I don’t know if any of you have the experience of trying to explain the fake superheros who “patrol” Seattle streets to your out of town friends and relatives? If you’re like me, you probably have to punctuate it with things like “I’m not making this up.” So I’m a bit loathe to point and laugh, if only because I’m not sure they would be able to tell the bad kind of attention from the good. But if the Rain City Superheros are going to disband, then thank goodness Seattlish is there to make fun of them.
Real-life “superhero” Phoenix Jones, who was once called “a giant bee with a latex fetish” by Daily Mail imprint Metro, has posted a long, meandering, allcaps Facebook post (as he is wont to do) announcing what seems like good news: His unilateral decision as Ultimate Pretend Superhero Overlord is that the Rain City Superhero Movement must die.
Give the recent behavior of the Seattle police, maybe you Seattle folks could use a real super hero…to protect you from the police!
I thought Obama was the ultimate pretend super hero overlord?
And Rex Velvet couldn’t be happier.
@1 The police are worse in L.A. and many other places I could name.
Not much of a marketing slogan, that: “We’re not as bad as the other guys..,”
Yeah, THAT really instills confidence in the Seattle PD!