It’s good to see some effective advertising coming out of Gov. Gregoire’s campaign. I’ve long insisted that if voters really understood who Dino Rossi is, and what he stands for, this election shouldn’t be close. This new series of ads goes a long way toward introducing the real Rossi to voters, at least on one substantive issue.
Holy crap!! Powerful stuff.
I am a diabetic, albeit type II, but I feel this woman’s pain.
For Christ’s sake, the great Republican Ronald Reagan’s wife has come out in favor of stem cell research. I guess it just takes having a family member who might benefit from stem cell research to change your mind.
If you support Rossi, you are in favor of killing the ill and infirm. (like my Republican logic?)
The Democrats are in full control in this state
and the Nation. Why the fuck aren’t they
stem cell researching like all get out?
Gregoire should get her attack-facts straight. Dino Rossi is NOT against stem cell research; he is against EMBRYONIC stem cell research. Why is it okay for Gregoire’s ad to beg pity for this woman’s diabetic child, but not okay for Dino to fight for unborn babies? Much can be done with stem cell research without buying aborted embryos. Gregoire sinks to a new political low with this ad, tactics that show her true colors; I have lost any remaining respect for her.
Effective?!?! This video is many things, but effective is not one of them.
Everyone on the bus looked at me when I laughed while watching this video. Even if Dino Rossi supported stem cell research it wouldn’t see the light of day in the time her son needs it.
Furthermore, adult stem cells have shown way more promise than fetal cells, but the supposed lovers of science show no acknowledgment, they just want to use this as a political divisive issue. You know, the same thing they accuse Republicans of.
Great ad!
It’s about time Gov. Gregoire started fighting back against Rossi’s bullshit.
She’s running against President George Bush Again!
This lady is a Democrat no smarts just jabs at the wrong person.
Has nothing to do with State will someone tell her same with Abortion you have a flake for gov.
So what has Gregoire done to help fund stem cell research in her four years in office (with Democrat majorities in both Houses)?
Laughable cheap shot.
3.5 million deficit that is something we should be talking about.
Has anyone asked her if she’s running for federal office?
This is why she stole the election last time.
John @ 8
No, no… Christine Gregoire has driven the state into a $3.2 BILLION ditch.
The Real Mark–
AMEN brother!
$3.2 BILLION Deficit caused by $8 BILLION of increased spending by Gregoire.
Also, $38 BILLION of State Retirement Funds invest in Equities. $5.1 BILLION DEFICIT in Retirement Fund @ 6/30/07 is probably $8 BILLION now with the drop in Equiy Markets.
Gregoire has been a FISCAL TRAINWRECK for Washington State.
She is supposedly now working on a plan to cut spending which she conveniently will wait until AFTER THE ELECTION to release.
I’m sorry, Goldy, but the Gregoire campaign SUCKS! You would do yourself good if you focused on Darcy’s campaign where she actually has a chance of winning, not dilluting your message with Gregoire’s shit all over your blog.
Here’s some bad news for you Republican trolls:
APA Just Says “No” to Torture
GoodBad news! Yesterday, the American Psychological Association (APA) announced that its membership has voted to approve a referendum that prohibits APA members from working in detention facilities— like Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and Bagram — that operate in violation of international law, unless they are working to protect human rights (i.e. not help torture prisoners).The APA was the focus of attention when it was revealed during military commission hearings in Guantanamo this summer that military psychologists belonging to Behavioral Science Consultation Teams (BSCTs), known as “Biscuit teams,” took part in crafting the techniques used to torture and mistreat prisoners there.
The ACLU’s Jennifer Turner, who observed Mohammed Jawad’s hearing, where much of this information about the role of military psychologists was revealed, wrote in August:
Since 2002 BSCT psychologists have evaluated prisoners’ fears and psychological weaknesses to craft individualized blueprints for torture and other mistreatment, which they passed on to the interrogators. For instance, a Guantánamo psychiatrist advised interrogators to exploit one detainee’s severe phobia of the dark by deliberately keeping him almost totally in the dark.
In August 2007, the ACLU wrote a letter to the APA on the eve of their national conference requesting that it prohibit its members from participating in the torture and interrogation of detainees. The APA never formally responded to that letter, but in May of this year, Dr. Stephen Behnke, Director of the APA’s Ethics Office wrote ACLU attorney Amrit Singh after she received a bunch of documents — including the Yoo torture memo — in response to our torture FOIA lawsuit. Dr. Behnke writes in the letter:
We find what is revealed about abuse in the newly released documents abhorrent. The position of the American Psychological Association is clear and unequivocal: There is never a justification for torture or abuse…APA is committed to promoting the humane treatment of detainees…APA will adjudicate any allegation that an APA member has engaged in unethical conduct.
So the passage of this referendum is clearly a step in the right direction, but as Valtin writes for DailyKos:
One thing the resolution does not mean is an immediate pullout of psychologists from sites where human rights violations take place. Psychologists like U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Diane M. Zierhoffer, a former but now resigned APA member, still staff the Behavioral Science Consultation Teams (BSCT) at Guantanamo and elsewhere. Lt. Col. Zierhoffer exercised her Fifth Amendment rights not to answer questions about her participation in the interrogation of controversial “child soldier” Guantanamo prisoner Mohammad Jawad.
Bmaz at EmptyWheel has more abour Dr. Zierhoffer. You can read the release about the passage of the referendum and the APA’s history of assisting in the interrogations of detainees, on Dr. Stephen Soldz’s blog.
It’s also notable that last month, California became the first state in the nation to officially condemn the participation of health professionals, including psychologists, in coercive interrogations of prisoners in the “war on terror:”
As a result of [Senate Joint Resolution 19], state medical boards will inform health professionals of their obligations under both domestic and international law regarding treatment of prisoners and detainees. They will be warned that if they participate in interrogations that do not conform to these standards, they risk future prosecution.
The New York State Assembly is considering a similar bill, written by Assembly Health Committee chair Richard N. Gottfried. The APA’s referendum decision and the California resolution may bode well for the passage of Gottfried’s bill.
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They are ot in full control right now. But next year if Gawd is sick enough of republican corruption, incompetence, and hypocrisy.
A Palin/McCain administration? That’s right; according to Ms Barracuda herself. 36 seconds into this video. BTW it’s been reported that McCain will start speaking first at these joint events. Apparently the crowds are walking off after Palin finishes speaking and before McCain speaks. She’s supposed to be the warmup act. But she is all they have to offer. A former Mayor of a city smaller than my neighborhood. A woman no more qualified to be President of this country than Marvin Stamn.
Actually I find this gratifying to know they won’t be bothering our troops any longer.
isn’t rossi connected to an eastside mega church, and is part of the forced pregnancy movement? His website mentions neither, although I didn’t spend long at his site, so I may have missed it. I wonder why there is no mention? How very stealthy of him.
Chris says she belongs to the Catholic Church and is in good standing.
She lies about this how can anyone trust her on running our government. She has no soul.
I have serious doubts as to whether this ad is going to be effective. I think there is a lot more effective things to hit Dino Rossi with. Such as his associates who have gone to prison for fraud, his total lack of any managerial or supervisory experience, the shysters in BIAW and elsewhere who are backing him, or how much some of his more tangible policies would totally suck.
Didn’t Christine Gregoire promise to spend a lot of money on stem cell research when she was campaigning for Governor in 2004? Has she?
Tam @ 17
Both Dino Rossi and Christine Gregoire are life-long members of the Roman Catholic Church, and regularly attend religious services.
Look for Rossi to hammer away on something relevant to all of us…especially during tough economic times.
$3.2 BILLION Deficit caused by $8 BILLION of increased spending by Gregoire.
Also, $38 BILLION of State Retirement Funds invest in Equities. $5.1 BILLION DEFICIT in Retirement Fund @ 6/30/07 is probably $8 BILLION now with the drop in Equiy Markets.
Gregoire has been a FISCAL TRAINWRECK for Washington State.
She is supposedly now working on a plan to cut spending which she conveniently will wait until AFTER THE ELECTION to release.
I suspect this will resonate far above all the irrelevant noise like this Gregoire ad.
Unless Gregoire releases a specific plan to balance the budget nest biennium that addresses the $3.2 BILLION anticipated shortfall…she is toast.
If the answer is major tax increases…she is toast.
Richard, she is stuck.
The Unions own her and were a major cause of the $8 BILLION of increased spending. No matter how you spin it (she called it an “investment” remember), it’s State Employees and Unions who benefitted.
Tam @ 17
Yet another rumor-spreading Leftist Pinheaded KLOWN.
Bad Try–Rossi is a life-long devout Catholic.
Gregoire too.
I know you are desperate to get the discussion as far away from the State Budget and Gregoire’s $8 BILLION of increased spending as possible…so you just make-up & float rumors to weakly try to deflect the discussion.
Ain’t gonna work.
The Budget Crisis is opposed to your make-shit-up garbage.
This is a non-issue in the minds of the voters: the economy, jobs and education are the issues the electorate is focusing on. Christine and Dino need to tell us their respective plans for the next four years and let the voters decide…
Oh and just for your edification KLOWNS, here are some states operating with a budget surplus, even with our economic slowdown:
Alabama 700 million
Alaska 2.7 billion
Idaho 224 million
Missouri 833 million
Utah 1.6 billion
What do they all have in common?? Republican Governors that reduced taxes and controlled spending.
Rossi knows exactly what he will do to start us in that direction….cut the # of State Employees, cut salaries and cut benefits, cut travel, cut bloated Depts like DSHS, Ecology and other micromanagers of our lives. Oh and get rid of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. What a joke that is.
Richard – thank you for your answer, i asked and now I know. As the mother of 2 daughters, i would like to know his views on choice. It is important to me, although I understand he will be limited in his ability to do anything about it.
Mr. Cynical, it does seem to me that Rossi has not explained how he will solve our budget, but please keep name calling. It turns people off, most people are repulsed by the plain out nastiness of those on the right, such as yourself. including and especially your venom and hatred of decently paid middle class working union people.
I agree with Mark and Cheri. If Gregoire and the Dems are SO in favor of stem cell research, why haven’t they done anything about it? Heaven help all the Democratic approved helpless aborted babies for stem cell research and other evil selfish purposes (a woman’s “right” — oh puleeeze!! She had the right in the first place to use self control and/or contraceptives. She doesn’t have the right to reverse the consequences.) At least Rossi is there fighting for ALL life – IN the womb and out of it. Adult stem cells already proven for research. And Dino’s not against that. Everyone wins with adult stem research. Babies get to live. We don’t sacrifice them before they even get a chance to breathe. Come on you idiotic Dems. Grow up and see what your politics have done to this state. TIME FOR CHANGE. TIME FOR DINO !!
what is the truth about the native american casinos negotiating a tax deal that costs the state millions of dollars and donating money to gregoire’s campaign? I wouldn;t consider voting for gop, but i sure wish someone could speak the truth of this issue.
She can attend Catholic Church even a non Catholic can however, She is forbidden to take communion. If she dose it’s a great sin.
Which most Catholic Left wing Democrats are doing also.
You said it and it’s the truth.
How big of a non-starter is this Ad? What can a gov. Rossi do about Embryonic stem cell research? Nothing? That’s right. The argument is over federal dollars and available lines. Rossi has no control over what the fed does about research money and the new cultivation and adult cell technology makes this entirely pointless as an ad. It is a pure play toward people who don’t want to pay attention and an emotional blindside. Oh and the fact that Rossi actually favors stem cell research just not Embryonic Stem Cell research means that this ad is completely and utterly false.
Mr. Cynical @ 21
Dino Rossi does not have a plan to deal with the $3.2 billion projected budget shortfall for the 2009-11 biennium. I suspect if Rossi is actually elected, he will sign a huge tax increase next spring to address this, while being able to keep a huge smile on his face.
saw the ad – it is trash – the research is speculation, years away – I wish my vote for Gregoire would cure cancer, it won’t, so what is she promising??? Guess on…
I am voting for her as a life long Dem. – but her campaign is a crazy “what the hell” night
what crap and she pay for this stuff
God Goldy, you have become such a hack
#27 Anne you came to the right place. Goldy has done the best (and perhaps only) reporting about this issue.
To learn more about Rossi’s character (or lack of it) check out this article about Rossi’s long association with swindler Melvin Heide:
Sydney Schanberg Writes Massive Piece on John McCain Hiding ‘POW Secrets’
By Greg Mitchell
Published: September 18, 2008 5:50 PM ET
NEW YORK Sydney H. Schanberg, the longtime New York Times reporter and editor and Newsday columnist — and author of “The Killing Fields” — has written a 9000-word investigative piece on John McCain and his longstanding efforts to, as Schanberg asserts in his lede, “hide from the public stunning information about the live Vietnam prisoners who, unlike him, didn’t return home.”
Part of the piece has just gone up at The Nation web site ( and will appear in its Oct. 6 issue. A full version, with graphics, appears at The Nation Institute site. Schanberg, who once doubted claims about a large number of POWs left behind in Vietnam, later wrote dozens of columns for Newsday about the subject — and McCain’s alleged inactions. Now Schanberg criticizes the press for allowing this whole subject to be swept under the rug for so long.
The new piece details the evidence that hundreds may have been left behind, along with McCain promoting federal prohibitions that keep key evidence classified. Schanberg also reveals that he received a personal briefing in 1992 from high-level CIA officials who said intelligence suggested that many men were not freed — and later executed. He raises several questions about why McCain has acted the way he has but, in any case, strongly believes that McCain owes the voter “some explanations.” He also urges reporters to “dig into” the archives and complete “the historical record.”
Winston @ 33
What about Darcy Burner’s long-time association with notorious yellow “journalist” David Goldstein?
Stem Cell Research
The Defining Issue of the 2008 Washington State Gubernatorial Campaign.
What a great time to be a Goldycrat.
To clarify, a Goldycrat is merely a highly addled anencephalic Democrat. Just watch the video a few times. It’s pretty self-explanatory.
@ 36
It’s worth noting that “anencephalic Republican” would be redundant.
spewage @37 – Just keep telling yourself that. Blurt it out while walking down the street. Shout it on the bus when it feels good.
@ 38
Just keep telling yourself that.
Why would I need to do that when all I see is a $.10 argument wrapped up in a $100 vocabulary?
Is this your spirited defense of such a mendacious heart-tugging video?
However, your transition from Goldycrat to Goldytard was absolutely seamless. On that point, Well done!
False arguments.
Nobody kills babies for their stem cells.
Adult stem cells are are tissue specific and they may someday be as useful in research and tissue regeneration as embryonic, non-differentiated stem cells. However, that’s still an area of research. The two types of cells are not equivalent.
Democrats in Washington can do nothing about stem cell research as long as there is a federal ban and existing lines are running the course of their utility.
@ Others RE: budget.
I’m curious why those seeking a republican in the Governor’s office are so inflamed about a debt of approximately $500 per person in Washington state that they want to remove the current governor Il Duce style. At the same time, these same angry constituents don’t mention the federal deficit of about $31,600 per person in the US. If you really care about debt, take a good unbiased look at what party has consistently run up the national debt the most since 1940 and vote accordingly. You can find lots of charts outlining the growth of our debt with all four combinations of Dem/Rep Pres/Congress.
@ 40
Is this your spirited defense of such a mendacious heart-tugging video?
Is that your attempt to rehabilitate an argument that begins with a straw man? Talk about underwhelming. Yet another wingnut whose vocabulary far outstrips his rhetorical skills. Talk about underwhelming.
For a truly despicable campaign add, check out this one. It starts with a lie, and it plays the race card.
Oh, sorry. For you, I should say that it’s racially prejudicial and predicated on a prevarication.
Having a hard time defending the indefensible?
Quick, try to change the subject.
The issue at hand is this most wonderful video.
Please do defend the video. Give it your best shot. Tug our heartstrings. Show us what you are made of.
Democrats in Washington can do nothing about stem cell research as long as there is a federal ban and existing lines are running the course of their utility.
What ban? Tell me I want to know. There is a ban on Federal Funding to a point. But what ban are you talking about?
It’s not about “introducing the real Rossi to voters,” although the ad correctly characterizes Rossi’s position.
No, it’s about defining Dino Rossi to the voters. In in that endeavor, accuracy is not even a criterion, and as we’ve seen from McCain’s mendacity, all’s fucking fair.
So, all quibbling about federal bans and adult strem cels aside, Gregoire is showing that she’s not afraid to punch Rossi in the gut, and I think she should do it a dozen more times in quick succession.
21-22 Cynical
Despite al of yur bluster, the fact remains that Dino Rossi has to offer the Big Magic Plan even more than Gregoire does. He is after all trying to convince us why we should turn a highly competent 30+ year-veteran out of an office she has handled well and turn it over to a one-term State Senator who hasn’t seen the inside of the government for the last four years. He has to give us a real reason to support him. Like a real agenda. Like a real plan, with numbers that add up.
When he shows us a plan that more than fatuous generalities such as “I’ll reach across party lines,” let me know.
Please tell us the lie?
Back up your response with a web link please.
“Gregoire says state expects deficit next year
Gov. Christine Gregoire for the first time Thursday echoed what Republicans have been saying for months: The state will face a budget deficit next legislative session.
By Andrew Garber
Seattle Times Olympia bureau
OLYMPIA — Gov. Christine Gregoire for the first time Thursday echoed what Republicans have been saying for months: The state faces a budget deficit next legislative session.
“I’m expecting a shortfall and I’m preparing for it,” she said in a telephone interview.”
Anyone in leadership that takes this long to even acknowledge an obvious problem deserves to be fired. Gregoire blames Washington and pretends to demand accountability. She ought to start with herself.
Working families have not increased their spending over 31% the past 4 years like Gregoire did.
To only now acknowledge the Budget Trainwreck she created is telling…she is either blind or incompetent. Neither one is good.
And we still haven’t heard a peep about the DEFICIT in the State Retirement Fund. Governor Gregoire, someone someday is going to have to fund this. While you increased spending $8 BILLION and created a phoney-baloney Rainy Day Fund for political window-dressing, the State Retirement Fund went deeper and deeper into debt and our Budget situation is now disastrous.
The question now is this:
Do voters trust Gregoire, the person who caused this mess with overspending, to fix her mess? Do voters trust Gregoire, who only now even acknowledges the problem, to fix her mess? Do voters trust Gregoire, a 39-year Government tax-and-spend Bureaucrat to fix this mess without a major tax increase? Do voters trust Gregoire who now says she is preparing some secret mystical plan for fixing her mess??
I don’t!
Please Lefty’s like Daddy Love….share with us why we should?
49 Cyn
Your message discipline is beside the point. No, the question before voters is instead the one I posed:
“Why should we turn a highly competent 30+ year-veteran out of an office she has handled well and turn it over to a one-term State Senator who hasn’t seen the inside of the government for the last four years?”
Dino Rossi does not offer an answer.
You don’t have an answer.
Again, despite all of your shouting, Chris Gregoire and the legislature balanced the budget despite a projected deficit in this biennium, AND ended up with an $800 million surplus you conveniently forget over and over and over and over again. They will do the same this biennium, and I predict another surplus.
In the meantime, Dino Rossi STILL does not offer an answer, and neither do you.
@ 48
The lie with a link to the same source that the ad itself cites.
So, tell me, why does John McCain have to lie in order to get elected?
Gregoire’s commitment to stem cell research that she promised.
How does this lady put it. How can Dino Rossi put his personal beliefs above her child’s health?
Read this and then tell me that the pro choice people do not put their personal beliefs above my child’s health. A child receiving medical care without parental consent puts a child’s health in danger. Children by definition do not know how to make a good judgment about medications, health care, best health care or what do to in a crisis situation. If I don’t know my child is taking a medication or has had a medical procedure how is that not putting my child’s health in jeopardy just to satisfy the personal beliefs of those who choose to stand outside of the KFC restaurant protesting the taking of the life of a chicken; those are the same people who would walk down to the next abortion clinic to support the killing of an innocent life. These are not people who I want making decision for my children. I think she is right what right does Christine Gregoire have to make medical decisions on the behalf of my children based on her personal beliefs. Christine Gregoire supports the laws below as she is pro choice. Get a clue people. The people in government who are trying to make us all live by there personal standards are not the ones whose moral compasses are leading them.
These are laws in the state of Washington.
Do I need my parent’s permission to get an abortion?
No. Young women do not need parental permission to obtain an abortion in Washington. In 1975 the Washington Supreme Court overturned a parental consent requirement as an unconstitutional violation of a young woman’s privacy.
Shouldn’t parents be involved when minors seek abortion?
In the best of circumstances a young woman would be able to talk to her parents about an abortion decision. For some young women, however, doing so would expose them to abuse from parents angered by the fact they have become sexually active. Unfortunately, some families are simply not loving and understanding. We cannot know the circumstances every young woman faces regarding an unwanted pregnancy, and thus, we cannot legislate what she should do.
Abortion is not the only area where state law allows a minor to be treated without parental consent. For example, minors over the age of 13 years can obtain outpatient treatment without parental consent for drug and alcohol dependency, mental health problems, and sexually transmitted diseases. In these areas, the disclosure to some parents could harm the minor, and the minor might not seek treatment if it were conditioned on parental disclosure. The abortion decision raises similar issues for some young women.
Christine Gregoire isn’t making medical decisions for your or any other child. Get a grip.
The Liberals are so out of touch with the Adult Stem Cell information versus the Embryonic it is rediculus. I am an Adult Stem Cell Recipient and would be dead if I waited for any results from ESC. Embryonic has never treated a human and trust me won’t for years if ever. The Adult Stem Cell treatments have treated over700,000 Americans and over 70 different diseases. If the idiot that says he has Parkinsons would go on Google to Adult Stem Cells + parkinsons he would find out the truth and the actual treatments available. To bad he can talk about ESC and not know the truth.
Rather than blowing billions on the ESC, lets spend the money on traating with the Adult Stem Cells.
Fact versus fiction would be a good way to deal with it.
The Liberals are so out of touch with the Adult Stem Cell information versus the Embryonic it is rediculus. I am an Adult Stem Cell Recipient and would be dead if I waited for any results from ESC. Embryonic has never treated a human and trust me won’t for years if ever. The Adult Stem Cell treatments have treated over700,000 Americans and over 70 different diseases. If the idiot that says he has Parkinsons would go on Google to Adult Stem Cells + parkinsons he would find out the truth and the actual treatments available. To bad he can talk about ESC and not know the truth.
Rather than blowing billions on the ESC, lets spend the money on traating with the Adult Stem Cells.
Fact versus fiction would be a good way to deal with it.
Michael; I work in the medical field and if you did your homework you would know that Adult Stem Cell Research is doing much more for people than ESC research; READ ABOVE Comment.
And Michael how do you figure that when Christine Gregoire says she is for abortion and and that she is for abortions for minors without parental permission and she is for any child mine, yours any child having medication for an STD such as herpes, aids etc… How is that not using her personal opinion to choose medical decisions for my child, Medical decisions that could severely affect their health even their lives, How are liberals not making medical decision based on their personal beliefs when they pass these laws Are you telling me that she is basing them on something she does not believe in. This is no different then Rossi being against EMBRYONIC stem cell research. The only thing EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH does is give liberals an excuse for the mass killing of innocent babies; justifying abortion with STEM CELL RESEARCH is shameful. I suppose that you think that the people who are supporting embryonic stem cell research do so without using their opinions. GET A GRIP it is all based on opinions. Some of us care about human life and some of us don’t. What are you one of those people that would stand out side of a KFC picketing not to kill chickens inhumanely or don’t eat beef and then turn that same sign around with words supporting abortion.
Talk about a great opinion. Talk about something to be proud of. Don’t eat beef or kill chickens but kill your own children if you wish, if it is not convenient if you simply do not wish to have a child. You are the one that needs to get a grip Micheal all political items are determined by opinion and yes Dino Rossi is using his opinion to make decisions and so is Christine Gregoire. Gay marriage laws are based on opinion, finance laws are based on opinion, forgien policy is based on opinions. People in government everywhere are making decisions based on their opinions and those decisions affect us in every part of our lives and they are all based on what someone thinks is politically, morally or fiscally right. We all use or opinions to make decisions. Just like you are using yours here and when you vote. Thankfully that is what the US is all about having the right to voice your opinion and enjoy doing it.
@57 You seem hung up on chickens. You guys fuck them too?