(note: this is my two cents on Goldy’s earlier post)
I hope Ross Hunter runs for Congress. I’m guessing that Darcy Burner will give it another shot, too [UPDATE BELOW]. Tony Ventrella is already saddled-up and on the trail. Unlike Goldy, I’m not committed to supporting a single candidate. At least not yet.
I think Ventrella is going to have to really earn the support of Democrats. Being a celebrity is not enough to win. Hunter has the resume, but is a “moderate” guy like him going to “fire up” liberal suburban Democrats while reaching out to “guns and butter” conservative Democrats? Does Burner even want to run again, considering her biggest opponent wasn’t even Reichert, but the lying-sack-of-shit Seattle Times editorial page?
I’m excited to see how this thing plays out. It seems all the big shots are lining up behind Hunter, with Andrew and Goldy (and more) with Burner. Tony Ventrella… well, what about Tony? Come to Drinking Liberally, Tony!
In other news, the GOP has a 2-to-1 “precinct committee officer” advantage in the 8th Congressional District. Perhaps this might be more important than the horse race stuff.
Darcy’s in, according to Postman.
What if we have a “Top Two” primary system, with the U.S. Supreme Court deciding to take that case? It should be argued in the fall, and decided in plenty enough time to implement I-872 in time for the 2008 primary election. Of course, if only one Democrat files against Reichert and no one else runs, there won’t be a primary at all under “Top Two” — the race will only be on the November 2008 ballot, with Reichert and the Democrat.
Mr. Pope
With the “top two” primary, the two candidates with the most votes goes to the general election. Pretty simple concept.
Now, if only one Republican is running, and several Democrats are running, chances are that the Republican will get the most votes in the primary, and one of the several Democrats will come in second, also making the November ballot.
Of course, there is always the possibility that folks in the 8th will be so disgusted with Mr. Reichert that he won’t even make it into the top two, but I think that scenario unlikely.
If either major party cannot get enough votes to make it into the general election, then it’s time to stop wasting money on that district anyway.
Part of the reason I’ve never bought the “but what if two Democrats (or two Republicans, for that matter) are the top two vote getters?”
If a major party cannot come together sufficiently to get one of its candidates on the final ballot, then that race is already lost, and we should save our time and money for where it can do some good.
Which race will Pope-A-Dope enter next time? I think he wants to set a world record for the most-rejected candidate of all time.
Burner, Hunter, Ventrella, Ross — any of them would make better representatives than Reichert. Whoever wins, I’m at least going to send a few bucks their way.
I’d just like to ask Paul Schell: “So, Paul — remember when you said you would personally end Reichert’s career? How’d that work out for you?”
John Barelli @ 2
“If a major party cannot come together sufficiently to get one of its candidates on the final ballot, then that race is already lost, and we should save our time and money for where it can do some good.”
Since when did you become a REPUBLICAN? This scenario doesn’t seem to apply to Democrats anywhere in this state anymore, but applies to Republicans in a number of urban areas already.
RightEqualsStupid @ 3
Which race do you recommend me entering? I always like to get a decent percentage. Maybe some partisan race which would otherwise be uncontested? We will still have the party primaries this fall, at least.
Richard @5
Obviously you’ve never looked at eastern districts like the 9th where I live.
I like Mr. Ventrella. I have been in his presence several times and he comes across as a sincere and genuinely nice guy in ways that are hard to fake. He is a talented broadcaster and I used to enjoy watching him on the telly.
However, Mr. Ventrella has not shown a lot of staying power over the past few years – what my Granddad would have called stick-to-it-ive-ness. Even in a business of musical chairs, Tony has been a whirling dervish. I can’t help but wonder if he is serious about the race or if this race is just another KCPQ-13 Morning Show for him.
Dave Gibney @ 7
Caitlin Ross got 38.5547% in the general election in the 9th LD for Position 1. And she received almost twice as many votes as any of the Republicans running in the primary.
So the “Top Two” isn’t in any danger of shutting Democrats out of the general election in your area.
I find it interesting that you guys aren’t 100% behind Hunter. He is easily the most qualified, and could easily beat Reichert. Oh well, maybe you all have a death wish and have no intention of winning the 8th.
I doubt either one has spent more than an hour in the 8th dist.
I need to survey the males
Darcy was a weak choice – no charisma at all – Goldy has a political crush – could do worse, good luck
This is too soon for every day coverage, God, we will be bored, please, no…no…no, Goldy
Tony is a moonbeam child, half bright, can’t be taken seriously
@3 Needless to say, Pope should run as a Libertarian for the 8th district House seat.
@6 “Maybe some partisan race which would otherwise be uncontested?”
Well, since you put it that way Richard, I’d have to suggest you run for any county commissioner seat in eastern Washington — as a Democrat.
@10 Hey Janet, don’t you think it’s time for McMorris to resign and stay home with her baby? Or are you the world’s biggest hypocrite?
Roger Rabbit @ 14 & 15
When I have been in partisan races with Losertarian candidates, I have always outpolled them by about 10-to-1 or better. And I don’t feel like moving to eastern Washington, especially not to lose.
Mr. Pope:
I tend to put issues ahead of party. Parties are important, but I think that when they start to go against the overwhelming will of the voters, they need to be reminded that while they occupy an important place in the system, it is not the preeminent place.
Oh, and both parties really hate the “top two” system with no party lables. It’s really hard to get people to stop thinking about the issues and candidates when they can’t say “just look for the “D” (or “R”)“.
Seriously, if a major party cannot get a candidate to even come in second in a primary race, then it is wasting both time and money on that race that would be better spent elsewhere.
And the idea that people would actually have to at least learn the name of their favored candidate is also a big plus.
Re: lying sack of shit Times editorial page (Does Burner even want to run again, considering her biggest opponent wasn’t even Reichert, but the lying-sack-of-shit Seattle Times editorial page?):
If you’re a Democrat and you take the Seattle Times, you should cancel your subscription and take the PI. Be sure to explain that you are acting in reaction to their editorials about Cantwell and Burner in the last election. Yes, it’s a Hearst legacy paper, but if we don’t make our displeasure and disgust at the Time’s editorial stance known in a material way, then we deserve the news coverage we get.
Speaking as a sincere Democrat (not a troll!) I want to ask:
Will Darcy have, you know, done anything by 2008? Or is she just going to run again as a candidate with a Harvard B.A., a couple of Microsoft pay stubs and a pulse?
Is that really the best the party can do?
I think that to win this race, we need a candidate with some crossover apeal, rather than a strong Liberal. Tom Foley in the 5th was that type. I think Hunter and Ventrella have that apeal.
Maybe Burner could also work on getting a website set up, such that when you emailed a question to her campaign someone would answer it. I emailed her numerous times to try to find out her stance on the Iraq war and finally had to call the office to have someone send me her literature.
plse spare us that empty pantsuit, darcy burner.
I assume a Dem will beat Reichart, but gosh, for the good of the House, give us someone other than talking points darcy
Righton: Why did Voice of Chalk Scratching like Darcy Moonbat!? Darcy took orders from Nancy Pelosi. Talking points were’nt very very good to her! If you go back and look at Ol’ Scratchy Voice’s posts they were right from the Moonbat! playbook. Fortunately, some in the Northwest are not part of the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat!s