UPDATE: Day 2 is posted. And it seems that the lying continues. SJ’s sock-puppet, Charlie Kee, made an appearance, but SJ claimed it’s not him:
BTW … my Google must be fucked up as it seems not to be able top find these posts you claim I mad as Charlie Kee.
FWIW, I did once know someone by that name. He was a Captain in the Navy Medical Core. I may have mentioned him in some post, but I do not remember.
Here’s the comment from September where you admitted to being Charlie Kee. Does that refresh your memory, you lying douchebag?
Feeling a wee bit defensive, Lee?
Just annoyed. I’m really sick and tired of seeing him lie about me as much as he does – and specifically lie about things that I’ve supposedly said or advocated that are just in his imagination.
I admire SJ. I admire how much he has gotten under Lee’s skin. SJ, will you teach me how to be as annoying as you? I’m serious. I want to learn.
You’re already far more annoying than he could ever be, asshat.
Of all the KLOWNS on HA, Seattle Jew consistently provides the most reasoned arguments. So Lee, rather than address SJ’s comments & opinion about Lee, attacks him.
Typical, typical, typical.
So Lee–
1) “1. Lee has no interest in the dominant movement among Jews, peace.”
What is your interest in “peace”??
2. Lee, for example, far overstates the rather limited medicinal value of marijuana.
Let’s hear your rant once again about the “medicinal value” of marrijuana.
Didn’t you tell us you were a pothead for decades??
Lee, take down this post. Take it private, or take to the comment section, but it’s not worthy of a HA post. It diminishes the blog.
What is your interest in “peace”??
I have consistently been a supporter of a peaceful two-state solution for as long as I’ve been blogging, and for a long time before that.
Let’s hear your rant once again about the “medicinal value” of marrijuana.
Numerous medical organizations, from the American College of Physicians to the National Institute of Health have clearly stated that marijuana has medicinal value.
Didn’t you tell us you were a pothead for decades??
I smoked pot for 15 years, and I may smoke again later in life. I’ve never used the drug medicinally, but I do know a number of people who do.
It diminishes the blog.
Oh, the irony.
@6 No, I think it should be left up. Let everybody see what happens when you step off the reservation.
Tolerance only goes one way here.
@7 Lee
1. Ok, then what was your intent in running the Blumberg piece?
2. When have you talked about Peace Now or any of the other Jewish or Israeli efforts to create peace?
3. No, the American College of Physicians has not said their is medicinal value to marijuana, they have said there is limited value to THC and no evidence that justifies illegalization.
This is an important difference because you have advocated smoking the stuff and ignored the simple fact that THC is legally available to any patient. Does it ever occur to you that advocating that sick people should the ones to fight for legalization of a drug you enjoy recreationaly is self serving?
Haven’t you also argued that there is medical evidence that pot is an effective analgesic (antidote for pain) and even that is has anti cancer effects.
Can you find any major scientific group that supports your oft stated claim that there are patients who need to smoke weed to treat their disease?
I have thought abut just ignoring you .. or at least ignoring the posts that do no harm. It is no skin off of my back is you smoke yourself silly. Yur more than occasional descriptions of me as an ass hole, exual pervert, retard, douche bag, etc. seem to me to diminsh your poit more than mine.
I do care about having my personal integrity demeaned. Being called a liar all the time ticks me off.
I do, moreover, object to your promoting quack medicine or inhalation of carcinogens.
I do take offense, as a Jew committed to peace, at any damn fool who depicts the Jews as you do.
As you know this goes beyond HA flame wars and has included personal threats that in one case, even resulted in the police contacting me out of fear that you would cause violence.
The main thing I want to come out of all this is for the United States to withdraw from the Middle East and let the neighbors settle the problems amongst themselves.
We’ve got enough problems here in the US to worry about Israel and the Muslim states that surround it, and, I believe, Israel can take care of itself.
Ok, let’s count up the lies again:
That’s a lie.
Again, I’ve never advocated that patients specifically smoke it. You made that up.
I do care about having my personal integrity demeaned. Being called a liar all the time ticks me off.
Then stop lying.
As you know this goes beyond HA flame wars and has included personal threats that in one case, even resulted in the police contacting me out of fear that you would cause violence.
That’s a third lie, and a huge one. I contacted SPD because your employer asked me to after I contacted them about your refusal to stop emailing me and approaching me in public.
People are going to smoke marijuana regardless of what the medical profession says. How about we come to that realization and legalize this product for use by adults? What’dya say? How about allowing adults to assume responsibility as to whether or not they choose to smoke marijuana, drink beer, or eat high-fat, high-cholesterol foods? After all, life is eventually fatal for us all!
Sticks and stone will break my bones, but Lee is afraid of words.
Since lee is getting pissy that means there is some truth in the words of SJ.
Islam is the religion of terrorism. It’s a religion of hate, anger, and sexism. Their founder was a child rapist and terrorist. Muslims are greedy pigs who hate Jews. Muslims have 99.9% of the land in the greater middle east, but that’s not enough for them. They want it all. The only thing I like about Muslims is their criminal justice system. Take those 5 “African Americans” involved in robbing and killing that armored car guard down in Lakewood. If this were Saudi Arabia, they would all be tried and executed by now. Same with the Tubaman killers. I wish we had that sort of justice here in America.
@15: Speaking of Liars – I will still call you out Stamn for the ignoramus you are.
You are a verified liar Stamn. Get lost.
Rasmussen Alert!!
The Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll today has the Presidential Approval Index at +3, an increase of 200% since only yesterday!!! Approval for our nation’s president is soaring!! Skyrocketing!!! U, up, to the stratosphere!!
This obviously sucks for Mr. Klynical. He checks the Rasmussen Poll each morning to see if he’s going to have a good day or a bad day. His entire outlook on life hinges on the outcome of a daily tracking poll!! Alas, Mr. Klynical is having a very bad day today. So sad.
Lee has never been accused of being tolerant.
Don’t make me force you not to come down to los angeles.=
What’s the line?
I hereby accuse Lee of being tolerant. No need to apologize.
“Islam is the religion of terrorism.”
An assertion that is applicable to extremist elements of any organized religion you can name. You might as well state that all terrorists are homo sapiens, which is essentially meaningless.
Do you honestly consider calling people you disagree with a lying douchebag tolerant?
Must be fun times around your dinner table.
At the bottom of this link is a long list of acts of terrorism committed by Muslims in just the last two months. Can you find a similar list of acts of terrorism committed by another religion?
2 out of 3 rapes in Norway are committed by men of “non-western backgrounds.”
Proud to be an Ass, how do you explain that statistic?
My question is, how/why is he still employed if he is making threats from employer provided resources and you have contacted said employer and they referred you to the police? This is precisely the reason I limit my blogging time and watch what I say while blogging from work.
Speaking of work, I am relocating to the San Diego area in the next week. I was one of the people laid off from Microsoft last month and I just found a job (that includes paid relocation) in San Diego, my hometown. It’s been both interesting and entertaining reading the blogs in here. I’ll have to enjoy from afar from now on. Peace!
Itching Goldy@29: Good luck to you.
Well, it’s absolutely not surprising to see our resident wingnut trolls lining up to defend an alleged liar.* Lies attract wingnuts like shit attracts flies. Feast time! Flies can’t overgorge on shit, and wingnuts can’t get enough lies to ever feel satiated — they always need more. Lies are wingnuts’ energy source.
* Notice I said “alleged;” I’m not taking sides on this, not yet. I haven’t researched it, and don’t have much interest in researching it, but I’d feel pretty uncomfortable about having friends like Cynical and Troll.
@11 “The main thing I want to come out of all this is for the United States to withdraw from the Middle East and let the neighbors settle the problems amongst themselves.”
Never mind that the Middle East has 2/3rds of the world’s oil, we can work around that by drilling more holes in the U.S.A., and we don’t even have to give up our gas guzzlers, right? At least, that’s the official GOP line …
@14 “How about allowing adults to assume responsibility as to whether or not they choose to smoke marijuana, drink beer, or eat high-fat, high-cholesterol foods? After all, life is eventually fatal for us all!”
Fine, I’m all for giving people the freedom to self-destruct, being a liberal and all, but how about we also make them pay for the medical consequences of their lifestyles, instead of passing those costs through to me through higher insurance premiums, higher hospital bills, etc.?
This is somewhat like the motorcycle helmet debate — remember that? Motorcycles are mostly ridden by young people, many of whom have inadequate or no insurance, and so when they wrap themselves around a light pole and become quadriplegics, it’s we taxpayes who have to fork out millions of dollars to take care of them in a nursing home for the next 50 years.
When someone smokes or soaks his liver in alcohol or saturates his bloodstream with cholesterol and then I have to pay for his medical care, it becomes my business.
@16 “Islam is the religion of terrorism.”
So is Christianity. See, e.g., the Crusades, Inquisition, burning of “heretics,” Salem witch trials, Indian boarding schools, Western colonialism, Republican rendition and torture, etc.
@15 et seq. — Folks, you’ll have to excuse Stamn. If he lives in L.A., as he claims, and has been breathing the air down there … well, that explains a lot. Not everything, but a lot of it.
@25 “Do you honestly consider calling people you disagree with a lying douchebag tolerant?”
If someone is a lying douchebag, then yes, saying he’s a lying douchebag isn’t intolerant because that’s just reporting facts.
@26 See #34.
@27 What percentage of rapes in the U.S. are committed by caucasians of western backgrounds?
This is too funny. Lying about what another believes or has said is equated with “stepping off the reservation”.
Nice demo of right wing behavior there.
@28 Good question. The U-Dub must have pretty lax policies compared to other state agencies. When I worked for the state any blogging at work, no matter how benign, would get you disciplined; hell, even bidding on eBay could get you suspended or fired.
Does that number surprise you? That 2 out of 3 rapes in Norway are committed by men of non-western backgrounds? Keep in mind what a small percentage men of non-western backgrounds are in Norway.
Does that high percentage rate surprise you?
@29 You and Southern California deserve each other.
@41 Answer my question. How many U.S. rapes are committed by caucasians of western background? Why won’t you answer that question? Are you afraid of the question?
@41 (continued) After you answer my question, here’s another one: How many serial rapists does Saudi Arabia have?
I’ll answer your question this way:
“37,460 White women and girls were raped by Black men in the United States in 2005. In contrast, the government figures show that there are almost no rapes by White men against Black women!”
I know you’re a very smart man, so you’re either missing my point by accident, or on purpose.
Norway is an almost totally white country, but over the last couple of decades they have had increased immigration from Muslim countries. Those are the “non-western” people they study referred to. But they are still a tiny minority of Norway’s population. Yet, those Muslims account for 66% of all the rapes that occur in Norway.
I think that’s an amazing statistic.
Don’t pat yourself on the back there too hard Lee; when you’re sober you’ll realize that your not nearly as important as you think you are; but rather an insignifigant stoner that can dish it, but can’t take it when fired back upon. Thanks for the circus though, I was entertained.
Obviously the school did not agree with lee about the “threat.” They blew lee of by sending him to the police.
And what did the police do? They also blew lee off.
What lee viewed as a threat no one else did.
Lee, like, do you ever get really baked, then look at car license plates that say “The Evergreen State,” and then wonder why there is no green on the license plate, anywhere? I mean, like, the mountain is all blue and stuff. What’s up with that? If you’re going to have “The Evergreen State” on the license plate, there should at least be some green on there somewhere.
Pretty trippy stuff, huh?
@45 You still haven’t answered my question. Obviously you never went to college. On a college exam, if you try to change the question instead of answering the test question, you get a failing grade. It works the same way when I ask a question.
@46 Why am I not surprised that an idiot like you can’t tell the difference between a rabbit and a man? Does this look like a man?
@49 This absolutely should win some sort of prize for irrelevancy.
Hey, back off, man. This is two stoners trippin’ out with each other. Lee’s vibin’ on me. Aren’t ya, Lee?
Obviously you never went to troll college. We’re taught if we DON’T change or twist someone’s question, we’re not worthy of the label troll.
Obviously you never went to ANY college of any kind. Watching O’Liely and Beck don’t qualify for college credit.
like joe liberman.
Except for his view on the war, he marched lockstep with the democrat party.
Because he stepped off the reservation on the war he was kicked out of the party.
Yet the democrats believe they are the big tent party.
Big tent as long as everyone marches lockstep.
C’mon Rog, when you worked at the state, there was no such thing as the internet…..let alone blogging…
I’m not taking sides here, but the link you provided does not exactly contradict what SJ said. It also shows that ACP has a greater position than SJ claimed.
“Marijuana appears to have medical utility and federal constraints should be lifted so that the drug’s medical uses can be studied, the American College of Physicians said in a new policy statement”
The ACP does not state that there IS medicinal utility to marijuana, just that there APPEARS to be some, and research is needed….
The actual ACP document talks about avail THC medicines avail now, and that research into marijuana should happen…
So, you are both arguing a razor thin line of distinction with regards to that point, and I make no comments with regard to your SJ’s differences..
@14 Politically Incorrct
The dispute with Lee is totally from his side because I have criticized his misuse of the term medical marijuana.
The facts are that marijuana has a limited clinical use that can be fulfilled by THC. THC is available from Walgren’s or any other drug store by prescription. No responsible agency advocates smoking the stuff because there are safer ways to get THC.
As for whether adults shiuld be free to smoke MJ.. of course! as long as the risks are made clear. We do not need or want another tobacco style epidemic.
Right Stuff
Your statement is correct. Also, as you point out, THC is an approved drug.
A few other facts:
1. there is no good evidence that marijuana is an effective analgesic .. that is there are far more effective ways of treating pain.
2. There is no evidence that marijuana is more effective than THC (a legal drug ).
3. While the APC does say cannabis research is worthwhile, there are many other plants that are worthy of study and under study as well. Not hing about MJ makes it more worthwhile to study than many other plants.
The restrictions on marijuana for pharmacological stu8dies are silly and directly related to thre obsession that the anti MJ crowd has with tyhe “evil” weed.
@60 Roger:
Just to set the record straight, under Washington State law a computer or a telephone can be used for what is called de minimis use as long as one does not engage in political campaigning or runing a business. The line is crossed when the activity is excessive or interferes with work. The result of Lee’s efforts was an investigatiojn and an interview and he was informed that I wqas not violating the law. There3 was a suggestion that I not use a UW email address whe blogging and, as a matter of fact, I do not and actually maintain a separate address as a blogger because I have found that blog posts generate a lot of spam.
BTW, also under the law, I am not paid by the hour nor do I account for may time that way. I ampaid professionally .. for “full time effort.” This emans can not legally take on a second job if that exceeds a small proportion of my 24/7 week!
So, sitting here at home, even though this happens to be my Comcast account, I am also working for the UW and they do not pay for this computer at all (other than some software I use for work) even though at least 50% of mky effort id doen at home. I have some years ago used a UW computer at home but chose to buy this one instead to avoid exactly the issues Lee’s behavior raised.
Lee’s phone calls, BTW, have gone further than he says. The officer who spoke with me was concerned that Lee (she of course did not identify him) might incite violence against me from the Muslim community. She asked if I wanted protection. I reassured her that I did not expect any one in the Muslim community to pay attention to him and had not received any flak from anyone other than Lee.
56 – Nice deflection there Stamno. The issue is whether SJ has lied or misrepresented any of Lee’s views. Delbert characterizes that as “stepping off” – another distortion. Something you and pals on the right do ALL THE TIME.
As for Lieberman, marching lockstep with the Bushies on the war was the least of the problems we had with him. It was piling on his own party with the Rovians when it was down that sunk him. He’s with us now because we’ve won – hopefully the people of CT will recall him when the time comes. I’ve registered my opinion about that miserable SOB but it’s up to them to do what they will.
Since I am a newcomer to HA, can someone tell me what this is all about? Has Lee been harassed by SJ or is Lee stuck in someschool yard?
I was told that HA was “the” place for local progressive discussion .. with some fun added in by trolls. This thread seems more like some porn site fighting over Barbara Bush or Michelle Obama has a bigger rear end!
If I were the Nun here, I owuld make Lee sit in a corner.
Lee is angry with SJ because SJ disagreed with Lee about some issue. Basically, he’s angry SJ doesn’t think exactly like him on this issue, and because of that, he doesn’t want to associate with him anymore.
Did 3-Tokes Over the Line” Lee really call “the Fuzz” on you??
Why didn’t he just block your e-mails?
Lee’s over-reaction sounds like what happens after 15 years of heavy pot-smoking.
Yawn. Let’s see if there’s something less incestuous on another blog.
Charlie Kee is SJ. It’s a sock-puppet. Pathetic.
Lee is angry with SJ because SJ disagreed with Lee about some issue.
No, I’m angry with SJ because he’s lying about me. People like me, who care very strongly about the truth, get very annoyed with people like him.
@61 SJ, I know what state law is. Apparently it doesn’t occur to you that some agencies and/or administrators may have more restrictive policies. Evidently, you also have no experience of working in a climate of bureaucratic warfare where the knives are always drawn it’s not a good idea to do anything, however de minimis, that your enemies could use against you.
I want to jump on the bandwagon, but you know how I am, I like to study the issue first.
Is that you guessing that he’s a sockpuppet or you using your powers to check the IPs.
@26: “Can you find a similar list of acts of terrorism committed by another religion?’
Found this on the net in about 5 seconds. There’s undoubtedly much more, given the terrorist actions of the Israeli state in it’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land and the inhumane subjugation of its people:
You know, you are kinda’ pathetic in a sorrowful sort of way.
It’s a sock-puppet he’s used before. I guess that it’s possible that it’s a different person using the same name, but I’m not sure the odds on that are all too great.
Hindu terrorism?
Christians and terrorism? Heaven forbid:
Too easy.
Boy, I’m gone for awhile and the HA Happy Hooligans turn on each other. Whattup???
Lee…whatever happened to letting the free marketplace of ideas filter out the truth from the fiction? Instead you go an an ad-hominem-attack binge. Short fuse? Or just not cut out for the kind of debate Goldy literally invites and endorses?
Sure, SJ can be pompous and pretentious, but if that’s the cardinal sin, why not attack Rabbit who has a PhD in pompous and pretentious?
What I want to know is whether there will be a series about SJ on Effinunsound?
If your skin is so thin that the rough ‘n tumble that prevails around here annoys you, then maybe it’s time to find a new hobby…
Just sayin’
The Piper
* Lee v. SJ: Dumber v. Dumbererer;
* Golden Goat: Don Joe is so anal he’s an asshole. Daily Klake, alas, once called Don Joe a great American. Daily Klake regrets the error;
* “I.F. Stone, Soviet Agent — Case Closed” (via Comentary, May 2009);
* “I.F. Stone, Journalist — and Spy? … The evidence is inconclusive” (via American Prospect, June 2009);
* Muslim Brotherhood: Osama Obama for Mufti;
* Stephanie Miller beat the Rush for referring to the very junior senator from Illinois as ‘Osama Obama,’ but Limbaugh was quoting the senior senator from Mass. Had Teddy on tape, in fact, long before the diagnosis but long after the alcohol;
* Seattle Weekly smacked down Craigslist and declaimed that prostitution-is-not-a-victimless-crime. Then the Savage Strangers pewled about the hostile takeover of a rub-and-tug temple on Eastlake where priestesses helped worshippers with their gender issues. Question: Is the Weakly guilty of hypocrisy or, even worse, is the Stranger guilty of committing capitalism … since it looks like every down low ho in the whole effing free world sells sex in the Weakly or the Stranger?
* Finally got to Omnivore’s Dilemma and its sad sequel. Daily Klake has a few (hundred) omnivorous things to say about Pollan’s books, and would welcome a scrimmage. Wanna play?
* Has anybody seen our little buddy YLB? Can you tell us where he’s gone? And where he’s gone (wrong)? This time?
Lee…whatever happened to letting the free marketplace of ideas filter out the truth from the fiction? Instead you go an an ad-hominem-attack binge. Short fuse? Or just not cut out for the kind of debate Goldy literally invites and endorses?
Piper, if I spent the last three years of my life dedicated to lying about your views on the internet, you’d be as pissed as I am. This isn’t about a disagreement, this is about a person who continually and intentionally accuses me of saying, doing, and believing things that I’ve never said, never done, and don’t believe.
And if you don’t believe me that he does this kind of shit, ask Pudge. He’ll tell you.
This isn’t about having “thin-skin” on the issues I believe in. It’s about not tolerating a liar. I have a very big problem with dishonesty.
A moment of respectful silence, please, for our beloved Piper, who has been displaced or dislodged as the object of Stalker Lee’s attentions and affection. The upside for SJ is that unfaithful Lee will soon tire of his SJ obsession, and will start stalking David Letterman.
Question; Have you noticed that Lee stalks only, like, guys? Not that there’s anything wrong with that …
Pipin’ Kudos to Piper, who is an excellent spokesman/person for the excellent Evergreen Freedom Foundation.
Heard any good en-gin-eer jokes lately? Like, um, ‘now I are one’?
Breathtakingly long list of terrorist attacks from 2001 to 2003. All committed by Muslims.
Some examples:
Algeria. Man who repented his Islamic beliefs killed by armed Islamists.
Russia. Three people were killed in a series of bombings at a cafe and bus stop by Muslim terrorists.
India . Islamic militants kidnap an 85-year-old man and kill him in captivity.
Kosovo. Muslims waiting in the bushes with automatic weapons ambush Serbian boys (ages 10 to 20) who were returning from a swimming trip. Two are killed and four injured.
USA Houston, TX. After undergoing a religious revival, a Saudi college student slashes the throat of a Jewish student with a 4″ butterfly knife, nearly decapitating the young man.
Turkey. A young woman finally dies after clinging to life for seven months in a coma following a stoning for becoming pregnant.
Sudan. Islamic troops attack a Christian village, burning homes and killing at least fifty-nine villagers. They also take captive several women and children (some of whom are killed later).
Morocco. Four coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda against Western and Jewish targets leave at least forty-one dead and more than sixty-five injured.
Philippines. Islamic rebels attack a passenger bus, killing at least twelve (including the driver) and taking several hostages.
Israel. A Palestinian suicide bomber blows up a bus, killing at least fifteen and injuring thirty-seven. A 14-year-old American girl is among the dead.
Saudi Arabia. British man shot to death by Islamists while waiting at a traffic light.
USA Los Angeles. Muslim gunman kills two people waiting at the El Al counter in the LAX airport.
Bangladesh. A Buddhist monk is stabbed to death by Islamic terrorists after returning home from prayers.
Nigeria. Muslim gunmen storm a Christian prayer meeting attempting to kill the leader. Twelve are killed, an unknown number injured.
And there are hundreds and hundreds more, just like the one’s above. Again, you will not believe how long this list of individual Muslim terrorist attacks are, occurring all over the world.
Sheesh…Welcome to my world. I come on to HA to spread the truth, and what thanks have I received? You think you have it bad!
But…it’s the price you pay for being out there. Ever thought that there may be a metric ton of people who think the same of you? Hmmm…???
IMHO…you need to get a thicker skin.
Again…just sayin’
The Piper
Sort of like the tired old debate re the writing of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Were they really written by Shakespeare? Or by somebody else with the same name?
I know it’s the price I pay for “being out there”, but this situation is unique. SeattleJew has been obsessed with me. He comments on nearly every single one of my posts accusing me of saying things I’ve never said, while constantly trying to be my friend in public (and he’s been doing it for 3 years). I even tried to be his friend for a while before I started to realize that he was mentally unstable and the pattern of lying got way worse.
He has the behavior of a mad stalker, and it really freaks me out. My natural impulse is to just tell him to go fuck himself, but that only makes him try harder to be my “buddy”. It’s fucking scary, dude. You have no idea.
Welcome back, T. There does seem to be a pattern there.
Wanting to be Lee’s buddy … SJ is deranged indeed.
Still it’s impossible to waste pity on the most repellent of HA’s repellent horses and asses. That be Lee, with Rabbit as Miss Congeniality runner-up.
And queen-for-a day Lee and Miss Congeniality Rabbit would surely have no problem with Perez Hilton.
Suck on this KLOWNS!
Europeans Punish Left-Leaning Parties in EU Vote
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Perhaps THC can help … did you check PDR?
HNMT @ all
What no favorable mentions for moi? I’m hurt…
Go Cheney yourself.
Oops scratch. You’d luuuuurvve THAT to death! LOL!
Perhaps THC can help … did you check PDR or DSM?
You got honorable mention in Daily Klake, @76! Cheney right back at ya!
And Gordon Brown’s commies in Britannia, which waives the rules, are even less popular than Cheney or herpes.
Did I tell you, little buddy, that homeboy Cheney and I are thissssss close? Wrote to him in 1992 and told him the only way I could have voted for GHWB was if Cheney were on the ticket, preferably at the top. Dick sent a respectful reply and asked for $ so he could become our president in 1996.
Mission accomplished. Go Clymer yourself.
@65 Lee did more than call the police, but I do not think there is much benefit in this sort of stuff.
There is a lot that he does that is admireable … I think his posts on the drug wars are very good.
@80 “Heard any good en-gin-eer jokes lately?”
Oh well. I guess you’d have to know a few lighting designers.
@69 Roger ..
Sorry, I did not make ,myself clear. The UW faculty is under a unqiue set of state laws because the faculty code, written by the faculty and having the force of law, guarantees a number of rights other state employees may not have ..esp. in regard to free speech.
There are actually some conflicts between state law and the code but only one, that I know of, has come to court here .. then the code won because the judge through out the state’s case because the UW tried to go sround the code.
The code also has certain unusual protections derived from the Bill of Rights.
I have tried for years to get a pamphlet published on faculty rights under the code. If you ever want a retirment project, let me know.
since I was nowhere near my computer when the Kee missive was posted, I am curious why you think he is a puppet?
Are lighting designers responsible for James Brown-outs?
(‘Cept that joke about the world revolving around them is usually ascribed to physicians …)
This little tiff between beloved Lee and beloved SJ is more of a turn-on than dollar night at Rat City Roller Grrrrrls. Glad I … came … so to speak.
@100 Could be, as most are known to be liberal extremists. You know the type – energy nazis.
Ah yes, energy nazis. I remember them well. Carter cardigans and all that.
BTW … my Google must be fucked up as it seems not to be able top find these posts you claim I mad as Charlie Kee.
FWIW, I did once know someone by that name. He was a Captain in the Navy Medical Core. I may have mentioned him in some post, but I do not remember.
BTW, Lee’s comments about “stalking” seem rather wierd. To my knowledge, the only emails I have sent him since I have been using Gmail (about three years) have been the nine messages below.
March 18 .. titled “ignore iof you want to” link t an article on AG Holder’s plans for MJ enforcement.
Jan 27 link to UW Med Center Meeting on Implimentation of I-100o
Nov 23 08 link to an excellent discussion of the scientific issues in re MJ
Oct 21 link to an article in Der Spiegel on the law on MJ in Holland.
Oct 1 link to a letter I published on DwD in the PI
Sept 24 links to conversations between myself and a person lee introduced me to, Sunil, in re MJ research.
July 14 more of the conversation with Sunil. In part this was because lee had claimed that Sunil was an expert in MJ pharmacology at the UW. As it turned out Sunil was an MD PhD student writing a thesis on the geography of marijuana usage. He has no special credentials in pharmacology but is very enthusiastic about the general idea of “natural medicines.”
July 13 A link to a letter and a blog post to Jim at McCranium. Lee had written dsome pretty horrid things accusing me of being a virulae3nt anti Muslim bigot. Jim andI discussed this and I wanted to be sure that Jim knew my point of view.
July 10 Correspodence from Sunil on MJ to Lee and I.
Is this harassment? Maybe someone else is emailing Lee and he thinks it is me?
Is this all an act or something, Lee? Some of the HA regulars like Puddy or Troll or Marvin have had to suffer through more in a single day from the HA rabble then you have in three years, YET you’re all in tears that someone is lying about you. You’re certainly not learning survival skills on your side . . . maybe you should switch sides JUST so you can toughen up a bit?
Hey while Lee and SJ are at it Puddy wants to add some levity here…
What do you call 100 white men chasing a black man?
The PGA Tour.
I realize some of the slower HA swineflu weasels may need help with that joke!
Jane, Lee come over to join us whom think right?
R E J E C T E D!
As Lee knows well I am merely Puddy’s sock puppet.
In fact, I have found that a lot of folks confuse the too of us. We look very much alike, although he is a bit taller, are both heterosexual, and both orthodox in our religious beliefs.
Puddy, I hope you have not been emailing Lee again in my name!
The only definitive thing I can say about the Seattle Jew is that he is not a good speller.
re 106: The golfer in question says that he is not black — but, he has a white girlfriend and has been in trouble with the police. Sounds like a black guy to me!
SJ, me email Lee?
Perish that thought dude.
Say hello to Mrs SJ and the Dr. & Dr.
Why? you never pay off your bet debts anyway, asshole.
Rick D.
I met SJ at Drinking Liberally and he has a pattern of trying to find something to argue about and then finding some way to beat you in the argument. This is not argument for the sake of examination of a subject, but some sort of one-ups-man-ship.
I find the whole business to be quite pathological and I do my best to avoid him.
Or, are you just another DL’er who subscribes to the group-think mentality, and if someone doesn’t agree with you, you are angered and threatened by that?
Rasmussen Alert!!
In the Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll the Presidential Approval Index is at +7, up 600% since only Saturday! Our president’s approval is soaring!!
Hitler has an 84.6% approval rating. Approval ratings don’t mean anything.
What is wrong with mrs obama?
Why is she always so mean and bitter looking in photos?
BTW … my Google must be fucked up as it seems not to be able top find these posts you claim I mad as Charlie Kee.
FWIW, I did once know someone by that name. He was a Captain in the Navy Medical Core. I may have mentioned him in some post, but I do not remember.
My god, you’re a massive liar:
Is this harassment? Maybe someone else is emailing Lee and he thinks it is me?
If anyone wants to see the email exchange that prompted the University of Washington to encourage me to contact police, feel free to contact me privately.
Michelle is just one angry, unhappy woman.
Obama the Ass-Kisser results are in!
By VIJAY JOSHI, Associated Press Writer Vijay Joshi, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 14 mins ago
Real effective ass-kissing of terrorists
What is wrong with Stamn?
Besides being a schizophrenic and pathological liar, Stamn is consistently negative and unable to interpret data.
Clearly, Stamn has a mental disease that has long been festering.
122 posts on who is a “poopy head” more? Break it up children!
We know the anti-evolution, anti-science, anti-reality Republicans just make shit up. They’re not smart enough to make coherent arguments so they’re just name call and claim their opponents are “un-American”, “hate our troops”, are “evil” or such. Sad, but you can’t have an argument with folks that like. They don’t have facts or reason, just “belief” in their opinions (see #120, and 50% of all the previous comments for an example).
George W. Bush was the worst President in our nations history and went out with the LOWEST approval rating EVER RECORDED for any President without a specific Watergate type scandal…just on ‘general dislike’. Obama has HIGH HIGH ratings, and not just because of some general “get behind our leader after 9/11” type event, which is understandable…but just high ratings because he’s not an anti-intellectual joke like Bush. Can can say ratings don’t matter, but this is a Democracy…so they do. What the public thinks DOES matter.
To all the idiot conservatives who criticised Obama and his new approach to the Mideast:
When Bush was President the radicals won election in Gaza, Iran and gained in Lebanon.
Now, in a suprise, the western-leaning party beats out Hezbollah in Lebanon and suddenly Ahmadinjad is behind in the polls in Iran (and there is no Bush to swing the election to him).
Looks like Obama’s policy of engagement works a hell of a lot better for democracy in the Middle East and for American goals than the empty-headed threats of the idiot Bushites.
Yup, those “hard-line in the Middle East” fools like Puddy really knew what they were talking about.
I also believe Michelle Obama suffers from chronic depression. That’s just my analysis.
So let me get this straight, Lee disagrees with a commenter, so he is now stalking them, and digging up personal info on them, and publicizing it here?
@113 I met SJ at Drinking Liberally and he has a pattern of trying to find something to argue about and then finding some way to beat you in the argument.
FYI, if THIS is all he’s guilty of he’s in VERY good company. Half the HA notable can put this on their resume, with Don “Thar She Blows” Joe leading the pack!
We’ve seen the same from those that hated the fact the obama answered the question from joe the plumber honestly and decided that joe the plumber needed to be outed.
We’ve seen how the left attacked miss kalifornia for having the same religious objection to gay marriage as the obama while not even mentioning the no on gay marriage views of the president.
Left wing-nuts only know how to attack those they disagree with.
SWorry lee there is still the reality .. not that it matters to you. I was at Seattle Center at the time the post was made, not at home where my PC is.
Whoever Mr. Kee is, you need to do a better job of investigation.
BTW, is there anything wring with what his message says? Why did it just tick you off?
So let me get this straight, Lee disagrees with a commenter, so he is now stalking them, and digging up personal info on them, and publicizing it here?
No, you could not possibly be more wrong. This has nothing to do with a disagreement. It has to do with lying. And any stalking that’s going on here is happening the other way around.
Again moronic NutRight@124 gets so easily confused.
NutRight, the price of oil has driven down Whackmandinojob’s ratings. When Iran can’t afford their internal infrastructure they can’t afford to send $$$$ to their Hezbollah buds. A birdie told me you are on the Hezbollah email contributions list. Why are you acting stupid now? Oops… you are always stupid. Whackmandinojob can’t provide the internal infrastructure or foment terror with the price of oil below $75/barrel.
“A June 2008 ‘International Monetary Fund’ (IMF) report – published on August 14, 2008 – noted that Iran’s economy was “overheating” and in the “medium-term” was “very sensitive to the oil price assumptions.” It further elaborated that if prices for Iranian crude oil fell to $75 per barrel (the price was $140 per barrel in late June) Iran would suffer from a large budget deficit, “which would be unsustainable because of Iran’s limited access to international financial markets.” In other words, the report suggests that if the price of oil dropped below $75 per barrel Iran’s economy might face a serious liquidity or cash crisis.” – Facts and NutRight are diametrically opposed particles.
Just like Hugo Chavez, your good friend, who is nationalizing everything in sight in Venezuela.
“Oil accounts for more than 90% of Venezuela’s exports, and the government’s 2009 budget is based on an estimated $60 average price per barrel of oil.” Well “the messiah” has helped Chavez so far.
Send an email to any US based Iranian and you may leave the land of the clueless. And you are still a moron.
Now we whom think right have seen the barrel price of oil double since “the messiah” became preznit. The price of gas is now over $0.75 cents higher. GBS told you HA swineflu weasels when the dollar is worth less the oil prices go up. Well the dollar must be worth way less because the oil price is getting higher. I wonder if this is what “the messiah” wants since $75/barrel will allow Iran to foment terrorism again and Chavez to destabilize Latin and South American again.
Please continue to call people liars when your crap is so easily lab dissected.
Just some educated reading and NutRight could be more intelligent.
The ‘hard-line’ is a generalization of mental wingnut viagra.
“La révolution dévore ses enfants”
The Piper
@117 Dan Robinson, Jane
Sadly, Dan, your image of me is true and not very happy for me.
I am very argumentative and not all that good at it as well. I have an issue with losing sight of the object of discussion, presumably to convince someone else, when I feel strongly about an issue.
Good friends, including some at DL, have been very nice to me about tolerating this AND being honest about it. Best I can offer to you, or anyone else, is to listen to your criticism.
If I can defend myself, I think the problem arises from two sources. The first is that I am intensely devoted to the truth. When I hear someone spouting off “facts” that I know are wrong, I have some damned need to say something, My shrink named this “pathological honesty.”
This trait has nothing to do with “liberal” vs. “conservative.” While the republicans are afflicted by some sort of psychosis, there have been similar periods for the left and many liberals are as much at risk of this psychosis as the nut jobs of the other party.
In the case of Lee, a lot of what triggers his anger seems to be disputes over facts … so I freely admit that my devotion to facts goes way beyond what makes sense. His reaction is obviously foolish as well.
FWIW, the factual issues that have set Lee off are these:
1. Islam. After the mass shooting of Jews in Seattle, I posted a strong comment about the long term issues in Islam. I pointed out the antisemitism in the Koran, the supremacy of Islamic lawe as taught by the Koran and pushed by the Saudi’s role in Islamic education world wide. I cited specific content of the Koran and the problems that this has created in India and Europe.
I also cited a very important report on what s being taught in American Muslim schools, a re3port by Freedom House.
The result: Lee threatened to incite the Islamic community against me. The visit I had from the police was to express their concern that his posts might represent a physical threat against me.
2. Marijuana Like Lee I support legalization. However, he has continually presented marijuana as an important drug and insisted that his information came from an authoritative member of the UW faculty.
It turned out that his authority was a graduate student. The student and I met and he did provide me with literature that he claimed supported a point of view that marijuana was effective in several important ways. I reviewed the literature and found that alomost all of it did not support the student’s point of view. This included especuially a lack of evidence that smoking marijuana had any benefit over the freely available prescription for THC and a lack of evidence that marijuana has any beneficial effect in cancer, and that marijuana’s effects in ain relief were likely a placebo effect.
Result I think you have seen that result here.
3. I-1000 Death with Dignity Like Lee I believe that each of us has the right to end our lives. However, when I read the DwD initiative I found many serious flaws and I expressed these. Among these problems were the danger that the act will force poor people to choose between impoverishment to cover the costs of terminal care and suicide and the conflict between I-1000 and the ethics we teach all medical students.
Result The worst part of this arose when the DwD crown began an anti Catholic rant. I saw this as bigotry and called them on it. Lee went ballistic at that point.
As for the claim that I have harassed him by email, he is welcome to send the messages he claims to have to me. I have laready posted what my gmail records show.
131 Puddy, you state a lot of interesting points. Unfortunately none of these effectively rebuts what Correctnotright posted in #124.
Ah, well…hope you had a nice wank admiring your own lovely words.
In general, this thread is an embarrassment. As Steve has pointed out, he and Lee are in agreement on a lot of essential principles, but it would appear Lee can’t help obsessing over some details. Aren’t there more important and interesting things to devote this much bandwidth to?
@ 136
I agree and my last post on the subject was meant to be that.
I honestly do respect Lee and certainly do know that I can be an irritating person even when that is not my intent. OTOH, since I also value DL and HA, I would hope to find ways to argue without the epithets.
It does seem to me that presentation and rational argument of opposing POV is one of HAs best points. To give specific examples, I think we have had truly impressive discussions here on the schools, on Obama vs Hillary, and on light rail. Even some of the trolls occasionally dip their pens into rational discussion. The contrast with the invective and scanalesque content at Sound Politics is part of what makes this sight promising.
FWIW, I would be pleased to just let this thread die and am more than willing to listen to advice.
@131: Too bad you couldn’t dissect the inside of your own gut….hahaha.
You refuted NOTHING.
Last Iranian election, Ahmadinejad was behind until Bush spoke up for the “opposition” and handed the election to the religious radicals in Iran.
Sorry, a birdie is lying out their ass, as are you on this.
Is this the best you have?
I love how you support the failed foreign policy of Bush. I love how you fail to credit Obamas new approach. I love how you bring in extraneous crap (what does Chavez have to do with US – Muslim relations?)
The bottom line is that you can’t refute the results that Obama is getting in democracies. The bottom line is that Obama is holding Israel accountable for the “road map” – instead of “secret agreements” to let the settlements grow.
The bottom line is that you and your neocon failed philosophy have been shown to be morally and practically bankrupt.
Tell us again how great Bush was in the Middle east, how he caught bin laden, how he made Afghanistan a safer place and how he turned the Iranian people into a US-loving group.
Oh yeah, you can’t. All you have is a failed and unnecessary invasion of Iraq – that we are finally leaving with all its problems.
Hahaha – you have no facts as usual and you resort to out and out falsehoods about me….dream on.
Lee, you’ve got the power to check IPs.
What do you call five Mexicans? A gang.
What do you call five blacks? A riot.
What do you call five whites? A party.
… the Eurosocialists in Germany and France. Britain’s next. Think neo-socialist Obama will take the hint and get a clue?
Revolutions eat their children only if the children are well-seasoned. Bed-wetting Lee and infantile SJ aren’t. The revolution will spit them out.
Times like these and blogs like this remind us that we need a Fairness Doctrine for kidney-stoner Goldstein and stoner Lee. We were so close to something better when Shays and Meehan tried to plug the Internet loophole in McCain/Feingold. Surely it’s not too late to do the right thing and to let the second coming of Shays/Meehan put a stop to HA and its nonsense.
Goldstein loves regulation for everything else, so we know he’s on board with regulating himself and Lee out of the cesspool cess and into springtime for the b(l)ogosphere.
Poor Poor NutRight@138. When confronted with facts he can’t comprehend them. It’s financial and NutRight wants, wants, WANTS to make it political.
Here’s some of his crapola
Puddy guesses NutRight missed this “Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez announced on March 31, 2009 that he invited Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to visit Venezuela, thus supporting the Sudanese ruler, who faces an international bench warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC).”
The ICC issued an international arrest warrant for Omar al-Bashir for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur. So where was “the messiah” on this? MIA as usual.
Puddy guesses NutRight missed this one too. Jan. 13 — President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran arrived here on Saturday for talks with President Hugo Chávez.
Puddy guesses NutRight missed this one. BOGOTA, COLOMBIA August 27, 2008 — Western anti-terrorism officials are increasingly concerned that Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based Shiite Muslim militia that Washington has labeled a terrorist group, is using Venezuela as a base for operations.
In 2005 Ahmedinejad promised tackling rampant poverty, corruption and a high unemployment rate in the clergy led guvmint of 24 years.
Golly NutRight where did you get this information from
Gotta trust the BBC, they libtard too.
What a tool!
Puddy has no facts NutRight? You like to read “colored journalism” fool! Another dagger into the sad sad commentary of NutRight.
Where’s da links fool?
Typical so typical.
When the pooper and the HNMT start showing up, you know it’s time to leave a thread ALONE…
Are threads like this eligible for superfund cleanup grants?
Yep, I do. And I can confirm that when SJ left that comment, he was not at home (as he says). Hey, he didn’t lie for once!
Art, this really isn’t hard to understand. This is not about a disagreement. This is about lying. There’s a huge difference between having a difference of opinion and intentionally making false statements about another person’s actions or words.
Don’t let the very swinging door dent your slacker ass on the way out, YLB.
Been saying for a very long time that Lee is unhinged. Wrong. He’s hinged way too tight. Probably not enough tokes left in the secret garden to get him over the line this time.
140: What do you call 5 whites? What used to be called the Republican Party.
I’m from the Irgun wing of the born-again Jewish community, and I have very bad news about a very bad man. A Google on the text string “douchebag Jew” returns 81,200 hits, and every single one of them is probably from Lee the anti-Semite.
There’s a very warm spot in Buchenwald hell waiting for you, Lee. Mossad and I will be in touch.
I had not thought of this but Lee’s term is rather antisemitic. You might want to complain about that to Goldy.
I don’t, think Lee means this that way and more than he means to be sexist or biggoted against retarded people. I assume that if I used the eponym “SeattleNigger” he would call me a douche bag coon or something similar.
Unfortunately, the Jewish community has a long history of alienating people like Lee.
This is fucking ridiculous! I am not going to read through all this crap to determine who is right and who is wrong! Frankly, I don’t give a damn about that part of things.
What I would like to know — in 200 words of less — How in the hell did Lee and Steven get into such a childish pissing contest with each other?
Lee has problems with retarded people?
FWIW, this is mainly Lee’s issue. I respect his opinions.
Lets all move on?