Jesus Christ… when will our local media stop bending over backwards to accommodate Republicans in their efforts to greenwash themselves?
The sub-headline on Chris McGann’s article in Tuesday’s Seattle P-I, “Gregoire, Rossi battle for eco-credentials,” is a prime illustration of how journalistic “objectivity” goes awry, implying that there is some sort of “battle” between the two candidates when it comes to credibility on environmental issues, when in fact there has never been any contest at all. Gov. Gregoire has an impeccable environmental record that spans her entire career, whereas Rossi is a Dino-come-lately to the issue, spouting half-measures and platitudes in an effort paint himself as a moderate. (Whatever that means.)
And the text of McGann’s article isn’t any better than the headline.
Campaigning out of a hybrid SUV that gets about 27 miles per gallon, Republican gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi says that when it comes to the environment, he’s more progressive than many voters might think.
I’ve long struggled to come up with a cogent definition of what it means to be a “progressive,” but apparently it merely requires driving a hybrid… even a hybrid SUV that gets only half the mileage of a fuel efficient Prius. By that measure, I guess Rossi is more progressive than I am. Who knew?
Rossi’s agenda calls for converting the state motor pool to hybrid and plug-in vehicles by 2015, providing a sales tax exemption on hybrid vehicles, replacing fish-killing road culverts and implementing massive congestion relief projects that he says will eliminate millions of tons of carbon emissions produced by cars stuck in traffic.
Uh-huh. Let’s take the main points of “Rossi’s agenda” one by one.
1) Converting the state motor pool to hybrid and plug-in vehicles by 2015.
Good idea. In fact it’s such a good idea, that it was one of the main points in Gov. Gregoire’s “Washington Climate Change Challenge,” Executive Order 07-02, signed and sealed by the governor on February 7, 2007. And how’s it going? 690 of the state motor pool’s 1,800 vehicles are now hybrids, a percentage that ranks WA number three in the nation. When you add in flex-fuel vehicles, WA ranks number one.
2) Providing a sales tax exemption on hybrid vehicles.
Because the last thing a Republican like Rossi would ever argue for doing is allowing market forces to work their magic… you know, the way $4/gallon gasoline is already driving consumers to more fuel efficient cars. But I’m willing to meet Dino halfway, and suggest a more targeted sales tax exemption for passenger cars that get better than 40 miles to the gallon, because hell if taxpayers should subsidize some $50,000 Lexus hybrid that gets only 25 mpg, just so Dino and his rich buddies can feel good about themselves while getting yet another a tax break to boot.
3) Replacing fish-killing road culverts.
Again, the state is already in the process of replacing salmon culverts as part of its Barrier Removal Program, 69 since 1992, at a cost of $27 million. Rossi’s much-ridiculed fantasy transportation “plan” would set aside $200 million toward replacing culverts at an estimated average cost of $100,000 each (about a quarter the price of already completed projects)… a random number he clearly pulled out of his ass.
4) Implementing massive congestion relief projects that he says will eliminate millions of tons of carbon emissions produced by cars stuck in traffic.
Too bad the science doesn’t bear this out. According to Sightline, “every extra one-mile stretch of lane added to a congested highway will increase climate-warming CO2 emissions more than 100,000 tons over 50 years.” It’s convenient rhetoric to argue that building new roads reduces carbon emissions, but it doesn’t pass the laugh test, let alone empirical inquiry.
And neither does this ridiculous piece of editorializing:
Rossi, who like GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain says global warming is a problem that must be addressed, is running toward an issue many Republicans dismiss or ignore — the environment.
Uh-huh. Really…?
McCain: “The facts of global warming demand our urgent attention.”
Rossi: “We’ll see how this debate goes, but I don’t think anybody should panic at this point.”
So Rossi is in a “battle” to hybridize a state fleet that is already hybridizing, provide incentives that are already being provided by the market, replace salmon culverts that are already being replaced, and address global warming by building roads that will only increase carbon emissions. That’s some green agenda.
Sure, McGann eventually gets to the Democrats’ rebuttal but not until 200 words into the 275 that grace A1, after the headline and the lede have already done their damage. The impression left on most readers (many of whom don’t read much past the headline, let alone the front page) is that both candidates are fighting to claim the mantle of environmental stewardship, when in fact Rossi’s war is merely one of words, whereas Gregoire’s is one of actual accomplishments—according to Washington Conservation Voters, an “extensive record of environmental leadership.” And that’s only what she’s accomplished since becoming governor.
“So what are you doing about it?” Rossi asked. “Well, I’ve actually made a proposal that is the only serious proposal that would remove carbon from the air. She has made no serious proposal.”
Yeah, sure, that’s what Rossi said, I guess, but you didn’t have to repeat it, Chris. You’re a reporter, not a fucking stenographer, and it’s simply irresponsible to leave that claim dangling out there without making any effort to validate or fisk it. Rossi’s plan is arguably not serious, would not remove carbon from the air, and is most definitely not the only one out there. Gov. Gregoire hasn’t just been making carbon-cutting proposals (the Climate Action, Green Jobs, Renewable Fuel, Clean Cars bills, etc.) as governor she’s been implementing them. And as the P-I’s Capitol Reporter, Chris, you know that.
In fact, the whole premise of this article, that Dino Rossi could possibly have any credible claim to being pro-environment, let alone “progressive” for chissakes, is patently absurd! This is the BIAW candidate—the only major political organization in Washington state politics to oppose the Puget Sound Partnership—and you’re going to allow him to greenwash himself on the front page of the Seattle P-I?
That is what one would call getting disemboweled. A well deserved disemboweling at that Mr. McGann.
Maybe Dino would subsidize me so I can get a Tesla! Zero emissions, baybee!
Seriously, though, I wouldn’t say the media are bending over backwards for Dino….
Sure Gov Gregiore isn’t without her problems but for a toad like Rossi who is promising ponies and rainbows for everyone but only if we embrace the magic of the market, oh and gut sound transit and metro transit funding to try to say he is the same or better than her on environmental and transportation issues is the hight of chutzpah.
address global warming by building roads that will only increase carbon emissions
This was the take-home message that I got from his little visit to KUOW the other day.
I would like to think that most of the over-degreed people who live in the Puget Sound area would know better than to trust in the kind of magical thinking Rossi is engaging in. On the other hand, we have the DI and BIAW, so degrees are obviously not a guarantee that one will not believe in fairy ponies.
Yup, Dino Rossi’s an environmentalist and I’m an Olympic figure skater (you should see my triple axel).
Isn’t it nice to know that there are some constants left in the wolrd. With todays rapid pace of change and all the things we have to fear I for one find it comforting to know that our media still tries to find parity where no parity exists.
Certainly, when the history of this decade is written, the media won’t look good. This will be remembered as a time of journalistic cowardice.
“He said – she said” reporting isn’t journalism; it’s stenography.
Journalists are supposedly paid to thresh raw information to separate facts from fiction. The media have abrogated that role. Not in living memory have our media and democracy been weaker; and the two go hand in hand.
“Congestion relief”….HA! Building roads to reduce traffic is just like killing for peace, or (all join in on the chorus here) fucking for chastity.
@5 You forgot to mention Dino’s roads will be free. He’s going to pay for them by eliminating “waste” from state government. First to go will be kids’ health care; next in line for the headsman’s axe is K-12 education.
27MPG? Where the hell did Dino find a hybrid, even an SUV, with such lousy mileage? That’s only a little better than my old Grand Marquis got! You’d have to drive the thing for about 40 years to offset the carbon footprint from manufacturing the batteries.
@4 Chutzpah is what these guys do. They make their living from it. They’re no good at anything else (e.g., actually running things).
“2) Providing a sales tax exemption on hybrid vehicles.”
I have a better idea — let’s double the sales tax on gas guzzlers. That way, you don’t lose the sales tax revenue on hybrid cars and you get some extra revenue for things like, um, mass transit.
Rossi is a dilettante — not just on environmental issues, but on every aspect of running a state government.
Give the press a break Goldy. It is their job to make a horse race. Parity. Just like the LA times article painting Insane McCain’s lobbyist connections comparable to Obama’s almost non-existent lobbyist connections. Parity?
What they aren’t printing is the fact that the people lined up fighting the “green” movement are industries that practically completely fund the GOP. For a Republiconvict to be green they would have to bite the hand that fills their (and help some dems too) campaign coffers.
Just another fraud by another Republiconvict.
Here are some facts about state government. Half the state budget goes to education. Most of the other half goes to a few large programs: Transportation, prisons, social services.
Although social services are always a tempting target for would-be budget-cutters who don’t actually know anything about state spending, there are serious problems with assuming the huge DSHS budget can produce a gusher of discretionary dollars simply by reprioritizing the money.
To begin with, some DSHS programs are mandated by federal law and supported entirely or largely with federal dollars. Vocational rehabilitation and child support enforcement are two examples. You would not free up any state money you could spend elsewhere, and would violate federal law, by shutting down or cutting these programs.
Welfare and medicaid programs reeive 50% federal matching funds. So, you have to cut $2 of spending to save $1 of state money. If you do, those federal dollars will go to some other state, and our citizens will get no benefit from the federal taxes they pay for these programs — they’ll merely subsidize benefits for citizens of other states.
And then, what about the impact of eliminating or cutting DSHS programs? Dino may have no qualms about kicking kids off state-assisted medical care, but that raises the cost of health care for the rest of us — because they’ll end up in emergency rooms and you know who pays the bills for that. The paying customers — us — that’s who.
I question whether even Dino is heartless enough to put elderly nursing home patients on street curbs to die. That’s where the really big money is — Medicaid spending for nursing home care is DSHS’s largest budget item. But let’s say he did. Where would they end up? Probably in hospitals, where taking care of them costs 5 to 10 times as much. Guess who pays for that.
No, slashing DSHS’s budget won’t work. If Dino is really serious about spending tens of billions of dollars on roads and bridges without raising transportation taxes or charging tolls, by raiding other state programs instead, he’ll close the state prisons and release all the inmates. He can’t get enough money for his road-building program that way, but it’s a start. And that’s the one really big chunk of money in the state budget that can truly be considered discretionary (if you’re willing to live with a prodigious amount of crime), i.e. cutting it isn’t mere cost-shifting (if you ignore the costs to citizens of rampant crime).
Dino may try to tell you there’s 200 state agencies besides the ones I mentioned. This is true, but the trouble is, most of them are tiny — many have fewer than 20 employees — and all their budgets put together don’t amount to piss in a bucket. How many freeways can you build by shutting down the Horse Racing Commission? Which points up another problem: Many of these small agencies are self-supporting through user fees and don’t get a penny of General Fund money. So, you can’t free up any money that way either, because if the services go away so do the fees that support them (state parks come to mind).
Anyone who votes for this guy deserves what they’ll get (mostly broken promises).
But the rest of us don’t.
One thing the Republiconvicts have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. They can not govern, or lead. They can only rape and run. They don’t understand the government is supposed to keep the greedy (sometimes deadly) slimeballs from stealing from the average citizen. De-regulation is their call. Regulations that protect people from being ripped off or killed for the greed of the powerful.
When the Republiconvicts try to make government better instead of worse, I will stop calling for the arrest of every single retarded Republiconvict. They can actually help government become more accountable, and efficient, but then their buddies can’t profit as much…..
If you want a car that gets worse gas mileage than a Ford Focus (I got one new in 2005 for 11K.) (High 20’s, city mid 30’s highway) you can help pay reduce emissions and such.
I haven’t seen much from Chris that one could call journalism. Reporting, yes, because reporting is what we learned to do in high school– regurgitate.
I have an idea for Dino. Take sales tax off of all vehicles, and make up the revenue 1 for 1 by increasing the tax on gasoline. The gas guzzlers pay more (lots more) and if you buy a Prius or Volt you pay less. Automatic incentive without raising taxes.
Don’t think for one minute that 99% of the folks in America would walk 3 blocks to the grocery store and have to carry their bottled crap back. Unthinkable!
Exercise? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steno Chris McGann.
Memo to Rossi and his supporters:
Her name is not “my opponent”.
So Goldy,
What should the rest of us folks be doing to help call bullshit on this?
@20 The problem with that idea is the sales tax on vehicles goes into the General Fund (not the dedicated transportation account) and if you divert or eliminate this revenue stream you’ll have to raise other taxes and fees.
I’ve heard a lot of people arguing that we need to bring back the “fairness doctrine” in the broadcast media, but this is an example of why it isn’t the panacea they think it might be.
The Republicans long ago learned how to use the mainstream media to their advantage. They know the mainstream media feels compelled to repeat any lies the Republicans tell in order to be “fair”, no matter how divorced from reality those lies might be, and regardless that their own wholly-owned media (Fox News, most A.M. Radio) feels no such compulsion to be fair.
Then just for good measure, after they have abused the media in such a fashion (“you’ll print what I say, and LIKE IT”), they kick the media in the face afterwards, while they are pulling up their pants, claiming they are sluts who are biased towards the left.
A Curse on ALL their Houses …..
The Black Hulled Ship “Reprican” sails into battle on the sea of Eco-credibility …
first she fires a carbon credit
The pure White but Diversly Crewed Corsair, Roosevelt” runs before the wind and
bboldy fire a retort, “riche guying buying your conscience?”
before coming about to
get off the volley of flaming corn based ethanol!
Reprican suffering little damage form the corn born fuel, shoot back with a Prius, shot from the mouth of the Black Boats largest steam powered canon …
“Take that you effete latte suckers,” quoth Captain Rossi.
The Prius rises first humbly then head of heal tumbles down of the deck ripping a whole in the flaxen cloth of the mizzen sail before sinking with but the least oil scum into the clear blue sea.
and so it goes until one day, all the resources are gone. The world is filled with little red folks and little blue folks with no water, nothing to eat and not much to do but watch reruns of Lucy on their iphones.
@24: Beginning with the mass market Hearst ‘yellow press’ empire of the late 19th century (‘remember the Maine’), the press has always been conservative. They hated FDR. They hated Truman. They liked Ike. They swooned over Kennedy as long as he cut taxes for the wealthy and hewed the cold war line. They may have skewered Nixon, but that was because he was such an obvious crook, and it made irresistable copy. They hated Carter. They drooled over Reagan to the point of embarrassment, and what they did to Clinton even you should remember. Even Dubya worship remains on many editorial pages.
What’s new is the ridiculous charge of ‘liberal bias’.
If Dino was really green he could put on a helmet and ride a bicycle: The Washington State GOP answer to Mike Dukakis.
27 Criminy! Even John Carlson at least rode a motorcycle.
Here’s some challenges to your religion of global warming.
1) The earth’s climate has always changed with cycles of warming and cooling long before the invention of the SUV. Cycle lengths vary from decades to centuries, but have included at least 17 cycles in the past two million years. So why is this cycle different?
2) Given the scant evidence of man-made global warming and its insignificance in comparison compared to natural cycles, why should we wreck our lifestyle and economy when it will have no measurable effect on temperatures?
3) Some scientists are starting to explore the possibility that the sun has something to do with temperatures here on planet earth. Is that too far out to even consider? Should those scientists be branded as “deniers”?
4) “Greenhouse gases” have increased over the past decade, yet temperatures have not risen. Why should we wreck our lifestyle and economy trying to reduce something that has no proven linkage to temperatures?
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
RE-Elect Dino Rossi
Redneck @30,
And it doesn’t bother you that Rossi claims to be “progressive”…?
How can anyone be worse than the democrats on transportation in Washington state. They are the architect of this mess. Dino should have an easy time running on that issue. rooof roof
@20 The problem with that idea is the sales tax on vehicles goes into the General Fund (not the dedicated transportation account) and if you divert or eliminate this revenue stream you’ll have to raise other taxes and fees.
Actually the real problem is that democrats have been running this state for too long. They FU the transportation, public education and the criminal justice system in this state. To give them more money is to ask for more problems. We need to Re-elect Dino Rossi.
er name is not “my opponent”.
No she the racist Governor Select.
Stick it.
That’s your boy Dino.
And you’re OK with this?
@24….if you think the mainstream media is biased against liberals, you obviously need to get out more.
In this politically insular bubble of Washington (especially Seattleburgh), it’s easy to let your “groupthink mentality” take over and have an adverse reaction to any counter viewpoint.
Welcome to Fascism.
@31 Goldy, stop being nice to that jerk and ban him until he forks over the $100 he owes you!
@33 And we’re gonna run this state for the next 100 years, so get used to it mutt!
P.S. – Why haven’t they euthanized you yet?
@34 Seems like you’re the one who got stuck. Looooooooooserrrrrrr … our gal is governor, and your guy ain’t, neener neener!
@36 Hey are you new here? Welcome to HorsesAss! As the unofficial greeter, it is my solemn duty to inform you of the ad hoc posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here (except JCH).
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of wingnut traitors.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender; there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi
Any questions?
Off topic, but if you bought yourself a Ruger SR9 thinking you’d be safer packing heat your heat is defective, prone to accidental discharge and being recalled.
@40 so you’re the room den mother! I was wondering who made up the posting rules here. Goldy’s too busy looking for a real job.
Just an FYI there chief, rules 2 and 3 conflict with each other so you may want to amend those when you get a chance. Thanks for the warm Welcome Bunny.
re 42: If you are a conservative, you should have no problem believing contradictory things.
Just pretend you read it in the ‘Weekly Standard’.
Hey, there are plenty of idiot republicans who try to make arguments on here – but the bottom line is that their republican supported President has ruined the economy, created the largest deficit in history and had the most corrupt and lobbyist infiltrated administration ever. All on top of getting us into an unnecessary war (as admitted by his own former Press secretary) while trampling our liberties (spying on Americans) and making our nation an international laughingstock by using torture and claiming we don’t torture.
@42 Don’t go away! We need a new soccer ball to kick around. The old ones are getting frayed. Don’t be like that pussy John MacDonald, who lasted only 3 weeks on this board.
@ 44…what? you couldn’t get a few more DNC talking points in that post?
This HA experience has proven disappointing for substance. Alot of “wingnut” “nazi” groupthink speak (a norm in Seattle), but I must say I’m not impressed. Is it any wonder that Goldy is begging for donations on the front page? Special contributors Loosey Headless and Eddie Rabbit and the Brawny Towel guy @ 24 were fun, but I think I’ll head elswhere for the night.
That MacDonald guy sure was a pathetic chickenshit. Less spine than a jellyfish.
Alot of “wingnut” “nazi” groupthink speak (a norm in Seattle)
Have a lot of fun at the blogs where it’s all “marxist” this, “loony leftist” that…
I’m sure you’ll feel right at home there.
@46 Hot dog! Fresh wingnut meat! This is gonna be fun!!
Hey Goldy~ maybe shorten the time on the posting here. say 12 minutes instead of 15 minutes- /sarcasm. what the hell is wrong with liberals that they need 15 minutes in order to decide whether or not to submit a comment? Let me know when you kids can post real time rather than a quarter of an hour. I’ll be at SP where the grownups are. Cheers!
That’s right, press baron Rupert “Willie Hearst” Murdoch says he’s gonna vote for Obama! And he predicts Obama will win in November. Murdoch said McCain is a “personal friend” of his, but “has problems.” You know things are bad for the GOPers when the likes of Murdoch decamps.
Won’t be long now before ex-Fox viewers are screeching “liberal biased media!!!”
@50 “I’ll be at SP”
I kinda figured that’s where you slithered out of. If that coward MacDonald is over there, say hi for me! Tell him I’m screwing his boyfriend.
Well yes, this board is disappointing for substance when SP’s back benchers are all we’ve got to work with.
@33 And we’re gonna run this state for the next 100 years, so get used to it mutt!
Yeah by stealing election via KC. Only a liberal would be proud of that. hehehe
H and making our nation an international laughingstock by using torture and claiming we don’t torture.
Is that why France,Germany and Italy all elected pro Americans to head their countries. Yikes what dumb talking point. Of course they are all dumb.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of wingnut traitors.
Actually that kinda tickles… ohhh hehehehehe
Rick at 50:
Do any of you wingnuts think before you speak? (rhetorical question).
Rick the time limit is how long you have AFTER you post to edit it. You know, the occasional typo, missed word, extra word. I know you wingnuts don’t need it, you NEEEEEEEEEEVER make a mistake or think you could have done something better. You are already perfect.
Won’t be long now before ex-Fox viewers are screeching “liberal biased media!!!
No no no. Only you pussy dems are afraid of Fox. Can’t blame you, since when have dems had to answer tough questions. roof roof.
I’ll be at SP where the grownups are. Cheers!
Yeah! Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out!
@55 We don’t have to steal elections. All we need to win this state is some Republicans.
@57 Of course it does. You’re a stupid dog and don’t know any better.
Did the fresh meat leave already? Even Candyass MacDonald lasted longer than this!
I suspect you are capable of coherency at times. If so, you are unlike most GOP cultists. On the other hand, you are remarkably ideological. Tension, serious tension, must be hammering at your little Republican brain right now. You know that Scotty McClellan (sp?) is telling the truth. Nonetheless, you are still spinning, spinning, spinning–just like a good press secretary should. Piper hasn’t appeared today, because he, like you, is capable of reason, on occasion. It is best, you cur, to disappear for now.
Cowardice is a typical GOP trait. From a sociological point of view, could you provide an explanation of why Republicans are so lacking in courage? You, for instance, are not fighting in either Iraq or Afghanistan. Nonetheless, you support our military presence, wherever, and however innoble it might be. Please, oh please, explain.
59 Hey, I heard of a guy who knew how to deal with mutts like you. His name was Atticus Finch.
(Just kidding…Ann Coulter “humor”.)
re 66: Good reference! It takes a Finch to Mock that kinda bird!
@ 66 & 67
Perhaps, but there ain’t no way I’m crawling inside of, and walking around in, the skin of no dog.
Good morning Western State rejects…I realize most of you aren’t up at this hour (drug induced slumber, recovering from a bad night at the bathhouse, etc.) but I’ll wait the 15 minutes to post something anyway.
@ 58 I see. It takes the average liberal 15 minutes to post something, then look back for their numerous spelling/grammatical errors before it’s ready for Goldy’s high standard of posting here? That only serves as an example of what liberal-run schools have produced over the last 50 years of being in charge.
@30 let’s hope the GOP is inbred enough to match Mark The Cowardly Redneck’s argument. While I don’t believe one bit in god, I will pray that this is the course the fucktards on the right decide to take – CG by 20 points – EASY – if this is their plan that is.
Fascism? This new cowardly republican – (probably just Piddly dick using his 19th identity) is so busy reporting the Lush Flimbaugh line that he hasn’t even had time to go to a dictionary and look up the word.
You right wing punks spew that word as if you had ANY FUCKING IDEA what it means. If there is any fascism in this country, it’s controlled, delivered and maintained by the Bush regime and the GOP. It’s the GOP that wants the corporations to run the government. Try to at least proffer a somewhat cogent argument asslicker or go back to your toilet in Mississippi or whatever third world country you live in.
@ 71. Wow! you’re so impressive you can use profane language to look like the Cyberbully toughguy you’re not. Any more gems you’d like to unload there chief? I’m sure they’re all original content of course, right?
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised though as it is usually the fallback position for those with limited intelligence and/or the the young and immature. Which category do you fit in toughguy?
It’s good to see Goldy’s room attack chiahuah’s(?) have all read the “AOL Toughguy for Dummies” manual. Required reading here at HA.
I love it when a moonbat has a temper tantrum. It’s like listening to a snotty nosed,undersized teenager with zits on how he is going to kick the jocks ass. hahhaha Too Funny. This fascism on the left must be true judging by the reaction. hahahahha
Gee, lots of comments from Wingnuts over the past 12 hours or so, but not a single one defending Rossi on the substance of Rossi’s claim to be an environmentalist. No refutation of the substance of Goldy’s post that Rossi’s claimed environmental policies are either initiatives which Gregoire is already implementing (I guess he will want to take the credit afterwards), or made up of whole cloth (extra lanes cause more polution, not less).
Instead, we get the familiar attempt to change the subject.
Do you guys take a class at this stuff at the Republican Acadamy of Factual Denial? Do you get regular newsletters from Rove & Co. with the day’s talking points, and instructions on which blogs to post on for the day?
Of course, one of the points which is clear from the wingnut postings here is that Rossi is selling one message to the Western Washington media, and quite another one to the wingnut base which still thinks that George W. Bush is doing a fine job as President. To the Western Washington media, he is trying to come off as an independent moderate environmentalist. To his base, he makes sure they know that he really doesn’t believe in global warming, that we can continue to drive our cars as much as we want as long as we want to do it, and that environmental regulations are a stupid inconvenience to regular folks, especially real estate agents and the BIAW.
29 MTR
Speed of warming.
Before you claim “scant evidence,” you should educate yourself. But as to your (loaded and pejorative) question, it won’t “wreck our economy” (although it certainly will change it), and reducing human-caused carbon emissions certainly will have a “measurable effect on temperature.” Temerature will continue to rise due to the carbon already dumped, but it will peak at a lower level.
Hey, did you know the oceans are turning acidic due to carbonic acid formation as the oceans absorb some of the additional carbon we’ve dumped? Predictions were a little off and they’re becoming acidic far faster than we thought they would. The acid dissolves calcium-based shells in plankton among other creatures and may seriously disrupt the food chain. But it’s not really happening so why worry, right?
You have always had a weird bug up your ass about these outliers. But if you think that the IPCC doesn’t take solar activity into account, it’s only because you have never read anything they have produced.
You’re just wrong. Why are you compelled to lie?
University of East Anglia, UK:
We know that atmospheric carbon dioxide has been rising rapidly since the widespread and large-scale adoption of coal and oil burning after, say, 1750. We also know that global termperatures have been rising really rapidly during the same time frame. We understand the mechanism by which increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide tends to raise temperature.
MTR concludes from this, without reading the research, that that there is no connection. Just call him Mr. Logic.
MTR is big on saying, as if explaining the presence of air to a child (and often using all caps) that THE SUN CAUSES GLOBAL WARMING. By this he means, of course, the trivial fact that our planet is warmed solely by the large nearby star around which we revolve.
Now, I don’t think that MTR is a complete idiot (though certainly shortsighted); rather, he/she is a propagandist doing a job. The TRUTH is that while our planet is warmed by the sun, there are mechanisms by which heat recived is balanced by heat radiated, or else we would be in an endless heating or cooling feedback loop and the planet would be frozen of fiery. The point of research on global temperature is to determine the extent to which the really quick increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide since 1750 has changed the global surface energy balance toward greater absorption and away from greater radiation, thus in creasing global temerature.
The fact of these changes are indisputable. The extent to which we will reduce our future carbon dumping is at present unknown (but MTR–and Dino Rossi–thinks such a reduction is not necessary). The amount of resultant termperature change from known causes and the effects thereof are being estimated by constantly improving and refining our models. Predictions from current models don’t look very fucking good for humanity, and we keep finding out that ill effects are happening faster than predicted.
Easy, even for MTR.
So RickDick you don’t know what fascism means. Fair enough. I accept your apology. Now don’t you have a men’s room somewhere to go practice your wide stance?
@78……ahh. that must be the substance that RHP6033 is whining about. Trolls like yourself keep the thread permanently off topic and yet the whiners don’t call you out for disrupting and obfuscating from the topic. Afterall, your lefties have to march in step. Zeich Heil
…and Goldy wonders why he has to beg for Donations to keep this waste treatment plant known as HA up and running. Weed out the human waste like BBGOP, Headless, Eddie Rabbit, etc. from the site and you might have something going here Goldy. Don’t do it, and you’ll keep begging like the common bum digging through the refuse for a half eaten cheeseburger.
79 BBG
Rick has no game outside of “ignore the issues and attack the posters.”
But far more amusing was his three-post insistence that he was leaving when he was clearly doing the opposite. These guys lie even when they don’t have to.
80 RD
You forgot to mention that you are heading off for SP immediately.
@81. Why don’t you move up from the kiddies table and join me there? Leave the immaturity behind and come to a real site with real debate on issues. I’m guessing you’re more comfortable in the liberal bubble of ignorance, but hey, you’re not alone….Welcome to the republic of Seattle comrade!
As for the leaving to SP reference, that was about 12 hours ago….the world doesn’t start and stop when you raise your head from the pillow little fella.
…and Goldy wonders why he has to beg for Donations to keep this waste treatment plant known as HA up and running.
Didn’t the minnow get some wingnut welfare lately?
Hey moron I thought you were out the door to join the “adults” with the wide stances at that public restroom called (un)SP.
And why aren’t the “adults” at (un)SP discussing Rossi’s “progressive” stances on the environment?
He’s for action on climate change! Who knew?
83 RD
Nothing’s been stopping you from initiating “real debate on the issues” but it’s been somehow completely absent from your posting.
Is this your idea of “real debate on the issues?” What I see is ad hominem attacks, and never a single mention of any issue, including the issue raised in the original post.
and my personal favorite:
Yes, in spite of your best efforts, eh?
On the other hand, I have three posts up in this thread alone on global temperature changes citing relevant research. Seems to me, “little fella,” that of the two of us, only one is interested in a real debate on the issues. Hint: it’s not you.
Quick note: you shouldn’t post in languages you don’t know unless you don’t mind looking stupid. It’s “Sieg heil” (literal translation, “hail victory”).
@82 All I’ve ever seen at SP is a herd of monkeys jerking each other off.
@69 Nice try, but all of the posters on this board who struggle with the spelling of words like “to,” “too,” and “is” happen to be on your side.
Another wingnut in denial mode.
Where ARE all the wingnutz???
Rats deserting the sinking ship?
Well the Republicans are meeting in Spokane right now.
Maybe they’re all over there.
Interesting.. If the wingnuts who come here and shit all over the place are the one most motivated to go to Spokane?
Well, that party is doomed indeed!
I will not vote for Gregoire (Save our Sonics, Remember in November and all that). Sorry. She’ll just have to pull it off without me. However, I’ll still rejoice at her defeat of the BIAW (fascist bastards) lackey, Dino Rossi. I do hope that it’s close, even heatedly contested, as I love listening to Republicans whine. Nobody does it better. I need to hear more. And I want to see troll heads explode. Damn, I can hardly wait for November to come.
@86 From Wiki, “A group of monkeys may be referred to as a mission or a tribe.” So it might be more proper to say, “All I’ve ever seen at SP is a tribe of monkeys jerking each other off.” Personally, I prefer to call them a “Flock of fascist fucktards”.
Hey Goldy,
I may have misunderstood point number two in your post, but Washington State already has a sales tax exemption for hybrids which will take effect in January of 2009. Here is the low down from the Union of Concerned Scientist’s Hybrid Center:
get the skinny on Rossi at
Who is the real Dino Rossi?
Chris McGann: one of the weakest journalists in PI history.
Rossi’s greasy greenwashing schmooze on KUOW’s The Conversation the other day was almost unbearable.
The guy should sell used cars. Hybrids (sans batteries) of course.
Roger Rabbit touts his supposed progressive credentials, yet sucks up to Rossi and his “more freeways for everybody” mantra every chance he gets.
Dinosaur Populist Dems = Today’s Lying Conservative.
On KUOW’s The Conversation, Dino Rossi played “totally surprised” when the host mentioned his pals at the BIAW opposed the ESA listing of the Orca.
Apparently, Dino has magically forgotten about the 90’s, back when he and his real estate developer pals were pitting suburban sprawl (“affordable housing” / strip malls and office parks) against salmon runs.
How can it be that conservatives always end up being wrong about everything? Remember when they were fighting recycling programs? Are there even any REAL conservatives left??