Glenn Greenwald is following the situation in New York, where a violent, late night raid removed OWS protestors from their encampment, and now NYPD and Mayor Bloomberg are defying a court order in an attempt to keep them out.
by Lee — ,
Glenn Greenwald is following the situation in New York, where a violent, late night raid removed OWS protestors from their encampment, and now NYPD and Mayor Bloomberg are defying a court order in an attempt to keep them out.
General MacArthur (the guy who abandoned his troops in the Phillipines, promising to return when it was safe)would approve.
Mayor Bloomberg ordered a media blackout.
Fourteen news reporters were arrested.
Josh Harkins a writer for the magazine Mother Jones identified himself as a member of the media and was then dragged out of the park by New York police.
I thought the 1st Amendment protected free speech and freedom of the press?
Looks like the kleptocrats are scared.
When a mayor declares a news blackout and police arrest reporters, we can safely assume they have something to hide. Ask yourself, what is it that the mayor, city legal department, and police commanders don’t want the public to know about? Answer: Police brutality — the kind that gets cities sued, mayors recalled, and police commissioners fired.
If the powers that be were hoping that the winter would take the wind out of the Occupiers sails, this action will only strengthen their resolve.
When cops act like this, it makes me think that when all is said and done, they are merely the minions of the rich. Not one of them has ever served and
protected me from anything or anyone.
Bloomberg can kiss his presidential aspirations goodbye. He’s a traitor to his class.
IN this age of cellphone vidcams, it’s sheer lunacy for officials to think that anything they do can be kept from public knowledge.
@5 “Not one of them has ever served and protected me from anything or anyone.”
When I was a judge, I and my family needed police protection from a threatening individual, and the cops took very good care of us.
The New York Times live blog reports:
“One protester approached the barricades at 1:40 p.m., unaware that all the camp’s contents had been removed.
“‘You took my home,’ the man shouted, before likening the city’s maneuver to the removal of Native Americans in the pre-colonial era.
“‘Did you know we killed the Indian people?’ one officer asked another, smiling. ‘You learn a lot here,’ his colleague said.”
re 7: When my house was robbed, within hours one of my credit cards was being used to try to pay someone’s phone bill. The cops explained to me that the phone number that was being paid off was none of my business and that they were going to do nothing about it.
If I had found out the person who robbed mre and tried to use my credit card, they could have perhaps availed themselves of some of that excellent police protection.
Cops are generally lazy and useless when it comes to serving and protecting the citizenry; but you, as part of the machinery of law enforcement, got your problem taken ‘very seriously’.
@9 “you, as part of the machinery of law enforcement, got your problem taken ‘very seriously’.”
Sure. I don’t think anyone would argue with that. There is, however, a way for ordinary citizens to expedite a police response to their problem:
911 Operator: What is your emergency?
Citizen: Some drunks from a party next door came on my property and threatened me and my family.
911 Operator: What are they doing right now?
Citizen: They’re cowering next to the fence while I point a gun at them.
Trust me, this technique works. When I tested it, the first officers arrived within 5 minutes and the SWAT team got there inside of 15 minutes. In other words, the way to get an expedited police response is to tell the 911 operator that you have a gun and you intend to use it.
re 10: Good move — if the perp is present. I don’t really have anything against most police officers and I realize that they can’t be there when the criminal is making his move against you.
What I object to is that for many robberies, the perpetrators would be relatively easy to identify, but they won’t do it for fear that the irate homeowner will go after the thief.
RR @ 9: My wife tells a similar story. When she was young and growing up in the rural area east of San Diego, their neighbors were a bunch of idiots. One day they were having a party which extended into the night, and were quite drunk. They shouted insults across the fence at my wife’s family (my wife’s grandmother was Samoan, and apparantly they thought they should go “back to where they came from”. Soon they were throwing beer bottles at the house, trying to break a window or two.
My wife’s mother called the cops. A half hour goes by, no police response. She calls again, another fifteen minutes passes, no response. Now the neighbors are in the street, throwing rocks and beer bottles at their car.
My wife’s mother calls a third time. “Don’t bother sending anyone out in response to my two previous calls”, she said. “I’ve called my Samoan family members, and they are on their way. They will take care of it themselves”.
Within four minutes there were three police cars at the house, with a helicopter overhead.
“The Law Doesn’t Apply to Them”
That’s what every government person, elected or appointed, thinks. I don’t care if it’s a Supreme Court judge or a temporary Census worker. They just don’t think the law applies to them.
My problem with police departments is that their true dedication seems to be to prevent justice, not to promote it.
re 13: ‘That’s what every government person, elected or appointed, thinks….’
I didn’t know that the Wall Street banksters were government officials. Forgive me for my naivete. The trouble with you is that every abuse of power is always attributed to the government — never the rich guys who bought the government.
So, if you think that we are EVER on the same side of the fence, you are very mistaken.
Hey dorky,
Can you tell me what “law” was broken by Wall Street?
United States Code # _________
This article says all kinds of laws were broken:
Go ahead, ignorant hater. Call this reporter a liar…
@16 Oh yawn, not you again …
deleted by poster
Before the racist hater @ 16 gets his panties in a bunch about statutes and sections:
Navy Debunks Wingnut Book About Bin Laden Raid
Well lookee here, the U.S. military is calling a rightwing conspiracy theory weaver a LIAR:
“The U.S. Special Operations Command is calling a former Navy SEAL’s book bogus over its claims to describe the ‘real’ version of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
“‘It’s just not true,’ U.S. Special Operations Command spokesman Col. Tim Nye said. ‘It’s not how it happened.’
“Laden with conspiracy theories and attacks on the Obama White House, Chuck Pfarrer’s ‘SEAL Target Geronimo’ claims … the White House issued a fictional … account of the raid … [and] President Barack Obama’s speedy acknowledgement of the raid … rendered much of the intelligence gathered on the raid useless. …
“‘This is a fabrication,’ Nye countered, issuing an on-the-record denial on behalf of Navy SEAL Adm. Bill McRaven, who … oversaw the raid … as head of the military’s elite counterterrorism unit, the Joint Special Operations Command. …
“‘We have never come forward and gone after an author and say, “that is a lie,”‘ Nye said. ‘That tells you how far off the mark we believe this book is.'”
Well, a New York judge said the protesters can return to Zucotti Park, but can’t bring tents or sleeping bags and can’t camp there.
re 16: You asked me, specifically, what law ‘Wall Street’ broke. Wall Street, as I’m sure you know, is a collection of various financial enterprises that are as often as not similar to or very different from each other.
As a layman who is not expert in the law, I would have to say that knowingly defrauding investors is a crime. I don’t know the exact terminology that describes the frausulent behavior of Wall Streeters, but I do know that they are real.
If I don’t know the exact law that makes bank robbery illegal, does that mean that there are no bank robberies? That is the idiocy of the context in which you asked your question.
@23 Puddy himself is a fraud, and you just explained why.
This protester is literally thrown out of Zucotti Park — and apparently is injured in the process.
Wow the HA morons were out in force.
I asked the question specifically to see if anyone would identify the biggest law breakers and who they jockstrapped…
Merrill Lynch – Just about even to Republicans and DUMMOCRAPTS
Bank Of America – Slightly more to DUMMOCRAPTS then Republicans
Citigroup – Almost double to DUMMOCRAPTS than Republicans
UBS AG – Slightly more to DUMMOCRAPTS than Republicans.
You see moronic twits I wanted to get a rumble out of the idiots and I did. HEH HEH HEH!
The biggest law breakers lean or give heavily to DUMMOCRAPTS. Too bad the really idiotic just didn’t get it and they never do. Butt they’ll pounce not knowing what Puddy is up to. After all these years the same idiots are still the same idiots.
Thanks for playing.
Round two:
Goldman Sachs – 3:1 DUMMOCRAPTS to Republicans
Morgan Stanley – Leans heavily DUMMOCRAPTS to Republicans
JPMorgan Chase – Leans heavily DUMMOCRAPTS to Republicans
More of the biggest law breakers lean or give heavily to DUMMOCRAPTS. Too bad the really idiotic just didn’t get it and they never do. Butt they’ll pounce not knowing what Puddy is up to. After all these years the same idiots are still the same idiots.
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Thanks for playing. That was one of my best yet!
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa
And you fell in the ditch again DOPEY Rabbit!
Oh the fur burn on the old carcass! Oh fraud of frauds!
It’s so nice to see the black man hater ylb carry my water for me with the NY Times post on law breaking banks. Been hating my kind for years. Thanks again for posting the article for me. I appreciate it. Made my work so much easier when you extracted those banks. Those were the ones I’ve been posting blog entries for years on HA and now we see the most egregious law breakers love the DUMMOCRAPTIC. Go back to the crazed databaze and count how many times I posted on each bank ylb. Oh wait you don’t take orders. Oops my bad.
You made the game so much fun. I was really hoping the dorky one would have done it but you’ll suffice.
It can become SO tedious around here, when P-Dud arrives. It really was nice – what was it, a few weeks? – when he seemed to be gone.
If P-Dud were a serious, earnest poster here, I’d point out that he is engaging in rather concrete, two-dimensional thinking – and that he was ignoring the fact that the gist of the complaints here are that big money/power players are buying off government in general, both Democrats and Republicans.
However, he is not such an honest poster, but rather a squawking parrot shrieking:
Rather like my neighbor’s obnoxious African Gray.
He is here to obfuscate and reduce the level of discourse to somewhere around my 4th grader’s hilarious discussions of farts. He hopes to so frustrate and piss people off with his antics that they just go away. He is destructive and deliberate – which is why I’ve lobbied for his being banned – sort of like an immune system ejecting a destructive parasite.
Even if he stays around – I would recommend simply ignoring him – he’s a waste of skin and breath.
Lib Headcase is the biggest BULLSHIT artist here.
This blog continuously claims it’s all Republicans.
The Friday Night FUNNIES specifically delivers only Republican causes for American ills. I don’t see many leftist delivering DUMMOCRAPT causes for American ills. Does Lib Headcase refute that with Democrat examples? NOPE cuz he’s a morally bankrupt liberally diseased mindless moron. He whines like his 4th grader because his head EXPLODES to the FACTS.
I dare Lib Headcase to deliver a link where he’s said “DUMMOCRAPTS are the cause”. When I placed the links from 2004 on Bush trying to rein in Fannie and Freddie with legislation and the DUMMOCRAPT Congresspeople blocking the attempt, did Lib Headcase say Puddy you are right DUMMOCRAPTS were complicit? Nope! Instead Lib Headcase and his HA pals looked all over the nets for proof otherwise. He continues to do that and y’all have seen it time and time again.
Lib Headcase does not like me providing FACTUAL links displaying and demonstrating the ills of DUMMOCRATS. He gets really upset and calls for me to be ignored because he can’t stand FACTS.
This is why I placed the question to Dorky above. I KNEW THE FACTS. Dorky didn’t KNOW THE FACTS. Roger DOPEY Rabbit seems to FORGET MORE AND MORE FACTS lately. ylb is a MORON TO FACTS. Lib Headcase wants no one to VIEW THE FACTS.
So where do I obfuscate by DELIVERING THE FACTS? Where am I deliberately destroying anything by DELIVERING THE FACTS? You deliver FARTS all day long.
You need ignoring because you write with forked hands. See ya Lib Headcase. You are a real headcase.
It is always nice to see puddy rant without any substance to it, thank you for always being amusing puddy.
I am still waiting for you to ever post an actual FACT, and not merely some regurgitated right wing talking point that your handlers spoonfed you.
*Rolls eyes*
Could he really be this stupid? What do you guys think? This has to be an act, right? I think the transparently deliberate obfuscation and howling misdirection and merciless braying that he does must be an act – how could anyone survive breakfast without killing themselves with a spoon if they were really that stoooopid?
That of course leads to speculation about being paid to do these posts of his – because why would anyone engage in such debasing acts of self immolation just for fun?
As always seems to happen with right-wingers, the inevitable question, stupid or lying, is begged.
29 – So nice to see the rabid latino hater puddybud who made fun of my opposition to TARP distort my position on the banksters.
And to the extent that big finance like any lobbyist spreads the political money around to cover their bets like the hedge fund managers who have reaped the whirlwind to their benefit in many instances so very well.
Well… Some right wing liars never change..
Thanks for playing fool!
“So, if you think that we are EVER on the same side of the fence, you are very mistaken.”
I don’t know you personally and really don’t care whether or not you agree or disagree with me.
*wishing I could wipe off spittle from other side of monitor*
Woo-Hoo!! Where’s my trophy?
I only use “DUMMOCRAPTHS!!!!” when I’m lampooning you.
I’ve actually never seen you do that.
P-Dud seems quite in a lather this morning. Were I to respond to him, I would point out…oh, nevermind.
Right wing talking points Rob Kaufman? Please detail where the banks giving more to DUMMOCRAPTS is a right wing talking point.
Those bank FACTS are from FEC documentation. Sucks to be wrong eh Rob?
You have no links so it’ll be a cold day in HELL when you deliver.
Far from it Lib Headcase. You are the one whining like a bitch in heat over the bank FACTS.
Since those FEC documents demonstrate where BANKS place their money and the NY Times provided their law breaking tactics you started whining.
Get some Limburger Cheese with that whine. Two smelly things coming together.
WTF ylb? You ran out here with you LMAO and chided me with the NY Times link.
Sucks to be you, an idiot 24×7.
In PuddLand, the most important thing about financial fraud so big it derails the world economy, is whether a pretext can be found to blame it on Democrats.
All else pales.
No Dorky, it’s the comments around my question. You all immediately piled on inferring I, a conservative, had no clue what the banks did and we all know Wall Street supports Republican causes. It’s your kind who have for years claimed American problems emanated from Wall Street support of Republicans!!!
Want to see the links over the years? Just Google it with You’ll view the comments. Or you can blithely ask ylb for a response from his crazed databaze!
You choose.
This seems to refute P-Dud’s braying about JP Morgan (see esp ‘Party Split’ graph)
…and where he says “almost double” to Dems by citigroup is not supported by this.
This suggests he’s just plain wrong about Morgan Stanley (Quelle Surprise!!)
Regarding BofA, P-Dud is batting 1.000!
One does need to give P-Dud props for being so inventive about being so wrong so consistently. And I have to say – I really hadn’t read his rants at 26-27 before this morning, because my tendency at this point is to just skip over them any more – but the stuttering use of BOLD just above caught my eye…
BTW, I notice, looking at all of P-Dud’s posts vomited above, ranting about LINKS and FACTS, that he does not include a single link. Curious, but probably for the best, as it has been my experience that his links are all decoration in pursuit of ‘truthiness’, and rarely if ever lead to anything remotely supportive of his ‘argument’.
Nice to see puddy continue to misrepresent what his handlers spoonfed him, but it good to know that puddy is a Kochsucker, how much do the Koch Brothers pay you to post your tripe?
And it looks like Liberal Scientist already posted actual facts debunking your lies so I will just choose to laugh at you instead.
What a crock of crap Lib Headcase. I introduced everyone to Opensecrets and Newsmeat Lib Headcase. It’s all in the HA Archives held by ylb. If it wasn’t so he’d come out and refute me like he has tried 16 other times. I also introduced everyone to the Politifact St Petersburg Times. If you notice ylb used that earlier in the week to discuss ObamAA+ campaign promises.
The numbers I used Lib Headcase were for 2008 presidential race. That’s always been the use case for people here. Presidential races are there the numbers come from and where the big money flows. If you remember, some leftists here bemoaned the fact on 42% of WA State voters voted last week. The money comes out in Presidential races and since you love facts
JPMorgan 3.7 Million DUMMOCRAPTS, 2.4 Million Republicans
Morgan Stanley 2.3 Million DUMMOCRAPTS, 1.6 Million Republicans
Your Citigroup link FAYLE
Citigroup 3.2 Million DUMMOCRAPTS, 1.8 Million Republicans
Bank of America 1.7 Million DUMMOCRAPTS, 1.3 Million Republican
Now for the ones he didn’t touch…
Goldman Sachs 4.5 Million DUMMOCRAPTS, 1.5 Million Republicans
Morgan Stanley 2.3 Million DUMMOCRAPTS, 1.6 Million Republicans
UBS AG 1.7 Million DUMMOCRAPTS, i.4 Million Republicans
See the pattern everyone. FACTS FACTS FACTS. They explode Lib Headcase’s mind.
Good try Lib Headcase. Good try.
Oh Ron Kaufman,
Wrong again. I have no idea who the Koch Brothers are but I bet you love the wrinkled Soros member. It’s you leftists who run to Soros supported links to get your morning fix, so who are the real “cocksuckers”?
Looks like you see your reflection every morning in the mirror.
Are you really that dimwitted to equate the contributions made by employees of a company with the contributions made by the company itself?? Are you truly that delusional? nevermind, don’t answer that, you are.
How much do the Koch Brothers pay you to post your tripe? I guess you are the perfect example of a useful idiot. Anyone with a brain would know he was trying to blow smoke
Oh my Rob Kaufman, you are a 10 watt light bulb among 100 watt ones. Lib Headcase used similar summaries above to attempt to attack me and that’s the best you deliver?
As I said before if I was paid by the Koch brothers I’ would be traveling all over the world to work. But then a gain being a dim watt light bulb does equate someone like you to idiot status.
You are a dull light bulb.
At least I am not equating donations made by individuals to the donations made by the company, someone would have to be pretty simple-minded to do that. And I do thank you for the compliment, being called a dimbulb by you is quite the badge of honor.
As far as traveling on the money the Koch Brothers pay you, you would have to be at least bright enough to get out of your mom’s basement.
At least you are consistent
oh, and for the last red herring you tried to play
My o my o my. Lets review above for Rob Kaufman
So where did you REFUTE me 10 watter?
Oh and everyone who has met me at a Drinking Libtards (been to five over the years) know I don’t live in anyone’s basement. They also know mom died long ago. Some have met my BEAUTIFUL wife Rob. No one knows who you are. You may be ylb in drag. And everyone knows where he resides and what he wears.
But sweet dreams on your “knowledge”.
Still have yet to see you link to where you pulled those numbers from, was it from your own ass or Lush Limpball’s ass? You demand facts, but yet can’t supply any facts of your own. Hypocrisy, the one thing Rethuglicans are good at.
If this 10 watt light bulb could figger it out the 2008 numbas are all from OpenSecrets. Everytime I post FEC figures it’s from OpenSecrets. When I post from Newsmeat you’ll know it too. Ever heard of hovering your cursor over a graph moron? Can you figger that out?
But let’s keep him dumb as a tree stump.
So you are just a lying sack of crap that can’t back up your claims? Just like a RWNJ
P-dud seems to be suffering under the misapprehension that I, or anyone here, cares about what he thinks.
Let me disabuse you of this little conceit of yours – better still, let me quote Gandalf, to Wormtongue, appropriately:
To Rob: don’t get into it with him – he really isn’t honest or reasonable. He shows up here looking for attention, and looking to disrupt peoples’ conversation, and generally take big stinking dumps in the middle of the living room. I think the real agenda is to make it so unpleasant and frustrating here so as to piss people off and have them leave. I think the best solution is to just ignore him – pretend the posts he makes are blank, and simply engage with the normal people around here.
Oh my this Rob Kaufman is an idiot.
2008 column – Goldman Sachs 4.5 Million DUMMOCRAPTS, 1.5 Million Republicans
Just like I said above.
Relegated to the moronic heap of liberalism. Rob Kaufman, a pile of warm dogshit waiting to be bagged.
See ya manure boy. Time for me to got to work!
Oh my too funny Lib Headcase. Living in fantasy land. Who knew?
So are those numbers the 2008 presidential numbers or not Lib Headcase? Well everyone knows you are a headcase!
So sad when you claim to link to something that does not back up your claim, but thank you for playing. Again, do you not understand the difference between individual contributions and corporate contributions? Please have a 8 year old explain it to you.
BTW Rob Kaufman, in #27 I mentioned GS was 3:1 DUMMOCRAPTS. So what is 4.5/1.5?
Simple mathematics seem to elude liberals with mental disorders.
Post #57 proves to everyone you R AN IDIOT! Even when FACTS are delivered Rob stays on the same stupid mantra.
Apparently Lib Headcase doesn’t either. Butt that’s okay give him a pass and attack me. Proves how much of an ignoramus you are! So that means most of the Goldman Sachs worker contributors are DUMMOCRAPTS? Who knew? That makes it worse. The law breakers are DUMMOCRAPT lovers!
Please keep talking… or writing…
P R I C E L E S S!
To #25: I saw this. I hope they arrest the SOBs who did this. IT’S CALLED FREE SPEECH. I dont care if there protesting against the color of the sky. The way the occupy people are being treated contridicts everything the constitution stands for. Im glad these people are involved like they are. I think its good for democracy. And the way the various officials are responding to them is an absolute disgrace.
awwwww, puppy lied again, thought you had to go to work puppy? Just another of your many lies?
Did the racist latino hater Puddywhacko-dud pass more gas???
LMAO!!! What’s wrong racist latino hater???
You can’t tell with your stupid-man 0-ray vision??
I thought you’re supposed to be some kind of wing ding genius..
Yeah, I doubt that’s the correct method for removing someone from a park. That could have easily broken a hip, which would result in a mighty expensive settlement for the people of NY to pay.
OWS…go home, no one gives a shit.
Sorry yawn, you do not get to speak fr me and others, I do give a damn and want them to stay and fight
You know, I was trying to decipher the P-Dud rants above, and he goes on about all this linking he does, yet he gave no link.
He claims that he ‘introduced’ us all to
He goes on about banks giving to Dems, then limits his comments to just 2008, which is, as one might expect, misleading. Indeed, isolated to 2008 some/many of these banks gave more to Dems.
Because Obama is a creature of Wall Street? Perhaps.
Because they were terrified of a McCain/Palin administration? Highly likely.
You have to look at the context, however, and most of those banks have giving patterns very skewed to Republicans over the past decade – big surprise.
Now, I think all of the leftists here are very critical of Obama and the Democratic establishment, particularly over disappointment over them being far too cozy with Wall Street – something the simple-minded Pudiot will never, can never, acknowledge. P-Dud thinks he’s achieved some sort of victory by pointing out the many Dems are in the tank for Wall Street and Big Money.
P-Dud is interested in scoring points in a game only he is playing, one he officiates himself. He’s the blog equivalent of the poor soul standing in the rain on a streetcorner haranguing the voices in his head.
Sad really.
“I do give a damn and want them to stay and fight”
Hilarious, you think this aimless rabble is fighting for something?
Shutup emperor max-minidick…you fucking parasite.
The fact that you lot here, think that this (bowel) movement of dirty hipsters is accomplishing anything other than, minor mayhem and making themselves look like feckless lunatics…is just fucking sad.
You know what’s sad…sad is that this leach…this parasite this emperor max-minidick, who plays to win and just wins, baby…who brags about making his BIG-ASS SIX FIGURE income off his BIG CONNECTIONS with job killing Multi-Nations Corporations that pit worker against worker in an economically depressed area of our state:
That’s what’s sad about this slimy scab 1% motherfucker. That’s a real stand-up guy right there. THAT’S what the protests are about…”emperor max-minidick”.
Why so enamored with bowel movements? You should seek counseling for that obsession.
I don’t know that it’s going to accomplish anything, but it’s far more than a handful of hipsters that are involved here. Besides, I though you guys said they were hippies? You really need to get your story straight.