I’ve written similar introductions (can we kill “lede” as a word in the 21st century?) so I don’t want to pick on Joni too much.
It seems a bit mad to be talking about exactly who is in and who is out of Washington’s 2012 governor’s race — 16 months away — but that is what we are doing in July 2011.
Joni then spends 10 paragraphs talking the governor’s race. Proving she’s “a bit mad” I suppose.
I actually don’t think it’s too bad talking about the Governor’s race, except if it crowds out local races, but I don’t think that has to happen. Especially in a blog like Ed cetera, where they can type as many words as they like. But this post could have been done in a paragraph or two, instead of a bunch of analysis of Inslee and McKenna and how the race will be close.
B R E A K I N G –
Election for the position of Governor of the State of Washington will be a close race between the Democratic and Republican candidates.
The ST seems to hope that saying it’ll be close will make it close. Btw, I’ll give odds right now on who the ST will endorse in the general.
I can write the ST endorsement editorial myself. It’ll go something like:
“Democrats have done an okay job over the last 28 years, but it’s time for fresh ideas and new leadership in Olympia, in order to take our state forward in the 21st century.”
The “fresh idea” Olympia needs most is a revamp of the state tax system to make it fairer and better suited for funding our civc needs. And you’ll never get that from any Republican.
Is it Joni Brodeur or Nicole Balter?
I get confused.
Sorry for the OT post…but hoping someone will look into Seattle Cop/Legislator Mike Hope (R 44) and the mounting charges he is facing.
The guy has four open PDC investigations ongoing, a three month Legislative Ethics probe regarding illegal donation solicitation and abuse of power, and is facing two current internal SPD investigations for using SPD resources in pursuit of his own ends. All of this is documented, but no one has written about it. Instead, Hope’s D opponent Aaron Reardon got regional coverage for a $250 fine. Here are the actual source documents on the most of the Hope investigations. Decide for yourself.
Yep! Fresh ideas from a guy that’s spent the last 8 years in Olympia.
Sid @ 6…
Go for it big fella…you got the ball.
# 6: Sorry, but your link is a file download, and I don’t let my computer do that with a poster – at least not on the first date.
How about putting some of the details in text format a post them here when a new “Open Thread” becomes available?