It is a sad statement on our current state of politics when an unabashed liberal like me waxes nostalgic for good ol’ Goldwater Republicans. Reading L.A. Heberlein’s guest column in today’s Seattle P-I (“What happened to real Republicans?“), I couldn’t help but feel wistful for the days when political debates were more about disagreements over method than madness. Heberlein, who worked his precinct for Barry Goldwater, appears equally wistful, wondering if the people who call themselves Republicans today… really are.
When I was a Teenage Republican, all Republicans knew the 10th Amendment by heart and Republicans resisted the increasing power of the central government. Now Republicans leap over one another to make the federal government ever more powerful. It is Republicans at the federal level who now want to tell states whether they can allow medical marijuana or assisted suicide, or even who can have a driver’s license. They want to tell the states who can get married. Imagine a Republican of my youth thinking the federal government should dictate policy to local school boards.
When I was a boy, Republicans cherished personal liberty. Creating secret no-fly lists and spy-on-your-neighbor programs, turning medical records over to police, holding people without trial in hidden military compounds, saying it’s legal to torture them — that’s how we thought only Communists would behave.
Above all, the Republicans back in those days were the party of responsibility. They understood a balance sheet. […] The ones running Washington, D.C., today inherited a $236 billion budget surplus, and like kids on crack with a credit card, turned it into a trillion-dollar deficit almost overnight.
Heberlein goes on to ridicule the Bush administration’s proposal to privatize Social Security, asking the obvious question of where the money will come from to pay for those drawing out now, and incredulously providing the answer.
Listen, you’ll never believe this. The plan is to borrow it — to borrow a trillion more dollars.
Where have all the real Republicans gone? I have some sad news for Heberlein… this GOP is no more the party of Goldwater than it is the party of Lincoln. It’s the party of Bush and DeLay.
Now don’t that make you old-timers feel proud?
Well lets see things in fair respect Goldy…I think you are brain dead (politically yes indeed) so I decide to stop you from eating. Of coarse your mommy will have none of that and fights me in doing this, low and behold I am offended at your mother getting the government involved in starving the brain dead liberal! But woa and behold…other people have other opinions of your condition…lets do tests, lets get other experts, but I say it wont do any good he is brain dead!
He is brain dead because the people I didnt fire said he is brain dead…I will not allow tests to see if Goldy can eat on his own, no I will starve this poor liberal bastard, just for my peace of mind (who gives a fuck, I already have a new family)
Leave it to Chuck to compare Goldy to Terri. And people like him think they can run the whole fucking world?
Chuck is your example of the New GOP of which you speak. spewing, spewing, spewing.
when will these people look at what real values are? instead of the getting riled up by the soundbites. who gives a rats ass about Terri Schaivo? they really don’t. They would rather put to death an innocent man (Whitewhine), then let a vegetable die.
Why are the religous right so afraid to live? because they are so afraid to die.
Goldy, great topic and thanks for the article. Mr. Heberlein is spot on. As a former Nixon-supporting Republican (currently agnostic), I am completely outraged by the fiscal irresponsibility of the Bush administration. Of the last four presidents, exactly ONE was a fiscal conservative–Mr. Clinton. The rest bought into that cockamamie “supply side economics” that preaches “cut taxes to increase revenue”. Right. . . and eat more junk food to lose weight. The problem was that they cut (or tried to cut) taxes while overlooking the other important part of the equation of supply side economics: you must cut the size of government to offset the revenue losses! (Yes. . . you can eat more and lose weight if you increase exercise enough).
I just don’t understand President Bush. During his debate with Mr. Gore, he stated that “the U.S. should not be policeman to the world”. Sure, Afghanistan was understandable in light of 9-11, but his actions in Iraq seem to betray traditional Republican values (fighting an optional, expensive war, with no realistic exit strategy, no increase in revenue to pay for the war, and no obvious significant benefit to Americans). What will this war cost my children and grandchildren, $200 billion or is it $300 billion now?
When will “Republicans” again become proud Republicans? When will they again stand for fiscal responsibility? When will they return federal power to state and local governments where it belongs? Will they ever recapture the moral certainty that would be outraged by the killing of 15,000 to 100,000 innocent civilians in Iraq? They push a “heroic” agenda to save a brain dead woman while ten beautiful, healthy young American are killed every week in Iraq and many more are maimed for life.
Honestly, I don’t usually get too worked up over politics (there’s enough political ranting in our family), but this issue really strikes a nerve! I’m sorry about the rant.
Hugs and Kisses!
I hear ya Goldy. I grew up in a VERY conservative place and I, too, started my political life as a Goldwater conservative. I picketed LBJ with a group of College Republicans and the old fart got sour about it. He quipped, “they’re paid minimum wage to come out here.” Well, my Republicanism didn’t last very long after I figured out whose bread they were buttering. Let me explain how I became a fan of government regulation. As a working-poor student, I had a job in a cafeteria. We worked for meals, no pay. When the customers’ plates came through the dishwashing line, they scrapped the food scraps off and that’s what they fed us. Will work for food — that’s me. The guy who owned the cafeteria drove a really nice car and lived in a big house. This wasn’t in Washington, I was in the South back in the 60s, in a place where they called blacks the “n” word (and occasionally lynched one to keep the rest in line), through unionists were communists, and treated the working class like pigs and chickens. Yep, that’s how I became a Democrat — by finding out what it’s like to work for Republicans when government is their wholly owned subsidiary. A couple of my pals went to Selma and, I’m proud to say, got the shit kicked out of them by the police. I’ve been against social injustice ever since. Yep, that’s me — PROUD TO BE A DEMOCRAT!
oops – typo – scraped not scrapped
oops – another typo – thought not through
no I’m not drinking my keyboard was permanently damaged by spilled fruit juice – was gonna pull the plug on this sucker but Congress stopped me
Here’s a link to an interesting web site about “Cheap Labor Conservatives.” It discusses the phenomenon of conservatives whose philosophy is that workers shouldn’t expect to get paid for their labor.
Surgeon General’s Warning: Reading this may cause Fascists to suffer a stroke — so if you’re a winger, go right ahead and read it!!!
As to Ms. Schiavo, the court-appointed expert doctor tested her and determined she was PVS and had no chance for improvement. The court accepted his opinion.
Perhaps the reason the GOP is so set against allowing a brain dead woman to die is that they don’t want to set a precedent that could result in the loss of many of their most loyal supporters. No to mention a few right wing trolls.
The question is, when will people wise up to it? Does the Republican constituency in America really want Republicans like the ones they’re electing now, or do they even understand the difference?
Dave@11. Whenever government attempts to extend it’s power, mongering into our personal freedoms calling life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness their right to decide for us, it is time to kick ass. War on Iraq, Rossi case and plight of Schiarvo are Republican strawmen tactics, meant only to boost their party. They are like the guy who sinks his own ship to save his life. Their stinking efforts have horribly failed to gain back the public’s confidance. Republican’s dwindlng ratings are due to their lack of statesmanship, overkill and abundant idiocy. Republican party ain’t what it used to be. It has sunk to below PUTRID.
Wayne@10. Those that fear death fear living. The fearfull put themselves right there in bed with Schiavo as if they had a clue about Schiavo; acting out their fears. They even act out more when speaking of Terri’s husband as if they knew them. They know shit and are PROJECTING. No matter how any times Goldy says, your projecting, they can not use what brain capacity they have to comprehend they are projecting. They are really telling us a lot, a lot about who they are. Nearly brain dead is failing to be conscious of projecting; lacking in awareness. You may have something their about the right wing trolls.
Wayne – Thanks for cooly pointing out that it’s not Michael Shiavo vs. the Schindler’s, but also the courts, and court appointed doctors.
Perhaps the reason the GOP is so set against allowing a brain dead woman to die is that they don’t want to set a precedent
I wanted to point out that despite the mother of all congressional activism in this case, precedent has already been set, multiple times, at the Supreme Court level. This makes it impossible for the Schindler’s to prevail without over-turning big bedrocks of our legal system. This includes that the court already ruled that people in a PVS have the right to have their feeding tubes removed (similar to how Jehovah’s witnesses can refuse blood transfusions), that spouses wishes trump parents, that the federal court doesn’t get involved in overriding state court decisions on domestic matters, etc.
As Goldy and the letter to the editor pointed out, so much for state’s rights, the sanctity of marriage, limited government, and not politicizing personal issues. Top it all off with Bill Frist making amateur “video-tape” diagnoses and lying about his medical experience and Tom Delay publicly slandering Michael Schiavo by calling him an “attempted murderer”* we know the GOP has lost its mind.
* Remember, the Supreme Court and Florida state courts have already ruled in favor of Michael – so what Delay is saying is absolutely, legally, false.
Hmm, things move quickly. Judge denies emergency request to re-insert feeding tube, citing that the plaintiffs have not demonstrated a strong likelihood that they will prevail.
Of course, the Schindler’s appealed.
jcricket@14. Yes indeed. Another exercise in futility by the ruling fascistic fingerlings. Big Brother Tom Delay has his finger on our pulse. Comforting thought, about as comforting as sending aid to Jerry Falwell to set up a breeding camp. Republicans are showing signs of their far reaching arm without legs. Those who seek to abuse power know no limits or restraints. Power corrupts, historically links with dictatorship. The setting is already here.
Jcricket@17. Thanks for the AP wire. Good to see ACLU exec. director speak out and praise the Judge’s decision. Felos had a good talking point. Felos said, “keeping Terri alive also violates her rights.” “Life is as sacred as liberty.” Right on Felos. The Gallup poll of 109 adults, 6 out of 10 agreeing to not replace feeding tube, reinforced what has been said here by thinkers. Their appeal will not be any more successfull. Sure both Busshy Boys are disappointed, they took on another lost cause.
TYPO@18: Sorry. Correction: 609 adults.
This is a debate that’s been going on for awhile in the Republican ranks. (See the attached link from 1996). It seems that it really is starting to split the Rs apart. It will take awhile longer, but rift is there and will only grow larger over time. The corporate interests in the R party will not allow the theocons to take over.
The problem with your hypocracy is that the republicans were responsible for every piece of legislation on human rights, which means that the repugs brought the blacks from the back of the bus to the front….
@19. If at first your don’t succeed…get a new keyboard or more coffee. :-) CORRECTION: Poll of 909 adults.
Chuck@21. Martin Luther King was a man of faith who walked his talk and along with other blacks and straight shooters left their mark behind them. Much different breed than Reper Bushy or his Bushy clones and patsies of today.
GOLDY. DELAY cant DELAY. Makings for a good Republican bumper sticker or T-shirt for right wing trolls.
totally off thread yet disgustingly part of it–this story from last week: Washington state legislature was trying to decidewhether to classify goat-napping as a misdemeanor or a felony? It seems that certain conservative lawmakers are desiring to make goatnapping a felony, punishable by more than a year in prison and massive fines? Why?
also this just in:
Federal Court Refuses Schiavo Appeal
Christian Broadcasting Network – 24 minutes ago as of 10:08 PST
By John Jessup. – WASHINGTON – A federal judge refused today to order Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube reinserted.
Don@7. RE: “Proud to be A Democrat.” You should be. The Blues Brother comedians, Jeb and George W, are saddened over this morning ruling by the Federal Judge George W. appointed; so they say. And according to the press remark George W. made through his spokesman, G.W …”will continue to do what he legally can within his powers (POWERS should be in caps) to protect Terri Schiarvo, a vulnerable person.” Brothers Two have two black eyes. just got bloody noses but powerhouse G.W. is not throwing in the towel. He wants to go for the knockout in 2008. They could try this religious saying on for size, “pride cometh before a fall.”
Chuck @ 21
To the extent that your comment is true, it was the Republicans of old, not today’s crowd. I take this to mean that you are in essential agreement with the columnist Goldy is quoting.
Don@7. Chuck @21 says you got hypocrasy. Get a better filtering system on your PC. The Republican virus has seeped in and could cause you to crash. The virus is not terminal but I think you need to call Congress to be sure. They may have to call a costly special session but well worth it. They expand their jurisdiction at random so it is certain they will come to your aid. My guess is they will require you to use a GOP screen saver. :-)
More than 6 million illegal-immigrant Mexicans now live in the United States, making up more than half of the nation’s nearly 11 million illegal aliens, a new study finds. [In 10 years, 12 million new Democrat voters.]
It seems that certain conservative lawmakers are desiring to make goatnapping a felony, punishable by more than a year in prison and massive fines? Why?>>>>>>>
We are tired of the Dems stealing goats for sexual fulfillment!
Thank you so much for the elevating the discussion on this board. Your pithy insights into policy discussions inform us all as to the breadth and depth of radical right wing thinking. Thanks once again.
Chuck@29. Now that is what I call good funny humor. Very witty. Got a laugh here.
I got a hard time swallowing the statement that Goldy is a closet Goldwater Republican. But the comments are interesting.
Our political system is screwed up- sorry to reveal this to you liberals and Democrats. Until we get big money out of the system and I don’t think we can, the method we elect our electors will result in less than the best person for the job.
We need to elevate the people we elect. Gone is the term “acting Senatorial”.
Steve@30. Pardon my laughing at a joke slanted at Democrats. Don’t take offense at the err of my ways. :-) I will say 500 Hail Marys tomorrow.
swatter @ 32
To some extent, the problem you cite (not getting the best people into elective office) can be attributed to the Republicans. I know that the rightwing revers Reagan, but a big negative on his legacy was his disparaging of government, and, sometimes inferred and sometimes direct, the disparaging of people in government, including those elected. This disparagment has not abated since then. In fact, it has become the anthem of the Republican Party. Berating government, and those in government, is not a tactic apt to be helpful in attracting talented and thoughtful people to run for office.
Mrs. C @ 6
“What will this war cost my children and grandchildren, $200 billion or is it $300 billion now?”
It’s going to cost us the lives that will not be lived, the sunsets and picnics that will not be enjoyed, the children and grandchildren that will not be born — 1,500+ and counting …
Chuck @ 21
Bullshit doesn’t cut it in this forum.
spyder @ 25
Maybe because over there in Rossi country goats are being subject to, er, goat exploitation? Now I wonder who would be doing that — in counties where nearly everyone is a Republican? Hmmm … maybe we better not delve into this too much.
Chee @ 26
So far 10 courts and 17 judges have agreed with Michael Schiavo, and 0 have agreed with the Schindlers. I have no doubt the result will be the same as the latest round of appeals work their way up the legal ladder. I truly feel for all concerned and especially the parents, but everything I’ve read about the case indicates the Schindlers stubbornly refuse to face medical reality. Their daughter is gone; she is not there, and nothing can bring her back. The unfortunate circumstance that her body lives on after her brain died gives them false hope, a straw to clutch, but it is like praying to a rock.
swatter @ 32
There’s more of us Goldwater Democrats out there than you realize. You should be asking yourself WTF has happened to the GOP.
Chuck @ 29
Gads, Chuck, can’t you get anything right? It’s sheep, not goats.
Try placing Bushco republicans on the Extreme Far Right of the political spectrum; in bed with political ideologies like fascism and worse. Moderate republicans, closer to the Center, have occassional acquaintances with, and thus better understand the economic benefits of social security; unlike Far Right ilk who’s highest appraisal of humanity is monetary potential, and perfectly willing to debase themselves, prostitute their integrity, and violate all manner of moral imperatives in order to gain the highest rungs of the economic ladder and hold that position even if it means pouring boiling oil on those clinging to the lower rungs. The Far Right have been perpetrating such heinous acts for so long, it gives them sadistic pleasure.
sirkulat @ 41
so very accurate.
absolutely no sense of humanity
I cannot help it if the Dmocrats are confused…
So this is what Goldy idetifies with, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.....dwater.htm
Wasn’t Reagan concerned about the proliferation of the New Deal or the growth of the welfare state?
Wasn’t he also concerned about the skyrocketing interest rates that signified the end of the 70s boom? Notice I didn’t mention the Carter legacy? Wasn’t there also a perceived weakness in the country due to the method we bailed in VietNam? Notice I didn’t mention whether we should have been over there or not, and which is another topic?
Goldwater was before my time and the first time I really paid attention was in 1988.
Goldy –
It is not a new thing to have political partisans running the government. Nor is it particularly shocking to see Congress shoot itself in the foot. What is worrisome is to see such front-loaded missteps. As a Republican, I view the recent events in DC with apprehension, as does Tom Bevin of RCP. Mr. Bevin is not too well known for his Liberal views, because he doesn’t have many such thoughts…
I absolutely agree that the national Republican Party today is not the Party I joined yesterday. Unfortunately, the national DC crew appears to believe it as well.
Which means, of course, I (and other Republicans) need to wrestle this party back in line…
Great point Goldy! A point that I have been making for some time! This is not our fathers’ Republican Party. Gone are the days of lower fiscal spending to ACCOMPANY tax cuts rather then the opposite. Gone are the days of the right backing smaller government and privacy in our homes. (PATRIOT ACT I/II, Terri Schiavo) Gone are the days of the the now-moderate Nixon, Goldwater, and yes…even Reagan. (to an extent compared to W) We are left with the DeLays, the Lotts, the Cheneys, the Rumsfelds, and the Bushes of the world who seem to think that they can justify their ascention to power as legitimate not through acting multi-laterally, practicing fiscal conservation, (and to steal a phrase) sound politics, but rather through terror and fear. (Josef Stalin…hint hint…)
The only way that Zap and I peacefully coexist together at AlsoAlso, is based on the fact that he feels as abandoned as many of you former Republicans (or formerly proud Republicans, I might say). It’s certainly ironic, but IMO the GOP currently sits on the precipice of a generation of greatness, or a couple decades back in the woods after 2006. In the last two months or so, they have veered sharply towards the latter, and show no signs of correction.
tj @48
I hate it when you are correct. I’m sure my letters to the lemmings representing me there are being ignored, but a number of Democrats have fallen into line with them too. I suggest each party makes an effort to steer Congess away from the New Speel Federalism being advocated there…
RDC@40: Can’t you see there are trying to get Don’s goat again. :-)
Don@38. I also have great empathy for Terri’s parents, I would be hard be logical. Understandable for parents to be emotionally distraught. Love for our children runs deep. The thought of losing our children before their time is every caring parent’s fear. I am sure there are many prayers going forth for them all.
Chee @ 50
Yes, I was going to tell Chuck that I guess he got my goat with that one (his 43), but I see you beat me to it.
The problem with your hypocracy is that the republicans were responsible for every piece of legislation on human rights, which means that the repugs brought the blacks from the back of the bus to the front…
Really? I think LBJ might have something to say about that.
Interestingly enough, after he forced through the civil rights act, LBJ acknolwedged that the Democrats had lost the south for generations to come. That’s because southern Democrats left the Democratic party. Fortunately for them, they were welcomed with open arms into the GOP.
So you’re correct, in a way. There were a bunch of racist southern Democrats who were opposed to civil rights. Fortunately, they were kicked out of the Democratic Party. Unfortunately, the GOP welcomed them into the Republican Party.
There were a bunch of racist southern Democrats who were opposed to civil rights. Fortunately, they were kicked out of the Democratic Party.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Dems have never kicked anyone out, as Ronnie once said I didnd leave the democratic party, the party left me….The democratic party is the most racist of the two major parties in the country. Look at the facts, the republican party wants the minorities (Rev. Jacksons term) to not be judged by the color of their skin….the Dems want special treatment for minorities….
That is exactly what Martin Luther King exposed!
According to Chuck, MLK was a Bush Republican!
The speech that MLK is famous for…I have a dream!…continue his dream, we are trying to help it be so! Join us hand in hand Don we will help you heal. Democrat giveaways are not in MLKs dream.
Chuckie, nor do I think changing the great USA into a warmongerer was in MLK’s dream, you can’t use only that part that you want, nor taking the feeding tubes away from patients that cannot afford to pay for it, etc, etc, etc….the texas taco is on a roll.
Taking feeding tubes from patients that cannot pay???what the hell are you smoking?
Warmonger? Freeing a populace in bondage is warmongering…it is some good smoke as well!
Ya chuck, its the law in texas.
A law that gwdummy signed.
Chuck @ 60
Yup, we gotta bomb Iraq to save it. Deja vu all over again.
Here’s someone else who misses real Republicans
How many have they unplugged BECAUSE of this and what specific law are we talking…or bill?
chuck @ 64
futile care law
i know about a baby that was terminal, but i havent looked into it past that.
I just know the law, is about disconnecting when no money is available.
So you are one of the guys that slings unsustantiated rumors around? Did Bush actually SIGN the law or was he simply governor while the law was in place?
Yup, we gotta bomb Iraq to save it.>>>>>>>>>>
Havent bombed Iraq for a day or two now….WAKE UP CALL!
signed it, 1999