Yet more teabaggers who haven’t gotten the message to tone down the crazy:
Frustrated by recent political setbacks, tea party leaders and some conservative members of the Oklahoma Legislature say they would like to create a new volunteer militia to help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty.
Tea party movement leaders say they’ve discussed the idea with several supportive lawmakers and hope to get legislation next year to recognize a new volunteer force. They say the unit would not resemble militia groups that have been raided for allegedly plotting attacks on law enforcement officers.
“Is it scary? It sure is,” said tea party leader Al Gerhart of Oklahoma City, who heads an umbrella group of tea party factions called the Oklahoma Constitutional Alliance. “But when do the states stop rolling over for the federal government?”
Imagine. Anti-federalist violence. In Oklahoma City of all places. Who’d a thunk?
I gotta admit, there’s a part of me that hopes they do form their secessionist militia, and do manage to provoke an armed confrontation with the U.S. military. (You know, the small part of me that values irony over human life.)
Well, if there’s going to be shooting, I think most of us would be happy if the fight took place in Clayboy Bennett’s office, preferably with him and his Redneck Mafia in it.
Those would be casualties I could live with.
Congress should invite Oklahoma to leave the union. I would certainly welcome its departure.
AMEN to 1&2…
There was a war fought once for states rights…. can they really be serious about starting that argument all over again?
One thing is for certain, those who don’t learn their history are doomed to repeat it.
Repeat it we shall, final outcome and all.
Because nobody, and I mean NOBODY can defeat the United States of America. Not even well armed America hating teabaggers.
Who cares, it’s a JOKE! THEY are a joke.
Look, if you’re talking about 80% of the population fighting England, that’s one thing. But 368 crazies with guns are NOT going to change the relationship between a state and the Federal government. If 3/4 of Oklahoma wants to break off and be their own country (no Federal money, no Federal military, no Federal highways, no nothing) than so be it. But the VAST VAST majority of the state isn’t behind this. It’s just the wingnut tea baggers, a tiny minority of loud angry dumb people.
They can be as passionate as they want, but they’re just a couple hundred people. Even if it’s thousands, they’re still A JOKE!
There are 3.6 MILLION people in Oklahoma. Now when this military tea bagger party has 2.7 MILLION armed members willing to fight and die to get out of Medicare and Social Security, let me know…that would be 3/4 of the state. But right now they’re 2.69999 million members short. It’s just a handful of old cranky pseudo KKK wignuts, who cares.
And again on the tea baggers being DUMB. They don’t give a S**T about states rights, that’s something Republicans say ONLY when the Federal government does something (under a Democrat) they don’t like. YAWN. Just normal politics, so what. Like complaining about “activist judges” unless they’re being activists for conservative causes. YAWN again.
Republicans love crushing states rights, if a state wants legalized marijuana, gay marriage, assisted suicide, strong environmental regulation. If a liberal state does something they don’t like, Republicans are happy to jump in and stomp on it. Give me a break.
This sounds like sedition
Ths smells like treason
It is insanity
I’ve always found it interesting that the tea-sters seem to believe that the Jefferson quote they love so much about “…every now and then the blood of patriots must be spilled…” (or something like that…) is about the bravery of armed action like they are suggesting when it is actually about the federal troops during Shay’s Rebellion spilling the blood of those that would challenge the authority of the federal government with arms…not about some made-up heroes that are merely a figment of their ignorant fantasies…
One napalm drop should do it, shown on the evening news with with musical accompaniment by The Rolling Stones’ “Paint It Black.”
RR @ 10:
Better make that two drops 10 minutes apart, just in case a few Teabaggers survive the initial roasting.
“I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like . . . VICTORY in Oklahoma City.”
The name “Tea Bagger” is a media fabrication designed to re-identify the very large Christian Patriot movement in the United States. These people should be called “Christian Patriots.” They are inspired by Jesus’s wisdom teachings, and they seek to protect the legally-protected rights and freedoms of ALL Americans.
They have been labelled as “racist” by the media, which is an easy way to get the average TV viewer to complete turn off to the Christian Patriot movement. You have to remember that the mainstream media is owned and controlled, and it falls in line with someone’s political agenda at the end of the day. Christian Patriots are not racist, though like any group — including the group of Christian Patriot “deniers” — there will always be a few bad seeds.
My father was not a religious man, though he once said to me: “Never attack a religious man for what he believes, because what he believes is to protect your life and your rights, despite that you are a non-believer.”
When I read vicious comments attacking people with an obviously good goal that serves even the attackers, I have to laugh out loud. You know when people jump on the bandwagon and forget that they have their own brain to use — they borrow someone else’s opinion without exploring it on their own.
13: “When I read vicious comments attacking people with an obviously good goal that serves even the attackers, I have to laugh out loud.”
Pray tell, what would be the “obviously good goal” to which you refer? That of ripping this nation apart through spreading vile, vitriolic venom? And, don’t vaguely refer to recapturing the country as your goal. The “movement,” which will have all the lasting power of a non-Viagraized Limbaugh erection, is a bunch of kooks, cretins, and racists. It is neither Christian nor patriotic. I am both a Christian and a patriot and I see nothing in Teabag ranting that reflects either Christian or American values. Threatening armed insurrection and secession hardly reveals either Christ’s message of peace or love of the United States of America.
“When I read vicious comments attacking people with an obviously good goal…” Whoops. That went off the rails right there. What good goal?
“Never attack a religious man for what he believes, because what he believes is to protect your life and your rights, despite that you are a non-believer.”
Yeah, the Dominionists and Reconstructionists are all about protecting my rights and my life. That’s why they play video games where they kill all the non-believers, right?
“When I read vicious comments attacking people with an obviously good goal”
Oh, horseshit. Say, did your father ever use that word?
Teabaggers coined the term “teabagger” that’s why we on the left with a modicum of knowledge busted a BIG fucking gut laughing when you dip shits named YOURSELF Teabagers.
Once the media hinted at what “teabagging” means is when you morons realized how stoooooopid you really are.
I mean who names themselves after a sexual act of having a man put his scrotum on your face???
A Teabagger, of course.
From the Teabaggers thread:
From this thread,
You’ve been here an hour and your already sockpuppeting.
Speaking of people who enjoy calling themself a Teabagger, where’s the Racist Joke teller, Mr. Cynical Ass Clown?
Well, at least this teabagging twit, Jim or John or whatever he calls himself, can spell.
@12 “labelled”
Oops! My bad.
13: “Never attack a religious man for what he believes, because what he believes is to protect your life and your rights, despite that you are a non-believer.”
What kind of religious man, Jimbo? Want to define for us what kind of “religious man” fits the profile? Islamic suicide bombers are religious people. Are they trying to protect your life and your rights? “Religious” people of all stripes commit atrocities across the globe all the time, and every day. Apparently, your father was not very insightful, nor is his spawn, it would seem.
Oh, Jimbo, I forgot to add that folks like you are not trying to protect my life and my rights. Are you so full of yourself that you think you are? I think I have a better grasp of “rights” than you do, and Teabaggers sure as hell are not seeking to protect them. You folks are seeking to deny a voice to most Americans; you threaten, scream, and get in others’ faces. Reasoned persuasion? Nah, that’s not in your playbook.
@21 “Are you so full of yourself”
Hmm, I’m thinking we have ourselves yet another wingnut inflicted with a severe case of NPD. I’m telling you, proud leftist, these NPD’s are schooling like fish. All we need is a big net and we’ve got the whole lot of them in the hold.
They are schooling up, but I don’t think we really need that big a net. Their volume is vastly disproportionate to their numbers, methinks. BTW, where did Jimbo go? I thought he was going to tell us, in detailed policy-speak and everything, what Teabaggers want.
@12 These people are neither Christians nor patriots, and most of the media (in case you haven’t noticed) is owned and controlled by rich white guys who vote Republican.
@13 The goal of the teabaggers — this batch at least — seems to be the violent overthrow of our government, which was elected by the majority of the voters, and replacing it with a rightwing dictatorship that only a few loud extremists want. In what way is this “good”? And how does this movement advance anyone’s “rights” or “freedom” beyond their own?
You know Jim or John or whatever your name is. The fact that you would rather be called a “Christian Patriot” scares me far more than you claiming to be a “tea partier” or whatever. To me anyone who calls themselves a “Christian Patriot” is likely a member of the extremly violent and racist right wing fringe. The sort of people who shoot doctors and blow up buildings. In other words as crazy as shithouse rats.
@12 Bull. Shit. They’re neither Christian nor Patriotic, and they wouldn’t comprehend “freedom” if it bit them on their cellulite-laden, lily-white butts.
They seem to be oh, so concerned about “the government taking their money”, even if they don’t have much anyway. Remember what Jesus said about that, hmmm?
And you can spew whatever revisionist lie you want, but they were all running around screeching about “teabagging” Obama and any and all other Democrats until someone pointed out that “teabagging” is a common slang term for licking someone’s balls. All of a sudden, gee whiz….they shifted gears and started calling themselves “Tea Partiers. Next week, or next month, or whenever, they’ll be playing back some other Fox News slogan du jour.
Art @ 28: ” . . . they wouldn’t comprehend ‘freedom’ if it bit them on their cellulite-laden, lily-white butts.”
I just had to reprint that. Art, that is art.
obama’s people said I would get free gasoline and that I wouldnt have to pay my mortgage anymore.
..I’m still waiting for all this free shit they promised.
Maxie @ 30
How about you give yourself an enema with that free gasoline that no one promised you?
@28 The government doesn’t take nearly as much of their money as Wall Street does, but never mind that.
@30 “obama’s people said I would get free gasoline and that I wouldnt have to pay my mortgage anymore.”
No they didn’t. You pulled that out of your ass. Which is where your head is and you do your thinking.
Wow, this has shock value to the HA Moonbat! Corps.
Dude, where do I sign up! Funny, I didn’t see any of that in here.
@34 “Hmmmm…”??
From the sound of that, Pudwax, you must have your head inserted firmly in your nether orifice as well. Many of us are not at all surprised.
Yeah, that’s the usual position for Dork Vader.
That was an Odumba jock strap. Thems your kind!
@33..BS, thats what many of his supporters said…its even on you-tube….
damnit, I want my free shit NOW.
With support for the Tea Baggers 59%R, 36%I & 9D all they’re going to do is help Republicans that are too far to the right to win in a general election win primaries and split the Republican vote in the general. Hehehe… Go Tea Baggers!
Me too, but I’m working class so I don’t get to own a monopoly, get a break on sales tax or get my business deals subsidized by the state.