A lot of establishment Republicans, fearing the inevitable ass-kicking should Huckabee or Romney ultimately be the party’s nominee, are crossing their fingers that Sen. John McCain’s recent surge within the media and Beltway elite gets translated into a respectable showing in Iowa and New Hampshire. Why? Because politics is about winning, and McCain’s reputation as a “straight talker” still resonates with voters who haven’t been paying close attention, setting him up as the Republican with the best chance of winning come November. You know, straight talk like this:
Poor McCain: Straight talk has yielded to straight out pandering. The last interview highlights the main problem of McCain – though – he seems confused and slow in answering questions (almost maleable now).
People also forget what a cheerleader he was for the war and how he has been a great Bush supporter. If he wins the Republican nomination – he will have real problems in the debate – some days he is on – but many days he seems to be sleeping or confused. Maybe his meds are giving him trouble. anyways – that was a great synopsis of the “former” straight talker.
I used to actually like the guy even though I didn’t agree with him on his stands. Now I can’t stand him and his double-talk.
News for losers:
Wingnuts. The new AG is investigating the torture tapes.
You guys should be all for this. Someone has to get to the bottom of why these tapes were destroyed. You torture porn fans were cruelly denied a new source of entertainment.
Oops now we know why the AG is “investigating”.
They want to crowd out a nosy Congress.
Wingnuts, the Governator wants to sue.
Hey, it’s a States rights issue! You should be all for that. Besides, Ahhhnold has an R next to his name.
A woman is raped by employees of a favorite no-bid contractor. Your tax dollars at work.
The chimp administration drags its feet. Typical. I don’t know how anyone knowing this can reward Republicans by voting for them. I do know actually – the majority of Republican voters could care less.
Mr “Shag Fund” circles the drain faster and faster.
Fitting justice. Watch Josh’s video. The guy has bat shit insane advisers.
LMAO!! When you’re REALLY desperate – just all-out call for more war!
What does THAT say about Republican voters?
Poor El Rushbo. That limp gasbag just can’t help doing what he’s told.
The order from on high is to cut Huckabee at the knees.
I really feel bad for McCain. He alone has served and sacrificed for this country. The guy had a shot. He could have been a principled centrist-leaning kind of conservative.
But he went bat shit insane on the war and he had to pander and hug the chimp after what Karl Rove did to him in S. Carolina.
No one but himself to blame.
Wingnuts, your favorite funder of right wing bullshit believes in “open marriage”.
I just shake my head…
One can almost feel sorry for McCain. His real problem is the conflict between his political ambitions, his beliefs, and his chosen party. It pits his longer ago past record and perhaps a level of truer conviction he feels against the reality of today’s repub party.
In the brief challenge he posed in 2000 to the Repub hierarchy, until his decision sometime in 2004 to seek the 2008 nomination, he outraged the party hierarchy. It was not even social issues, or campaign finance- it was his sacrilege on taxes and budgets. Remember, McCain opposed the disastorous budgets and tax cuts by W in 2001 and 2003, on the grounds of, (gulp,) tax fairness, the disastorous impact on increasing deficits, and increasing the inequity of the tax system by tilting it even more towards the well to do.
Since the W machine was strenuously denying doing what they were doing on tax policy and claiming they were helping the “little guy” by making up statistics, (Remember the trumped up rallies of million dollar lobbyists who traded guccis for hard hats and overalls, and were waving posters of the fairness of the W tax cuts for working people?) McCain’s apostasy was devastating to their credibility.
It was not enough for mcCain to kiss Bush’s ass in 2004- he had to do more. Only after rounds of genuflecting and of kissing the rings and asses of the tax cutters, treasury-looting privatizers, and the big money fatcats of the repub hierarchy could he start a come back. When he hired Arthur Laffer (pronounced “laugher”,) as his economic advisor he completed his political penance with the corporate oligarchy.
Yet despite all this, two weeks ago I said here that he would eventually win the R nod, despite his stand on immigration. Why? Because even with this checkered history, he still looks good next the certifiably insane former mayor, and the plastic air-blown waffle man from Massachusetts. And the R hierarchy will have a collective coronary if Hukabee surges any more. They will turn all their guns on him to make sure they sink him. He thus becomes their default choice
For those of you who disagree with me, I hope you are right. Because any of the other three will lead the Repubs to an historic landlside against them next November. McCain is the only one who worries me.
There are the times he also scares me, when it looks like he has drifted off into lah-lah land, and his other problem is a truly nasty temper that shows up on the campaign trail where he can engage in public belittling. May work in Repub primary, but would be fatal in a general election.
The Repubs have a problem… who is electable?
The Real John Edwards
12 – I agree. McCain could very well be the default choice for the R’s.
And they will almost certainly lose. All the Dems have to do is roll tape like the video above. The people are tired of old faces doing same old, same old, song and dance.
They want a fresher face who will clean up the mess and manage some modest path forward away from the ugliness of the last 7 years.
McCain’s pandering is clearly designed to alleviate the concerns among the wingers that he’s not conservative enough. Just check out what the folks at the American Spectator think of him…
It just goes to show how little room there is for compromise in the current political landscape.
where the hell is cowardlee to delete when YLB is off-topic in 8 posts? …oh that’s right, he’s YOUR kind of asshole.
It’s actually no wonder then that liberal blogs are
fallingFAILING on their asses while conservative blogs are soaring.Using the same stats to check things here in Seattle regarding the ever popular Sound Politics vs the losing popularity and cowardly censoring Horses Ass, it seems the same results appear:
Sound Politics
Jan-June 07: 788,148
July-Dec 07: 803,401
Page Views:
Jan-June 07: 1,892,957
July-Dec 07: 2,068,495
Jan-June 07: 394,060
July-Dec 07: 365,135
Page Views:
Jan-June 07: 703,466
July-Dec 07: 721,204
Recapping, the darcypimp blabs on the air several times a week and his visits DECREASE, while Sound Politics has no air time and jumps in both visits and page views.
That pretty much echoes the report that cowardlee deleted showing that Americans declare themselves Consevative over liberal consisistently over the last 5 years (and increasing each of the 10 times it was polled) by nearly 2:1.
Go ahead cowardlee… hit your fucking delete key: it won’t change the FACTS… the facts that you only delete opposition off topics and the fact that the darcy pimp isn’t as influential as he dreams he is.
vkl;wernfnwe ……..classic!!! good job.
they won’t listen though. it will take a big thump on their pointy little heads during an election to get their attention. but then, they are already warming up with “this is how the republicans will steal the election”….heh heh heh
numbers? facts?? they don’t need no stinkin’ facts and numbers…they have IMAGINATION.
and a memo from the head office………
Why don’t you dumbshits cackle among yourselves where somebody gives a shit.
If you think we really CARE about the shark’s shitty little blog and his shitty little commentors…think again.
rujax……….if you don’t care then why are you getting your knickers in such a knot?
gawd…you peeps are just too amusing. it’s like eating peanuts…you can’t just have one.LOL.
Hey Goldie,
I am a member of the Sierra Club and just received my ballot for the Cascade Chapter’s Executive Committee. I am still pissed at them for helping derail Prop 1 and so I want to vote against those who led the effort against the measure. Does anyone know if any of the folks who are running were in favor of Prop 1? Or where I can get better info? The newsletter does not provide much information at all. Any one here know any of these folks and what they stand for? I’m new to the area and don’t know.
The candidates are (vote up to 5):
Tristin Brown
Roger Cole
Minoo Damanpour
Andrew Lewis
Mike O’Brien
Dave Porter
Mike Town
Yes I know this is off topic but I want help finding info.
19 – Ghost I understand you STILL think Goldy and Roger Rabbit are same person.
What a total loser you are. You’re so deranged it’s hardly even funny.
Wingnut POS @ 16
Shrug.. Nobody cares what a braindead like you thinks.
Hey YLB-
I’m so “Post-ghostie” it’s not even funny!
(snark, snark)
Her and the “troll-du-jour” from WSRP boiler room. Fucking asshats.
I, too have to express my disappointment. Ghost, when you first showed up here, you at least expressed the occasional original thought, and I rather got the impression that politics aside, you and I had a thing or two in common.
Since then, you seem to be so blinded by your extremist zeal that you can’t do anything but goose-step along parroting the slogans fed to you by the neocon gurus of rhetoric. Seems to be the same with most of the trolls–Piper, at least you’re an exception. As for the rest of you, when Michelle Malkin writes about “moonbats”, you’re all in here calling us that. When Anne Coulter screeches about killing Muslims, you’re all parroting her and thinking you’re all being oh, so cute. I don’t know which one of your gurus came up with “socialism and surrender” a couple months ago, but just about every one of you was repeating it over and over like some kind of mantra.
You’re all so predictable, and in the end, rather boring. Keep it up, though. The more you rant, the more you discredit your own side.
I love when the right wingnut trolls come on to a lively discussion at HA to tell us how much better the right wing blogs are doing….If those RWingnut blogs are doing so well, then stay over there with your fellow 25% bushites. The rest of the country is going democratic in a big way. Republicans haven’t won much in washington state for the past 10 years since the far right took over the Republican party here.
Go crow about the republican successes in the governor, the Senate and the House here in Washington – oh, yeah – there haven’t been too many and Bush’s boy Reichert is looking to lose the only Western Washington seat left for the wingnuts.
Republican brand:
Corrupt (Abramoff, gonzalez, Craig, Vitter, DeLay et cetera)
Inept (Katrina and Brownie, Bremer, gonzalez)
cronyism (Brownie and Bremer)
In favor of torture (cheney/bush, gonzalez)
Against Habeus corpus (see above)
Lying about intelligence (see above)
Pre-emptive war without justification (see above)
Ruining government protections (see FDA, EPA, FEC, FCC and others)
Anti-science (see above)
christmasghost can’t even get her vibrator to like her.
Nice, pl.
Go HICKabee!
#27……..democrat brand????
HSU……….remember him? hillary’s pal?
snark, snark, snark……..