Last night, incoming House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), soon to be the highest ranking Jewish member of Congress in US history, held an unusual one-on-one meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after which Cantor’s office issued a statement that included the following:
“Eric stressed that the new Republican majority will serve as a check on the Administration and what has been, up until this point, one party rule in Washington,” the readout continued. “He made clear that the Republican majority understands the special relationship between Israel and the United States, and that the security of each nation is reliant upon the other.”
Um… a bit of advice to Rep. Cantor from a fellow member of the tribe: if you really care about Israel and its security, and the welfare of world Jewry in general, then the last thing you want to do is turn American support for Israel into a partisan issue. The state of Israel could not have survived without broad and consistent support from both Republicans and Democrats alike, so when Americans start taking sides on Israel as bitterly and divisively as your party has pushed them to take sides on nearly every other issue… well, nothing good can come from that, for Jews anywhere.
Eric Cantor happens to be the only Jewish Republican currently serving in Congress. That number may double if Randy Altschuler wins his close race in New York.
Maybe you should be happy that the Republicans want to take a pro-Israeli strategy? Especially given the political demographics of where Republican support comes from.
Wait a minute! The wingdings went absolutely ballistic when Nancy Pelosi visited Syrian President Bashar Assad.
They claimed she had committed a felony by violating the Logan Act!
Where is the right wing and teabagger outrage? Will Rep. Steve King (R-IA) introduce legislation prohibiting Cantor from using public money to traveling to certain countries now?
So that devious little shit Cantor is trying to undercut the Administration on foreign policy – kinda treasonous, really.
Ultimately this is a a play intended to keep Obama from any sort of foreign policy achievement, regardless the costs in lives – Jew, Palestinian or US Military – and to play to the Christianist/Zionist crazies that are courting the ‘end times’ and find Israel a necessary, though ultimately sacrificial, component of their cosmology.
This is a great day for Likud-Tea Party progress!
Their intent is to win elections and weild power, not to do what is best for Israel or for that matter, America
Republicans respect absolutely nothing. They’d trash their own mothers if it got them votes.
@5 They have mothers?
“@ 6. tree frog farmer spews: @5 They have mothers?”
One might make a joke about their need to maintain a close relationship with a long-time maternal sexual partner, but that would be wrong.
@3 and 4
Wingnut Rule # 1: IOKIYAR
I beleive the Untied States’ position on Israel and the Middle East should be strictly that of a neutral country. We are too far involved in the entire region’s problems and can ill afford to project our power in the region. I am not pro-Palestinian or anti-Palestinian; I am not pro-Israel or anti-Israel. In fact, I could care less about either group.
We have backed Israel to our detriment over the past 60-odd years. It’s time to declare neutrality, remove all troops from the Middle East, and let the neighbors of the region solve their own problems.
It’s none of our business, and I’m tired of hearing about the Israelis and the Palestinians and Muslims. Get out and get out now!!
And while we’re at it, we should get out of South Korea, Japan, and Europe. We can’t afford this empire any longer.
No, it wouldn’t.
May i suggest that if Cantor wishes to make this a partisan issue, he should get Glenn Beck in check (and on board) somehow.
You forgot Greenland.
Considering that the folks in Greenland and Okinawa want us gone, those would be good places to start.
Sorry, but hijacking the thread, but to me this is “all of a piece.”
It’s time to cut the cord, Israel needs to figure out a way forward with out sucking on our teats.
@13, @10
I think this appoach is not correct…the approach being to isolate ourselves. You might not care much about Korea, but for many in this world, they are threat and our defensive troops along that border are very much something I support at this time.
On Isreal, I personally think we should be tougher on them…very tough, including supporting sanctions which the UN Sec Counil would probably approve without our Veto, but we shouldn’t disengage. If we disengaged, the risk Isreal bombs Iran is quite high. I’m sure we’ve used our leverage to prevent that.
This is debatable, all of it, but I can’t agree that isolation as you(pl) suggest is right.
re 14 This is not about isolating ourselves. It is about being responsible. The nations where we have the largest deployment of U.S. troops are the same nation which we import and lot of cars and electronics from. In effect the taxpaying American worker is being taxed to subsidize their global competition.
Besides So. Korea has many more people and a substantial military that is quite capable of defending their nation not to mention an economy that puts the No. Koreans to shame.
So does the same standard apply to former Democratic Presidents of the 1970’s?
I’m not an isolationist. I’d like to see our military out of places where it isn’t needed or wanted like Greenland and Okinawa and shrunk to a size that we can actually pay for.
As for Israel, or anywhere else, foreign aid (cash/food/guns) should be limited both in the amount we give and in the time period it’s given for. Israel’s used up both.
I’m all for engaging with the world. I’m all for sending US teachers, doctors, nurses, engineers, and IT workers abroad to help train and improve the lives of others and to work collaboratively with people all over the world.
Maybe there’re farmers in Walla Walla that could learn something from farmers in Israel? I’m all for sending them over to find out.
The security of America, if anything, is reliant on Israel clearing the way for Palestinian statehood.
Partisan, bipartisan, nonpartisan is not the issue.
Right or wrong is the issue.
Israel is an illegal occupier of territory for nearly 40 years.
The USA has subsidized Israel’s illegal, immoral and wrong behavior for far too long.
Neither Jews, nor Palestinians, nor Americans, nor…
are served by a US policy which funds violations of international law and human rights.
Cantor’s “special relationship” means continuing and expanding an unjust policy.
@10. Politically Incorrect and Chris
Leaving Israel aside for a moment, the issue of US downsizing is much bigger than either of you suggest.
We currently spend an impossible amount of money maintaining an empire we can not control.
Since we know that Imperial US is ending, we ought to work on a NWO .. new world order.
@20: Exactly correct. We spend as much as the rest of the world combined.
It’s just a matter of when we withdraw. Hopefully it will be a controlled withdrawal — vice collapse.
OTOH, there’s the “racketeers for capitalism” part, except now it’s global capitalism. (h/t Smedley Butler)
Not only do the places we occupy spend less on defense, our bases — just like here — are a major part of regional / national economies.
the goal of our military should be the welfare of the US, not tomorrow but decades from now.
Rome was great at putting out fires, but lost the battle for the homefront.
We need to share the burden with China, India, Brazil, Europe ..
The hardest part of this is determining who can share the burden in the Islamic world.
I’d like to have seen Netanyahu’s thought bubble after that meeting.
You’re all dreamers (but you’re not the only ones).
The only thing left half intact when everything else lies in ruins will be the military.
Golly Darryl so simple to spot the big difference.
1) Nancy visited Assad in Damascus in an unauthorized trip attempting to conduct foreign policy in a terrorist country – Cantor met Netanyahu in America giving him moral support, where Cantor is free to travel
2) Cantor is a Jew, meeting Netanyahu a Jew and they had a longstanding friendship – Pelosi is a “gentile” meeting the enemy of Jews and has no relationship with Assad… well maybe she does have a longstanding friendship
3) Syria is NOT an ally – Israel is
4) Syria is NOT a partner in peace – Israel is
5) Syria supports the killing of Americans in Iraq – Israel doesn’t
6) Nancy Pelosi was claiming to carry a message for Israel.
Israel said Nancy Pelosi didn’t speak for them when she claimed they were ready to negotiate
– Cantor told Netanyahu the Republicans stand behind him in future Palestinian negotiations.
7) Syria sponsors state terrorism of Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations – Israel does not
8) Pelosi was the Speaker of the house second in line to the president – Cantor is has no power, he is set to become a leader
9) Pelosi claimed solutions for Lebanon run through Damascus – Cantor has never said anything so insulting to the Lebanese Christians.
@20, SJ spews “We currently spend an impossible amount of money maintaining an empire we can not control.”
Even further, it’s an Empire that we should not even have. The concept of an “American Empire” came in with McKinley, a packaged and sold Republican candidate who didn’t even campaign for the office. I know that I’m 100 years too late, but Fuck Mark Hanna for buying us McKinley. We could have had Progressive William Jennings Bryan, but Noooooo! Anyway, we decided to attack Spain (after rejecting an invasion of Canada) and then “took” The Philippines, where we did the same horrible things to innocent civilians that we did in Iraq Nam. In my mind, Filipinos (and Vietnamese for that matter) have shown us an amazing capacity for forgiveness – they should all hate us forevermore. Maybe the Iraqis and Afghanis will be that generous, but I somehow doubt it.
Believe it or not, the Republicans were the Party of the people before McKinley and the Democrats were the Big Business Obstructionists. And there is a reason that the Republicans want to go0 back to the McKinley days. And in many regards, we have.
If the State of Israel desires to stomp on the last nerve of the world by fighting their neighbors and generally being shits, we should simply step back and say “you’re on your own”.
And here’s a suggestion for what to do after they’ve destroyed themselves: since Jerusalem is holy to pretty much half the planet, and is already a UNESCO World Heritage site, why not take inspriation (sort of) from the John Birch Society and get the UN out of the US? Move the whole kit-and-caboodle to Jerusalem and create an independent city-state dedicated to peaceful diplomatic relations between nations? Sure it’s pie-in-the-sky, but in so many words, why not?
They being both the Isreali gov’t and the Palestinian Authority.
Now if I could only type worth a damn.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 24,
One again, you ignore reality, fail to learn the facts, and parrot bullshit wingding talk radio talking points. Please quit being such a stoopid fuck.
“Nancy visited Assad in Damascus in an unauthorized trip…”
Pelosi’s trip to Syria was FULLY AUTHORIZED by the legislative branch, as were trips of five Republican Congressmen around the same time. It is true that the Bush administration disapproved of the travel, but Pelosi and the other congresscritters don’t work for the executive branch. The Logan act does not mandate authorization from the executive branch for travel and dialog with foreign heads of states. Rather, it prohibits citizens from unauthorized meddling in foreign policy between the U.S. and a foreign state.
“…attempting to conduct foreign policy in a terrorist country “
Bullshit! The trip was a “fact-finding trip.” The “conduct foreign policy” thing was Wingnut propaganda.
“Cantor is a Jew, meeting Netanyahu a Jew and they had a longstanding friendship – Pelosi is a “gentile” meeting the enemy of Jews and has no relationship with Assad…
What the fuck kind of retarded wingnutobabble is this!?!
“well maybe she does have a longstanding friendship”
Either way, it is entirely irrelevant.
“Syria is NOT an ally – Israel is”
Again, irrelevant. Congresscritters are not restricted to visiting “friendly” nations….
“Syria is NOT a partner in peace – Israel is”
Again…entirely irrelevant. Congresscritters are not restricted to only visiting nations that can be classified as “partners in peace”.
“Nancy Pelosi was claiming to carry a message for Israel.”
So? The Logan act prevents citizens from interfering in relations between the United States and foreign governments. There is nothing in the Logan Act that prevents an American citizen from simply passing a message between two governments.
“Israel said Nancy Pelosi didn’t speak for them when she claimed they were ready to negotiate”
Still sounds entirely irrelevant to the Logan Act. Perhaps Israel could “go after” her for something like that????
“Cantor told Netanyahu the Republicans stand behind him in future Palestinian negotiations.”
Cantor’s words were, “Republican majority will serve as a check on the Administration….” This sound downright seditious! Cantor is, essentially, undermining the Obama Administration’s foreign policy authority. This is FAR, FAR worse than anything Pelosi did on her visit to Syria.
“Syria sponsors state terrorism of Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations – Israel does not”
Utterly irrelevant.
“Pelosi was the Speaker of the house second in line to the president – Cantor is has no power, he is set to become a leader”
Irrelevant. Under the Logan Act they are both simply U.S. citizens.
“Pelosi claimed solutions for Lebanon run through Damascus – Cantor has never said anything so insulting to the Lebanese Christians.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? The Logan Act has nothing to say about such things.
But don’t get me wrong, I am NOT suggesting that Cantor should be prosecuted. I think his statements are outrageous in that they undermine U.S. foreign policy, but I seriously doubt he could be prosecuted. My comment was to point out the Wingnut hypocrisy, which you have nicely exemplified.
I will say, though, that this episode points out quite clearly that Cantor has put his party ahead of his duty to America. By undermining the executive branch, he has failed in his sworn duty to uphold the Constitution.
There’s a good reason why most Jewish Congresspeople are not Republicans: they’re not egoistic idiots like Cantor.
Even Jews can be stupid.
EPIC FAIL. It’s you who are trying to claim this is a Logan Act violation. Very irrelevant. Cantor didn’t travel overseas delivering messages from one sovereign nation to another.
More professorial BULLSHIT. So what the Legislative branch “approved” it. Very irrelevant. She visited another country and claimed to deliver a message from Israel.
Standard BULLSHIT answer from the professor. Puddy was giving the differences you asked for. Too bad you are having your nightmares again.
Very irrelevant professor. You don’t visit state sponsors of terrorism claiming to be delivering messages from other nations especially when other allies are trying to isolate them for their terrorism sponsorship.
Another heaping pile of BULLSHIT. You don’t go to nations where your allies are trying to isolate them due to their terrorism stances. She went there as the Speaker of the House. Cantor visits Netanyahu as a congressman with no official title.
HAHAHA This is the crux of the matter professor. Your answer is the biggest pile of the day. This is why your response is an EPIC FAIL!
Very irrelevant Why? Israel does not have a law called the Logan Act.
Irrelevant and totally untrue. Pelosi even met the condemnation of people in her own party over this. You read them in your search just like Puddy did. The non presidential party is the check. Remember MdDimWitt and the other fools going to Baghdad in the summer of 2002 to shore Saddam support? Another EPIC FAIL here.
You asked for differences so another sentence of stupidity from the professor. You are right your response is utterly irrelevant to your argument.
Wrong again professor and more irrelevant BULLSHIT from you. She traveled overseas in her “official” capacity. Cantor never left the US. Cantor is not an “official” in the US governmental structure like Pelosi is and soon to be was!
There you go again with your standard psychobabble. In your mind it’s a Logan Act violation. There is a big difference between what Pelosi did and what Cantor did. Cantor didn’t go behind Odumba’s back and tell Netanyahu here’s a message from Iran for you. Too bad your ideology messes with your fact processing!
Even in Goldy’s Politico link does no mention a Logan Act violation. Butt keep hope alive.
That’s the Nancy Pelosi backhanded hard charging politico swipe. There is no hypocrisy except in your mind. Watch now Pavlov calls another trip down the irrelevant lane by the professor.
you’re worrying unnecessarily goldy. if you didnt know that msnbc and fox were bitter enemies and listened to any subject related to israel, you would think you were listening to sister stations.
@31: Nice job Darryl – it is really tough sometimes to dissect the BS that an idiot like Puddy puts out.
Once again Puddy is arguing either irrelevant or false points.
Why is Puddy LYING again about Pelosi’s visit? Does repeating A LIE so many times make it real for Puddy? Did PUddy forget the facts or is Puddy deliberately LYING?
The trip was fully sanctioned and 5 other republicans had just gone to Syrai too.
Why does Puddy feel the need to LIE to try and prove his insipid points?
Is Puddy really a religious person? Because if so, his LIES would put him in peril of going to hell according to his own religion.
I just feel sorry for a person who needs to LIE so much just to try and prove he is right.
Oh, and idiot Puddy, “traveling overseas” is not a violation of the Logan act.
Try learning to read and comprehend information – instead of repeating the right wing BS you get off the internet.
Once again, Darryl completely dissected your BS and your sophmoric ramblings can’t excuse your ignorance and lies.
Puddy’s right. You should only communicate with your allies — like GWB’s grandfather did with the NAZIs.
So, then wingnuts say ‘He was on a secret mission!’
@ 25 25. Brenda Helverson
Good post, we need a club of literati .
Person playing Puddybud @ 31,
“EPIC FAIL. It’s you who are trying to claim this is a Logan Act violation. Very irrelevant. Cantor didn’t travel overseas delivering messages from one sovereign nation to another.”
Puddybud. READ THE WORDS: The Logan act has nothing to say about U.S. citizens delivering messages between nations. LEARN WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, MORON!
“More professorial BULLSHIT. So what the Legislative branch “approved” it. Very irrelevant.”
Congress. Ever hear of it?
“She visited another country and claimed to deliver a message from Israel.”
“You don’t visit state sponsors of terrorism claiming to be delivering messages from other nations especially when other allies are trying to isolate them for their terrorism sponsorship.”
Yes, Puddy, congresspersons do. Not infrequently. There were five Republican congresspersons who also visited Syria just before or at the same time as Pelosi. The difference was, the reality-based community didn’t MAKE SHIT UP about their visit.
“HAHAHA This is the crux of the matter professor. Your answer is the biggest pile of the day. This is why your response is an EPIC FAIL!”
In other words, you are saying, “I cannot refute your comment with actual citations from the Logan act, so I’ll just babble nonsense.”
” Pelosi even met the condemnation of people in her own party over this.”
I didn’t, but if true, criticism of her trip (which, I presume includes criticism of the five Republicans who made similar trips?), does not constitute a violation of the Logan act. What Cantor said:
That looks much more like something that is undermining the Administration. Why are you wingdings not going bonkers about this. Answer: Because you are a bunch of America-hating hypocritical assholes!
“The non presidential party is the check. “
Wrong…parties have nothing whatsoever to do with it; they are not mentioned in the Constitutional. The Constitution splits up “foreign policy” duties between the executive and legislative branch. The legislative branch “checks” do not involve direct diplomacy. The Logan act further restricts what an citizen can do, and it makes no exceptions for congresspersons.
“Remember MdDimWitt and the other fools going to Baghdad in the summer of 2002 to shore Saddam support? “
I do. The purpose of that trip wasn’t diplomatic either. But, if you think THAT was a violation of the Logan act, then you should be going crazy about Cantor’s words and actions.
“Cantor didn’t go behind Odumba’s back and tell Netanyahu here’s a message from Iran for you.”
Right…because if Cantor had gone behind Obama’s back and given Netanyahu a message from Iran, that wouldn’t be a problem. It was Cantor’s undermining of the executive branch that comes close to the line (but, as I have expressed, probably doesn’t cross it).
But what we do have is a U.S. citizen meeting with a foreign leader and undermining the President–while we are at war. Why are’t you lunatics calling for Cantor to be hanged? (Answer…because it isn’t about supporting America for you assholes…it is about your party.)
19. MikeBoyScout spews:
Not true. The territory you refer to was invaded and illegally annexed to Jordan and Egypt. The Palestinians refused to accept the suzreignity of those occupiers.
Cantor should stay out of foreign policy.
If his visit was an “official visit” on behalf of the US Government, then he is way out of his lane with regards to his role in congress and US foreign policy.
Unfortunately this happens all the time. by both sides. Venezuela, Brazil, etc.
Not true. The territory you refer to was invaded and illegally annexed to Jordan and Egypt. The Palestinians refused to accept the suzreignity of those occupiers.
it took me an hour to stop laughing. what do you call the displacement of palestinians and the settlement of jews that happened in 1948?
it must be great to have people lie to rewrire history.
SJ @ 20,
The term “new world order” has a lot of baggage. Can’t we come up with something else? The empire is just getting too big to continue, and I think if we shrink it down we won’t necessarily have a “new world order” – it’ll just be different.
The empire is just getting too big to continue, and I think if we shrink it down we won’t necessarily have a “new world order” – it’ll just be different.
the only difference will be that right now we pretend tel aviv doesn’t run everything, in the new world order it’ll just be out in the open.
The Logan Act is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. – WikiPedia
Talk about psychobabble… When did we declare war on Israel?
Still waiting for da professa to explain how Cantor negotiated with a foreign government. Scream all you want professa but you haven’t placed any facts of Cantor violating it. Of course if it’s on the Huff Pollution it’s gotta be “correct”!
Of course the fool correct? Notright! will continue to drink da professa’s kook-aid. Searching the nets’ doesn’t find much ballyhoo over this except from the Huff Pollution and da professa.
Seems to Puddy da professa is upset over Cantor telling Bibi to stand strong against world pressure, Republicans are always friends with Israel while DUMBOCRATS lick their finger, check the wind direction and head that way. Kind of like hanging from the rafters and barking at the moon!
Right Stuff, how can Cantor’s visit be as an official of the US Government? Cantor is a Republican and the DUMBOCRATS control Congress until Jan 5th then it’s GOODBYE FOOLS!
I would dearly love to hear Rep. Cantor’s justification of US aid to Israel. Every dollar the United States gives to Israel fress up one dollar for Israel to provide socialist health care to their citizens….which includes abortion.
Person Playing Puddybud,
“Talk about psychobabble… When did we declare war on Israel?”
Who the fuck ever said we declared war on Israel? Where the fuck do you get these idiotic things from????
“Still waiting for da professa to explain how Cantor negotiated with a foreign government.”
Can’t you even do your own fucking homework? The Logan act is far more specific than the lede in Wikipedia. READ THE FUCKING ACT!
And also, READ WHAT I SAID…I explicitly suggested that Cantor did not violate the Logan act. I also said he DID undermine the President with his words while conversing with a foreign leader. And while we are at war. Shouldn’t your heads be exploding?!?
My original point is that if you wingnut wackjobs think Pelosi violated the Logan act, you heads should REALLY be exploding over Cantor’s words!
“Scream all you want professa but you haven’t placed any facts of Cantor violating it.”
Note that my comments DO NOT claim that Cantor violated the Act. Only that there is incredible inconsistency in your lame-ass-wingnut-propaganda-machine definition of what constitutes violating the Logan act. Apparently there is a exceedingly strict definition for Pelosi & McDermott, and something MUCH, MUCH less stringent for Cantor.
“Of course if it’s on the Huff Pollution it’s gotta be “correct”!”
Nope…being on HuffPo does not guarantee correctness.
“Searching the nets’ doesn’t find much ballyhoo over this except from the Huff Pollution and da professa.”
Sorry…I haven’t seen what they are yacking about there–it isn’t a source I read much.
“Seems to Puddy da professa is upset over Cantor telling Bibi to stand strong against world pressure [babble deleted]”
No, Puddy, you have entirely missed my point. My point was about Wingding hypocrisy. Thank you for stepping up to the plate and giving a perfect demonstration of that hypocrisy.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 44,
“…how can Cantor’s visit be as an official of the US Government?” Cantor is a Republican and the DUMBOCRATS control Congress…”
WHAT. THE. FUCK. Puddy…you demonstrate all the mental acuity of Terry Schaivo…AFTER THE AUTOPSY!
Cantor is a Congressman NOW, dumbass. The party in charge of Congress is entirely irrelevant.
You said we’re at war. Your inference was meeting Netanyahu while we are at war. You didn’t say with whom we are at war. Puddy asked when did we go to war with Israel. It’s funny how you will twist someone else’s comments like that and leave a long diarrhea trail when you are the recipient.
You see professa you said this
Then you ranted above as irrelevant Puddy’s response to your scream
Yet you “REMOVED” part of the comment ON PURPOSE
Who cares if the trip was authorized by the legislative branch. You can’t do what she did between Israel and Syria and this doesn’t even compare to what she did. Pelosi as AS SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE self-authorized the trip. It’s just like she self authorized herself to fly on military planes, “Air Pelosi”.
Skipping the rest of da professa’s rant… You still haven’t made the case for this is compared to Pelosi’s actual deeds AS SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE (an official parliamentary decision making position in the United States Governmental Structure) and the call for a potential Logan Act violation. Pelosi didn’t go there as a congresswoman, she went AS SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, claiming she was delivering a message from one foreign head of state to another. This is missed by that “cranial orifice” you call a mind, the autopsy of Terry Schiavo excluded.
Still waiting professa.
If your rantings here are an accurate reflection of how your mind works and of your non-HA behavior, then you must spend a lot of time waiting…and waiting and waiting…must be a very lonely existence, Pud.
Wrong Liberal Scientist…
Da professa is claiming his point was about Wingding hypocrisy. Puddy is responding the only hypocrisy is in da professa’s “mind”.
Person Playing Puddy @48
“You said we’re at war.”
I did! Because…you know, we are at war.
“Your inference was meeting Netanyahu while we are at war.”
Nope. My point is that Cantor was undermining the President while we are at war. Hence my “cryptic” statement, “… what we do have is a U.S. citizen meeting with a foreign leader and undermining the President–while we are at war.”
“You didn’t say with whom we are at war.”
“Puddy asked when did we go to war with Israel.”
Yes…I had noticed, and commented, your retarded response.
“It’s funny how you will twist someone else’s comments like that and leave a long diarrhea trail when you are the recipient.”
“Yet you “REMOVED” part of the comment ON PURPOSE”
Sorry…I am not sure what you are objecting to here. It is not uncommon that I condense your prattle to the parts that are relevant and coherent enough to make sense of. What point did you want me to respond to?
“Who cares if the trip was authorized by the legislative branch. You can’t do what she did between Israel and Syria and this doesn’t even compare to what she did.”
You have still not given anything but an uninformed opinion. Ignorance isn’t your friend here, Puddy. The Logan act does not, in general, prohibit a U.S. citizen from passing messages between two countries. If you disagree, please cite (in context) the actual text of the law that you believe is relevant.
“Pelosi as AS SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE self-authorized the trip.”
In that role, she authorized five Republicans to visit Syria around the same time. So? Is this somehow relevant? The right of congresspersons to travel to foreign countries, even “enemy countries” and meet with foreign heads of state is recognized by Congress, by the Courts, and the executive branch.
‘It’s just like she self authorized herself to fly on military planes, “Air Pelosi”’
Huh. So now you are stooping to lying on the Sabbath, Pudster? (Pssss…it was a post-9/11 Bush order that the SOTH was use secure military transport.)
“Pelosi didn’t go there as a congresswoman, she went AS SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE…”
The “Speaker of the House” v. congresswoman part is entirely irrelevant regarding the Logan Act. The act covers “Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be…”
“…claiming she was delivering a message from one foreign head of state to another. “
And, as I have said repeatedly, the Logan act has no general prohibition against anyone (Speaker of the House or Joe the Plumber) from “delivering a message from one foreign head of state to another.”
But, again, thank you for you beautiful demonstration of wingnut hypocrisy. That you continue to insist that Pelosi DID violate the Logan act, while, at the same time, insist that Cantor DID NOT is simply priceless!
These exercises in patience are breathtaking in their scope and self-control.
Perhaps, however, you should use smaller words.
You still haven’t proved how Cantor may have broke the Logan Act.
And your scream of Puddy lying on the Sabbath is
Puddybud @ 53,
“You still haven’t proved how Cantor may have broke the Logan Act.”
You are correct. I haven’t. Ummm…PuddyDolt, you seem to be having a VERY difficult time keeping up, here. Exactly WHAT part of
is giving you difficulty?
In other words, I have not claimed that Cantor has violated the Logan act.
“And your scream of Puddy lying on the Sabbath is [funny]”
Liberal Scientist
“Perhaps, however, you should use smaller words.”
Somehow, I expect that PuddyDunce would find a way to misunderstand anyway.
“Puddy lying on the Sabbath”
Puddy lies every day of the week. That’s because he puts party before both God and country.
Check the link.
You haven’t stated how Cantor undermined US policy yet? You’ve provided nothing concrete!
In other words you continue to fail.
Everytime a politician the wingnuts hate does something overseas that gets some attention they always whine “Logan Act”.
I’ll stop yawning when I see a prosecution.
Puddybud @ 57,
“Check the link.”
No. I remember perfectly well the bullshit controversy invented by the hyperventilating looney-tune right. It the end it turns out the controversy was simply a lie. (And one that you, apparently, still believe–what a gullible little fuck you are!)
“You haven’t stated how Cantor undermined US policy yet? You’ve provided nothing concrete!”
What the fuck are you babbling about now? Why would I have to provide something concrete about this?!? The point of my statement is that I DON’T BELIEVE HE CAN BE PROSECUTED.
(*Sheesh* What a fucking imbecile!)