episonde last Wednesday night I watched because the rest of moonbat TV was boring. Kenny farted and shit while he was at his keyboard. Reminds me of the crap you post on ASSTARDS!
Daddy Lovespews:
Of course, we should keep in mind that the incompetence, deceit, and venal self-interest we are seeing from the Republican leadership absolutely permeates everything they do, from the disastrously ineffective and expensive Medicare prescription drug bill to Katrina to Iraq.
It’s not just that we can’t trust them to keep us safe, even though that is more glaringly obvious all the time. But we can’t trust them to do anything.
Daddy Lovespews:
17 MWS
Aw, did I hurt your feelings?
You’re ratcheting up the ol’ volume level there, son. Sounds increasingly desperate. Hint: saying your message louder won’t cause it to magically make sense.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Daddy Love: I wrote FOLEY is a Dem in Repub clothing. I wrote did he contact NAMBLA first. I wrote if guilty incarcerate him. I have not equivocated whatsoever. I said let the evidence be determined first. I have been the voice of reason here not you ASSTARDS!
Get your head from Kos’ ass and read, think, then blog, ASSTARD!
“Imagine that, someone who wants to find out what the facts are before they lynch someone! ”
Yes, how unlike a Republican.
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
Goldy…you’re wrong on this one. Facts should be used before conclusions are reached…isn’t that why you spend so much time tracking down facts about FEMA, drunk driving, etc?
Daddy Lovespews:
20 MWS
Louder. I don’t think they heard you in Tacoma.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Ratcheting up what? That you, as an ASSTARD, an’t wait to incarcerate before trial? Merry Fitzmas ASSTARD!
ThomasTrainwinder: He can’t & he won’t. Look at the Daddy Love posts.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Daddy Lovespews:
22 Thomas. It’s a fact that hastert admitted that he ehard about this a year ago and did nothing. Didn’t talk to a page. Didn’t alert the Page Board. Didn’t inform the Ethics Comittee. Are those “facts” anough for you?
There’s also the fact that underage pages galore are coming forward, which at leat indicates tht it would have been apice of cake for hastert to pick up the phone and find out everything in an hour or three.
BTW, all they asked Reichert was whether he was going to vote for Hastert as Speaker or Minority Leader. And he wouldn’t answer.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
What is your “underage pages galore” count ASSTARD? ABC News. Their lead story going POOF because he was 18? Their are pictures on the web of him in a party holding a beer? In DC you have to be 18!
“I was seventeen years old and just returned to [my home state] when Foley began to e-mail me, asking if I had ever seen my page roommates naked and how big their penises were,” said the page in the 2002 class.
The former page also said Foley told him that if he happened to be in Washington, D.C., he could stay at Foley’s home if he “would engage in oral sex” with Foley.
BTW, when Hastert alleges that Democrats and ABC News are somehow to blame for the Foley Republican child predator scandal, will you criticize him for not “waiting until the facts are in?”
I think that MikeWebbSucks/Puddybutt is jealous he didn’t get to the teen boys before his republican idol Foley did.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Regarding the Daddy Love measure of responsibility: If I didn’t say hang him if he’s guilty then I’d agree with you ASSTARD. If guilty let Lucy do the hokey pokey wuth him in the pokey!
Daddy Lovespews:
30 Took you six posts to go look up “hyperbole.”
Daddy Lovespews:
Let’s review the facts:
FACT: GOP staff, working for Republican Speaker Denny Hastert, warned the page class of 2001-2002 to stay away from Foley – five years ago.
FACT: Former chief of staff to GOP Rep. Tom Reynolds (R-NY), Kirk Fordham, says he warned Hastert’s chief of staff of Foley’s behavior three years ago. Whether or not you believe Fordham, his testimony is consistent with the other facts showing that the Republicans knew about Foley’s behavior long before last week.
FACT: Both Reps. John Boehner, the Republican House Majority Leader, and Tom Reynolds both say they told Dennis Hastert personally about the Foley issue months ago. Hastert says Boehner is lying. So one of the two most powerful Republicans in the House is lying about an investigation into a child sex predator. That deserves a separate investigation right there.
FACT: Hastert’s staff was informed of the Foley emails a year ago, but Hastert would like us to believe his staff simply never told him that a member of Congress, a member of his leadership team, was under investigation for preying sexually on young children – children who Hastert was responsible for.
And finally, the Republicans would have us believe that a 52 year old man sending emails to a 16 year old boy he doesn’t even know, and talking to that boy about how his 16 year old friend has a great body, is somehow merely “overly friendly.” That is absurd on its face.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
I think that MikeWebbSucks/Puddybutt is jealous he didn’t get to the teen boys before his republican idol Foley did. Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 10/6/06@ 7:21 am
Reaching again? How am I Puddybud? My style different than his. Where did you come to that conclusion LeftHisTurdLostHisBrain – Left Turd, RightEqualsStupid, etc?
As I remember Puddy is a married black guy? What are you? GAY? You accusing him of crossing over?
In 2004, white evangelical or born-again Christians made up a quarter of the electorate, and 78 percent of them voted Republican, according to exit polls. But some pollsters believe that evangelical support for the GOP peaked two years ago and that what has been called the “God gap” in politics is shrinking.
A nationwide poll of 1,500 registered voters released yesterday by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center found that 57 percent of white evangelicals are inclined to vote for Republican congressional candidates in the midterm elections, a 21-point drop in support among this critical part of the GOP base.
Daddy Lovespews:
Puddybud is married to a black guy? Wow.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
30 Took you six posts to go look up “hyperbole.” Commentby Daddy Love— 10/6/06@ 7:21 am
Another worthless effort from the ASSTARD! Anytime you want to match verbal wits and use impressive vocabulary, you can start right now Daddy Love. Your fifth grade blogging style is painful to read!
Daddy Lovespews:
39 MWS
How many fifth grade bloggers are you IMing?
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Post #38 is the most vile I’ve seen in a while from an ASSTARD!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
None Daddy ASSTARD. How many are you blowing? Delivering loads in the Hershey Highway?
Don Joespews:
Is this supposedly 18 year old former page the same one who, in one IM message, told Foley to slow down because the former page was only 17? Is this the same former page where Drudge had a headline claiming that the page was 18, yet where the text of Drude’s post said that Foley and the former page had been IM’ing both before and after the page had turned 18?
The truly funny part is that you and your wingnut handlers are wasting time getting your facts screwed up when it’s not even the central issue. This is no longer about Foley. It stopped being about Foley when Foley resigned. It’s about the House Republican leadership failing to properly investigate Foley’s behavior when pages are being told to keep Foley at arm’s length.
But, hey, keep with the ostrich posture. It’s a sure-fire way to ensure that the Democrats take control of the House in November.
Daddy Lovespews:
Andrew Sullivan on the scandals and the elections:
If Hastert stays the GOP could lose 50 seats, according to an internal poll. And if he quits? Maybe they didn’t ask that question. One aspect of this is worth further noting. The base of the GOP has been fed homophobia and gay-baiting for years now. It was partly how Rove won Ohio and the presidency. Gay-hating is integral to their machine. Now, the very homophobia these people stoked and used is suddenly turning back on them.
Part of me is distressed that the GOP could lose not because of spending recklessness, corruption, torture, big government, pork, and a hideously botched war … but because of a sex scandal which doesn’t even have (so far as we know) any actual sex. But part of me also sees the karmic payback here. They rode this tiger; now it’s turning on them. And it’s dinner time.
Daddy Lovespews:
39 MWS
You’re a riot. The “Stupid asstard” screamer accusing me of “fifth grade blogging style.” Well, as it turns out, I’m rubber and you’re glue.
Daddy Lovespews:
TIME poll:
President Bush’s overall approval rating, according to TIME’s poll, now stands at just 36%, down from 38% in August.
Great articles in the PI this Morning about Sheriff “Hairspray”
One talks about him covering up for a sergeant who set his home on fire, then coerced a confession from a young man before killing him. The family sued Reichart Et al. for 300K. Goldy needs to talk to the parent Shirley Wren on this one, and see if we can get an unsealed file. Much more relevant than a divorce case. This one actually cost us 300K, and a kid died.
The other article paints him as a “John Kerry” Medal of Valor guy, who went after the medals himself and was turned down multiple times for doing something stupid that he got hurt doing. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/.....ert06.html
Come on righties READ the articles BEFORE you shoot the messenger.
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
So all the trolls think we should leave all the folks that protected a sexual predator alone so they an be re-elected! \
Vote Republican.
Watch your children.
Oh by the way freaks, how many direct warnings did Bush totally ignore before 9-11? We all know he didn’t lift a finger “just in case” there may be an attack coming.
If you disagree, name one action Bush took to protect us from terrorists before 9-11.
Try not to lie….. I know it’s hard.
(crickets will chirp forever on this one)
These animals wanted 9-11 to happen so they could have their new pearl harbor.
Bush, and all his inbred supporters will pay someday for their treason, and retardation.
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
Maybe they should have sent people over to Iraq to do the rebuilding that had more experience than pizza delivery boy.
Their only qualification was they had to have voted for Bush, and be anti-abortion.
Now shut up and buy cemetary plots for you children. Bush is considering military (in)action.
headless lucyspews:
re 13: Would you be supporting Foley if he’d done this as a public school teacher?
A yes or no answer will suffice. But what I’m expecting is a personal attack or complete non-responsive silence silence in an attempt to deflect the question which cuts right to the heart of your honesty and integrity — of which you have none.
Had Enough Yet?spews:
Whatever happened to the Contract With America?
Weren’t we promised a new way of doing things in Congress?
Isn’t that why Tom DeLay had to step down as Majority Leader even though “all the evidence wasn’t in”? My recollection is that the conference rules that put DeLay out were part of the “Contract”. What makes Hastert so different? They promised us Congressional leadership free of the taint of scandal. And once again they lied.
John Barellispews:
A bit of news. The Tacoma News Tribune is reporting that the House ethics committee has begun its investigation into the scandal, including who knew what and when.
One interesting tidbit is that the panel has chosen not to hire an outside investigator, as they did with the scandals surrounding Jim Wright and Newt Gingrich. Instead, our very own Rep “Doc” Hastings will head up the investigation. He pledges to “go wherever the evidence leads”.
Wait, isn’t this the same Rep Hastings that was chosen to lead the ethics committee, because the person that was in line for leadership (Rep Hefley, R-Co) had voted to admonish then-Majority Leader Tom DeLay? Wasn’t the person that hand-picked him for the job Rep Hastert? Hasn’t Rep Hastings already gone on record (since the scandal broke) as saying “I think the speaker has done an excellent job”?
Now he chooses not to hire an outside investigator. He can be fair and balanced. Can’t he?
Imagine that, someone who wants to find out what the facts are before they lynch someone!
Commentby sgmmac— 10/6/06@ 6:17 am
Yes. Imagine that. Think back to all the outraged letters to the editor you wrote regarding the Whitewater “investigation”. Oh, you didn’t write any? Pity.
The republican party set the bar pretty low–those who live by the smear standard die by it. While not perfect by any means, this strikes me as fair, as we shall see in a few weeks.
Another crushing blow to the righties who want to do everything in their power to stop people from voting!
Republican John Warner wants us to cut and run from Iraq within 90 days. I guess that’s okay with the fake freedom fighters because Johnboy is a republican.
I don’t think the AOC is really 16 in DC. It is clearly, unambiguously illegal to have sex with persons under the age of 16. There is then a “4 years” window in the law, which is similar to Washington. The Washington state law is written fairly clearly and unambigously, while the DC law is pretty murky.
I am stunned that anyone is making this defense though. Yes, you might be able to wiggle through the legal inkblot that sits here. The problem remains that 50 year-old men who hit on 16 year-old boys are unambiguously pretty sick fucks.
Furthermore, it’s stupid beyond words. Pages are generally the children of well-connected campaign contributors. I have never had any interest in getting me some young tail, but if that was how my sick brain worked, there are a healthy quantity of runaways and similarly wayward children in every big city I’ve been in. Runaway teens generally don’t report your misbehavior to their wealthy and well-connected parents.
Day One: Put new rules in place to “break the link between lobbyists and legislation.”
Day Two: Enact all the recommendations made by the commission that investigated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Time remaining until 100 hours: Raise the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour, maybe in one step. Cut the interest rate on student loans in half. Allow the government to negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices for Medicare patients.
Broaden the types of stem cell research allowed with federal funds _ “I hope with a veto-proof majority,” she added in an Associated Press interview Thursday.
All the days after that: “Pay as you go,” meaning no increasing the deficit, whether the issue is middle class tax relief, health care or some other priority.
To do that, she said, Bush-era tax cuts would have to be rolled back for those above “a certain level.” She mentioned annual incomes of $250,000 or $300,000 a year and higher, and said tax rates for those individuals might revert to those of the Clinton era. Details will have to be worked out, she emphasized.
“We believe in the marketplace,” Pelosi said of Democrats, then drew a contrast with Republicans. “They have only rewarded wealth, not work.”
Daddy Lovespews:
“Imagine that, someone who wants to find out what the facts are before they lynch someone!”
Then shouldn’t we have someone ivestigating who wants to find out what the facts are before they praise someone’s perfomance?
Hastings: “I think the speaker has done an excellent job.”
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
What is funny about Reichert, is the fact that his experience in law enforcement didn’t seem to play a part in the Foldy scandal. It appears Republicans have known for years this freak was hitting on children, and did nothing.
I wonder if they ever mentioned it to Sherriff Dave, and if he ever considered IT MAY HAVE BEEN A CRIME.
They warned the kids to stay away from this predator.
I just wonder if Dave is guilty of the “purposeful looking the other way” too.
The Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, a Bush loyalist offered his darkest assessment of Iraq yet on Thursday, suggesting the war there was “drifting sideways” without a firm commitment from its government to disarm militias and rebuild the country.
Returning from a recent trip to the region, Sen. John Warner said the military had done what it could, and if after three months the Iraqis have made no progress to calm ethnic violence and hasten reconstruction, then Congress will have to make some “bold decisions.”
“Just wait until after the elections, and we’ll make some bold decisions. I know we could make changes now, but really, just wait, and I guarantee they’ll be bold. They’ll be really, really good decisions, and definitely bold. I know that the decisions we’ve made for the last three years have been not so good, but this time it will be different. I know we’ve never changed course or challenged the president, but this time it will be different.”
Is America the battered wife who will take back these assholes after years af abuse based on yet another recitation of empty promises to change? Mmmm, I don’t think so. I think they’re going to the ol’ dumper.
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
It looks like the 9-11 widows are upset about the fact that Rice and Bush ignored the Tenet in your face 10 out of 10 warning.
I wonder why they would be upset. They only lost their husbands, and wives because Bush was too busy handing out pork to his friends to protect us…….
Vote Republican Destroy America in a thousand ways.
Daddy Lovespews:
Waiting for the polls in the 8th to watch the “Republican fatigue” hit Gay Pride Dave right in the chops.
I am stunned that anyone is making this defense though. Yes, you might be able to wiggle through the legal inkblot that sits here. The problem remains that 50 year-old men who hit on 16 year-old boys are unambiguously pretty sick fucks.
Furthermore, it’s stupid beyond words. Pages are generally the children of well-connected campaign contributors. I have never had any interest in getting me some young tail, but if that was how my sick brain worked, there are a healthy quantity of runaways and similarly wayward children in every big city I’ve been in. Runaway teens generally don’t report your misbehavior to their wealthy and well-connected parents.
This is generally correct, but I think it’s ultimately secondary. The scandal here is not Foley’s behavior, which was clearly inappropriate, and for which he has resigned in disgrace. The age of any particular page, or even if they had sex, is largely irrelevant. The true scandal is that the House GOP leadership was so focused on keeping control of Foley’s seat in Congress that they looked the other way even after they knew that Foley was using the page program as his personal dating service. They treated is as just one “campaign issue” among many others that might affect the election. It never occurred to them that they should do something about it because it was wrong; their only concern was whether or not it would affect their own power.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Let’s start a Hastert resignation pool. I’m in for $20 that he resigns next week.
Commentby headless lucy […Covered, Union Hack Headless Lucy. 20 bucks. Goldy will hold funds after next week. JCH]
jsa on commercial drivespews:
The true scandal is that the House GOP leadership was so focused on keeping control of Foley’s seat in Congress that they looked the other way even after they knew that Foley was using the page program as his personal dating service.
Yes, this is true. The behavior of the leadership has been depolorable, and that will cost the GOP a lot more than a single pedarest congressman would.
I briought it up because MWS has been trying to explain that DC age of consent laws make Foley’s actions legal. Well, maybe it’s true. This is an example of… what’s that term again? Ah, yes! “moral relativism”. I knew I’d remember it sooner or later!
There are some defenses and rationalizations you simply don’t want to make.
Another TJspews:
I briought it up because MWS has been trying to explain that DC age of consent laws make Foley’s actions legal. Well, maybe it’s true. This is an example of… what’s that term again? Ah, yes! “moral relativism”. I knew I’d remember it sooner or later!
There are some defenses and rationalizations you simply don’t want to make.
I understand your point, and I think it’s important to rebut as many of the defenses of the indefensible as possible. In that respect, I don’t want to come off as though I’m criticizing you. I’m not.
My concern is simply that this “defense” is a distraction from the real issue. The attention should be focused as much as possible on the heart of the matter, something I think Glenn Greenwald does quite well yet again.
Facts Support My Positionsspews:
Warnings from leaders of other nations and foreign intelligence apparatus’ of terrorist threats
June 30, 2001 Senior Executive Intelligence Briefing (SEIB) entitled “bin Laden Threats Are Real”
The threat of President Bush’s assassination at the G-8 Summit by al Qaeda in July of 2001 – using aircraft to dive bomb the summit building
July 2001 Phoenix memo, which told of potential terrorists taking flight lessons
52 FAA warnings – five of which mentioned al Qaeda’s training for hijacking
August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief entitled “bin Laden Determined to Strike in US”
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)entitled “Islamist Extremists Learn to Fly”
Intelligence agency heads describing themselves with their “hair on fire” to characterize the imminent nature of the threats they were intercepting from Al Qaeda and their sense of urgency in relating them to the Bush Administration
The arrest of Zacharias Moussaoui in August of 2001
FBI Agent Harry Samit’s 70 unsuccessful attempts to get a FISA Warrant to examine Moussaoui’s belongings
Just a few warnings ignored by the Bushies.
How can we win the war on terror with a retard in charge?
jsa on commercial drivespews:
In that respect, I don’t want to come off as though I’m criticizing you. I’m not.
If you go off on another of your rants about Gnomisticism, I’ll feel criticized. Otherwise, it’s all good.
My concern is simply that this “defense” is a distraction from the real issue. The attention should be focused as much as possible on the heart of the matter, something I think Glenn Greenwald does quite well yet again.
Thanks for posting that link. It’s good reading. I fervently hope things play out as Greenwald posits.
Daddy Lovespews:
“DC age of consent laws make Foley’s actions legal. ”
Funny, but I can somehow remember a rabid bunch of critics who at one time thought that pointing out that an activity of which many people disapprove is legal was “parsing” and that it was violation of the Great Moral Absolutes of which they are so fond that is the real issue. Funny also that lying and abdicating a responsibility to protect those with whose protection one is charged aren’t there somewhere on the Big List of Moral Absolutes.
Another TJspews:
If you go off on another of your rants about Gnomisticism, I’ll feel criticized. Otherwise, it’s all good.
In that case, I’ll put a temporary brake on my proselytizing.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Plus we’ll be better positioned in the 2008 presidential election by rebalancing the electroal college votes. [????]
Commentby GBS [………….Democrat New York, Democrat PA, Democrat Michigan are losing [“electroal” ?] electorial votes, and the Republican South is gaining votes. Not only can’t you spell, but you have made another dumb ass mistake. JCH]
jsa on commercial drivespews:
Another TJ @ 73:
In that case, I’ll put a temporary brake on my proselytizing.
You know me. Believe what you want in the privacy of your own home, as long as you acknowledge the dominion of the Great Turtle whose shell we all rest on in the public sphere.
The Republicans on the ethics panel have one task assigned to them: Find some Democrats to blame for the Foley scandal, and do it quick before the election. They are already well into the “but….Democrats can be perverts too!!!” defense.
Ahahahahah… Goldy’s post was incredibly funny for some reason.
I know that these pharmaceutical spammers find a rich market among the right-wing fucktards that post here, but I wish they’d quit.
What do you expect? President Bush hasn’t told Reichart what to think yet.
It’s too bad there isn’s a way to block the drug names, they’d stop spamming if they couldn’t get those on.
Actually, RubberStampReichert is simply too stupid to know how to answer so he’s gonna pass. Now we see why a high school drop out was able to beat this guy for 20 years!
Sounds like a phoney hero to me…
From the PI…
But some of Reichert’s past supervisors now note Reichert’s valor medals are unusual in coming so late — and because Reichert himself lobbied hard and repeatedly for them.
“David self-promoted himself for that award,” retired Sheriff’s Chief Frank Adamson said recently. Reichert even was turned down at least twice for one medal — for the throat-slashing incident — by sheriffs preceding Montgomery. Reichert had been too cavalier, some said, acting against policy during the incident.
“He got his throat slashed because of sloppy police work,” said Frank Atchley, who supervised Reichert in the 1980s. “He wants to be the hero. It was not a smart thing to do.”
Atchley recalls Reichert came to him, “years removed from the actual event,” seeking a recommendation for the medal.
“I said, ‘I don’t think you deserve a valor award for this,’ ” Atchley recalled. “There were tears in his eyes, he was very emotional.”
Atchley said he soon learned from then-Sheriff Vern Thomas that Thomas already had denied Reichert’s bid for the medal. “Sheriff Thomas told me, ‘I’ve looked at this,’ and said, ‘It’s over with and I don’t want to see that (award recommendation) again.’ Well, Dave had never told me that Thomas already had denied it.”
Thomas said recently he doesn’t specifically recall turning down Reichert, but trusts Atchley’s recollection.
More on Davie…
“As a detective, I never held Reichert in high esteem,” said Bob La Moria, one of Reichert’s supervisors. “He was more interested in dealing with victims’ feelings and sensitivities, which is commendable. But it doesn’t help you solve the case.”
Atchley, another supervisor, said Reichert “actually was more of an impediment to the investigation.”
“He was probably the worst detective I’ve ever worked with,” Atchley said. “He developed tunnel vision.”
No wonder Davie screws up so much when it comes to money…
Critics contend his eight-year sheriff’s stint also was marked by poor money management. During a county budget crisis in the early 2000s, Reichert repeatedly overspent his budget, “costing us tens of millions on his watch,” said Democratic County Councilman Larry Phillips, who was council budget chairman at the time.
Hey – The Bush regime lost its phoney terror bounce – Baby Bush the AWOL coke addict, and bankrupt trust-fund kid is at a miserable, horrible, unbelievably low 36% in the new Time poll.
We have to go back to the days of that other GOP crook Nixon to get that low!
Imagine that, someone who wants to find out what the facts are before they lynch someone!
Imagine that, someone who wants to find out what the facts are before they lynch someone!
Commentby sgmmac— 10/6/06@ 6:17 am
Why doesn’t he make a couple phone calls and find out what the facts are. Oh I forgot. Unfortunately he would have to call Republicans, and would probably only get more lies.
It is simple Davey. Ask Hastert “What did you know, and when did you know it” ok? Let him lie to you, so you can support, or not support him, and then when his lies are uncovered, you can have more Hastert egg on your face.
When your whole party is built on lies, what do you expect.
The only thing the GOP stands for is helping their billionare friends make more money, and stay in power. Period. Oh I forgot. They want to force christianity down our throats too…..
Instead of the culture of corruption, I think culture of retardation made as much sense…..
Again you Merry Fitzmas moonbats, ABC news has changed their tune. It seems the MAN was 18 when FOLEY started IMing him. This was their lead story. Merry Fitzmas moonbats. That’s why Brian Ross had to get more evidence. Now with the consent age as 16 in DC, what law may have been broken. Even the FBI is trying to determine what laws are broken. If we’re fucktards are you all ASSTARDS? Since you follow the northwest’s biggest ass you have to be ASSTARDS!
ASSTARDS, ALWAYS TRYING TO CONVICT before the jury returns THEIR verdict!
“House Speaker Hastert has said he heard about this a year ago and did nothing. I can’t comment on wht he has admitted to be true.”
13 MWS
Ooh, one guy was 18 when a Member of Congress asked him how long his penis is. Well, then I guess we should stop listening to the other pages who were under 18 when approached sexually by Foley. As a matter of fact, we should probably just stop the investigation right now.
Because really, the issue that’s important is how safe Repuvblicans can keep us. Wait a minute…tyat’s what we’re investigating! Hey!
It seems CBS News will tell the truth when ABC won’t about the guy and his age. Then after the blogger took ABC News to task for leaving the original email up for 4 days, the Democratic Underground going after his 11 year old son.
Daddy Love do you read or is farting words from your ass your entertainment method?
I wrote about the other IMs and these other boys. I wrote if this happens in DC the consent age is 16. I wrote FOLEY is a GAY scumbag.
I also wrote that justice has to be served, not guilty before trial like you donk act.
Wake up ASSTARD! Read before your fart. You’re like that South Park episonde last Wednesday night I watched because the rest of moonbat TV was boring. Kenny farted and shit while he was at his keyboard. Reminds me of the crap you post on ASSTARDS!
Of course, we should keep in mind that the incompetence, deceit, and venal self-interest we are seeing from the Republican leadership absolutely permeates everything they do, from the disastrously ineffective and expensive Medicare prescription drug bill to Katrina to Iraq.
It’s not just that we can’t trust them to keep us safe, even though that is more glaringly obvious all the time. But we can’t trust them to do anything.
17 MWS
Aw, did I hurt your feelings?
You’re ratcheting up the ol’ volume level there, son. Sounds increasingly desperate. Hint: saying your message louder won’t cause it to magically make sense.
Daddy Love: I wrote FOLEY is a Dem in Repub clothing. I wrote did he contact NAMBLA first. I wrote if guilty incarcerate him. I have not equivocated whatsoever. I said let the evidence be determined first. I have been the voice of reason here not you ASSTARDS!
Get your head from Kos’ ass and read, think, then blog, ASSTARD!
10 sgmmac
“Imagine that, someone who wants to find out what the facts are before they lynch someone! ”
Yes, how unlike a Republican.
Goldy…you’re wrong on this one. Facts should be used before conclusions are reached…isn’t that why you spend so much time tracking down facts about FEMA, drunk driving, etc?
20 MWS
Louder. I don’t think they heard you in Tacoma.
Ratcheting up what? That you, as an ASSTARD, an’t wait to incarcerate before trial? Merry Fitzmas ASSTARD!
ThomasTrainwinder: He can’t & he won’t. Look at the Daddy Love posts.
22 Thomas. It’s a fact that hastert admitted that he ehard about this a year ago and did nothing. Didn’t talk to a page. Didn’t alert the Page Board. Didn’t inform the Ethics Comittee. Are those “facts” anough for you?
There’s also the fact that underage pages galore are coming forward, which at leat indicates tht it would have been apice of cake for hastert to pick up the phone and find out everything in an hour or three.
BTW, all they asked Reichert was whether he was going to vote for Hastert as Speaker or Minority Leader. And he wouldn’t answer.
What is your “underage pages galore” count ASSTARD? ABC News. Their lead story going POOF because he was 18? Their are pictures on the web of him in a party holding a beer? In DC you have to be 18!
URL Citation?
Yes, I can tell you’re the voice of reason.
“FOLEY is a Dem in Repub clothing.”
Way to take responsibility.
Ahhh, the logic! The sweet, sweet reason! A deductive argument at its best. You could teach a class.
Naturally I add hyperbole and it flies right over the 4’8″ brain height of Daddy Love the 5th grade poster of ASSTARDS!
28 MWS
URL citation? You’re one to ask.
But heer:
Three More Former Pages Accuse Foley of Online Sexual Approaches
BTW, when Hastert alleges that Democrats and ABC News are somehow to blame for the Foley Republican child predator scandal, will you criticize him for not “waiting until the facts are in?”
I think that MikeWebbSucks/Puddybutt is jealous he didn’t get to the teen boys before his republican idol Foley did.
Regarding the Daddy Love measure of responsibility: If I didn’t say hang him if he’s guilty then I’d agree with you ASSTARD. If guilty let Lucy do the hokey pokey wuth him in the pokey!
30 Took you six posts to go look up “hyperbole.”
Let’s review the facts:
FACT: GOP staff, working for Republican Speaker Denny Hastert, warned the page class of 2001-2002 to stay away from Foley – five years ago.
FACT: Former chief of staff to GOP Rep. Tom Reynolds (R-NY), Kirk Fordham, says he warned Hastert’s chief of staff of Foley’s behavior three years ago. Whether or not you believe Fordham, his testimony is consistent with the other facts showing that the Republicans knew about Foley’s behavior long before last week.
FACT: Both Reps. John Boehner, the Republican House Majority Leader, and Tom Reynolds both say they told Dennis Hastert personally about the Foley issue months ago. Hastert says Boehner is lying. So one of the two most powerful Republicans in the House is lying about an investigation into a child sex predator. That deserves a separate investigation right there.
FACT: Hastert’s staff was informed of the Foley emails a year ago, but Hastert would like us to believe his staff simply never told him that a member of Congress, a member of his leadership team, was under investigation for preying sexually on young children – children who Hastert was responsible for.
And finally, the Republicans would have us believe that a 52 year old man sending emails to a 16 year old boy he doesn’t even know, and talking to that boy about how his 16 year old friend has a great body, is somehow merely “overly friendly.” That is absurd on its face.
I think that MikeWebbSucks/Puddybutt is jealous he didn’t get to the teen boys before his republican idol Foley did. Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 10/6/06@ 7:21 am
Reaching again? How am I Puddybud? My style different than his. Where did you come to that conclusion LeftHisTurdLostHisBrain – Left Turd, RightEqualsStupid, etc?
As I remember Puddy is a married black guy? What are you? GAY? You accusing him of crossing over?
Hastert/Reynolds/Shimkus/Foley scandal is affecting elections?
Puddybud is married to a black guy? Wow.
30 Took you six posts to go look up “hyperbole.” Commentby Daddy Love— 10/6/06@ 7:21 am
Another worthless effort from the ASSTARD! Anytime you want to match verbal wits and use impressive vocabulary, you can start right now Daddy Love. Your fifth grade blogging style is painful to read!
39 MWS
How many fifth grade bloggers are you IMing?
Post #38 is the most vile I’ve seen in a while from an ASSTARD!
None Daddy ASSTARD. How many are you blowing? Delivering loads in the Hershey Highway?
Is this supposedly 18 year old former page the same one who, in one IM message, told Foley to slow down because the former page was only 17? Is this the same former page where Drudge had a headline claiming that the page was 18, yet where the text of Drude’s post said that Foley and the former page had been IM’ing both before and after the page had turned 18?
The truly funny part is that you and your wingnut handlers are wasting time getting your facts screwed up when it’s not even the central issue. This is no longer about Foley. It stopped being about Foley when Foley resigned. It’s about the House Republican leadership failing to properly investigate Foley’s behavior when pages are being told to keep Foley at arm’s length.
But, hey, keep with the ostrich posture. It’s a sure-fire way to ensure that the Democrats take control of the House in November.
Andrew Sullivan on the scandals and the elections:
39 MWS
You’re a riot. The “Stupid asstard” screamer accusing me of “fifth grade blogging style.” Well, as it turns out, I’m rubber and you’re glue.
TIME poll:
President Bush’s overall approval rating, according to TIME’s poll, now stands at just 36%, down from 38% in August.
Great articles in the PI this Morning about Sheriff “Hairspray”
One talks about him covering up for a sergeant who set his home on fire, then coerced a confession from a young man before killing him. The family sued Reichart Et al. for 300K. Goldy needs to talk to the parent Shirley Wren on this one, and see if we can get an unsealed file. Much more relevant than a divorce case. This one actually cost us 300K, and a kid died.
The other article paints him as a “John Kerry” Medal of Valor guy, who went after the medals himself and was turned down multiple times for doing something stupid that he got hurt doing.
Come on righties READ the articles BEFORE you shoot the messenger.
So all the trolls think we should leave all the folks that protected a sexual predator alone so they an be re-elected! \
Vote Republican.
Watch your children.
Oh by the way freaks, how many direct warnings did Bush totally ignore before 9-11? We all know he didn’t lift a finger “just in case” there may be an attack coming.
If you disagree, name one action Bush took to protect us from terrorists before 9-11.
Try not to lie….. I know it’s hard.
(crickets will chirp forever on this one)
These animals wanted 9-11 to happen so they could have their new pearl harbor.
Bush, and all his inbred supporters will pay someday for their treason, and retardation.
Maybe they should have sent people over to Iraq to do the rebuilding that had more experience than pizza delivery boy.
Their only qualification was they had to have voted for Bush, and be anti-abortion.
Now shut up and buy cemetary plots for you children. Bush is considering military (in)action.
re 13: Would you be supporting Foley if he’d done this as a public school teacher?
A yes or no answer will suffice. But what I’m expecting is a personal attack or complete non-responsive silence silence in an attempt to deflect the question which cuts right to the heart of your honesty and integrity — of which you have none.
Whatever happened to the Contract With America?
Weren’t we promised a new way of doing things in Congress?
Isn’t that why Tom DeLay had to step down as Majority Leader even though “all the evidence wasn’t in”? My recollection is that the conference rules that put DeLay out were part of the “Contract”. What makes Hastert so different? They promised us Congressional leadership free of the taint of scandal. And once again they lied.
A bit of news. The Tacoma News Tribune is reporting that the House ethics committee has begun its investigation into the scandal, including who knew what and when.
One interesting tidbit is that the panel has chosen not to hire an outside investigator, as they did with the scandals surrounding Jim Wright and Newt Gingrich. Instead, our very own Rep “Doc” Hastings will head up the investigation. He pledges to “go wherever the evidence leads”.
Wait, isn’t this the same Rep Hastings that was chosen to lead the ethics committee, because the person that was in line for leadership (Rep Hefley, R-Co) had voted to admonish then-Majority Leader Tom DeLay? Wasn’t the person that hand-picked him for the job Rep Hastert? Hasn’t Rep Hastings already gone on record (since the scandal broke) as saying “I think the speaker has done an excellent job”?
Now he chooses not to hire an outside investigator. He can be fair and balanced. Can’t he?
Imagine that, someone who wants to find out what the facts are before they lynch someone!
Commentby sgmmac— 10/6/06@ 6:17 am
Yes. Imagine that. Think back to all the outraged letters to the editor you wrote regarding the Whitewater “investigation”. Oh, you didn’t write any? Pity.
The republican party set the bar pretty low–those who live by the smear standard die by it. While not perfect by any means, this strikes me as fair, as we shall see in a few weeks.
Another crushing blow to the righties who want to do everything in their power to stop people from voting!
Republican John Warner wants us to cut and run from Iraq within 90 days. I guess that’s okay with the fake freedom fighters because Johnboy is a republican.
Warning. Honest representation of our commander (sic) in chief.
Hey Trolls: Your house of cards built entirely of lies, and empty rhetoric is about to fall.
Good riddance.
Dick (the traitor) Cheney: “The Republicans are in their last throes” or something….
A vote for Reichert, is a vote for Bush.
Cast it wisely.
You better watch Olbermann’s video above.
Bush doesn’t know the difference between terrorists and critics.
What a leader. He will kill tens of thousands of innocent people, and never explain why. (he did of course lie about why over and over)
What was the “noble cause” Bush?
(crickets chirping till the war crimes trial at the Hague)
MWS @ 15:
I wrote about the other IMs and these other boys. I wrote if this happens in DC the consent age is 16. I wrote FOLEY is a GAY scumbag.
I don’t think the AOC is really 16 in DC. It is clearly, unambiguously illegal to have sex with persons under the age of 16. There is then a “4 years” window in the law, which is similar to Washington. The Washington state law is written fairly clearly and unambigously, while the DC law is pretty murky.
I am stunned that anyone is making this defense though. Yes, you might be able to wiggle through the legal inkblot that sits here. The problem remains that 50 year-old men who hit on 16 year-old boys are unambiguously pretty sick fucks.
Furthermore, it’s stupid beyond words. Pages are generally the children of well-connected campaign contributors. I have never had any interest in getting me some young tail, but if that was how my sick brain worked, there are a healthy quantity of runaways and similarly wayward children in every big city I’ve been in. Runaway teens generally don’t report your misbehavior to their wealthy and well-connected parents.
SP will soon standard for SPEAKER PELOSI!!!
Day One: Put new rules in place to “break the link between lobbyists and legislation.”
Day Two: Enact all the recommendations made by the commission that investigated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Time remaining until 100 hours: Raise the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour, maybe in one step. Cut the interest rate on student loans in half. Allow the government to negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices for Medicare patients.
Broaden the types of stem cell research allowed with federal funds _ “I hope with a veto-proof majority,” she added in an Associated Press interview Thursday.
All the days after that: “Pay as you go,” meaning no increasing the deficit, whether the issue is middle class tax relief, health care or some other priority.
To do that, she said, Bush-era tax cuts would have to be rolled back for those above “a certain level.” She mentioned annual incomes of $250,000 or $300,000 a year and higher, and said tax rates for those individuals might revert to those of the Clinton era. Details will have to be worked out, she emphasized.
“We believe in the marketplace,” Pelosi said of Democrats, then drew a contrast with Republicans. “They have only rewarded wealth, not work.”
“Imagine that, someone who wants to find out what the facts are before they lynch someone!”
Then shouldn’t we have someone ivestigating who wants to find out what the facts are before they praise someone’s perfomance?
Hastings: “I think the speaker has done an excellent job.”
What is funny about Reichert, is the fact that his experience in law enforcement didn’t seem to play a part in the Foldy scandal. It appears Republicans have known for years this freak was hitting on children, and did nothing.
I wonder if they ever mentioned it to Sherriff Dave, and if he ever considered IT MAY HAVE BEEN A CRIME.
They warned the kids to stay away from this predator.
I just wonder if Dave is guilty of the “purposeful looking the other way” too.
Any comments Reichert Staff?
“Just wait until after the elections, and we’ll make some bold decisions. I know we could make changes now, but really, just wait, and I guarantee they’ll be bold. They’ll be really, really good decisions, and definitely bold. I know that the decisions we’ve made for the last three years have been not so good, but this time it will be different. I know we’ve never changed course or challenged the president, but this time it will be different.”
Is America the battered wife who will take back these assholes after years af abuse based on yet another recitation of empty promises to change? Mmmm, I don’t think so. I think they’re going to the ol’ dumper.
It looks like the 9-11 widows are upset about the fact that Rice and Bush ignored the Tenet in your face 10 out of 10 warning.
I wonder why they would be upset. They only lost their husbands, and wives because Bush was too busy handing out pork to his friends to protect us…….
Vote Republican Destroy America in a thousand ways.
Waiting for the polls in the 8th to watch the “Republican fatigue” hit Gay Pride Dave right in the chops.
New jobs created? Not so much. 51K.
I am stunned that anyone is making this defense though. Yes, you might be able to wiggle through the legal inkblot that sits here. The problem remains that 50 year-old men who hit on 16 year-old boys are unambiguously pretty sick fucks.
Furthermore, it’s stupid beyond words. Pages are generally the children of well-connected campaign contributors. I have never had any interest in getting me some young tail, but if that was how my sick brain worked, there are a healthy quantity of runaways and similarly wayward children in every big city I’ve been in. Runaway teens generally don’t report your misbehavior to their wealthy and well-connected parents.
This is generally correct, but I think it’s ultimately secondary. The scandal here is not Foley’s behavior, which was clearly inappropriate, and for which he has resigned in disgrace. The age of any particular page, or even if they had sex, is largely irrelevant. The true scandal is that the House GOP leadership was so focused on keeping control of Foley’s seat in Congress that they looked the other way even after they knew that Foley was using the page program as his personal dating service. They treated is as just one “campaign issue” among many others that might affect the election. It never occurred to them that they should do something about it because it was wrong; their only concern was whether or not it would affect their own power.
Let’s start a Hastert resignation pool. I’m in for $20 that he resigns next week.
Commentby headless lucy […Covered, Union Hack Headless Lucy. 20 bucks. Goldy will hold funds after next week. JCH]
The true scandal is that the House GOP leadership was so focused on keeping control of Foley’s seat in Congress that they looked the other way even after they knew that Foley was using the page program as his personal dating service.
Yes, this is true. The behavior of the leadership has been depolorable, and that will cost the GOP a lot more than a single pedarest congressman would.
I briought it up because MWS has been trying to explain that DC age of consent laws make Foley’s actions legal. Well, maybe it’s true. This is an example of… what’s that term again? Ah, yes! “moral relativism”. I knew I’d remember it sooner or later!
There are some defenses and rationalizations you simply don’t want to make.
I briought it up because MWS has been trying to explain that DC age of consent laws make Foley’s actions legal. Well, maybe it’s true. This is an example of… what’s that term again? Ah, yes! “moral relativism”. I knew I’d remember it sooner or later!
There are some defenses and rationalizations you simply don’t want to make.
I understand your point, and I think it’s important to rebut as many of the defenses of the indefensible as possible. In that respect, I don’t want to come off as though I’m criticizing you. I’m not.
My concern is simply that this “defense” is a distraction from the real issue. The attention should be focused as much as possible on the heart of the matter, something I think Glenn Greenwald does quite well yet again.
Warnings from leaders of other nations and foreign intelligence apparatus’ of terrorist threats
June 30, 2001 Senior Executive Intelligence Briefing (SEIB) entitled “bin Laden Threats Are Real”
The threat of President Bush’s assassination at the G-8 Summit by al Qaeda in July of 2001 – using aircraft to dive bomb the summit building
July 2001 Phoenix memo, which told of potential terrorists taking flight lessons
52 FAA warnings – five of which mentioned al Qaeda’s training for hijacking
August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Brief entitled “bin Laden Determined to Strike in US”
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)entitled “Islamist Extremists Learn to Fly”
Intelligence agency heads describing themselves with their “hair on fire” to characterize the imminent nature of the threats they were intercepting from Al Qaeda and their sense of urgency in relating them to the Bush Administration
The arrest of Zacharias Moussaoui in August of 2001
FBI Agent Harry Samit’s 70 unsuccessful attempts to get a FISA Warrant to examine Moussaoui’s belongings
Just a few warnings ignored by the Bushies.
How can we win the war on terror with a retard in charge?
In that respect, I don’t want to come off as though I’m criticizing you. I’m not.
If you go off on another of your rants about Gnomisticism, I’ll feel criticized. Otherwise, it’s all good.
My concern is simply that this “defense” is a distraction from the real issue. The attention should be focused as much as possible on the heart of the matter, something I think Glenn Greenwald does quite well yet again.
Thanks for posting that link. It’s good reading. I fervently hope things play out as Greenwald posits.
“DC age of consent laws make Foley’s actions legal. ”
Funny, but I can somehow remember a rabid bunch of critics who at one time thought that pointing out that an activity of which many people disapprove is legal was “parsing” and that it was violation of the Great Moral Absolutes of which they are so fond that is the real issue. Funny also that lying and abdicating a responsibility to protect those with whose protection one is charged aren’t there somewhere on the Big List of Moral Absolutes.
If you go off on another of your rants about Gnomisticism, I’ll feel criticized. Otherwise, it’s all good.
In that case, I’ll put a temporary brake on my proselytizing.
Plus we’ll be better positioned in the 2008 presidential election by rebalancing the electroal college votes. [????]
Commentby GBS [………….Democrat New York, Democrat PA, Democrat Michigan are losing [“electroal” ?] electorial votes, and the Republican South is gaining votes. Not only can’t you spell, but you have made another dumb ass mistake. JCH]
Another TJ @ 73:
In that case, I’ll put a temporary brake on my proselytizing.
You know me. Believe what you want in the privacy of your own home, as long as you acknowledge the dominion of the Great Turtle whose shell we all rest on in the public sphere.
The Republicans on the ethics panel have one task assigned to them: Find some Democrats to blame for the Foley scandal, and do it quick before the election. They are already well into the “but….Democrats can be perverts too!!!” defense.
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