And fuck this terrorist asshole too. After a full and proper trial of course.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A 23-year-old man who police say shot two soldiers, killing one, outside an Army recruiting office here because he was upset about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan “would have killed more soldiers if they had been in the parking lot,” a prosecutor said Tuesday at a preliminary court hearing in the case.
The suspect, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, pleaded not guilty at the hearing, and a district judge ordered that he be held without bail.
So in the course of 24-48 hours the country gets to witness twice the barbarity and delusion that infects certain sectors of religion in this country.
People who claim to speak the one and only eternal truth cannot be reasoned with, period, and there is no reason to be civil towards them or pretend they are only interested in debate. They’re interested in control of society based on their own particular warped views, and once they start advocating or using violence towards that end, any pretense of respect or civility is at an end.
Obviously it’s impossible to stop all lunatics, either Christianist or Islamist, but the goal should be continued high-quality law enforcement observation and investigation of those who repeatedly make violent threats against others. It’s a daunting task, but we should applaud the rank and file FBI agents and police officers who try to keep everyone safe while observing the law themselves. Cowards who engage in rhetoric along the lines of “I’m not saying kill people, but I won’t be sad if people get killed” are a pretty low order of scum and earn only contempt.
Engaging in violence-encouraging speech and actions is outside the bounds of legitimate debate in a democracy, and ordinary citizens need to reject those movements and the politicians who pander to them at the ballot box. Yes, it’s a tough line to draw sometimes, and certain movements have a knack for walking right up to that line and stopping, but that doesn’t excuse such infantile behavior. Responsible media figures and political leaders will realize they have a duty to conduct themselves in an above-board fashion, and citizens have a right to belittle and call on the carpet those who won’t.
Cowards who engage in rhetoric along the lines of “I’m not saying kill people, but I won’t be sad if people get killed” are a pretty low order of scum and earn only contempt.
@ 1 – What he said. This post is excellent and I couldn’t agree more. Bravo
Yep! Great job.
Very good post. I wonder if the conservatives will understand it?
I remember Americans being livid that European countries allowed mosques to spew hate speech and incite violence. They railed against the countries, wondering why they didn’t show some backbone and stop them from preaching hate and violence.
Do you think the same actions apply here?
Or is it different because it’s Christians and not Muslims, preaching hate and violence?
What can I say. We agree.
Nice post.
Perhaps any resident Christo- or Islamo-fascists can answer a question for me. Why does God need you to go out and kill people in order to promote God’s Will? If doctors performing late-term abortions is an abomination in God’s sight, why can’t an almighty God fix that problem?
It took .5 seconds to find this.
Plenty of condemnation from liberal groups, conservative groups, RELIGIOUS groups….
IMO There is no vacuum on the part of any groups condemning this…
If you believe in god…
Didn’t he fix the problem by having one of his “children” kill the abortionist.
Read #8.
While there are plenty of people at the top denouncing Tiller’s murder, much of the rank and file seems rather pleased.
RS @ 7
That’s not on point to what BJ was asking @ 4.
Tiller performed 250 late-term abortions in 2003.
He was only one of 3 Docs in the US doing late-term abortions.
By your own definition Jon…Tiller was an “extremist”.
I’ll bet Tiller is having a hard time explaining to his Savior his rationale for doing late-term abortions.
Don, Blue John
“They railed against the countries, wondering why they didn’t show some backbone and stop them from preaching hate and violence.”
I don’t see a vacuum here in the United State of people who rail against extremist religious groups…Be they Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc etc.
Look at Floyd Phelps church for example. Look at any skin head-neo-nazi group trying to hide behind any religion..
You will have to spell it out for me, cause I’m not seeing how Tiller was an “extremist”?
He didn’t force any woman to get a legal abortion.
“I’ll bet Tiller is having a hard time explaining to his Savior his rationale for doing late-term abortions.”
And as a Christian I KNOW it was not our job to put him in that place right now….
As extreme as I think late term abortions are, and against what I believe to be reasonable and right, those procedures were not illegal. Really all this really does is make Dr Tiller a martyr for those who support extreme abortions.
I don’t see a vacuum here in the United State of people who rail against extremist religious groups…Be they Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc etc.
The mainstream religions in the country are actively speaking out against “Kansans for Life” and other groups preaching hate and violence against people like Dr Tiller?
I’m not aware of that. I would be pleased to find out they are doing it ahead of time, instead of decrying the groups after some is murdered.
Hey, let’s change the direction of this discussion. Would you conservatives support…
The 95-10 Initiative
A comprehensive plan that will reduce the number of abortions by 95% in the next 10 years by promoting abstinence, personal responsibility, adoptions and support for women and families who are facing unplanned pregnancy. The 95-10 Initiative seeks to reduce the number of abortions in America through Federal, state and local efforts as well as support and encouragement to volunteers and dedicated people on the front lines helping pregnant women. Much attention has been given to ending abortion or keeping it legal. We believe that we must do more to reduce the abortion rate by helping and supporting pregnant women.
@8 “Didn’t he fix the problem by having one of his ‘children’ kill the abortionist.”
No, and it takes a deranged freak to believe that.
@11 “I’ll bet Tiller is having a hard time explaining to his Savior his rationale for doing late-term abortions.”
Ummm … using his God-given talents to save the lives of God’s children whose fetuses are already dead and will surely kill them if they’re not aborted?
But KlyniKalKlown is so blinded by ideology that he would gladly sacrifice your daughter’s life for the purity of his ideology.
Go back to fucking your goats, you murderous old curmudgeon, and keep your soiled paws off human life.
That still seems to assume that what is going on inside a woman’s body is everybody’s business.
@16 Of course they won’t support 95-10, because that involves spending taxpayer money to help disadvantaged children survive after they’re born.
@19 I think to some extent it is, in the same way that rival gangs shooting each other is everyone’s business. I expect you and I will disagree over this, but I believe society does acquire a protective interest in fetuses at the point when they become human persons inside the womb. As I said it, the difficulty has always been defining when that is, not whether a living human being is entitled to protection of the law.
I didn’t have to look at that website for very long to find them pushing their religious point of view.
Their religion has nothing to do with our government.
Rabbit, GOP, etc.
I know it’s fun, but lets leave the description of their sex acts out of this.
We have to be better than them, not let them pull us down into the gutter.
Let us be the rational people, let them keep frothing at the mouth and looking insane.
8 MS
So God motivates murderers.
I’ll ignore the total ignorance of that postion and ask why God could not be similarly motivating George Tiller?
11 Cyn
Aw, Cyn. Got yer hand slapped for parroting this same line as “illegal abortions,” and God bless your little wooden head, you learned! I am damn proud of you.
But this?
Yeah, I’ll bet Jesus is all over comparing US state laws and arguing the “health exception” for the mother well into the night. Tiller’s probably taking Him to school in a big way.
22 RR
The fetus is a human, but not a person under the law. I thought you knew.
@19 Huh?
I don’t understand you. I scanned the page. I didn’t find anything overtly religious, just a commonsense description of the problem and some simple and obvious solutions.
If the purpose is to have less abortions, what wrong with the The 95-10 Initiative?
Are you rejecting the idea of the 95-10 Initiative because considers religious beliefs at all?
THIS is what Dr. Tiller did.
THIS is why you ignorant bastards are so despicable:
Not that it will make any difference to a bunch of closed-minded homocidal maniacs like you all.
Re: the Kansas Coalition for Life “comdemnation” of the Tiller murder.
KCL commits what is known as the “no true Scotsman” logical fallacy to avoid the issue. Wiklipedia: No true Scotsman is a logical fallacy where the meaning of a term is ad hoc redefined to make a desired assertion about it true.
They say:
So it wouldn’t matter if he were president of Operation Rescue, he wouldn’t be a “true pro-life person” if he killed a family planning physician. Way to define the problem out of existence. Talk about the meaning of “is!”
They are right about one thing, though.
Make that 100.
28 BJ
Personally, I reject the 95-10 initiaive because it never once mentions or promotes contraception or medically accurate sex education, which are the best means to reduce unintended pregnancy.
Really? that seems short sighted. Seems like you are indulging in thinking like a conservative. “I have to have it entirely my way, and nothing else will do”
You would reject a half solution, and choose instead no solution at all? The purpose is less abortions. This would help.
While I agree with you, I assume they left it out, because contraception or medically accurate sex education are freaking hot button issues to social conservatives. I think they rightly left that fight to other groups.
And yet we prosecute people for the murder of the child when they kill the pregnant mother…..
How stupid does one have to be to not understand what a condom is and how to use it?
It’s not education that’s needed, people have to take personal responsibility.
So marvin, would you support the 95-10 initiative?
If your real goal is reduce abortions, what on this list wouldn’t you support?
Some of the programs included are:
· establish a toll-free number to direct women to places that will provide support;
· collect accurate data on why women choose abortion;
· provide Pregnancy Counseling and Childcare on University Campuses;
· provide accurate information to patients receiving a positive result from prenatal testing;
· provide counseling in maternity group homes;
· increase the adoption tax credit and make it permanent
· eliminate pregnancy as a pre-existing condition with respect to health care;
· provide grants for ultrasound equipment;
· support informed consent for Abortion Services;
· Increase awareness about violence against pregnant women;
· require the SCHIP to cover pregnant women and unborn children;
· provide free home visits by registered nurses for new mothers.
· Finally, we must protect our children by passing the Child Custody Protection Act, continue to promote Safe Haven laws and support funding for programs such as the Abandoned Infants Assistance.
We found out where CYNCYN is actually from
Where men are men and goats are jealous.
ByeByeGOP and Rujax!, come on man. Leave the sex life crap to the low lifes. Attack the ideas, not the person. Your insightful comments get watered down with junk like that.
34 MS
Really, Marvin? How many forms of birth control are there? What are their relative efficacy rates? How many prevent STDs and whoch ones do? Where are they available? What common pitfalls of use should be avoided? What common wive’s tales about them should be ignored? How long does sperm survice outside of the body? Inside the vagina? Is withdrawal an effective method? What about the “rhythm” method?
What should I do if I am raped? What options do I have if I DO have unprotected sex?
How does a young women counter a young man when he says
– “You can’t get pregnant the first time?”
– “I can’t feel anything that way.”
– “If you love me you’ll do it”
Yeah, Marvin, it’s just so gaddamn simple we don’t have to explain ANYTHING to our kids. And they can grow up juuuust as stupid as you.
You’d think a Republican would know better than to be critical of Rush Limbaugh.
36 BJ
WHy should I support a progaram that DOES NOT contain the most effective means of preventing unwanted pregnancy when instead I can support programs that do? Neither my time nor my money is unlimited–I have to make choices. Personally, I support Planned Parenthood.
33 RS
Who is “we?” I don’t think we do in this state. And these cases have not yet made it to the SCOTUS.
If a fetus is a person, how come I can’t claim it as a dependent?
34 MS
If only you had a comprehensivce education.
Guys will just say anything, won’t they?
Quiz for Marvin:
My boyfriend says we don’t need to use protection because he masturbates and this means he won’t be able to get me pregnant. Is this true?
What are the chances of getting pregnant if you have intercourse during your period?
Is there a safer time to have sex with the period cycle? I heard that the safest times are right before your period and right after-is this true?
I need to know what the chances of getting pregnant are if the male pulls his penis out before he comes.
If he didn’t put it in all the way, could I still be pregnant?
Is it true that it’s not possible to get pregnant until you have had sex for a few months? My boyfriend told me that a body that is new to sex will reject sperm. Is this true?
My friend told me that there are some herbs you can take in the morning after you have had sex that can keep you from getting pregnant. She doesn’t know what they are. Do you know if there are any herbs that can do this?
Can you get infected with HIV by saliva?
If you have sex for the first time with a person infected with HIV, you can’t get infected with HIV, right? It takes more than one time to be infected doesn’t it?
A friend told me he has a STD, We are both on the wrestling team. Can I catch it from him?
Lots. Condoms work both for preventing pregnancy and std. If every person having sex used a condom the unwanted birth and abortions numbers would plummet.
Birth control for rape is a joke. Should a woman use birth control that is single and not interested in sex just to protect herself in case she’s raped? Since you bring rape up, what % of abortions/births are from the result of a rape.
If you have unprotected sex with a partner you picked up in a bar you’re an idiot. FACT
I’m not saying I wish bad on anyone but if you make bad choices there are sometimes serious consequences for your actions.
Simple. By having a set of parents that taught her respect for herself.
That’s one of the differences between you and me, I don’t look down at people and think they are stupid. The youth of today is much more aware of sex than in generations of yesteryear.
And yes, it is simple. You have many times called me an idiot/stupid/etc yet I have been able to use a condom successfully. Do you believe that the youth of today is not even as smart as I am?
I’m OK with abortions, but I DO think they should be performed early in the game, not like at 8 months or whatever Tiller was doing. Heck, poor folks are the ones that need abortions, not rich people. Rich people can afford kids, poor people can’t. Just do the job early, and you’ll have no complaints from me on the abortion issue.
Of course, that’s why it is so fucking important to have two parents to raise kids.
And lets not forget the internet. The girls in the 60s didn’t have the same access to information without the embarrassment of asking your parents about sex.
Do you personally know anyone that has had an abortion? If so, ask her if she knew about birth control.
39. Blue John spews:
Blue John..They ARE the lowlifes.
Haven’t you read their thousands of lewd & vulgar posts over the months?
Of course you have.
Do you want me to re-print all of them for you?
It will take me weeks to cut & paste.
These are YOUR pals Blue John.
Lucky you,.
Hey Marvin, would you support the 95-10 initiative?
Of course, that’s why it is so fucking important to have two parents to raise kids.
My son’s got two. Course they are both guys. :)
Things go wrong in pregnancies and a lot of those late term abortions take place because the woman’s life is in danger, the fetus isn’t viable, or as happened with a friend of mine, her baby died; doctors never figured out what went wrong.
You’re a good guy. An ally. Fighting the good fight…yayyyy!
I have been reading and commenting on this blog for the better part of five years off and on, mostly on…almost as long as horsesass has been around. I have seeen trolls come and go, aaaaand…
The dialogue from the troll side has never never never ever…I repeat…NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER…gone beyond:
“You are a dirty fucking America-hating fascist communist islamo-whatever-loving welfare cheat godless christ-hating hippie.”
That’s it.
Consider, if you will, the news and commentary of the day and the way the right-wing rolls:
…the killing of a Doctor who provided an essential women’s health service.
…the demonization of a highly qualified Supreme Court nominee.
…the decision by the conservative “noise machine”…unbelievably…to blame those who oppose the Bush Administration’s illegal and immoral war in Iraq and the tragically mishandled (but justified) against the Taliban in Afwarghanistan for the criminal shooting of servicemen in Arkansas…
…and the list goes on every single fucking day. Obama’s a socialist…he’s a communist…he’s a totalitarian fascist…his wife is a scary Black WOMAN (yikes!!)…
The worst part is that THEY expect us to just flop over and agree with the most insipid and idiotic arguments and to support stuff that is not only inhumane and just plain wrong but has been proven to NOT WORK…and belitttle ANY effort to use facts to PROVE they are wrong (one commenter flatly refuses to EVER admit he’s wrong).
So…that’s why it’s more fun to talk about how they all fuck goats…and have “Sex with Ducks”
@49. Yup. And I’m asking them to cut it out. They may or may not listen. It’s up to them. But if I can, it will make troll and the rest look even more stupid.
Good post, and thank you for condemning the motives of BOTH shooters. Common sense prevailes.
Have you got anything to say about steve?
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Sounds like steve is exactly like byebyegop.
@53 “Sex with Ducks”
Damn, I hadn’t heard of that one. Chickens? Yeah. I knew about that. But ducks too?? Too fucking weird.
Proves my point:
Comments 1-7 on “What’s Up With You White People”
Need I say more…except…
…who’s marvie-poo’s favorite goat?
Steve…did you watch it? It’s hilarious!
@56 “Have you got anything to say about steve?”
Is that all you’ve got?
Hey, what up with you guys and ducks??
With 2 loving parents the chance of your kid ending up in jail drops significantly. With 2 loving parents the chance your kid will be a leech on society drops significantly.
Strange how that 2 parents thing works better for kids.
Hey Marvin,
Don’t get distracted with the trash talk, let’s talk ideas.
Would you support the 95-10 initiative? If not, why not.
I know you hate it that I exposed you as a homophobic bigot and wish I would drop it.
@64 Idiot goatfucker. Knock yourself out. Post it a million times. I don’t care.
Marvin and the inflatable duck. Funny stuff! You wingnuts are just too much!
@60 I just checked it out. Funny as hell.
Are you offended by the words of your fellow democrats? Strange, you have never mentioned it when steve/gbs were calling me a “faggot.”
Anything that reduces unwanted pregnancies and abortions is all good with me.
Something I learned from the clinton welfare reform act is when the government stopped paying welfare recipients for having more children that the rate of births for welfare mothers dropped. Ending the free abortions might also work. If a woman knows that she can’t walk into a clinic for free and get rid of the baby she might take precautions next time.
Cross post. Deleted.
Actually, I just reached a point where I am offended by the trash talk from the progressives and the trash talk and distortions from the conservatives.
Do you ever get offended by troll?
I’m glad to finally know that when the 95/10 initiative comes up, it will have your support.
Maybe we can get to the point where abortion is safe, legal, and very, very rare.
@67 “Strange, you have never mentioned it when steve/gbs were calling me a “faggot.””
Strange, how you never mention that GBS and I both apologized to the forum. Strange, too, how you are so situational as to what offends you. For instance, you never mentioned one word about this:
Why the silence, Marvin? Why no outrage?
GBS and I calling Marvin a faggot makes him cry. Troll spewing on and on about niggers doesn’t bother him. Up yours, you insipid duckfucker.
Are all ducks at risk of Republican attentions–Mallards, Wood Ducks, Mergansers? When will this madness cease?
great news everyone. the boston herald reported some statistics along with their george killer article, and guess what, hallelula, abortions are down, from 1.3 million babies to ONLY 1.2 million babies murdered. isnt that great, just 1.2 million souls killed that never even saw their mother’s face. goldstein u must be thrilled.
Considering that both klanned parenthood and naral make millions of $ off abortions, abortions will never be rare.
Naral is in bed with the democrats. Check out the front page of their website.
Of course, klanned parenthood has an agenda. To fulfill the dreams of their founder, margaret sanger. Are you aware about her, her speeches to the KKK and the fact that 85% of klanned parenthood clinics are in minority neighborhoods?
How many times have I replied to troll? Someone a little smarter than you would have recognized that I don’t routinely reply to my fellow trolls. I also don’t spend a lot of time reading their words.
Isn’t it a bit hypocritical of you to complain about others being a bigot? You know, that pot/kettle thing.
Again, you are making stuff up. Aren’t you a little old for that.
I figure you are going after troll, are you saying that you can’t do the job yourself and need my help. I didn’t ask anyone for help to expose you as a bigot, can’t you do to troll what I did to you?
Duckfucker… classic steve. bibigoober fantasizes about sex with the wives of people he hates, steve fantasizes the people he hates have sex with animals. I feel that makes you more twisted than bibigoober, at least his fantasies involve women and not animals.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
oh, i love this name calling. reminds me of joe pecsi in casino. “listen to me you jew money lover, if it wasnt for me, every wiseguy skull out here would take a piece of your jew ass, then where would you be?”
I once called Marvin a faggot and now, weeks later, he’s still in tears. Oh, I’m so sorry, Marvin. I don’t want you to cry anymore. Poor thing. I won’t call you a faggot again. I promise!
Rujax! spews:
You’re a good guy. An ally. Fighting the good fight…yayyyy!
I have been reading and commenting on this blog for the better part of five years off and on, mostly on…almost as long as horsesass has been around. I have seeen trolls come and go, aaaaand…
The dialogue from the troll side has never never never ever…I repeat…NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER…gone beyond:
“You are a dirty fucking America-hating fascist communist islamo-whatever-loving welfare cheat godless christ-hating hippie.”
Dude, Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!!!!
LMFAO you have to be kidding.
you, BBGOP, Lucy…on and on and onnnnnnnn
on this abortion issue, seems like HA is all guys, who cannot get pregnant, doing all the arguing.
Reminds me of some bumper stickers….
“Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.”
“Come back and talk to me, when you get a uterus”
Excellent point. I’m man enough to understand that a man’s opinion on this issue should defer to that of a woman. I mean as a good liberal, of course, I’d love to have an abortion, but I have to reconcile myself to the notion that it just ain’t gonna happen.
hey proud leftist, i wish you could have an abortion too, because any of your offspring would be mutants. but let me ask you a question, whats the difference between the killing that abortion doctors do to babies and the killing hitler did to jews?
You are the sickest motherfucker I can imagine. That you can’t understand the difference between a medical procedure and gassing children, mothers, fathers, grandparents. You were raised wrong. You need to be institutionalized.
abortion is a medical procedure??????????? i think you watch too much msnbc
by the way, eric holdme ordered us marshalls to protect abortion clinics. did he also order them to protect military recruitment centers? doubt it
by the way proud leftist, speaking of hitler, did you know there are quite a few books written by jewish authors, that contend hitler was financed by zionists for two purposes. one, so that the persecution of jews would cause them to become a victim class, therfore allowing them to be above critisism, and two, to scare enough jews to leave europe and head for palestine as settlers. by the way, not all the zionsists were jewish, as is also the case today. so if you’re jewish, you’ve been had.
Hey marvin, would like to join me asking manoftruth to tone it down? Maybe if you ask, it will have effect.
ok, i will. but its too bad there is some sort of decorum here, but people like keith olberman can call dick cheney the devil and get paid for it.
Thanks. But really calling cheney the devil is nothing to the trash talking that goes on this site. If hannity or oreilly repeated the stuff said here, they would be pulled off the air so fast…
Just looked through the Slog. in the past 3 days, at least two articles about Dr. Tiller. 0 (ZERO) concerning Pvt. Long. If you really are that concerned about “religious fanatics”, maybe you could wake your brethren up?
I say this a converted Muslim myself. Fuck this Dbag. This was in no way any sort of honorable jihad; the man pulled a drive-by in the name of Allah. Of course that’s strictly forbidden, but who cares? It’s not like CNN or the Stranger or the Seattle Times or MSNBC is gonna carry it anyways…. And don’t feed me the links, I know they did, minimized and trivialized to the best of their ability.
Tell me this: when you decry the corporatitism of the media, do you consider it when they tell you what you consider the truth? A true 4th rail would inform you of the impending and neccesary tax hikes to implement the new entitlement programs, but instead the corporations (including Fox News) try to shine a happy light so as not to be penalized. Remember, the media can’t make you watch, but the government can penalize them for telling you.