I honestly believe that American liberals are working to turn America into North Korea. It’s their idea of how a country should be run. Look at that one pic with the North Korean woman sitting in that building in a parka, with the heat and lights turned off. Liberals look at that scenario and think, “Good for them. They are doing their part to reduce global warming.” And the other pic with the empty streets, anti-car liberals believe that’s how a street should look. Empty. Everyone should be forced on to crowded trains, as depicted in another pic in the series.
And what’s all this crap about walking around and not seeing anyone smile. I could walk around Manhattan for hours and not see a smile.
It’s basically the same kind of world the right wingers want for this country: a worshipped, unquestioned Dear Leader like Bush, a figure-head of his privileged class; shabby empty streets because no one can afford cars and there’s no public money to maintain them because only poor people pay taxes and they’ve long since been tapped out, all other tax monies prioritized to prisons, police and a bloated, privileged military class.
No one smiles because there’s been a death of the commons, no places where people come together to inquire, to recreate, to share – everything being in private hands and no customers because it’s all just nobles armed to the teeth behind gated community walls with their stubbornly rigid, “free” market, tax hating ideology and the serfs who make do with the crumbs that trickle down.
Nice comeback YLB. Troll, that was a dumb comment, even for you.
Winkydink, hey, it's Aprilspews:
re 1: “It’s their idea of how a country should be run. Look at that one pic with the North Korean woman sitting in that building in a parka, with the heat and lights turned off.”
So, I take it you are in favor of Hugo Chavez paying the utility bills of our poorest citizens — which he has , and YOU haven’t.
I know liberals who think cars are evil. Who think paved roads are evil. Who think streets should be empty. Who believe people who turn on lights and heat are hate the earth.
“I know liberals who think cars are evil…”
Good for you. I know conservatives who believe all black people should be sent back to Africa. Who think that gays should be executed for violating God’s law. Etc, etc
Maybe you could admit that each side of the political spectrum has it’s share of batshit crazy nut jobs?
If I drive to Spokane, then steal someone’s dog, then bring it back here to Seattle, keep him for a couple of years, then that dog has puppies, would it be wrong of me to one day drive back to Spokane with the dog I stole, and its puppies, and drop them off at the house I stole the original dog from?
Life in a post-Obama America.
What a terrible life it must be to be surrounded by “dear leader” and his time-stopping nonsense.
In the case of the dog, it would be much more ethical to contact the owners of the house and make sure they were the owners of the dog which you had stolen. That way when you dropped all the dogs off, you wouldn’t be dropping them off with someone who didn’t know about them at all.
Of course, people aren’t dogs and implying they are is nonsensical.
So, after you have kidnapped someone’s son or daughter, forced them to work for you and bear children the ethical thing to do would be to give that child communication with their parents and let them decide for themselves where they wanted to live.
I honestly believe that the Publican right wing turds are working to turn America into North Korea. It’s their idea of how a country should be run. Look at their work camps. You disagree with Boss Limbaugh or that pervert Karl Rove? Off to re-education camp. Look at the military over there. If the right wing bat shit crazy Publicans had their way, 90% of every government dollar spent in the US would go to the military too. Then we’d all be starving but the GOP wouldn’t care since all they care about is money.
And look at the power structure – a few people running the country and doing just fine while the rest suffer. That’s a Publican utopia if ever I saw one.
And the smiles? Publicans don’t like smiling – I am sure they would somehow brand it as “sexual”.
Yep North Korea looks pretty good to a right-winger like Troll. Why not move there now Troll so you can live out your dream you stupid little cunt?
@11 Ummm…yes it would.
There was a time when a reasonable person could have looked at the condition of African slaves in America and said, “They’d be better off back in Africa.” In fact many abolitionists, white and black, felt that way. And given the way blacks have been treated in this country since the end of slavery…the position turned out to have had some merit.
The day has long past, however, when the notion of a new homeland for the children of African slaves is anything but a racist one. The great-great granddaughter of a slave is as American as anyone else born in this country and no more belongs in Africa than a great-great grandson of German immigrants does. The slavers stole her language and culture, mixed their blood with hers, held generations of her people in the lowest rung of their society…even after emancipation.
I don’t like the term “African-American” partly because black Americans are AMERICANS first. They’re more American than many of European descent, whose families only came here in the great post-industrial waves of immigration. I should like to think I was so American as to have had ancestors in this land since the mid-17th century. I doubt, however, that it is so.
Let’s just say North Korea is a socialist paradise, they sure didn’t get that way by practicing Free-market capitalism.
No, that’s what they practice in China. Is there anything about the way that country is run that the GOP wouldn’t adopt overnight?
State-controlled “unions”
Worker dissent put down with military force
Little-to-no environmental regulation
Massive government subsidies for business
Protection from foreign competition
Free access to a massive foreign market (the US)
Currency held artificially low against foreign currencies
Political opposition to the status quo results in prison or execution
Little worker or consumer safety regulation (just be careful not to get caught poisoning Americans or their pets)
@6 I know liberals who think cars are evil. Who think paved roads are evil. Who think streets should be empty. Who believe people who turn on lights and heat are hate the earth.
Name one. Or better yet, provide a link to a left-leaning blog that says those things.
you’re kiddimg me, lee. this country is 1984.
lets see
you cant be a holocaust denier
you cant oppose gay marriage
you call for border control
you cant criticize illegal aliens
you cant say merry christmas
and on and on
Gee – what a terrible place we have here in the ol’ USA. You can’t even deny the holocaust (like the rest of the world except a few Arab dictatorships). Darn!
And if you oppose gay marriage, the police will pick you up and force you to marry a gay man (which woman of falsehood would probably secretly enjoy).
And I know saying Mery Christmas will get you arrested too!
Maybe woman of truth should move to…..say China or some place in the Middle East where he can agree with Sharia law….
Troll idiot @6 says:
I know liberals who think cars are evil. Who think paved roads are evil. Who think streets should be empty. Who believe people who turn on lights and heat are hate the earth.
Really – Name a leading “liberal” spokesperson who says that. If you can’t -then shut your little pie hole.
That is one of the most asinine comments I have seen. I know…blah blah blah liberals who blah blah blah – how trite and weak can you get?
However, we do have a conservative spokeperson who runs the republican party who wishes Obamas economic plan will fail (but has no plan of his own).
@23 yeah and the worst thing is, you can’t just walk up to a right wing traitor and gut him in the middle of the street – that bugs me.
the point is, the pressure to regulate speech in this country is just like out of 1984
by the way byebye, i didnt call u a jew , i said u are a “jewish tool”. i know its hard for u nto understand things, but that means you’re not jewish but are used by them. i knwo u think i hate jews, its funny cause i dont, i’m just saying they’re greedy and run the whole shabang. but they are some of the smartest people in the world, and you’re a retarded moron.
proud leftistspews:
manoftruth (yeah, right):
The First Amendment’s protection of speech limits the government’s capacity to limit speech, not that of the culture at large. There is social pressure not to speak in hideous, hateful fashion. That is why you feel limited to spew your vitriolic, vicious nonsense. If, however, free speech was actually getting limited in this country, you would be getting a knock on your door by the authorities to take you in because of your offensive speech. You know that is not going to happen, that is why you post here without fear. You do not understand what the Constitution protects and doesn’t protect. As a matter of fact, you don’t understand much about anything.
Woman of lies YOU ARE A TOOL. Hard to top that one. And frankly I don’t “think you hate jews” because that would mean I think about YOU. I don’t. You’re simple swill. If it weren’t against the law, I’d put you down like I did my last old dog. You and your ilk are just here to try to destroy America. Fortunately, America as a whole is smart enough to reject the bullshit inbred, cowardly, cum-drunk fools like you spew.
But hey, I enjoy slapping the shit out of you from time to time so at least you aren’t a total waste of O2.
I honestly believe that American liberals are working to turn America into North Korea. It’s their idea of how a country should be run. Look at that one pic with the North Korean woman sitting in that building in a parka, with the heat and lights turned off. Liberals look at that scenario and think, “Good for them. They are doing their part to reduce global warming.” And the other pic with the empty streets, anti-car liberals believe that’s how a street should look. Empty. Everyone should be forced on to crowded trains, as depicted in another pic in the series.
And what’s all this crap about walking around and not seeing anyone smile. I could walk around Manhattan for hours and not see a smile.
It’s basically the same kind of world the right wingers want for this country: a worshipped, unquestioned Dear Leader like Bush, a figure-head of his privileged class; shabby empty streets because no one can afford cars and there’s no public money to maintain them because only poor people pay taxes and they’ve long since been tapped out, all other tax monies prioritized to prisons, police and a bloated, privileged military class.
No one smiles because there’s been a death of the commons, no places where people come together to inquire, to recreate, to share – everything being in private hands and no customers because it’s all just nobles armed to the teeth behind gated community walls with their stubbornly rigid, “free” market, tax hating ideology and the serfs who make do with the crumbs that trickle down.
Nice comeback YLB. Troll, that was a dumb comment, even for you.
re 1: “It’s their idea of how a country should be run. Look at that one pic with the North Korean woman sitting in that building in a parka, with the heat and lights turned off.”
So, I take it you are in favor of Hugo Chavez paying the utility bills of our poorest citizens — which he has , and YOU haven’t.
But I notice you didn’t say I was wrong.
I know liberals who think cars are evil. Who think paved roads are evil. Who think streets should be empty. Who believe people who turn on lights and heat are hate the earth.
“I know liberals who think cars are evil…”
Good for you. I know conservatives who believe all black people should be sent back to Africa. Who think that gays should be executed for violating God’s law. Etc, etc
Maybe you could admit that each side of the political spectrum has it’s share of batshit crazy nut jobs?
People who think blacks should be sent back to Africa like Abraham Lincoln?
You’re wrong.
Thanks for posting this Lee, it’s amazing stuff.
If I drive to Spokane, then steal someone’s dog, then bring it back here to Seattle, keep him for a couple of years, then that dog has puppies, would it be wrong of me to one day drive back to Spokane with the dog I stole, and its puppies, and drop them off at the house I stole the original dog from?
Life in a post-Obama America.
What a terrible life it must be to be surrounded by “dear leader” and his time-stopping nonsense.
In the case of the dog, it would be much more ethical to contact the owners of the house and make sure they were the owners of the dog which you had stolen. That way when you dropped all the dogs off, you wouldn’t be dropping them off with someone who didn’t know about them at all.
Of course, people aren’t dogs and implying they are is nonsensical.
So, after you have kidnapped someone’s son or daughter, forced them to work for you and bear children the ethical thing to do would be to give that child communication with their parents and let them decide for themselves where they wanted to live.
I honestly believe that the Publican right wing turds are working to turn America into North Korea. It’s their idea of how a country should be run. Look at their work camps. You disagree with Boss Limbaugh or that pervert Karl Rove? Off to re-education camp. Look at the military over there. If the right wing bat shit crazy Publicans had their way, 90% of every government dollar spent in the US would go to the military too. Then we’d all be starving but the GOP wouldn’t care since all they care about is money.
And look at the power structure – a few people running the country and doing just fine while the rest suffer. That’s a Publican utopia if ever I saw one.
And the smiles? Publicans don’t like smiling – I am sure they would somehow brand it as “sexual”.
Yep North Korea looks pretty good to a right-winger like Troll. Why not move there now Troll so you can live out your dream you stupid little cunt?
@11 Ummm…yes it would.
There was a time when a reasonable person could have looked at the condition of African slaves in America and said, “They’d be better off back in Africa.” In fact many abolitionists, white and black, felt that way. And given the way blacks have been treated in this country since the end of slavery…the position turned out to have had some merit.
The day has long past, however, when the notion of a new homeland for the children of African slaves is anything but a racist one. The great-great granddaughter of a slave is as American as anyone else born in this country and no more belongs in Africa than a great-great grandson of German immigrants does. The slavers stole her language and culture, mixed their blood with hers, held generations of her people in the lowest rung of their society…even after emancipation.
I don’t like the term “African-American” partly because black Americans are AMERICANS first. They’re more American than many of European descent, whose families only came here in the great post-industrial waves of immigration. I should like to think I was so American as to have had ancestors in this land since the mid-17th century. I doubt, however, that it is so.
Let’s just say North Korea is a socialist paradise, they sure didn’t get that way by practicing Free-market capitalism.
No, that’s what they practice in China. Is there anything about the way that country is run that the GOP wouldn’t adopt overnight?
State-controlled “unions”
Worker dissent put down with military force
Little-to-no environmental regulation
Massive government subsidies for business
Protection from foreign competition
Free access to a massive foreign market (the US)
Currency held artificially low against foreign currencies
Political opposition to the status quo results in prison or execution
Little worker or consumer safety regulation (just be careful not to get caught poisoning Americans or their pets)
Sounds like a capitalist paradise to me.
re 8: Or Marcus Garvey.
But I notice you didn’t say I was wrong.
I shouldn’t have to. No one else is going to have any trouble figuring that out on their own. That was one idiotic comment.
I know liberals who think cars are evil. Who think paved roads are evil. Who think streets should be empty. Who believe people who turn on lights and heat are hate the earth.
Name one. Or better yet, provide a link to a left-leaning blog that says those things.
you’re kiddimg me, lee. this country is 1984.
lets see
you cant be a holocaust denier
you cant oppose gay marriage
you call for border control
you cant criticize illegal aliens
you cant say merry christmas
and on and on
Gee – what a terrible place we have here in the ol’ USA. You can’t even deny the holocaust (like the rest of the world except a few Arab dictatorships). Darn!
And if you oppose gay marriage, the police will pick you up and force you to marry a gay man (which woman of falsehood would probably secretly enjoy).
And I know saying Mery Christmas will get you arrested too!
Maybe woman of truth should move to…..say China or some place in the Middle East where he can agree with Sharia law….
Troll idiot @6 says:
Really – Name a leading “liberal” spokesperson who says that. If you can’t -then shut your little pie hole.
That is one of the most asinine comments I have seen. I know…blah blah blah liberals who blah blah blah – how trite and weak can you get?
However, we do have a conservative spokeperson who runs the republican party who wishes Obamas economic plan will fail (but has no plan of his own).
@23 yeah and the worst thing is, you can’t just walk up to a right wing traitor and gut him in the middle of the street – that bugs me.
the point is, the pressure to regulate speech in this country is just like out of 1984
by the way byebye, i didnt call u a jew , i said u are a “jewish tool”. i know its hard for u nto understand things, but that means you’re not jewish but are used by them. i knwo u think i hate jews, its funny cause i dont, i’m just saying they’re greedy and run the whole shabang. but they are some of the smartest people in the world, and you’re a retarded moron.
manoftruth (yeah, right):
The First Amendment’s protection of speech limits the government’s capacity to limit speech, not that of the culture at large. There is social pressure not to speak in hideous, hateful fashion. That is why you feel limited to spew your vitriolic, vicious nonsense. If, however, free speech was actually getting limited in this country, you would be getting a knock on your door by the authorities to take you in because of your offensive speech. You know that is not going to happen, that is why you post here without fear. You do not understand what the Constitution protects and doesn’t protect. As a matter of fact, you don’t understand much about anything.
Woman of lies YOU ARE A TOOL. Hard to top that one. And frankly I don’t “think you hate jews” because that would mean I think about YOU. I don’t. You’re simple swill. If it weren’t against the law, I’d put you down like I did my last old dog. You and your ilk are just here to try to destroy America. Fortunately, America as a whole is smart enough to reject the bullshit inbred, cowardly, cum-drunk fools like you spew.
But hey, I enjoy slapping the shit out of you from time to time so at least you aren’t a total waste of O2.