The headline reads “Sexism’s alive and well on the right“, but the Seattle P-I’s Joel Connelly’s mostly skewers his colleagues in the media, both old and new.
Connelly writes about the sexist characterizations the right-wing media uses to describe powerful women like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Senators Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer, and he attributes a political motive: “an early-starting effort to attack the new Congress by demonizing its prominent Democratic women.” This is a theme, Connelly notes, that his been enthusiastically picked up by our local discharge conduit in the national, right-wing media sewer system:
We’ve had a dose of the same out here, with the far-right Web site directing ceaseless, often personal nastiness at Gov. Chris Gregoire. […] The anti-Gregoire taunts are amateur stuff.
And if by cue, our good friend Stefan accommodates Connelly, bolstering his thesis today by describing the eight declared Democratic candidates for president as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.”
Connelly’s right, sexism isn’t dead in America… at least not as long as the right can use it to divert the American public and demonize their political opposition.
I like the “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” bit. Kinda rude and funny at the same time.
What? Wingnuts like auntie libido and puddy’s my butt buddy using sexism to hinder political debate? Tell me it isn’t so!!!!
This weekend we had two great coaches take their teams to the Super Bowl. The media, instead of focusing on the accomplishments of the coaches and teams, chooses to regale us with endless stories on the “first BLACK coaches” to lead their teams to the Super Bowl.
Have we not advanced past noticing color and gender in judging someones accomplishments?
It only serves to lessen the accomplishment when we qualify their accomplishment by citing their color or gender. It is no different than saying “She did well for a woman” or “You know, for a black man, he is pretty smart”. It is wrong, it is disgusting.
I would hope that we have moved past crap like this.
Apparently not!
And just to give the Wingnuts something to bitch about here is my obligatory curse…. Dammit!
MLF @ #3 –
I didn’t watch any TV regarding Dungy and Smith, so I can’t comment on coverage. If it was incessant in regarding there color, or if it at all was framed as, “well that’s good for a black guy,” then that’s wrong.
I have no problem it being mentioned that they are the first black coaches to lead a team to the Super Bowl and them being recognized as great coaches first and who happen to be the first african american coaches in the SBowl. To me it begs the question what are the causes that took it so long to happen? Why are there not more african american coaches in a sport where well over 50% of the players over the past 25 years are black?
first there = their
My Left Foot @3,
Apparently, no.
The Left demonizes lower middle class white working men. That’s why they vote Republican. They understand your talking points, but a Republican vote is a vote against the people who blame and demonize hard working white guys. An F/U, as it were.
It’s all Phil Donohue’s fault for getting that ball rolling.In my mind’s ear , I can hear him ranting now: “Oh, sure! We understand that lesbian child molesters make wonderful parents, because we are smart and Liberal. But what about your average white middle class working guy? He’s sitting in his easy chair, drinking a beer , and watching some sporting event. He’s saying , ‘ the hell with chid abusing lesbians. They shouldn’t be allowed to be parents.’
What are we going to do about him? How are we going to make him understand?”
So, if you want his vote, offer a helping hand instead of an F/U and he may see things your way faster than you think.
There have been, including this SuperBowl, 82 opportunities for head coaches to make it to the Super Bowl. Obviously, some were repeats, but still, it begs the question you asked, why so long and so few if half the league is black?
Here is just an example. Imagine if I wrote this about Mike Holmgren:
“He’s got a lot of people on his back and on his shoulders right now, and he’s done nothing but represent our people and represent the NFL, represent the Chicago Bears in a positive light,” Bears special teams ace Brendan Ayanbadejo said. “It couldn’t happen to a better person.” J A Adande, who is black, in the LA Times today.
You can read the rest of the column using this link :
Goldy at 6:
I stand corrected.
Thank you.
Our local rightwing ranters’ continual references to Governor Gregoire as Queen Christine offers compelling evidence of their sexism. The governor has done nothing of an imperial nature to earn her the “queen” label. Moreover, referring to her by her first name is intended to be both belittling and demeaning. The governor has gone out of her way to reach out to partisans of all stripes and to govern with equanimity. The righties who call her Queen Christine display their fear of strong women.
Colonel @ 7
Thank you for adding to the depth of the discussion. How long has it been since Phil was relevant?
The discussion is one of prejudice, and, in my mind, hate. You have done an excellent job of proving the point. White middle class working guys need to be better educated and better informed.
The prejudice of our past belongs in our past. No American has any excuse, from geographical location to parental indoctrination, in maintaining the embarrassment and shame of discrimination based on gender, skin color or religion.
We should have moved past this decades ago. The fact that we haven’t is shameful.
That you want to pander to the white working class guy is, in some ways, even worse.
proud leftist at 10
I have wondered what kind of a woman Stefan is married to, if he is indeed married.
Sometimes I picture a mouse of a woman, glasses, long skirt, plain white blouse and no make-up.
More often I picture a woman of intelligence and strength. In this scenario Sharkansky is down in his basement, door locked, banging away at his website, getting “even” for the way his wife controls every facet of his life, save for his escape into the fantasy realm of Blogdom. The only place where he is king. Of course, he would be a drooling mess if his wife was any less strong and he both loves and resents her for it.
mlf @ 12
I think your option 2 is probably most accurate. I would add, however, that his internet “fantasy realm” includes not only Blogdom, but those sites which people like Ted Haggard and Mark Foley like to frequent.
“Biff” (Colonel) at 7: I will admit that the Republicans have been doing a good job of hijacking the white male working-class vote over the past couple of decades. They have done so by creating a “straw man” which falsly portrays Democrats in the most negative light, while also falsy portraying Republicans as friends of the working man. Your post is just a continuation of those exagerations.
It took a few years of having the Republicans in power to show those characterizations to be false. Most working men now realize that the Republicans like to put out these “talking points” for political purposes, but when they are actually in power they serve only their corporate funding masters, rewarding them with tax breaks and no-bid contracts, looting the federal treasury for their benefit in the process. The only benefits the working man received was Republican opposition to an increase in the minimum wage; increased interest in student loans which served to keep the working-class “working”, and not competing with the priviledged class for jobs that actually pay well; reliance upon them and their children to fight a war which few of their children deem important enough to volunteer to join; and a ballooning federal debt which the working-man’s chidren will have to pay for the rest of their lives.
That’s why this white southern evangelical protestant male, a former ROTC student and Eagle Scout, is now a Democrat. For all its faults, the Democratic party is far better in protecting the long-term well-being of the great majority of its citizens than the Republican party.
I don’t think sexism falls down any particular party line.
I think that in the political arena, there is always a plethora of personal attacks on whomever is running fir/ holding office.
It doesn’t start and stop with gender. Race, Religion, Gender etc seem to be fair game in politics today for both sides.
It’s unfortunate because it serves as a distraction from addressing issues.
Now it’s official: Stefan is an “amateur.” That’s what I’ve been saying all along. Wonder how the fundraising for Stefan’s “legal action fund” is going? Haven’t heard much about his lawsuit against King County Elections lately.
“And if by cue, our good friend Stefan accommodates Connelly, bolstering his thesis today by describing the eight declared Democratic candidates for president as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.”
Connelly’s right, sexism isn’t dead in America…”
But humor might be.
It’s amazing how accepting you guys are of any kind of nasty characterization of Bush or any other right winger. Someone like Stefan pokes a little fun at the left and immediately it’s “sexism”. Too bad you didn’t have the opportunity to play the race card, as well.
Actually, ripping people apart on grounds that formerly were taboo seems to be the national sport du jour, not something limited to politics. Americans seem to love watching others get criticized. This recent flap about how some judge on American Idol criticizes contestants for not just their inability to sing, but their looks, size, etc., provides an example. The phenomenon is not pretty, and does not speak well of us as a people. While I agree with you that sexism exists in both parties, I believe it’s considerably more of an issue in the Republican Party, partly, perhaps, because fewer women are Republicans than Democrats.
re 11: Speaking of prejudice, I challenge you to point out one positive reference you made to middle class white working males. A list of some of your comments: 1- “The discussion is one of prejudice, and, in my mind, hate.”
2-“You have done an excellent job of proving the point. White middle class working guys need to be better educated and better informed.”
3- “No American has any excuse, from geographical location to parental indoctrination, in maintaining the embarrassment and shame of discrimination based on gender, skin color or religion.”
4- “We should have moved past this decades ago. The fact that we haven’t is shameful.”
5- “That you want to pander to the white working class guy is, in some ways, even worse.”
I said that Donohue got that ball rolling. Are you saying that because it was a few years ago, it has no relevance? We could say the same of Abe. Lincoln.
Nowhere did I say the white worker was prejudiced. That’s what you said.
And that’s why he votes Republican.
If you don’t think you need our votes, just have Howard Dean tell us so.
@17 “pokes a little fun”? Oh really? And I suppose you rightwing fucks are “poking a little fun” when you call us commies, traitors, terrorists, etc.? Go fuck yourself, Bill! And don’t forget to pet the armadillo you rode in on.*
* My tag line used to be, “go fuck yourself, and fuck the armadillo you rode in on,” until some of my fellow liberals correctly pointed out this would be animal abuse. So, to rectify the situation, I now recommend petting your armadillo instead of fucking it.
@17 (continued) Next thing you know, these shitheads will tell us their military adventure in Iraq was “all in good clean fun.” That’s exactly what I’d expect from people whose idea of a good time is bombing other people’s countries, torturing their citizens, and killing their women and children.
Bill Cruchon @ 17:
1. Point to a single instance on this blog where a persons sex or color was used to “poke fun” in the same manner as “Queen Christine” or using Obama’s middle name to conjure up an evil aura. Come on, just one. howa about the ad in Tennessee that Bill Ford, Jr had to contend with? You want to tell me that was “poking fun” at him? It was blatantly pointing out his color and insinuating that he prefers white women who dress and act like whores. Poking fun and false characterization are not the same thing.
2. The nasty characterizations of Bush are rooted in his lack of intellect, not his gender or color. Intellect is fair game.
3. Fuck you. (Now you can focus on my language, and not the issue.)
@17 (continued) Hey Bill – where’s your outrage at all the nasty characterizations of Democrats, you fucking hypocrite? Do you understand that your whining rings hollow? Naah, you don’t get it. Now be a good boy and pet your armadillo!
@17 (continued) We’ll stop the name calling when your side stops. Your side first, as your side started it.
MLF @ 3:
I hear what you’re saying after all it was MLK jr. who profess that we should be judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin. However, trying to view it from the other perspective it is 2007 and this is the first time such a milestone has been achieved. So for the black community, and America in general, it is worthy of note, if not celebration.
Earlier this month I took the day off from work and kept my daughter at home because she wanted to witness Nancy Pelosi being sworn in as Speaker of the House.
For her the fact that a woman rose to the 3rd most powerful political position in the United States and 2nd in line to the presidency made her proud. And, not because Speaker Pelosi is a Democrat, but because she’s a woman.
For me, and possibly you, the power and leadership structure in this country if familiar, but for women and minorities they have yet to see the familiar face as president — let alone a head coach in the NFL at the pinnacle of achievement.
@18 It proves humans are doomed! Despite their clumsy, half-hearted attempts to plaster a veneer of civiliation over their nasty (and sometimes murderous) tribal, sectarian, and xenophobic behavior (they even fight over sports contests, for chrissakes!), you humans are nothing but a herd of rabbits biting, kicking, and punching each other. I’ve seen better behavior among crows! You guys are done, and when your civilization collapses (any day now), we rabbits will run this place (thanks to our unlimited ability to reproduce) and I’ll be the Rabbit King! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
@19 “I challenge you to point out one positive reference you made to middle class white working males”
We’ll post it when one think of one.
Biff @ 19
Gee, you used all my lines and did not refute one of them. This leads to the conclusion that they are true and correct.
Phil is now on a par with Abe Lincoln. This is known as a stretch. In other words you tried to shoot a rubberband across the Grand Canyon. Then you stand there amazed that you failed.
Look, Mr. Genius, the fact is racism is not dead. It should be and only ignorant fucks like you still trade on it. Your statements actually say “Pander to the white guy to get elected”. What you should be saying is prove you have a better plan and get elected. Democrats are doing that and, in case you have not noticed, Republicans are still not getting it and are losing more ground at a record pace.
@25 “I hear what you’re saying after all it was MLK jr. who profess that we should be judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin.”
Of course, that’s exactly what we do every time we bash a wingnut! Our criticism of Bush isn’t based so much on his lack of intellect, as on his lack of character. This pretty much applies across the board to Republicans in general, as the GOP is a criminal gang of crooks, liars, and freeloaders. Hey gopers — you’ve been weighed, you’ve been measured, and you’ve been found wanting!
@25 But the NFL is making progress … until now there’s never been a black coach in the Superbowl, but now TWO black coaches will face off in the Superbowl. It shows how far we’ve come — but there’s still a ways to go.
I don’t think we should elect a woman, black, or Hispanic president just for the sake of having a woman, black, or Hispanic president. We should elect the best person for the job. (That’ll be the day!) So I won’t necessarily support Hillary, Obama, or Richardson. Although right now, of the probably Democratic field, Richardson looks to me like the most solid and electable candidate. That could change as we get into the campaign, and I’m certainly not backing any horse yet. It’s way too early for that. All I’m saying is I’m not all that excited about Hillary or Obama at this point. I want to win in ’08, and I want someone who can govern effectively, so we don’t get stuck with another Republican in ’12.
@28 Reading Biff’s rant, you’d think all white male workers vote Republican. If that were true, the Democratic Party wouldn’t win a single election anywhere.
Adlai Stevenson said it best over 50 years ago. If Republicans will stop telling lies about us, we’ll stop telling the truth about them.
Adlai was a smart cookie.
re 31: Democrats resist the truth about themselves as strongly as Republicans resist the truth about themselves.
Would it kill you to admit that I have made a good point and you should all think about it?
@34 “Would it kill you to admit that I have made a good point”
You have an inflated notion of your rightness. “A legend in his own mind”
Get a Life! Those same clowns would be just as clownish if they were men and would receive the same critical attention.
Once again, the “Party of Victims” is singing the same song.
Left Foot
Re: 3
Actually, I thought that it wasn’t mentioned that often. But while it may grate on your perceptions, I imagine that there were a great many African-Americans who felt an immense pride at those statements, and wished they would make MORE mention of this notable achievement.
I don’t agree at all. The NFL (as well as some othe sports) was well-known for passing over qualified black candidates in favor of (in some cases) old white retread coaches for decades. THAT was what was wrong, and disgusting. And because of that, it is now quite a special event that black head choaches are facign one another in the SB.
If you need to to help your perspective, try to think of it from the point of view of the oppressed rather than the oppressor. Sure, maybe whitey (not a reference to you) is tired of hearing about black firsts, and wishes we could “move past” recognizing when a black person achieves for the first time in US history what has always been a white privilege as a matter of course. There may be others who take heart in it.
Roger Rabbit says, @17, “pokes a little fun”? Oh really? And I suppose you rightwing fucks are “poking a little fun” when you call us commies, traitors, terrorists, etc.? Go fuck yourself, Bill! And don’t forget to pet the armadillo you rode in on.*
* My tag line used to be, “go fuck yourself, and fuck the armadillo you rode in on,” until some of my fellow liberals correctly pointed out this would be animal abuse. So, to rectify the situation, I now recommend petting your armadillo instead of fucking it.
Show me anywhere I’ve called anyone here “commies, traitors, terrorists,”. Well maybe “commies”, but that’s pretty close to the truth for some of you.
And while we are shopping in the honesty department you might want to reflect on the kinds of characterizations that have been made by the left regarding Condoleeza Rice. Oops! that would require honest reflection. How dumb of me! I’m sure it will be much easier for you to respond with your usual,very predictable,”fuck you!”.
Now to the real point.
Stefan is an idiot. If you’re reading, Stefan, you’re an idiot (though one with a blog).
The Democratic candidates in the crowded primary field of 1992 were known as the “Seven Dwarves.” Stefan merely stole someone else’s line.
re 39: Tolkien calls them Dwarfs. Which is correct or are both correct?
re 28: I’m not saying pander to the white guy. I’m saying include the white guy.
As for “refuting” your points, I was not attempting to refute your points. Your points, although accurate with some , is not anywhere near a reflection of the whole.
I’m saying that as long as you are bringing up racial prejudice, why not take a look at your own?
In the words of a great bluesman whose music transcends race and category:
“Before you accuse me.
Take a look at yourself.” Eric Clapton
Six of one, halve a dozen ov the other. So to speak.
speaking of “sexism”. What’s your view on this ?
as long as it sells it’s good ? Or what ?
The Democratic candidates in the crowded primary field of 1992 were known as the “Seven Dwarves.”
And one of those dwarves went on to become… President Bill Clinton. And now you know The Rest of the Story.
Referring to the current field of likely Democratic candidates as “Seven Dwarves” is laughable. This is the strongest, most substantial field of primary candidates either party has put together in my lifetime. On the other hand, the Republicans include such powerhouses as Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter, the former governor of Virginia (I can’t remember his name), and Sam Brownback. Those guys sure take your breath away, don’t they?
@7 and 19:
So let me get this straight…
Working-class white men vote Republican because of shite that Phil Donohue says?
And then you claim that people on the left are denigrating working-class white men, when you believe utter BS like that?
Personally, I think that working-class white men are capable of evaluating things they read or hear on the teevee, and expect them to make adult decisions. You, apparently, don’t think they can see beyond the bottom of their own cans of Schlitz, yet you claim to champion them. Give me a fuckin’ break.
Oh, and the NFL probably wouldn’t have black coaches in the Super Bowl today if not for the Rooney Rule, which Steelers owner Dan Rooney successfully lobbied in for 2002, which now requires all NFL teams to interview minority candidates for coaching jobs.
And, white or black, Condaleeza Rice is a lyin’ sack o’ . . .
Both she and ‘Rummy’ were delusionally wrong about the Soviet threat, and merely transferred their delusions to Saddam. . . .
Re: blues lyrics
Clapton recorded that song but didn’t write it. It was recorded earlier by Creedence Clearwater Revival on their “Cosmo’s Factory” album. It appears to have been written by one Elias McDaniel, better know as Bo Diddley. As I recall, he was a great bluesman whose music transcends race and category.
From an MSNBC poll just released today:
“What’s more, only 22 percent [22 fucking %] say they want the president taking the lead in setting policy for the nation. Fifty-seven percent say they would prefer the Democratic-controlled Congress holding the reins.”
So, the November election was an anomaly, you righties out there?
46 Tlazolteotl
No, no, you’ve got it all wrong. Working-class white men vote Republican because Democrats raise the minimum wage, increase upward mobility by lowering interest on college loans, and want working class children of working class parents to have affordable medical coverage.
Now do you understand why working-class white men vote Republican?
RR @ 20:
The problem with trying to be PC in your tagline is that conservatives consider it completely acceptable to pet the inside of the amarillo’s colon with their penises
What happens if Hillary loses to a Republican candidate in 2008?
re 49: As good or better. I was going to check on that, but I didn’t have the time. Thanks for the correction.
Gee, this whole subject got me to thinking:
Democratic Women: Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Madeleine Albright, Janet Reno, (and others).
Republican Women: Elizabeth Dole, Anne Coulter, Condoliza Rice (can’t think of any others right now).
Gee, on sheer intelligence alone, I think the Democratic women win hands down. Of course, Coulter really pulls down the average for the Republicans.
If you could put a lid on the knee jerk PC crap for two seconds and wise up to the fact that there are millions of voters out there who , like many other voters, have been mislead by the GOP. They have been told repeatedly that the Dems care only for women and minorities.
You are sounding off like the “effete liberal elite” that does only care for those segments of the voting population.
I thought that after 2000 and 2004 that you guys were tired of losing. The attitudes you are displaying now may deflect millions of voters in 08.
Think about it.
With all due respect, Colonel, no one here that I know of is running for office. But those Democratic candidates who are seem to be telling the truth about what they want to do for working class people. For example, listen to John Edwards sometime. Here, read or watch his campaign announcement.
Try to keep in mind that Donahue has been off the air for a while, and some things have been a-changin’.
Or Hillary Clinton, (my post mentioning John Edwards’ working-class appeal is in escrow), who does not have a campaign site but in her “exploratory committee” announcement mentioned both to that we must provide every American with quality affordable health care, and that it should be true that if you work hard and play by the rules you can build a good life, the implication being that her policies are aimed at making this come about.
Talk about “deflecting voters!”
Here’s a question posed elswhere, which I’ll rephrase and pose here:
After hearing George Lakoff speak about his “strict father” theory on the radio last week, conservatives’ fear and loathing of women makes a lot more sense to me. The in-the-closet right-wingers I’ve met over the years also seem to fit this model closely.
Hatred of everything feminine seems to eminate from those who either a)got dumped by a girl, woman or wife, b) have problems with their own masculinity, or c) were taught by their abusive fathers that femininity = weakness.
Ancient books like the Koran and the Bible help re-inforce the fear and mythology behind today’s aggressive brand of sexism.
For more on Lakoff’s strict father theory:
I’m actually a bit disappointed in Mr. Sharkanski. Certainly if I were to make a similar put-down, I’d be making jokes about the Wicked Witch and the seven dwarves.
Snow White was actually a pretty good kid, not to mention a really hard worker, good organizer and showed strong leadership skills.
The man lacks the imagination to come up with a really good put-down.
There’s more about the strict father theory in Lakoff’s book Don’t Think Of An Elephant!
Did you look at the poll?
Interesting reading.
1007 adults polled
AS to the question ” who would you like to see take the lead role setting policy for the country- George W Bush or congress?
Look at the data provided by the poll all the way back thru the Clinton Admin. The results are very much the same across his entire admin……
Now I know that I am going to get blasted here at this site for this, but a couple of things come to mind….1007 adults sampled…..very small sample compared to registered voters. How many know who George W Bush is?
Think that’s a dumb question? I dare you to sample people on the street and find out. In 2002 they changed this question from “President George W Bush” to “George W Bush”. Why?
Why not at least ask if the person polled is a registered voter?
The questions about funding the war and about whether or not the president should still send troops if congress passes a non binding res. are only offered to half the sample base. 500 folks.
C’mon–these two pollsters (one Democrat, one Republican) are highly respected. Samples of a thousand or so are what most polls use for their data. GW just isn’t a very popular fellow. Karl Rove’s tricks seem to have grown old. RightStuff, you’re not a bad guy. Acknowledge the obvious–your boy is done. I don’t have a single Republican friend anymore (not that I have a helluva lot of them, but I do have some) that defends him. He failed. He failed the country. He failed the world. History will not treat him well.
Let the dems control the whole enchilada…..Then will you quit your bitchin’
@ 64:
You seem not to know much about statistical sampling for opinion polls. The total of 1,007 respondents to a poll is enough to represent a “nationwide” result with a margin of error in the 4 percentage point range. This sampling & opinion poll stuff is not rocket science.
Unless it’s Florida in 2000 & the exit polls show that Bu$h xliii lost, but the votes will soon be manipulated to change the outcome–then the pollsters back off from their systems & suck the big GOoPerz penis.
WrongStiff@64 I commend you to look at the archives of Andy Tannenbaum’s website: The Electoral Vote Predictor. You just might, possibly learn something. . . . .
@38 “Show me anywhere I’ve called anyone here ‘commies, traitors, terrorists,’. Well maybe ‘commies’, but that’s pretty close to the truth for some of you.”
Do you deny fucking pigs? If you deny fucking pigs, why should we believe you? Prove you’re not a pigfucker.
“And while we are shopping in the honesty department you might want to reflect on the kinds of characterizations that have been made by the left regarding Condoleeza Rice.”
The Globe reported that Bush is poking Condi. If you have a problem with that, complain to the Globe! I never said Bush is poking Condi, although it’s absolutely true that rumors are circulating of a Bush-Rice affair. However, I don’t believe these reports. I think Bush is having an affair with a pig.
The Globe isn’t exactly a left-wing newspaper …
The Globe got that story from Wayne Madsen, who’s at least as reliable as your man Drudge …
@41 “I’m not saying pander to the white guy. I’m saying include the white guy.”
Every president in U.S. history was a white guy.
Most Supreme Court justices, senators, congressmen, and governors in the nation’s history were white guys.
Over 98% of corporate CEOs are white guys.
Most of the nation’s wealth is owned by white guys.
Is that inclusive enough for ya?
@57 Damn! Make some suggestions here. How about if we lobby Congress for a National Be Kind To Armadillos Week?
Hey armadillo fuckers — what did those poor armadillos ever do to deserve you bastards?
@65 “1007 adults sampled”
Wikipedia says: “A poll with a random sample of 1,000 people has margin of sampling error of 3% … [which] means that 95% of the time [it] would give an estimate within 3% … if a pollster wishes to reduce the margin of error to 1% they would need a sample of around 10,000 people. In practice pollsters need to balance the cost of a large sample against the reduction in sampling error and a sample size of around 500-1,000 is a typical compromise for political polls.”
Wikipedia’s footnoted source, Public Agenda, explains: “The bigger the sample, the smaller the margin of error, but once you get past a certain point — say, a sample size of 800 or 1,000 — the improvement is very small.”
If a buyer of a commodity, for example, is testing to see if the quality is what he or she paid for, a random sample of about 30 units is taken and evaluated to determine if the shipment is “good.” This works pretty well in the world of commerce.
The most significant thing about ths style of polling is that the person who conducts it has total control. If he or she samples one of the product, it’s either good or bad. The product can’t lie like a person can lie to a political pollster. It’s a risk that I’m sure the politicos try to counter when they construct their questions. Nobody knows how successful they are.
YO @ 62:
Don’t bring my kids into your bullshit remarks unless you’re willing to tell it to my face like a man.
You fag.
YO, I’ll make it real simple for you to find me if you got something to say to my face.
Just me, I’ll oblige you. Any time, any place.
Well you learn something new every day…..
I didn’t know this is standard policy in terms of poll sampling.
@66 I am not defending the president at all. You are reading that into my comments. I have always been skeptical of polls becuase when one looks at the questions, sampling, and historical reference, it usually tells a different story than whatever headline is attatched to the poll.
Looking at the historical ref. of this poll, one could conclude that the people feel they have a more direct influence on congress than the president, and therfore would prefer they shape policy. The numbers during the Clinton years fall in line with the Bush years in this regard.
In general, I am very concerned with polls shaping policy. For the very simple fact that ~1000 people could end up significantly influencing policy for 300M of us.
Anyway that’s it.
Roger Rabbit @ 73:
I adore you. I really do.
Roger Rabbit at #70, “Do you deny fucking pigs? If you deny fucking pigs, why should we believe you? Prove you’re not a pigfucker.”
The face of the modern American Left. Not very pretty, is it?
Here’s hoping I’m wrong.
goldy…once again…GOOD GRIEF! is this all you have man?
first of all, women not only don’t need YOU fighting our ‘battles’ for us, i must point out that the very notion of you feeling you had to do it is sexism. you think the average woman couldn’t verbally kick your whiney little ass anyday?….or stand up for herself? typical liberal!!!you think we women [and blacks…after all they might get disinfranchised at the voting booth if they have to show ID. they can do it to cash a check but just like us “foolish” women-folk they get easily confused…HA!] aren’t SMART enough to stand up for ourselves, we have to have a whiney little jobless man that doesn’t even take care of his own ex-wife and daughter financially to tell us what to do?
that will be the day……
bill…a good example right here…. now here is the true face of the modern liberal…….homophobic and violent>>>>>>>>>>>> GBS says:
YO @ 62:
Don’t bring my kids into your bullshit remarks unless you’re willing to tell it to my face like a man.
You fag.
GBS says:
YO, I’ll make it real simple for you to find me if you got something to say to my face.
Just me, I’ll oblige you. Any time, any place.
Christmasghost, I wish I’d kept a running list of all the names I’ve been called here in the few short days that I’ve commented.
I think it would have been a pretty long list.
bill…i have kept a list just for laughs. and the many names that goldy makes up to post. it is like dealing with a very spoiled 7 year old talking to these people is it not?
the real shame is that goldy…who actually is a very talented writer…chooses to fail time and again.
i even ran his blog [with fair warning to him that he should maybe really write something of substance without the four letter words… and not just sound off like a foul mouthed seattle teenager] past two editors of major east coast papers [yes..i am related to liberals..who isn’t? LOL.] one just laughed and the other was less amused.
it’s sad….he COULD do something. he is [as with most “progressive” liberals] CHOOSING to be a victim instead.
now…i am no fan of liberals, but goldy actually has talent.
hey goldy……did they give you a contract on the radio thing yet? sadly…i’m betting no…….