It was Michelle Malkin who shot and killed Arkansas Democratic Party chairman Bill Gwatney yesterday. At least, according to Michelle Malkin.
Yes, just hours after the shooting, before Gwatney even died from his wounds, Malkin responds to the tragedy with a defensive post attempting to immunize herself from potential accusations that her right-wing hate-mongering might have played any role in provoking this senseless act of violence. Jesus… talk about a guilty conscience.
And talk about a narcissistic personalty that borders on solipsism. A man had just been mortally wounded, shot three times in the chest, clearly the target of an assassin’s bullets… and Malkin can only think about herself and her own victimhood as the potential target of a character assassination. Could she be any more insensitive to Gwatney, his family and his friends?
Oh, but she’d already received an email, Malkin cries, telling her that she should be “held accountable” for hate-talk that “turns people to murder.” A lone email, for chrissakes? That’s her justification for this mind-numbingly inappropriate post? A single fucking email?
Somebody sent me an email blaming my so-called ‘hate’ for this horrible act of violence against a Democrat Party liberal. Here is that person’s full name and unredacted email address.
And while I’m sure as hell not one to judge a blogger by their comment threads, Malkin is, and in her own heavily vetted thread it is apparently calm, rational, non-hateful discourse to accuse Bill and Hillary Clinton of assassinating Gwatney as a message to Barack Obama that he’ll be next if he doesn’t fall in line.
But you know, we foul-mouthed liberals, we’re the crazies… we’re the dangerous lunatic fringe.
While Gwatney was clearly the victim of a targeted attack, we don’t yet know the motive. We don’t yet know if his assassination was an ideological hate crime like last month’s Knoxville shootings, or just the kind of everyday tragedy in which sick, personal grudges sometimes (and inevitably) manifest themselves in our heavily armed society.
But if she’s come to the point where she feels the need to preemptively issue a denial of culpability each time news breaks of another Democrat or other such perceived liberal being assaulted or murdered, perhaps Malkin should listen to her guilty conscience the next time she’s tempted to resort to the sort of violent, eliminationist rhetoric that has made her famous. That is, assuming, Malkin still has a conscience.
Liberals need to arm themselves. Self Defence is a right all people should protect.
“still has” a conscience???
You’re assuming that Michelle Malkin ever had one. Lacking any evidence to support it, I wouldn’t make such an assumption.
I thought the shooting was because the shooter was pissed off at getting fired?
One only has to read the posts from yesterday to see the point michelle malkin was making. Liberals were eager to blame conservatives for it.
Imagine the posts malkin could copy from this website that would paint you ha hooligans as crazies. The first two posters that come to mind are bye bye goop and stevie.
Hhmmm, maybe I should send her an email and links.
I’m a Republican and she gives ME the creeps.
That bitch needs to get schooled badly. Maybe I’ll send her a similar email with an address that aliases back to her site. HE HE!
In any event she IS responsible. Her and all the hate radio types. They appeal to the stoooooopid, inbred, low IQ types like Marvin the child rapist, Puddylicker, Troll and PU. Then they get them fired up to go out and do their bidding because in true “conservative” method, you send SOMEONE ELSE to fight for you. Just like Monkeyface Bush did in Nam and now again in Iraq.
I hope this worthless cunt curls up and dies a painful death.
And yes, liberals should arm themselves because it’s only a matter of time until this bitch or someone like her fires up the next republican with an IQ of 12 and gets them to go out and kill someone.
In her feigned defensiveness, Malkin appears to be attempting to claim credit in the eyes of her sicko desciples who see anything bad happening to “moonbats” (a term she uses with great frequency to refer to anyone to the left of Hitler) as God’s good work.
Marvin @4 have at ‘er……send them. MMalKKKin is symptom not the cause. The cause is the corrupt-to-the-core admin. in DC.
The poster@6, especially his or her last paragraph does have a very good point.
Why have republicons destroyed our country, and brought it to the brink of disaster??
You nailed it, brother!!! I appreciate that you exposed yourself to that toxic t**t, because I would never, under any circumstance, go to her dump site.
We know that the victim was singled out, not random, But we still don’t know why.
Interesting in that quote that even in describing an act of violence against someone, she can’t resist using the word “Democrat” as an adjective and “liberal” as a pejorative.
That’s just pathological. Guilty conscience indeed.
Malkin’s not a dixiecrat/democrat, how does the kkk label apply?
Why would hillary want bill gwatney assassinated? He was on hillary’s side, pledged his super-delegate for her.
“Still has a conscience”????
Is there a shred of evidence that Malkin ever had one?
Malkin is mentally a girl in a woman’s body still stuck in high school.
Gawtney was a used car salesman (aren’t all Democratic politicians?) which means plenty of people he sold defective -read lemon- autos to had plenty of motive for such an attack.
David Gold stain is reaching with the political angle, especially when this site traffics so much hate and vitriol that it makes Malkin and Coulter seem tame by comaparison.
Kind of an odd thought process the lad has isn’t it?
Lying Wingnut @4 “One only has to read the posts from yesterday to see the point michelle malkin was making. Liberals were eager to blame conservatives for it.”
Wrong, we backed off that immediately. Go back and read yesterday’s posts again, twit! Are you too fucking lazy to look anything up before posting, or are you unable to read?
@16 “Gawtney was a used car salesman”
Wrong, he worked in the body shop, you ignorant sot! Are you Stamn’s twin? I’ve eaten peanuts that were better informed than you two.
Marvin: I heard somewhere that John McCain fathered a black child with a prostitute. Mind enlightening us all where that rumor got started?
The real disgrace, Marvin, is that McCain did nothing to stick up for his family. You think he’ll stick up for you when the chips are down?
Silly wabbit, jumping to conclusions is for kids!
Beep! Beep!
Didn’t also post this on another thread?
I’ll ask again… if it’s a rumor, why are you posting it here on the information highway? Just to increase the number of hits when googled, giving credence to the rumor?
Hey wingnuts and the so-called Democrats who cow-tow to the wingnuts. This case is still under investigation. Nothing has been decided. It still could be a right wing v. left situation. Don’t be so quick to cave into the right wing spin. If the situation were reversed they wouldn’t be waiting for facts or acknowledge them when they arrived. They’d blame us. We should do the same.
Roger Rabbit said:
“Malkin is mentally a girl in a woman’s body still stuck in high school.”
Then you should ask her to the prom Rog, because you’re a fucking teenager stuck inside an old man’s body.
She’s just a Ann Colter wannabe. Pathetic. She even gives her shoe size (in case Manolo Blahnik wants to send her free shoes) in her About Me page.
Rog @ 17
You KLOWNS backed off??
You mean like this comment?
15. ByeByeGOP spews:
Well I guess the Patriot Act can’t protect against acts of right wing terrorism.
This is why I strongly suggest that Democrats arm themselves. The Rovian republican party will stop at nothing to gain power. When stealing elections stops working for them, they’ll just start using police to keep Democrats out of the way – oops they’re already doing that.
Now they’re killing Democrats. Come to my house bitch. I have two friends you DO NOT want to meet. Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson will be glad to instruct you on how things work.
It would be a real shame if someone retaliated and killed the head of the “GOP” party somewhere now wouldn’t it. A real shame indeed.
I’ll ask again… if it’s a rumor, why are you posting it here on the information highway?
Oh my, you missed his point by a few light years on that one…LOL.
Oh, the humanity.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
re 21: When the priest asked the rabbi why Jews always answered a question with another question, the rabbi responded: “Why not?”
You never answered my ‘query’ on either thread.
This does not mean that I am calling you a quizzical rabbi. It means you never directly answer a question that is damaging to your position. That’s why discussing something with you is more like playing whack-a-mole with a prattling nine year old than talking to another adult.
So, here it is yet another time: Marvin: I heard somewhere that John McCain fathered a black child with a prostitute. Mind enlightening us all where that rumor got started?
The real disgrace, Marvin, is that McCain did nothing to stick up for his family. You think he’ll stick up for you when the chips are down?
Malkin has got a bad case of Right Wing Victim’s Complex. Which is ironic, since she reserves much of her hatred for liberals who portray the same characteristic.
Trolling 101.
I didn’t miss his point. I was redirecting the conversation.
@23 No, I’m a feral rabbit, dumbass!
You’re admitting it was a rumor, what do you hope to gain by posting it over and over if not to make sure it’s all over the information highway.
Quite commendable of mcsame to adopt an orphaned bangladeshi girl. Shows how caring him and his wife are. Some do, some talk. Mcsame obviously is one of the doers.
The real disgrace, Marvin, is that McCain did nothing to stick up for his family. You think he’ll stick up for you when the chips are down?
And kerry didn’t stand up to the swiftboaters. Oops, different situations. Like you said, it was a rumor about mcsame. Kerry was proven to be a liar.
So how do you feel about kerry being afraid to release his medical records.
And let’s not forget about his discharge papers being signed by carter.
To quote lee…
Maybe you should be asking goldy the same question. Why wouldn’t he write abut something that is damaging to his position.
Kerry was NOT proven to be a liar.
And speaking of liars, why is there no record for the “lost years” of George W. Bush? Oh, because he was not where they said he was and no one wants to cop to it.
@4 “bye bye goop and stevie”
Whiner. Look, if you want us to stop calling you a goatfucker then the solution is simple – quit fucking goats, you perv.
Hey CynCyn I am not backing off one bit. You right wing ass-licks lied and tried to act like all the facts are out. As with everything that spews from your cum-soaked mouth – that was a lie.
This guy DID NOT work for the man he murdered. This was a right wing lie told early in the story in an attempt to deflect.
There is an ongoing investigation and it’s very likely he was a republican or at least one of your ilk.
Will you be asking for forgiveness when it turns out there were political motives? No you’ll just go back to sucking dick and lying like you always do.
I repeat – liberals should arm themselves and assume the right is out there planning more murder. They have not one chance of winning legitimately. Everyone knows that. So violence caused by inbreds is no doubt on their list.
Again – do not make the mistake of coming to my house. You won’t like the consequences of an attempted attack on me or my family.
I consider the source… say whatever you want stevie. I laugh every time I read your sexual fantasies.
(make no mistake stevie, that’s laughing *AT* you)
Wow usually Lee plays the part of a go-along get along type but he really bitch-slaps Marvin the child molester around pretty good here so I guess he can’t be all bad.
Marvin by the way has never once denied he is a child molester. Just an FYI.
So what is wrong with hate? Nothing but that on this site…and typical internet tough guys…
@38 He’s also never denied being an America-hating, commie-fascist goatfucker. Of course, it would be ridiculous for him to deny these things, seeing as how it’s the truth.
@37 You really need to quit fucking that goat, you perv. Not that I give a shit about you. I couldn’t care less whether you live or die. My concern is for that poor goat.
Jump, you stupid fuck, jump!
36 You got guns in your mother in laws basement? You are one tough mother fucker.