I thought I might be all out of what the fucks this campaign season. Especially after the shitty hurricane coverage. But there’s still at least one more. What the fuck, John Koster?
Koster: “When a mother’s life in in danger. I’m not going to make that decision. You know, I know they go out and… incest is so rare, I mean, it’s so rare. But the rape thing…you know, I know a woman who was raped and kept her child, gave it up for adoption, she doesn’t regret it. In fact, she’s a big pro-life proponent. But on the rape thing, it’s like, how does putting more violence onto a woman’s body and taking the life of an innocent child that’s a consequence of this crime, how does that make it better? You know what I mean?”
First off, if that story is true it doesn’t really change the facts for the women who get an abortion after being raped. If a woman decides to have a kid after being raped, I want to live in a society that respects that. But society should have just as much respect for a woman who doesn’t want to bring her rapist’s child into the world.
Now I think all women should be able to make that decision for themselves under any circumstances. But it’s tough to imagine that a person wouldn’t feel a little compassion sneak in when we’re talking about rape victims.
I wish there were a magical world where people like John Koster could get pregnant. In that magical world, every woman who was about to get raped would be magically whisked away and replaced with people like John Koster.
That way they could show us all how it’s done when they bear the child of their rapist without a care in the world, blithely handing children over for adoption over and over ad naseum
This is so unfair. Koster has plenty of compassion, and it’s on full display here. It’s just that his compassion is for that helpless little Rhodes Scholar embryo. Why should he spare any to worry about the skin-covered sack that embryo is, for the time being, surrounded by? Whatever that thing is called…he forgets, it’s not important. Because, embryo!
A lot of “pro-life” people are “pro-life” only for the first nine months and the last six months of a person’s life. Namely, being opposed to the abortion of a fetus and opposed to the right of the terminally ill to hasten the inevitable. When it comes to the remainder of natural life, there is precious little desire to help the less fortunate among us.
I certainly have to respect the moral consistency of most Roman Catholic clergy. Passionately pro-life — even to the point of opposing birth control, and requiring life prolonging assistance to the terminally ill — but also equally passionate in helping out the less fortunate among us.
But in the world of secular politics, a pro-life position is generally associated with harshness against the less fortunate, and a pro-choice position is generally associated with compassion towards the less fortunate.
Really? You post that on a discussion regarding rape?
Other than the gross misnomer “pro-life position”, the rest of that sentence is obvious.
The Blethen family newsletter endorsed this assclown.
That rag will endorse any goat fucker as long as he/she leans hard enough to the Reich.
Would the devout Christians please show where it is in the Bible that life begins at conception?
The only references I can find only refer to the time of birth or after. For instance, Leviticus 27:1-7 places a value on life from one month old and up, but no value on younger than one month.
Look, the asshat teabagger Koster could actually win the election.
If you’ve got the time or the money please lend your action to Suzan.
Koster is a disaster . Don’t let it happen here.
# 7: The reference I hear most often is from Jeremiah 1:5 (quoted from NIV edition):
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Which is pretty much the basis for my own religious convictions regarding abortion.
I also noted that the sonogram of my daughter clearly showed a girl who was kicking and moving constantly – the nurse thought she was reacting to the sonogram sounds. But from her birth she was always active, wouldn’t sleep, demanded attention constantly. As a teenager she was an athlete, as a young adult she is somewhat hyper-active, going to and from from one activity or project to the next. My son, however, is quiet and introspective, and hardly moved at all in his pre-birth Sonograms.
But I’m willing to conceed that its’ a religious and moral decision, and other people’s standards are just as likely to be as valid as my own. I don’t try to impose my own religious views on when life begins on others. If they decide to convert to my religion, then they can make that decision based on religious doctrines. But otherwise, it’s a secular decision.
Trust. Women. It is no one else’s business.
That is all.
Why does ekim support aborting a child at 8 months and 29 days, who’s only crime is being inconvenient?
@11: Why does ekim support aborting a child at 8 months and 29 days, who’s only crime is being inconvenient?
Really. You got all that from my question?
BTW, you still hosting those goat orgy parties for your troll buddies?
You know, the ones that end in ritual sacrifices to the Great Goat God.
Figures a “guy”(use that term loosely) like you would mention orgies….got a circle jerk with your buddies planned tonight or something?
You can have the goats….you can marry one, male of course, for all I care.
Poor poor little Troll. I understand. My bad.
You love the goat sex, but just don’t want to talk about it.
Just remember to send the GoatBoy an invite for your next goat party. I understand GoatBoy was upset he wasn’t invited to the last one.
It’s not surprising that Koster would come out for this, it’s right in line with the current Republican platform. Hopefully, it turns off a bunch of voters. But, Suzan DelBene’s not exactly someone to get excited about either, unless you’re a neo-feudalist that thinks the rich should be able to buy themselves a seat in The People’s House.
Michael – So she’s spending her one percenter money to get elected, while Koster is letting OTHER one percenters pay for his campaign.
And this makes Koster morally superior how?