US House minority leader Rep. John Boehner sees a ray of hope in the ongoing nomination fight between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton:
“When you start to look at the fallout from the Democratic nomination process – the Democrats not showing up to vote – you are starting to create a scenario where we are in better shape than people think,” said Mr. Boehner. “You are going to have people voting for McCain or not voting at all. The picture is not as bleak as people want to paint it.”
That’s right, the House Republicans’ only hope to avoid disaster at the polls in November is for voters not to show up. I guess you gotta appreciate his honesty, though it doesn’t really say much his party when the opposite of “bleak” is low voter turnout.
So, is Rep. Boner running on the platform of “ideas” to win, or is he hoping for a citizenry that doesn’t participate in democracy to win?
Looks like the party of “ideas” are finally all out of bad ideas.
Obviously they are. They nominated a proven Surrender Monkey as their presidential nominee during a time of war. I don’t know about you, but the last person I want leading our armed forces during a time of war is someone who has history of surrendering to America’s enemies on the field of battle.
John “White Flag” McCain – Surrender Monkey-in-Chief.
Plus, the guy sang like a canary to “Charlie” during some “robust interrogation.”
Boner posts here:
Five to One, Baby; 1 in 5; No one here gets out alive … No need to short-circuit the democratically cast votes of deserving Democrat felons, GBS. Polls for at least two weeks have shown that 20%+ of Hillary voters will vote McCain if Obama gets your nomination, and 20%+ of Obama voters will go McCain if Hillary gets your nomination.
All that now stands between you and being flattened by a Republican steamroller is lapsed Republican Bob Barr. (Remember! You heard it from me first! Before New Hampshire I predicted right here on HA that the big winner would be either Borat star Alan Keyes or Borat star Bob Barr. Barr the Star it is.)
Did not mean to imply that BJ McDermott was bankrolling Reichert with dirty McDermott dollars. Meant to stipulate that dirty BJ McDermott is bankrolling Reichert with YOUR dirty dollars.
Follow the semi-syllogism: McDermott is a Democrat. Being Democrat means never having to say you’re sorry, and never ever being generous with your own dollars when you can be generous with dollars from somebody else. McDermott’s generous contribution to Reichert’s campaign will come from crime boss McDermott’s criminal defense fund. Each and every one of you mother-trucking mooks gave to McDermott’s criminal defense fund.
Therefore: Each and every one of you are giving large to Dave Reichert and his hairspray. We appreciate your support.
Well let’s see – all the GOP asswipes calling for the release of Clinton tax records better shut the fuck up – because it just happened. Now where’s that piece of shit McCain’s medical records? And how bout them POW records JohnBoy? Don’t want the truth coming out do you? What do you have to hide? How bad is your cancer? How many US soldiers lost their lives when you punked out to save your ass from the VC?
McDumbass @ 2:
It’s obvious math and critical thinking skills are not your strong suit.
Why did McCain ask the Vietnamese government to withold his POW records on a trip to Vietnam in the late ’90’s??
Because the Surrender Monkey is no hero. He sang like a canary to Charlie.
@4 – Where are the tax records? Has she actually finally released them? Since Obama did a while back, she should release them with all the talk of Cayman Island bank accounts! Tax free bank accounts that is!
“(A)ll the GOP asswipes calling for the release of Clinton tax records …” Those were Obama asswipes calling for the release of Clinton tax records. We GOP asswipes have jus’ been sittin’ back in demure decorous (mirthful) silence, enjoying the carnage.
Unlike Democrats, I know how to count, GB: Election – 20% = McCain.
To repeat: Crawl into the WayBack Machine and go back to the Hilton (Hanoi, not Paris) for a little of the old ultraviolent McTorture. You’ll be singing like a pre-pube girl in the TUCC choir in the U.S. of KKK-A.
Hi, my name is Hannah. I am a DINO and I need help.
Tax records? Caymans? Any clue about when we’ll get the Norman-Hsu donor lists to the Little Rock tax write-off?
And aren’t we still awaiting Bill’s medical records showing whether he was bent and to the left, or just bent?
And about John Kerry’s DD-214 …
@ 9 Hi my name is Left Foot Right Up My Ass
Anybody read Slam-Dunk Tenet’s book? Deserved a Medal of Freedom, for sure.
The man’s a way better writier than spy, but I’m still confused about the ‘Slam Dunk’ thing: Tenet’s either given us a non-denial denial or an in-denial non-denial.
@11: Y’all remember Ann Richards (‘Pooooooor George Bush …..’) who, it’s truly said, got a silver boot right up her ass.
James Fallows of The Atlantic wrote four years ago that master debater Richards (believe she went to Baylor on a debate scholarship) was utterly defeated by the other George Bush, GW, during the great debates leading up to W’s election as governor. He was masterful on every question, a master of issues and nuance; she was a tongue-tied twit-ette.
It’s all on video tape, and it led Fallows to ask if somebody dropped Bush on his head after he became governor.
@13 – I’d love to see that video! Has to be down right hilarious! Do you have a link?
Boner is a fine Christian man just like Preznit Bush who is also a fine Christian man. They pray regular, ya know.
I plan on doing ever’thin’ he tells me to do. (This is because all fine Christian mans are also Republicans.)
No. Fallows (sp?) article appeared in summer/autumn 2004, after the conventions and before debates began. Pull the article from SPL’s stacks, and see if there was a clue about pulling down the vids.
Fallows, who was a speechwriter for Carter, said he and his chums were astonished by what they saw: not that Ann was very bad, but that Bush was very good, a 180 from what we see and hear now. Suggested that there must be some kind of acute/chronic brain syndrome going on to explain the mush-mouth who talked us into war.
Hey Shit Eater – but you guys think torture is okay – or at least JohnBoy thinks it’s okay now – but he didn’t a year ago – or did he? I can’t remember which lie he’s telling now.
In any event – I didn’t sing – he did. And people died for it. He’s no hero. He’s a coward. Period. And he loooooses by 20% no matter who we run.
16 avimii
I think an earpiece explains the whole thing.
Somewhere in Texas, it was said, a village was missing its idiot. I found her, I used to say. The village was Ft. Worth and the idiot was Molly Ivins.
I stopped saying that because Ms. Molly is Seattle’s patron secular saint, and I respect the quaint religious practices and superstitions of our indiginous peoples.
Check his back, and watch YOUR back.
@ 8:
Election – 20% = McCain.
20% of what?
Go on, show us what a
fart smeller, I mean smart feller you are, bub.8 FS
Here’s some interesting ‘math’ for you.
81% ‘wrong track’ + John McSame = Democratic President
Coprophagia is the word you’re looking for. The thread you’re looking for is elsewhere … something about turds.
The estimable Rabbit beat you to 81% hours ago. He’s been there. Done that. You’re too late & too short, as usual.
ByeByeGOP says: “Well let’s see – all the GOP asswipes calling for the release of Clinton tax records better shut the fuck up – because it just happened.”
Where are they if they just happened!?! Obama release his weeks ago!
To repeat (slowly, this time): 20%+ of Democrats supporting the lovely & gracious Hillary will vote for McCain if Obama gets your crown in Denver.
20%+ of Democrats supporting Obama will vote for McCain if Hillary gets the tiara.
Numbers so consistent that even the MSM is reporting them. Numbers so suggestive of impending Democrat doom that even Air America is reporting them. (That’s where I heard ’em first.)
It’s Bataan all over again: Death March 2 Denver. Dig it.
Yep, 81% is … 81%. To the extent that McDermocrats can brand McCain as GWB’s third term, you win. Even the disaffected 20%+ will come back to the cesspool, hold their noses about the excremental Bill Clinton (who came back from the dead to bury you), and will even vote for Hillary. Of course, everybody knows that Obama wins or Sharpton will burn Denver down to the ground.
@ 27:
Yeah, I get the mathematical construction you’re so gleefully parroting.
Now, can you solve for “X”, Smart Feller?
Yep. X is the first part of XXX, as in the eXellent horsesass.c*m. Accept no substitutes. Do not be deceived by the obscene knock-off at horsesass.o*g.
Ahh I see it finally showed up on MSN Clinton’s tax records!
$20.4 million just in 2007? Holy Cripes Batman! How much of that was taxed against the rich?
@ 30:
That’s what I figured. Keep dreaming. It’s all you have.
Next November, you know what’s going to the buzz on conservative talk radio and FAUX News?
How the Bush and the Karl Rove Republicans FUCKED the Republican party from power. How you’re going to reinvent yourself as a Party. And, of course, cry, bitch, whine, complain, and make up shit about how the Democrats are governing.
Baa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
Life is good for Liberals and it SUCKS if you’re not.
It’s called doing well while doing good. $20 mil is a small price to be paid for being saved from ourselves.
Been posting for years about the dead-as-Ronbo Republican Revolution. Sux 2 B Us. Truly.
Wow, you guys really are cranky today.
I really doubt that many Dems will vote Republican come November. Those numbers are a snapshot of what’s going on in the world right at this instant and we’ll be in a different place come November.
Another B-1 bomber burns ups along with $1.2 Billion dollars in tax payers money.
Oh, well, maybe Bush will just borrow that cash from China to replace it.
My bad @ 36 – confused costs of B-1 vs. B-2. Should read about $350 million.
couple of points for the GOP troll know-nothings:
1. GWB has clearly demostrated that he can’t debate and can’t even speak well.
2. those numbers on Clinton or Obama voters will change come the general election – and some Clinton voters are just republicans causing trouble.
3. McCain is weak – he is old, says stupid things, supports the war (and the surge is now acknowledged to NOT be working) and has the same screw -up policy on the economy.
Who in their right mind will vote for a republican McBush when the economy is going down a hole?
The republican brand consists of the following: Ineptness, corruption, shattered economy and endless war for no good reason – they are going down, big time, in November.
Even Karl Rove (and his own “numbers”) couldn’t stop the democrats in 2006 and now things are even worse.
The battle between Obama and the despicable Hillary is just a representation of how the Democratic party is not capable of deciding and being in charge of anything; they can’t even stop fighting amongst themselves. I hope the battle continues; it only strenghtens McCain’s ability become elected.
Now Hannah – first you act like it didn’t happen – when you get caught with your pants down – you act like that conversation never happened and move on to your attack mode. You make a good republican.
By the way – the hypocrites on the right haven’t been asking McCain to release HIS tax records either and so far, he hasn’t. I guess he doesn’t want the nexus between his rich wife (beer heiress) and the work he’s done to protect the alcohol industry to come out.
I’ve noticed that RES is coming out as a big Clinton supporter. Not surprising. Many Republicans are doing so. They figure that the only way Senator McCain can win in November is if Senator Clinton is the nominee.
Hannah, don’t worry too much about BBG/RES’s comments about anyone that questions Senator Clinton being some sort of Republican. (I haven’t found any links to Senator Clinton’s release of her tax records either, and I’m willing to bet that we will hear nothing about the donors to the Clinton Library.)
Actually, after reading through some of the comments on the big pro-Clinton website, I noticed just how many of the posters are quoting FoxNews (both general stories and Bill O’Reilly in particular) and even NewsMax.
It seems that a lot of the folks making strong pro-Clinton statements consider these to be reliable news sources.
How odd. It’s almost as if a bunch of those Clinton supporters were normally Republicans.
@40 – when you posted your first link, the Clinton tax records were no where to be found on any of the news sites….it finally showed up at 2:00pm this afternoon….explain to me my “attack mode”…keep supporting Hillary, Obama will make her weep! Oh and McCain’s wife’s money, not his with the pre-nup in place.
Thanks, I just found the link to Senator Clinton’s returns.
Remember that BBG/RES routinely tries to shut down any conversation and attempts to run off any Democrats that do not toe the extreme far-left line.
Personally, I still believe that he’s actually a Republican that simply posts here so that he can then re-post what he has spewed on the conservative blogs, while trying to convince reasonable folks that all Democrats are completely irrational.
Gotta go. More work to do, and I’ve got to get to sleep reasonably early tonight. LD caucus in the morning. Fortunately, our precinct caucuses were done before the Republicans were wrapped up completely, so we don’t have the problem with RES types messing with our delegate selection.
And I must thank Senator Clinton for pointing out that there aren’t any “pledged” delegates. I presume that means that she has released her delegates, and I intend to point that out to a number of formerly pro-Clinton folks that were elected as LD delegates.
Senator Clinton says that they should use their judgement.
Hannah the link was up at 11:00 AM. But then again as a republican you can’t read so well.
As for Puddy/John Barelli – he’s a long time republican posing as a Democrat too – just like you.
My Left Foot @ 9
I think Hannah is also a WINO.
That means “Woman In Name Only” — and name as in screen name. In any event, Hannah certainly isn’t a 36 year old female registered to vote in Issaquah or anywhere nearby.
@45 – Think all you want, my voting record says it all and considering John Barelli is going to an LD caucus proves who he is too. I am beginning to agree with him that you are really a republiconvict. Keep spouting your accusations…show us some proof.
@2 Betcha the number of Republicans who are so fed up with their own party they vote Democrat this year exceeds 20% by a wide margin. An awful lot of Bush’s top fundraisers are giving to Hillary this year.
@46 – you think I’d actually give you my full real name? So I can be stalked by the freaks of this world? You must allow you children to be on myspace with their real full names, might as well allow them to post their phone number and address. Normal people know the internet is full of stalkers, so we hide the basic details of who we really are.
If John Barelli is the best the Dems have to offer – we’re in trouble. Cowards who go along and get along with the traitors on the right got us a GW Bush Presidency. The crazy notion that the GOP is EVER going to fight fair is as stupid as can be. Fortunately, most real Dems are tired of being swiftboated.
As for Hannah I have no doubt you’re a GOP plant. You defend the GOP at every turn. You’re posts aren’t even clever. It’s okay – you balance John. If you’re the best the GOP has to offer, we’re at least even.
If John is going to the caucus we can at least hope he falls asleep at the wheel – ends up in a ditch – and is somehow delayed in his mission to help the GOP.
@50 – Once again BBG makes accusations without any proof…kinda like a republican…talks like one, acts like one, must be one. Like how you claim in a few threads back you “ran another one out of the thread”…who? You posted hours after the person you claimed to have “run out” of the thread. You act like you provide so much to this world, just like GWB yet all you say is, well no facts to back up anything.
Hannah you wouldn’t know a fact if it bit you in the ass. And again – I suspect you’re just one of Puddydick’s alter egos. We know he’s used at least 12 different names – again – I ran you/Puddy off numerous threads. I crush your arguments – you change the subject or post some drivel unrelated to the crushing defeat you just suffered. It’s too easy. Stop the charade now. NOBODY except your GOP pal John believes you.
Hannah PROVE you’re NOT a republican. PROVE IT! Tell us McCain is a traitor and a coward. Admit that the GOP is the most corrupt party in the history of America. Admit GW Bush is nothing but a coke-snorting, AWOL coward who hasn’t done a single thing to help this country since he stole office in 2000. Admit that the rightful President is Al Gore. PROVE and submit or shut the fuck up and eat yourself out!
Ah, RES. Didn’t see you working the phone bank or actually helping any Democratic candidates. Just here, trying to convince Democrats to stay home from the election and doing your best to convince folks that there really is no difference between Democrats and Republicans.
And that does appear to be your pattern. Discouraging Democrats from participating, convincing them that the Democratic Party doesn’t want them while hiding here behind false names and false words.
From what I hear, you chickened out on Puddy, too.
Hannah. The Democratic Party welcomes anyone of good will who is willing to put the good of the country and the people ahead of that of the multinational corporations.
It seems to be a standard neo-con ploy to accuse others of doing precisely what they are doing, so of course RES/BBG accuses you of being a plant. He’s accused anyone that has ever stood up to him of the same thing, while trying to alienate and marginalize Democrats.
Pay him no attention. Eventually his handlers over at the Speakers Roundtable will give him some new lines to use, and a new name to post under.
Just remember. Neo-cons are the folks that try to discourage participation. Democrats welcome anyone who wants to join in. So when someone tries to discourage you from participating, chances are that he’s actually are he’s a neo-con flying false colors.
So, what now, RES/BBG? Are you going to tell us once again of your sexual fantasies? I would end this with “see you at the caucuses”, but I don’t go to the Republican caucus.
@52 – You think I am Puddy?!? ROTF LMAO! THAT right there shows you know nothing. You crush ME on every argument, point out one argument we have had! Show me where I “change the subject unrelated to the crushing defeat” of these supposed arguments we have had! we have not had any arguments except for your incessant name calling. Show me some proof, please.
@53 – I do not believe McCain is a coward, I respect him for his service to our country back when it was still a great country. I will admit GWB has royally screwed this country with some of his choices, but I also feel it takes an entire government (that’s why we have a Senate and Congress) to completely destroy us. Yes GWB was AWOL. I cannot “prove” Al Gore should have been prez as there has been no proof provided unfortunately.
@54 – Yes you are soooooo correct. BBG failed to show up TWICE for his threats to Puddy…GBS was there though and pointed out to all of us BBG no showed, not once but twice. I guess since I am not the name calling, finger pointing, blame everyone except myself type person, BBG thinks I’m a “plant” and you must be a republican. He knows very little, that’s why he hides behind hateful words! Thank you for your explanation of BBG!
Oh, and Hannah.
It isn’t necessary to believe Senator McCain is a traitor. Voting against him will suffice, although the Obama campaign can always use a bit of extra help. There is a lot to do.
When someone makes noise like RES/BBG, remember that Senator Obama does not make that claim, and in fact has said that he honors Senator McCain’s service, and intends to run an honorable campaign against him. Since I do not believe that Senator Obama is a liar, I must assume that BBG/RES opposes him.
And, since Senator Clinton has also said that she respects Senator McCain (a bit too much for my taste, actually) I must assume that RES/BBG either opposes her as well, or that he considers her to be a liar, saying anything to get elected.
Or, perhaps both.
So again, it is unneccessary to consider Senator McCain a traitor. It is sufficient to consider him an unsuitable candidate for the Presidency, based on his stated positions. Four more years of the failed policies of the current administration are what he offers, and that should be enough for any reasonable person to oppose him.
If you want to help make sure that we don’t end up with another four years of Bush & Company, Inc, then we could use help on phone banks, voter registration and administrative work.
Also, county conventions are coming up, and there is a need for people to help with registration and coordination. Volunteers are always welcome.
Oh, one last bit. It isn’t the Democratic sites that are primarily calling Senator McCain a traitor. It’s the far-right that has made that claim.
Senator McCain did graduate near the bottom of his class at Annapolis, and without pull from his family, would probably not have even been selected for pilot training. That tended to be a choice assignment.
Additionally, from what I understand his performance in pilot training would not have gotten him into an attack squadron, but again, he did have some connections. Normally, someone of his “stellar” flying skills would have been assigned something less demanding. The C-2 “Greyhound” comes to mind.
I have considerable difficulty with Senator McCain, starting with his reversal on torture of prisoners. You would think that with his experience of being tortured in Vietnam, that he would not only realize that it is simply wrong, but it is also ineffective in getting any real information.
It works fine, if all you’re looking for is a false confession and some propaganda, but if we ever end up in one of those “Jack Bauer” situations, we’d better use proven methods that actually get real information.
So, we have a mediocre officer that has forgotten some hard-learned lessons. Not exactly a stellar Presidential candidate.
John Barelli ~ Gosh you make a very good explanation! I really like Obama partiularly because he doesn’t stoop to the typical politician level of slander and lies. He really gets people motivated and moved! I think McCain could be a better prez than Clinton if he could distance himself from the Bush thinking. Clinton has turned me off by her willful disregard to the truth of her “experience” and her slander of Obama.
I wish I could spare some time to help, but having a regular FT job and also taking care of my ailing grandmother FT reduce my “personal time” to a bare minimum.
Remember that most of the volunteer jobs do not require you to take many hours away from work and family. Many of them are only a few hours, and in some case can be done from home.
Noone can do everything, everyone can do something.
So we have Hannah dead to rights. She supports McCain. As for showing up to tell you Puddy that I fuck your wife with abandon – well you keep telling that story all you like. I’ll be at the next DL waiting for you. That’s where I agreed to show. Not in some neighborhood where you can pay your drug dealing friends to whack me over the back of the head. Face me like a man.
And Johnboy – you show up too and I’ll call you a traitor to your face what will you do about it?
Next DL – be there. Both you John and you Puddy/Hannah. Stop fucking around and show up. Stop being a punk and show up. By God man I am fucking your wife. Won’t you show up to defend her honor?
John ~ yes McCain’s views on torture are kind of disturbing. Considering he went through it himself. I think his heart is in it though and that shows something. Unfortunately not enough for us common folk who see this country really needs some serious change. He has some good ideas, NAFTA is one example, but this whole war and economy situation, he really hasn’t given any clear detail on how he plans to fix the GWB mess.
@60 John ~ I can do this from home in the evenings? Tell me more!
BBG – if you have something of value to say, we will be open to your views. If all you have to say is nasty threats, name calling, rude comments about someone’s wife, then you no showed at DL when you said you’d be there AND at the Rainier location (GBS even pointed it out and I provided everyone the links back then where you said you’d be there) I have nothing to say to you. When you are ready to be an adult, we can chat.
I’ve been to a DL, and may go again, but not for you. Call me whatever you like, but I’m picky about who I drink with, and I don’t drink with neo-cons. You want to confront me? Fine. I’m easy enough to find.
Until then, remember that whenever you try to keep Democrats from participating, whenever you try to discourage them from helping and whenever you try to convince reasonable people that we Democrats are a bunch of far-left whackos, I’ll be around to identify you as the neo-con that you are, and encourage them to do what they can to help elect Democrats.
You’ve challegend others to prove that they are really Democrats. Well, here’s the same back to you. No real Democrat would ever try to discourage anyone from supporting our candidates.
Call your local Obama campaign coordinator. You can contact the volunteer coordinators through the website.
We’ve had folks do calling from home. It’s pretty easy, and there’s just a basic script. We had a phone bank set up in my office calling delegates and reminding them of the times and dates of the LD caucus. (No cold calling.) Some folks called from their homes, but they missed out on the pizza.
I’m told that we’ll be doing similar phone banks in the future, calling Obama supporters and reminding them of campaign events.
There are probably other jobs that you could do as well, so just call the campaign and ask. They’ll find something for you that needs doing. Every little bit helps, and when we get Senator Obama elected President, we can honestly say that we were a part of something really great.
Gotta go now. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.
but I also feel it takes an entire government (that’s why we have a Senate and Congress) to completely destroy us.
And who was in charge of the White House and the House of Representatives and the Senate from 2002 to 2006?
And there’s a good argument that while there’s been nominal Democratic control of certain branches of government the reality is that there’s been a working right wing majority for most if not all of the last 30 years.
This country has been damaged severely by the crooks who have run this country during those years.
Beyond repair? I hope not.
Puddy/Hannah you’re free to make up whatever lie you want. That’s what you GOP members do for a living. You’re just a cunt/punk and you’ve proven you’re a McCain supporter.
As for you Johnboy – I support Obama – and while you claiming to support him too doesn’t make you a Democrat – we’ll take your vote – just not your willingness to spread your cheeks and take it up the ass every time some republican traitor comes along and tries to screw the Democratic party and America.
And if you like – I’ll come to your real estate office and tell you that you’re a traitor to your face. Again you’ll do nothing about it because you’re a go along get along kind of bitch.
I just want to tell you you’re a traitor – nothing more. Just like I want to tell Puddy I fuck his ugly wife in the ass – nothing more. He’s a bitch too so he’ll just sit there and take it. Unless he can find someone else to fight his battles for him like most republicans do.