Only a fool would believe the American people elect their President. The President is selected for the Serfs. If you don’t know that, you haven’t studied enough.
Undercover Brotherspews:
yes it does but none of the remaining candidates will leave Iraq within the next decade.
this ‘lefty’ casts his primary ballot for Paul and will vote Green in November.
this is the 1st issue in turning back corporate controll of our nation
When McCain hit front-runner status, I was expecting there to be a lot of stuff sort of like this in the media, about how conservative and Bush-like McCain really is. But most of what’s being discussed is how supposedly “liberal” he is, and how he rankles the conservative talkers.
Of course, it’s still early in the year. I suppose if the Republican party weren’t in complete disarray they would be exploiting the fact that they have a front-runner at this point.
@2 Undercover idiot “green” voter for Paul:
Just remember that Ralph Nader BROUGHT us this war by claiming Gore and Bush were the same in 2000 – and threw the election to Bush. There is NO way Gore would have started the war in Iraq – if you think so you are a fool!
A vote for anyone other than the democrat helps put McCain in office and prolongs the war.
Oh – and check out the racist past of Ron Paul – the guy is against the civil rights act and supported by the John birch society. And he is NOT running as an independent and has said so.
the way voter rolls were purged and the punch-ballots laid across the booth.
yea, Ralph and the Greens had a lot to do with that…reason # 15,453 not to listen to an Ass.
you are correct about Paul…i would add to it that he is a Truther to boot…but you forget the Elephants are at least counting delegates from the ballots and i for one would love to see Paul in the general come november….i mean if your Ass Party can’t beat that dude then you really offer no hope at all nationally.
and if you can…please tell me who the Ass Party is running that will pull troops out of Iraq within the decade??
seems to this “lefty” that your Party has pushed out any true anti-occupation candidate….wonder why??
it wouldn’t be the fact that the Donkeys give first to the corporate interests in this country like the Elephants, would it??
or have you already forgotten WJ Clinton’s 8 years??
your blind alligence to one party….any party…adds to the loss of our civil rights.
you are no different than Rush Limp-baugh, Mann Coutler or the rest of their kind.
i do not choose the less of 2 evils….i vote my priciples…do you even know yours??
Voting for Paul and Green, just marginalizes yourself.
I agree with most of what you wrote at #6, but the way to fix that is to fight within the Democratic Party for better Democrats and to show that the middle of the road is further to the left than most folks inside the beltway seem to think it is.
Undercover Brotherspews:
@ 7,
i agree with the idea of changing a group from the inside…but for that to work you need other free thinkers.
i am sorry, but party politics dont’ offer that…if the time came where the Greens where the party of choice for the progressives in this nation and held that status over a century they too would become what the Dems are today.
Michael, why do you think the Donkeys moved right??
they held all the power in Congress for over 2 decades…legilatures too. they only lacked controll of executive offices but were in the running almost everytime regardless of region and owned most local politics.
why the need to shift??
what did they lack??
the Elephants tied themselves to the Christianist Right…something that goes against everything that a Goldwater conservative was to be.
that should have given the Donkeys controll of the Left and Center but they felt the need to shift too??
i am far from an Alex Jones type but this shift and the voting history of the last 30 years tells me all i need to know. it shares much in common with the Neo-con’s view of social programs…cut the funding and then claim it don’t work.
in my opinion, you can’t change the Party…you need to seek a new one.
@8: Again – the reason we went to the (unnessary)war in Iraq was Bush – the reason for bush is clearly nader and those who think like him.
Those who vote independent or not for democrats cede the white house to republicans.
The only major democrat who would have gone into Iraq is now a freekin’ independent – so voting for Nader led to the war.
If you want to get out of Iraq – you can vote for the putative republican (McCain) and see what happens in 100 years or your can vote for either democrat who have both said they will start withdrawing within 6 months (to safely get out).
One of the democrats (Obama)has been against the war from the beginnning unlike Edwards and Clinton.
Voting for Nader over the democrat in a close race is not voting your conscience – it is voting for more war with McCain – let that sit on your supposed conscience.
@8: UB said: “seems to this “lefty” that your Party has pushed out any true anti-occupation candidate….wonder why??”
Do you even pay attention to what the candidates have said? And who was the antiwar candidate that was “pushed out”? Edwards? Kucinich?
Edwards voted for AUMF
Kucinich couldn’t win dog-catcher nationally
The VOTERS pushed them out – you know – something called democracy?
“it wouldn’t be the fact that the Donkeys give first to the corporate interests in this country like the Elephants, would it??”
Well – go ahead and cite your ref’s if you have the facts. Remember, most of us on here are progressive democrats and will vote against corporate influence. But hey – show us your candidate with no corporate influence and a strong enough base to make a run for the election….
What candidate is not taking any PAC money? Have you actually done your research instead of spouting off?
Undercover Brotherspews:
this is too much fun…but we must agree to disagree.
it is that Denny K can’t get a fair shot within the party that is much of the problem i have with it…how do you know he couldn’t win??
Edwards may have gotten my pirmary vote actually but then you have his whole voting history to overcome…i do believe politicians can change…if Teddy Roosevelt can than anyone can.
regarding you wanting me to cite references for the Donkey’s support of corporate interests…can’t i just point to the voting record the last year??
where were the hearings the congressional candidates told us about???
where is the impeacment??
Iraq is about coprporate control.
i have hope that Obama would be different but none that Hillary would be different than Bill.
i will end it here with a quote from Chomsky at this week in an interview speaking of WJ Clinton and W and their Doctrines.
“Take Bill Clinton. He had a doctrine too, every president has a doctrine. He was less brazen about it than Bush, didn’t get criticized a lot, but his doctrine was more extreme than the Bush doctrine if taken literally. The official Clinton doctrine presented to Congress was that the United States has the unilateral right to use military force to protect markets and resources. The Bush doctrine said we’ve got to have a pretext, like we’ve got to claim they’re a threat. Clinton doctrine didn’t even go that far, we don’t need any pretext. With markets and resources, we have a right to make sure that we control them, which is logical on the principle that we own the world anyway so of course we have that right.
You’re going to have to look far in the political spectrum to find any deviation from this. So if the oil-rich countries were to try to really take independent control of the resources, there would be a very harsh reaction. The United States, by now, has a military system; more is spent on the military system than the rest of the world put together. There’s a reason for that. That’s not to defend the borders.”
Go over to media matters for some of their coments on media coverage of the candidates. Some from both parties were essentailly ignored by the media. Their message’s got insufficient coverage, when it was essential to get that message out.
One good reason to vote democratic is who the next Supreme Court nominee would be.
The God of the GOP – Lush (Viagra) Limbaugh attacks the Double Talk Express all day long now. What will the right wing whacko fringe do? Their leader, i.e., Rush, says McCain is a liberal!!!
This is too fucking funny. The right will self-implode trying to decide who to follow – the thugs, i.e., party bosses at the GOP or their God, Rushjob! I love it!
Only a fool would believe the American people elect their President. The President is selected for the Serfs. If you don’t know that, you haven’t studied enough.
yes it does but none of the remaining candidates will leave Iraq within the next decade.
this ‘lefty’ casts his primary ballot for Paul and will vote Green in November.
this is the 1st issue in turning back corporate controll of our nation
When McCain hit front-runner status, I was expecting there to be a lot of stuff sort of like this in the media, about how conservative and Bush-like McCain really is. But most of what’s being discussed is how supposedly “liberal” he is, and how he rankles the conservative talkers.
Of course, it’s still early in the year. I suppose if the Republican party weren’t in complete disarray they would be exploiting the fact that they have a front-runner at this point.
@2 Undercover idiot “green” voter for Paul:
Just remember that Ralph Nader BROUGHT us this war by claiming Gore and Bush were the same in 2000 – and threw the election to Bush. There is NO way Gore would have started the war in Iraq – if you think so you are a fool!
A vote for anyone other than the democrat helps put McCain in office and prolongs the war.
Oh – and check out the racist past of Ron Paul – the guy is against the civil rights act and supported by the John birch society. And he is NOT running as an independent and has said so.
i guess you forgot the way florida broke out??
the way voter rolls were purged and the punch-ballots laid across the booth.
yea, Ralph and the Greens had a lot to do with that…reason # 15,453 not to listen to an Ass.
you are correct about Paul…i would add to it that he is a Truther to boot…but you forget the Elephants are at least counting delegates from the ballots and i for one would love to see Paul in the general come november….i mean if your Ass Party can’t beat that dude then you really offer no hope at all nationally.
and if you can…please tell me who the Ass Party is running that will pull troops out of Iraq within the decade??
seems to this “lefty” that your Party has pushed out any true anti-occupation candidate….wonder why??
it wouldn’t be the fact that the Donkeys give first to the corporate interests in this country like the Elephants, would it??
or have you already forgotten WJ Clinton’s 8 years??
your blind alligence to one party….any party…adds to the loss of our civil rights.
you are no different than Rush Limp-baugh, Mann Coutler or the rest of their kind.
i do not choose the less of 2 evils….i vote my priciples…do you even know yours??
Voting for Paul and Green, just marginalizes yourself.
I agree with most of what you wrote at #6, but the way to fix that is to fight within the Democratic Party for better Democrats and to show that the middle of the road is further to the left than most folks inside the beltway seem to think it is.
@ 7,
i agree with the idea of changing a group from the inside…but for that to work you need other free thinkers.
i am sorry, but party politics dont’ offer that…if the time came where the Greens where the party of choice for the progressives in this nation and held that status over a century they too would become what the Dems are today.
Michael, why do you think the Donkeys moved right??
they held all the power in Congress for over 2 decades…legilatures too. they only lacked controll of executive offices but were in the running almost everytime regardless of region and owned most local politics.
why the need to shift??
what did they lack??
the Elephants tied themselves to the Christianist Right…something that goes against everything that a Goldwater conservative was to be.
that should have given the Donkeys controll of the Left and Center but they felt the need to shift too??
i am far from an Alex Jones type but this shift and the voting history of the last 30 years tells me all i need to know. it shares much in common with the Neo-con’s view of social programs…cut the funding and then claim it don’t work.
in my opinion, you can’t change the Party…you need to seek a new one.
@8: Again – the reason we went to the (unnessary)war in Iraq was Bush – the reason for bush is clearly nader and those who think like him.
Those who vote independent or not for democrats cede the white house to republicans.
The only major democrat who would have gone into Iraq is now a freekin’ independent – so voting for Nader led to the war.
If you want to get out of Iraq – you can vote for the putative republican (McCain) and see what happens in 100 years or your can vote for either democrat who have both said they will start withdrawing within 6 months (to safely get out).
One of the democrats (Obama)has been against the war from the beginnning unlike Edwards and Clinton.
Voting for Nader over the democrat in a close race is not voting your conscience – it is voting for more war with McCain – let that sit on your supposed conscience.
@8: UB said:
“seems to this “lefty” that your Party has pushed out any true anti-occupation candidate….wonder why??”
Do you even pay attention to what the candidates have said? And who was the antiwar candidate that was “pushed out”? Edwards? Kucinich?
Edwards voted for AUMF
Kucinich couldn’t win dog-catcher nationally
The VOTERS pushed them out – you know – something called democracy?
“it wouldn’t be the fact that the Donkeys give first to the corporate interests in this country like the Elephants, would it??”
Well – go ahead and cite your ref’s if you have the facts. Remember, most of us on here are progressive democrats and will vote against corporate influence. But hey – show us your candidate with no corporate influence and a strong enough base to make a run for the election….
What candidate is not taking any PAC money? Have you actually done your research instead of spouting off?
this is too much fun…but we must agree to disagree.
it is that Denny K can’t get a fair shot within the party that is much of the problem i have with it…how do you know he couldn’t win??
Edwards may have gotten my pirmary vote actually but then you have his whole voting history to overcome…i do believe politicians can change…if Teddy Roosevelt can than anyone can.
regarding you wanting me to cite references for the Donkey’s support of corporate interests…can’t i just point to the voting record the last year??
where were the hearings the congressional candidates told us about???
where is the impeacment??
Iraq is about coprporate control.
i have hope that Obama would be different but none that Hillary would be different than Bill.
i will end it here with a quote from Chomsky at this week in an interview speaking of WJ Clinton and W and their Doctrines.
“Take Bill Clinton. He had a doctrine too, every president has a doctrine. He was less brazen about it than Bush, didn’t get criticized a lot, but his doctrine was more extreme than the Bush doctrine if taken literally. The official Clinton doctrine presented to Congress was that the United States has the unilateral right to use military force to protect markets and resources. The Bush doctrine said we’ve got to have a pretext, like we’ve got to claim they’re a threat. Clinton doctrine didn’t even go that far, we don’t need any pretext. With markets and resources, we have a right to make sure that we control them, which is logical on the principle that we own the world anyway so of course we have that right.
You’re going to have to look far in the political spectrum to find any deviation from this. So if the oil-rich countries were to try to really take independent control of the resources, there would be a very harsh reaction. The United States, by now, has a military system; more is spent on the military system than the rest of the world put together. There’s a reason for that. That’s not to defend the borders.”
the whole interview is here
Go over to media matters for some of their coments on media coverage of the candidates. Some from both parties were essentailly ignored by the media. Their message’s got insufficient coverage, when it was essential to get that message out.
One good reason to vote democratic is who the next Supreme Court nominee would be.
The God of the GOP – Lush (Viagra) Limbaugh attacks the Double Talk Express all day long now. What will the right wing whacko fringe do? Their leader, i.e., Rush, says McCain is a liberal!!!
This is too fucking funny. The right will self-implode trying to decide who to follow – the thugs, i.e., party bosses at the GOP or their God, Rushjob! I love it!