So, Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers has a Downs child who she clearly loves and cherishes and sees as “a special gift.” Good for her, and good for her son.
But that still doesn’t give her the right to tell other women what to do with their uterus.
I mean, really, the very notion that raising a special needs child gives McMorris-Rodgers some sort of special authority to speak on the sanctity of life… well… it’s kinda offensive. She made her choice, and other women should be equally free to make theirs.
I’m on-board with that. Make your choices and accept the responsibility for those choices. Don’t lecture to others about their choices.
She’s just another zombie of the Right, so who cares what she thinks? As it is, her DS child will probably be smarter than her anyway.
My mother had a baby with severe spina bifida and hydroencephaly — my younger brother. He died at 18 months, much of it spent in hospitals. This is the kind of thing that’s routinely caught now in prenatal testing, but we’re talking about 1960 here.
Mom is a devout Christian, and believes abortion is a terrible moral choice. But she also knows, with a fierce conviction, that if she had that pregnancy now and the amnio had come back positive, she’d have aborted my brother, and spared everyone — including that baby — even more horrible agony.
That experience made Mom a lifelong advocate of abortion rights.
That’s the fact the anti-choice crowd overlooks: Every woman has her own experiences with this stuff. Many of us will be faced with incredibly difficult decisions in this area, forced to weigh factors that will affect ourselves and our families for the rest of our lives. And those experiences make every one of us just as much a moral authority as Rep. Morris-Rogers claims to be.
She was forced to make a serious moral choice, and made it. My mother would have made a different but no less moral choice. And that’s the point: NOBODY has the right to make these choices on behalf of other people. When it comes down to it, there is nobody more qualified to judge any of these situations than the woman who is actually in them.
We won’t question her choice if she doesn’t question ours. Deal?
Thanks for posting that.
Banning abortion won’t end abortion it WILL end access to safe abortions for those who can’t travel to somewhere where abortion is legal or afford to pay a doctor (OBGYN?) enough to look the other way.
Excellent story @ 3 but the right wing fiends will always put their hands over their ears and shout I CAN”T HEAR YOU..
Just watch them.
Mrs. Robinson:
Every woman has her own experiences with this stuff.
Hear Hear! I’ve pointed to Tay-Sachs disease as another case involving a difficult moral choice, and one in which I would not fault a mother for having an abortion. Hydroencephaly and Tay-Sachs are not exhaustive either.
Ultimately, the abortion decision is one best made by the mother in consultation with a competent physician. However we might feel about the general morality of abortion, there simply is no way for our government to draw a cogent line that demarks the distinction between morally acceptable and morally unacceptable abortions in all cases.
Oops, I meant 3 in my post @ 4.
Hey Goldy…
Why aren’t you worried about that lunatic Janet Napalitano. What a kook. From FoxNews:
Napalitano is causing more harm in a couple weeks than is imaginable.
Fire her…now!
Have you ever met Cathy McMorris?
If you have, you would certainly understand better WHY she believes in the sanctity of innocent life.
So Goldy, if your ex-wife had chosen to abort your daughter because she found out what a dipshit you are during pregnancy, would that have been ok with you??
If YES, would you tell that to your daughter Goldy?
I think NOT.
So here is Goldy…with no moral compass whatsoever except his feelings and a daughter he loves who was not aborted (Thank God).
Goldy, you and the Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats want to kill old people and the unborn at a whim.
It all comes down to your Atheist convictions.
When there is nothing beyond this world…why worry. right?
You’re such an offensive piece of shit that I can’t fathom how you can stand yourself. Napolitano’s error is entirely human. And, if you’ll recall the guy that crossed from Victoria to Port Angeles a few years back (Resham?), you would, if you had any sense of fair play, have to acknowledge that her statement was not entirely off the mark.
So you gotta love Publican logic. They are ALL FOR PRO LIFE –
As soon as the baby is born then FUCK EM.
1. Death penalty – CHECK
3. Withholding of tax money for medical care and food after the child is born – CHECK
proud leftist spews:
Error?? We are talking ERROR’s…plural you dumbass. Napalitano will not last thru the year. She lacks a syphon between her brainfarts and her big mouth.
Your post is mindless.
Folks I know do a lot for people who cannot make it on their own.
The difference between us is you want the Government Bureaucracy’s to do what neighbor’s should be doing to help each other.
Big Government vs. small government.
As for Goldy, I hope he thinks what his life would be life had his wife aborted his daughter. Goldy is saying she had the right to do so…no matter what he thought.
Seems dark. Fortunately, Goldy will never have to cross that bridge hopefully….nor will any of you. I never did, but know 1/2 dozen women who chose the abortion path and are haunted by it to this day….every one of them.
I know a number of women who have had abortions. Not one of them is “haunted” by her decision and every single one of them is a strong advocate for other women to have the same freedom of choice. Argument by anecdote is not very persuasive, Cynical. Surely, you can do better than that.
re 9: If, on the other hand, this life is of less importance than the afterlife (as you believe), what difference does it make if you increase suffering.?
After all, eternity is what’s important, not this fleeting life.
Your philosophy makes you care more for the dead than the living. Remember, Jesus said he was the God of the Living, not of the dead.
Your focus is on death.
Of course.
When a republican talks without knowing what he is talking about you would call him an ignorant redneck racist.
Yet when a democrat does it you call it an human error.
You mean some people are not as equal as others? I thought those thar lib-er-uls told us everyone was equal.
I suppose they just really mean, you’re equal if you vote for us.
For God’s sake, an embryo is a separate life form from you, and you do not have the ‘right’ to terminate it’s existence because you find it inconvenient. I thought the left was in tune with ‘Big Science’. I guess that fact is lost on them.
What about the father’s rights? After all, he helped conceive and what if he wants to raise the child.
People have value no matter how YOU feel about them. I guess we should have just offed Stephen Hawking because he was just a cripple that required someone changing his diaper.
The only thing we should abort is the self absorbed bullshit factory that is liberalism.
Goldy is jealous. He always wanted to be a Down’s Syndrome child.
So CYNCYN the child rapist let me understand today’s big lie from you. You want the GOVERNMENT to get involved in telling a woman what she can and can’t do with her own body/baby but you DON’T want the GOVERNMENT to lift a finger to save that baby’s life once it is born if it becomes sick, underfed, abandoned, etc.? That about sum it up hypocrite?
CYNCYN the child rapist like all Publicans is ONLY interested in the “life of the child” until it is actually a child. Then it’s fuck YOU!
re 16: “When a republican talks without knowing what he is talking about you would call him an ignorant redneck racist.”
If he is talking about gapping a spark plug and is ignorant of the facts, it would be inappropriate to call him, “…an ignorant redneck racist.”
The proper nomenclature in that case would be a, “… dumb fuckwad.”
Don’t take things out of context like that.
Heard a description of the problem today on the radio that fit really well. It’s always a question of choice. As in, who has the authority of making the choice. Whether a woman makes a choice to end a pregnancy or not, it’s her choice. And whether the government intervenes and declares that either the woman must not OR must end a pregnancy, what is happening is that the government is taking our choices away.
Leave the choice where it belongs. With the woman. I don’t want the government making that choice for any woman, any more than I want the government deciding anything else, like what kind of lives we are allowed to live (Gays) or what we are allowed to own (Guns). Government should mostly butt out of our private lives. This is part of it.
Fool@20, nope we whom think right do not espouse that tripe. Puddy is for HeadStart, as long as it’s not an indoctrination tool. Puddy is against rulings like this to teach kindergartners about stuff such as this…
Puddy brought this up before but HA’s knuckle dragger called it right-wing bullshit because it was in WorldNetDaily even though the ruling was published on the net too. What a fooltard clueless wonder is.
Have you seen this video of Shepard Smith on the Fox News channel saying “WE DO NOT FUCKING TORTURE” and slamming his hands on the table on air??
Just happened.
proud loony farts
Fair play? You and others who yank commentary out of context for your own HA weasel amusement?
CynicAl… really? Bringing my daughter into this? That’s all you have? Can you sink any lower?
Don’t talk to me about a lack of morals.
@24 Shep will be under the Bloated Bloviator driven bus before the end of the day. At least he won’t be going over the cliff with the rest of them.
If we ban abortion we’re saying that The State has the right to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term. Right?
If that’s the case than how far are we willing to carry this? Should women leaving the country be forced to have pregnancy tests before crossing the border or getting on a plane? They could be pregnant and heading off to have an abortion. Should pregnant women be forced to stay in America? Should they be jailed if they come back from overseas after having an abortion? According to The Right abortion is murder, should we let these murderers walk among us?
If we ban abortion … nothing like having Michael cover all the angles by making them obtuse.
Most of us much of the time are able to see grey. We know that God is an efficient abortionist, because many conceptions abort spontaneously.
We know and South Dakota knows that abortion will not be banned.
But we also see that almost all extremism of the abortion debate is loaded up on the progressive side, and that progressivism seldom sees grey or accepts nuance. One side, your side, seems to demand that its way (including partial-birth infanticide) is the only way, that any deviation from progressive orthodoxy is a back door to a ban.
That’s absurd. If even infanticide is now so mainstream that a Democratic president can have supported — without consequence — the most extreme variant of partial-birth infanticide, then there’s no turning back. Progressives at their most extreme won again.
Goldy you can make a LOT of money if you just let me know who that piece of shit CYNCYN is. I’m talking serious HA donation time. Just saying…
Speaking of sanctimonious hypocrites, Sean Handjob Hannity stepped in it now. Kieth just called the coward Hannity out on live TV. $1000 for every second you can last in the waterboard device you bitch. Now watch Hanjob Hannity backtrack faster than Puffybutt jumps on every loooooose dildo he can find. Hannity is now either got to be waterboarded or admit he’s a blowhard coward. MY GOD this is good!
Why doesn’t McMorris quit Congress and stay home with her child? Her behavior is very irresponsible. This isn’t the kind of person who should be representing Spokane-area voters in Congress.
Olbermann has balls. Hannity has, uh, let’s see, the ability to be shrill? Yeah, he has that.
But we also see that almost all extremism of the abortion debate is loaded up on the progressive side…
Progressives like James Kopp? Eric Rudolph? Michael Griffin? Paul Jennings Hill? John Salvi?
There’s nothing obtuse about my post.
Banning abortion IS saying that the state has a right to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term.
You yourself refer to abortion as infanticide, as murder.
The pro-life movement wants to see abortion banned in all cases and nation wide (don’t believe me, look it up).
So let’s recap under what the pro-life movement has laid out.
1. The state has a right to force a woman to carry a fetus to term.
2. The state has a legal and moral obligation to protect fetus’s from being aborted.
3. Abortion is murder. People who perform and have abortions are murders.
It is perfectly valid and reasonable to ask how the pro-life movement sees:
the exercising of state power
protecting a fetus from being aborted
treating those people who have been involved in abortion.
I thought this was another post about Sarah Palin. I’m very disappointed!
I refer to so-called “so-called” partial-birth late-term abortion as infanticide, particularly the variant supported by Illinois state senator Barack Obama. Look it up: If an Illinois fetus (aka baby) survives the torture gauntlet of late-term abortion, then the inconveniently born baby goes to the terminal stage of capital punishment … full-frontal full-bore infanticide.
Occasionally a state or the state intercedes in abortion to defend or define choices for an unborn baby in its own survival. You imply that only a woman has choices that a state is obligated to recognize, but sometimes a state recognizes nuance. Sometimes the unheard unborn baby gets a surragate voice.
Connor Peterson, for example, got a posthumous voice from the state, in which Connor’s rights as a citizen were affirmed. Occasionally Connor gets a voice on this blog. Perhaps progressives, who preen and posture as strident voices for “unheard” underclasses, can eventually appreciate our most un-privileged citizens, the ones that Barack Obama was willing to kill even after they were sufficiently born to cry out.
Rudolph? Salvi?
What part of almost do you not understand? Left myself a big loophole just so somebody like you wouldn’t throw me in a foxhole with Eric Rudolph, but you did it anyway.
We unprogressives appreciate nuance and ambiguity, but killing for life is even more amgibuously nuanced than we can handle.
Killing killers for life, however, is something else. Perhaps you’ve noticed that we prolifers are very willing to let the state, in our names, squeeze the life out of psychokillers.
Ask your rabbi about the Decalogue: Thou shalt not kill means thou shalt not murder innocent life. The psychos, about the only human life form that progressives will go to the streets and the ACLU to save, are utterly expendable and should be expended.
@37: Am on a furiously filtered machine, so can’t prove if the infanticide supported by Obama became Illinois law. Will check it later, and let you know.
Too bad we can’t get a right wing Publican turd to worry about the GOP – sanctioned infanticide that stems from the right’s willingness to totally abandon every single child the minute it’s born. TONS more kids die due to poor medical care and lack of access to food and water than do from abortion but you don’t hear any right wing cowards talking about this for the simplest of reasons: THEY DON”T FUCKING CARE!
@40 If only the War Lover Party only abandoned them, and wasn’t hell-bent on torturing and killing them.
@41 RR – just which kids are the GOP torturing and killing after they’re born? Cite it motherfucker.
Well that cum-drunk coward Sean Handjob Hannity had his first chance to take Keith O up on his challenge to pay $1000 a second to the troops for every second Hannity could last while being waterboarded. So far, Hannity is proving what we knew about him. He’s a cunt and a coward who like all Publicans talks a good game but can’t actually do a thing. Come on Hannity you fucking coward. I’m going to figure out where he lives and paper his neighborhood with signs saying Sean Hannity is a Coward!
Balls. We conservatives, as you’ve often heard, are the tithers and the givers. Liberal leftist goons are the takers, unless you’re being charitable and generous with other people’s stuff.
As for filtered internet, it’s supposed to filter out the smut and trash, but and ooze right on through. What da fuck’s up with that?
War Lover Party?
WWI: Bad Democrat war.
WWII: Pretty good Democrat war.
Korea: Catastrophically bad Democrat war run and lost by catastrophically bad Democrats.
Vietnam: Bad Democrat war that a Republican ended badly.
Bosnia/Kosovo: So-so Democrat wars in which c. 3000 Serb civilians were collaterally damaged to death.
(And you ‘Crats probably love the smell of napalm — Nampalm — in the morning, too.)
So Khalid Sheikh Mohammed got damp? After soggily removing Daniel Pearl’s head? And you probably want us to prosecute Cheney and Rice for violating KSM’s constitutional rights to aridity?
No wonder normal people despise liberals.
Yep I’d try to change the subject away from the right’s sanctioning of the policy that allows kids to die from lack of food, water and medical. That’s far worse than abortion but the right wing hypocrites don’t want anyone pointing that out.
They also don’t want to talk about that coward Handjob Hannity who doesn’t have the balls to be waterboarded.
Leftists howled about the abridgement of Singer’s academic freedom. Singer howled about the comparison of his modest proposal to Nazi genocide. Then Michael Burleigh proved that cleansing Germany of its defectives (a variation on the theme of American eugenics) “was exactly how the Reich’s program of murders got started.”
We’ve rolled into an era of rampant triumphant manic progressivism. Singer’s suggestion of post-birth abortion will probably move from the progressive lunatic fringes to the serious center … all while conservatism moves from the fringes to the closet or the crematorium.
Sam Tanenhaus, who wrote the book on Whittaker Chambers, wrote conservatism’s post mortem two months ago. His article in TNR shows that conservatism is dead. We mortucons can wail about abortion — pre-birth or post-birth — and we can talk sense about waterboarding or capital punishment. But we’re dead men talking. Nobody can hear us except the wraiths next door. It’s not a dialogue of the deaf, it’s a dialogue of the dead, and we’re it.
You’re defective and insane. Hope Peter Singer takes you first.
Actually, I did nothing of the sort.
Your post @37 did good job of showing where you’re coming from and I’d count it as good dialog. Thanks.
and thank you. welcome back.
My only REAL problem with anti=abortionists is the possibility that more Publicans will be born. I think we need to start selecting parents better so no more cowardly hypocrites in the GOP can be born. Those of you already here should do the honorable thing and fucking die.
Got it. See @48, above, and rest in pieces.
26. Goldy spews:
Goldy…ahhhhhhhh, as you have just shown, Abortion is reaaaaaaaaal personal, isn’t it?!!
It’s easy to stand aside cheerleading for abortion rights…but when confronted with consequences that could have affected YOU, it’s painful isn’t it?!!
Think about it Goldy.
It’s not as simple as a woman deciding a “medical procedure” on her own. What about the father’s right?
Proud leftist–
Happy you & your Lutheran Father minister only know woman overjoyed with their abortion experience…you are a L-I-A-R pl.
A woman can’t tell another woman what to do with her uterus, yet here is a male, goldy, voicing his opinion on the subject.
Hey goldy, do you have a uterus?
@ 54 – Whether you like it or not, until a (biological) man can carry a baby to term, there are no “father’s rights”. Yes, it’s unfair, but if you’re sore about it, take it up with God. As far as Goldy’s daughter is concerned, you don’t know anything about her. You don’t know anything about the relationship between Goldy & the girl’s mother, nothing about medical issues concerning any of the family members, nothing at all about these people’s particular history. For you to infer, based on the fact that his daughter is alive, that Goldy is being hypocritical about this issue is not only mind-numbingly stupid, but incredibly insulting and ugly. But ultimately, that’s why you’re here in the first place – to be insulting and ugly. You obviously aren’t interested in trying to change anyone’s mind or attempting to see where people who don’t agree with you are coming from – you just want to talk shit and use this site as a toilet. If you aren’t going to bring anything to the table but invective and malice, then why don’t you just save it?
Is it offensive to you to think of your child being aborted?
But you are okay with millions of “other” kids being aborted?
Take it up with God? Hell, let’s take abortion up with God. See how God feels about millions of his children being flushed down the toilet.
Cynical doesn’t know anything about goldy’s daughter and you know this how?
Nice way to be insulting and ugly calling Cynical names.
Typical left-wingnut. Cynical asks a question and you get your panties in a bunch. If using this place as a toilet is a problem, shouldn’t you first deal with byebyegoober. Oh wait, he’s also a left wingnut like you, why would you ever speak up against one of your own party. That’s just not how it’s done on this blog. Even lee acknowledges that democrat crimes/scandals/etc. won’t get mentioned on this blog…
No doubt you spoke like this when your friends were bashing bush. NOT!
Hey Marvin it’s offensive to me to think that YOU were born. I know why you want all these babies to be born – just more potential sex partners for you – you sick piece of shit!
GOLDY out this fucking queen – we need to be able to track him down so we can find out how brave he is when he’s not posting from his mom’s basement!
Hey Marvin it’s offensive to me to think that YOU were born. I know why you want all these babies to be born – just more potential sex partners for you – you sick piece of shit!
GOLDY out this fucking queen – we need to be able to track him down so we can find out how brave he is when he’s not posting from his mom’s basement!
28. If we ban abortion we’re saying that The State has the right to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term. Right?
Great post. I like the spin that Tom Hartman put it. If a woman has an abortion, then what form of execution does the Right favor for the mother? Is the gas chamber appropriate? Lethal injection? Hanging?
If the woman drinks or doesn’t pay for her vitamins and prenatal care during the pregnancy and the baby is born with birth defects, should the state put her in jail for negligence assault and battery? After all, by her actions, she hurt the child.
Abortion should be legal and rare. The left and the right should promote the proven activities that keep every pregnancy a wanted pregnancy. Like abstinence AND birth control.
Cynical @54,
Exactly. Abortion is personal. I don’t have to favor abortion to believe that it’s none of my business to tell another person when life does or does not begin, or what they can or cannot do with their uterus.
Dear Marvin Stamm: You didn’t respond to any of the points I made in my post. Women can have babies, men can’t. It’s pretty straight-forward. As far as me “insulting” Mr. Cynical, to call someone’s behaviour insulting and ugly is not the same as calling them insulting & ugly – again, pretty straight-forward. And what does bringing constant invective and malice to this site regarding abortion issues have to do with “basing bush”? Your whole post is a bunch of non-sequitirs & nonsense strung together to dazzle us all with bullshit. Whatever.
But most of all, why do you come to this site? If you hate us all so much, which you CLEARLY do, than why be here at all? I, for one, don’t waste my time talking shit to people at conservative sites. But then again, I’m happy to let conservatives live their lives the way they choose to. Unsurprisingly, you won’t do that with us evil liberals. What a shock.
And women can’t have babies without the sperm of a man. So where do his rights start since without him there is no baby? Why are women allowed to decide they don’t want to be burdened with a baby so they can abort their parental obligations and the father has no right to walk away from his “parental obligations.” Is that fair? Do you believe in things being fair?
I’ll type slower… When the horse ass regulars bash bush, did/do you ever speak up about the “invective and malice” they bring to this site? Of course not, you don’t even speak up about byebyegoober. Why the obvious double-standard.
I thought you didn’t address anything I said because of your hypocrisy, I didn’t understand you were dazzled. Thanks.
I’ll play your game… Can you find a post where I say I hate someone?
Since I don’t know anyone here personally, how can I say I hate someone. Sorry that you feel people hate you.
Would you be surprised to learn that many of the regulars here do troll conservative sites?
Please explain how I have stopped you from living life the way you choose to. Or are you simply making shit up.
As far as you being an evil liberal, you said it, not me. Personally, I don’t think liberals are evil. Misguided and ignorant, not evil. Liberals think that the bigger the government the better, not to ruin the the country but to help their voters. That the more control liberals take is in the sincere belief they know better and just want to help out their voters. Like here in la la land- the city council voted no new fast food in the poor black part of town. In their view, poor blacks were unable to make good food choices so they have to limit their choices. Of course, the same city council didn’t impose fast food restrictions in any of the non-black poor parts of the city, maybe they thought poor white people were capable of making better decisions. Just another example of liberals helping looking out for their voters.
@ 65 – No, I don’t believe in “things being fair”, when it comes to the fact that women can have babies and men can’t. While it is unfair that a man has no say, it is also unfair that a woman has to shoulder the burden of actually having a child, and usually raising it, too. Not that that happens all the time, but it certainly happens a lot.
While you didn’t specifically use the term evil liberal, you did call me a “typical left-wingnut” & that I had “my panties in a bunch”.
As far as this “bashing bush” business goes, a) it has NOTHING to do with what we’re talking about, and b) I imagine that any criticism of bush is/was interpreted by you as “bashing” him. So no, I didn’t defend Bush from criticism on this blog, as I felt he was a nightmarish president, and deserved whatever criticism he got here.
I don’t care if other people on this site troll conservative sites. Because other people (supposedly) do it to you, that justifies your doing it here?
Your last paragraph and a half is just laughable. You say abortion is “murder” and amounts to “flushing babies down the toilet”. What the fuck is that but you telling people how to live their lives? You don’t agree with abortion – I get it. How does that belief give you the right to come here and talk shit to people who do?
You want to play this game where you say absolutely horrible things about liberals in general, and then pretend that it wasn’t directed at anyone in particular. That’s idiotic.
Lastly, just because I didn’t call out Bye Bye GOP doesn’t mean I agree with him or that I don’t think he (regularly) says awful stuff to Republicans – he obviously does. However, he didn’t take a grotesquely cheap shot at Goldy’s daughter to make a point about abortion.
@66 You can just ignore Marvin, He fucks goats.
Again with the goats. One track mind you got there steve.
When I cross paths with a crazy wingnut goatfucker like yourself it’s not like I’m not gonna talk about it.
Why in the Good Golly Fuck would any sane human being have any interest in trying to have a real conversation with that baby raping Marv the Perv? He’s just a cowardly troll. What he thinks or says doesn’t matter. He’s with the side that became permanently irrelevant on Nov 4 when America sent the GOP packing. NEXT?
Thanks guys.
As long as the non-trolls shit up the place like you two do horesesass will always play second-fiddle to SoundPolitics.
Good musicians are creative. They don’t do the same thing over and over again. Don’t you think your “priceless” lick has grown tired? And, here we are on a Friday night, when any good professional musician would have a gig. Marvie, however, has no gig. He is posting on a political blog in a state in which he doesn’t even live. Fine life you’re living, Marvie.
Other than the skin flute, any chance you might tell me what instrument that you play?
is Marv the Pervert’s latest lie that he’s a musician? Must be the DICKHORN that he plays.
@74 I bet he practices blowing on skinflutes in public park toilets. That’s where wingnuts like to make “music”.