In print, budget battles are all about numbers, but in real life they’re actually about people. The ad above, funded by a coalition of hospitals, clinics and health care unions, makes that point very well.
I’m told this ad will be running in fairly heavy rotation, and I’ve got a sneaking suspicion it’s just the opening salvo.
The Republicans are going to run a similar ad, only it will have the monopoly man holding his monocle and daubing his eye with a mint green, silk pocket-hanky.
Here it comes…the tear-jerking plea that only with a major tax increase can we help starving children and dying old people.
Goldy, there is lots of assistance available from private charities. The Government insists on creating ineffective bureaucracies to address social issues best left to the private sector.
The photo’s will tearaway at the wee little hearts of the pinheads.
This is classic Class Warfare.
Typical Democratic actions.
@2 “Goldy, there is lots of assistance available from private charities.”
Really? Everything I’ve heard and read in the media says charitable donations are way down because of the recession and charities are turning people away.
They are down because of the recession AND because taxes are too high!
Take a look at our State Legislators and their ranking on proposed spending increases!
Rosa Franklin is #1 @ $65 BILLION!
What a kook.
You have got to see this.
It’s a long ways down the list before you see a Republican.
Cynny @ 5
You are so full of shit. Nonprofit organizations and charities are dying left and right. The reason is that no one is making any money. Your no-tax mantra is really tiresome. Government must help those most in need or help won’t be forthcoming. I guess your sense of Christian charity doesn’t extend so far as to help the most needy if such help is only within the capacity of government.
Cue the elderly and children…..
On deck we have the Police, Fire and First responders…
So predictable.
@8 Wrong Stuff – who are your mythical Republicans who hate police, fire and first responders? I don’t know any…
Proud Leftist:
Bernie Madoff killed many of them… :)
Really? And where will this money come from? Democrats are going pay their taxes now? We already know from the Salvation Army libtards are cheep punks when it comes to being charitable. We already know most HA weasels here are some of the cheepest peeps known to man.
I guess proud leftist forgot this moronic try by Obama… http://www.jpost.com/servlet/S.....6269366092
Meanwhile the State hands out money to private business.
And today on the morning news I hear the governer wants to help buy the movie industry into town.
I wonder if the Children of Olympia can use a school of big bronze fish. There’s a bunch in Eastgate on a bridge they can eat.
re 2: You know, you are right. It is class warfare.
And just like in 1776, people like you are on the wrong side of it — but you’ll be only too happy to take credit for the results when it’s over.
re 13: I guess in your rubber room any decoration is an extravagance.
15 Winky,
It is when you CANNOT AFFORD IT.
Maybe those folks could have these tires:
I think that ad is stating that the “coalition” doesn’t like the cuts in state funding to their programs and businesses, and they’re using “people” to help sell their agenda.
You’ll soon see similar ads from:
Boeing workers
Eastern WA Farmers
Biofuel manufactures
Day Care Facilities
State employee unions