It seems like the 2006 race just ended, and already the Democratic field is coming together to take on Rep. Dave Reichert in WA’s 8th Congressional District.
I ran into Tony Ventrella last night at Chocolate for Choice, and immediately asked him if he was really running for Congress in WA-08, and he gave the kind of definitive, confident reply a real candidate is supposed to give: “All the way through November, and beyond,” he insisted. Well, he’s got that part down pat.
Yesterday was also the day kicked off an effort to draft state Rep. Ross Hunter (D-Bellevue) for a run against Reichert. I suppose calling it a “Draft” campaign might suggest to some an aura of grassroots activism, but I’m told it is largely the initiative of King County Democrats Finance Chair Sharon Mast. Ross was informed of the effort, and didn’t object, but said he couldn’t deal with it until after the session. When asked for his biographical information, Hunter pointed Mast to his consultants at Moxie Media, who gave her what she needed. It’s not exactly grassroots provenance — and there’s nothing wrong with that — but it certainly doesn’t represent a broader movement.
Also at Chocolate for Choice last night was the 2006 Democratic nominee, Darcy Burner, and like the experienced politician she’s become, she would neither confirm nor deny her candidacy for a second run at “the Sheriff”. (A self-designation Reichert reminds us at the start of nearly every sentence, as in: “If I can look Gary Ridgeway straight in the eyes, I can look you in the eyes and tell you that I want a tall, double-shot, low-fat latte.”)
So where does that leave us? Perhaps my allegiance is showing, but if I were a betting man, I’d guess Darcy will run. And if Burner runs, I’m pretty damn confident we’ll be looking at a Reichert/Burner rematch in 2008.
Tony’s a nice guy and all, and from our brief conversation it sounds like his politics are a good match for the district, but I’m not sure he fully groks the immense amount of hard work and begging fundraising required to make a viable run. Sure, he’s the only one of the three who can go on Dori’s show without being totally trashed, but Dori isn’t exactly known as a Democratic primary kingmaker. There is a finite reservoir of political dollars, and the unfortunate reality is that money in the bank is the primary yard stick by which donors judge political viability. Sometimes newcomers surprise you (ie, Darcy’s $3 million-plus in 2006), but I’m guessing Tony will be out of the running by this time next year, if not sooner.
As a several term legislator, Ross is the most experienced politician of the three, and if he had run for the nomination in 2006, he might have kicked Darcy’s ass. But this ain’t 2006.
After running an insurgent, come-from-nowhere campaign that raised unprecedented money, and coming within a few thousand votes of an incumbent despite the more than $6 million spent against her, Darcy is undoubtedly the frontrunner, and by far. Darcy has the advantage over Tony and Ross in almost every category: she has the district-wide name ID, the media exposure, the volunteers, the professional organization, and perhaps most importantly, the fundraising list. She also has the advantage of having been thoroughly vetted, with no skeletons exposed, despite the best efforts of Karl Rove and his evil minions.
And finally, Darcy not only has the support, but the love and respect of the netroots, a growing political force that only began to flex its muscles in 2006. If Darcy runs, she will have the bloggers on her side, almost to a one.
Nothing against Tony or Ross. I like both of them. But that’s just the way it is.
As for the general election I remain confident that the Democrats have a decent shot at unseating Reichert regardless of the nominee. The political landscape should remain tilted towards the D’s in a district that is growing bluer year by year, and Reichert won’t have a majority party leadership to puff up his profile during an election year. A presidential election will also greatly increase Democratic turnout in a district that has gone strongly Democratic the past few presidential elections.
And while the conventional wisdom is that Reichert should be harder to knock off now that he’s established in a second term, Darcy’s prospects are also buoyed by a pattern of challengers winning on their second try. Melissa Bean, Brian Baird, Stephanie Herseth, Jerry McNerney, Nancy Boyda, Joe Donnelly and others are all candidates who built on their first campaigns to come back and win the second time out. And knowing what I know about Darcy, how dedicated, hard-working, and most of all, how incredibly smart she is, I’m confident that she has what it takes to learn from her mistakes, and come back and win.
All she has to do is tell us she’s running, and the race is on.
Of course Darcy will run! How could anyone compete against this?
Do-nothing Congressman Reichert has been in office for over 2 years and still hasn’t hugged a rabbit.
Of course, that’s not surprising; it took him 20 years to catch a killer who was right under his nose.
Maybe Reichert will get around to hugging a rabbit before Social Security goes broke, but I doubt it.
Why doesn’t McMorris resign to stay home and take care of her baby? Is she a hypocrite like all the other Republicans?
More to the point, why isn’t Janet Shill demanding that McMorris resign and become a stay-at-home mom? Doesn’t this make Janet a hypocrite?
Talking to yourself again roger???
Glad to see you are endorsing a loser again. You think her campaign will continue to make statements against Firefighter Unions, and tell us that we are going to endorse her, like Zack did last year? I wonder if she continued to be the President of her Community association, or if she gave that up too? Come on Goldy, even you guys can come up with a viable candidate. I mean damn, how bad do you have to be, to go against the Blue Wave that swept the nation last year, and lose in King County? Get a viable candidate Goldy. The Rabbit would even be better, and that’s pretty damn low.
Goldy, I hope you can get Darcy Burner to run again. Ross Hunter would be a lot stronger candidate and might even be able to beat Dave Reichert.
Union Fireman @ 8
“The Rabbit would even be better, and that’s pretty damn low.”
The Rabbit would be better, but I wouldn’t call him “pretty damn low”. I have heard he has a credible resume’ and some record of public service.
Whichever Dem runs for the seat will no doubt be helped if John Carlson keeps writing editorials claiming the GOP lost control of Congress last year because they weren’t being conservative enough.
I actually think with the three in this primary race that it will be a toss up and the primary winner will be the candidate who gets the most votes in the south end. Since this is where Darcy failed, she should have no question of where she must connect.
The 2nd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that the 2nd Amendment really means that the people have the right to keep and bear arms. They declared the District of Columbia ban on handguns to be unconstitutional.
Please run Darcy Burner……..Please.
I got a mention on the Sound Politics blog which was good, the bad part is they are crapping on us right and left (no pun intended) How can they go after Darcy when their Pam Roach is so despicable, they must be digging through the net like crazy to find something on her.
Here is the post.
I think you owe it to everyone.
Add my college classmate Paul Hodes (NH-02) to your list of second-time-around winners of House seats.
Paul lost in 2004 by a whole lot more than Darcy did in 2006 … 58% to 38%, in a district where Kerry got about 52% of the vote. Not only that — Charlie Bass, the guy he defeated (53% to 46%) in 2006, was a six-term incumbent and vastly more qualified to serve in the House than Sheriff Hairspray. (Talk about damning with faint praise…)
Bass was also the scion of a long-established Republican political dynasty in the state. His father Perkins Bass had served in the House for eight years, and his grandfather Robert P. Bass was governor for one term and a confidant of Teddy Roosevelt.
Oh Goldy, move on.
Darcy may have name rec., but she will always lack what Reichert has in abundance: accomplishments and a compelling story. Grassroots and all that don’t matter, even if the voters know who she is: If the voters don’t think she is compelling, they won’t vote for her, last year or next year.
It’s high time we got a candidate who knows what they are doing.
I doubt there will be more than one candidate in the primary. Neither major party likes contested primaries any more.
I will vote for and contribute to any Reichert opponent who can pronounce “nuclear.”
I guess this makes me one o’ those DemoFascistEnviroMeddlersUnionGoonMemberSecularHumanists or something.
I think Goldy is posturing for a CM position….
Personally, I think Dave Ross would have a better shot than Darcy Burner.
how will she show political progress?
thin resume in politics, nice but not compelling, long shot last time, why better on number two
not convinced
WASHINGTON — The so-called “Beltway Madam” pleaded not guilty to federal racketeering and money laundering charges in federal court Friday.
Prosecutors say Deborah Jean Palfrey, 50, ran a call-girl service in the Washington, D.C. area for 13 years, taking appointments from her California home and dispatching women to luxury hotels in Washington and Baltimore. They say the service promoted prostitution.
OK, my fine liberal friends, who of the Washington politico set will get caught-up in the above-mentioned case? This one might be juicy!!
Right Stuff @ 22
Ross Hunter would be even more formidable. He won over 67% of the vote for re-election in a district that will generally give at least 40% even to a really weak GOP candidate for any office. He would be a very serious threat to Dave Reichert and has a LOT more of his own money to put into the race than the $40K or so that Darcy Burner jump-started her campaign with.
I’d vote for Roger… but is his warren in the 8th?
Goldy – A more accurate title for this post would have been “My Endorsement in the 8th – it’s Darcy’s if she wants it”. The nomination is not hers by right, and I thought it interesting that the Chair of the King County Dems has signed on to the Draft Hunter website.
Anyways – it’s a long way off. Not worth wasting (too much) breath over…. ;-)
If you think that the effort to draft Ross Hunter is coming solely from Sharon Mast, you are either lazy and have not done complete research, or you have swallowed disinformation from a bad source.
Many, many people have been after Ross to run for some time. Health and family issues prevented him from doing so in 2004, and his legislative duties (rightly) won’t allow him to address the issue until the session ends.
If Ross announces, he will be the next U.S. Representative from the Eighth District, He will beat Reichert like a drum, and you can take that to the bank. Darcy didn’t even try to make Reichert look dumb, and rightly so. Ross Hunter would expose him for the dummy that he is.
This is no rap on Darcy. She gained my total respect and she enjoys it today. If Ross does not run I will support her with everything I have, and I have told her that.
But she won’t outcampaign Ross Hunter, and she won’t out-fundraise him, and the thought that she might is preposterous, if you know Ross at all. Who do you think the DCCC would support if Ross ran?
As for your comment about the “netroots” supporting Darcy, give me a break. You don’t speak for anyone besides yourself, and statements like that are the worst self-serving rubbish. Please find some meds to reduce the swelling in your head.
Can Darcy beat Reichert in 2008? Quite possibly. Can she do it after a costly primary? It’s doubtful. Would a contested Democratic primary help or hurt the eventual nominee? I’m not sure. Most people I have talked to seem to think it would hurt.
Would Ross Hunter beat Reichert? Yes. Could he do it after a contested primary? Yes again. You, my friend, have quite a learning curve when it comes to this race.
who of the Washington politico set will get caught-up in the above-mentioned case
Ivan it’s you my friend who “are either lazy and have not done complete research, or you have swallowed disinformation from a bad source”.
Hunter has a long list of weaknesses that you are completely ignoring and make it extraordinarily difficult for him to win either the primary or the general.
1. He is not a proven fundraiser. The Democratic candidate has to raise at least 3 million dollars. Your confidence in his ability to raise money is totally off base. He has a very small network relative to Darcy.
2. He doesn’t bring new votes to the table. There is no reason to believe he would perform better in the rural or southern parts of the district. And he will not open up a gender gap.
3. He has no name ID.
4. He has a long legislative record that will be rich for the Republican opposition research machine. If you thought the ads against Darcy were brutal, wait until you see an ad backed up with a long voting record.
5. At the end of the day, the questions is: does Ross Hunter want to risk his turn at the governor’s office by giving up his legislative seat only to lose in a primary?
As to Darcy, I think Goldy pretty much covered it.
The only thing I’d add is that most of the conversation about Darcy are trappend in the “fighting the last war” mind frame. 2008 will be a different race — just like 2006 was different than 2004. There will be new dynamics, new ideas, different accusations.
The most important thing is finding a candidate who can 1) raise the money, 2) stand up to the Republican’s under blistering attacks, 3) build a grassroots campaign to take the message to voters, 4) stay on message and 5) connect with voters.
The only candidate who has proven she is capable of all of these is Darcy. And she’ll prove them again when she beats Hunter handily (if he wants to risk his legislative seat) and rides the surge of young Democratic voters to victory in 2008.
@26 I’m flattered, but no, I’m in Jay Inslee’s district (except when held prisoner in the Rabbit Meadows Concentration Camp).
Your Choice: Eat Or Drive
There’s bad news for consumers coming at the grocery store in the form of double-digit inflation that won’t go away because we’re building it into our economy:
“WASHINGTON (March 9) – Strong demand for corn from ethanol plants … will raise prices for beef, pork and chicken, the Agriculture Department said Friday. …
“Ethanol fuel … is consuming 20 percent of last year’s corn crop and is expected to gobble up more than 25 percent of this year’s crop. The price of corn, the main feed for livestock, has driven the cost of feeding chickens up 40 percent, according to the National Chicken Council. The council says that chicken, the most popular meat with consumers, will soon cost more at the grocery store. …
“The average price of corn, unchanged from last month, is $3.20 a bushel, up from $2 last year. …
“‘[C]onsumers will pay significantly more for food,’ [Tyson] Chief Executive Dick Bond said. …
“For soybeans, analysts said prices are averaging $6.30 a bushel …. Last year’s price was $5.66. Wheat prices are averaging $4.25 a bushel, … up from $3.42 last year.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We can’t eat crops we use for fuel, it’s that simple. The rush to ethanol probably won’t result in cheaper gas, but it WILL result in higher — much higher — food prices. Here’s the math: Corn prices up 60% in one year; soybeans up 11.3% in one year; wheat up 24.3% in one year. And ethanol production’s demand for crops will only grow in the years ahead. Not only is the era of cheap oil over, so is the era of cheap food.
Fortunately, I’m a rabbit, and can eat grass. It ain’t that bad once you get used to it. Just go outside, get on your hands and knees, lower your snout to the ground, rip it up with your teeth, chew, and swallow. After a couple days, you won’t puke anymore. And look at the bright side — you can get rid of your lawn mower!
@7 “KiroKing says: Talking to yourself again roger???
03/09/2007 at 12:08 pm”
Of course not! I write for an audience. You obviously read my stuff (or you wouldn’t comment on it), and so do many other people as well.
@7 Not to put too fine a point on it, kiroking, but you and your troll buddies are my intended audience and my most loyal readers. Thanks for your patronage! I appreciate your business.
@8 Let history record that Union Fireliar started the “Draft Roger Rabbit for Congress” movement. He may not have intended to; but it appears he came up with the idea first.
@8 P.S., who gives a fuck what YOU think! You wouldn’t vote for any Democrat, under any circumstances, because you’re a dolt. That doesn’t mean the majority in your union are as stupid as you.
I’d vote for ANYONE running against Rubber Stamp Reichert. Any D will get my vote and given the mood the country is likely to be in next election, mostly any D will be able to win.
And that cowardly cunt Janet S won’t be able to attack Darcy for being a mother, given that Publican McMorris will have a kid by then.
@10 I appreciate your support, Richard, but let’s say I ran — HOW would I hug a rabbit? The 8th needs a rabbit hugger, and I don’t hug rabbits, I fuck ’em! To make as many rabbits as possible!
Actually, I have and continue to vote for a number of Dems. I look for the best individual for the job. For my personal belief system and financial situation, 85% of the time I vote Republican, but I do throw in a Dem vote, if the individual is better than who the Repubs put up. I am not, and never have been a party line voter. Are you?
Oh yeah, it is available…..
@19 “Darcy may have name rec., but she will always lack what Reichert has in abundance: accomplishments and a compelling story.”
Hoot! Snort! What did Reichert “accomplish” besides running a corrupt sheriff’s department and let Ridgeway continue killing women for 20-odd years? The guy is brain-dead. If that’s what you want in a congressman, you should elect a cement block.
@38 “Union Fireman says: Actually, I have and continue to vote for a number of Dems.”
You coulda fooled me.
@38 “I look for the best individual for the job.”
I do exactly the same thing, and end up voting 100% Democratic, so if you’re honest about this HOW do you manage to vote 85% GOP? You must have some loose wires.
@38 Well, if you were a 50-50 ticket-splitter, I’d have to tone it down a little and maybe even be polite to you, but 15% isn’t worth bothering for. So, go right along being a dickhead, and don’t let me slow you down.
@36 “And that cowardly cunt Janet S won’t be able to attack Darcy for being a mother, given that Publican McMorris will have a kid by then.”
Oh, that won’t stop her. She excels at being a hypocrite. It’s the only thing besides lying that she does well.
Mr. Bird @ 30
I have to (mostly) agree with Ivan. I will reserve judgment on his prediction that Hunter “will beat Reichert like a drum”, but I definitely agree that he will be a much stronger candidate than Darcy Burner — both in a primary and in a general election (and especially in a “Top Two” primary, if that comes to be after the U.S. Supreme Court decides the case after argument this fall).
Ross Hunter has strong name ID in Bellevue, and is very popular here. He got a lot higher percentage of the vote than Darcy Burner did in these precincts, and would be bringing votes to the table. He won big in 2004 also, and against very formidable opposition that year. Whatever is made of his voting record in the legislature can’t hurt him worse that Burner’s lack of any similar sort of record. His legislative fundraiser has been very good, and he should do well for Congress also.
But hopefully Goldy has some sway. I would like for Dave Reichert to have a decent shot at re-election next year :)
The fact that the Seattle Times endorsed Dave Reichert worked in his favor. Their coverage of Burner was abysmal.
Darcy, could have been out there more, I think she should have been at Maple Valley Days, should have been at Salmon Days. You can’t be everywhere at once but some candidates seem to be.
I’m flattered you all value my opinion so much!
I said this before – if McMorris continues her political career after having her baby, I’ll be disappointed. It would show that she puts politics over family. But she isn’t in my district, so my opinion doesn’t really matter.
I hope Darcy gets back in the race. She almost rode the tidal wave to a win, but fell short. The more she was in front of people, the worse she did. She was seen as the arrogant do-nothing that she is. So what has she been doing since she lost the election? I’ll at least give her credit if she claims she has been devoting her time to her child. But I doubt that has been how she has spent her time.
Hunter has the Education establishment in his back pocket. He has worked extensively on Bellevue levies and he has basically written the game plan for the dems on where education legislation should go. He has attended several local community forums, and spoken eloquently as to why our schools are failing many of our students. One fault he has pointed out is that the IQ level of entry-level teachers has decreased significantly in the last 20 years. He gets away with “speaking truth to power” because he is on the inside.
Should be interesting.
She was seen as the arrogant do-nothing that she is.
Re 43. Roger Rabbit says: @36 “And that cowardly cunt Janet S won’t be able to attack Darcy for being a mother, given that Publican McMorris will have a kid by then.”
Roger Rabbit calling a woman a “cunt” is one of the same sick liberals whining about Ann Coulter referring to John Edwards as a faggot.
This site should be changed from horsessass to Liberals are Hypocrites site.
Re: 36. Sorry rabbit I mistook you for “Right equals stupid” in calling a woman a “cunt”. Speaking of “Right equals stupid” observation of the “mood of the country” He might want to check the polls instead of his whiney liberal ass.
The DemocRAT congress has a lower public approval rating than President Bush. Of course someone who refers to women as “cunts” is probably to much of a Neanderthal to read polls.
YOS – What exactly has Darcy done to prove that she is competent? She washed out at MSFT, bailed on law school, reneged on a couple of appointments, lost an election, dabbled once in a home owners association, and never participated in her local community.
Quite a record. I hope she runs again.
Here is a list of all the recent polls. Liberals read em and weep. Your pussy legislators aren’t doing to well with the American public.
Reichert’s a suit.
What’s missing in this “debate” is any substantive mention of Tony Ventrella, and that may be his greatest asset. As the voice of the Seahawks, he has name recognition, but all of us “serious” followers of politics are writing him off. Last year, he MCed at least two campaign kickoffs (I saw him at Yvonne Ward’s and Karen Willard’s) and the man can speak. Combine his charm and presentation with a name very well known throughout the 8th and he is a potent force. Don’t discount him because you think he is a puff candidate; instead, fear him because he isn’t what you think.
It is pretty pathetic that you people are still talking about that nobody Darcy whats-her-name that lost fair and square. Someone has way too much time on their hands….
The fact that the Right has so much hate worked up over Darcy Burner shows that she is a force. I bet not one of you can name 3 things that Kathy Lambert has done in private life, at least not after a google search.
As a real (!) Democrat, have to agree with #51. What the heck are Burner’s qualifications? She went to Harvard, and she listens to people? So what? Maybe she should actually try doing something before she runs for Congress?
Wow, looks like the Moonbat! Moonbeam Donkocratic Congress is winning the hearts and minds of America!