Yeah sure, I’m a cynic, but I’m guessing I wasn’t the only American watching Bobby Jindal stride up to the camera last night to instantly assume that the equally cynical Republican leadership cast the first-term Louisiana governor in that role, primarily based on the color of his skin. Gives new meaning to the phrase the minority response.
The GOP is an overwhelmingly white party, and predominantly old, white male at that, and so their relentless efforts to present a diverse face by touting young governors like Jindal and Sarah Palin as party leaders just comes across as pathetic. No doubt Jindal and Palin bring more to the table than a little melanin or estrogen, but if the Republicans are really interested in rejuvenating and recasting themselves, instead of just putting their same-old, same-old rhetoric in the mouth of a younger, darker face, they’d do better for themselves and the nation by elevating the likes of Florida Gov. Charlie Crist… a silver-haired white man, sure, but at least one who appears willing and able to question party orthodoxy during these extraordinary times.
Republicans are understandably envious (and increasingly alarmed) at the Democrats’ growing success with minority voters, but it seems they have the cause-and-effect behind our nation’s political segregation exactly backwards. Minorities don’t vote for Democrats because we have more minority leaders; Democrats have more minority leaders because we are a fundamentally more inclusive party that supports and promotes policies that better serve the needs of minority communities. And Republicans just can’t slap a Jindal or a Michael Steele in front of a gaggle of rich, old, white men and magically bridge that gap.
Jindal may indeed be smart and wonky, and perhaps may yet earn his reputation as a rising star, but he is only 37-years-old, and his three years in Congress and one year as governor of one of the most endemically corrupt and mismanaged states in the union hardly recommends him as a national leader. And judging by the early reviews, last night’s performance didn’t do much to enhance his stature:
National Public Radio’s Juan Williams said that Jindal’s presentation was “sing-songy” and that Jindal looked “childish” compared to Obama. “I think he had a really poor performance tonight, I’m sorry to say,” Williams said on Fox News Channel.
MSNBC’s political site was critical as well: “The Louisiana governor, a Rhodes scholar, is a serious guy who’s known for sometimes being too wonky and even somewhat humorless. Well, he tried too hard NOT to look wonky and humorless. But it didn’t work … his speech seemed to be too much of a brochure about himself rather than about his party and its ideas.”
And then there’s conservative commentator David Brooks’ scathing instant assessment on PBS’s The News Hour:
Still, I guess that’s okay; Jindal wouldn’t be the first young governor to flop in that role, so it’s hardly a career killer. Indeed, if history is any guide, Jindal might someday have a promising career as Commerce Secretary.
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Jindal clearly articulated a Conservative message. Get used to the message.
More & more people…regardless of political persuasion, are disillusioned at the Federal Government bailing out bad behavior and poor decisions…from banks and auto companies, down to folks who bought houses and took on mortgages they cannot afford.
If the Republican Party doesn’t continue to clearly articluate the Conservative message, I believe a 3rd Party will.
There are plenty of Democrats disgusted with Congress….which the Dems control.
Things are still kinda of soon after a hot election and the Public needs time to absorb and evaluate all the new debt from the Porkulous Package, where the money is going and how it is managed and how effective it is. Obama has put his political future on the line with this.
I’ve mentioned before, Countries tend to swing Conservative when 49.3% of the people strongly feel overtaxed. That number can drop to some extend if there is a backlash to things like Porkulous, corrupt individuals in Cabinet posts etc.
Obama is still on his post-election Honeymoon. He is a fine speaker…but in the end will be judged based on results. I don’t think Obama carefully considered the possible undesirable consequences of Porkulous.
Time will tell.
My life is not directly impacted…but I certainly see it in our community. I called a Chimney Cleaning Company @ 9:00AM yesterday to set up an appointment to come out & clean our Chimney and Wood Stove. When I asked what time’s were available, I was told 1 and 3 that day….or any time today, tomorrow, next week or next month. Cleaning Chimney’s is obviously not a priority….but tells you a lot about the state of the economy.
No, I’m not thrilled because personally we are in good shape financially when those around me are struggling.
HOWEVER, I am not willing to endorse more & more Socialistic takeovers and bigger government as the solution to this crisis.
Seems like the Obama Krowd is using this recession as an opportunity for imposing more of their far-left socialist agenda.
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Bobby Jindal is a hypocrite when he says the government is the enemy. I don’t think the fellow has ever had any significant job outside of government in his life.
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There IS no “Conservative Message”.
You klowns had THIRTY-FUCKING-YEARS to cement a place in the body politic and all you did was prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this dumbass idea of “conservatism” as a governing philosophy DOES NOT WORK.
The adults are in charge again. It will take a long time to fix what you broke. it won’t always be pretty and everybody won’t like everything and I don’t and won’t expect to…
…but dammit, at last we’ll get things back to normal, or as normal as it can be in this crazy country.
That ugly term “Porkulous” describes a package that is 42 percent TAX CUTS.
Limbaugh-addled fools have a lot of nerve complaining about spending after the sink hole of the Iraq war, their own egregious earmarking and even expanding ENTITLEMENTS in a cynical ploy to buy votes for Republicans.
Because I don’t have TV I ended watching the Jindal response before Obama’s speech online. So I had the benefit of hearing Jindal without the filter of Obama rhetorical prowess. And I must say that mother fucking asshole Jindal, really, really pissed me off. I don’t really get that agitated that often. But his guy sent me to bed angry and hostile. I am glad to hear his response went over like a lead balloon. I guess there is a reason we don’t let morons from the south like Jindal run the country. They are fucking idiots.
Did you catch his backhanded slap at volcano monitoring? As a resident of a state with multiple volcanoes I just have to say fuck you very much Jindal. I propose we cut the mother fuckers loose. No more hurricane monitoring systems, no more Katrina funds. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yoooooooou.
Of course that would be irresponsible to play political grandstanding with stimulus funds. However, I did like Schumer’s point take all the stimulus or none of it. No cherry picking.
@1 “[Deleted — off topic, see HA Comment Policy]”
Good! It’s about time we got some real topic enforcement around here! The topic of this thread is
and frankly every one of the Republican Ass Kissing troll shills is in constant violation of the topic policy.
Goldy @ 6
If you want to delete off-topic comments, that is fine and dandy. But you commented on some Mr. Cynical’s off-topic comment that you deleted!
Back to Jindal’s speech. Listening to it on YouTube. Speech really sucks. Sarah Palin or John McCain would have done a better job.
Jindal sure is a hypocrite. When this kid was 24 in 1996, the Governor Mike Foster of Louisiana appointed him Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals. This is Louisiana’s largest government agency in terms of spending, and Jindal was in charge of the government-run sector of Louisiana’s health care system.
When this kid was 29 in 2001, President George W. Bush appointed him Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services — the number two person in the highest spending U.S. government agency, and second in command of the goverment-run health care and social services programs nationwide.
And now Jindal promotes private health care and says the government sponsored health care is horrible and evil?
Jindal claims that his father paid for his birth on some sort of installment plan, and that his father was calling the yellow pages for work when he arrived in the United States.
From using the Google so far, it appears that his mother came to the United States as a graduate student in nuclear physics, presumably at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, and was pregnant with him at the time. Jindal was born on June 10, 1971.
This raises several questions. Presumably his mother had a student visa. This allowed her to bring her husband and any dependents. I will assume Bobby was her first-born (which incidentally makes him and any younger siblings born in the United States citizens of our country). Perhaps Jindal’s father (also from India) studied at LSU as well, or maybe he was just a dependent.
But regardless of whether Jindal’s father was on a student visa, or was a student visa dependent of his mother, how could he have had legal permission to work? Someone on a student visa can legally work at the institution they are attending. But if he called the yellow pages for work, he obviously was not working at LSU!
Also, I would think that LSU may have had some sort of student insurance program, even back in 1971. Or at least for graduate assistants, since I am sure his mother (and perhaps father) had an assistantship. But then again, I may be assuming too much.
So I am wondering two things: (1) Did Bobby Jindal’s father work off-campus without INS authorization when he first arrived in the United States? and (2) Was Jindal’s birth paid for by either some sort of student insurance program, or better yet, by Louisiana’s government-sector health care covering births by poor women?
@2 “Jindal clearly articulated a Conservative message. Get used to the message. More & more people…regardless of political persuasion, are disillusioned …”
BWAAAA-HAAAAA-AAACK!!! And here’s the delusional Mr. Cynical who still thinks Wells Fargo Bank (now playing at $12.45 a share) is an investment-grade stock and the conservative movement is a growth opportunity!!! WHEEEEE-HAAAAA-HARRRR-HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!!!
@9 They can’t stand Obama’s TAX CUTS FOR WORKERS. The little people aren’t supposed to get tax cuts! If the little people don’t pay taxes, there’ll be no one left paying taxes!!
If Jindal was president he’d give me — a fat lazy rabbit who doesn’t work or produce anything — tax credits for losing money in the stock market! Not that I would mind … and besides, Mrs. Rabbit says he’s kinda cute. (I better keep an eye on her for a while.)
This White House GETS IT!!!
Republicans think America has no problems that can’t be solved by longer hours and lower pay for workers, and more tax cuts for rich white guys who “create jobs (TM).”*
* Note: This is a euphemism; jobs are actually created by customers, i.e. people who spend money.
If SNL doesn’t get Jack McBrayer to do Jindal as his “Kenneth the Page” character from ’30 Rock’ this week they are missing a prime opportunity. They don’t even have to use the writers – sort of like using Tina Fey speaking the verbatim transcript from Sarah Palin. The R’s have become absolute parodies of themselves.
At least one person sent a congratulatory letter to the Louisiana governor’s office: “I really enjoyed your speech; it was hilarious!”
Roger Rabbit Quiz
How many jobs are created by investing tax-cut windfalls in companies that are experiencing declining sales and losing customers because consumers have no money?
[ ] 1. Lots
[ ] 2. Some
[ ] 3. None
Goldy wrote:
“Minorities don’t vote for Democrats because we have more minority leaders; Democrats have more minority leaders because we are a fundamentally more inclusive party that supports and promotes policies that better serve the needs of minority communities.”
And you know this how? Who have you talked to Goldy? Did you visit Federal in Philly and interview my cousins? How have Democratic policies improved Philly inner city crime, crumbling tenements, street drugs, poor schools Goldy? Please tell me. I grew up there. I’m all ears.
Did you speak to Seattle Blacks? Rainier Ave? MLK Jr Way? Tell me. I have friends on both streets. I’ll call some and ask if you polled them.
Unfortunately my people have been taught by the two charlatan princes, Jackson and Sharpton, look for hand outs. And we know about illegitimate fathering by Jackson and Al Sharpton still hasn’t apologized for the Tawana Brawley fiasco.
I expect this to be deleted.
Answer to Roger Rabbit Quiz
How many jobs are created by investing tax-cut windfalls in companies that are experiencing declining sales and losing customers because consumers have less spending money?
[ ] 1. Lots
[ ] 2. Some
[ ] 3. None
[X] 4. Write-In: Jobs are eliminated
Richard @ 6,
“If you want to delete off-topic comments, that is fine and dandy. But you commented on some Mr. Cynical’s off-topic comment that you deleted!”
Umm…that’s because I deleted the off-topic comments (yeah…including Goldy’s).
Troll, Cynical, Puddy, Roger Rabbit, and others: Please don’t leave off-topic comments on a fresh post, unless it is obviously an open thread (like the DL post from yesterday).
There is plenty of venom you can spew within the bounds of the post’s topic–yeah…it takes a little bit of work, but I know you’re up to it. So please use your brain in an effort to make your comments relevant to the post. Off topic commenting, particularly on a fresh post, is a sign of intellectual laziness. There are plenty of open threads and old comment threads for the lazy stuff.
the puddybitch is channeling Michael Steele, his political doppelganger.
What foolish, clownish children they BOTH are.
I disagree with most of Jindal’s message but I still think your criticisms of tokenism and his experience are unfair:
Yes, the R party leadership is mostly white male, but so is the D party leadership (albeit less so), and, more important, putting qualified minorities in leadership roles is part of how you change this. Yes, policies are more important than the demographics of any particular leader, but then limit your criticism to Jindal’s policies while still appreciating the demographic diversity he brings to his party.
And while Jindal does not have the ideal experience to be president, (a) he’s not running for president yet, just taking a leadership role with the public, and (b) his experience is comparable to Obama’s — greater in some ways, less in others.
Well Darryl, Puddy expects stuck on stupid@22 to be deleted, but just in case he isn’t here’s Puddy’s answer.
Fool@22. Puddy is from Philly. The only one on this blog who grew up inside the city limits. It seems all the leftist pinheads who “claim” to be from Philly are really burb boys. Puddy placed on this blog long ago Google coordinates from where Puddy is from.
So Puddy asks the stuck on stupid fool from post#22 what has Puddy said that isn’t true, from Puddy’s heart, and something Puddy lived? Tell all of us asshole or STFU. I’m all ears.
You are the biggest flatulent leftist asshole on this blog. You say nothing, you bring nothing and by God you are nothing. You appear leave your pellets of shit and leave. Like the VietCong in Vietnam.
One of the things that made it difficult for Jindal to respond to Obama was the FACT that Obama told so many half-truths and lies…
Here is the “fact check”
Obama really ought to spend a little more time on telling the truth and less time on his theatrics…don’t you think?
Seeing jindal the first thing I thought was because he has an indian accent he could go in 7-11s and dunkin donuts.
Cynical @ 2: Reminds me of the rescession around 1973, when I was in Orlando visiting my uncle. He had a building-supply business. A contractor called and asked him what time he could deliver. His response: “By the time you look out your front door, I’ll be pulling up.”
Lots of people in the building trades are hurting right now, including electricians, plumbers, etc. If you’ve got a project that you’ve been putting off for a while, and you are still okay financially yourself, it’s a good time to help them out with a phone call. They are sure to give you a fair deal, and you can help them keep their families off food stamps.
Anyone notice how the lighting sucks in the Jindal video? I think the chandelier over Jindal’s left shoulder would normally provide the majority of the lighting in that scene. But since the chandelier was in the camera view, they must have reduced the voltage dramatically to dim the chandelier to almost no output. So it almost looks like they deliberately dimmed the lighting, so that Jindal would look a bit darker than he would in normal lighting. Of course, the chandelier doesn’t light Jindal up, since it is behind him. But the background behind Jindal does look much less bright than it should.
OK, let’s get something straight here, folks. It’s as plain as day that Jindal, Brooks, Limbaugh, Malkin and all the other barking jackals of the right (including our own homegrown trolls) knew exactly what they were going to say in response to Obama’s speech long before he opened his mouth, and that they were going to be pumping it from the same crock of bullshit whatever the President might have said.
These people don’t give a stinking turd about what’s going on in that thing some of us refer to as “reality”. They’d rather do everything they can to create their own, and impose it on each and every one of the rest of us, no matter what they destroy and how many people they cause to suffer. In fact, the more destruction and suffering, the better as far as they’re concerned. It gets their rocks off.
The Republican party really screwed Jindal and undercut his reputation for fresh policy ideas by forcing him to regurgitate the tiredest bunch of old, failed Republican standards that I’ve ever heard. He should never let these guys tell him what to say again, if he’s the smart guy they say he is.
@29 It wasn’t any better than an amateur YouTube video as far as production values go. Have the Republicans run out of money? Content wasn’t much to speak of either, and it was made worse by Jindal having to follow Obama.
12 RP
Two words: undocumented worker.
Questions about Philly:
Why do the public schools suck?
Why is crime so bad?
Why do too many parts of the city look like bombed out Beruit?
Why do so many who work in the city NOT live there?
Who runs and has been running that Philly for quite a while?
2 Cyn
There are plenty of Democrats disgusted with Congress….which the Dems control.
Really? This cries out for some solid, quantitative proof. Which I am guessing you are not bloody likely to provide.
SJ on Billy Bob Jindal
This was a tragic performance, as off key as Golda Meir addressing the KKK.
1. The perp walk. What wedding planner staged Jindal’s walk on? Was he following marks on the floor?
2. The Racism brag. Mr. Jindal does not seem to have gotten the message. Barack ceased being the first black President a while ago. He is the president who looks like US. Jindal seemed to be trying to place himself on an Obama stage that has been replaced with one where images of Lincoln are as or more important than those of ML King. A SAD mistake for a Southerner.
3. Is the Earth still flat? Reprican scientific denialism ain’t a good thing anymore. Railing against watching volcanoes while sitting in Katrina’s rubble?
4. Self help for the wealthy? How many Americans feel they should pay for the collapse of Wall Street?
5. Flag pins Finally, BOTH Jindal and the President talked from the platform of American Uniqueness. Whose platform was more impressive?
Those who know me also know that I believe we need two parties. The Repricans have, unfortunately, trapped themselves in a radical right wing religious bordello that is not appealing to most Americans and disgusts most people in the world. They can not win from that stage but worse, they can not contribute to OUR future while caught up in the filthy sheets of the bordello’s whores.
There is a future for a second party BUT it needs to be a rational party. Schwarznegger, Whitman and Blumberg are the real future, not Jindal.
DO the public schools suck?
Prove it to us.
IS crime so bad?
Prove it to us.
DO “too many” parts of the city look like bombed out Beruit?
Prove it to us, even though “too many” is just an subjective judgement, which means you have to provide both the evidence of its condition AND your criteria for how many is too many. Oh, and it’s “Beirut,” but I imagine that was just a typo.
DO so many who work in the city NOT live there?
How many do? How many is “so many?” How does this compare to other large cities? I think it’s true of Seattle, depending on how many is “so many.”
rhp @ 27–
Good story.
We’ve been doing just that…
Put a new roof on the house a couple weeks ago.
Roofers work all year in Montana…the only thing that slows them down is precipitation (not the cold).
We also have a guy rebuilding our back deck next month ($35/hr.) and another guy painting the outside in May or June($30/hour).
We have another guy coming in to cut down a bunch of our Pine Trees that got wiped out by Pine Beetle and are standing dead. He will cut, split with his own bad-ass splitter and stack for $20/hour.
Mrs. C has some Electrical projects…she is pulling the list together as we speak.
We also found a guy to detail our vehicles…$100/vehicle.
We also have a carpet cleaner coming in this spring.
And we have another coming in to roto-till some more of our property near the house for extra gardens. Told him I’d pay him a couple hundred bucks and give him a spot for his own garden if he came out and watered/weeded while we are gone some this summer.
I agree rhp…now is not the time to shrivel up in a cocoon and horde $$ if you have the discretionary income.
35 SJ
The Repricans have, unfortunately, trapped themselves in a radical right wing religious bordello
That’s pretty cool.
35. Seattle Jew, a true liberal spews:
Actually you should change your monikor to: Seattle Jew, a sick f*cker who even lies about being an Atheist and plays “word games” pretending to have faith cuz he thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else while he sucks on the teat of government handouts
I don’t know if all that would fit in your Name field sj…but it would be a lot more accurate. You are an elitist snob….by your words & actions.
Daddy Love @ 34–
You asked for proof…here it is from Rasmussen:
Congressional Performance
54% Say Congress Doing Poor Job
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
28% of Democrats give Congress POOR marks.
I’d say that is significant, wouldn’t you?
re 2: Yes! The Republican message that everyone except Republicans need to take ‘personal responsibility’ for the trouble that comes their way.
Seeing as you believe big government can’t accomplish anything, I find your endorsement of large corporations more than a little strange.
And I’m sure the unemployed people of Louisiana will applaud Jindal’s vow not to accept any money that is meant for that purpose. If it were meant for no-bid Halliburton contracts to hire a bunch of Mexicans to build condo, I’m sure he’d be right there with his skinny Dravidian hand outstretched.
JIndal lies:
There are many things to criticize about Governor Bobby Jindal’s speech last night, but instead of focusing on the setting or the delivery, let’s look at his honesty. Jindal said:
There is a lesson in this experience: The strength of America is not found in our government. It is found in the compassionate hearts and enterprising spirit of our citizens
But that’s not the story Harry Lee told Larry King in 2005 (with a hat tip to Daily Kos user Kj):
Perhaps Mr. Jindal can explain how he learned that lesson during Katrina, when Harry Lee didn’t learn about it until a week later?
Seriously, if you’re going to go down the road of using the worst disaster in Louisiana’s history to score cheap political points, at least don’t lie about it.
h/t to BarbinMD at dailykos.com
Does Cynical, who often brags that his own Christian faith exceeds all others, exemplify Christ’s “judge not” message of Matthew 7 as he casts his harsh judgement upon SJ @39? Or is Cynical just another hypocrite, one with a particularly nasty Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
40 Cyn
No, I would not say that was significant. I imagine it is because they think the Conress ought to do MORE of the things that 74% of GOP voters disapprove of.
But disliking the Congresscritters is the oldest American sport. Read some Mark Twain or Will Rogers.
More from Rasmussen:
Perceptions of Obama
Obama Approval Index +14
Strongly Approve 39%
Strongly Disapprove 25%
Obama on Economy – Ex/Good 50%
Obama on Nat’l Sec – Ex/Good 52%
Did he ask steve why the field steve chose to work in doesn’t have any blacks?
One only has to look at pictures of watts/compton in the 60’s compared to today to see the wonderful job the democratics have done.
Security bars on windows which were a scarcity in the 60s are now common on almost every house. Yards/houses which were kept up in the 60s are now eyesores. Anything that can be tagged (graffiti for the white liberal elites) has been tagged. A community that once had supermarkets is now the domain of liquor stores. Communities where the adults would correct the bad behavior of the children of others have been replaced with a population that not only closes their door to avoid seeing it also refuse to “snitch” out of fear of retaliation.
In watts, under democrat rule they “enjoy”…
Homicide at 394% higher than the average of la county.
Rape at 107% higher than average
Robbery at 551% higher than average
Aggravated assault at only 75% higher
(one of the HA regulars (leftfoot?) grew up in granada hills, his community is-
56% lower in homicide than la county average
27% lower in rape
50% lower in aggravated assaults)
The democratics blame the ills of the black community on racism, the truth is-
1. There are no white racists in class rooms holding a gun to the heads of black children stopping them from paying attention or forcing them to disrupt class.
2. There are no white racists telling blacks that an education is a “white” thing. After all, those racists aren’t educated either.
3. There are no white racists in the black home forcing children to forgo homework/studying and instead play xbox.
4. There are no white racists forcing black youth to engage in drugs/alcohol and illegal behavior which ends up with a disproportionate number of blacks in jail.
5. There are no white racists forcing black young men to spread their seed far and wide and then abandon both their babies and their baby mamas.
Look at the outrage from the democratics and the unelected leaders of the black community (sharpton/jackson/etc.) when bill cosby spoke out about the problem and how to fix it. Fix it with personal responsibility, not more government intervention.
Are the democratics racist. Of course some are. I feel it is more about white elite liberals being out of touch and honestly believing that *they* can fix the problem. Like how the la city council banned new fast food joints in south central, but not the white communities. Of course the city council was trying to help with the ever growing obesity problem, in their mind black people were less capable of making good decisions. Until each individual takes responsibility for their own health, there is nothing anyone can do short of locking them up and rationing their food. Even smart/educated people cause great harm to themselves, ie:roger rabbit and his smoking. The government can’t protect one from themselves.
The white liberal media for some reason routinely use blacks as an example whenever a republican talks about welfare reform. NOTE TO LIBERAL MEDIA- There are more whites on welfare. The liberal media is now parading black after black that are losing their homes in foreclosure. Why is that? Aren’t there any white people losing their homes? Right-wingers point to the Community Reinvestment Act which was to “fix the problem” of not enough minority home owners as the reason that whites aren’t being represented on the liberal media. So which is it, that whites made better decisions or the CRA put the financially unqualified into a bad situation.
Biden and his comment about obama being the first smart/articulate/clean african-american was more about his personal experiences with african-americans than him being racist. Biden is just an example of white liberals being out of touch.
It depends if it’s a white school (like el camino in los angeles that has won numerous academic decathlons) or a black school in compton.
Once again, it depends if you live in a white community or a black one. Did you know that in 2008 more blacks were killed in violence in chicago than troops in iraq?
Ever drive through harlem? Ever drive through south central?
How clintonesque of you.
Deep thought:
Once the GOP has burned through Michael Steele and Bobby Jindal, do they have any non-white guys left?
47 MS
FIrst, it’s addressed to someone else.
Second, it’s about Philadelphia.
Third, you’re not providing anythiung.
Fourth, I’m not the one who used “so many,” so it must be “clintonesque” of the original poster.
Fifth, you know better. Cite this:
Did you know that in 2008 more blacks were killed in violence in chicago than troops in iraq?
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“Did he ask steve why the field steve chose to work in doesn’t have any blacks?”
I’m sure you’re trying to say something with this but I really don’t know what it is. Then again, perhaps it’s just mindless babbling like the rest of the post.
Dumbass @ Twenty-Four-
What does being from “Philly” have to do with fucking ANYTHING?
What do YOU bring beside christianist bullshit and some sense of ENTITLEMENT (YES…I said ENTITLEMENT) because you’re black(?!)…what the fuck?
You’re no “libertarian”…you’re no “conservative”…you’re certainly no “intellectual”…you’re not even all that smart. All you want to do is tell me and my daughters how to run our lives. You want to jam your unbelievably narrow and repressive beliefs down everybody’s throat…so here’s what I say, jerkoff…AAAANND I was here FIRST…
Soooo…YOU get the fuck out! This is a LIBERAL…L-I-B-E-R-A-L blog with real LIBERALS. We study LIBERAL stuff and advocate for LIBERAL and PROGRESSIVE positions and believe in LIBERALISM and a viable governing philosophy.
NOBODY gives a rats-ass about what you think. Because…we ALL think you’re dead fucking wrong. Didn’t your little set to the other night convince you of anything? Are you REALLY that dense?
Your party is out of power and out of ideas and has NO support from the American People. You are DONE. You guys…you and your little boyfriend “the marvin”…are just mocking fodder now. ‘Specially since Steve and Don Joe and YLB took you apart.
Now THAT was slick!
Does anybody know why “the marvin” is such a moron?
35 “The Repricans have, unfortunately, trapped themselves in a radical right wing religious bordello that is not appealing to most Americans and disgusts most people in the world.”
You’re right, SJ, except they actually have their feet in two graves at the same time. They pander to the dominionionists who think that if they whop enough gays and drop a nuke or two on Tehran they’ll get raptured up and get to heaven without having to die. At the same time, the whole Republican leadership cadre have as their true religion the slavish worship of money. They genuflect to wealth, declare the accumulation of it to be sacramental and probably hold pagan ceremonies that involve copulation with gold bullion. The true irony of all this is that they’re destroying and debasing what they truly love. By the time they’re done with the dollar, it’ll be worth more as toilet paper than as currency.
This is the reason left-wingers insist that mo money, mo money needs to be spent on education.
California School Spends $10G a Year to Teach AP Spanish to Kids Who Speak Spanish
A middle school in Southern California is spending $10,000 a year to teach Advanced Placement Spanish to 35 of its 650 students — and all but one of them are already fluent in Spanish.
If only those in charge of the educational system could make better decisions.
Jindal lost David Brooks and Charles Fucking Krauthammer…
“heckuva job, Bobby”
Rujax @ 55-
You cannot handle Puddy’s superior intellect and his photographic memory & recall of facts.
As a pothead, you have destroyed your ability to compete you loser. All you can do is rant & rave…eventually screeching to Puddy to get out cuz this is a Liberal Blog.
With your IQ in the low teens Rujax, it is amusing to see how frustrated you are trying to debate with Puddy….and resort to demanding that Puddy leave.
That would be nice for you and your low-teens IQ…surround yourself with Group-Think, never try to debate someone with different ideas.
That will stop the vibrating and squealing in your little PINHEAD allowing you to focus on your pot-smoking, shallow diatribes.
RUJAX–The KLOWN with the low-teens IQ
So you’re a comic now, asswipe? Any gigs? I ‘d love to throw a tomato or two.
“the cyniklown” gets soooooo fucking NASTY when he’s not getting his way anymore.
First Congress, then the Presidency…now the BIAW is in the shitter…and Rossi’s a joke…and the California rethuglicants are scuttling THAT state…
…pooooor widdle cyniklown….
@60: Too funny! The dumbest idiot on here claims someone else has a low IQ.
Puddy’s vaunted memory and IQ don’t help him to analyze actual data or read the whole way through to get the big picture.
I agree that Puddy is intelligent – but he is also wrong on most issues because he stops at the simplistic explanation or ignores the evidence that shows he is wrong. IQ measures some types of intelligence – but it does not measure all types.
Personally, I think IQ is overated. I know I am not as smart as my IQ says I should be – but then I never wanted to join mensa or any of that other crap.
Here’s how smart the puddybiotch is…
I wrote and posted this January 8th, 2008…
He’s been spouting the exact same bullshit for the entire year.
Ever heard the definition of insanity???
Thanks Cynical.
Rujax!, if you could follow a thread, (you can’t) Goldy made a glorious statement regarding minorities and why the follow the Democratics like the Pied Piper and act like the lemmings they are.
So Puddy asked Goldy where did he get his info on blacks. Not being black how does he know this. BTW I see he hasn’t answer me. I understand. He don’t like black men with big brass balls who question Democratic thought.
What was Goldy’s statistical sample? How did Goldy identify outliers? What were Goldy’s questions? Who did Goldy ask and were there robocalls?
You see Rujax! I lived it in Philly. What say you asshole?
You’re an insane time waster, dumbass.
Go peddle your garbage to someone else.
Wow Darryl, what happened to the thread censorship? Oops… it’s your leftist pinhead buds so you had to stop. What? Too many emailed complaints?
Dr NotRight, when Puddy enters intellectual thought it’s lost on you.
You and others rant about TARP1 was written by Henry Paulson. Yet when Puddy explains the US Constitution and how the House and Senate fell down on the TARP1 bill, you drop the rant in that thread and restart it in another. And you complain about me.
When you rant on the Iraq War and the incorrect arguments used by Bush, when Puddy reminds you of the words spoken by CIA Chief Leon Panetta, you drop the rant in that thread and restart it in another. And you complain about me.
When you rant on the Iraq War and the no bid contracts, when Puddy reminds you of The Shaw Group and Richard C. Blum (Mr Dianne Feinstein) and his Perini and URS no bid contracts, and how he screwed the pooch on Walter Reed Medical Center, you drop the rant in that thread and restart it in another. And you complain about me.
When you rant on the 2000 election and tell everyone how the election was stolen by the SCOTUS, and Puddy reminds you of Al Gorebasms own words, how he screwed the pooch and not ask for a full state recount, how he tried to suppress the military vote because he thought it would break 70/30 against him when it broke 58/42, how he tried to disenfranchise Seminole and Martin counties because their ballots arrived in the mail late, and the NY Times and Miami Herald saying Gore lost on the hanging chads issue, you drop the rant in that thread and restart it in another. And you complain about me.
So why should I deep dive into anything when “learned” individuals such as yourself continue the same worthless mantras. You can’t process the simple arguments bud!
We see Rujax! in #66&67 why Cynical holds you in such high esteem!
Keep up the good work.
Goldy SAID…
“Minorities join with Democrats because they are WELCOME in the Democratic Party” (I paraphrase)
After “OW the oreo hit me-waaaaah!!!” and Bobby “the Great Brown Hope” Jindal are gone all you’ll have left are Clarence (The Molesting Clown) Thomas and the “Ludicris” (the REAL Ludicris) Alan Keyes.
Oh…and you, of course. And your boyfriend “the marvin”. You could put him in balckface. You know like THIS…
…Bush Adminisstration official did just to show how INCLUSIVE the Republicans are.
Good times!
Like the chicken voting for Col. Sanders.
The reality, what your tax dollars Are buying.
Abortions outside our country. To a strapped economy we can afford this? This man is a terrorists dream. Hell, they have our money we might as well just hand over the country. Never mind he will do it for us.
one more thing we have very intelligent americans in this country of all colors, Even though THE WORLD WOULDN’T THINK AS AMERICA FOLLOWS A PIED PIPER ,though people want to make this a race issue, it is not, it is a freedom issue,for all americans, regardless of color.
TEL AVIV, Israel – Hamas is “very happy” with a pledge this week from the Obama administration to provide $900 million in aid for rebuilding the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, a spokesman from the Islamist organization told WND.
“We are very happy with this decision,” said Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, speaking by cell phone from Gaza. “In the first place, this money will go toward reconstructing efforts.”
Barhoum said he expects the money to be tightly controlled. He said the funds are likely to be delineated to the Palestinian Authority and to the United Nations Relief and Work Agency, or UNWRA, which administers aid to millions of Palestinian “refugees” in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.
Hamas has a close relationship with UNWRA; the agency openly employs a large number of Hamas members, including some of the group’s most senior terrorists.
Diddled Love above, how do I know? Puddy lived it. Prove me wrong fool.
Visit the FBI statistics.
Visit the CDC statistics.
Visit the Philly Police Department statistics. Puddy can give you his cousins phone number. He’s at least a lieutenant on the police force. Cynical, my second cousin is way bigger than Puddy. Puddy hasn’t tracked him down in years since Puddy moved west. Bring us back the data Diddly Love.
Can you dig it sucka?
Thanks Rujax! for the next racist comment in this thread.
You are bybygoobers bestus friend…
68 – What a bunch of worthless drivel.
Who signed the TARP bill? Who could have vetoed it if it was so “Democratic”? Who could have filibustered it in the Senate? Dems still don’t have 60 votes NOW FOOL!
Paulson wrote a three page bill asking for a 700 billion dollar blank check with no oversight.
Congress added some oversight and some sweetners so some would vote for it and put it over the top.
If they didn’t pony up the system would have melted down right in the middle of critical election!
Educate yourself MORON!
And what was that about Paulson being “Democratic”? LMAO!!
Brilliantly stated article! Thanks! The Republicans, by choosing “appearance” (cheap imitations which should be subject to consumer protection scrutiny) over “substance” (the genuine article), again prove their inability to understand the populist shift that’s taken place. Their tactics worked extremely well for far too many years, and they just don’t get it that FINALLY the majority of us are onto their game of bait and switch.
Guys like RuJax and the other chronic pot-smoking KLOWNS really struggle maintaining concentration to develop a reasonable argument.
They get very frustrated when then run up against someone who is drug & alcohol free like you and their pea-brains just short out.
Then, as RuJax proved, all he has left is some angry sophmoric rant.
Too funny Puddy.