Darryl mentioned it in this morning’s Drinking Liberally thread, but it’s kind of a big deal that the US Supreme Court won’t hear the Seattle minimum wage case. There are 2 reasons why it’s mass rad. First, for Seattle and other places where we want to set a minimum wage, and are going to have the sort of slow, multi-tiered implementation that we got. We can keep the law in place without this imaginary legal hurdle. For the fast food workers and other franchise employees who’ll get a raise going forward, it’s worth it on its own.
But, it also signals that with Antonin Scalia off the court, maybe the country won’t slip further into a new Lochner era. Maybe we won’t decide as many cases primarily on the basis of what’s good for business.
Now that Der Fuhrer has won the RepubliKKKlan nomination, we make too much money and he’ll solve that with slave labor in work camps.
Correction. Der Fuhrer now says he’ll raise the minimum wage once he’s destroyed businesses in other countries. Interesting economic plan. Flippetty flop, flippetty flop. Der Fuhrer is so versatile.