Recipients of contributions from military personnel and veterans:
Ron Paul 26.23%
Barack Obama 24.02%
John McCain 18.31%
Hillary Clinton 11.08%
Bill Richardson 5.59%
Mitt Romney 4.05%
John Edwards 2.63%
Rudy Giuliani 2.44%
Mike Huckabee 1.84%
Tom Tancredo 1.63%
Duncan Hunter 1.05%
So, of the top five campaigns receiving contributions from military folks, four of them are anti-war? I’m not too surprised. The GOP is in the process of ruining the military in Iraq, so why wouldn’t people in uniform get active in politics?
Well, I wouldn’t get too happy about this distribution. The guy sitting at #1 is a racist friend of eliminationists, who is so anti-government that he thinks Grover Norquist’s bathtub is too big a place to drown it.
The guy sitting at #1 would also do a lot more to help blacks in this country than any of the front-running Democrats (by immediately shutting down the DEA). In that respect, does it really matter if he’s a racist?
hillary clinton is anti-war? uh no i don’t think so.
Will; first you have to count their votes after they have voted. But first you have to get their ballot to the Battle Field, not three days after the elections. Three not everybody that wears a uniform is a Republican and the candidates list above may not be worthy of office. Last where did you get your so call facts?
Roger is the Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the Socialist Democrats Party today just like Paul Joseph Goebbels was in Hitler Germany. His Nazi friends taught him the trade when he visited them in jail.
PS Hillary supported the war with McCain along with all the other Democrats except for one and he lives in Seattle. They all lied about the WMD’s and the reason for war. Right?
Hey Klakie, it’s the Republicans who tried to prevent African American members of the military from voting.
As a former military guy I can tell you most of our men and women would rather be protecting our shores and not fighting in some distant land. I said “most”. Talk against the president and his policies is not only discouraged but it could determine you ability to be promoted.
The war will end with the next president in 2009. It will be a few years before America can repair the damage this administration has done. Damage not only to our foriegn policy agenda but also to the Republican party.
I see Mr. Lake is still repeating the proven lies about Democrats not counting military votes.
Even though the facts have repeatedly shown that it has been the Republicans that have done everything in their power to supress the military vote, Mr. Lake continues to repeat the “Big Lie”.
He also accuses Roger of being a propagandist.
Roger and I have disagreed about the need to provide reasonable methods of voter verification. Yes, every time the Republicans bring it up, they always seem to propose “solutions” that look remarkably like the poll tax schemes used to keep minorities from voting, but I would put forward a thought in favor of our taking up this issue.
Every time the Republicans accuse the Democrats of underhanded or illegal behaviour, we eventually find that the Republicans have been doing that very thing.
So, when Republicans like Mr. Lake accuse Democrats of military vote supression, we find that the Republicans have been supressing military votes. When the Republicans claim that Democrats have tampered with voter registrations, we find Republicans tampering with registrations.
The Republicans are claiming that people are voting illegally. Given the Republicans’ record with regards to accusations, I think we should look very hard at illegal voting.
I’ll bet we’ll find a bunch of illegal votes by Republicans.