I’ll be back on the Kirby Wilbur Show tomorrow morning (Friday) at around 7:30 a.m., 570-KVI. Kirby and I will be discussing the upcoming election contest trial, which starts Monday in Chelan County Superior Court. And maybe I’ll throw in a few more digs about the gas tax repeal initiative.
Okay… not one of my best performances. The puppy was very vocal last night in voicing her opposition to crate training, so I was a bit a groggy. I’ll try to be better rested next week.
Bit of advice (yeah, like you’ll take any from me). Don’t go off on personal attacks on Stefan, it hurts your credibility and makes you seem bitter.
I’ll be waiting for the I912 NoNewGasTax initiatives to be sent, I already have a signing location (and a hand full of I900 initiatives to boot) located where lots of farmers and rural King county people live. These folks have very stong opinions about the Seattle Liberals who stole their land through the CAO. This will be a slam Dunk! Then we will see how the people feel about the gas Tax in November! Oh let me guess!
I swear I did it under pressure. It wasn’t my fault.
The gas tax repeal is knee-jerk “we don’t want to pay any tax no matter what the uses” are. Oh, and then “evil democrats cause all the highway and education problems.”
Go Goldy Go! BTW, in the Washington Times today, Rossi refused to say whether he’d run for senator in 2006…wow, didn’t he just come out and say he wasn’t going to? He’s already waffling?
That was the same logic used for the now famous Newseek lie.
Just a bit of unsolicited advice….
Make your points.
Don’t try to be too cutesy.
Kirby has always treated you with the utmost respect….and you have been fairly gracious recently as well.
If you get too wound up, your voice gets even more shrill and wretched than it naturally is. All the neighborhood dogs begin to howl and….well..you ended up looking like the HorsesAss.
I look forward to hearing you Goldy.
Frankly, I think the various blogs (Right and Left) have done a decent job of framing the upcoming court case from all logical and legal perspectives.
Perhaps it would be ok for you to be just a tad bit CYNICAL!
No, that was showing Rossi will continue to say anything, do anything to achieve his ends.
If you look at a current poisting on SP, you’ll see he’s praised for never doing such typical political things.
Hogwash. He’s as political as they come and has lied (remember, he was a real estate broker?) as much as the rest of them.
The only lie Newsweek told was in backing off from the truth that they told about the treatment of the koran at the hands of some US interrogators. That news is years old and very well documented. You and the administration you support are the liars. You lie continually. To quote an honest British politician: “You are George Bush’s lickspittle.”
Lucy, that is actually giving pbj, mrcynical, reallydude and gs compliments. I do not think that our pets deserve such high praise. they are more like chardonnay with who you have to use that funny brush for the toilet to clean every last speck
Knee Jerk – I call it keeping that CG to her word! She campaigned on no new taxes, she preached it then when the rubber hit the road she is a damn liar! And don;t give me any of that GENERAL crap, she did not say the word general one time during the campaign. She flat had on her page the tax increases that Rossi had voted on, and stated that SHE HAD NEVER RAISED TAXES ON THE CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON. Bullshit!
The Gas Tax is toast!
and the GasSack is mentally fried
Goldy, please don’t insult Kirby and KVI this time. Geez Goldy they are giving you and your blog another 15 minutes of fame. FOR FREE! Make your fellow liberals proud, don’t be like “the berendt” and who knows maybe Kirby would let you fill in for him one day. [cough not really cough].
Honestly Goldy, AM 1090 should hire you. I think you would do well here. I might even listen if you offset your commercials to that of KVI & KTTH.
Remember your dog dilemma; don’t be a yipper; your dog looks like a big dog, be the man
Bit of advice (yeah, like you’ll take any from me). Don’t go off on personal attacks on Stefan, it hurts your credibility and makes you seem bitter.
Good advice.
He seems to be quoting you more these days than you him and you are trouncing him in the number of comments. Plus, you don’t loathe public schools like his posters do. That’s always a plus.
The only permanent radio show offer Goldy has in his nutsack is at WANT—Antarctica at a 50 watt station on some fucking iceberg. Penguins, Walruses and 1 Polar Bear. Gotta start somewhere!
Remember Goldy–
When your a celebrity
It’s adios reality
You can act just like a fool
and people think your cool
Just cuz your on a blog
Bein’ a celebrity.
So Goldy hitched up the wagons and headed out west
To the land of the fun and the sun.
Goldy’s now a real world bachelor
A jackass millionaire
Hey, Hey Hollywood
Rating a Blog on # of comments when about 8 people make 90% of the comments.
C’mon dude.
You play with numbers & stats just like the other LEFTIST PINHEADS. Perhaps you could be the next Dean “Weird Al Yankovic lookalike” Logan!!!!
Rating a Blog on # of comments when about 8 people make 90% of the comments.
C’mon dude.
You are making Goldy more and more famous everyday and are a major contributor. I see you don’t like to post much on SP. Too boring to dittohead?
lol Erik, Mr. C likes it here, he can use his everyday normal BIAW language. Over at uSP they do not like his gutter talk so he has to do a ‘character change’ to be accepted.
Here’s another one for the Wingers. The last line of the post is particularly good. Best thing I’ve read in a while.
Obviously you didn’t follow the Newsweek story. The reporter went with the “story” because he asked if it was true and got “no comment”.
“No comment” doesn’t mean it is true. But since the liberals are anti-military (just another reason you don’t win elections on the national level) he went with the lie.
Now I know you are blowing out your horses ass. Care to post a source to back up your unfounded allegations?
While we are on the subject of media it just breaks my heart that the ‘unslanted’ Fox News has lossed over 58% of their preferred 25-54 age bracket since October 2004. Maybe the sensible US citizens are finally getting the message that FOX is just an extension of the GWB administration. FOX’s numbers drop basically in tandem with GWB’s and the Congress’ public appeal. Cry me a river….lol
link for above information @
Comment on 5, I don’t think Newsweek was lying, I think someone got to them (or to their source).
PBJ: Who’s closing the military bases? If you were one of the seven dwarves, it would definitely be , Dopey! You think that if you follow a few “free enterprise” rules that somehow everything will magically turn out alright. It never did and it never will. Grow up or get out of the way.
Comment on 20, that’s absolutely NOT how it happened. According to Michael Ishikoff, the reporter who wrote the story for Newsweek, it was vetted with the Pentagon, and the Pentagon stood by the story for 11 days before Newsweek published it. The Pentagon source changed his story and Newsweek backed off only after the story incited rioting and deaths. Obviously they backed off to stop the violence, not because the story isn’t true. Another thing you fail to mention is the story was corroborated by other sources, and similar incidents have happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to other sources.
Patrick@26 –
The Pentagon never “Stood by the story”. They did not deny it nor confirm it, they did not comment on it for 11 days. Why you might ask. Well shithead because they had to look into it before they could confirm or deny anything first of all. You expect that because a reporter makes an accusation or asks the Pentagon if the story is accurate that they will be able to or willing to answer that question on the spot? Don’t you think they may not know and would have to look at the report that the alleged information was contained in.
If I made an accusation that in a book about horses written by Goldy, you will find a picture of him “making friendly” with a horse named Robert, would you be able to confirm or deny that report? Would you not need to look into it to be confident of your response?
You are lying and misleading to make the statement that the Pentagon stood by the story and you’re an asshole for doing so. This just goes to show to what levels the left will stoop to, to try and convince people that their side is right. The truth has never stood in your way has it, just blow right by it.
By the way I don’t give a shit if it is true, but of course you’re outraged that the U.S. military would do such a terrible thing. Would you feel the same if it was a Bible. Reporting this story whether true or not is the mistake. But that’s the liberal media; report anything that hurts the United States (True or not). I support shoving individual pages of the book up their asses if it gets them to talk. But to report it is just meant to insight the Muslim world against us and make the job of the military harder and deadlier.
Goldy, please be careful while on the radio and do not use any ‘potty’ words (stefans comment).. LOL
Goldy, have you worked out the details yet on how to spin the admitted fraud into a positive for Gregoire? Remember the new position your friend Paul BareAss has laid out; “all these mistakes/errors (fraud) hurt Gregoire”. Say it over and over again and it will make it true.
This election result is going to be tossed out and the felon voters and the dead voters and the more ballots then voters and the double votes and the finding of votes over and over and over, the printing on demand of ballots without a record, the taking of ballots home with tracking, you know the list, is just icing on the cake. Not even needed now.
KC election worker admitted to knowingly falsifying the report, with knowledge and cooperation of her supervisor and submitting it as accurate for the purpose of certifying the election…smells like Fraud and big trouble for your side. Start Spinning…I know, a bank would be proud, an election to be envied, no fraud, no more errors then normal, felons vote Republican, proportional analysis sucks (except when used by the Dems to say that the errors hurt Gregoire – then it’s as good as gold).
Clearly Delusional @29,
This is old news. And if you think that somehow hearing it a second time in a deposition is somehow going to make it more damaging in court, then you’re going to be awfully disappointed.
I’ve read the contest statute, and much of the case law that cites it. You clearly haven’t.
Reading the contest statute and case law doesn’t mean you understand what it means numbnutz!!
You better get to bed dude…or you’ll sound like a real HorsesAss in the AM..
By the way…you keep calling this “old news”. Sounds like you are now reading from Berendt’s talking points. Please cite your source of the original news that lays out what they did in the same clarity and detail as this deposition???
You can’t. It was trotted out…marginalized & minimized by the LEFTIST PINHEADS. Now it is part of the legal record.
Good luck on the radio tomorrow, if you are taking calls, let me know and I’ll call in and pretend to be Chris Vance. Here is my number 1-800 Cynical Sucks.
Good night
Too many digits—nice try at humor for a change.
You are usually one of those oh so serious and oh so self-righteous LEFTIST PINHEADS.
I’ve now promoted you to just a LEFTIST PINHEAD.
Congratulations Dorkw!!
Reply to Mr. Smarty Pants at 27, let me get this straight, Newsweek tells the Pentagon they’re going to publish a story saying American interrogators at Gitmo flushed pages from the Koran down the toilet to intimidate detainees, for 11 days the Pentagon doesn’t deny it, and that’s not a confirmation of the story? If I were an editor, I sure as hell would publish it on that basis. For an administration that is quick to deny anything that makes them look bad, even when it’s true, it’s incomprehensible that anyone would argue that silence is not tantamount to admission. The Pentagon denies everything else; why didn’t they deny this, if it were untrue? You, sir, are full of shit.
PBJ @ 20–
When Rossi finally ends up being told for the nth time he lost (by whatever court necessary), and the $10million of wasted money had been spent for him to be told this again, you are suggesting he won’t renege and run for senator?
I truly hope you remember this post. Rossi waffled after saying no weeks earlier….he’s doing the political dance (and raising a bunch of national money and awareness along the way….)
Please tell me that if he does decide to run, you’ll publicly decry his typical two-bit change-of-face lying statements to the contrary? And even not support him?
You did fine! You and Kirby work well off of each other. “Lawyer Jim’s” whining messed up the mood a bit. He started getting so emotional in the end that has voice was cracking. I suspect he was not a Republican observer (let alone a lawyer), but is a high school student pulling one over on Kirby.
Would it be scientifically valid to note that Rossi sucks and speaks like a rube and so does Bush? How many “rube talkin'” Republican politicians do I need to find to make it a representative sample?
On second thought, I think “Lawyer Jim’s” whining, escalating voice-cracking emotion, and accusations sans evidence makes an almost perfect metaphor for the Republican’s approach to the election challenge.
I think Jims voice was a bit manly for a high school student. the shrill voice you heard dj was goldy. In fact it was so shrill I had to turn down the volume considerably. Typical lefty, discredit an attorney who was an observer and glorify a nobody because he is a lefty. nice try dj.
KC “Fell”, blame Sims “Way.”
Chards as you and your ilk’s day of reconning approaches, shouldn’t you be baking cakes and giving them to all of your ‘lost pals’? What are your plans for the next 3 years when you have to wake up and read about, listen to, see results and acknowledge that Your Governor, Christine G. will continue living in your mental paramours house?
chardonnay @ 39
Naaa. . . I am not talking about Goldy’s voice. Jim’s voice was “cracking” as he was speaking near the end of the conversation. It made him sound like an early post-pubescent high-schooler. In fairness to Jim, some males suffer this malady for decades after puberty (mild puberphonia or spasmodic dysphonia), but these cases are pretty rare.
Spasmodic Dysphonia; now I know Carville’s problem
Patrick@34 –
You honestly don’t believe, as you imply in your post, that if the Pentagon would have denied the report right there on the spot Newsweek doesn’t run the story. Hell yes they still would have ran it and just add a comment, “Not surprisingly, the Pentagon has denied these allegations”. Because like you said Patrick this is an; “administration that is quick to deny anything that makes them look bad, even when it’s true”. You can’t have it both ways, you can’t criticize them for not denying it and then say that if they did deny it they would be lying, because that is what this administration does. You’ll say anything to push the blame for increasing the hostilities against the United States and for the deaths of those 15 people in the riots onto the White House and away from where it belongs, solely with Newsweek. (By the way I won’t pretend, like you do, that I care about those 15 people but I do care about the impact that Newsweek running this story has on the safety of our citizens/country). It amazes me to what levels you on the left stoop, how you have no principles and will do and say anything and support anyone to push your agenda. This is not how it works in the real world, with people that make decisions based upon right and wrong and not on what impact (negative or positive) it will have on a political party or politician.
Lucy @ 37 on oral iq of bush/rossi
I suppose you hoist up Patty Murray as intellect in action?
righton, I am sure everyone here would hoist you up as an intellect in action…..but it would take Dr. Frist to decide which was your head and which was your ass as you continually fluxuate your words between the two.
Goldy, Goldy, Goldy–
OK…so this was a mild “setback” in your radio career.
You know you can do much better and so do us HA’ers (friend & foe alike).
Now c’mon dj…HELP Goldy….don’t defend a subpar performance.
Set the bar HIGH for Goldy…don’t dummy-down expectations like our school administrators for God’s sake.
It really is important to get a good night’s sleep BEFORE you go on a 7:30AM radio show.
I think Kirby was again very fair to you Goldy….as he always is. Acknowledge that.
Rather then posting on your own Blog after 11:30PM,,,you need to be sleeping. Try Valarian Root.
I’d admire you for trying Goldy. It wasn’t a total bust. Trying listening to a tape of yourself and make some notes on what you would do differently. Then keep on trying.
Like Dale Carnegie said “Practice makes permanent”.
Crate training, you are starting that Good home training that Ron Sims supposedly speaks of. But that is often not so easy these days! In the short term you will have more crap on the floor, but eventually you can take the pup out to your yard, oops I forgot Ron Sims stole 65% of my lot, well then go out to your driveway, oops I forgot I can’t have doog poop on my driveway if it will stand a chance of running into a stream, well then you can go to the park, oops the parks charge $5 to park and you have to have a licensed dog to walk there, Oh hell just let the damn dog crap on the carpet I guess!
I think maybe some voice classes exercising the diaphram. Maybe morphing to a deep Dave Ross type voice as a goal. and less of a yapping dog. LOL I’m just kidding Goldy, I am your biggest fan. coughjustkiddingcough.
Citing a post in an anti-fox blog is hardly evidence of anything. Got a lnk to Neilson or some other primary source???
Didn’t think so.
I can see letting Goldy on once or twice, but if it will be a regular occurrance, I will quit listening to KVI. His screechy voice is unsuited for the radio. He does better in blogs but is still amateur league.
Allowing him to face off with the Shark is ok. It shows balance, something the media in Seattle knows nothing about. But an every day “Goldy Show” would be too much for this KVI regular.
Tell that to all the people that like posting information from right-wing sites that nobody else has even *heard* of, maybe they’ll get the clue :)
That afraid of actual debate? Kinda sad
No. I am afraid of screechy voices and filthy language early in the morning. When he dishes out the same old liberal canard that I can read in the PI and Times from professional journalists it becomes tiresome and just annoying.
Filthy language on the public airwaves? I’ll admit I wasn’t willing to get up to hear it, but I thought you got fined for filthy language on radio.
Now c’mon my fellow RIGHT pals..Goldy wasn’t that bad.
I know we all get joy outta yankin’ his chain but…
We need guys like Goldy out there talking…trust me.
Do you really think Goldy influenced any KVI listeners today or any day for that matter???
Besides Goldy is just giving his opinions and sharing his research. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, Goldy makes some very good points which is partly why I only peg Rossi as a 2-1 favorite. I’ve learned a lot reading some of the posts from LEFTIST PINHEADS like dj and others. Of course, we’ve had to sift thru a whole lot of bullshit to glean some of those “pearls of wisdom” Goldy and his ilk occassionally muster.
hah! Would anything convince KVI Listeners of something their secret masters told them was false?
What was new that Goldy contributed? Was there anything that I couldn’t have read in the PI or the Times? Is there a dearth of outlets for the liberal leftist viewpoint? Can you honestly say that what the Shark brings to the table could easily be found in one of the local rags? The Shark is no Edward R Murrow but at least his voice isn’t screechy.
Perhaps KVI is trying to switch formats to a liberal mouthpiece. Ok. All the liberals here that were so enthralled with Goldy’s performance are going to listen to KIV regularly now, speak up.
Goldy really didn’t contribute anything new. He was on to present opinions and information that would be a different perspective than Stefan’s. That’s a good thing…believe it or not.
Be nice to Goldy…he has the dreaded Goldstein curse. Schreechy voice and teeny-tiny “package”. Don’t blame Goldy for genetic problems.
I agree with Pat Buchanan:”The conservative movement is dead in this country.” But I would ad that the fascist movement is very much alive and well. I’ve said it before: When this administration starts talking gun control, it’s REALLY time to get the hell out while you can.
Mr. Cynical @ 57
Family curse? Tiny package? Ahem. . . we have heard that one before:
I don’t consider you any less of a democrat for going on KVI. So why does Carolyn Edmonds think it will do that to HER if she goes on KVI?
Hasn’t she just pretty much embarrassed herself with that position when you know it not to be true?
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