Cars emit CO2. CO2 causes global warming. Global warming causes extreme weather events. Extreme weather event takes out cars.
It’s a circle of life kinda thing.
by Goldy — ,
Hey, when the Brisbane River floods like it’s flooding now, residents have to worry about bull sharks swimming in their homes. Not cool. Not cool at all.
THe Koch brothers think this is just fine. They’ll sell more pumps made in China. Yay.
Sorry…had to get the puddy of my shoe.
Australia is a special case. It’s one of the most environmentally abused countries on earth. They didn’t take care of their environment and now they’re paying the price.
The weather reporters have been promising, for the past week, a “major winter storm event” for Seattle by mid-week.
Well, here it is, practically mid-week. And the “major winter storm event” has been down-graded by the National Weather Service to 1 to 3 inches of snow this evening, followed by warming temperatures and rain by tomrrow morning. Of course, the local TV stations are promising back-to-back coverage of the chaos which they predict will occur during the evening rush hour.
A gal in our office was checking the Bellevue School District site, and noted that with all the cancelations of “after-school activities”, it doesn’t even take a snowflake for Seattle residents to panic. Just a rumor of one sends us screaming into the streats at the horror at the prospect of a little snow.
And my colleagues in Tokyo are scratching their heads. “Why are we getting ‘out of office” e-mail replies to our messages to people in the Seattle area?”, they wonder. “Don’t the trains continue to run in snow, like they do here in Japan?”
@4: Citation? This is an honest request–I’ve never heard that, and I’ve spent a lot of time hanging out with Australian environmental lawyers.
Less honest comment: what exactly have they done that would cause 19 foot floods? (other than building in flood plains, which we do pretty badly ourselves)
@Roger and Xar: To back up Xar’s question I google earthed Toowoomba and seems like a real nice place. Surrounded by National parks and pretty green (it’s in tropical wet Queensland — NE Australia). I was thinking as long as I don’t live in the flood plain, it’d be a pretty nice place to live.
I’d also note (and concur with Xar) that in my experience, the apparent Aussie green ethic seems much stronger than here. They are big coal exporters but they’re also major climate players and represented well in the peak energy community.
So where did that comment come from, Roger?
Goldy, @4,6 and 7
Here guys, let me help you out.
It was George Bush’s fault!
That should just about sum it up for ya…..
I don’t think you can blame them for the heavy rain they’ve been experiencing since Nov.
Of course the flooding didn’t matter so much before Australia become built up.
Why does weather hate cars?
If any of y’all have been wondering where the water’s been going from all that melting polar ice…well, here ya go.
cause like there’s never been flood..and stuff…before….
LMAO, all the compacts wash away, dude with 4×4 casually gets in his car and drives off.
See the message? Don’t buy toy cars.
Sean, these floodwaters washed away a restaurant. And a family of 3 perched on top of their 4wd went missing. The only way to survive this flood was to not be anywhere near it. But we’re used to it.
Extract from “My Country” by Dorothea McKellar
I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror –
The wide brown land for me!
First of all I had no idea Toowoomba would sound so gay – those voices were straight out of Priscilla (which I rented from my neighbourhood video store in Randwick NSW…)
Anyway – this sort of spurious causality doesn’t do the climate change believers any good, Goldy. The Brisbane floods were much worse in 1974.
Yes cars hurt the planet and it’s amusing to watch them wash away downstream, but to imply these floods are caused by climate change is about as sound as saying it’s snowing a lot this year therefore global warming is a crock.
let’s make the nuanced arguments not the easy to refute simple ones.
Poster Child @15,
Individually, each of my statements is factually accurate. I can’t help it if people choose to infer causality.