With the events of this past week, it seems appropriate to link to this old post from five years ago that got my old blog Reload noticed by The Stranger. In the beginning of the post, I wrote:
I remember in high school, my good friend and I used to talk about going to a place like Kansas one day, setting up a fake church, and swindling small town folks out of their money. One of us has grown out of that idea, while the other one is voting for President Bush, for much the same reasons as starting up that church.
It’s worth noting that his father was an executive at Blue Cross. If there’s anything that better illustrates the dynamic at work in these town halls, where misinformed morons are shouting down the politicians trying to fix our very broken health care system, I haven’t seen it yet.
And whenever you hear one of the morans predicting that reforming our health-insurance system leads inevitably to “government-fun” health care that somehow bankrupts for-profit health insurance and kills granny, think long and hard about how often the right wing’s predictions come true.
Hint: it’s also known as the “additive identity.”
Deep thought
Things were fine until the Post Office put UPS and FedEx out of business.
Here are the grassroots of your birthers/deathers/suckers:
And this was while passing the bong around, no?
Why even have the townhall meetings?
It’s a great bill that will provide excellent health care to all at a great price and be totally sustainable. It also retains choice for patients. If people are happy with their health care, they can keep it. It’s a no-brainer, right?
So, why all the fuss about these “misinformed morons”? Really, why all the complaining about these fringe wackos?
Dems own all 3 branches of government. Cancel the townhall meetings. Pass the bill and be the heroes.
Why won’t they do that?
The ultimate act of “generational theft” – an illegal war of aggression ginned up by a couple of angry, white, middle-aged males, one a dry drunk and the other just freaking insane (maybe from his heart medication):
Ray McGovern used to give briefings to freaking RAYGUN!
@5 “Why won’t they do that?”
Because Democrats believe in democracy. Because we believe in letting everyone have their say — even people who have nothing worthwhile to say.
But I wouldn’t expect any Republican to understand this.
5 n
Don’t worry, we certainly will.
But in the meantime, Senators and Congressmen like to be on the teevee.
Yes, it is. Yes, it does. Yes, they can.
(Definition of “it” varies according to which bill one is actually referring.)
I still don’t understand the wingnut logic that since there are legitimate questions concerning healthcare proposals, that means it’s OK for right wing ignoramuses to disrupt townhalls — after all, they had to put up with demonstrators in free speech zones when their president was pursuing an illegal war.
To Wingnuts: — Look. We are already paying twice as much for healthcare as any other industrialized nation and getting less for our dollar. Healthcare and the profit motive do not go hand in hand. I would not trust a doctor who’s only in in for the money.
50 million of our countrymen have no health insurance at all. If you bring these people in on a sliding income scale, you automatically have a lot more dollars. You increase the medicare withholding on each paycheck, drop your monopoly health insurance (‘free market’ in WingSpeak) and voila, the ‘new’ syatem is up and running.
Gee. I can’t imagine who would oppose that?
No, we won’t. The dems are utterly (a) Spineless (b) On the payroll (Baucus) and (C) the president is turning into a loon himself.
Said UPS and Fed Ex better than USPS. EXCEPT THAT in a neutral poll, USPS gets 94% – 96% public approval,and is (in separate poll) the MOST TRUSTED fed agency (even tho it’s private. Only the employees are under OPMS) Try any of those numbers with Fedex/OOPS
Also hassles dems for objecting to Baucus’ sellout.
I am leaving the country, in large part because the dems WILL NOT do anything with their mandate. (The greater part is the contemptible conservatives).
They WON’T do anything. And I think deep inside you are beginning to realize this too.
And fuck the shit-eating conservatives because they will continue to ruin the country as they have for the past 20 years, and blame it on the dems as they have the past 20 years. All in the Great Name of Jesus, because they KNOW THE TRUTH and you can’t argue with GOD, and they are the only buddies of GOD.
I’ll take great pleasure in knowing that they ALSO will reap the rewards of their criminal stupidity. They should be shot by their own militias*
* No republican-coulter humor. Fervent wish.
That’s a lie.
Obama: I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking
Nice try at spreading lies and misinformation.
OOOPs @9, NOT @5 for my comment
Is there a breakdown of those 50 million people?
Where’s the transparency?
Why is the left refusing to release the facts of those 50 million uninsured. Do the facts not support their position?
By the way headless, be a good little socialist and report me to your ruler. flag@whitehouse.gov
re 12: So, not letting the people who caused the problems have ‘a lot’ to say is the same thing as muzzling them?
What planet are you from?
re 14: So, if I don’t do your research for you, the 50 million people do not exist?
You might begin with the unemployed, the under employed, and WalMart employees — who you are already bankrolling their healthcare to the tune of $2000 per year.
God, Marvin, you are one bad case of the redass.
Hmmm. You were an asshole 5 years ago and things haven’t changed much for you, have they Lee?
Why not euthanize anyone without insurance and voila.
X’ad @ 11 spews:
Good riddance you douchebag.
You won’t be missed.
Just one less freeloader suckin’ off the system.
12 MS
Ready to talk about the death panels coming to kill poor baby Trig yet?
18 m
Conservative death panels? I knew you had it in you. Suddenly it’s a good idea when it’s yours.
I don’t blame you for not posting it.
Transparency… words, just words.
Health care reform didn’t start yesterday. It’s been goiung on for some time:
•The President signed the Children’s Health Insurance Reauthorization Act on February 4, 2009, which provides quality health care to 11 million kids – 4 million who were previously uninsured.
•The President’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act protects health coverage for 7 million Americans who lose their jobs through a 65 percent COBRA subsidy to make coverage affordable.
•The Recovery Act also invests $19 billion in computerized medical records that will help to reduce costs and improve quality while ensuring patients’ privacy.
•The Recovery Act also provides:
◦$1 billion for prevention and wellness to improve America’s health and help to reduce health care costs;
◦$1.1 billion for research to give doctors tools to make the best treatment decisions for their patients by providing objective information on the relative benefits of treatments; and
◦$500 million for health workforce to help train the next generation of doctors and nurses.
Changing the subject again?
Did that video of obama derail your talking points that quickly?
Tuesday morning segment of Dave Ross Show proves what fakers and distortionists these anti-health reform zealots really are. The “protestor” is just a guy who was selling buttons with no opinion on the issue at all.
Listen to his sleezy conservative activist lawyer try and put words in his mouth, as their “Project Liberty” tour gets ready to hit the Clueless Tea Party circuit!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
9:15 Healthcare protestor injured in fight with SEIU asks for donations to pay hospital bills (he’s uninsured!) GUEST: Kenneth Gladney and his attorney, David B. Brown, of St. Louis
@10 You’re trying to reason with this weevils? Why?
these not this
@12 Really? How many of these buttfuck-stupid wingnuts have been THROWN OUT of townhalls, Marvin Stupes? C’mon now, HOW MANY have been arrested for having a bumper sticker on their car or wearing a t-shirt? These are Republican tricks. Liberals are pussies, remember? So we let you morons rant all you want.
@16 Actually, I think you (and Marvin, if he ever did any research) would find that most of the 50 million are unemployed, working poor, or just working. Welfare recipients get Medicaid; old people get Medicare; and about 70% of the workforce is on employer-provided health insurance. The other 30%, plus the unemployed, make up most of the 50 million.
So another thread says that Marvinbud is butt one insect? True?
(Stupid gullible health bagger fucks)
RR @29,
I’m sure Marvelous Marvie the Welfare Queen already knows about Medicaid.
The enduring capacity of the American public to be swindled by con artists is sad. Elmer Gantry lives, and his name is Rush Limbaugh. I know that some of the Republicans in Congress are smart enough to know that the nonsense which the anti-healthcare people are peddling is complete rot, yet they won’t stand up to it. They won’t stand up to it because they could give a rat’s ass about the common good. Republican first, American when convenient.
I use it when I’m too lazy to trim my toenails.
I go to the emergency room and complain of pain. They always cut my toenails for me.
I hope you’re paying your taxes, I want all the money you’ve got. My section 8 housing isn’t sufficient anymore. Don’t I deserve to have a home a little closer to the beach? The 2 block walk is tough on me.
re 22: Transparency means that the information is available, not that people are forced to look it up and feed it to you.
Faux outrage on your government cheese-eating ass. I hear you are on disability. How does a trumpet player become disabled?
Did you wear out your lips servicing all the logs in the Republican cabin?
I can’t find it. I’ll take any search hints you are willing to share.
I just like fucking with the little minds of gbs, steve, ekin and xad. They are so gullible they will believe anything.
gbs actually believes I’m Puddy. If gbs was a republican he would be called a birther. I guess since he’s a non-income tax paying democrat we can call him a truther.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
08/12/2009 AT 2:34 PM
Good try. I don’t have the same hate for gays you do so your little gay innuendo didn’t have the same effect it would when used against you.
by “uninformed morons” do you mean when obama said in nh that aarp endorsed his plan when they hadnt? when you dont answer i’ll know it was you
The U.S. Postal Service lost $2.4 billion in the quarter that ended June 30 and forecasts a $7 billion loss for the fiscal year, according to figures released Wednesday.
For the same period…
FedEx said it earned $384 million
The Atlanta-based company said it earned $906 million
It’s easy to compete when you can show a loss of billions of dollars and there is no talk of going out of business.
Neither fed-ex or ups could show the same losses and stay in business.
If dems believe in what you say, then why get so outraged about people that are fervent in their dislike of the current bill?
Pass the bill. Be the heroes and then own the majority for decades as you have made america a better place with this health bill. If dems believe in this bill, they can do it regardless of fringe.
I ask again: If this bill is THE answer, why don’t they do that?
If the bill does not pass, and we all believe in democracy, can we then agree that the bill was not the right bill?
Yep Puddy agrees with the title… Land of the Suckers… because these HA Libtardos are suckas…
Here in this picture with the messiah’s special mustache is one of “the messiah’s” jock straps. Here is the same dude inside the meeting… WJR 760 AM carried the story. The same black dude was handing out Dummocraptic literature later.
Now we all know last week Stretch Pelosi made a reference to swastikas. Could all those swastikas be plants too? Only time will tell becuz the progressive slime is smelling…
April 2009 “the messiah” farts to the HA Libtardo Suckas:
“You just get into some very difficult moral issues when considering whether to give my grandmother, or everybody else’s aging grandparents or parents, a hip replacement when they’re terminally ill.”
“That’s where I think you just get into some very difficult moral issues. The chronically ill and those toward the end of their lives are accounting for potentially 80 percent of the total health- care bill out here.”
So now when people remind the world what “the messiah” said now they are brownshirts? Only in da mind of an HA Libtardo.
Yep Land of the Suckers… Those who voted for “the messiah”.
“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.” – “the messiah” in Elko, Nevada, September 2008
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” – “the messiah” Philadelphia, PA, June 2008
“If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard.” Jim Messina, The Whitey House, August 6th, 2009
Marvin: It is disconcerting when ‘manoftruf’ suddenly starts writing like an English teacher and then reverts to his “I’m just a dumb, violent Christian” persona.
To make a comparison I know you’ll get, maybe we’re not ready to put on those green tinnted glasses just yet.
Know what I mean, Vern?
Goldy needs to drop everything and help turncoat Specter and O-blah-blah:
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Goldy works soooooo hard to get these guys elected…but it’s gonna be harder to get them to vote like Goldy’s NW Division of Moonbat Lunatics would demand!
And even harder to get them re-elected.
Where did gbs go?
AWOL? Maybe he’s out hitting another superior officer.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
08/12/2009 AT 2:34 PM
He had his “suspcisons,” now he has the proof.
His proof proves he’s a dumbass.
Now we all know last week Stretch Pelosi made a reference to swastikas. Could all those swastikas be plants too?
And you’re calling other people suckers? LOL!
Still waiting for some Olbermann conspiracy theories, jackass. LOL! Moron.
You’re not the same person, but you both mindlessly follow the same people who laugh at how dumb both of you are. So what’s the difference to us?
Schmuck@45. Rejected? Puddy gave three to you. One may have been a stretch but the other two are solid. Can’t deal? Have a toke.
Notice the schmuck@45 didn’t comment on the “mustached messiah” poster carrying dude. Very telling schmucko!
Puddy glad Marvin and Puddy bring a smile to your otherwise boring existence.
You’re wrong.
gbs says he has the proof.
He’s obviously smarter than you. Sorry.
How’s fatherhood going?
We spread joy and good cheer.