New Alaska Way Viaduct at Washington St. (Existing structure superimposed in red.)
I appreciate the value of the Seattle waterfront and recognize that the project design must be mindful of the principles of the community.
— Gov. Chris Gregoire, 2/13/07
Governor Chris Gregoire and several key legislators announced today that the state intends to replace the Alaska Way Viaduct with a new, bigger elevated structure, regardless of the outcome of Seattle’s March 13 advisory vote. Councilman Nick Licata wants to scrap the vote, calling it “pointless,” but to do so at this time under these circumstances would be insulting and defeatist. Instead, I think we should revise the ballot to remove the tunnel alternative, and make this a straight up or down vote on a massive elevated freeway. My sense is that under these circumstances a rebuild would be overwhelmingly rejected by Seattle voters.
Perhaps the state might still have the legal authority to shove this down our throats anyway, but at least they would be fully aware of the political consequences should they try.
You are behind the curve Goldy.
The Tunnel is dead and your beloved “Tear down the Viaduct, Mrs. Gregoire” needs an evolutionary scenario.
What’s yours?
(You know where Sherwin and Steinbrueck stand.)
The U.S. trade deficit has grown every year of the Imposter’s presidency, and last year exceeded THREE QUARTERS OF A TRILLION DOLLARS. Better brush up on your Mandarin, trollfucks, because your employer will soon be a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing, Inc. Oh — and don’t forget to send your mortgage payments to Shanghai Bank, and your tax payments to Guojia Anquan Bu (that’s “Ministry for State Security” for you English speakers).
Political consequences? What political consequences? Are you going to vote for Dino Rossi in ’08 if Gregoire doesn’t play ball with you? It’s a state highway, and the state is paying for it, so the state — not the city — calls the shots. Nickels can bleat all he wants about a tunnel, but where’s the money? Show me the money, Mayor.
And why CAN’T they design it so drivers can see the views? Side barriers have nothing to do with earthquake resistance. Are they trying to tell us no one knows how to design bridge barriers people can see over/through? How many cars have gone over the rail of the Golden Gate Bridge in the last 75 years? Hey?
Why should only law firm tenants of pricey downtown office towers see the Sound? Why shouldn’t the motorists whose taxes are paying for the highway get views, too? If they can’t design it so people can see over the barriers, we need a new highway department.
This drawing is shocking. Anyone who opposes the idea of building something TWICE the size of the current monstrosity should do their best to get it out there to really illustrate what we’re talking about with a “rebuild.”
I also have to wonder how many people who support the rebuild opposed to monorails, because it would *gasp* have columns four feet wide! and ruin our views. Martin Selig, anyone?
Just so there’s no misunderstanding, I have nothing against a tunnel — provided I don’t have to pay for it. I can’t afford it, and won’t use it, so why should I pay for it? Besides, a tunnel will be good for kayak rental businesses after it fills with water.
But the idea of dead-ending SR-99’s through traffic downtown is just plain silly.
Well Goldy you have displayed why everyone in the State except Seattle don’t want to pay for any of your projects. Any State money should be vote on by those living out side of the borders of Seattle. The folks within the boundaries of the Socialist Republic of Seattle can pay for all their own screw ups. I for one would tear down the AWV and invest the money in widening the I5 corridor. Remove half the streets in Seattle and make them bike lanes. The remaining infrastructures turn into diamond lanes or bus lanes. All exits and entrances into Seattle will take place at the University District or Martin Luther King. Make six lanes threw Seattle only allowed exit or entrance where 405 meets in the North and South. No more traffic problems and Seattle can be isolated from civilization to rule like a bunch of Fools. Now the cities Rich Elitist can live among themselves and deal with their own problems.
Roger @ 3:
Ya took my thunder.
Goldy, please explain ‘the political consequences’. Seattle will vote Green? Libertarian? What? They sure as heck ain’t voting Republican.
@ 10
Some Seattle folks might just skip over the “Governor” line on their 2008 ballot…
Goldy says: “My sense is that under these circumstances a rebuild would be overwhelmingly rejected by Seattle voters.
Perhaps the state might still have the legal authority to shove this down our throats anyway, but at least they would be fully aware of the political consequences should they try.”
And that only costs you (uhmm taxpayers I meant) $1 Million, maybe you should just call her Goldy.
Roger if the state owns the AWV then they can remove the structure and give the real-estate to the County for dog parks and tent cities for the poor. Include islands of out houses and shower stands for the homeless to relive and cleans them-selves. Let’s not forget the Marijuana Park for all those pot heads to smoke till their hearts continent. Pea patches for Roger to grow his carrots and grass for medical purposes. Nothing like a city full of drug out pot heads trying to decide how to save the world from President Bush. Interesting what kind of War plans comes when the city that’s high on drugs and lacks any knowledge on modern warfare. Remember to buy those bumper stickers to Free Tibet.
@4 Just a reminder, Flaky klake, that King County pays for the rest of the state’s projects, too. Lest you forgot — and what incentive does a trollfuck likeyou have to remember? — King County exports $127 million a year of gas taxes to “red” counties.
Flaky klake @13 When we need your services as a transportation planner, we’ll let you know. Meantime, don’t call.
Roger and Gang is any of the statements below not true?
Captain Kangaroo passed away on January 23, 2004 as age 76, which is odd, because he always looked to be 76. (DOB: 6/27/27) His death reminded me of the following story. Some people have been a bit offended that the actor, Lee Marvin, is buried in a grave alongside 3 and 4 star generals at Arlington National Cemetery. His marker gives his name, rank (PVT) and service (USMC). Nothing else Here’s a guy who was only a famous movie star who served his time, why the heck does he rate burial with these guys? Well, following is the amazing answer: I always liked Lee Marvin, but didn’t know the extent of his Corps experiences. In a time when many Hollywood stars served their country in the armed forces often in rear echelon posts where they were carefully protected, only to be trotted out to perform for the cameras in war bond promotions, If that is a surprising comment on the true character of the man, he credits his sergeant with an even greater show of bravery. Dialog from “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson”: His guest was Lee Marvin Johnny said, “Lee, I’ll bet a lot of people are unaware that you were a Marine in the initial landing at Iwo Jima and that during the course of that action you earned the Navy Cross and were severely wounded.”
“Yeah, yeah… I got shot square in the bottom and they gave me the Cross for securing a hot spot about halfway up Suribachi. Bad thing about getting shot up on a mountain is guys getting’ shot hauling you down. But, Johnny, at Iwo I served under the bravest man I ever knew… We both got the cross the same day, but what he did for his Cross made mine look cheap in comparison. That dumb guy actually stood up on Red beach and directed his troops to move forward and get the hell off the beach. Bullets flying by, with mortar rounds landing everywhere and he stood there as the main target of gunfire so that he could get his men to safety. He did this on more than one occasion because his men’s safety was more important than his own life. That Sergeant and I have been lifelong friends. When they brought me off Suribachi we passed the Sergeant and he lit a smoke and passed it to me, lying on my belly on the litter and said, where’d they get you Lee?’ Well Bob… if you make it home be fore me, tell Mom to sell the outhouse!” Johnny, I’m not lying, Sergeant Keeshan was the bravest man I ever knew. The Sergeant’s name is Bob Keeshan. You and the world know him as Captain Kangaroo.” On another note, there was this wimpy little man (who just passed away) on PBS, gentle and quiet. Mr. Rogers is another of those you would least suspect of being anything but what he now portrays to our youth. But Mr. Rogers was a U.S. Navy Seal, combat-proven in Vietnam with over twenty-five confirmed kills to his name. He wore a long-sleeved sweater on TV, to cover the many tattoos on his forearm and biceps. He was a master in small arms and hand-to-hand combat, able to disarm or kill in a heartbeat
After the war Mr. Rogers became an ordained Presbyterian minister and therefore a pacifist. Vowing to never harm another human and also dedicating the rest of his life to trying to help lead children on the right path in life. He hid away the tattoos and his past life and won our hearts with his quiet wit and charm. America’s real heroes don’t flaunt what they did; they quietly go about their day-to-day lives, doing what they do best they earned our respect and the freedoms that we all enjoy. Look around and see if you can find one of those heroes in your midst. Often, they are the ones you’d least suspect, but would most like to have on your side if anything ever happened Take the time to thank anyone that has fought for our freedom. With encouragement they could be the next Captain Kangaroo or Mr. Rogers
Does the $500 million cost of the Sonics arena include debt service, or is that just the upfront construction cost? Promoters often disregard interest costs to make a project sound more palatable. Interest can amount to 10 times the nominal cost; the $1.75 billion Monorail would have actually cost taxpayers $11 billion after interest was figured in. Is this actually a $5 billion arena?
Have the private owners of the team snuck some sneaky shit into the deal — for example, taxpayers will also pick up the interest on their share of the debt?
What guarantee do we have that the team will stick around if we build them a shiny new $5 billion arena? Will they demand another shiny new arena 10 years from now, like they did after the taxpayers spent $70 million upgrading Key Arena for them? Will they bail to Oklahoma City after 10 years, leaving behind taxpayers who owe another 30 or 40 years of payments on an empty, useless arena?
If we have to pay $5 billion for a shiny new arena, then we taxpayers should own the team, so they can enver leave town — and leave us in the lurch. Because, sure as shootin’, that’s exactly what the private owners will do to us if we cave in to their demands.
How many times do communities and taxpayers have to get kicked in the ass by sports team owners before we wise up? this is worse than any Nigerian scam.
Will says:
@ 10
Some Seattle folks might just skip over the “Governor” line on their 2008 ballot…
02/13/2007 at 7:28 pm
Will, does that means we might get a real Governor to run this State?
What guarantee do we have that the team will stick around if we build them a shiny new $5 billion arena? Will they demand another shiny new arena 10 years from now, like they did after the taxpayers spent $70 million upgrading Key Arena for them? Will they bail to Oklahoma City after 10 years, leaving behind taxpayers who owe another 30 or 40 years of payments on an empty, useless arena?
Roger it will not be useless, make it into a house for the homeless.
How many times do communities and taxpayers have to get kicked in the ass by sports team owners before we wise up? this is worse than any Nigerian scam.
Roger they still can’t beat the French for the oil for food program!
Folks do you want to read about a real Hero?
• Be Cautious of Labels. Labels you place on people may define your relationship to them and bound their potential. Sadly, and for a long time, we labeled Bill as just a janitor, but he was so much more. Therefore, be cautious of a leader who callously says, “Hey, he’s just an Airman.” Likewise, don’t tolerate the O-1, who says, “I can’t do that, I’m just a lieutenant.”
• Everyone Deserves Respect. Because we hung the “janitor” label on Mr. Crawford, we often wrongly treated him with less respect than others around us. He deserved much more, and not just because he was a Medal of Honor winner. Bill deserved respect because he was a janitor, walked among us, and was a part of our team.
• Courtesy Makes a Difference. Be courteous to all around you, regardless of rank or position. Military customs, as well as common courtesies, help bond a team. When our daily words to Mr. Crawford turned from perfunctory “hellos” to heartfelt greetings, his demeanor and personality outwardly changed. It made a difference for all of us.
• Take Time to Know Your People. Life in the military is hectic, but that’s no excuse for not knowing the people you work for and with. For years a hero walked among us at the Academy and we never knew it. Who are the heroes that walk in your midst?
• Anyone Can Be a Hero. Mr. Crawford certainly didn’t fit anyone’s standard definition of a hero. Moreover, he was just a private on the day he won his Medal. Don’t sell your people short, for any one of them may be the hero who rises to the occasion when duty calls. On the other hand, it’s easy to turn to your proven performers when the chips are down, but don’t ignore the rest of the team. Today’s rookie could and should be tomorrow’s superstar.
• Leaders Should Be Humble. Most modern day heroes and some leaders are anything but humble, especially if you calibrate your “hero meter” on today’s athletic fields. End zone celebrations and self-aggrandizement are what we’ve come to expect from sports greats. Not Mr. Crawford-he was too busy working to celebrate his past heroics. Leaders would be well-served to do the same.
• Life Won’t Always Hand You What You Think You Deserve. We in the military work hard and, dang it, we deserve recognition, right? However, sometimes you just have to persevere, even when accolades don’t come your way. Perhaps you weren’t nominated for junior officer or airman of the quarter as you thought you should-don’t let that stop you. Don’t pursue glory; pursue excellence. Private Bill Crawford didn’t pursue glory; he did his duty and then swept floors for a living.
• No Job is Beneath a Leader. If Bill Crawford, a Medal of Honor winner, could clean latrines and smile, is there a job beneath your dignity? Think about it.
• Pursue Excellence. No matter what task life hands you, do it well. Dr. Martin Luther King said, “If life makes you a street sweeper, be the best street sweeper you can be.” Mr. Crawford modeled that philosophy and helped make our dormitory area a home.
• Life is a Leadership Laboratory. All too often we look to some school or PME class to teach us about leadership when, in fact, life is a leadership laboratory. Those you meet everyday will teach you enduring lessons if you just take time to stop, look and listen. I spent four years at the Air Force Academy, took dozens of classes, read hundreds of books, and met thousands of great people. I gleaned leadership skills from all of them, but one of the people I remember most is Mr. Bill Crawford and the lessons he unknowingly taught. Don’t miss your opportunity to learn.
Anti-American cleric flees Iraq for Iran
@16 “An urban legend says Keeshan fought alongside actor Lee Marvin at the Battle of Iwo Jima. Although both men served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, neither man was at the actual battle. Keeshan was still in training camp when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and Japan surrendered before he could take part in combat; Marvin saw action, but was seriously wounded during the Battle of Saipan and returned to the U.S. several months before the battle on Iwo Jima.”
“The myth about Lee Marvin fighting alongside Bob Keeshan (alias Captain Kangaroo) at the Battle of Iwo Jima is not true. (See above under ‘Early Life and World War II’.)”
“Early Life and World War II
” … Marvin was wounded in action during the WWII battle of Saipan, two months prior to the battle of Iwo Jima, and was sent home with a medical discharge and a rank of PFC.”
According to the Urban Legends web site, Marvin apepared on Johnny Carson’s “Tonight Show” at least 7 times but the purported conversation with Carson is “fiction” and Marvin was NOT awarded a Navy Cross. He did get a Purple Heart for his wounds at Saipan and is, in fact, buried at Arlington. Finally, “Fred Rogers never served int he military.”
Damn, klake, you never tire of making a public ass of yourself, do you?
Muslim Democrat shows what a pussy he is.
Rep. Ellison calls the cops to snuff Tancredo’s cigar
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) believes it is his right as a Muslim to be sworn into Congress with the Quran. But apparently, the freshman lawmaker doesn’t believe it’s Rep. Tom Tancredo’s (R-Colo.) right to smoke a cigar in his congressional office.
Hey klake, it takes, like, 2 fucking minutes to fact-check this stuff, ya know? Try using a debunker before posting bullshit. Here’s another hint for you: 99.9% of what you read in those mass-circulation e-mails that rightwingers love to forward to each other (and people they don’t know) is fiction. Rightwingers lie a lot, ya know? Get your feet ont he ground, man. Pull your head out of your ass. Get with the program, if you know what I mean: Stop being a gullible fool and fact-check before you post. Okay?
There is only one hope in the tunnel vs. viaduct debate–dylithium crystals.
Folks is this a fact or fiction?
October 30, 1944
Sergeant Edward Guy knew how it felt to be a prisoner…had lived the life of confinement for the last seven days. There was no barbed wire to confine him, no gun tower to prevent his escape…only 700 German soldiers that had built a wall of death around his unit, the 1st Battalion, 141st Regiment, 36th Infantry Division.
A week earlier the 275 man battalion had dug in on the heavily wooded hillside in the rugged Vosages Mountains. Suddenly surrounded, they were cut off from all support, alone, and without food and water. That first night a message had been sent to regimental headquarters to report their situation. The coded message read:
“No rations, no water, no communications with headquarters…four litter cases.”
A 36-man patrol had been sent out early on, only 5 of the men came back. The soldiers were hungry, thirsty, cold, and alone. The battalion had been whittled down to 211 men who would become known as the soldiers of the “Lost Battalion”.
The men of the 36th Infantry were no strangers to heroism. Their campaign in Italy had yielded heroes the like of Commando Kelly, Jim Logan, and William Crawford. Perhaps it was the example of men of valor such as these that had sustained the 211 survivors of the “Lost Battalion” for a full week. But time was running out as quickly as was ammunition. Sergeant Guy knew that his beleagured soldiers needed more than courage if they were to survive…they needed a miracle.
Peering through the early morning mist from his outpost, Sergeant Guy noticed movement. He gripped his rifle firmly and strained his eyes against the fog, prepared to go down fighting. Slowly the image of a soldier approaching his position began to take shape. In the distance the man seemed quite small. Even as he continued up the hill, closer to Sergeant Guy’s position, his stature grew only slightly.
The approaching soldier was close enough now for Sergeant Guy to recognize the uniform. Then he noticed the eyes, the oval eyes of oriental heritage. It was a Japanese soldier in an American uniform. A feeling of euphoria swept over the exhausted sergeant. He’d seen these soldiers before, Nisei warriors of the Japanese-American unit that lived by the motto “Go For Broke”.
The Lost Battalion had got its miracle…all the way from Hawaii.
Re: 23: Speaking of Medal of Honor winners and the liberals that hate them, here a a video for you.
The “Rebuild” will be redefined as the “Repair.”
@24: Liar. Ellison didn’t “call” the cops.
But some say William Kristol has been quietly warned to stop running through the streets of his well off neighborhood at night stark naked and waving a Saudi flag shouting “death to the imperialist lacky anti-straussian lapdogs of apologetic proto-Trotskyite infantilism!”
Neocon: One who firmly believes that if every single other human being on the earth is dead, that they will thereby be vindicated.
The Famous Roger Rabbit saves the world in a single hop.
Muscles bulging, the All-American hero takes on the bad guys. Bullets bounce harmlessly off him, explosions are mere nuisances, and nobody but the bad guys ever get hurt. He has x-ray vision, can hear through walls, flies through the air, and is impervious to pain. We watch their likes in cartoons, read about them in our comic books…then dream and wonder what it would be like to be LIKE THEM. Alas, we realize in time, such heroes are only in cartoons….or are they?
Fortunately, Hollywood has given us real, live heroes to watch and admire. Muscles bulging, they take on the bad guys. Bullets may hurt them, but they do no real damage. Like the fictional Rambo, a Green Beret who has earned the Medal of Honor, these heroes whether male or female, are all tall, strong, and almost super- human. Such heroes can stitch up their wounds with a sewing kit, battle successfully against incredible odds, and emerge almost unscathed from burning fires and horrendous explosions.
Americans need heroes, men and women who by their incredible acts of courage can inspire us to follow in their example. Unfortunately, when we look to the heroes of television and the big screen, we come away feeling inadequate. In reality we quickly realize that we will always be too short, too skinny, too weak, or some other “too” to be like them. Sadly, we have defined heroism as a quality posessed only by the strong, the powerful, the rich, or the famous. In short, we have confused the word CELEBRITY with the word HERO.
Dennis Rodman
A talented athlete, Dennis Rodman makes millions of dollars each year doing what he loves…playing basketball. He stays in the finest hotels, has dated some of the most beautiful women in the world, and lives his life the way he wants to live regardless of who he offends. He is best known for his multi-million dollar contracts, outlandish hair colors, strange clothing, body piercings, and of course, playing basketball.
Terry Kawamura
Born in Hawaii, Corporal Kawamura was a combat engineer in Vietnam when his unit was attacked. He saw an explosive charge stun two other soldiers, followed by a second charge that was thrown near them. Realizing they were helplessly at the mercy of the second charge, Cpl. Kawamura threw his body on the explosive to save the lives of his two helpless comrades. Cpl. Kawamura is buried in Hawaii. He died at the age of 19.
@24 Now isn’t it just like a Republican to think he has a right to make the guy in the office next door breathe his cigar smoke? What a rude fucking bastard! If I were Rep. Ellison I’d tell him “if you don’t knock off the cigars, I’m gonna bring my pet skunk to work.” Fucking jerk. Come to think of it, all Republicans are fucking jerks.
Re: 30, read the article and call The Hill newspaper if you believe they are lying.
Re: 32, That would be an option but the pussy Ellison called the cops.
Re: 32. I didn’t know rabbits interbread with skunks. Thanks for the update.
@27 “The Lost Battalion … also refers to the 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry (U.S. 36th Infantry Division, originally Texas National Guard), which was surrounded by German forces in the Vosges mountains on 24 October 1944, and rescued by the 442nd Regimental Combat Team in a five-day battle, from 26 October to 30 October 1944, in which the 442nd suffered over 800 people killed — nearly half of its roster — rescuing 211 members of the 141st.”
There, klake, see how easy that is?
Federal deficit down 57% so far this fiscal year
According to the AP, “record levels of tax collections” have driven the deficit down.
That’s It! Next year I am going to file a petition that taxes excised from the populations within a county by the state have to be spent on projects and salaries within that county.
@33 rob, the article YOU linked to says,
“Ellison’s office called the Capitol Hill Police on Tancredo last Wednesday night as Tancredo was in his office smoking a cigar. … Ellison’s press secretary, Rick Jauert, made the call to the Superintendent’s office when he noticed the smoke. ‘I called because the smoke was coming through the walls,’ Jauert said, adding that the Superintendent’s office referred him to the Capitol Police.”
Thanks for playng, dummy.
Re: 35. College: Wikipedia not source for papers
Rodent, maybe you should quote something that has credibility.
Re: 38. That’s what i said and The Hill Newspaper said. He called the cops, is there something you don’t understand about that?
What’s with klake posting all these stories about the heroics of others? Is he hoping a little of their glory will rub off onto his own bedraggled sorry ass? Is this a bizarre form of name-dropping — i.e., trying to enhance his own social standing by dropping names of dead people he only read about?
41: nothing wrong with honoring American Hero’s, but I was also wondering about the relevance. If the relevance is in fact to honor them though I think it’s a good thing.
@39 You are more than welcome to point out any errors that exist in any of the material I sourced from Wikipedia. I’m patiently waiting.
P.S., The reason why students can’t use Wikipedia (or any other encyclopedia) as a source for college papers has nothing to do with the accuracy of the material. It’s because the professors want them to learn how to do research — and go to original sources. Wikipedia has a very good accuracy record — certainly much better than yours.
But, like I said, if you find an error in anything I quoted form Wikipedia, please feel free to correct the error, citing sources.
Roger a better source about the subject matter posted.
There, klake, see how easy that is?
02/13/2007 at 8:56 pm
There, Roger, see how easy that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roger Rodent Says
P.S., The reason why students can’t use Wikipedia (or any other encyclopedia) as a source for college papers has nothing to do with the accuracy of the material. It’s because the professors want them to learn how to do research — and go to original sources. Wikipedia has a very good accuracy record — certainly much better than yours.
Rodent I missed that in the article could you help me out and show me where it said that?
Also, as I have a job and don’t have an army of anlyists it would take more time than I am willing to commit to point out your errors.
@40 No, you said Ellison called the cops. I quote: “rob says: … Rep. Ellison calls the cops …” (@24).
But your own fucking article says, “Ellison’s press secretary, Rick Jauert, made the call to the Superintendent’s office when he noticed the smoke. ‘I called because the smoke was coming through the walls,’ Jauert said, adding that the Superintendent’s office referred him to the Capitol Police.”
But thanks anyway for playing, liar.
Christ, rob, you even lie about your own posts!
Roger and some of your friends maybe should reconsider who is the real Hero’s are in this Country .
Not all of our heroes wear the Medal of Honor. In fact, since our Nation was born in 1776, more than 40 million American men and women have served in one of our branches of service. From this crowd of those patriots who have served, less than 3,500 have received Medals of Honor. But each and every one of them is, in their own way, a hero.
In every generation since our Country’s birth, young soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen have been called upon to risk their lives, often on foreign shores, during time of war. These combat veterans have all given “above and beyond the call of duty”, many of them earning numerous awards other than the Medal of Honor. Each can be justly proud of the medals they have received.
And even in time of peace, those who serve do so with the full knowledge that at any time they may be called upon to risk their lives on foreign shores. Tragedies, such as the October 23, 1983 terrorist attack on the Marine headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon prove that even “peace-time” service is not without risk or hazard. On that sad day in 1983 more American military men lost their lives than on any single day of the Vietnam War. Again, more recently, the brave men and women who served on the USS Cole quickly learned that those who wear the uniform even when no war exists, face some of the same risks their fathers and grandfathers faced in conflicts around the world.
Indeed, every man or woman who chooses to serve their Nation in uniform, is a hero in their own right, and deserving of our respect and our prayers.
Re: 46: Let me give you the Headline idiot, if Ellison told one of his buttboys to call for him (or so the buttboy says) I can’t help it.
Headline from the Hill Newspaper.
Rep. Ellison calls the cops to snuff Tancredo’s cigar
I posted the link again for you because you seem to be reading impaired.
Wikipedia has a very good accuracy record — certainly much better than yours.
Re; 46: should I come over and read that for you?
Roger @ 3. Note it was Gregoire who kicked this thing back in the first place. Now she wants to take it away again. It should have been negotiated in the first place, but there is a lot of political cowardice going around.
Regarding Dino and 2008, in 2006 Gregoire didn’t push hard for the King Co vote. She didn’t really go out and ASK for it. She almost lost 2004, if it wasn’t for fools like me driving around in the rain and dark helping people verify their absentee ballots in the last effort. In fact, she is a natural candidate for King Co. dems, but she acts like its a given. People need to be told she wants their support and will work for them. She doesn’t NEED the Spokane vote. She needs to get the same share of Dems as Kerry, is what she needs!
Hope she doesn’t blow it again by taking the King Co. Dem vote for granted.
Roger, you can rant all you want about “who they gonna vote for, Dino?” But it won’t stop people from staying away who dont feel appreciated, OR RESPECTED.
She’s played this viaduct very poorly so far, overall.
Yos libtard, good to see your crazy ass again.
What’s with all this reublitard/libtard childishness? All ‘a you grow up.
As for the Megaduct, holy mackerel, are they serious? I say tear it down and let the free market sort it out.
@36 “Federal deficit down 57% so far this fiscal year”
Only according to Bushit accounting, which pretends the Iraq war is free, and hides part of the operating deficit by offsetting it with Social Security surpluses.
The trolls are trying to bask in the reflected glory of other people’s heroism.
Re: 54, you still seem to be living in the alternate universe. I noticed in your chickenshit way you made no mention of “record tax reciepts” but that’s ok believe whatever gets you through the night.
Also, as demonstrated by the comments in this thread, there is absolutely nothing that wingnuts won’t hijack and exploit for their tawdry partisan purposes — including the Medal of Honor, and the heroes who earned it. How disgustingly disrespectful!
@42 Of course they should be honored.
@45 So you admit you can’t find any errors in what I posted? I thought so.
Federal deficit down 57% so far this fiscal year
According to the AP, “record levels of tax collections” have driven the deficit down. adline/2007/02/federal_deficit .html
Here Rodent, I posted it again because you seem to have a problem reading the whole story, hell you can’t even read a Headline.
I blame Bush
Re: 59, see # 48.
@48 “Re: 46: Let me give you the Headline idiot, if Ellison told one of his buttboys to call for him (or so the buttboy says) I can’t help it.”
Ahhh … but that’s NOT what you said! You said, and I quote, “Rep. Ellison calls the cops ….” (@24) But according to your own fucking source, Rep. Ellison DIDN’T call the cops, a guy named Rick Jauert called the cops. Furthermore, nothing in the article YOU cited indicates Ellison put Jauert up to it. Au contraire, it appears Jauert called the cops on his own initiative becaue HE was annoyed by the cigar smoke wafting from next door. As he had every right to be!
No wonder no one believes anything you post on this blog. Even at an elementary level, you can’t get your facts straight. And that’s before you start taking intentional liberties, such as your bushit about the deficit.
And let’s not forget your purpose in posting lyour original comment and link — to mock and criticize a Democratic congressman and his staffers for complaining about the asshole next door inflicting his cigar smoke on them. What Jauert should have done was walk next door and shove the cigar up that jerk’s ass. If some fascist pigfucker lights up a cigar next to me, he won’t be able to fuck his homo buddies for a while.
The Surge:
Iraq Orders Squatters To Exit Capital Homes
By MARC SANTORA The New York Times
Re: 62. I truly believe now that liberaism is a mental disorder.
One more time so even you can understand it.
This is the Headline from The Hill Newspaper:
Rep. Ellison calls the cops to snuff Tancredo’s cigar l/export/TheHill/News/Frontpag e/021407/tancredo.html
If you can’t understand that I can’t help you! Jesus what a dumbass!
@50 Your post @24 didn’t say anything about a headline. Are you now revising your comment? Looks like it. You’re supposed to be put quote marks (“”) around material you’re quoting so readers know you’re quoting someone else, jafckass! If there’s no quote marks, that makes it YOUR comment. Don’t you know what quote marks are for? Guess not, you illiterate fuck. You must’ve slept through third grade.
@51 You don’t have to convince me Gregoire is an inept campaigner. The mechanics of getting elected has never been her strong suit, ever. And I agree she appears to be stumbling on the viaduct issue. Up to now, on all other issues, her leadership has been very good. But there is much more to the ’08 election and who will be governor ’09 – ’13 than the viaduct. Anyone left of Mussolini who votes for a third party candidate or stays home will be shooting himself in the foot.
Re 62: Actullay what I said was the Pussy Muslim Democrat part, you can’t even get your cut and paste right. The Hill Newspaper headline was again: Rep. Ellison calls the cops to snuff Tancredo’s cigar
But you have a problem with the truth.
Muslim Democrat shows what a pussy he is.
Rep. Ellison calls the cops to snuff Tancredo’s cigar l/export/TheHill/News/Frontpag e/021407/tancredo.html
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) believes it is his right as a Muslim to be sworn into Congress with the Quran. But apparently, the freshman lawmaker doesn’t believe it’s Rep. Tom Tancredo’s (R-Colo.) right to smoke a cigar in his congressional office.
02/13/2007 at 8:26 pm
Re: 66. In other words i know she is messed up be she is all we have.
NATO Says Taliban Attack On Kajaki Dam Thwarted
I blame Bush
I think you need to look at this in terms of “political consequences.”
The political consequence of Gregoire shoving a viaduct down our throats? I think she has a lot to gain in the state by doing it. Showing up the Seattle libs will help her with this political hot potato.
Seattle is still going to vote for Gregoire.
Explosion kills 18 members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards
Must be Bush’s fault.
GOLDY – you are losing it.
Gregoire just said that Seattle does not run the state and cannot empty the road funding box for its pleasure alone.
You think she will pay a political price for a well deserved fuck you to Seattle????. And many of the whining class do not vote. Her poling just went up in every county including King by 5 per cent. And the battle is not over. Chopp, canny old Chopp, he knows ….so does Helen Sommers and the lady from Camano Island…..senior war horse Dems, the true power brokers of the current legislature.
Democracy is propelled by the whole of voters, not whining over puffed up elites.
Honey, need some more classes somewhere. Been reading the Stranger as true believer too much. Dan creates strife to sell ads…..and is good at it. On public policy, they stink at that rag.
@53 If the free market is so great why does everyone who wants to build anything need a public subsidy? If everything was left to the free market you would be able to count this country’s baseball stadiums, football stadiums, basketball arenas, and NASCAR tracks on the fingers of one hand.
And how long would we stay in Iraq if the people who want this war had to pay for it? How many of the wingnut posters on this blog are willing to donate their salary to pay the $100,000 salary of a “private security contractor” in Iraq?
Yeah, I’m all for free market solutions. Trouble is, no one in the political opposition is. They merely pay lip service to it.
Re 73: I didn’t know you were a socialist until your latest post. Heil Hitler!
Vermont college says history students may not cite Wikipedia as a source
Middlebury College history students are no longer allowed to use Wikipedia in preparing class papers.
The school\’s history department recently adopted a policy that says it\’s OK to consult the popular online
encyclopedia, but that it can\’t be cited as an authoritative source by students.
The policy says, in part, \”Wikipedia is not an acceptable citation, even though it may lead one to a citable source.\”
History professor Neil Waters says Wikipedia is an ideal place to start research but an unacceptable way to end it.
@56 That’s more than a little disingenuous considering how often I’ve posted tax receipts on this blog lately. For your edification, here they are again:
2000 – $1,372,376,000,000 (baseline year)
2001 – $1,297,063,000,000
2002 – $1,152,413,000,000
2003 – $1,069,364,000,000
2004 – $1,146,664,000,000
2005 – $1,279,114,000,000 (estimate)
2006 – $1,346,019,000,000 (estimate)
* Combination of individual and corporate income taxes, excise taxes, and other taxes (including inheritance tax) but excluding Social security and Medicare revenues.
Source of data:
As you can see, revenues have been growing since 2004 — but haven’t reached the pre-tax cut baseline.
I’ve also posted articles explaining that most of the increased revenue is from only two sources, taxes on corporate profits and CEO salaries. In other words, what little economic growth there is under this administration, is not reaching wage earners at all. And some of the growth in profits and CEO salaries is not real growth; those profits come from sending American jobs overseas, and CEOs are being rewarded for putting Ameircan breadwinners out of work.
And you’re bragging about THAT?!
Re: 75: Another Roger Rabbit Lie Exposed and HA
@61 Is there a point here, besides the fact you don’t know how to use quote marks?
@64 Nobody gives a fuck what you believe.
@67 Still don’t know what quote marks are for. Maybe we should take up a collection to hire a tutor for you.
@67 (continued) That Republican asshole does NOT have a right to blow his cigar smoke into the air other people have to breathe. Whether it’s legal is irrelevant — it’s fucking RUDE. But then, what Republican ISN’T a self-centered uncivilized bastard?
Re: 78: It isn’t what I think rodent, it’s what you prove. You see you can’t hide from links that are 3 year old such as the one you posted supporting you fake revenue figures.
They are still estimating 2004 revenues. While I am sure you visit 2004 in your way back machine maybe you could come up with something (like I did) that is more recent.
You are a true liar and deciever.
Once again since you don’t get out much let me give you some recent data.
Federal deficit shrinks due to record tax collections
Maybe you could also when you get in your way back machine ask the liberal think tank you are quoting to update their stuff.
Re: 80, maybe you could get the government to buy you some glasses. There are no quote marks in 67.
Re: 81: Actually he does. If you had enough intelligence to read the article it says that he has permission to smoke in his office.
Reading was never your strong point though.
@68 She’s infinitely better qualified to be governor than your BOY Rossi, who can’t even lose gracefully, and has NO qualifications for running a state government. Rossi’s total management experience consists of supervising one (1) part-time janitor for a brief time decades ago when he was a student. Rossi is nothing but an ethically challenged real estate peddler who worked for a guy who went to prison for robbing widows and children; and when his boss got out of jail, Rossi couldn’t wait to work for him again! The one time he sat down to write a state budget, he tried to throw 40,000 kids off health care and slap a $200-a-month bed tax on old folks in nursing homes! He’s the kind of politician who would turn dangerous criminals loose on the streets before he’d raise taxes to keep them locked up. A monkey is more qualified to be governor than he is.
Day after nuclear deal, Koreas say to resume talks
I blame Bush
Re; 85, everyone has an asshole and everyone has an opinion. You are unique in that your opinion comes from your asshole.
R @ 85: A monkey is more qualified to be governor than he is.
She\’s in Olympia and we certainly see her sorry attempt to prove that.
@70 Why does everyone here assume that everyone in Seattle wants an expensive tunnel? My recollection is that polls on the topic indicate a solid majority of Seattleites do not want a tunnel if they have to pay higher taxes for it. Didn’t someone sue the city over the wording of the March 13 advisory ballot because it didn’t disclose the costs and tax impacts of the tunnel option? And when he won, didn’t Mayor Nickels scramble to come up with his less-expensive “tunnel lite”? Isn’t that what “tunnel lite” is all about — tunnel backers couldn’t keep the cost disclosure off the ballot, so they pared down the project (and costs) to avert an electoral disaster?
@74 How did you manage to say “socialist” and “Heil Hitler” in the same line? By being an ignorant fuck? You’re quite at good at that. Hitler was the archenemy of the socialists.
I am not, of course, a socialist. Like most American liberals, I support regulated capitalism. The only socialist I’ve ever known personally was as insufferably dishonest and self-centered as any Republican.
Re: 90. For the uneducated.
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party (German:
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (help·info), or NSDAP), was a political party in Germany between 1920 and 1945. The party’s leader, Adolf Hitler, was appointed chancellor of Germany by president Paul von Hindenburg in 1933. After Hindenburg’s death Hitler rapidly established an autocratic regime known as the Third Reich, under which the party gained almost unlimited power. Following an ideology that stressed the racial purity of the German people and saw Jews and communists as the greatest enemies of Germany, the regime would come to embark on a campaign of genocide against Jewish people and other groups that resulted in the deaths of approximately 11 million people in what has become known as the Holocaust. Hitler’s concept of Lebensraum (“living space”) and the pursuit of his idea led
From your favorite resource you illiterate prick.
Re: 90: are you sure instead of a law degree you didn’t get a lie degree. You have a terrible problem with truth.
I use an encyclopedia, what of it? No troll has shown anything I quoted from wikipedia to be inaccurate. That’s more research than you or any of the other trolls do. All you whackjobs do is cut-and-paste lies from wingnut blogs. You can’t even write your own insults; you lift ’em from the internet and use them without proper attribution. HA’s wingnut trolls have been caught in countless acts of plagiarism.
@77 What did I lie about in #75? You’re a nut.
93: another lie from the so-called lawyer, but lawyers always lie so maybe he is one. If you look really close all of my posts that has anything other than my own opinion has links to reputable (for liberals) news organizations. Rabbits posts come out of his ass.
By the way rodent. If your info comes from an encyclopedia why don’t you link it instead of a discredited online, edited by anyone blog.
Re: 94: it was your attempt to validate your wikipedia source.
Roger Rabbit says:
@39 You are more than welcome to point out any errors that exist in any of the material I sourced from Wikipedia. I’m patiently waiting.
P.S., The reason why students can’t use Wikipedia (or any other encyclopedia) as a source for college papers has nothing to do with the accuracy of the material. It’s because the professors want them to learn how to do research — and go to original sources. Wikipedia has a very good accuracy record — certainly much better than yours.
But, like I said, if you find an error in anything I quoted form Wikipedia, please feel free to correct the error, citing sources.
@82 Tax Policy Center got those figures from official U.S. government sources, jackass. And they are not three years old. If you had bothered to read the web page, which you obviously didn’t, you would have seen it has a 2007 copyright date and the information came from a table in the FY2006 official budget document. You’re a stupid wingnut who blows smoke out of his ass with no idea of what he’s talking about.
97: Could you please tell me from what government sources that are still estimating taxes receipt from three years ago? It isn’t that I don’t trust you but you do have a history of lying.
@83 “rob says: There are no quote marks in 67. 02/13/2007 at 11:41 pm”
No shit Sherlock! Glad you figured that out, after I pointed it out. But it’s too much to hope you’ll ever understand what quote marks are for, or what their absence means.
wow! This thread is alredy up to 100 posts! That’s more than the sucky little jihadist blog gets in a month.
Re: 99, I gave you a link to the article. Even the homeless know how to click on it and read the article. You obviously read the article as you were quoting from within the article.
If you were to blind to read the fucking headline I feel sorry for you.
Re: 100, it takes several repetitions of facts to convince liberals. Sometimes I am worried that I would get accused of torture.
Taliban flee battle using children as shields – NATO
It’s past my bedtime rodent, I have to leave now.
In your dreams when you talk to Hitler you can ask him if he was a socialist or capitalist. Forget about at that wikipedia stuff I linked to.
Night libtard.
@96 Your reading incomprehension is stunning. The article YOU linked to says:
“MIDDLEBURY, Vt. – Middlebury College history students are no longer allowed to use Wikipedia in preparing class papers.
“The school’s history department recently adopted a policy that says it’s OK to consult the popular online encyclopedia, but that it can’t be cited as an authoritative source by students.
“The policy says, in part, ‘Wikipedia is not an acceptable citation, even though it may lead one to a citable source.’
“History professor Neil Waters says Wikipedia is an ideal place to start research but an unacceptable way to end it.”
Absolutely nothing here says Wikipedia is inaccurate. What this means, dummy, is that students can use Wikipedia for research but graded papers must cite primary sources. Wikipedia, like any encyclopedia, is only a compilation of materials from other sources; and using a compilation as a primary source has never been acceptable for academic work.
It’s ironic that a wingnut is complaining about my using Wikipedia when wingnuts routinely cut-and-paste bullshit from partisan blogs with no fact checking whatsoever. Flaky klake, for example, pasted an urban legend in this very thread that took me only 2 minutes of research to expose as a fiction.
I’m not writing academic papers here, and I generally don’t use primary sources (too time-consuming), but I use objective sources. By contrast, most wingnut posts are simply regurgitations of propaganda posted on rightwing blogs that is riddled with factual inaccuracies, distortions, and outright fabrications.
Wikipedia, unlike the wingnut blogs you trolls get your bullshit from, has footnotes to sources, which you can check independently if you have doubts about what a Wikipedia article says. In this respect, Wikipedia is written with a rigor similar to that required of college-level academic work. And Wikipedia is peer-reviewed, in a fashion, because its audience can edit the articles.
Bottom line, you haven’t identified anything I quoted from Wikipedia that is inaccurate.
@98 I don’t have a history of lying, rob. Other than concealing my identity, I have never lied on this blog about anything. But you can think whatever you want, and I don’t give a tinker’s damn what you think.
Are you too fucking lazy to click on the link I provided and read what the source is? It’s at the bottom of the page, in case you missed it. I can’t copy and paste it on this computer. The original source is OMB, which is a White House agency.
Apparently you don’t realize how long it takes the federal government to finalize its financial statistics. That information comes from a vast array of sources within the government and crosses a lot of desks before it becomes official. Also, the federal government operates on a fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.
Looks like I ran rob off. You lose, wingnut. Don’t let the bedbugs bite your pink ass.
I stand alone on an empty battlefield. The last rabbit standing wins!
Re: 105,
To college students everywhere:
That big building your tuition dollars are funding – that’s the _library_.
By the time you’re in college, you shouldn’t be citing any encyclopedia, wiki or World Book, for a history paper. That’s what primary sources and history books are for.
That is a huge footprint. Somehow that illustration doesn’t seem accurate. If the current structure’s proportions are correct, there would be no room for the road they show on the left (presumable Alaskan Way). Maybe the are planning on removing the trolley tracks.
Typical liberals. Call for a vote and then render it meaningless. Nothing like pissing your money down the toilet eh? Speaking of toilets, how are those million dollar hi tech crack houses er toilets suiting you liberals?
Roger Rabbit says:
Maybe you should ask your liberal politicians you keep electing you leftwing dipstick. Let’s see. Oh yea, the “Emergency Clause for millionaires” trick was pioneered by none other than Liberal Gov Mike Lowry for Safeco field.
Once liberals put a tax on, it never ends. Hell in today’s Seattle Times (front page) it says they are going to continue the hotel tax after Qwest field is payed off for “Arts groups”.
Liberals are such big hypocrites. They talk all about how they are for the poor and downtrodden. But when we have homeless tent cities being kicked out of one community after another, what is the “emergency” in liberal controlled Olympia? Millionaire sports teams their arena’s. Hell the state cannot build the damn things fast enough before they come back to the trough wanting another on the state teet. They didn’t even finish paying for the King Dome before they blew it up. And Aren’t they still paying for the last Key Arena remodel??
It is like putting out milk for a stray cat. They come back looking for more. Stupid liberals, won’t you ever learn?
Millionaire’s over homeless people???? How “progressive” is that??
Here is a “progressive” idea for you idiots. How about making the millionaire pay for their own damn stadiums and tax them to help the homeless?
Anyone listen to Whori Monson on KIRO? (I figure it is okay to make a funny name for him since he does it to so many others) The guy is more emotive than Captain Kirk. He suggest graft and coruption as the only motivators for the mayor and other tunnel supports. Since so much money is involved in this project it makes me wonder if someone is slipping him some money to squash the project. Maybe too many gambleing debts, or someone has info on misbehavior on an out of town football junket. I have heard him and many others refer to the ultra liberal “Seattle Way” in politics. Here is the “Seattle Way” Someone propose a cool idea to enhhance the city (Tunnel over viaduct, monorail, Olympics…) People say “thats sounds good” Then others point out it will be inconvienent and cost money and everyone runs away. The new viaduct is a bad idea. I like the tunnel. Damn the cost, full speed ahead.
That’s a STARBUCKS to the left there, right?
the one dumping excess coffee into the sound?
good place for it… all of those cups that folks toss all over can add to the habitat there… for baby salmon to hide in…
awww…what a great idea!
-You are behind the curve Goldy.
The Tunnel is dead and your beloved “Tear down the Viaduct, Mrs. Gregoire” needs an evolutionary scenario.-
Monorail morons like David Sucher and Peter Sherwin (who also oppose light rail, illustrating just how irrelevant their views are) will always make the WRONG decision on just about any issue.
I say we deport this band of “Kingdom Planning” adherents who are really freeway nuts diguised as progressives.
@110 The pillars and girders extend outward from the roadway, which occupies only 2/3rds of the profile. This would, indeed, make a more stable structure if the ground began to sway.
However, the drawing depicts four lanes with shoulders on both sides — a total of six lanes — compared to three lanes on the existing structure. So I wonder why the doubling of capacity when we’d still have only two lanes through the Battery Street tunnel on the north, and three lanes on Marginal Way to the south?
@111 Let’s fact-check your assertion. Democrats didn’t control both houses of the legislature until Jan. 2005. It follows that it couldn’t have happened without Republican votes. Therefore, you’re full of shit to blame this on liberals.
Is it just me or does the new viaduct (see diagram) include a new sea wall?
Just wonderin’……………..
Hmmm, if we had spent the 1.7b on the monorail, the surface option would actually make sense. In fact that seems like it would be a really good answer to the problem.
So where did that illustration come from? In the times yesterday they had one that showed the now viaduct at 75ft which is only half again the size of the existing one at 50ft wide. Your illustrations depicts it as being 2.5 times the size rather that 1.5 times the size.